
Angela Kim

A Tale of Two Cities Study Guide

BOOK I Recalled to Life

Chapter 1 The Period (Introduces the SETTING of the novel)

1. Where is an example of paradox in the first paragraph?

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.

2. What is the main point of the first paragraph?

To convey that life had its ups and at the same time it had its downs

3. Who is governing England and France?

4. What were the social conditions of each country?

France was marked by corruption, inhumane punishments, excessive use of the guillotine, the commoners (farmers, woodsman, etc) were overlooked in society. England was marked by an abundance of burglaries and highwaymen making life very unsafe, people were two-faced, much crime being committed by musketeers, prisoners, highwaymen, that hangman was kept very busy.

5. Where are there examples of personification?

-Francerolled with exceeding smoothness down the hill.

-All these thingscame to pass upon the dear old year one thousand seven hundred and seventy-five.

-The majesty of the law fired blunderbusses among them.

Chapter 2 The Mail (Introduces the PLOT and CHARACTERS)

1. What kind of atmosphere is created in this chapter?

Intense suspicion and insecurity; eerie effect created from dense fog

2. Why are the passengers so jumpy?

Could not trust one another for they could be a robber or in a league of robbers

3. The mail coach is on the way to what English town?


4. What startled them?

Heard a horse coming up at a distance

5. What message was delivered to Mr. Jarvis Lorry?

Wait at Dover for Mamselle.

6. What message did Mr. Lorry return?

Recalled to Life

7. How did Jerry react to the message?

Thought the reply was very strange and queer

Chapter 3 The Night Shadows

1. Briefly summarize the meaning of the first paragraph.

The narrator discusses his wonders of the secrets and mysteries of every human to another.

2. How are we night shadows to each other?

Have secrets that we do not reveal

3. What characters are haunted by the shadows?

Jerry, the messenger and Mr. Lorry

4. What conversation haunted Mr. Lorry?

Haunted by the conversation with a specter that tells him his body has been buried for eighteen years. During the conversation he is repeatedly asked if he cared to live.

Chapter 4 The Preparation (setting: Royal George Hotel, Dover, England)

1. What is Mr. Lorrys travel plans?

Go to Calais, France, but he first decides to stay over night at the Royal George Hotel in Dover. From there he will eat breakfast, relax, and accept the services of a barber.

2. Give a physical description of Mr. Lorry.

very orderly and methodical elderly man who works for Tellsons Bank. Because of his occupation, he has learned to be somewhat stoic and always treated others in a business-like formal manner. wears a flaxen wig.

3. Whos is Mamselle?

Miss Lucie Manette.

4. Describe the appearance of Lucie Manette

young lady no more than seventeen with golden hair and blue eyes. She has a combination of an inquiring, perplexed, wondered, alarmed, and bright look when she came to see Mr. Lorry.

5. What shocking news does Lucie receive?

her father was actually alive though miserably wretched in an old servants home in Paris

6. How does Lucie react to this news?

Act as if she were in a dream because she had always believed her father to be dead. Thus, she felt as if she was going to see a ghost coming back to life.

7. Who intervened between Mr. Lorry and Lucie?

Miss Pross

8. Describe Miss Pross.

Lucies maidservant, is a wild-looking woman with red hair who possesses a considerable amount of strength as can be inferred when she pushes Mr. Lorry aside. She immediately takes care of Lucie when she enters a state of shock after hearing the news of her father.

9. Why wont Pross cross the channel?

she believes that she is destined to remain on England; scared of the water

Chapter 5 The Wine Shop (Setting St. Antoine, Paris, France)

1. What accident illustrated the poverty of the people of St. Antoine?

The broken casket of wine

2. What might the spilled wine symbolize?

The essential things in life that the people of poverty lacked

3. What example of personification do you see in this chapter?

set it (the firewood) in motion again

4. Who wrote blood on the wall?


5. What did the wine shop owner do about it?

Cover it in mud

6. Describe Monsieur Defarge and Madame Defarge.

bull-necked, martial-looking man of thirty; straitlaced, proper, stout, watchful eye

7. What signals were used by the peasant conspirators in the wine shop?

Use Christian name Jacques

8. Where did M. Defarge lead Lucie and Mr. Lorry?

To the attic

9. Why was Dr. Manette kept locked in the attic?

M. Defrage is afraid Dr. Manette would go insane because of all the freedom he had.

10. Describe Lucies first sighting of her father.

Very nervous and apprehensive; first sees the back of her father w/ white hair

Chapter 6 The Shoemaker

1. Describe Dr. Manettes mental condition.

Solitary life has affect him; stares with blank eyes and repeats everything twice

2. Describe his physical condition.

Very worn out, gaunt, emaciated, a whole labyrinth of white hair

3. What name does he answer to?

One Hundred and Five North Tower

4. Describe Lucies first interaction with her father.

Very emotional, broke into tears, goes and reaches out to father and sits next to him

