Page 1: Analytics Assignment - Research on Fruition Science


IIIT B – Analytics Assignment 1Submitted by – Aditya Dashora

Page 2: Analytics Assignment - Research on Fruition Science

+About Fruition Sciences

Founded in California in 2007

Offers “Web bases analytics solution” for vineyards and winemakers to:

Optimize the quality of the grapes using informed decision making Identify the appropriate quantity and opportunity to irrigate Uses combination of bio-sensors coupled with wireless access points to

capture the “Data” which is processed by Cloud based Analytics engine

“Internet of Things (IoT) but for agriculture” – Forbs

Gaining tremendous popularity because of innovative thinking and strong word of mouth

A brief description about company’s business

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+Business Problem Opportunity

Traditional methods of irrigating vineyards were less predictable

There was lot of water consumption to grow the grapes and therefore it used to cost a lot of money to vineyards

During the draught situation earlier last year, vineyard owners were asked to reduce water consumption by law enforcement agencies

It could potentially impact the USD 61Bn wine industry

A revolutionary idea that is changing the wine industry

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+Analytics did the magic

To know how vineyard is transpiring and responding to the weather, bio-sensors were installed. These bio-sensors started generating tremendous amount of data and sending it to analytics servers on real time basis using wireless network

Data was structured and organized on the servers for further processing

Applied descriptive analytics techniques on the massive data generated by bio-sensors to analyze the behavior of plants towards the changing weather and the amount of water plant releases through leaves

Analysis of weather data to understand the weather’s pressure on plants

Designed predictive model to identify plant water deficit and health of the plant

Created a web-based decision platform (accessible via any device) for farmers to view vineyards health and required corrective actions

Futuristic Approach: Combining Internet of things and Analytics

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+Analytics ideas for farmers

Using big data and analytics techniques, a relationship can be established between global supply chain of agricultural products, the patterns and demands from consumer food industry (fast food or packaged food) and agricultural data of various grains, fruits, vegetables etc.

Farmers should be able to predict the global demand and produce the product accordingly. Farmers from countries like India can enter into global business

Food waste can be reduced by supplying excessive food to other counties

Global price control of agricultural products by better alignment between demand and supply

“Walmart” has done some work in these lines to some extent

Supply chain + food industry + agricultural analytics

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