
    The letters in parentheses indicate groupings which are used in thetable of contents of each issue and in the volume index.

    00 (H) General01 (H) History and Biography02 (E) Logic and Foundations04 (E) Set Theory05 (A) Combinatorics06 (A) Order, Lattices, Ordered

    Algebraic Structures08 (A) General Mathematical

    Systems10 (A) Number Theory12 (A) Algebraic Number Theory,

    Field Theory and Polynomials13 (A) Commutative Rings and

    Algebras14 (A) Algebraic Geometry15 (A) Linear and Multilinear

    Algebra, Matrix Theory(finite and infinite)

    16 (A) Associative Rings andAlgebras

    17 (A) Nonassociative Rings andAlgebras

    18 (A) Category Theory,Homological Algebra

    20 (A) Group Theory andGeneralizations

    22 (G) Topological Groups, LieGroups

    26 (B) Real Functions28 (B) Measure and Integration30 (B) Functions of a Complex

    Variable31 (B) Potential Theory32 (B) Several Complex Variables

    and Analytic Spaces33 (B) Special Functions34 (B) Ordinary Differential

    Equations35 (B) Partial Differential Equations39 (B) Finite Differences and

    Functional Equations40 (B) Sequences, Series,

    Summability41 (B) Approximations and

    Expansions42 (B) Fourier Analysis43 (B) Abstract Harmonic Analysis

    44 (B) Integral Transforms,Operational Calculus

    45 (B) Integral Equations46 (B) Functional Analysis47 (B) Operator Theory49 (B) Calculus of Variations and

    Optimal Control50 (D) Geometry52 (D) Convex Sets and Geometric

    Inequalities53 (D) Differential Geometry54 (G) General Topology55 (G) Algebraic Topology57 (G) Manifolds and Cell Complexes58 (G) Global Analysis, Analysis on

    Manifolds60 (F) Probability Theory and

    Stochastic Processes62 (F) Statistics65 (C) Numerical Analysis68 (C) Computer Science70 (C) Mechanics of Particles and

    Systems73 (C) Mechanics of Solids76 (C) Fluid Mechanics78 (C) Optics, Electromagnetic

    Theory80 (C) Classical Thermodynamics,

    Heat Transfer81 (C) Quantum Mechanics82 (C) Statistical Physics, Structure

    of Matter83 (C) Relativity85 (C) Astronomy and Astrophysics86 (C) Geophysics90 (C) Economics, Operations Re-

    search, Programming, Games92 (C) Biology and Behavioral

    Sciences83 (C) Systems, Control94 (C) Information and Communica-

    tion, Circuits, Automata96 (H) Mathematical Education,

    Elementary97 (H) Mathematical Education,

    Secondary98 (H) Mathematical Education,





    *Starred items are "Shorter Notes"

    A. Algebra and Number Theory

    05. CombinatoricsHartfiel, D. J. and Spellmann, J. W. A role for double stochastic matrices in graph

    theory, 389.Kainen, Paul C. On the stable crossing number of cubes, 55.Kallaher, Michael J. Rank three affine planes, 79.Longyear, Judith Q. Certain m.o.l.s. as groups, 379.

    06. Order, Lattices, Ordered Algebraic StructuresBaclawski, Kenneth. Automorphisms and derivations of incidence algebras, 351.Berman, Joel. On the congruence lattices of unary algebras, 34.Grtzer, G., Koh, K. M. and Makkai, M. On the lattice of subalgebras of a

    Boolean algebra, 87.Johnson, E. W. and Lediaev, J. P. Join-principal elements in Noether lattices, 73.Morash, Ronald P. Orthomodularity and the direct sum of division subrings of the

    quaternions, 63.08. General Mathematical Systems

    Berman, Joel. On the congruence lattices of unary algebras, 34.10. Number Theory

    Braun, P. B. and Zulauf, A. A problem connected with the zeros of Riemann's zeta

    function, 18.Hindman, Neil. The existence of certain ultrafilters on N and a conjecture of

    Graham and Rothschild, 341.Leitzel, James R. C. Class number in constant extensions of function fields, 47.Osgood, Charles F. The diophantine approximation of certain continued fractions, 1.Wagstaff, Samuel S., Jr. Sequences not containing an infinite arithmetic progression,

    395.12. Algebraic Number Theory, Field Theory and Polynomials

    Adams, Helen E. The completion of a ring with a valuation, 21.Leonard, Philip A. and Williams, Kenneth S. Quartics over GF(2"), 347.