5. How was Dr. Manette confused upon seeing Lucie?

Thinks shes the gaolers daughter

6. What activities were undertaken at the end of the chapter?

Dr. Manette and Lucie leave Paris thinking it is the best way to be safe

7. What is the unsolved issue at the end of Book One?

Dr. Manette does not remember anybody

BOOK II The Golden Thread

Chapter 1 Five Years Later

1. What is the setting?

Jerry Crunchers private home in Hangingsward Alley, Whitefriars; 1780 A.D.; old fashioned Tellsons Bank by Temple Bar

2. In addition to Tellsons Bank being quaintly old-fashioned, how is it dangerous?

Could send people to death

3. Why was Jerry Cruncher angry at this wife?

She was praying

4. Describe big and little Jerry Cruncher in front of Tellsons Bank.

Big Jerry: Bit and spate straw Little Jerry: bright twinkle in his eye, other than that is exactly the same as Big Jerry

5. As Jerry Sr. is called to deliver a message, what puzzles young Jerry?

The straw was rusty

Chapter 2 A Sight (Old Bailey was/is the chief criminal court in London.)

1. What were Jerrys instructions?

To deliver the note to the doorkeeper at the Old Bailey. After he was admitted, he was to get the attention of Mr.Lorry. Then Jerry just had to stay there until he was needed.

2. The man on trial was charged with treason. What was the penalty?

A torturous death(half hanged; taken down and his body sliced before his eyes; then beheaded and cut into quarters

3. Why is the chapter called A Sight?

A trial of the man accused of treason aroused everybodys attention

4. What was the name of the defendant and the charge?

Charles Darnay charged with treason

5. Why was the courtroom bestrewn with herbs?

Precaution against gaol air and gaol fever

6. Why do you guess were the older man and the young woman in the courtroom?

Lucie Manette and her father

Chapter 3 A Disappointment (attorney general-prosecuting attorney)

1. What do the blueflies represent?

The anticipation present in the courtroom

2. What kind of character and testimony do John Barsad and Roger Cly have?

Terse answers at very rapid speeds

3. Where had Mr. Lorry seen the defendant before?

Calais Packet

4. Describe Lucies testimony.

Very sympathetic towards the prisoner and appreciative of his kindness toward helping

5. Describe Dr. Manettes testimony

Seems to be OK in mind at this time; aware of his confused memory; unable to recall anything b/c of his illness

6. What happened to cause eyewitness identification of Mr. Lorry and Dr. Manette to become uncertain?

Mr. Lorry wrote a note.

7. What happened while the jury was deciding its verdict?

The flies began to swarm again; Lucie fainted

8. Describe Sydney Carton

Rather stoic-looking, calm, unemotional, drunk, looks bored

9. What happened to show that Mr. Carton was more attentive than he seemed?

He saw Lucie about to fall

10. What was the verdict?


11. Describe the behavior of the blueflies now.

The blueflies dispersed

12. What literary device is this: the baffled blue-flies buzz?


-John Barsad(witness supporting Attorney Generals case that Darnay is guilty. Involved in brawls/gambling/ debtors prison

-Roger Cly(defense attorney Mr. Stryver reveals dubious and untrustworthy witness

Chapter 4 Congratulatory

1. What is Dr. Manettes condition?

Tired; face still had signs of his experiences in prison

2. What metaphor describes Lucies service to her father?

Golden string

3. What traits does Mr. Stryver have?

Counsel(a little more than thirty but look about 20 years older, strout; loud; red; bluff; free; proud; bombastic

4. At whom does Dr. Manette stare? (Foreshadowing)


5. After the others leave the court, what proposal does Carton have for Darnay?

To dine at a nearby tavern

6. Describe the details of their dinner conversation.

They talk about the world; and toast good health but Darnay propose to Miss Manette

7. What is the real reason for Cartons dislike of Darnay?

They both like Lucie

8. Describe Carton at the end of this chapter.

Carton is drunk and threatens Darnay of his uncertain future

-Sydney Carton: I care for no man on earth and no man on earth cares for me.

Chapter 5 The Jackal

1. What is Mr. Stryvers reputation as a lawyer?

Beginning to become a noted lawyer

2. What is the relationship of the lion and the jackal in nature?

Good terms w/ one another. Lion is higher in rank than jackal; jackal does all the work and allows lion to take its food

