Page 1: AND HIS DOG!. Learning Perspective Terms:  Unconditional Stimulus→ A stimulus that provides a response without prior learning.  Unconditional Response→




Page 2: AND HIS DOG!. Learning Perspective Terms:  Unconditional Stimulus→ A stimulus that provides a response without prior learning.  Unconditional Response→

Learning Perspective Terms:

Unconditional Stimulus→ A stimulus that provides a response without prior learning.Unconditional Response→ An unlearned response that is automatically elicited by the US.Conditioned Stimulus→ Previous neutral stimulus that eventually elicits the condition response after being associated with the unconditioned stimulus.Conditioned Response→Learned response to CS that occurs after conditioned stimulus and unconditioned stimulus paring. (Pavlov, 1927)Reflexes→ Automatic stimulus- response connections.Classical Conditioning→ A neutral stimulus becomes associated with a meaningful stimulus and acquires the capacity to elicit a similar response.

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Learning→ A relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs through experience. Extinction→ The weakening of the conditioned response in the absence of the unconditioned stimulus.Stimulus Substitution→ Pavlos theory of how classical conditioning works; the nervous system is structured in such a way that the conditioned stimulus and the unconditioned stimulus bond together and eventually the conditioned stimulus substituted for the unconditioned stimulus.Information theory→ Contemporary explanation of why classical condition works, key to understand classical conditioning focuses on the information an organisim gets from the situation.Counterconditioning→ A procedure for weakening a conditioned response by associating the fear-provoking stimulus with a new response incompatible with the fear.

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Learning Perspective..The learning perspective examines the effects of experience and the role of the environment on development. Therefore learning is equal to development.

Our behavior, personalities, and thoughts are shaped by the different experiences we encounter. Learning theorists state that we are a product of our environment.

Traditional Learning Theory is based on behavior modification through classical conditioning and operant conditioning.

Social Learning Theory focuses on two ideas. One is the relationship between cognition, behavior and the environment. The second is learning through modeling or observation. The four criteria for learning by observation are:

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Behaviorism:You can only observe behavior, you cant test it in any way. People learn their behavior by training. Behaviorists believe that all behavior is conditioned, reinforced and reflexive. “Free will is an allusion”.

Classical Conditioning(Also refered to as Pavlovian after our very own Ivan Pavlov). There is a procedure for inducing classical conditioning which involves a neutral stimulus, and an unconditioned stimulus which result in an unconditionedresponse. FOR EXAMPLE →PAVLOVS DOG→ BELL (neutral stimulus) † FOOD

(unconditioned stimulus) = SALIVATION (unconditioned response).

↘BELL (conditioned stimulus) = SALIVATION (conditioned response).

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WHO IS THIS PAVLOV GUY?Ivan Petrovich Pavlov, was born in Ryazan, Russia on September 14, 1849. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Psychology or Medicine 1904 for his work on the digestive system. This man is most recognized by his discovery of classical conditioning. Pavlov received his doctorate in 1879 from the university of Saint Petersburg on natural sciences and became a psychologist. In 1890 Pavlov was appointed Professor of Pharmacology at the Military Medical Academy and five years later he was appointed to the then vacant Chair of Physiology. At first Ivan was most interested on his investigation of gastric functions of dogs, and he dedicated to his throughout the 1890’s by collecting measuring and analyzing the saliva and its response to food under various conditions. His research in the physiology of digestion led him to create a science of conditioned reflexes we now know as classical conditioning. Pavlov then noticed that the dogs to salivate before they ate the food and he set out to investigate this "psychic secretion", as he named it.


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This discovery of the function of conditioned reflexes made it possible to investigate by experimental means the most complex interrelations between an organism and its external environment. In the paper The Experimental Psychology and Psychopathology of Animals the definition of conditioned and other reflexes was specified. This states that conditioned reflexes should be regarded as a psychological phenomenon. Following this came the clue that condition reflex was a response of organisms to their environment. Therefore Pavlov transformed Sechenov’s attempt to discover the reflex mechanism of psychic activity into a proven theory of conditioned reflexes. The development of the principles of determinism, analysis, synthesis, and structure by Pavlov and his school helped building-up a scientific theory of medicine and toward the discovery of laws governing the functioning of the organism as a whole. Throughout his life, even in the beginning of his researches, Pavlov received world acclaim and recognition. He was given plenty of awards including an honorary doctorate at Cambridge University in 1912, and a recommendation of the Medical Academy of Paris awarded him the Order of the Legion of Honour in 1915.

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A special government decree signed by Lenin on January 24, 1921 noted “the outstanding scientific services of Academician Pavlov, which are of enormous significance to the working class of the whole world”. The Soviet Government and the Communist Party of Russia made sure that Pavlov and his research team received unlimited scope for scientific research. The Soviet Union became very involved in the study of physiology and the International Physiological Congress of 1935 took place in Leningrad and Moscow as a reflection of Russia’s new interest.