    13. Commutative Rings and AlgebrasAdams, Helen E. The completion of a ring with a valuation, 21.Barger, S. Floyd. A theory of grade for commutative rings, 365.Brown, William C. A splitting theorem for algebras over commutative von Neumann

    regular rings, 369.Foxby, Hans-Bjrn. Embedding of modules over Gorenstein rings, 336.Hill, Paul. On the complete integral closure of a domain, 26.Hornell, James, Intersection theory in an equicharacteristic regular local ring and

    the relative intersection theory, 8.Johnson, E. W. and Lediaev, J. P. Join-principal elements in Noether lattices, 73.Sally, Judith. A note on integral closure, 93.


  • 624 INDEX TO VOLUME 36 [December

    14. Algebraic GeometryHornell, James, Intersection theory in an equicharacteristic regular local ring and

    the relative intersection theory, 8.Sally, Judith. A note on integral closure, 93.

    15. Linear and Multilinear Algebra; Matrix Theory (finite and infinite)Berman, Abraham. Consistency of linear inequalities over sets, 13.Markham, Thomas L. Nonnegative matrices whose inverses are M-matrices, 326.

    16. Associative Rings and AlgebrasBaclawski, Kenneth. Automorphisms and derivations of incidence algebras, 351.Brown, William C. A splitting theorem for algebras over commutative von Neumann

    regular rings, 369.Fieldhouse, David J. Regular pure projective modules, 69.Formanek, Edward and Snider, Robert L. Primitive group rings, 357.Gordon, Robert. Classical quotient rings of PWD's, 39.Liebert, Wolfgang. Endomorphism rings of reduced complete torsion-free modules

    over complete discrete valuation rings, 375.Raphael, R. Some homological results on certain finite ring extensions, 331.

    17. Nonassociative Rings and AlgebrasTsai, Chester. An internal characterization of the prime radical of a Jordan algebra,

    361.20. Group Theory and Generalizations

    Backhouse, N. B. and Bradley, C. J. Projective representations of abelian groups,260.

    Dickinson, Robert P., Jr. Noncancellative congruences on N-semigroups, 317.Formanek, Edward and Snider, Robert L. Primitive group rings, 357.Johnson, C. S., Jr. and McMorris, F. R. Completely cyclic injective semilatlices,

    385.McCool, James and Pietrowski, Alfred. On recognising certain one relation

    presentations, 31.Sacerdote, George S. Some undecidable problems in group theory, 231.

    B. Analysis26. Real Functions

    Chidambaraswamy, J. On the mean modulus of trigonometric polynomials and aconjecture of S. Chowla, 195.

    Hedberg, Lars Inge. On certain convolution inequalities, 505.Helton, Jon C. Existence theorems for sum and product integrals, 407.

    28. Measure and IntegrationGraham, Colin C. Compact independent sets and Haar measure, 578.Levin, Mark and Stiles, Wilbur. On the regularity of measures on locally compact

    spaces, 201.Sigmund, Karl. On mixing measures for Axiom A diffeomorphisms, 497.*Stromberg, Karl. An elementary proof of Steinhaus's theorem, 308.Sundaresan, K. and Day, Peter W. Regularity of group valued Baire and Borel

    measures, 609.30. Functions of a Complex Variable

    Goldstein, M. and Walsh, J. L. Approximation by rational functions on Riemannsurfaces, 464.

    Siegel, Alan. On the Mntz-Szsz theorem for C[0, 1], 161.Silverman, H. On a class of close-to-convex functions, 477.Thomas, D. K. On the coefficients of functions with bounded boundary rotation, 123.

  • 1972] INDEX TO VOLUME 36 625

    31. Potential TheoryKuran, . On measures associated to siiperharmonic functions, 179.Taylor, Peter D. Selection of representing measures for inner parts, 537.

    34. Ordinary Differential EquationsBhagat, Bikan. An equiconvergence theorem for a pair of second order differential

    equations, 144.Burton, T. A. A differential equation of Lurie type, 49].Crandall, Michael G. A generalization of Peano's existence theorem and flow

    invariance, 151.Fitzgibbon, W. E. Time dependent nonlinear Cauchy problems in Banach spaces,

    525.Grimm, L. J. Analytic solutions of a neutral differential equation near a singular

    point, 187.Moeller, J. W. Toeplitz operators and differential equations on a half-line, 531.St. Mary, Donald F. On oscillation of complex linear differential systems, 191.Schmitt, Klaus. Periodic solutions of small period of systems of nth order differential

    equations, 459.35. Partial Differential Equations

    Young, Eutiquio C. Uniqueness of solutions of the Dirichlet problem for singularultrahyperbolic equations, 130.