3. What is Sydney Cartons role in Stryvers law practice?

Strvyers ally; accomplice in the commission of menial/ disreputable tasks

4. What is Strvyers nickname for Sydney?


5. What did Sydney say when Stryver mentioned Lucie Manette?

Lucie was a golden-haired doll

6. What do the last three paragraphs say about Sydneys ambition?

He has no goal/ ambition in life

Chapter 6 Hundreds of People

1. What is the setting?

Street corner not far from Soho Square at Dr. Manettes house

2. How did Mr.Lorry often spend his Sundays?

At Dr. Manettes House

3. What are some of the unusual features of Dr. Manettes house?

Like the country; not rich but decorated with little trinkets that look ok

4. Describe Mr. Lorrys conversation w/ Miss Pross.

Very business like as they talk about Dr. Manette and his past

5. Who is the only worthy man for Lucie?


6. Does Dr. Manette refer to shoemaking or mention his oppressor?


7. What hundreds of people arrive?

Charles Darnay, Sydney Carton, Mr. Lorry

8. What gives Miss Pross a fit of the jerks?

How an unworthy suitor confronts Lucie Manette

9. What story does Darnay tell which upsets Dr. Manette?

Talks about the initials on the prison walls DIG

10. Explain symbolism of the raindrops. (natural prophecy)

Trouble is stirring in the distance

11. What does Lucie fantasize about the echoes of the footsteps?

It is a crowd that will soon meet her

Chapter 7 Monseigneur in Town

1. What is the setting now?

Reception in Paris

2. How many servants are required to serve Monseigneurs chocolate?


3. How often did he make royal appearance?

Very briefly

4. What does decadence mean? In what ways is the oligarchy decadent?

They indulge in luxury

5. Describe the appearance of the royal courtiers.

Elaborately dressed

6. After the show is over, who privately devotes Monseigneur to the devil?

Marquis St. Evremonde

7. What accident does this persons coach have on its way home to his estate?

A child is killed after being run over by the carriage

8. Whose child is killed?


9. How did the Marquis react to the accident?

Thinks money solves the problem and gives him gold coins

10. Who defied him?

Monsieur Defarge

11. What might Madame Defarges knitting symbolize?

How the wealthy do not care for the poor, the wealthy do not control everything as Madame Defarge is still steady w/ her knitting

Chapter 8 Monseigneur in the Country

1. How were the crops and peasants similar in the farming area of France?

It was all poor and exploited

2. Explain the symbolism of the sunset and the Marquis.

All problems will die out able to be marked by money, wealthy, etc.

3. Why were the peasants so poor?

So many taxes

4. What did the mender of roads tell the Marquis?

Someone was holding onto the bottom of the carriage

5. Who is Gabelle?

Postmaster, Marquis servant-like friend, a devoted servant which Darnay later returns to France to save

6. What instructions were given to Gabelle?

Make sure the stranger has a place to sleep and that he means well

7. What was the petition for the Marquis?

For a piece of wood or stone to mark where the womans husband lay

8. At the end of the chapter, what is the Marquis question?

If Monsieur Charles Darnay arrive yet.

Chapter 9 The Gorgons Head

1. What does the chateau have to do with the Gorgon?

Chateau is a castle (of the Evremondes) made of stone; everything is made of stone

2. What is the meaning of Gorgon?

The rich are immune to sympathies of the poor; cold towards them like stone

3. What did the Marquis see while eating?

Trees and the night; horizontal lines of black and stone color

4. Who was the visitor?

Charles Darnay, Marquis Nephew

5. Describe the conversation between the two men.

Keeping their guards up; rather business like

6. What is Charles plans for the Marquis wealth?

Relinquish the wealth, all connections with all Royal Family; his mothers dying words to help the poor

7. What is the symbolic meaning of the red morning?

Blood was shed

8. What shocking incident disturbed the quiet of the village?

The Marquis was dead (stabbed in the heart)

9. Why was there one too many faces at the chateau?

Marquis dead on his bed

10. What was the message left on the hilt of the knife?

Drive him fast to his tomb. This from Jacques (French Revolutionists)

-Personification(3 heavy hours stones stared blindly into the night

-Foreshadowing(in the glow, water of chateau turned red

-Hyperbole(would have been of much avail to interrogate(interrogating the Marquis was as useless as interrogating stone

Chapter 10 Two Promises

1. How does Charles Darnay make his living?

French tutor (Teacher)

2. What did Charles decide to do before telling Lucie of his love?

Go to Dr. Manette first

3. What is the setting of this chapter?

Dr Manettes house at his reading chair

4. What is Dr. Manettes promise to Charles?

That if Lucie ever talks about liking someone to reveal Charles feelings for her

5. Describe the promise Charles makes to Dr. Manette.

To tell him his real name on the day of his marriage if he marries Lucie

6. What evidence is there that Dr. Manette has had a great shock?

Goes back to shoemaking

Chapter 11 A Companion Picture

1. What is the setting of this chapter?

In Stryvers office

2. What news did Stryver have?

He will marry Lucie

3. What was his advice to Carton?

Think about marrying a nurse

4. Describe Cartons reaction to the news that Stryver intends to marry Lucie?

Acts as if he is indifferent, but evident he cared and rather surprised because he began to quickly his punch

5. What were Strvyers reasons for his math with Lucie?

Stryver is a rising man in social status; wants to go home to a pleasant life; tired of his present life; he and Lucie will be comfortable and fit for each other

6. What final advice did Stryver give Sydney?

Marry a responsible woman

7. Explain the titles of chapters 10 and 11.

Two Promises; A Companion Picture(a friend tells another friend his love of Lucie

Chapter 12 The Fellow of Delicacy

1. What is the irony in the first sentence and the chapter title?

Mr. Stryver is not a delicate fellow offering a delicate gift.

