Download - Anatomy Review

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Cells to Organs…

What Makes up YOU!

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What organs make up the Integumentary System?

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Skin, Hair, & Nails

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What is the job of the Integumentary System?

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To protect underlying tissues and maintain a constant internal temperature.

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What organs make up the Skeletal System?

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Bones and cartilage.

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What is the job of the Skeletal System?

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To protect other organs, maintain structure of the body, and aid in movement.

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What organs make up the Muscular System?

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Skeletal, Smooth, and Cardiac Muscles.

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What is the job of Skeletal Muscles?

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To move bones by pulling on them (voluntary).

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What is the job of Smooth Muscles?

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To aid in involuntary movements, such as moving blood through blood vessels and food through the digestive system.

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What is the job of Cardiac Muscle?

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Heart is made of cardiac muscle, which never gets tired. It pumps blood throughout the body.

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What is the difference between Voluntary and Involuntary Muscles?

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You control voluntary muscles, while involuntary muscles move without conscious thought.

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What organs make up the Nervous System?

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Central Nervous System: Brain and Spinal Cord

Peripheral Nervous System: Nerves

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What is the job of the Nervous System?

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Control body functions through electrical impulses and to transfer information from senses to brain.

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What organs make up the Endocrine System?

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Glands such as the adrenal, pituitary, and pancreas.

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What is the job of the Endocrine System?

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To control functions, such as digestion and growth, through the use of hormones (which move slower than nerve impulses).

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What organs make up the Respiratory System?

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Lungs, trachea, and nose.

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What is the job of the Respiratory System?

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To bring in oxygen and remove carbon dioxide.

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What does the diaphragm do during breathing?

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Opens and closes the ribcage to allow the lungs to inflate and deflate.

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What organs make up the Cardiovascular System?

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Heart, blood, and blood vessels.

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What is the job of the cardiovascular system?

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To pump blood, which carries oxygen and nutrients, around the body.

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How are the Respiratory System and Cardiovascular System related?

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The Respiratory System supplies oxygen to the Cardiovascular System, which transports the oxygen throughout the body.

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What organs make up the Digestive System?

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Mouth, Esophagus, Stomach, Small Intestine, Large Intestine, Liver, and Gall Bladder.

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What is the job of the Digestive System?

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To break down food into usable nutrients the body can absorb.

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Where does Digestion begin?

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The mouth.

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What are the main organs in the Urinary System?

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The Kidneys.

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What is the job of the Urinary System?

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To remove wastes from blood and regulate the amount of fluid in the body.

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What organs make up the Lymphatic System?

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Spleen, Thymus, Bone Marrow, Lymph, and Lymph Nodes.

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What is the job of the Lymphatic System?

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Return fluid to blood vessels and to fight foreign pathogens (bacteria and viruses) that enter the body.

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