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History Developed in 2009, Misko Hevery Google, Adam Abrons at Brat Tech LLC

Abrons left enter Igor Minar, Vojita Jina

Google Web Toolkit was too damn slow to work with. Enter GetAngular

Sponsored by Google

Current version 1.4.1 , The are working on angular 2.0 as well using ecmascript 6

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Your first app<html xmlns=""><head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title></title></head><body ng-app> {{ 2+2 }}

<script src="angular.js"></script></body></html>

ng-appCreates an application context

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Bootstrap with a module<body ng-app="app"> {{ 2+2 }}

<script src="angular.js"></script> <script src="app.js"></script></body>

// simple app.jsangular.module('app', []);

// advanced – app.jsangular.module('app', ['dependency1', 'dependency2', 'dependency3', 'dependency4‘]);

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Add a controller<body ng-app="app"> <div ng-controller="personController"> <h1>{{ title }}</h1> <fieldset> {{ }} {{ person.address }} </fieldset> </div>

<script src="angular.js"></script></body>

angular .module('app', []) .controller('personController', function ($scope) { $scope.title = "A person view";

$scope.person = { name : 'John Doe', address : 'Unknown' } });

Controller context

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Interacting - the view

ng-click, calls a callback on your scope

ng-repeat loops out an array on your scope

ng-model, creates a two-way binding between view and controller

<body ng-app="app"> <div ng-controller="personController"> <h1>{{ title }}</h1> <fieldset> <p> <input type="text" ng-model="" placeholder="name" /> </p> <p> <input type="text" ng-model="person.address" placeholder="address" /> </p> <p> <input type="text" ng-model="person.age" /> </p> </fieldset> <button ng-click="save()">Save</button>

<ul ng-show="errors.length > 0"> <li ng-repeat="error in errors"> {{ error }} </li> </ul> </div>

<script src="angular.js"></script></body>

ng-show, boolean expression that shows or hides your element

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Interacting – changing data<fieldset> <p> <input type="text" ng-model="" placeholder="name" /> </p> <p> <input type="text" ng-model="person.address" placeholder="address" /> </p> <p> <input type="text" ng-model="person.age" /> </p> </fieldset>

angular .module('app', []) .controller('personController', function ($scope) { $scope.title = "A person view";

$scope.person = { name : 'John Doe', address : 'Unknown', age : 0 }

Change this

Change reflected here

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Interacting – saving…<button ng-click="save()">Save</button> angular

.module('app', []) .controller('personController', function ($scope) { $scope.title = "A person view";

$scope.person = { name : 'John Doe', address : 'Unknown', age : 0 }

$ = function (){ if (getErrors().length === 0) { console.log('send data to backend'); } else { console.log('has validation errors'); }

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Interacting - boolean + loop<ul ng-show="errors.length > 0"> <li ng-repeat="error in errors"> {{ error }} </li></ul> function getErrors(){

var errors = []; if ( === '') { errors.push('first name missing'); } if (person.lastname === '') { errors.push('last name missing'); } if (person.age < 18) { errors.push('must be 18 or over'); }

return errors; }

$scope.errors = [];}

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What else can a module do Factory




Config – you wire up routing etc here..

Value - happens after config

Constant - happens first

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Dependency injectionangular .module('app') .controller('ctrl', function($scope, personService, Product, constantValue){ })

Type the name of it and angular will look in its core for a definition andInject it

angular .module('app') .controller('ctrl',[ '$scope', 'personService', 'Product', 'constantValue', function($scope, personService, Product, constantValue){ // do stuff }])

Minification safe

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Factory – acting as a service - The factory is a method on the module

- Its a singleton

- You should return something from it

angular .module('app', []) .factory('mathFactory', function () { return { add : function (lhs, rhs) { return lhs+ rhs } } }) Returning an object literal

angular .module('app', []) .controller('personController', function ($scope, mathFactory) { mathFactory.add(2,2) // outputs 4 }

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Factory – acting as model factory

angular .module('app', []) .factory('User', function () { function User(dto){ this.firstName = dto.firstname; this.lastName = dto.lastname; this.age = dto.age; } User.prototype.getFullName = function() { this.firstname + " " + this.lastname; } User.prototype.canVote = function (){ return this.age > 18; }

return User; })