    40. Sequences, Series, SummabilityMah, Peter F. Matrix summability in amenable semigroups, 414.Moh, T. T. On a general Tauberian theorem, 167.Schaefer, Paul. Infinite matrices and invariant means, 104.

    41. Approximations and ExpansionsPoreda, S. J. On the continuity of best polynomial approximations, All.Siegel, Alan. On the Mntz-Szsz theorem for C[0, 1], 161.

    42. Fourier AnalysisChidambaraswamy, J. On the mean modulus of trigonometric polynomials and a

    conjecture of S. Chowla, 195.*Ebenstein, Samuel E. \(p) sets and Sidon sets, 619.Fefferman, Charles and Shapiro, Harold S. A planar face on the unit sphere of the

    multiplier space M, 1

  • 626 INDEX TO VOLUME 36 [December

    Giellis, George R. A characterization of Hilbert modules, 440.Holub, J. R. Compactness in topological tensor products and operator spaces, 398.Lindberg, Karl. Contractive projections in continuous function spaces, 97.Muhly, Paul S. Maximal weak-* Dirichlet algebras, 515.Schrder, Gunnar. Differentiation of interval functions, 485.Smith, James F. The p-classes of a Hilbert module, 428.*Wilansky, Albert. Projections of Banach spaces, 306.Young, Wo-Sang. A note on maximal inequalities, 207.

    47. Operator TheoryGatica, Juan A. and Kirk, W. A. Fixed-point theorems for lipschitzian pseudo-

    contractive mappings, 111.Holub, J. R. Compactness in topological tensor products and operator spaces, 398.Lebow, Arnold. Spectral radius of an absolutely continuous operator, 511.Lindberg, Karl. Contractive projections in continuous junction spaces, 97.Luecke, Glenn R. A new proof of a theorem on quasitriangular operators, 535.*Pedersen, Gert K. Some operator monotone functions, 309.*Pedersen, Gert K. and Takesaki, Masamichi. The operator equation THT=K,

    311.Sato, Ryotaro. On the individual ergodic theorem for positive operators, 456.*Venkateswaran, S. The existence of a solution of f(x)=kx for a continuous not

    necessarily linear operator, 313.*Wilansky, Albert. Projections of Banach spaces, 306.

    49. Calculus of Variations and Optimal ControlErbacher, Joseph A. A variational problem for submanifolds of Euclidean space,


    C. Applied Mathematics90. Economics, Operations Research, Programming, Games

    Orkin, Michael. An approximation theorem for infinite games, 212.

    D. Geometry50. Geometry

    Kallaher, Michael J. Rank three affine planes, 79.52. Convex Sets and Geometric Inequalities

    Berman, Abraham. Consistency of linear inequalities over sets, 13.Lay, Steven R. Separation by cylindrical surfaces, 224.Stavrakas, Nick M. and Jamison, R. E. Valentine's extensions ofTietze's theorem

    on convex sets, 229.Stein, Sherman K. A symmetric star body that tiles but not as a lattice, 543.Taylor, Peter D. Selection of representing measures for inner parts, 537.

    53. Differential GeometryErbacher, Joseph A. A variational problem for submanifolds of Euclidean space,

    467.Spruck, Joel. An a priori estimate for the Gauss curvature of nonparametric sur-

    faces of constant mean curvature, 217.

    E. Logic and Foundations02. Logic and Foundations

    Barback, Joseph. Universal regressive isols, 549.Ellentuck, Erik, Nonrecursive relations among the isols, 239.Sacerdote, Georege S. Some undecidable problems in group theory, 231.

  • 1972] INDEX TO VOLUME 36 627

    F. Statistics and Probability60. Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes

    Rosencrans, Steven and Sawyer, Stanley. An extremal property of independentrandom variables, 552.

    Samal, G. and Mishra, M. N. On the lower bound of the number of real roots of arandom algebraic equation with infinite variance. II, 557.

