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The Ample Group has consistently brought to its customers the benefits of synergy created by the

efficient operation of various maritime services under one professional management. We believe that 

reliable service to our customers will lead to increased productivity and efficiency. Our customersdepend upon our services to assist in almost every aspect of their operation.

The prime concern of AMPLE SHIPPING. engaged in providing services inthe led of Liner Agency Services ( Shipping), Vessel Chartering,Ship Br!erage, Carg Br!erage, Pr"ects, Ship Manage#ent,$reight $r%ar&ing ( Air ' Sea ), Cnsli&atin (Air' Sea),ransprtatin, Cst# Clearances an& ra&ing.

We can arrange ocean shipments of any size or commodity by FCL or LCL

from and to any point of the world specially US! Canada! "#rope !

$#lf % Far "ast ..

 Our mission

Our mission is to give 100% service level and deliver the customer's cargo at the right time, at the right cost and in the right condition.

We will fulfill our vision by

•  Truly understanding our clients and their business

•  Offering second!to!none transportation solutions

•   "eing profitable ! and delivering sustainable, profitable growth

•  #ontinuously reducing costs and increasing efficiency•  Offering our colleagues personal growth and a motivating place to


With a view to achieve this obective and provide better services to its customers , AMPLE SHIPPING   now  provides one!window operation facility to its valued &mport 


With a view to achieve our obective we can now provide a one!window operation facility to our valued 

customers. The services, which we are committed to provide, are not limited but inclusive of


Our services cover’s all major Ports.

•   Door to Door Service (We lit car!o rom s"ippers premises a#$ 

$eliver at co#si!#ee’s premises%&


 Mi#imum 'ra#sit 'ime

•  i)e$ Wee*l+ Departures

•   Direct outi#!s


-"oice O -arriers

•  -ompetitive ate Structures Guara#tee$ #o Hi$$e# -"ar!es&

•   I# House -leari#! Services&

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•   Haula!e acilit+ (oa$ . ail%

•  We "ave our o/# slots i# major -arriers&

•  t"rou!" 0ills O La$i#!&

Having feet o More then 600 containers we are planning or Unprecedentedexpansion. As seen there is substantial volume o cargo Movement between

two countries. We denitel! reali"e that there are tremendous opportunitiesto develop this tra#c$ so we are now see%ing or An agent who would beinterested in developing a reciprocal relationship &enecial to both parties.

we believe that the combination o our companies will enable us to exceedthese mar%et demands. 

 'he additional service and support o(ered b! !ou)ll is the answer to all ourcompan!)s needs. *ur basic mar%eting plan will be to establish !our compan!identit! in local and regional mar%et.


A brief idea of our marketing plan: - +stablishing brand name , educate customers o the service availabilit!.-edicate to develop new business , see%ing cargo rom our existingustomers.

/oading cargo rom our logistics , product based sister companies. 

Wor%ing on sales leads and bu!ers nominations$ o(ering customers ourpresent to attract urther business. We would be interested in other logisticsservice e.g. // 1roup age$ 'ransport...2 pro3ects available as additional orcomplimentar! 4ervices could be represented in the same name in order to

create a 1reater impact in the mar%et. We pride ourselves in giving good 5ualit! sales leads and providing rompt

answers to all sales leads sent to us. We are open to wor% with an! artnerwho are more productive and have competitive rates.

We assure our best capabilities to serve !our interest in a%istan.

 'o start7with we suggest$ at this stage we would li%e to start our associationon low role , 'hen slowl! but surel! build it bric% b! bric%. 'his would giveboth o Us a 8'esting the Water8 period. -uring this period we would have an*pportunit! to assess our compatibilit!$ to ac5uaint with each other)s 9n7

house practices and procedures$ and get the real time exposure o wor%ingtogether. 

9 !ou re5uire an! statistics$ clarication$ inormation or reports$9n anticipation o !our interest in the mar%et$ please do not hesitate toontact us.


Than$ing you in nticipation

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