2. Where did Stryver stop off on his way to Soho?

Mr. Lorry at Tellsons Bank

3. What was Lorrys reaction to the news?

Dismay and surprised

4. What advice did he give to Stryver?

He should not go to the Soho

5. What were the three reasons why Lucie had to accept his offer?

Stryver is eligible, prosperous, and advancing

6. Then, what advice did Lorry give to Stryver?

It would be painful for the Manettes after hearing Stryvers proposals

7. What arrangement was made?

Lorry would check in w/ Stryver later in the night after he visited the Soho

8. Describe Stryvers method of protecting his ego from harm.

Said Lucie wasnt right for him anyway

Chapter 13 The Fellow of No Delicacy

1. How is the title of the chapter ironic?

Sydney Carton shined everywhere except at the Manettes

2. Which character is centered on in this chapter?

Sydney Carton

3. What is made apparent about Sydney in his private conversation with Lucie?

He loves Lucie/ rather emotional / very sensitive

4. What is Sydney really like?

Person of low self esteem(no point in living life but still a very compassionate man

Chapter 14 The Honest Tradesman

1. How does Jerry earn a little extra money, besides Tellsons Bank?

Takes people across the street and they tip him

2. Describe the funeral procession coming down the street.

It was surrounded by people yelling derogatory remarks at Cly.

3. Whose funeral is it?

Roger Cly

4. What happened to one mourner on the hearse?

Ran away to a safe haven away from violent crowd

5. What are the plans of the mob?

Instead of morning Clys death, rejoice and push coffin off into the river

6. Why didnt the funeral director stop them?

The river was near and a mob was like an unstoppable monster; drown him in the river

7. Where did Jerry stop on his way back to Tellsons?


8. Where did Jerry tell his son that he was going that night?


9. Describe young Jerrys adventure.

Follows his father but sees the digging up of the coffin

10. Explain: He was joined by another disciple of Izaak Walton.

Cruncher is a follower of Walton(fisherman who wrote a book concerning it

11. What is the description of fishing?

To dig up the coffin

12. What is Jerrys reaction?

Genuine fear and ran away

13. What awoke Jerry the next morning?

His father and mother arguing

14. On the way back to work what was Jerrys reaction to being asked, What is a Resurrection Man?

Came to stop then answereddepends on how you develop your talents.

Chapter 15 Knitting

1. Describe the setting.

Defarge wineshop(garret(streets to see procession

2. Where had Monsieur Defarge been for the past three days?

Had to get the mender in the blue cap to the Jacques. Sign petition

3. Tell the Road Menders story of what happened to Gaspard for the murder of the Marquis.

Gaspard was kept in prison then hanged; hung across the fountain(symbolic chateau of the Marquis

4. What was the decision of the rough tribunal?

To exterminate all aristocracy

5. How and where was the register kept?

Madame Defarges knitting

6. Why did the Defarges take the road mender to see the King and Queen?

Never saw much in life and wants King/Queen to know the loyalty of people will last forever; deceiving them of the fawning people

Chapter 16 Still Knitting

1. How did Defarge get tipped off that a spy would visit the wine shop the next day?

His friend a policeman(a Jackque

2. What did Monsieur and Madame Defarge talk about when they were alone?

Talk about of the possibility of John Barsad, the spys, visit to their wineshop

3. What was the warning signal that a spy had entered?

Red rose pinned to headdress

4. What is ironic about Madame Defarge talking with Barsad about the knitting?

Barsads name was being knit during their conversation

5. How did Barsad try to trip them up?

Talk about the Manettes; when Defarge came in, talk about peasants and Jacques

6. What shocks M. Defarge?

Barsad said Jacque

7. What did they hope that destiny would prevent?

Lucie Manettes husband Darnay from coming to France

8. What is the meaning of the women sitting knitting in circles? What does it portend?

They are knitting/building up to the revolution sitting around the guillotine

-Personification page 162 first Paragraph

-Symbolism: Animals

Chapter 17 One Night

1. What did Lucie and her father talk about the night before her marriage?

Dr. Manettes thoughts and fears in prison. First time he talks about them

2. Describe the marriage ceremony.

Simple(Miss Pross the bridesmaid along w/ Mr. Lorry present

-Idyll: picturesque scene

Chapter 18 Nine Days

1. What is going on as the chapter opens?

It is the wedding day

2. Describe Dr. Manettes appearance? How do you account for this change?

deadly pale b/c of what Darnay told Dr. Manette(pathos

3. What happened while Mr. Lorry went to Tellsons?

Dr. Manette returned to the shoe bench

4. Name two important decisions that Mr. Lorry made.

Must be kept secret from Lucie; must be kept secret from all who knew Dr. Manette