    G. Topology22. Topological Groups, Lie Groups

    *Argabright, L. N. On the mean value of a weakly almost periodic function, 315.Armacost, D. L. and Armacost, W. L. On Q-dense and densely divisible LCA

    groups, 301.Backhouse, N. B. and Bradley, C. J. Projective representations of abelian groups,

    260.Graham, Colin C. Compact independent sets and Haar measure, 578.Schochetman, I. Kernels of representations and group extensions, 564.Sundaresan, K. and Day, Peter W. Regularity of group valued Baire and Borel

    measures, 609.54. General Topology

    Banilower, H. Simultaneous extensions from discrete subspaces, 451.Franklin, S. P. and Walker, R. C. Normality of powers implies compactness, 295.Fuller, R. V. Condition for a function space to be locally compact, 615.Hass, Dennis C. The ends of product manifolds, 267.Keynes, Harvey B. Disjointness in transformation groups, 253.Klassen, Vyron M. Complexes with the disappearing closed set property, 583.Noble, N. Two examples on preimages of metric spaces, 586.Reed, G. M. Concerning completable Moore spaces, 591.Thornton, Melvin C. Characterizing topologies by functions, 613.*Waterhouse, William C. An empty inverse limit, 618.Weiler, Glenn P. The intersection multiplicity of compact n-dimensional metric

    spaces, 293.West, James E. The subcontinua of a dendron form a Hilbert cube factor, 603.

    55. Algebraic TopologyGottlieb, Daniel Henry. Homology tangent bundles and universal bundles, 246.Handel, David. The diagonal fibration, H-spaces, and duality, 275.Lee, Ming-Jung. Homotopy for functors, 571.Weiler, Glenn P. 77?? intersection multiplicity of compact n-dimensional metric

    spaces, 293.57. Manifolds and Cell Complexes

    Anderson, E. H. Self-universal crumpled cubes and a dogbone space, 280.Bryant, J. L. An example of a wild ( 1) sphere in S" in which each 2-complex is

    tame, 283.Gottlieb, Daniel Henry. Homology tangent bundles and universal bundles, 246.Hass, Dennis C. The ends of product manifolds, 267.Klassen, Vyron M. Complexes with the disappearing closed set property, 583.Samelson, Hans. Note on vector fields in manifolds, 272.Schultz, Reinhard. Circle actions on homotopy spheres bounding plumbing mani-

    folds, 297.Weiler, Glenn P. The intersection multiplicity of compact n-dimensional metric

    spaces, 293.West, James E. The subcontinua of a dendron form a Hilbert cube factor, 603.

  • 628 INDEX to VOLUME 36

    58. Global Analysis, Analysis on ManifoldsAron, Richard and Cima, Joseph A. A theorem on holomorphic mappings into

    Banach spaces with basis, 289.Block, Louis and Franke, John. A classification of the structurally stable con-

    tracting endomorphisms of S1, 597.Sigmund, Karl. On mixing measures for Axiom A diffeomorphisms, 497.

  • AUTHOR INDEX*Starred items are "Shorter Notes"

    Adams, Helen E. The completion of a ring with a valuation, 21.Anderson, E. H. Self-universal crumpled cubes and a dogbone space, 280.*Argabright, L. N. On the mean value of a weakly almost periodic function, 315.Armacost, D. L. and Armacost, W. L. On Q-dense and densely divisible LCA groups, 301.Armacost, W. L. See Armacost, D. L.Aron, Richard and Cima, Joseph A. A theorem on holomorphic mappings into Banach

    spaces with basis, 289.Backhouse, N. B. and Bradley, C. J. Projective representations of abelian groups, 260.Baclawski, Kenneth. Automorphisms and derivations of incidence algebras, 351.Banilower, H. Simultaneous extensions from discrete subspaces, 451.Barback, Joseph. Universal regressive isols, 549.Barger, S. Floyd. A theory of grade for commutative rings, 365.Basener, Richard F. A condition for analytic structure, 156.Berman, Abraham. Consistency of linear inequalities over sets, 13.Berman, Joel. On the congruence lattices of unary algebras, 34.Bhagat, Bikan. An equiconvergence theorem for a pair of second order differential

    equations, 144.Block, Louis and Franke, John. A classification of the structurally stable contracting

    endomorphisms of S1, 597.Bradley, C. J. See Backhouse, N. B.Braun, P. B. and Zulauf, A. A problem connected with the zeros of Riemanris zeta

    function, 18.Brown, William C. A splitting theorem for algebras over commutative von Neumann

    regular rings, 369.Bryant, J. L. An example of a wild ( 1) sphere in Sn in which each 2-complex is tame,

    283.Burton, T. A. A differential equation of Lurie type, 491.Cambern, Michael. The isometries of HX(K), 173.Casazza, P. On a geometric condition related to boundedly complete bases and normal

    structure in Banach spaces, 443.Chidambaraswamy, J. On the mean modulus of trigonometric polynomials anda conjecture

    ofS. Chowla, 195.Cima, Joseph A. See Aron, Richard.Clark, James R. Coreflexive and somewhat reflexive Banach spaces, 421.Crandall, Michael G. A generalization ofPeano's existence theorem and flow invariance,