Constructor method angular .module('app', []) .factory('userService', function ($http, User) { var getData = function (){ // get users from backend var usersFromBackend = []; var users = [];

usersFromBackend.forEach(function (userDto) { users.push(new User(usersDto)); });

return users; }

return { getUsers : getData };});

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Serviceangular .module('app') .service('dateService', function () { this.getHolidays = function () { // code };

this.getWorkingDays = function () { // code }; })

angular .module('app') .controller('anyController', function ($scope, dateService) { $scope.dates = dateService.getHolidays(); });

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Filter – formatting 1) Format data

$scope.val = 1140,123567

{{ val | number : 0 }} // 1,140 thousand separator

{{ val | number : 4 }} // 1,140.1236 rounded up and 4 decimals

1b) Format data – custom filterangular.module('app').filter('prefixed', function () { return function (val) { return "#" + val; } })


$scope.prefixThis = ’hello’;

<p> {{ prefixThis | prefixed }}</p>

// ’#hello’

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Filtering2) Select a subset from a list – non specific

{ { filter_expression | filter : expression : comparator} }

<input type="text" ng-model="filterByName" /><div ng-repeat="user in users | filter:'filterByName'"> {{ }}</div>

<!-- will only look at 'name' --><input type="text" ng-model="" />

<table > <tr><th>Name</th><th>Phone</th></tr> <tr ng-repeat="friendObj in friends | filter:search:strict"> <td>{{}}</td> <td>{{}}</td> </tr></table>

2b) Select a subset from a list –specific

2c) orderBy filter

<div ng-repeat="item in items | orderBy: '+name' "> {{item}}</div>

<div ng-repeat="item in items | orderBy: scopeProperty "> {{item}}</div>

Filter by

Filter by a property on the scope

+- sort order

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Routingangular .module('app') .config(function ($routeProvider) { $routeProvider .when('/Home', { templateUrl : 'partials/home.html', controller : 'homeController' }) .when('/About', { templateUrl : 'partials/home.html', controller : 'homeController' }) })

<ul class="menu"> <li> <a href="#Home">Home</a> </li> <li> <a href="#About">About</a> </li></ul>

<div ng-view><!-- content is rendered here --></div>

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Routing - wildcard$routeProvider .when('/Products', { templateUrl : 'partials/products.html', controller : 'productsController' }) .when('/Products/:id', { templateUrl : 'partials/productsDetail.html', controller : 'productsDetailController' })

angular .module('app') .controller('productsDetailController', function ($scope, $routeParams) { productService.loadProductDetail( $ ).then(function (result) { $scope.product =; }) })

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Routing – no matchesangular .module('app') .config(function ($routeProvider) { $routeProvider .when('/Products', { templateUrl : 'partials/products.html', controller : 'productsController' }) .when('/Products/:id', { templateUrl : 'partials/productsDetail.html', controller : 'productsDetailController' }) .otherwise({ redirectTo : routes.home.route }); })

.otherwise({ controller : ’notFoundController’, temlateUrl : ’notFound.html’});

Or render a route not found page

Redirect to a known route

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Routing - $location and params Location Query parameters way :Inject $routeParams, (given route Products/:id ) $ = 1, $ = 2

2nd way:$ returns { page : 2 } so $[’page’] returns 2

var currentPath = $location.path(); // get current route$location.path("/Home"); //setting the current route

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Lab I Todo

Shopping cart

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Backend , $http, caching, promises

$http.delete('/Products/1’, ,<optional header>)

Base backend call

$http(object).then(function (result) { $scope.products =;})

Short hand versions

$'/Products’,data, ,<optional header>)

$http.put('/Products’,data, ,<optional header>)

$http.get('/Products’,<optional header>)

And also head, jsonp, patch etc..


