Page 1: Ancient meets Emergent:  Training in the Digital Age

Ancient meets EmergentTraining in the Digital Age

Page 2: Ancient meets Emergent:  Training in the Digital Age


The New Learner

Time to usefulness

Distributed workforce

Increasingly complex tasks

Page 3: Ancient meets Emergent:  Training in the Digital Age

The Ancient

We have been learning for thousands of years

There is solid evidence about how we learn

We ignore years of learning research at our own risk

We can stand on the shoulders of giants

Page 4: Ancient meets Emergent:  Training in the Digital Age

design Constructivism social learning schema

problem-based learning human cognitive load scaffolding knowledge

retention development motivation

activation integration demonstration social

evaluation authentic assessment

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The Emergent

Web 2.o principles for teaching and learning

openness user-contributed information identity

reputation management social information sharing

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Venues for training delivery & learner participation

blogs wikis community forums chat podcasts

virtual conferencing RSS aggregators Second Life

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Blending the natural environment with technology

virtual communities simulations livescribe

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Human is Good

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