
The participants were asked to appoint which category determining their Percentage of age they would belong too. I created the option of 6 different age divisions ranging from 10 or lower to 18+. The ranges of results were as follows: - 10 or lower- 5%, 11-14- 25%, 15-16- 20%, 16-18- 40% and 18+-10%.The highest percentage recorded was the ages of 16 to 18 determining that these are the age bracket that will be the best potential target audience. However as this was not a wide enough investigation I cannot be sure.

The second question was the simple question asking the participant who took the questionnaire, what their sex was. The results revealed that females who responded were 55% of the 20 people who completed the survey and males were 45%. More females than males responded to the questionnaire concluding that my school magazine will appeal to more females than males. However the sample chosen was not large enough for me to draw this as an accurate conclusion.

Question 3 asked the survey takers if the possibility of a school magazine was to arise, would they take interest in reading it? The participants who responded yes were 70% of the 20 people who took the questionnaire and the respondents who replied no were a minute 30%. This assists me in the encouragement to go forth with the creation of a school magazine as the results highlight that more people would read it than not.

In the fourth question on my questionnaire, I asked the respondents how much they would be willing to pay for the magazine. I gave the participants the option of a free magazine which 20% of them chose. The other options and their percentages are; 50p-£1.00- 35%, £1.00-£1.50- 35%, £1.50-£2.00- 10%. This is beneficial to me as it advises me that the general target price for the school magazine would be around5 50p to a maximum of £1.50.

In question 5, I asked the participants out of the options given, which would be the readers preferred magazine name. 30% voted for ABI News, 10% voted for The Abizine and 20% voted for Archies News. However the most popularly voted name was ABI4U. By this winning the majority of the votes, tells me that ABI4U would be the most popular name for the magazine allowing it to appeal to widest audience.

In question 6, I provided options of which pages in the magazine would be most appealing and asked the participants to vote for the page in which they would take most interest in reading. 26.32% voted sports section, 21.05% voted canteen menu, another 21.05% voted extra-curricular activities, 15.79% voted school achievements and a following 15.79% voted upcoming events. This analysis tells me the results over 20% will be extremely popular pages and I should include them in my magazine to attract customers/ readers. I also left an option to leave a comment in the comment box for this particular question. The comment left by a participant explained that they would not be interested in reading any of these pages, assisting me in my magazine production that I should think of adding other pages which would expand my magazine customers/ audience.

In question 7, I asked the questionnaire takers what their preferred choice of magazine freebie would be. 35% would prefer a USB stick along with another 35% preferring a free goodie from the character. The less popular choice was a piece of stationary with only a 30% vote. This informs me that if a USB stick or a free goodie from the canteen was included along with the magazine it would appeal to a wide audience.

In this question I asked the participants if an anonymous advice section was given in the magazine, would they be willing to write in to contribute. 52.63% responded yes, 25.05% responded no and 26.32% responded that it would be depending on the subject of the advice column. This tells me that over half of the respondents would be willing to contribute to the advice column consequently meaning it would popular and I should include this in my school magazine.

Following up from the last question, I asked the participants if they believe whether a non-bullying support for pupils would be useful. 25% of responses didn’t think the article would be useful whilst 15% said it would be personally useful to them. A staggering 60% believed the articles would be useful to others but not themselves. These analysed results inform me that a bullying support article in my magazine would although not appeal to everyone, be a respected part of the magazine.

In question 10, I asked the participants how often they would like the magazine to be published. 15% answered weekly, 35% voted monthly and only 5% responded every month. However the most popular vote was every fortnight with a superior 45%. As this is the most obvious popular vote, I now know that to publish my school magazine every fortnight would be the preferred choice of the majority of my audience.

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