Header common for all requests




Per verb

Cached call

$http.get(url, { cache: true }).then(...);

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Backend $http$http.get('/Products’).then(function(result){






Success fetching data

Error fetching data

$http.<something> returns a promiseAn object that will deliver its data sometimein the future, it promises

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Backend promise – resolve / reject$q is used to create promises and also to resolve/ reject promises

function getData(value){ var deferred = $q.defer(); if (value > 5) { deferred.resolve("higher than five"); } else { deferred.reject("boo too low"); } return deferred.promise;}

function callData(){ getData(6).then(function (result) { console.log(result); // returns 'higher than five' });

getData(1).then(function (result) { // never comes here }, function (error) { console.log(error); // returns 'boo too low' });}

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Backend promise, wait for allfunction longRunningService() { var deferred = $q.defer(); $timeout(function () { deferred.resolve('long'); }, 4000); return deferred.promise;}

function shortRunningService() { var deferred = $q.defer(); $timeout(function () { deferred.resolve('short'); }, 1000); return deferred.promise;}

function call() { return $q.all([shortRunningService(), longRunningService()]).then(results) { // 4 seconds later results[0] and results[1] populated } ;}

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Backend promise, hiearchical callfunction validateRequestIsAuthenticated() { var deferred = $q.defer(); deferred.resolve('a'); return deferred.promise;}function validateParameters() { var deferred = $q.defer(); deferred.resolve('b'); return deferred.promise;}function loginUser() { var deferred = $q.defer(); deferred.resolve('c'); return deferred.promise;}function getProducts() { var deferred = $q.defer(); deferred.resolve('d'); return deferred.promise;}

function call() { return validateRequestIsAuthenticated() .then(getCustomer().then(function(customer){ getProductsByCustomer(})) .then(loginUser) .then(getProducts) .then(function (products) { return products; }, function (error) { // something failed with one of our calls


One place to handleerror from any of theabove

Calls in order

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Interceptorshttp interceptors can be applied to request and response and on success and error respectively

So when is a good time to use it?

- Handle all incoming error responses, route to error page

- All outgoing requests should have a custom header

And other things you can think of that should happen on a global level for all requests / responses

- Read data from cache if application seems to be offline

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Interceptor – set a custom header on all requests.factory('authService', function() { return { isLoggedIn : function () { return true; }, token : 'aToken' };}).factory('customHeaderInjector', function(authService) { return { request : function (config) { if (authService.isLoggedIn()) { config.headers['Authentication'] = authService.token; }

return config;

} }})

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Interceptor, handle error response

.factory('errorHandlerInterceptor', function($location) { return { responseError : function (errorResponse) { if (errorResponse.status === 401) { $location.path('/PageNotFound'); } else if (errorResponse.status >= 500) { $location.path('/ServerError'); } else { $location.path('/Error'); } } };});

Redirect to correct error route

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Watch When a scope property has change and you want to know about it

$scope.personName = 'Zlatan';

$ = function(val){ $scope.personName = val; }

$scope.$watch('personName', function(newValue, oldValue){ });

$scope.person = { name : 'Zlatan', age : 33};

$ = function(val){ $scope.person = val; }

$scope.$watch('person', function(newValue, oldValue){ },true);

True, look at the whole object hierarchy

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Events, $broadcast Sends event downwards, from current scope = > child scopes..


Sends event upwards, from current scope = > parent scope

<div ng-app="app"> <div ng-controller="appController">

{{ propertyFromAppController }}

<div ng-controller="childController"> {{ propertyFromChildController }} </div> </div></div>



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Events – two controllers talkingparent => child $scope.$broadcast(’kids – sit still in the car’, data)

child => parent $scope.$emit(’mommy – are we there yet’,data)

sibling => sibling $rootScope.$emit(’event’, data) listeners are other $rootScope.$on(’event’)

Madman $rootScope.$broadcast(’telling the whole world – the end is near, repent’,data)


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Events – code example.factory('eventService', function($rootScope) { return { publish : function (eventName, data) { $rootScope.$emit(eventName, data); }, subscribe : function (eventName, callback) { $rootScope.$on(eventName, callback); } }})

.controller('appController', function($scope, eventService){ $scope.send = function(){ eventService.publish('app_event',{ data : 'data from app controller' }); };

.controller('firstController', function($scope, eventService){ eventService.subscribe('app_event', function(event, data){ $scope.appMessage =; })

Publish to whoever listens to that eventHelper

Keep track on namespaces for events and be careful, don’t spam

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Lab Shopping cart backend

What can we cache

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Directives - intro The main idea is to - clean up html

and also to

- create reusable parts aka ”user controls”.

