Page 1: An Improved 360 Degree and Order of Topography

An Improved 360 Degree and Order

Model of Venus Topography


Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena, California 911 09



Center for Space Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 021 39

Nicole Rappaport: Teb: (818) 354-8211. Fax: (818) 354-9068. E-mail: Nicole. J. [email protected]

Alex Konopliv: Tel: (818) 354-6105. Fax: (818) 393-6388. E-mail: [email protected]

Algas Kucinskas: Tel: (818) 354-4340. Fax: (818) 393-6388. E-mail: [email protected]

Peter Ford: Tel: (617) 253-6485. Fax: (617) 253-0861. E-mail: [email protected]

16 September 1998 - Revised: 29 December 1998 Submitted to Icarus, Geodynamics of Venus Special Issue - 18 pages, 10 figures, 3 tables

Key words: topography, spherical harmonics.


Page 2: An Improved 360 Degree and Order of Topography

Running Title: An Improved 360 Degree and Order Model of Venus Topography

Corresponding Author: Nicole J. Rappaport

JPL/Cal Tech

4800, Oak Grove Drive Pasadena, CA 91109

Mail Stop 301-280


Page 3: An Improved 360 Degree and Order of Topography


We present an improved 360 degree and order spherical harmonic

solution for Venus’ topography. The new model uses the most recent

set of Venus altimetry data with spacecraft positions derived from a

recent high resolution gravity model. Geometric analysis indicates that the offset between the center of mass and center of figure of

Venus is about ten times smaller than for the Earth, the Moon, or

Mars. Statistical analyses confirm that the rms topography follows a

power law over the central part of the spectrum. Compared to the

previous topography model, the new model is more highly correlated

with Venus’ harmonic gravity field.


Page 4: An Improved 360 Degree and Order of Topography


Together with the gravity field, knowledge of the topography of a planetary body

allows researchers to probe its interior density structure (although in a non-unique way).

When combined with additional constraints such as surface geology, measurements of

topography and gravity can lead to an improved understanding of the planet's thermal evolution. We present a model of Venus topography expanded in spherical harmonic

coefficients to degree and order 360. This improves on the previous model of Rappaport

and Plaut (1994) by using a Magellan altimetry data set which incorporates updated

Magellan spacecraft ephemerides derived from a recent high resolution spherical har-

monic model of the Venus gravity field (Konopliv et d 1996). The scientific investiga- tions which will benefit from the improved topography model include long-wavelength

compensation studies and short-wavelength studies of lithospheric support.

Section I1 presents the new Venus topography data set. Section I11 describes the

spherical harmonic analysis. In sections IV and V we discuss some geometrical and

statistical implications of harmonic modeling. Section VI summarizes our results.


11.1. Improved Spacecraft Ephemeris

When the Magellan spacecraft began mapping in September of 1990, the gravity

field of Venus was poorly known, the only information coming from the highly eccentric

orbit of the Pioneer Venus Orbiter spacecraft. This resulted in large uncertainties in the determination of Magellan's orbit. As time went on, the JPL navigation team improved

its knowledge of the Venus gravity field (McNamee 1992) and the orbital errors were

reduced. But by that time, the Magellan ephemeris had been delivered to the science community for use during the first Venus mapping cycle'. The radial orbit error' for

cycle 1 reached several kilometers, mostly during superior conjunction near the end of

October 1990. Large radial orbit errors also occurred when the spacecraft's orbital plane

One cycle corresponds to moving the spacecraft's periapsis 360" in longitude over

the surface of Venus, and lasts approximately 243 days. ' The radial direction is that from the center of mass of Venus to the spacecraft.


Page 5: An Improved 360 Degree and Order of Topography

was face-on as viewed from the Earth since this geometry limited the accuracy of the Doppler tracking technique used to measure line-of-sight velocities.

Figure 1 (a,b,c) shows the original radial position error for each mapping cycle

and the improved error using a more recent high resolution gravity model for Venus

(model MGNP120PSAAP, Konopliv et al. 1996). This model was truncated to degree

90 because the average spacecraft altitude was higher during the first three Magellan

mapping cycles where the orbit was not as sensitive to higher degree gravity terms.

