Download - Analysing posters

Page 1: Analysing posters

The focus point of the poster is the female figure sitting on the chair with the doll. This is do to inform the that the audience that the film incorporates the doll in some way. Because the doll is looking at the camera the viewers who feel obliged to view the movie as the eye contact makes the viewer feel uncomfortable.

Very dark colour pallets such as greys, blacks and dark reds are used to emphasise horror/ thriller genre. This is easy to recognise for the viewer as it is a very typical look for posters of the horror/ thriller genre.

On the poster of “The Conjuring” the director of other famous horror movies is mentioned.This helps to attract the views as they recognise their names and will be more interested to view the film.

The title is created using a font with pointed edges to create a simple yet menacing look. This is also a very stereotypical to the horror/ thriller genre and its attraction to the viewer.

Page 2: Analysing posters

The screaming face has connotations of horror and fear which shows that this movie is supposed to be portrayed as a thriller/ horror film.This works very well to draw the publics attention to the poster and the film it is promoting as it shows a unsettling image witch draws peoples attentions.

The movie poster contain the names of people and companies that helped in the making of the film.This is used as the viewer is likely to know the popular films that are featured on the poster.This would give the audience a perception that the movie will be well produced and will be as good as the other movies that were produced by the same people.

The poster includes the title of the film bottom in a larger font which is used with a contrasting colour. This is done to attract the viewers attention as people can easily see the title and instantly recognise the film.The title also includes the sharp, pointy look that is associated with typical horror film.The screaming face made out of multiple different photographs which suggests that the story incorporates cctv or other cameras in its plot.This is a very effective technique that allows for the creators of the film to show audiences what they should expect without giving up too much information about the plot. This intrigues the viewer and hopefully will make them more likely to view the film in the cinema.

Page 3: Analysing posters

The scratched filter has been added to the poster to show that distress and violence in the film. This is used very well as it links with the tagline of the film which emphasises the movies genre and themes portrayed in the image.The image could further be linked with the tagline of the film as it appears to be taken by someone else, imposing the sense of danger.This appeals to the audience that is seeking a true horror experience.

The image of a screaming/ distressed woman with a tiara suggests that this movie is linked with the horror/thriller genre and is likely to be set at a school prom.This could possibly relate to teens and young adults aged 16 - 21 as this is the age range that students are going to prom. This will allow them to relate to the film and make them more likely to view the movie.

The red title connotes blood and danger which further enforces the thriller genre.It is also written in a sharp pointy font to emphasise the horror and simplicity of the film.The red instantly connects to the audience and shows them that the film is likely to contain dark themes including gore.

The release date is important to let the audience known when the movie is coming out and make them remember the date.

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