Directives can be applied on different levels - as its own element

- as an attribute on an existing element, also called decorating directive

- on css level

- on a comment

I will be covering the two first ones Element + Attribute

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Directives – most conceptsangular .module('app') .directive('someDirective', function () { return { restrict : 'E', // E= element,A = attribute,C= css class, M = comment, what this directive can be applied to replace : true, // whether to let template replace element tag or keep element tag scope : true, // true = new scope that inherits, false = parent scope, {} = new + no inheritance template : ’<h1>{{title}}</h1>', // or templateUrl controller : function ($scope) { }, link : function (scope, element, attributes) { } }

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Directives – simple directiveangular .module('app') .directive('applicationHeader', function () { return { restrict : 'E', scope : true, replace : true, template : '<h1>{{title}}</h1>’ controller : function($scope){ $scope.$parent; $scope.a } } })<div ng-app="app"> <div ng-controller="appController"> <application-header></application-header>

<div ng-view></div> </div></div>

angular .module('app') .controller('appController', function ($scope) { $scope.title = 'My Application'; })


Controller and directive shares scope

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Directive - Info cardangular .module('app') .directive('infoCard', function () { return { restrict : 'E', scope : false, replace : true, template : '<div>'+ '<h1>{ { title }}</h1>'+ '<p><input type="text" ng-model="info" /></p>'+ '</div>' } })

You can do this, butChange one, change all!!

Probably not what you wanted

<div ng-app="app"> <div ng-controller="appController"> <info-card></info-card> <info-card></info-card> <info-card></info-card>

<div ng-view></div> </div></div>

angular .module('app') .controller('appController', function ($scope) { $scope.title = 'My Application'; $scope.content = ''; })

Content is from controller so it is sharedbetween all instances

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Directive – a better info cardangular.module('app').directive('infoCardImproved', function () { return { replace : true, restrict : 'E', template : '<div class="info-card-improved">' + '<h2>{{title}}</h2>' + '<p><input type="text" ng-model="text" /></p>' + '</div>', scope : true, controller : function ($scope) { $scope.text = 'empty text'; $scope.title = 'infoCardImproved'; } } })

<div ng-app="app"> <div ng-controller="appController"> <info-card-improved></info-card-improved> <info-card-improved></info-card-improved> <info-card-improved></info-card-improved> <div ng-view></div> </div></div>

This works as intended

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Directive , isolated scopeangular.module('app').directive('isolatedDirectiveValue', function () { return { restrict : 'E', replace : true, scope : { title : '@', description : '@' }, template : '<div><h2>{{title}}</h2><p>{{description}}</p></div>', controller : function ($scope) {

} } });

The scope is isloated in that it points to an object scope : {}Instead of false/true

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Directive, isolated binding typesAn isolated scope has its own scope but it can also communicate with data being binded to it

scope : { title : '@', description : '@'}

Binding to static value <directive-name title="a value" description="a description value" ></directive-name>

Binding to a scope propertyscope : { title : '=', description : '=’}

<directive-name title="scopeProperty" description="scopePropertyDesc"></directive-name>

scope : { updated : ’&',}

Binding to a scope callback <directive-name changed="onUpdatedCallback" ></directive-name>

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Directive, isolated callbackangular.module('app').directive('dayBrowser', function () { return { replace : true, restrict : 'E', scope : { dayChanged : '&' }, templateUrl : 'directives/dayBrowser/dayBrowser.html', link : function (scope, element, attrs) { = new Date(); function addDays(currentDate, days) { var newDate = new Date(currentDate); newDate.setDate(currentDate.getDate() + days); return newDate; } ; scope.incrementDate = function (val) { = addDays(, val); scope.dayChanged({ date :, a : 1 }); }; } }; });