The new orbits are computed with 72-hour data arcs, each arc overlapping its neighbors by one orbit (ca. 3.25 hours). The new orbit error displayed in Figure 1 represents the rms differences in the radial spacecraft position in the overlap region

between each pair of arcs. The previous orbit solutions had been determined with

shorter arc lengths of one day each. In Figure 1, the “old orbit” error is the rms

difference between the old and new solutions for the same overlap intervals that were

used to determine the “new orbit” errors. Strictly speaking, the orbit errors calculated

in this way yield only the relative error between orbits and represent a lower bound on the absolute error. The absolute error might be significantly greater if a mis-modeling

(e.g. in gravity or atmospheric drag) were to affect consecutive arcs in the same way. However, since the “old orbit” errors are also comparable in size to rms differences in overlaps between adjacent old orbit solutions (which used different gravity and drag

models), we believe that these values shown in Figure 1 are a good indication of the

absolute errors.

Using the improved gravity field and increasing the number of orbits in each solution

from 8 to 24 (;.e., from one to three days in one data arc), the sensitivity to the “face-

on” geometry has been greatly reduced. Previously, the average radial error had been 20 m, but, during cycle 1 superior conjunction (October 1990), the radial error had at

times exceeded 4 km. With the improved gravity field, the maximum error has been

reduced to 90 m. Similarly, a radial error of 1 km during a second face-on period in

March 1991 has been reduced to 1 m, a value which is now typical of the entire data set. The position errors in other directions has also decreased by an order of magnitude:

the typical along-track error from 2 km to 200 m and the normal error (perpendicular

to the orbit plane) from 500 m to 50 m.

11.2. Reprocessed Altimetry Data


Page 6: An Improved 360 Degree and Order of Topography

The altimeter data set, consisting of measurements of the range from the spacecraft

to a total of 4,284,578 surface footprints from 3,971 orbits, has been reanalyzed using the corrected Magellan state vectors. Since the footprint size, which varies from 8 x 10 km at periapsis to 30 x 19 km at the north pole, always exceeded the navigation errors,

the principal effect of the improved orbital knowledge was in the radial component, and hence in the values of planetary radii. In some locations, changes of several kilome-

ters were seen. However, the change in the resulting global topographic model is less

pronounced since the navigation errors were quite apparent when the original altimetry data were processed and steps were taken at that time to correct them, as described in

Ford and Pettengill (1992).

Before gridding the new values of planetary radii, they were first resampled into a rectangular array in which the z-axis represented orbit number and the y-axis rep-

resented surface-fixed footprint latitude. The columns were then sorted by periapsis

longitude, bringing together data points taken at multiples of 243 days apart. Since the

Magellan altimeter observed almost 3 full cycles, any remaining navigation errors might

be expected to show up as a systematic pattern of high and low radius values. Using

a spatial filter matched to the characteristics of this pattern, the navigation errors can

be isolated and subtracted from the individual footprint radii before gridding.

This technique was highly successful in reducing the effect of navigation errors in

the original model, but was found to be unnecessary for the new navigation solutions

since the corrections, now very much smaller, were found to be comparable in size to

the leakage of genuine high-frequency topography through the matched filter. It was

therefore decided not to apply the filter to the topography model itself, but to use it

instead to estimate an upper bound on remaining systematic errors. Figure 2 shows

the rms of these error estimates combined with the statistical errors associated with the detection of the radar echo. The average radius error is 16.1 m, dominated by the

high values that cluster around 240E longitude, where the spacecraft orbit was nearly

orthogonal to the Earth-Venus vector during the mapping cycle 1. By comparison, the

average error from the previous analysis was 39.5 m.

