
Front CoverMy front cover was inspired by this issue of NME. As you can see I have taken key points to incorporate in to my own so that it follows keys and conventions of a real music magazines front cover. One way that my front cover uses keys and conventions is by integrating certain features of the NME front cover such as the positioning of the barcode so that it doesn’t distract from more key components in the cover such as the artist. Another way I have used keys and conventions is by including a bright main cover line ,a bottom bar of added extras, subheading that are a intro for the main cover line

The ways in which my front cover challenges real music magazines is based on the Feminist Theory ‘male gaze’ even though there females on mine and NME , my artist is showing a lot more skin compared to the artist on NME and is a way of pulling in male audience.My front cover develops forms and conventions from the mise-en-scene perspectives; this is because I have kept the clothing quite basic compared to what the artist (Florence) is wearing the NME cover, my artist isn't doing any actions e.g. hand gestures. This is so the audience are focused on the actual artist , cover lines and so the front cover doesn't look to cluttered.

and cover lines either side of the front cover images to make it more parallel.

Contents Page For my contents page I was influenced by a Q contents page and used the layouts of the page to create my own contents page. My contents page uses forms and conventions as I have really thought about the positioning theory for my layout and by conducting research to find an existing contents page like Q to use as a guideline. Another way my contents page uses forms and conventions is that I have included a range of images to excite readers and so that they have a understanding of what will be included in the rest of the magazine. Q contents page inspired my title layout even though they are not similar, they link in a simplistic way .One way in which my contents page challenges a real magazine is that I have included the date on this page for readers benefit . Saving them having to skip back to the front page. I haven't seen this on many existing music magazines making it a rare feature however the Q contents page that I have used as inspiration does include the date and I feel like its useful for certain content in the magazine e.g. gigs and concerts. Another way in which I think my contents page challenges real music contents pages is that I have included more information and detail l to the content and a review from the editor to make the page that little more important, Q magazine has only included information from the features on the front cover and not any extra information.

Double Page SpreadMy double page spread was inspired by a Kerrang double page spread as I like the layout and how it didn’t look too busy. My double page spread uses forms and conventions as I have included and full interview with the featured artist from the front cover. I have included a few images; one main image and a smaller one, the Kerrang double page spread has only included one however it is at a much larger scale compared to the images used in my double page spread. I have incorporated the positioning theory as there is a lot of content so you want to make sure it has a structure like a real magazine . I integrated how Kerrang divided their questions from artist answer using two different colours making it less confusing for the reader and works as a guide for them. My double page spread challenges a real music magazines as I have positioned my images in a peculiar way; by embedding them in a bulk of text , including half an image down the side of the page , I think this makes the page look more interesting and fun. Another way that my double page spread challenges real music magazines as I have includes a ‘Top 5 songs on playlist’ chart which is mentions in the interview and would intrigue readers to know what artists listen to. I haven't seen a feature like this in a real double page spread which is why it challenges them .

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