5. Why did Mr. Lorry make plans to watch Dr. Manette constantly?

To observe what happened during this relapse

6. What is the only improvement in Dr. Manette?

Became more nimble and dexterous at shoemaking which shows he is falling back toward his old habits

Chapter 19 An Opinion

1. What changes occur on the morning of the tenth day?

Dr. Manette returned to normal

2. How did Miss Pross and Mr. Lorry decide to act?

As if nothing happened

3. How did Lorry explain to the doctor what had taken place for ten days?

Tried to explain by saying his friend and daughter (Lorrys friend and the friends daughter) needed help

4. What is the reference to the chapter title?

Lorry asked for Dr. Manettes opinion in all he inquired

5. In the discussion about the relapse:

a. Did Lucie know? No

b. Was a relapse foreseen? Yes

c. What was the cause of the attack? A particular association w/ his past

d. What about the future? very dim chance of another relapse, perhaps none

e. What did they decide to get rid of? The workbench and the tools and shoes, etc

f. How was it destroyed? bench chopped into pieces and burned in the kitchen stove; tools and shoes, etc buried in the garden.

Chapter 20 A Plea

1. Name two pleas of Sydney Carton.

To forget about the particular night when he was drunk and for him and Darnay to be friends

To let him visit once in a while

2. What especially did he ask of Lucie?

To forgive him for being drunk

Chapter 21 Echoing Footsteps

1. Find an example of foreshadowing in this chapter.

The footsteps at the beginning

2. In the passing time, what has happened to Lucie? Describe her family.

Has two children: daughter Little Lucie and a son who later dies of illness

3. Describe Cartons visits.

Visits made when he is not drunk (few times a yearsix)

4. What were the reactions of the children to Sydneys visits?

Pity and show him compassion

5. Describe the changes in Stryver.

Has excelled in social status; rich; married a rich widow; no behavioral changes

6. What did Stryver brag to his wife?

How Lucie once used practices to catch him. How Lucie once wanted him but he rejected her

7. At his point, how old is little Lucie?


8. What is the metaphor used to describe France when we shift to that location?

Footsteps raging in Saint Antoine (scarecrows, etc) afar off, as the little circle sat in the dark London window.

9. What day is it?

Mid July, 14, 1789

10. Where did Defarge go once inside the Bastille?

To 105 North Tower(Dr. Manettes old cell

11. What does Defarge seem to be looking for?

Evidence of Dr. Manettes stay there

12. What happened to the prisons governor?

Madame Defarge hews his head off w/ a knife

13. How were the guards killed?


14. What reprisal is used?

Stormed Bastille; rebellion; Thou didst

Chapter 22 The Sea Still Rises

1. What is the time and place?

Defarge Wineshop

2. Describe Madame Defarges friend and lieutenant.

Diabolic: The Vengeance

3. What is the news from Monsieur Defarge?

Foulon is alive

4. How did they torture Foulon?

Hung him three times

5. What will finally satisfy Madame Defarges lust for revenge?

Kill everyone on the register

Chapter 23 Fire Rises

1. Who were the soldiers loyal to?

The officers

2. Describe the meeting of the torch man with the road mender.

Act like good old friends; lots of visits between the patriots but still are poor and hungry so decided to burn Marquis estate

3. What is tocsin?

A warning signal/bell

4. What kind of help was there for fighting the fire?

Just let it burn

5. Why did the villagers threaten Gabelle?

He was a faithful friend and servant of the Evermondes

6. Was this an isolated incident?

No, series of uprisings during this time

Chapter 24 Drawn to the Lodestone Rock

1. What is the loadstone?

A heavy rock

2. What is the setting?

Tellsons Bank

3. Where is the headquarters for emigrated French nobles? Why?

Tellsons Bank b/c thats where all their trust is

4. In Tellsons, what is Darnay trying to persuade Mr. Lorry against doing?

From going to Paris

5. What were Lorrys plans?

To go to Paris

6. Explain how the letter from Gabelle motivated Charles.

Sympathetic b/c Gabelle said his only crime was to be faithful to the Evremonde family

7. Did he feel it would be dangerous?

France was in an anarchy state; very chaotic; Charles was an aristocrat

8. What message went with Mr. Lorry?

Gabelle (Darnay; received the letter and that he will come)

9. What were the two letters?

Written by Darnay: one for Lucie and the other to Dr. Manette to tell them about his trip to Paris

Book III The Track of the Storm

Chapter 1 In Secret

1. What was one obvious change in France in autumn of 1792?

Anarchy, unrest except will of the people

2. What did Dickens add to the Revolutionary motto?

Republic on and Indivisible of Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, or Death