The final stage in building the altimetry data set was to resample the footprint radii

into a cartographic array. The pixel size was 5 x 5 km, and each footprint cont.ributed

a weight based on (a) its statistical echo-detection error, (b ) the “goodness of fit” of

the echo to a suite of pre-calculated echo templates, and (c) the footprint size, nlodeled


Page 7: An Improved 360 Degree and Order of Topography

as Gaussian functions along and across the sub-radar track. This technique has been

used to generate the previous model, but an additional step has been added - if the radar echo is accompanied by a precursor containing more than 20% of the power and

arriving more than 3.3 psec (i.e., 1 km) in advance of the primary component, that

footprint is discarded. This procedure is effective at removing noisy measurements in areas of extreme topographic contrast. At long wavelengths, the resulting image differs

little from the previous analysis - the mean radius has changed from 6051.84 km to

6051.88 km, and the depths of some of the deeper chasmata3 have decreased as a direct result of discarding the multi-component echoes. The topographic data set obtained by

this procedure is significantly improved with respect to previous versions. A 5 X 5 km

gridded image will be submitted to the National Space Sciences Data Center, Greenbelt,

MD, as a Global Topographic Data Record (GTDR), product ID GTDR.3;2 (digital)

and GTDRP.3;3 (photo).

11.3. Topography Data

A 0.25" X 0.25" grid of Venus radii was obtained by projecting and averaging the

improved GTDR. This reduces the resolution, especially at low latitudes, so that every

sample is based on the average of several Magellan altimetry data points. The results

are referenced to the Venus body-fixed reference frame (Davies et al 1992).

Figure 3 shows a 1" x 1" resolution map of the difference of each grid point between

the "old" and the "new" Magellan topography data. Radial errors that have been

removed in the new data show up as either positive or negative valued streaks. Most

noteworthy are two strong south-trending bands, one starting to the East of Maxwell

Montes (10"E, 70"N), the other starting at about 120°W, 60"N. As expected, radial error streaks are most pronounced during superior conjunction (i.e., when Venus moves

behind the Sun and Doppler tracking becomes ineffective) and when the orbit moves

into the "plane of the sky" (i.e., presents a face-on orbit geometry). The pattern of

predominately yellow dots that follow contours in Figure 3 are the result of small shifts

in footprint location due to changes in ephemeris from one navigation solution to the other.

'' Chasmata are broad valleys, troughs, or depressions.


Page 8: An Improved 360 Degree and Order of Topography


In this section we present the approach used to produce the spherical harmonic

Venus topography model from gridded Magellan data, as well as the results of this

harmonic analysis.

We use the 0.25" x 0.25" topography array to produce a new spherical harmonic

model of topography. This approach is intuitively justified by the behavior of harmonic

functions, since each such function has the same number of zeroes on each parallel. Each

grid point is therefore weighted by the area of the corresponding cell. The planetary

radius at latitude q and longitude X with respect to the body-fixed reference frame

defined by Venus' rotation axis and prime meridian can be modeled as a double series

expansion in spherical harmonic functions written as

where Rt is a reference radius, Cp", and S;, are the corresponding normalized harmonic

coefficients of the topography, and Pe, are the normalized Legendre functions.

We followed the method of Rappaport and Plaut (1994) and used numerical quadra-

ture to compute the harmonic coefficients of Venus topography to degree and order 360

from the new data grid of Magellan planetary radii. This is more computationally efficient than the method of least squares, especially for large values of e.

The mean radius and spherical harmonic coefficients of equation (1) were computed

as individual integrals over the planet's surface to degree and order 360. The harmonic

coefficients up to degree 5 are listed in Table I. The complete spherical harmonic model

can be obtained from the Planetary Data System (PDS) Geosciences Node archive at

Washington University, St. Louis, MO, or by writing directly to the authors of this paper.

The mean Venus' radius (defined so that Coo = 1) is found to be Rt = 6051.881 km. The previous estimate of Rappaport and Plaut (1994) was Rt = 6051.848 km. The difference between these values is entirely due to the improvement in altimetry data

which is, in turn, principally due to the reduction in navigation errors, as explained in

section 11.


Page 9: An Improved 360 Degree and Order of Topography

Figure 4 illustrates our new topography model as an image of the variation in

topography, relative to Rt, derived from the spherical harmonics. Figure 5 shows the topography along the equator at a resolution of lo, both as given by the new gridded

topography data (continuous line) and as computed from the new harmonic solution

(crosses), indicating a good agreement between the model and the data. Figure 6 contains the difference between the two plots of Figure 5, showing that the errors in the

model are dominated by high frequency components.


