Page 1: An Exegesis of John 12:20-36

An Exegesis of John 12:20-36

Drew DixonIntro to Exegesis

BIBL 420Dr. Curt Niccum

November 23, 2010

I attest that this assignment is my own. I have neither offered nor been offered help by another.Drew Dixon


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IntroductionThe Gospel of John is a well-crafted narrative with unifying themes and motifs as well as

highly intentional structure. When the author wrote that Jesus did many more things than were

written in the book (20:30), he implies that the things which have been written were chosen with

purpose. The narrative progresses to 12:20-36, which is a crucial passage not only for the

progress of the book's narrative, but also for the development of Jesus' character. It functions as a

hinge that pivots the focus from Jesus' miraculous presence to his glorious departure.

Contextual AnalysisAs highlighted in this paper's introduction, the Gospel of John is a magnificent

composition of literature. Like any other literary work, many themes emerge as the narrative

progresses. A recurring theme in the Gospel of John is the use of dualism.1 Many instances of

dualism occur in John, but three particular kinds pertain to our passage.

Photic dualism distinguishes light and darkness and is sprinkled throughout John from

beginning to end. The book begins describing Jesus as the “light [which] shines in the darkness”

(1:5) and ends describing the darkness of Easter morning and the brightness of the angels who

bring good news (20:1,12). In chapter 8 Jesus describes himself as “the light of the world” (8:12)

and in our passage followers of Jesus are called “sons of light” (12:36).

Spacial dualism contrasts things above and things below and is scattered throughout

John. 1:17 compares Jesus with Moses as one who has come down (Moses from Sinai, Jesus

from heaven) and in 20:17 Jesus speaks of “ascending” to the father. Our passage uses this kind

of dualism to describe Jesus' death.

1 Judith Kovacs, “'Now Shall the Ruler of This World Be Driven Out': Jesus' Death as Cosmic Battle in John 12:20-36.” Journal of Biblical Literature 114 (1995): 233


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Spiritual dualism is yet another dualism found in John which pits things “of this world”

against that which is “not of this world.” The book begins with this type of dualism (1:9-10) and

closes with a reference to “the world” (21:25). Our passage depicts a grand spiritual battle in

which the “ruler of this world” is cast out.

Each of these dualistic themes, common in the Gospel of John, play a significant role in

our passage.

Formal AnalysisThe form of John 12:20-36 is significant for understanding the passage. A common

literary form is parallelism. It is found throughout the Bible both in poetry and in prose. Our

passage has two smaller pericopes which parallel one another (12:20-26, 27-36).2 These two

smaller passages interpret one another and, when read together, bring greater clarity to each one's

meaning. The parallelism can be seen as follows:

a1) 20-22 – People speak to Jesus

b1) 23-24 – Jesus describes his death

c1) 25-26 – Jesus applies his death

a2) 27-30 – Jesus speaks to God

b2) 31-34 – Jesus describes his death

c2) 35-36 – Jesus applies his death

This parallelism will be further explored in the following detailed analysis.

2 J Michaels, New International Biblical Commentary (vol 4; Peabody, Mass: Hendrickson, 1989), 224.


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Detailed Analysis3vv 20-22 These verses tell of some Greeks beginning to seek Jesus. When Andrew and

Philip tell Jesus this his response in vv 23-24 seems puzzling at first. What does a seed have

anything to do with the Greeks? It is likely when the Greeks begin seeking him that Jesus

realizes how the Jews have rejected him (1:11). Until now, Jesus has been pursuing his own

people in order to be their Messiah, but he knows that in order to be the savior of all mankind he

must face “this hour” – the cross. It is this knowledge that elicits Jesus' odd response: He must

“fall into the earth” in order to “bear much fruit” (vs 24); he must “be lifted up from the earth” in

order to “draw [them] to [himself]” (vs 32).

vv 27-30 As Jesus dwells on this his “soul” becomes “troubled” and he turns to his Father

in prayer. Many commentators refer to this passage as the Johannine Gethsemane.4 This is an

accurate reference because this scene is thematically linked with the Synoptic scenes of

Gethsemane. However, John portrays Jesus quite differently; Jesus appears to have much more

confidence in John than in any of the other gospels. While the other gospels have Jesus asking

God to “let this cup pass” from him (Mt 26:39; Mk 14:36; Lk 22:42), John only has Jesus

consider asking to be “saved” from it (12:27). In John, Jesus immediately answers his question

by stating the purpose of the coming hour. When the voice sounds from heaven in vs 28, Jesus

says that the voice was not for his sake, but for the crowd's (vs 30). John depicts Jesus as

confident in his calling; he does not need assurance from the voice but has it despite his troubled


The content of this voice is compelling. When Jesus declares, “Father, glorify your

3 In order to emphasize the parallelism, the detailed analysis will not proceed in the order of the verses, but rather in the order of the parallels.