Bind to callback with &

Create an object literal with a named property

<day-browser day-changed="changed(date, a)"></day-browser>

Signatur needs to matchdate,a

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Directive, child and parent directiveTypical scenarios are tab and tabitems, day vs calender

Parent need to talk to a child, and vice versa

<tabs> <tab></tab> <tab></tab> <tab></tab></tabs>

Parent directive

Child directives

Behaviour : Expand one tab, close the others, like an accordion

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Directive, the parentangular.module('app').directive('tabs', function () { return { restrict : 'E', replace: true, controller : function ($scope) { var tabs = []; this.addTab = function (tab) { tabs.push(tab); }; this.expand = function (tab) { tabs.forEach(function (tab) { tab.collapse = true; }); $scope.$apply(function () { tab.collapse = false; }); }; } }; });

Functions we want the child directives to call

WAIT, we are putting the functions on this, instead of $scopeThats how angular wants it – deal with it

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Directive, the childangular.module('app').directive('tab', function () { return { restrict : 'E', replace: true, scope : {

}, require: '^tabs', template : '<div class="tab"><h1>tab header</h1><div ng-hide="collapse" class="body">tab content</div></div>', link : function (scope, element, attributes, tabs) { scope.collapse = true; tabs.addTab(scope); element.on('click', function () { var oldValue = scope.collapse; scope.collapse = !oldValue; if (!scope.collapse){ tabs.expand(scope); } }); } } });

Angular is walking the dom looking for the controller

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Directives – decorative (attribute)angular.module('app').directive('expanderDirective', function() { return { link : function (scope, element, attributes) { var bodyElem = element.find('.body'); var visibleBody = true; element.on('click', function () { scope.$apply(function () { if (visibleBody) { bodyElem.hide(); } else {; } visibleBody = !visibleBody;

}); }); } }});

<script src="bower_components/jquery/dist/jquery.js"></script>1

2 <script src="bower_components/angular/angular.js"></script>

<div expander-directive> <div class="header"> header </div> <div class="body"> body text </div></div>


Call $apply, when outside of angulars world

Reference jquery if you needmore power than jquery lite

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Lab - directives Cleanup - Page with left menu, product page, products on sale

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Testing- install

npm install karma –g

karma init // to generate a karma.conf.js file

npm init // to create a package.json, if you need to install runners for firefox/phantomjs etc

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Testing – setup config file When you did karma init it created a config file.

files : {} // this is where you tell karma to find your application and your tests

frameworks: ['jasmine'] // for now it is jasmine could be qunit or something else

reporters: ['progress'] // this is where you specify things that can show you things like coverage

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Testing – setup a test1



Point to app and tests in config

Define test

Perform call


files: [ 'app/**/*.js*/', 'specs/**/*.js*/']

describe('given a calculator', function(){

var Calculator;

it('verify that addition works', function(){ var actual = Calculator.add(1,1) expect().toBe(2);});

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Testing – setup an angular test




Import module and possible dependant modules

Import definition

Perform call


files: [ 'bower_components/angular/angular.js', 'bower_components/angular-mocks/angular-mocks.js', 'app/**/*.js', 'specs/**/*.js' ]

0 Point to 1) angular + angular-mocks, 2 ) to app 3) tests

//load modulebeforeEach(module('services'));

//load definitionbeforeEach(inject(function(_Calculator_) { Calculator = _Calculator_;}));

it('verify that addition works', function(){ var actual = Calculator.add(1,1); expect(actual).toBe(2);});

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Testing – angular test with dependencydescribe('given a user service', function(){

var UserService;

//load modules beforeEach(module('models')); beforeEach(module('services'));

//load definition beforeEach(inject(function(_userService_) { UserService = _userService_; }));

it('test parse', function(){


angular.module('services').factory('userService', function(User, $http){ var that = {};

that.doStuff = function(){


that.get = function(){ return $http.get('/users/1'); };

return that;});

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Testing with a $http / promiseYou DON’T want to go against the real backend so use $httpBackend, built in mockObject that intercepts $http


Also because $http calls returns a promise we need to call $httpBackend.flush() to resolve promises