3. What did Charles realize immediately after entering France?

He is questioned at every stop; knew he would have a difficult time leaving Paris

4. How was Charles captured?

When arriving to Paris, officer asks to see Darnays papers including Gabelles letter and is a called a prisoner; also revealed he is an Evermonde

5. What new decree had been passed the day that Charles left England?

A decree for selling property of emigrants and also any emigrant returning to France is condemned to death

6. Where was Charles imprisoned upon reaching Paris?

La Force

7. Who took Charles to La Force?

Monsieur Defarge

8. What did Charles ask of Defarge?

Ask for help, communication w/ the outside world and Mr. Lorry

9. What was the sharp female newly born? What literary device does this represent?

The Guillotine; personification

10. What is the meaning of the title of the chapter?

Darnay imprisoned alone

11. Describe the prisoners and their behavior.

Prison of both genders; men pace back and forth; women sit at table knitting, sewing etc.

12. What were the prisoners reactions to In Secret?

Pity towards Darnay

Chapter 2 The Grindstone

1. What is the setting: What is Mr. Lorrys mood?

Tellsons Bank in Saint Germain Quarter of Paris; wing of a large house; thankful none of his loved ones are there, yet still apprehensive

2. Describe the courtyard outside Tellsons window and the grindstone.

People sharpening weapons; monseigneurs carriages under colonnade; shut off by high wall and strong gate; grindstone surrounded by people sharpening instruments to kill the prisoners

3. Who surprised Lorry? Why there?

Manette and Lucie arrived in Paris after reading Darnays letters

4. Why does Dr. Manette feel so confident?

He was a surviving prisoner of Bastille; the mob has respect for him

5. Why did Lorry ask Lucie to leave the room?

So Manette and Lorry could discuss their plans and for safety reasons

6. Summarize the grindstone description.

Double handle; blood stained; two man grindstone hastily put together

7. What even was occurring in France at the time?

September Massacres of the prisoners

Chapter 3 The Shadow

1. Why did Mr. Lorry find lodging elsewhere for the Manettes?

Tellsons shouldnt be endangered b/c Lucie and Manette are related to emigrant Darnay

2. What message did Defarge deliver to Mr. Lorry?

From Dr. Manette: Charles is safe; Manette may not leave yet; Darnay letter to Lucie

3. Why did Madame Defarge go with Lorry and Defarge to tell Lucie the news about Charles?

To see Lucie and her daughter b/c she has power to protect but in reality was knitting their names in the register

4. What note did Lucie get?

From husband: Manette is able to free Darnay

5. What was Madame Defarges reaction to Lucies joy?

Stoic, impassive, unresponsive, Revolution wouldnt stop for Lucie or her family

6. Who was the shadow?

Madame Defarge

Chapter 4 Calm in the Storm

1. Who is the calm in the storm?

Dr. Manette

2. How long had Dr. Manette been gone?

4 days

3. Describe the damages done by the peasant revolutionaries.

Red was everywhere; king and queen beheaded; killed 1100 prisoners; innocent put into jail because of Law of the Suspected

4. What success did Dr. Manette have with Charles?

Give him a trial but still imprisoned but not alone

5. Describe the changes in Dr. Manette.

Now indifferent to these terrors b/c of Lucie; felt strength and power

6. What role was Dr. Manette appointed to?

Physician of 3 prisons including La Force

7. What was the role of the sharp female newly born?

To behead people; the La Guillotine was idolized replacing the Cross

8. How much time has elapsed since Charles imprisonment?

One year and three months

Chapter 5 The Wood Sawyer

1. How long has Charles been in La Force?

2. How did Lucie arrange to be seen by Charles?

3. What was the wood sawyers previous occupation?

4. What did he call his wood saw?

5. What scared Lucie?

6. Who calmed Lucie? How?

7. Who upset her? How?

8. What good news is there at the end of the chapter?

Chapter 6 Triumph

1. What was the evening paper at La Force?

The trial; a list of names of people to be tried

2. What subconscious death wish can you find? What does the power of suggestion do?

Idea of going to the guillotine enticing b/c cant stand the mentality of police state

3. Describe the courtroom proceedings

Darnay brought and questioned by the President; witnesses question (Gabelle, Manette); Jury votes in favor of freeing Darnay

4. Describe Charles return to his family

Led by great procession to his house, tears shed, hugs exchanged, prayer of thanks given to God; Lucie faints (swoons)

5. How was the doctor recompensed for his suffering?

Suffering was able to bring happiness to Lucie by saving Darnay

Chapter 7 A Knock at the Door

1. What according to the law, must be placed on the door of every house?

The names of all the living in the house of the right height written legibly in the correct size

2. How was the shopping done for the household?

Miss Pross and Jerry Cruncher went together so keep a low profile b/c English in a French country

