Page 1: AND TRAINEESHIPS WORK? HOW DO SCHOOL-BASED … · school- based or traineeship. apprenticeship or traineeship. Five steps to becoming a school-based apprentice or trainee 1. Choose

seWHAT ARE SCHOOL-BASED APPRENTICESHIPSAND TRAINEESHIPS?School-based apprenticeships and traineeships allow you to workfor an employer and undertake training towards a recognisedqualification, while completing your secondary school studies.

On completion of year 12, you will receive a Queensland Certificateof Education, have trained towards a certificate qualification inyour chosen career and been paid for the time spent working.


• Get a head start on your career while still at school.

• Get experience in the workplace before you leave school.

• Earn money for the time you spend working.

• Train towards a qualification in your chosen career.

• Work towards achieving a nationally recognised qualification.

• Improve your confidence.

School-based apprenticeships and traineeships are a great wayto make the move from school to work. They will put you a stepahead of the competition when you apply for jobs and give you theconfidence to continue working or go on to further study.

WHO CAN DO A SCHOOL-BASED APPRENTICESHIPOR TRAINEESHIP?School-based apprenticeships and traineeships are mainlydesigned for year 11 and 12 students.

HOW DO SCHOOL-BASED APPRENTICESHIPSAND TRAINEESHIPS WORK?School-based apprenticeships and traineeships involve a mixof studying at high school, training and working. All of thesethings will become part of your school timetable.

SchoolYou will continue to go to school to earn your QueenslandCertificate of Education.

A school-based apprenticeship or traineeship must have animpact on your school timetable. That means some of yourtraining and work must take place during school hours. As partof your training plan, an Education, Training and EmploymentSchedule will be developed with you, your employer, school,training provider and your parents or care-givers to outline whenyou are at school, work and training.

The qualification or competencies you complete during yourschool-based apprenticeship or traineeship can be recordedon your Queensland Certificate of Education and will berecognised wherever you go in Australia.

It is also possible for you to gain an Overall Position Score(OP)while you are doing a school-based apprenticeship ortraineeship as part of your school studies.

WorkAs part of your school-based apprenticeship or traineeship youwill work for a minimum of 48 'days (or an equal amount of hours)over a 12-month period. You may work:

• one or more days a week and attend school on theremaining days

• for blocks of time depending on what you and youremployer need

• on weekends, during school holidays or after school.

You will be paid for the time spent working, including an extraamount to make up for not receiving sick or recreation leave.

However, as a school-based apprentice or trainee, you will notbe paid for the time spent undertaking training delivered by thetraining provider.



TrainingYour training provider will make sure you learn the skillsyou need to successfully complete your apprenticeshipor traineeship.

Training will take place while you are at work, at schooland/or at your training provider (a TAFEinstitute or othertraining orga-nisation).

Training costs

Talk to your training provider about the costs of the training.Some receive State Government funding to deliver this training.

Other costs to consider include transport costs, uniforms andequipment, and study materials.

To find out if you are eligible for assistance to cover some ofthese costs visit or call1800210210.

You may also be eligible for Youth Allowance or similar. assistance from the Commonwealth Government. ContactCentrelink on 13 2490 or visit the Centrelink office in your localarea for more information.

WHAT HAPPENS IF I DON'T COMPLETE MYSCHOOL-BASED APPRENTICESHIP ORTRAINEESHIPWHILE I'M AT SCHOOL?Some students complete their school-based traineeship whilethey are still at school. However, all school-based apprenticesand some school-based trainees will need to finish theirtraining after they have left school.

If you do not complete your apprenticeship or traineeship whileat school, your employer will need to convert you to a full-timeor part-time apprentice or trainee as soon as you leave school.

Page 2: AND TRAINEESHIPS WORK? HOW DO SCHOOL-BASED … · school- based or traineeship. apprenticeship or traineeship. Five steps to becoming a school-based apprentice or trainee 1. Choose

wWho might be involvedin your school-basedapprenticeship ortraineeship?

Department of Education, Training and the ArtsThe department oversees and administers the apprenticeshipand traineeship system and provides advice and assistance toeveryone involved in the apprenticeship or traineeship.


EMPLOYER OR GROUP GUARDIANIf you are - ING If you are under 18.

employed by a RG ISATIO' your parent or

group training Where the srHOOL-BASED guardian will need

organisation, you - group training PRENTICE ~ to be involved at

will be placed organisation is your R TRAINEEdifferent stages.

with a host employer. it will payemployer to get you and organisework experience. your training.



The training give approval for

An Australian provider will you to become a

apprenticeships manage the school-based

centre can help you ~ training for the - apprentice or

and your employer school- based trainee.

get started in the apprenticeship

school- based or traineeship.

apprenticeshipor traineeship.

Five steps to becominga school-basedapprentice or trainee1. Choose the right

apprenticeship ortraineeship

There are hundreds ofapprenticeships andtraineeships available. To findone that suits you, think aboutwhat you enjoy doing andwhat your interests are. Talk tofamily, friends or your school'sguidance officer or careercounsellor and check out careerwebsites

To access information aboutapprenticeship and traineeshiptypes, call ApprenticeshipsInfo on 1800210210 or visitwww.qtis.trainandemploy.

2. Talk to your schoolOnce you have decided on anapprenticeship or traineeshipthat is right for you, talk tothe guidance officer, careercounsellor, vocational educationand training coordinator orhead of senior schooling atyour school to see if you canundertake it as part of yourschool studies.

3. Find an employerYou will need to find anemployer who will give you a jobso you can earn while you learn.Your school should work withyou to find a suitable employer.

4. Choose a trainingprovider

Training providers delivertraining to apprentices andtrainees. Training providers willwork with you, your school andyour employer to help developa training plan, deliver training,assess your achievement ofskills, and issue the qualificationon successful completionof your apprenticeshipor traineeship.

To find a training provider or call ApprenticeshipsInfo on 1800210210.

5. Get startedYou will enter into a trainingcontract, which is a legallybinding document, with youremployer. It is an agreement towork and train together for alength oftime. A training planincluding an Education, Trainingand Employment Schedulewill also be developed for youto ensure you learn the skillsyou need.

At the start of the school-basedapprenticeship or traineeshipyou will complete a probationperiod. A probation periodallows you to work and trainwith your employer before youdecide whether to continue withthe school-based apprenticeshipor traineeship.

Training that worksfor the tradesQueensland currently has a shortage of skilled tradespeople.That's why changes are being made to get more people intoapprenticeships that lead to rewarding trade careers.

These changes include:

• shortening many apprenticeships

• creating more training places

• providing more support to apprentices during

their training

• establishing SkillsTech Australia, a specialist tradeskills institute to deliver trade training.

For more information about the changes or call 1300 369 935.

Want to know more?If you or your parents or care-givers would like more informationabout school-based apprenticeships or traineeships, talk to theguidance officer, career counsellor, vocational education and trainingcoordinator or head of senior schooling at your school.

You can also contact Apprenticeships Info on 1800 210 210,by email [email protected]. or

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