
An Attachment with Nature via Gardening For Your Preschooler

Gardening for many years now has been considered as a hobby. It is a form of art that

relaxes the mind, body and soul. It is the sheer joy of watching the sprouting seeds,

growing shoots, and the blossoming of flowers and fruits. Gardening is a great time to

be one with nature. But, nowadays, nobody seems to have the time. The parents are

working round the clock, while the kids are too busy with their gadgets and gizmos.

However, what if I told you gardening has to its credit some real good health benefits?

Isn’t it amazing?

As we all know, when we grow our own food, we have a fresh supply of nutritious fruits

and vegetables minus the toxic chemicals. And to enjoy this, gardening becomes a

must. The best thing is if your preschooler likes gardening then he is sure to be less

fussy when it comes to eating vegetables and fruits. However, it involves physical

activities, such as, ploughing, weeding, watering, trimming, uprooting, etc. In fact, your

little one too can be a part of it - by filling pots, mixing soils, watering plants, etc. Well, if

you can occupy yourself and your preschooler in gardening for about 30 minutes daily,

it can prove to be very beneficial for your health. It helps in increasing the strength and

suppleness of the body. In addition, to this, these activities are extremely beneficial for

respiratory and cardiovascular system.

To start with, let your tot wander around in the garden and feel the texture and smell of

all that you have grown. Let them chase birds and butterflies. The basic idea is to hold

their interest, because children tend to get bored very easily. So, if you find that your kid

loves flowers, help them classify the different types of flowers and their smell. Describe

to them about the several types of plants, flowers, fruits and vegetables and how do

they grow. Make a chart of the plants and show them the lifecycle. Discuss about the

theory of cause and effect as they waters the seeds that will germinate later. It can go a

long way in developing and enhancing a bond with nature, at a young age.

Gardening helps in the lessons of duty and obligation, observation, record-keeping,

problem resolving, science, independence, achievement and pride, which no school or

college would teach. Hence, let loose your ingenuity and come up stuff that not only

you, but also your kids value and appreciate.

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