3. What did Miss Pross call the French language?

Nonsense(repudiate French culture b/c loyal to the English king (France and England were always enemies)

4. How did she do her bargaining?

Always one finger less of what the merchant wanted

5. Explain Miss Pross questions to Dr. Manette.

Wants to know if they are able to get of France anytime soon but Dr. M didnt think there was

6. Show how Dickens builds the mood for the knock at the door.

Lucie hears footsteps which foreshadows the knock (like a fairytale: idyll)

7. Who enters the house? What do they want?

Four revolutionaries in red caps; want to recapture Darnay (Evremonde)

8. Who accused Darnay? What mystery is introduced here?

Monsieur and Madame Defarge; who the last accuser is

Chapter 8 A Hand at Cards

1. Where did the shopping of Miss Pross and Jerry take them?

The Good Republican Brutus((traitor b/c killed Caesar) of Antiquity wine shop

2. Whom did Miss Pross run into the wine shop?

Her brother Solomon

3. Why was Jerry shocked?

Solomon looked familiar but Jerry knew him by another name

4. What was Solomon Pross doing in France?

He was a spy; official mole in the prison; try to ferret out people who are against the Republic

5. Was he surprised to see her?

No b/c he knew she was in France

6. What does Cruncher ask Solomon?

Name was Solomon John or John Solomon; what his real name was

7. Who reminded Jerry that Solomon was John Barsad in London?

Sydney Carton (talking w/ Lorry earlier chapters)

8. What is the sheep of the prisons?

A spy (mentality of a police state)

9. How could Barsad be of use to Sydney?

Could allow him to access the prisons, etc

10. Why was Barsad obliged to talk with Carton at Tellsons Bank?

For Cartons great respect for his sister

11. Where did Miss Pross go (or was taken)?

To the corner of the street

12. What news does Carton bring Lorry? How does he know?

Brings Barsad; knows b/c Lorry is familiar w/ the face too from the Darnay trial earlier in Book I

13. Where does Carton introduce the game at cards he intends to play with barsaid?

At Tellsons Bank

14. What is Cartons ace? What kind of hand does Barsad have?

Denunciation of Mr. Barsad to the nearest section committee; Barsad has poor hand(past marked by treachery; Barsad is a spy so able to get him blackmailed

15. What is Cartons next highest card?

Roger Cly and his feigned death

16. How does Barsad react? What about Cruncher?

Repudiates it; but Cruncher affirms Cartons facts

17. Summarize Sydneys hand.

He has the advantage

18. Where does Carton tell Barsad what he wants from him?

In another dark room

Chapter 9 The Game Made

1. How does Cruncher act in front of Mr. Lorry?

Pompous page 285

2. What does Cruncher promise to do if Mr. Lorry kept his secret?

Have little Jerry work for Mr. Lorry; Cruncher will dig graves

3. How does Carton reveal himself to Lorry as a sensitive man?

Tells of his plan; lets Lorry know he is a good man; not tell Lucie about his plan; loved him like a father; Lorry looks at Carton who is more complex and kindhearted

4. Explain Lorrys statement, For as I draw closer and closer to the end, I travel in the circle nearer and nearer to the beginning.

The end is actually the beginning (his childhood); childhood seems closer; reminiscing about childhood; reminisces compared to Carton; Lorry ahs no family, no wife; Lorry recalled to life when Dr. Manette got sick, business not that important

5. What did Carton tell Lorry he intended to do the next day?

Be one of the crowd at Darnays trial

6. Describe the beginnings of Cartons resurrection.

Helped a little girl and her mother cross the street

7. Where did he go after that? What did he buy?

8. Describe Sydneys conversation w/ the wood sawyer?

9. How does Carton compare himself to an eddy in the river?

Little whirl pool/ vortex; current will move vortex along; seems directionless but eventually carried out to see

10. Where did Carton to in the morning?

To the trial

11. Describe the trial proceedings.

Very chaotic and noisy; Darnay charged again by M and Madame Defarge and Dr. Manette

12. How was Dr. Manette affect?


13. What had Defarge done at the Bastille when he entered the doctors cell?

Taken the letter

Chapter 10 The Substance of the Shadow

1. When did the Doctor write his paper?

December 1867

2. How were the Doctors services acquired by two strange men?

Met him on the road in carriage and asked him to hop in

3. What was the initial of one of the gentleman whose handkerchief tied down the screaming patient? E

4. What was the patient screaming?

My husband, my father, and my brother (count to 12) then Hush! (12 b/c the clock; sobbed for husband twelve times)

5. Who was the other patient? Who had stabbed him?

Peasant boy about seventeen; a serf; stabbed my Evremonde brother

6. What did the aristocrats brother do to the husband of the suffering woman?

Harnessed him to a cart and killed him by weakening him further; he was giving to let her go off w/ the nobles who raped the peasants wife