    151.Crofts, G. Generating classes of perfect Banach sequence spaces, 137.Day, Peter W. See Sundaresan, K.Dickinson, Robert P., Jr. Noncancellative congruences on N-semigroups, 317.Digernes, Trond. A new characterization of separable GCR-algebras, 448.*Ebenstein, Samuel E. A(p) sets and Sidon sets, 619.Ellentuck, Erik. Nonrecursive relations among the isols, 239.Erbacher, Joseph A. A variational problem for submanifolds of Euclidean space, 467.Fefferman, Charles and Shapiro, Harold S. A planar face on the unit sphere of the multi-

    plier space M, Kp

  • 630 INDEX TO VOLUME 36 [December

    Fieldhouse, David J. Regular pure projective modules, 69.Fitzgibbon, W. E. Time dependent nonlinear Cauchy problems in Banach spaces, 525.Formanek, Edward and Snider, Robert L. Primitive group rings, 357.Foxby, Hans-Bj0rn. Embedding of modules over Gorenstein rings, 336.Franke, John. See Block, Louis.Franklin, S. P. and Walker, R. C. Normality of powers implies compactness, 295.Fuller, R. V. Condition for a function space to be locally compact, 615.Gatica, Juan A. and Kirk, W. A. Fixed-point theorems for lipschitzian pseudo-contractive

    mappings. 111.Giellis, George R. A characterization of Hilbert modules, 440.Goldstein, M. and Walsh, J. L. Approximation by rational functions on Riemann surfaces,

    464.Gordon, Robert. Classical quotient rings of PWD's, 39.Gottlieb, Daniel Henry. Homology tangent bundles and universal bundles, 246.Graham, Colin C. Compact independent sets and Haar measure, 578.Grtzer, G., Koh, K. M. and Makkai, M. On the lattice of subalgebras of a Boolean

    algebra, 87.Grimm, L. J. Analytic solutions of a neutral differential equation near a singular point,

    187.Handel, David. The diagonal fibration, H-spaces, and duality, 275.Hartfiel, D. J. and Spellmann, J. W. A role for double stochastic matrices in graph theory,

    389.Hass, Dennis C. The ends of product manifolds, 267.Hedberg, Lars Inge. On certain convolution inequalities, 505.Helton, Jon C. Existence theorems for sum and product integrals, 407.Hill, Paul. On the complete integral closure of a domain, 26.Hindman, Neil. The existence of certain ultrafilters on N and a conjecture of Graham and

    Rothschild, 341.Holub, J. R. Compactness in topological tensor products and operator spaces, 398.Hornell, James. Intersection theory in an equicharacteristic regular local ring and the

    relative intersection theory, 8.Jamison, R. E. See Stavrakas, Nick M.Johnson, C. S., Jr. and McMorris, F. R. Completely cyclic injective semilattices, 385.Johnson, E. W. and Lediaev, J. P. Join-principal elements in Noether lattices, 73.Kainen, Paul C. On the stable crossing number of cubes, 55.Kallaher, Michael J. Rank three affine planes, 79.Kaufman, Robert. Kronecker sets and metric properties of M0-sets, 519.Keynes, Harvey B. Disjointness in transformation groups, 253.Kirk, W. A. See Gatica, Juan A.Klassen, Vyron M. Complexes with the disappearing closed set property, 583.Koh, K. M. See Grtzer, G.Kuran, . On measures associated to superharmonic functions, 179.Lay, Steven R. Separation by cylindrical surfaces, 224.Lebow, Arnold. Spectral radius of an absolutely continuous operator, 511.Lediaev, J. P. See Johnson, E. W.Lee, Ming-Jung. Homotopy for functors, 571.Leitzel, James R. C. Class number in constant extensions of function fields, 47.Leonard, Philip A. and Williams, Kenneth S. Quartics over GF(2"), 347.Levin, Mark and Stiles, Wilbur. On the regularity of measures on locally compact

    spaces, 201.

  • 1972] INDEX TO VOLUME 36 631

    Lieben, Wolfgang. Endomorphism rings of reduced complete torsion-free modules overcomplete discrete valuation rings, 375.