It has been traditional to define the center of figure in one of two ways: (i) the

center of a sphere approximating the shape of the planetary body; (ii) the center of

an ellipsoid approximating its shape. For a slowly rotating body like Venus, with a

low J2, (i) is superior for most geophysical interpretations, but (ii) is often preferred when establishing data bases of planetary parameters (e.g. , for use in future planetary

missions). We selected approach (ii), recognizing that the center of figure for approach

(i) is easily derived from the harmonic coefficients of degree 1.

In this work, we fitted by least squares an offset ellipsoid to a 1" X 1" grid of Venus' topography that was computed by interpolating the 0.25" x 0.25" gridded data. The

nine parameters that were fitted were (a) the coordinates x f , y f , z f of the center of

figure with respect to the Venus body-fixed reference frame (Davies et a1 1992), (b)

the Euler angles $, 0, c p orienting the principal axes with respect to the reference frame

centered at the center of figure and translated from the Venus body-fixed reference frame

(Davies et af 1992), and (c) the lengths A, B , and C of the ellipsoid's semi-axes. The

fit minimized the sum of the squares of the residuals ( X / A ) 2 + ( Y / B ) 2 + ( Z / C ) 2 - 1,

where X , E' and 2 denote the grid point coordinates with respect to the translated and

rotated reference frame. The principal difficulty lies in selecting the initial conditions of

the least squares fit.Our method to compute the initial conditions involves the following

4 steps:

1. Compute the spherical harmonic coefficients of Venus topography by least

squares to degree and order 2.

Page 10: An Improved 360 Degree and Order of Topography

2. Use the obtained mean radius of Venus and the harmonic coefficients of degree 1 of the topography to compute an approximate location of the center of figure.

We obtained:

x f = Rt C11 = -56.9 m,

yf = Rt S11 = 177.3 m,

z f = Rt Clo = 9.0 m.

3. Use the harmonic coefficients of degree 2 of the topography to compute a matrix

formally similar to the inertia tensor computed from the harmonic coefficients

of degree 2 of the gravity field. We solved for the rotation that diagonalizes

that matrix to compute approximate Euler angles, obtaining:

111 = -101.02',

19 = 27.00',

y = 102.91'.

4. Finally, choose arbitrarily initial conditions for A, B and C:

A = 6060 km,

B = 6050 km,

C = 6040 km.

Having selected the initial conditions, we performed the least squares fit. It used

the full topography data and converged to the following solution:


Page 11: An Improved 360 Degree and Order of Topography

= -56.9 m,

yf = 177.4 m,

z f = 9.2 m,

?) = -101.01",

8 = 27.03",

q = 102.93",

A = 6051.9556 km,

B = 6052.2968 km,

C = 6051.3673 km.

The latitudinal coordinates of the center of figure are:

r f = 186.5 m,

' P f = 2.8",

Xf = 107.8",

which indicates that the center of figure lies close to the Venus equatorial plane under the north-west corner of Thetis Regio in Aphrodite Terra.

The orientation of the axes of figure and of the axes of inertia using the

MGNP180U.ODP gravity field model are given in Table 11. The two sets of axes do not coincide, which indicates a weak correlation between Venus' shape and its inertia

properties. The orientation of the axes of figure is governed by the equatorial and mid-

latitude highlands. The largest axis of figure passes through Phoebe Regio and Ovda

Regio in western Aphrodite Terra. The second axis of figure passes through Eistla Regio and south west of Atla in eastern Aphrodite Terra.


The statistical nature of the topography field is conveniently summarized by the rms degree magnitudes of the normalized spherical harmonic coefficients, defined as


Page 12: An Improved 360 Degree and Order of Topography

where the sum is from m = 0 to e. Figure 7 shows the rms magnitude spectrum, plotted

on a logarithmic scale, for the global topography of Venus (solid line) and Earth (dotted line), with degree from l = 2 to 4 = 360. The Venus spectrum is that of the harmonic

model presented in this paper, and the Earth spectrum is from the “equivalent rock

topography” model of Rapp and Pavlis (1990).

As noted by Rappaport and Plaut (1994), the slope of the Venus topography spec-

trum changes as l >” 100, becoming flatter. This may not be a real property of the

spectrum but rather an artifact associated with the method used to compute the har- monic coefficients. Indeed, as was mentioned in section 111, the errors in the topography

model are essentially restricted to the high frequency terms.