Assume we have the following scenario:userController => userService.getUser() => $http.get(’/users/1’);

In a test

$httpBackend.respond({ name : ’Zlatan’ })

Mock response

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Testing a controller and a promisedescribe('given a UserController', function(){ var UserController, $scope, ctrl, $httpMock;

//load modules beforeEach(module('models')); beforeEach(module('services')); beforeEach(module('controllers'));

//load definition beforeEach(inject(function($controller, $rootScope, $httpBackend){ $httpMock = $httpBackend; $httpMock.expectGET('/users/1').respond({ name : 'Zlatan' }); $scope = $rootScope.$new(); ctrl = $controller('userController', { $scope: $scope }); }));

it('verify I can get a user', function(){ $scope.load(); $httpMock.flush();

expect($'Zlatan'); });})

Instruct $http mock to intercept

Construct controller

Resolve promises

Needed to create a new scope

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Testing - mockingdescribe('given a mathService', function(){ var Service;


beforeEach(function(){ module(function($provide){ $provide.factory('Calculator', function (){ return { add : function(){ return 1+1; } }; });

}); });

beforeEach(inject(function(_mathService_) { Service = _mathService_; }));

it('verify that mathService add works', function(){ expect(Service.add(2,2)).toBe(4); })


angular .module('services') .factory('mathService', function(Calculator){ var that = {};

that.add = function(lhs,rhs){ return Calculator.add(lhs,rhs); };

that.sub = function(lhs,rhs){ return Calculator.sub(lhs,rhs); };

return that;});

Calculatoris replaced, with a mock

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Lab, setup config, write a test Install karma

Try creating a test, try creating a test for an angular application

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Task runners grunt / gulp What problem do they solve?

During development, what do you need On change:


Unit test

For deploy, what do you need to do Uglify, js

Minify js

Compress js, css, html

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Gulp 4 apis

gulp.task , defines a task, with gulp your run tasks

gulp.src ,points out one or several files

gulp.dest, points out a destination, watches files for changes, reacts on save and then performs what you instructed it

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Gulp - install npm install gulp –g

npm install –save-dev

Create a Gulpfile.js

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Gulp, first taskgulp.task('copy', function(){ return gulp .src('./copyfromhere/*.txt') .pipe(gulp.dest('./tohere/'));});

From where and which files

Copy to destination dir, pipe is so thatwe keep working on the same stream,no temp files like grunt

gulp copy //to run

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Gulp - dependenciesgulp.task('default',['thenme'],function(){ console.log('running default...');})

gulp.task('thenme', ['mefirst'], function(){ console.log('then me');});

gulp.task('mefirst', function(){ console.log('me first');});

[’task’] dependency, this is run beforeThe specified task

So mefirst then thenme and lastly default

default task doesn’t need to be specifiedjust run gulp

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Gulp - Building a deploy task - We want to create as small of a foot print as possible, one or a few js-files, uglified

For js◦ Concatenate into one or a few js files◦ For angular, run ng-min to ensure names are preserved on dependencies◦ Uglify, i.e compress, remove whitespace etc..

For css, ◦ run preprocessors like sass/less◦ Concatenate◦ Uglify

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Gulp – deploy task codegulp.task('build',[], function(){ console.log('running build..'); return gulp .src('./app/**/*.js') .pipe(concat('all.js')) .pipe(uglify()) .pipe(gulp.dest('./dest/'));});

ConcatenateUglifyPlace in dest folder

Depending on how complex your app is This task might grow if you have many modules

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Gulp – Building a monitor task Well before checking in code we want to know if

- unit tests are green

- no problems with hint/lint

For this we can use a watch task, watch is part of gulp api

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Gulp – monitor task codegulp.task('watch',function(){['app/**/*.js','test/**/*.js'], ['lint','test']);});

gulp.task('test', function() { gulp.src(testFiles) .pipe(karma({ configFile: 'karma.conf.js' }));});

gulp.task('lint', function(){ console.log('linting...'); return gulp .src(['./app/**/*.js','./test/**/*.js']) .pipe(jshint()) .pipe(jshint.reporter('default'));});

Run tests

Run jshint

On file change (and save) run

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