    Lindberg, Karl. Contractive projection in continuous function spaces, 97.Longyear, Judith Q. Certain m.o.l.s. as groups, 379.Luecke, Glenn R. A new proof of a theorem on quasitriangular operators, 535.McCool, James and Pietrowski, Alfred. On recognising certain one relation presentations,

    31.McMorris, F. R. See Johnson, C.S., Jr.Mah, Peter F. Matrix summability in amenable semigroups, 414.Makkai, M. See Grtzer, G.Markham, Thomas L. Nonnegative matrices whose inverses are M-matrices, 326.Mishra, M. N. See Samal, G.Moeller, J. W. Toeplitz operators and differential equations on a half-line, 531.Moh, T. T. On a general Tauberian theorem, 167.Morash, Ronald P. Orthomodularity and the direct sum of division subrings of the quater-

    nions, 63.Muhly, Paul S. Maximal weak-* Dirichlet algebras, 515.Noble, N. Two examples on preimages of metric spaces, 586.Orkin, Michael. An approximation theorem for infinite games, 212.Osgood, Charles F. The diophantine approximation of certain continued fractions, 1.*Pedersen, Gert K.. Some operator monotone functions, 309.*Pedersen, Gert K. and Takesaki, Masamichi. 77ie operator equation THTK, 311.Pietrowski, Alfred. See McCool, James.Poreda, S. J. On the continuity of best polynomial approximations, 471.Raphael, R. Some homological results on certain finite ring extensions, 331.Redheffer, Ray. Two consequences of the Beurling-Malliavin theory, 116.Reed, G. M. Concerning completable Moore spaces, 591.Rosencrans, Steven and Sawyer, Stanley. An extremal property of independent random

    variables, 552.Sacerdote, George S. Some undecidable problems in group theory, 231.St. Mary, Donald F. On oscillation of complex linear differential systems, 191.Sally, Judith. A note on integral closure, 93.Samal, G. and Mishra, M. N. On the lower bound of the number of real roots of a random

    algebraic equation with infinite variance. II, 557.Samelson, Hans. Note on vector fields in manifolds, 272.Sato, Ryotaro. On the individual ergodic theorem for positive operators, 456.Sawyer, Stanley. See Rosencrans, Steven.Schaefer, Paul. Infinite matrices and invariant means, 104.Schmitt, Klaus Periodic solutions of small period of systems of nth order differential

    equations, 459.Schochetman, I. Kernels of representations and group extensions, 564.Schrder, Gunnar. Differentiation of interval functions, 485.Schultz, Reinhard. Circle actions on homotopy spheres bounding plumbing manifolds, 297.Shapiro, Harold S. See FefTerman, Charles.Siegel, Alan. On the Mntz-Szsz theorem for C[0,1], 161.Sigmund, Karl. On mixing measures for Axiom A diffeomorphisms, 497.Silverman, H. On a class of close-to-convex functions, All.Smith, James F. The p-classes of a Hilbert module, 428.Snider, Robert L. See Formanek, Edward.Spellmann, J. W. See Hartfiel, D. J.

  • 632 INDEX TO VOLUME 36

    Spruck, Joel. An a priori estimate for the Gauss curvature of nonparametric surfaces ofconstant mean curvature, 217.

    Stavrakas, Nick M. and Jamison, R. E. Valentine's extensions of Tietze's theorem onconvex sets, 229.

    Stein, Sherman K. A symmetric star body that tiles but not as a lattice, 543.Stiles, Wilbur. See Levin, Mark.*Stromberg, Karl. An elementary proof of Steinhaus's theorem, 308.Sundaresan, K. and Day, Peter W. Regularity of group valued Baire and Borel measures,

    609.*Takesaki, Masamichi. See Pedersen, Gert K.Taylor, Peter D. Selection of representing measures for inner parts, 537.Thomas, D. K. On the coefficients of functions with bounded boundary rotation, 123.Thornton, Melvin C. Characterizing topologies by functions, 613.Tsai, Chester. An internal characterization of the prime radical of a Jordan algebra, 361.*Venkateswaran, S. The existence of a solution of f(x)=kx for a continuous not neces-

    sarily linear operator, 313.Wagstaff, Samuel S., Jr. Sequences not containing an infinite arithmetic progression, 395.Walker, R. C. See Franklin, S. P.Walsh, J. L. See Goldstein, M.*Waterhouse, William C. An empty inverse limit, 618.Weiler, Glenn P. The intersection multiplicity of compact n-dimensional metric spaces,

    293.West, James E. The subcontinua of a dendron form a Hilbert cube factor, 603.*Wilansky, Albert. Projections of Banach spaces, 306.Williams, Kenneth S. See Leonard, Philip A.Young, Eutiquio C. Uniqueness of solutions of the Dirichlet problem for singular ultra-

    hyperbolic equations, 130.Young, Wo-Sang. A note on maximal inequalities, 207.Zulauf, A. See Braun, P. B.