Over the k‘ N 3 to k‘ N 100 degree interval, Venus and Earth topography correspond

quite closely to a power-law spectral correlation. However, we note that the Venus

spectrum has significantly lower amplitudes and a slightly shallower slope than does

the Earth, as noted by other authors (Kaula 1984; Turcotte, 1987; Kucinskas and Turcotte, 1994). Kaula (1984) and Kucinskas and Turcotte (1994) attributed this to

a predominance of “rolling plains” topography on Venus, where more than 80% of the

planet’s surface lies within 1 km of the mean planetary radius.

Figure 8 compares the rms degree magnitude spectrum of the new Venus topogra- phy (circles) with the harmonic rms difference spectrum between the “new” and “old”

Venus topography models (stars). The y-axis offset between the two curves provides an

upper bound on the errors associated with the topography model. We also compared

the variance of the observed topography with the variance of the topography computed

from our model. Denoting the topography by f , the variance was computed using

where dS represents an element of surface and

With the observed topography, we obtained = 0.966 while our model gives a value of = 0.958. The agreement between these two values is due to the fact that


Page 13: An Improved 360 Degree and Order of Topography

the variance is essentially due to the low degree terms and it may be that the model

overestimates the power of the high degree harmonic coefficients.

The gravitational potential at a point P outside the planet can be written, in terms of spherical harmonic coefficients, as

where G is the gravitational constant, M is the mass of the planet, R, is a reference

radius, and the Cim, S;m are the harmonic coefficients for degree k' and order m. As a quantitative measure of the correlation between the gravity and topography, one can

define the degree functional correlation as

where the sum goes from rn = 0 to e. The correlation per degree is shown in Figure 9

for two topography models, the dotted line representing Rappaport and Plaut (1994), and the solid line refers to the model presented in this paper. Both calculations used the most recent 180 degree and order gravity field model MGNP18OU.ODP of Konopliv

et al. (1998). Our new topography model has the higher correlation with the gravity

field throughout most of the degree spectrum. Assuming that a higher correlation is a

measure of success, our result reflects the improvements over the previous topography

harmonic model.

Regional functional correlations were computed in the following way. Denoting the gravity at the surface by g and using equations (8) and (7) to compute S and n g , the

regional correlation is given by

Regional correlations over seven regions of Venus are listed in Table I11 for the topography and gravity models used in Rappaport and Plaut (1994) as well as for the topography model presented in this paper, each correlated against the new gravity

model MGNP180U.ODP. For the comparison to be meaningful, the new topography and


Page 14: An Improved 360 Degree and Order of Topography

gravity models were truncated to degree and order 60. No filtering other than removing

the coefficients of degree and order higher than 60 was applied. No tapering was applied to the topography because the coefficients, which were computed by quadrature, are

independent of each other. Consistently, the same treatment was applied to the gravity.

The new models are seen to give improved correlations.

Among the seven regions studied, the highest correlations were found in Beta Regio

and Atla Regio (Rappaport and Plaut, 1994). These highlands are also characterized

by moderate negative Bouguer anomalies and abundant volcanism, suggesting thermal and/or dynamic support of the topography (e.g., Smrekar and Phillips, 1991; Grimm

and Phillips, 1992; Kucinskas and Turcotte, 1994; Simons et al, 1994; Moore and Schu-

bert, 1995; Kucinskas, 1996; Simons et a l , 1997). The lowest correlation was obtained

in Ovda Regio, which is characterized by very large negative Bouguer anomalies and complex ridged terrain or tessera, suggesting an essentially passive isostasy associated

with crustal thickening (e.g., Smrekar and Phillips, 1991; Kucinskas and Turcotte, 1994;

Simons et al, 1997).

Using our new topography harmonic solution as well as the new Venus gravity

solution of Konopliv et al. (1998), we computed degree geoid to topography ratios

(GTR). The degree GTR is defined as the ratio of the degree variances of the harmonic spectra of the topography and geoid derived from the gravity model (Kucinskas and

Turcotte 1994; Kucinskas 1996). The degree variances of the harmonic spectra were

defined as in Turcotte (1987) and Rapp (1989), yielding degree GTR in units of meters per kilometer.

