
A U T O I N S U R A N C E : W H Y Y O U N E E D I T C R E A T E D B Y A M I G O M G A

• Each year there are over 6 million car accidents in the United States.

• Though you may think that you’re a great driver and haven’t even been involved in a small fender bender before, accidents happen.

• And you should be insured when they do.

• On average, according to the National Safety Council the property damage cost of a car accident is around $9,300.

• If you were to add the amount of money spend after accidents that cause major injuries, you’re looking at around $80,000 each crash.

• Simply put, auto insurance protects you.

• Accidents happen during the most unexpected times, and there is a large chance that throughout your life, you will be involved in one.

• Not having auto insurance puts you at risk for not only your bank account, but all of your other assets as well.

• Car insurance will help you throughout the entire process of getting into an accident, specifically throughout unpleasant paperwork, finding repair shops, and getting claims settled.

• In the event that you get into an accident with a driver who is not insured, your auto insurance company can help you recover a multitude of expenses.

• Auto insurance is there to help you and acts as guidance, which you will be glad you have if an accident happens to you or your family.

• In addition, car insurance policies protect you from other drivers who are at fault.

• Everyone knows the uncanny amount of distractions there are on the road.

• From cell phones, to crying babies, applying makeup, road rage, or even a beautiful sunset.

• A reliable auto insurance policy will protect you from those kinds of reckless drivers so that you can drive with a peace of mind.

• The road is full of surprises, that’s why auto insurance exists to aid with each unique driving scenario.

• Another great reason for you to have auto insurance is because it can supplement your health insurance.

• According to

• “Even if you do not have health insurance, car insurance can help pay for things your medical coverage might night - possibly including care for accident-related injuries, dental work, funeral costs, or extended nursing care during your rehabilitation,” (5 Reasons Why You Need Car Insurance).

• Though it should not be advised to not have health insurance, if you do find yourself in that situation, it is comforting to know that many auto insurance policies will be more than helpful.

• Last, you need auto insurance because it’s the law in a majority of states.

• You should research the specific state you reside in to find out more details on liability coverage and financial responsibility bonds in relation to the minimum amount of car insurance that is required.

• In conclusion, you need auto insurance.

• You won’t want to run the risk of not being insured.

• Insurance is protection, and we all need to be protected by the unpredictable road.

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