    WHOLE NUMBERS 161-162



    EDITED BYFred G. BrauerGlen E. BredonW. Wistar ComfortJacob FeldmanJoseph J. RotmanLee A. RubelGeorge B. Seligman

    With the Cooperation ofJay R. GoldmanJames D. KuelbsAllen L. ShieldsRobert I. Soare


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    Vol. 36, No. 1 NOVEMBER 1972 Whole No. 161

    PageA. Algebra and Number Theory

    The diophantine approximation of certain continued fractions. By Charles F.Osgood. 1

    Intersection theory in an equicharacteristic regular local ring and the relativeintersection theory. By James Hornell. 8

    Consistency of linear inequalities over sets. By Abraham Berman . 13A problem connected with the zeros of Riemann's zeta function. By P. B. Braun

    and A. Zulauf . 18The completion of a ring with a valuation. By Helen E. Adams. 21On the complete integral closure of a domain. By Paul Hill. 26On recognising certain one relation presentations. By James McCool and Alfred

    Pietrowski. 31On the congruence lattices of unary algebras. By Joel Berman . 34Classical quotient rings of PWD's. By Robert Gordon. 39Class number in constant extensions of function fields. By James R. C. Leitzel. .. 47On the stable crossing number of cubes. By Paul C. Kainen . 55Orthomodularity and the direct sum of division subrings of the quaternions. By

    Ronald P. Morash. 63Regular pure projective modules. By David J. Fieldhouse . 69Join-principal elements in Noether lattices. By E. W. Johnson and J. P. Lediaev 73Rank three affine planes. By Michael J. Kallaher. 79On the lattice of subalgebras of a Boolean algebra. By G. Grtzer, K. M. Koh

    and M. Makki. 87A note on integral closure. By Judith Sally. 93

    B. Analysis

    Contractive projections in continuous function spaces. By Karl Lindberg. 97Infinite matrices and invariant means. By Paul Schaefer . 104Fixed point theorems for lipschitzian pseudo-contractive mappings. By Juan A.

    Gatica and W. A. Kirk. IllTwo consequences of the Beurlmg-Malliavin theory. By Ray Redheffer . 116On the coefficients of functions with bounded boundary rotation. By D. K. Thomas 123Uniqueness of solutions of the Dirichlet problem for singular ultrahyperbolic

    equations. By Eutiquio C. Young . 130Generating classes of perfect Banach sequence spaces. By G. Crofts. 137An equiconvergence theorem for a pair of second order differential equations. By

    Bikan Bhagat . 144A generalization of Peano's existence theorem and flow invariance. By Michael

    G. Crandall . 151A condition for analytic structure. By Richard F. Basener. 156On the Mntz-Szsz theorem for C[0,1]. By Alan R. Siegel. 161On a general Tauberian theorem. By T. T. Moh . 167The isometries of H^iK).By Michael Cambern. 173On measures associated to superharmonic functions. By U. Kuran. 179Analytic solutions of a neutral differential equation near a singular point. By L. J.Grimm. 187On oscillation of complex linear differential systems. By Donald F. St. Mary ... 191On the mean modulus of trigonometric polynomials and a conjecture of S. Chowla.By J. Chidambaraswamy . 195On the regularity of measures on locally compact spaces. By Mark Levin and

    Wilbur Stiles. 201A note on maximal inequalities. By Wo-Sang Young. 207

    * The volume indexes contain a mapping showing the correspondence betweensections A-G and the AMS (MOS) subject classification numbers.

  • G. Topology

    Kernels of representations and group extensions. By I. Schochetman. 564Homotopy for functors. By Ming-Jung Lee. 571Compact independent sets and Haar measure. By Colin C. Graham. 578Complexes with the disappearing closed set property. By Vyron M. Klassen .. 583Two examples on preimages of metric spaces. By N. Noble. 586Concerning completable Moore spaces. By G. M. Reed. 591A classification of the structurally stable contracting endomorphisms of S1. By

    Louis Block and John Franke. 597The subcontinua of a dendron form a Hilbert cube factor. By James E. West .. 603Regularity of group valued Baire and Borel measures. By K. Sundaresan and

    Peter W. Day. 609Characterizing topologies by functions. By Melvin C. Thornton. 613Condition for a function space to be locally compact. By R. V. Fuller. 615