In Figure 10 we use a log-linear scale to plot the degree GTR versus degree t for the new topography and gravity models as well as for the new topography model and a

Bouguer gravity model corresponding to the uncompensated topography. To generate

the Bouguer gravity we used a rock density p c = 2.9gcmW3. It can be seen from the figure that the GTRs for the uncompensated topography are significantly larger for all than

the observed GTR values. This result, combined with the strong correlation observed

between gravity and topography for Venus, implies that much of the observed anomaly

of Venus geoid can be directly associated with compensated topography. However,

because of the non-unique association of gravity with internal mass distribution, this can be interpreted as indicating that either a significant portion of the topography is

isostatically supported at depth (e.g., Kucinskas and Turcotte, 1994) or that much of


Page 15: An Improved 360 Degree and Order of Topography

the topography is maintained dynamically (e.g., Simons et al. 1997). For a description

of how the effective depth of isostatic compensation required to match the observed GTR varies across the spectrum the reader is referred to Figure 13 of Sjogren et al (1997).


This paper describes a new spherical harmonic model of Venus topography. The model improves on the prior solution by incorporating corrections introduced by im-

proved Magellan spacecraft positions and refined altimetric data reduction. Geometrical

and statistical analyses indicate that:

(a) The offset between the center of mass and the center of figure is about ten times

smaller than that of the Earth, the Moon, or Mars. The center of figure of Venus

lies under Aphrodite Terra.

(b) The orientation of the principal axes of figure is determined by the equatorial and mid-latitude highlands.

(c) The rms spectrum of the topography follows a power law up to degree k' - 100. The flattening of the spectrum for k' > 100 may not be real. The Venus topography

spectrum has lower amplitudes and a slightly shallower spectral slope than that of

Earth. This may be a due to the "rolling plains" topography which dominates on

the planet.

(d) The Venus topography and gravity fields are very strongly, positively, correlated

with the exception of degree 2. Regional correlations are higher in Beta and Atla

Regiones - thought to be dynamically and/or thermally supported - than in Ovda

Regio which may be mainly isostatically supported via crustal thickening (e.g., Smrekar and Phillips, 1991; Grimm and Phillips, 1992; Kucinskas and Turcotte,

1994; Simons et al, 1994; Moore and Schubert, 1995; Kucinskas, 1996; Simons et

al, 1997).

( e ) A degree analysis of the GTR for the new topography and gravity harmonic models,

together with the correlation results, show that Venusian topography is substan- tially compensated.


Page 16: An Improved 360 Degree and Order of Topography


Part of this research was performed at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California

Institute of Technology, under contract to the National Aeronautics and Space Ad-

ministration. It was also funded by NASA Planetary Geology and Geophysics Grants

344-30-53-02 and NAG5-4047, and by JPL subcontract 960510.


Page 17: An Improved 360 Degree and Order of Topography


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Moore, W.B. and G. Schubert 1995. Lithospheric thickness and mantle /lithosphere

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Rappaport, N.J. and J.J. Plaut 1994. A 360 degree and order model of Venus topogra-

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Simons, M., S.C. Solomon, and B. H. Hager 1997. Localization of gravity and topogra- phy: constraints on tectonics and mantle dynamics of Venus. Geophys. J. Int. 131, 24-44.

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D.M. Hunten, and R.J. Phillips, Ed.), pp. 1,125-1,161, Univ. of Arizona Press,


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Page 19: An Improved 360 Degree and Order of Topography


1 1

2 2 2

3 3 3 3

4 4 4 4 4

5 5 5 5 5 5


0 1

0 1 2

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4

0 1 2 3 4 5


(-1.3773) X (-1.9327) x

(-2.6938) x

(-2.2297) x

(3.0154) x (4.8880) x (5.1822) x

(-5.3683) x

(2.7921) x (6.6142) x (1.6065) x

(-4.5104) x (8.4460) x

(1.5447) x low5

(-9.5343) x

(4.7354) x (2.0833) x

(8.6703) x (9.4196) x (8.2753) x

(1.7113) x low5

(-7.9224) x low6 (3.7788) x

(-8.0741) x (2.4327) x

(-4.3631) x

(1.4978) x (9.2011) x

(-3.5665) x low6 (2.9252) x

(2.3408) x (- 1.4049) x

(1.7517) x (1.9919) x 10-5

(-6.4849) x low6

Table I: Normalized harmonic coefficients of the topography to degree and order 5.


