Page 1: Analysis of magazine covers


Page 2: Analysis of magazine covers

Mixmag• The red of the headline and

sub heading makes these parts stand out against the white. The women's pose and outfit further makes the women seem imposing and like a queen which would match into the subtitle.

• This makes me consider this colour scheme because it is very eye catching which would cause peoples attention to drawn straight to my magazine.

Page 3: Analysis of magazine covers

Metal Hammer• The metallic design of the

headline matches the type of music that the magazine is displaying. The word ‘nightwish’ is written in a very different font to the rest of the magazine. This causes it to stand out and gives the word a slightly unnerving feel.

• I could use this technique in my magazine to make certain words seem more important.

Page 4: Analysis of magazine covers

Classic Rock• This font is very suited to the

name of the magazine because it matches an old American style. The way that the font changes on the rest of the magazine gives the title a more important feeling. Also having the word rock as the biggest word on the page means that there can be no mistake as to what the magazine is about.

• My magazine could use this technique to make sure that it is obvious what my magazine is about.

Page 5: Analysis of magazine covers

NME• The way that the subtitle

has been written like its cut out of a newspaper makes the magazine seem more sinister. This is added to by the picture which gives the magazine an eerie feeling. The way NME is written in the corner also makes the brand seem like its very established.

• I could use this technique in my magazine to give my magazine an eerie feeling.

Page 6: Analysis of magazine covers

Kerrang!• Kerrang is written in an

interesting font which matches the subtitle and mood of the magazine. The fact that the font looks like it smashed glass adds to the angry effect that the magazine gives off.

• The effect is good and could be used in a different way to create an effect that would be better suited to the magazine type that I would like to create.

Page 7: Analysis of magazine covers

Uncut• This magazine has an old feel.

The font and matching coloured picture makes the whole cover seem very linked together. Nothing but the name of the magazine and the name of the celebrity stands out which isn't really the effect I was aiming for in my magazine but still makes for a good minimalistic cover.

Page 8: Analysis of magazine covers

The Fly• This cover has a very 3D feel

as the shadow of the girl is very prominent on the cover. The magazine name and women's name stands out very obviously on the background. The magazine is very full but still appears very minimalist.

• This is a clever design but does appear a bit boring.

Page 9: Analysis of magazine covers

Mojo• The title does stand out but

the people in front of it causes it to blend into the background more than I would like. The name of the band is the only part of the magazine that I feel stands out.

• Im not very fond of this design. It works for this magazine but I feel like it would be to busy for my magazine design.

Page 10: Analysis of magazine covers

Q• This magazine cover is very

minimalist but it still does a good job at drawing attention to it. The Q makes the magazine seem like a very established brand while the way that the person is placed on the cover gives the magazine a classic feel.

• I like this magazine design as it gives the magazine a classic and elegant feel but it also give it a minimalist feel that makes it seem more modern.

Page 11: Analysis of magazine covers

Billboard• This magazine’s name is very

difficult to read as the persons head is in the middle of the word. I don’t like this effect as it makes it hard to tell what magazine it is. There isn't much else on the magazine so it doesn’t really tell you what content is inside.

• I like some parts of this cover as it has an elegant feel but I think it needs some more writing on the magazine to tell the audience what content is in the magazine.

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