Pavlov left the greatest scientific legacy, a group of young pupils who continued developing the ideas of their master. Ivan Pavlov nurtured a great school of physiologists. He directed himself toward scientific reforms and transforming the physiological institutions headed by him into centers of scientific knowledge. Dr. Pavlov died in Leningrad on February 27, 1936.

Pavlov married Serephima Vasilievna known as Sara in 1881. She was a teacher and daughter of a doctor of the Black Sea fleet. After a traumatizing miscarriage they had a son Wirchik, who died suddenly as a child. Three more sons were born, Vladimir, Victor and Vsevolod, a well known physicist and professor at Leningrad. Unexpectedly another child arrived, their daughter Vera, which Ivan Pavlov called his blessing.

→ →→

Personal Stuff



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EXPERIMENT→ While Ivan Pavlov worked to unveil the secrets of the

digestive system, he also studied what signals triggered related

phenomena, such as the secretion of saliva. This saliva is

needed in order to make the food easier to swallow.

→ Pavlov became interested in studying reflexes when he saw

that the dogs drooled without the proper stimulus. Although

no food was in sight, their saliva still dribbled. It turned out

that the dogs were reacting to a stimulus. Every time the dogs

were served food, this stimulus let them know. Therefore, the

dogs reacted as if food was on its way whenever they perceived

this stimulus.

→ In a series of experiments, Pavlov then tried to figure out

how these phenomena were linked. For example, he struck a

bell when the dogs were fed. If the bell was sounded in close

association with their meal, the dogs learnt to associate the

sound of the bell with food. After a while, at the mere sound of

the bell, they responded by drooling. The Moment of


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BELL→ NEUTRAL STIMULUS: produces no specific response other than focusing attention.FOOD→ UNCONDITIONED STIMULUS: something natural , elicits an unconditioned response. SALIVATION→ UNCONDITIONED RESPONSE: unlearned response that occurs naturally in response to an unconditioned stimulus.


BELL→CONDITIONED STIMULUS: is previously neutral stimulus that once associated

with the unconditioned stimulus it triggers a conditioned response. = SALIVATION→ CONDITIONED RESPONSE: learned response to the previously neutral stimulus.

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Page 12: AND HIS DOG!. Learning Perspective Terms:  Unconditional Stimulus→ A stimulus that provides a response without prior learning.  Unconditional Response→

YOU DIDN’T KNOW!!•Born to a Russian minister on September 14, 1849, Pavlov grew up in the town of Ryazan. Due to a childhood accident, Ivan was unable to attend school as early as other children, but did get started at age 11. After finishing school he was sent to theological seminary to follow in his father's footsteps, but dropped out in 1870 to enroll at the University of St. Petersburg. It was there that Pavlov became interested in and started his career in physiology .•There is a progressive rock/AOR band from the 1970’s that was named Pavlov’s Dog. This band formed in St. Louis in 1972. •Most commentary about Ivan Pavlov examines his work on conditioned reflexes and how it influenced other ideas, even brainwashing. One example is the book "Brainwashing from Pavlov to Powers" by Edward Hunter.

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Pavlov felt that the experimental methods used by many physiologic researchers introduced too many sources of error. In order to understand the true physiological mechanisms of an organ, that organ had to be observed as it functioned as a part of whole body: "I would prefer to remain a pure physiologist, that is, an investigator who studies the functions of separate organs, the conditions of their activity, and the synthesis of their function in the total mechanism as a part or in the whole of the organism; and I am little interested in the ultimate, deep basis for the function of an organ or of its tissues, for which primarily chemical or physical analysis is required."

The final 35 years of Pavlov's research were devoted to the investigation of the conditioned reflex and the study of the brain. In the late 1920's, he began working with clinical patients, trying to understand the qualitative differences between the higher nervous processes of animals and of people. "Science will sooner or later bring the obtained objective results to our subjective world, and will at once illuminate our mysterious nature, will explain the mechanism and vital meaning of that which eternally occupies the human mind - it's conscience, and it's tribulations."

The ' model presented by Pavlov had an enormous influence on western behavioral psychology. For'conditioning Pavlov, the assumption was that the unconscious processes that existed were simple reflexes which could be conditioned to affect behavioral change.