4 Colin Kruse, Tyndale NT Commentaries (vol 4; Grand Rapids: Eerdman's, 2003), 270.


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name,” the voice answers, “I have glorified it, and I will glorify it again.” First, it must be noted

that a person's name represents his entire being in the ancient world, so when it says the Father's

name is glorified it is a way of saying that the Father is glorified.5 The two glorifications both

refer to Jesus.6 The first to what he has done in life, and the second to what he will do in death.7

After this voice speaks, the crowd responds though they are more fascinated by its

thunderous volume than by the content of its message. Because of this, Jesus explains that the

voice was not for his sake but for the crowd's. Just as the voice addressed the crowd, Jesus then

turns to address the crowd.

vv 23-24 / 31-34 In these parallel pericopes, Jesus describes his coming death and what it

will accomplish.

In the first pericope, Jesus describes his death as a grain of wheat falling down “into the

earth” (vs 24). This is clearly contrasted with the second pericope, which describes his death as

being “lifted up from the earth” (vs 31). This is where spacial dualism plays its role in our

passage. Like the seed, Jesus has come down to the earth in order to die, yet his mode of death is

to be lifted up on a cross.

It is pertinent to note that the word ὑψόω (“to lift up”) is intentionally ambiguous.8 This

word can refer both to a literal lifting up (as on a cross) or to a figurative lifting up (as in

exaltation).9 When John uses this word he perfectly describes Jesus' victory and exaltation in the


After describing his death, Jesus continues to explain what results from it. In the first

5 Colin Kruse, Tyndale NT Commentaries (vol. 4; Grand Rapids: Eerdman's, 2003), 270.6 Gail O'Day, New Interpreter's Bible (vol. 9 Nashville: Abingdon, 1995), 712.7 Michaels, New International Biblical Commentary vol 4. 226.8 Michaels, New International Biblical Commentary vol 4. 2259 James Swanson, Dictionary of Biblical Languages With Semantic Domains : Greek (New Testament)

(electronic ed.; Oak Harbor: Logos Research Systems, Inc., 1997).


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periocope, the dying of the seed leads to bearing much fruit which corresponds to the second

periocope's assertion that all will be drawn to Jesus when he is lifted up. Another

accomplishment is the glorification of the “Son of Man” (vs 23). The meaning of this phrase,

“Son of Man,” is highly speculated. Some, like Parker, contend that it carries no special meaning

at all, but rather merely refers to a human being. Others, like Ford, contend that it is a

euphemism which carries significant meaning. Neither extreme view should be taken, but rather

a balanced view which considers authorial intent. Parker makes a convincing argument for “Son

of Man” referring to the humanity of Jesus in the Synoptic Gospels.10 However, Ford has made a

very convincing argument that the phrase carries a great deal of weight in the Gospel of John.11

Therefore, it can be concluded that when John uses this phrase he is referring to Jesus as the


While vs 23 states that the “Son of Man” will be glorified, the parallel pericope states that

the “ruler of this world will be cast out” (vs 31). These two compliment one another because

once the ruler of the world is cast from the throne, Jesus will take his seat upon it in glory. As the

ruler is cast out, Jesus is lifted up.

vv 25-26 / 35-36 In the final portion of these parallel passages, Jesus takes what he has

said about his death and draws application out of it for the crowd who listens.

The first pericope described the cross as a dying seed. Therefore, Jesus' application of this

is for those who hear to “lose their life” (vs 25). As Jesus is headed to the cross, he tells all who

listen that “anyone who serves [him] must follow [him].” The crowd does not understand the full

implications of this, but a person reading the gospel should know that this means following Jesus

10 Pierson Parker. “The Meaning of 'Son of Man'” Journal of Biblical Literature 60 (1941): 154.11 J. Ford. “'The Son of Man': A Euphemisn?” Journal of Biblical Literature 87 (1968): 262


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to the cross (which the model disciple does, 19:26).

The second pericope paints the cross in the light of exaltation and therefore the

application is not to follow Jesus to the cross, but to walk in the light (vs 35). Comparing these

parallels shows that one who follows Jesus to the humiliation of the cross will also share in the

exaltation of his glory (cf. Romans 6:5).