    Shorter Notes

    An empty inverse limit. By William C. Waterhouse. 618A(^) sets and Sidon sets. By Samuel E. Ebenstein. 619AMS (MOS) Major Subject Headings (1970). 621Index to Volume 36. 623

  • C Applied Mathematics

    An approximation theorem for infinite games. By Michael Orkin. 212

    D. GeometryAn a priori estimate for the Gauss curvature of nonparametric surfaces of constant

    mean curvature. By Joel Spruck. 217Separation by cylindrical surfaces. By Steven R. Lay. 224Valentine's extensions of Tietze's theorem on convex sets. By Nick M. Stavrakas

    and R. E. Jamison. 229

    E. Logic and FoundationsSome undecidable problems in group theory. By George S. Sacerdote . 231Nonrecursive relations among the isols. By Erik Ellentuck . 239

    G. TopologyHomology tangent bundles and universal bundles. By Daniel Henry Gottlieb .. 246Disjointness in transformation groups. By Harvey B. Keynes. 253Projective representations of abelian groups. By N. B. Backhouse and C. J.

    Bradley. 260The ends of product manifolds. By Dennis C. Hass. 267Note on vector fields in manifolds. By Hans Samelson. 272The diagonal fibration, Zf-spaces, and duality. By David Handel . 275Self-universal crumpled cubes and a dogbone space. By E. H. Anderson. 280An example of a wild (nl)-sphere in S* in which each 2-compIex is tame. By

    J. L. Bryant . 283A theorem on holomorphic mappings into Banach spaces with basis. By Richard

    Aron and Joseph A. Cima. 289The intersection multiplicity of compact n-dimensional metric spaces. By Glenn

    P. Weller. 293Normality of powers implies compactness. By S. P. Franklin and R. C Walker . 295Circle actions on homotopy spheres bounding plumbing manifolds. By Reinhard

    Schultz. 297On -dense and densely divisible LCA groups. By D. L. Armacost and W. L.

    Armacost. 301

    Shorter Notes

    Projections of Banach spaces. By Albert Wilansky. 306An elementary proof of Steinhaus's theorem. By Karl Stromberg . 308Some operator monotone functions. By Gert K. Pedersen. 309The operator equation THT= K. By Gert K, Pedersen and Masamichi Takesaki 311The existence of a solution of f(x)=kx for a continuous not necessarily linear

    operator. By S. Venkateswaran. 313On the mean value of a weakly almost periodic function. By L. N. Argabriqht .. 315

    Vol. 36, No. 2 DECEMBER 1972 Whole No. 162Page

    A. Algebra and Number Theory

    Noncancellative congruences on N-semigroups. By Robert P. Dickinson, Jr. 317Nonnegative matrices whose inverses are Af-matrices. By Thomas L. Markham .. 326Some homological results on certain finite ring extensions. By R. Raphael - 331Embedding of modules over Gorenstein rings. By Hans-Bjorn Foxby. 336The existence of certain ultrafilters on N and a conjecture of Graham and Roths-

    child. By Neil Hindman. 34iQuartics over GF(2"). By Philip A. Leonard and Kenneth S. Williams. 347Automorphisms and derivations of incidence algebras. By Kenneth Baclawski 351u,.;m;t; ormm rin Rv FnwARn Formanek and Robert L. Snider. 357


  • A theory of grade for commutative rings. By S. Floyd Barger. 365A splitting theorem for algebras over commutative von Neumann regular rings. By

    William C. Brown. 369Endomorphism rings of reduced complete torsion-free modules over complete

    discrete valuation rings. By Wolfgang Liebert. 375Certain m.o.Ls. as groups. By Judith Q. Longyear. 379Completely cyclic injective semilattices. By C. S. Johnson, Jr. and F. R. McMorris 385A role for doubly stochastic matrices in graph theory. By D. J. Hartfiel and J.

    W. Spellmann. 389Sequences not containing an infinite arithmetic progression. By Samuel S.

    Wagstaff, Jr. 395

    B. Analysis

    Compactness in topological tensor products and operator spaces. By J. R. Holub 398Existence theorems for sum and product integrals. By Jon C. Helton. 407Matrix summability in amenable semigroups. By Peter F. Mah. 414Coreflexive and somewhat reflexive Banach spaces. By James R. Clark. 421The /7-classes of a Hilbert module. By James F. Smith. 428A planar face on the unit sphere of the multiplier space Mv, 1

  • B882-9939 1972B1 /82)36:l/2;l-2

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