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The phrase "Pavlov's dog" is often used to describe someone who merely reacts to a situation rather than uses critical thinking.Classical Conditioning Today

Classical conditioning is used in many aspects of society and the simplicity and notoriety of Pavlov’s study makes it a valuable example. There have been many more experiments adding to Pavlov’s original. Some of these have involved timing, overshadowing, and blocking. Classical conditioning has also found its way into the realms of entertainment. The most notable example of this is the 1962 novel A Clockwork Orange written by Anthony Burgess and it subsequent 1971 movie directed by the late Stanley Kubrick. A Clockwork Orange details the activities of a young ultra-violet protagonist named Alex. Alex is "cured" of his evil tendencies via classical conditioning. He is forced to watch various films depicting ultra-violence (US) and the like , and his natural feeling of excitement or joy serves as the UR. The films are paired with a drug (CS) that makes Alex violently ill. In turn Alex eventually becomes violently ill (now the CR) when he begins to feel the excitement associated with violence.

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Classical conditioning is generally used with low-involvement products. This is because classical conditioning is most effective when emotion is involved (Classical Conditioning.) Advertising for low-involvement products usually attacks the consumer through affective means because nobody wants to think (cognitive) about purchasing low-involvement products. Advertising and sales promotion (event sponsorship) are the most common forms of classical conditioning in marketing. The goal of advertisers is to get the exposed person at the grocery store or what have you, to associate the positive feeling they had for the ad with the product. This makes the positive feeling now the CR. Event sponsorship is very similar to this. With event sponsorship the sponsor wants the person viewing the event (US) to project the positive feelings (UR) they get from the event with their product. The big advantage to event sponsorship is that the person being exposed has generally chosen to be exposed to the event. Therefore, the positive emotional feeling toward the event can be intense.

Anheuser-Busch using the Budweiser frogs and then lizards→ The frogs/lizards (US) are funny (UR). Budweiser is the CS. When your at the liquor store and you smile uncontrollably at the stacks of Budweiser, the humor has become the CR.

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Although the first image that comes to mind while mentioning

Ivan Pavlov's name is his drooling dogs, he became a Nobel

Laureate for his research in a different field. In 1904 he received

the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his pioneering

studies of how the digestive system works.

Until Pavlov started to scrutinize this field, our knowledge of how

food was digested in the stomach, and what mechanisms were

responsible for regulating this, were quite foggy.

In order to understand the process, Pavlov developed a new way

of monitoring what was happening. He surgically made fistulas in

animals' stomachs, which enabled him to study the organs and

take samples of body fluids from them while they continued to

function normally.

Pavlovs Digestive Theory

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“Precise knowledge of what happens to the food

entering the organism must be the subject of ideal

physiology, the physiology of the future. Present-

day physiology can but engage in the continuous

accumulation of material for the achievement of

this distant aim. The physiologist who succeeds in

penetrating deeper and deeper into the digestive

canal becomes convinced that it consists of a

number of chemical laboratories equipped with

various mechanical devices.”- Pavlov December 12,


What many people dont know is that Pavlov was awarded the Nobel Price on psychology or medicine because of his digestive study, not his classical conditioning discovery!

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Conditioned reflexes had the most impact on the field of psychology of all of

Pavlov’s works. In his study on the reflex regulation of the activity of the

digestive glands, Pavlov paid close attention to the “psychic secretion,” which

is caused by food stimuli at a distance from an animal. This finding of

conditioned reflexes made it possible to study all psychic activity objectively

instead of subjectively. Pavlov deduced three ideas for the theory of reflexes:

the principle of determinism, the principle of analysis and synthesis, and the

principle of structure. The development of these principles by Pavlov and his

school helped towards the building-up of a scientific theory of medicine.

Experiments done by Pavlov and his students showed that conditioned

reflexes start in the cerebral cortex, which acts as the prime distributor and

organizer of all activity of the organism and is responsible for the equilibrium

of an animal. Pavlov's contribution to this new psychology was at a very basic

level and much of his earlier research regarding the results of his

experiments were erroneous to the field of psychology. However, his

contributions we now know were very important to the development of

modern psychology.


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Behaviorism and the learning perspective are composed of many fields, but Pavlov´s discovery led to a branch of behaviorism in psychology. These psychologists believe that every single reaction, action, and emotion we present is learned. That means there is no involvement of phenotypes in our behavior, the only problem encountered is that behavior cannot be measured only observed. This implies you can’t always be 100% sure of behaviorism because a person might be acting a certain way to please you, or the person is very cunning. Even if us humans learn mostly through operant conditioning during our life period, psychologists have discovered we learn this unconsciously by classical conditioning and this makes a whole peace of our behavior. What this means is that we act certain way or fell certain way and we don’t even know why, but the classical conditioning is there. I want to give a personal example of classical conditioning: I put my tea in the microwave and turn it on, the sound of the microwave (NS). Then I ask my maid to hand me my baby bottle (US). She gets the baby bottle and pours the tea herself from the cup (CR). Now every time I put the microwave on (CS), she already has my baby bottle ready to poor the tea into(CR).P.S. I AM ALSO WORKING ON CLASSICAL CONDITIONING YOU MR!

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