
Analysis of music video

Black silloheute of trees/landscape with a lit white background from the effect of lightning

Artist wearing white long sleeve with black vestFuzzy TV

scan lines

The setting is established with an establishing shot of a castle with guards on the inside wearing black and white armour

A woman wearing white with white hair, painted in white sitting in a white bath tub emerges from dim black bordered scene

The artists words are flashed on two tv screens on his left and right side, the words are in bold black font with white background

Analysis of music video

An overhead shot of The artist walking on black and white chequered tiles

Two females mirror each others movements, one female is black and the other is white, this could be interpreted that all humans are the same whether you are black or white and there are no differences between the colours the reason for this interpretation is because humans are used, and not objects

The album cover appears on the screen at the end of the video

Album release date appears in bold white font with black background

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