7. What happened next?

Both boy and sister die (sobbed 12 times and die)

8. What were the dying boys last words?

I mark this cross of blood upon him as a sign that I do it. (Evremonde family is cursed)

9. How was the doctor paid?

Rouleau of gold (a role of coins)

10. What did the Doctor do to try to rectify the situation?

Write to the minister writing about what happened by the letter was burned by the Evremondes

11. What lady visited the Doctors house? What did she want?

Darnays mother(Marquis wife

12. Who was the three-year-old boy with her?

Charles Darnay

13. Who was Dr. Manettes servant at that time?

Ernest Defarge

14. What happened to the Doctor at the point?

Taken to Bastille and burned letter

15. Find Dr. Manettes denouncement of Charles Darnay.

Dr. Manettes manuscript(Darnay has to pay for the sins of his fathers; last paragraph in the letter; anyone related to the Evremondes

16. What was the vote of the jury?

Condemn to death in 24 hours(unanimous vote

Chapter 11 Dusk

1. Who let Lucie embrace her husband one last time?


2. What does Charles say to his father-in-law?

That he has done all that he could and he is thankful

3. Who helped Lucie when she fainted?


4. What did Carton say to Little Lucie?

A life you love (actually heard by her)

5. What arrangement does Carton make with Dr. Manette?

For him to go ask for Darnays freedom one last time

6. What did both Carton and Lorry know of Dr. Manettes likelihood of success?

Virtually impossible

Chapter 12 Darkness(Literally moved to night figuratively is night

1. How did the Defarges react to seeing Carton in their shop?

Surprised(stare at him for a while

2. What implications does Madame Defage make to explain her bitter desire for revenge?

The family mentioned in the letter is her own and she was the surviging daughter

3. Where did Carton go next?

Mr. Lorry

4. How and when did Dr. Manette return?

Dr. Manette returns totally broken mentally late at night

5. What was he looking for as he entered?

His shoebench

6. What does Carton make Mr. Lorry promise to do?

To keep in his possession all passports

7. What had Dr. Manette obtained for his family before his relapse?

Right to leave the country

8. How did Carton know Lucie was in danger of denunciation by Madame Defarge?

Overheard Madame Defarge talking

9. Was mourning of guillotine victims permitted? What was the punishment?


Chapter 13 Fifty-Two

1. What is the meaning of the chapter title?

The number of people to be beheaded; number of weeks in a year; # of cards in a deck

2. What was Charles thinking of in his last few hours?

Thinking about his family, Lucie, Dr. Manette, Lorry, his life; had to come to terms w/ his death; if werent strong wouldnt be an honorable death

3. To whom did he write letters? What were the contents?

To Lucie, Manette, Lorry (he knew nothing of her fathers imprisonment)

4. At what time was he to be executed?

3:00 P.M.

5. Who entered Darnays cell?

Sydney Carton

6. How did Carton managed to switch clothes with Darnay and get him carried out?

Drugged him

7. Who recognized that Carton was taking Darnays place?

The poor woman seamstress

8. What was the setting of the next section?

A coach leaving Paris at the Barrier getting inspected

9. Describe the inspection of their coach?

Very systematic; papers are checked

10. Who was following them in their coach?

Miss Pross and Jerry Cruncher

Chapter 14 The Knitting Done

1. Where did Madame Defarge hold her jury?

Shed of the wood sawyers shop

2. What was their verdict?

To kill Dr. Manette, Lucie and Little Lucie

3. Where and why did Madame Defarge decided to go?

Go to Lucie at her temporary residence to catch her grieving over her condemned husband, a capital offense

4. Why was Miss Pross at the house?

Waiting to go to the cathedral later; trying to buy as much time as possible for Lucie escape

5. What two vows does Cruncher make to Miss Pross at the moment?

To teat Mrs. Cruncher better and he will not do a certain something

6. Where was Jerry Cruncher when Madame Defarge arrived?

Waiting at the cathedral

7. Describe the confrontation between Madame Defarge and Miss Pross.

Tense; Defarge is armed; Defarge charged at Miss Pross wanting to get to Lucies room

8. What did Miss Pross do after Madame Defarge fell dead?

Packed up and went to the cathedral

9. What happened to Miss Pross as a result of the fight?


Chapter 15 The Footsteps Die Out Forever

1. Why does Dickens say that the revolution was certain to happen?

Rich variety of soil and climate which will mature under conditions more certain than

2. How does Carton act while riding on the tumbril?

Tries to ignore crowd talking w/ the seamstress

3. Who is knitting in front of the guillotine?

The women; the Vengeance

4. What was the procedure after each head was lost?

The head would be held up and the women count aloud each head beheaded

5. How did Carton act at the execution?

Calm; had visions of the future

6. If Carton could write his thoughts at that moment, what would he write?

That he was satisfied for making Lucie happy

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