Both pericopes close with a note of encouragement. In the first Jesus states that someone

who follows him will be honored by God (vs 26); in the second, it is said that one who walks in

the light will be called a son of light (vs 36).

SynthesisLike the Gospel of John, there is surely much more to be written concerning this passage,

even only from the perspective of parallelism. However, hopefully with what has been explored

it can be seen that this passage is crucial to the Gospel of John in the way it shifts focus to the

impending death of Jesus unlike any prior portion of this gospel. This passage not only highlights

Jesus' death, but also shows it to be necessary to bear fruit and draw mankind to himself.

ReflectionAny teacher or preacher can learn much from Jesus. O how I would love to have

witnessed Jesus speaking to these people about the gospel! There are at least three things a pastor

can learn from Jesus in this passage.

Jesus spoke with passion. It is undeniable, in this passage, that Jesus was filled with

passion as he spoke with these people. He paused to bring his passion before God declaring that

his soul was troubled. I imagine that when Jesus spoke the words in this passage he had tears in

his eyes and a heaviness upon his heart. A pastor must be genuine when he speaks to his people


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and must always bring his heart before God in prayer as Jesus did.

Jesus spoke the truth. Though the words Jesus spoke were difficult, pertaining to death

and sacrifice, he spoke them because they were true. Jesus does not shy away from difficult truth,

but boldly proclaims out of the conviction of his heart before God what is true. Far too many

pastors today preach only what a congregation wants to hear and stray from hard truths that the

congregation needs to hear.

Jesus spoke practically. As seen in the formal and detailed analysis, Jesus does not stop

at declaring the truth but continues to beckon his audience into action. The gospel is not only

true, but is extremely practical, for it affects every area of life. A pastor must speak truth, but not

in a lofty way that transcends real life. He must speak practically so that his congregation knows

what to do with what they have just heard.

Word Count: 1985


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Ford, J. “'The Son of Man': A Euphemisn?” Journal of Biblical Literature 87 (1968): 257-266

Kovacs, Judith. “'Now Shall the Ruler of This World Be Driven Out': Jesus' Death as Cosmic Battle in John 12:20-36.” Journal of Biblical Literature 114 (1995): 227-247.

Kruse, Colin. Pages 270-273 in Tyndale NT Commentaries 4 vols. Grand Rapids: Eerdman, 2003

Michaels, J. Pages 224-230 in New International Biblical Commentary 4 vols. Peabody, Massachusetts: Hendrickson, 1989

O'Day, Gail. Pages 712-15 in New Interpreter's Bible. 9 vols. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1995.

Parker, Pierson. “The Meaning of 'Son of Man'” Journal of Biblical Literature 60 (1941): 151-157.

Swanson, James. Dictionary of Biblical Languages With Semantic Domains : Greek (New Testament) (electronic ed.; Oak Harbor: Logos Research Systems, Inc., 1997).


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Checklist for Exegesis

Please fill out this checklist and turn it in with your exegesis.


____ I read at least five critical commentaries.____ I read at least four scholarly journal articles.____ I traced at least one important theme from my passage with a concordance.____ I examined the other gospels for parallel accounts to identify significant changes.____ I show evidence of my use of the Greek NT or Greek Synopsis____ I show evidence of my research


____ I describe how my passage fits in the literary context of the Gospel.____ I examine historical and cultural items that impact the meaning of the passage.____ I do more than describe, paraphrase, or restate the passage; I analyze the text.____ I do more than list the findings of others; my own contribution is clear.____ I can state what the Gospel would lose if my passage were omitted.____ I have a thesis that connects my paper together.____ I give evidence for my claims.


____ I composed my paper based on proper style.____ I avoid the use of first person in all but the Reflection ____ I avoid the use of contractions.____ I avoid the use of passive voice.____ I avoid relying too heavily on weak verbs.____ I have page numbers on each page.____ I have proofread the paper.____ I have submitted my paper to and made corrections.____ Working from the JBL Manual of Style and examples provided in class or on Blackboard, I have used the proper forms for footnotes and bibliography entries.____ I did not include Bibles or concordances in the bibliography.____ I only placed in the bibliography those works mentioned in the paper.____ My paper is double-spaced.____ The text of the paper is in a 12 point font with the footnotes in the same but smaller (10 point) font.____ I indent and single space quotations extending beyond three full lines.____ I put breathing marks on the Greek I cite or place macrons over long vowels in transcription.____ I include the cheating disclaimer on the title page and a word count (minus footnote text) on the last page of text.


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