



On the pacific coast of South America, people began farming about 2000 BC. In the high Andes mountains, they grew potatoes and the low lands grew corn

Tribes fought with one another for control of the food resources, until the Inca founded the last great empire in early America in the Andes region

• The Inca Empire, or Tawantinsuyu, was the largest empire in pre-Columbian America. 

• The Inca referred to their empire as Tawantinsuyu which can be translated as The Four Regions or The Four United Provinces.

• The Inca civilization arose from the highlands of Peru sometime in the early 13th century.

• The Inca Empire covered a vast area, stretching more than 4800 km (2500 miles) long from today’s Ecuador thru Peru, Bolivia, Chile and Argentina

• Inca ruled as many as 12 million people who lived in coastal villages, in the rugged Andes and in the rainforests in the Amazon river

INCA CIVILIZATION The Inca Empire was greater than the Aztec in area and organization. But it did not have the cruelty of the Aztec or the inventiveness of the Maya.

The Inca Empire was the largest empire in the Americas before the coming of western colonizers.

From Cuzco, their capital city, Inca roads reached all parts of the empire. The Inca had no wheels, so fast runners went back and forth to all cities to carry orders or news.


At its height, the Inca ruled over 12 million people or hundreds of tribes and languages. A common language united them, as well as highly organized government. The Inca king was an absolute ruler, who organized local authorities.

• Most of the accounts agree on thirteen emperors. The Inca emperors were known by various titles, including "Sapa Inca," "Capac Apu," and "Intip Cori." Often, an emperor was simply referred to as The Inca.

• The incredibly rapid expansion of the Inca Empire began with Viracocha's son Pachacuti, who was one of the great conquerors, and one of the great men in the history of the Americas. With his accession in 1438 AD reliable history began

• Pachacuti was called considered the greatest man that the aboriginal race of America has produced. He and his son Topa Inca were powerful rulers conquering many lands as they built their kingdom. He was also the greatest king the Inca Empire.

• Pachacuti was a great civic planner as well. Tradition ascribes to him the city plan of Cuzco as well as the erection of many of the massive masonry buildings that still awe visitors at this this ancient capital

Francisco Pizzaro was only a pig farmer in Spain. But he dared to become a conquistador (conqueror) and reached Peru in 1530, in search of gold and glory. The Inca empire was already declining when he arrived. Hence, Pizzaro conquered easily. He exploited the civil war between royal princes and weakened the people. Finally, he killed Atahualpa, the last king of the Inca Empire and looted the empire.

Some Inca rebels fled to the Andes mountains and founded their hidden city of Machu Picchu, near Cuzco in Peru. Here they held out as free men for many more years in their last city.

Today, Machu Picchu is a favorite tourist site in Peru and one of the wonders of the world

Although they had no wheels, the Incas outshone even the Romans in construction. Their long roads system is still seen today, connecting mountains, rivers and coastal plains in South America.

They were able to haul huge stone blocks to build magnificent temples and palaces. They shaped the stones so perfectly, that their buildings are still intact despite the many earthquakes that route the Andes mountain rage. Inca stonewalls do not fall, as do many strong buildings.

SOCIETYThe Inca organized an interesting socialist society with mutual benefit for everyone. According to the Inca thinking “ The individual works for all, and the state is required to protect the individual”Under this system, the people shared the harvests or trading income, while the government punished criminals and kept out invaders. To them, a person must work for a living, and all begging and laziness were punished as serious crimes. Nobody had too much or too little• The city was mainly used for the government. All the records for nearby

villages were reported by their leaders and recorded in the city • About the only people who lived in the city were the metalworkers,

carpenters, weavers and other crafters who made artwork for the temples. These people lived in the artisans' quarters. Outside of the cities were the government storehouses and soldiers' barracks.

• In every major Inca city, the Sapa Inca had a palace for use when he visited the city

RELIGION• The Incas worshipped many Gods especially the sun • They called themselves the “Children of the Sun”• They believed in the afterlife, with good and bad

endings• Did not make human sacrifices

Inca deities occupied the three realms:• Hanan Pacha, the celestial realm in the sky.• Uku Pacha, the inner earth.• Cay Pacha, the outer earth where humans live.

IN SCIENCE AND LANGUAGE• The Inca were inferior to the Maya and Aztecs.• They had very little mathematics, no calendar and no writing. But they had a beautiful art,

pottery and gold jewelries.• Proverbs and stories were handed down by oral tradition because they had no written language

But actually they have a calendar

• The Inca calendar had 12 months of 30 days, with each month having its own festival, and a five day feast at the end, before the new year began. The Incan year started in December, and began with Capac Raymi, the magnificent festival.

• Most historians agree that the Inca had a calendar based on the observation of both the Sun and the Moon, and their relationship to the stars. Names of 12 lunar months are recorded, as well as their association with festivities of the agricultural cycle.

• There is no suggestion of the widespread use of a numerical system for counting time, although a quinary decimal system, with names of numbers at least up to 10,000, was used for other purposes. The organization of work on the basis of six weeks of nine days suggests the further possibility of a count by triads that could result in a formal month of 30 days.

CONCLUSION• On the pacific coast of South America, people began farming

about 2000 BC• The Inca Empire or Tawantinsuyu, was the largest empire in

pre-Columbian America. • Tawantinsuyu means The Four Regions or The Four United

Provinces.• The Inca civilization arose from the highlands of Peru

sometime in the early 13th century.• The Inca Empire is more than 4800 km (2500 miles) long from

today’s Ecuador thru Peru, Bolivia, Chile and Argentina • Is Peru in modern day times• The Inca Empire was greater than the Aztec in area and

organization. But it did not have the cruelty of the Aztec or the inventiveness of the Maya.

• At its height, the Inca ruled over 12 million people or hundreds of tribes and languages.

• A common language united them, as well as highly organized government.

• The Inca king was an absolute ruler• Their capital city is Cuzco• Machu Picchu is their last city• The Inca organized an interesting socialist society with mutual

benefit for everyone • They called themselves the “Children of the Sun”• Did not make human sacrifices • Their main God is Inti, the Sun God• They had very little mathematics, have a calendar and no

writing. But they had a beautiful art, pottery and gold jewelries.

The End Thx for listening

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