Page 20: An Improved 360 Degree and Order of Topography

Axes of Figure Axes of Inertia I I I I

Latitude Longitude


-5.8" 90.5"

6052.3 km

0.3" -3.2"



6052.0 km Length 86.8" 3.4" Longitude 0.3" 26.3"

Latitude Longitude


63.0" 169.0"

6051.4 km

89.5" 220.3'

Table 11: Orientation of the principal axes of figures and of the principal axes of inertia

of Venus.


Page 21: An Improved 360 Degree and Order of Topography




















40 "


























T o l d









Yne w









Table 111: Correlations between Venus' topography and its gravity field over seven

regions and over the entire planet; - fo ld is derived from for the previous topography

and gravity models used in Rappaport and Plaut (1994); ynew is based on this paper's

topography and gravity models; for comparison, all models were truncated at degree and order 60.


Page 22: An Improved 360 Degree and Order of Topography


FIGURE 1: Navigation radial position rms errors, old and new, for Magellan Cycle 1

(a), cycle 2 (b), and cycle 3 (c).

FIGURE 2: Image of the residual errors (rms estimated errors) in the new Magellan topography.

FIGURE 3: Map of the difference between the old and new gridded Magellan topogra-


FIGURE 4: Topography map produced from this paper’s 360 X 360 topography model. The zero level correspond to the Venus mean radius Rt = 6051.881 km. The

topography contours are at 1 km intervals.

FIGURE 5: Topography along the equator from the new data (continuous line) and as

computed from our new model (crosses), with respect to the reference radius. The vertical scale is in kilometers.

FIGURE 6: Difference between the topography along the equator computed from the model and the observed topography. The vertical scale is in kilometers.

FIGURE 7: Rms magnitude of the normalized coefficients of the topography of Venus

(solid line) and Earth (dotted line) on a logarithmic scale.

FIGURE 8: Rms magnitude spectrum of the new Venus topography (circles) and the

difference between the new and old Venus topography (stars).

FIGURE 9: Correlation per degree between Venus’ topography and its gravity field, comparing the topography model of Rappaport and Plaut (1994) (dotted cor-

relation line), and this paper’s topography model (solid correlation line); all

calculations use the most recent gravity field model of Konopliv et al. (1998).

FIGURE 10: Degree geoid to topography ratios (GTRs) for Venus data plotted versus

degree e. The open circles are for observed data and the solid curve is for an uncompensated topography model (see text).


Page 23: An Improved 360 Degree and Order of Topography


a Radial Error for Magellan Cycle 1


1 0'

1 $

1 0"

.......................... ;... ................... $ ........................ i... ....................... ; ............................ ; ........................... ; .......................... ; ..........................

........................... , ........................... , ....................... ....* .......................... (. .......................... .>. .......................... , ........................... , ........................... 1 0 - 2

0 3 0 6 0 9 0 120 150 180 210 240

Days past September 1, 1990

Radial Error for Magellan Cycle 2

I 0 3 0 6 0 9 0 1 2 0 1 5 0 1 8 0 2 1 0 2 4 0

Days past May 1, 1991

FIG. 1. Navigation radial position RMS errors. old and new. lor Magellan cycle I (a). cycle 2 (bj, and cycle 3 (c).

Page 24: An Improved 360 Degree and Order of Topography

C Radial Error for Magellan Cycle 3


I d

I d

1 $

1 0"

1 0"

....................... ....................................................................... j ........................ ........................ ; ........................ ; ........................ i ........................ I

0 6 0 120 180 240

Days past January 1, 1992

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3 E



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0 1

2 3

4 5

6 2





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i X





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0 a, I


0 P I

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S 1 o


1 o-'

1 o-6

1 o


1 o-~


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0 0.

2 0.

4 0.

6 0.

8 1








, ,





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