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Tapping Into Potential: Social Media For Non-Profits

Anne Craft CEO UZoom Media

Gary Woodbury President & CEO, Michigan Dyslexia Institute

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Social Media-What is it?

• A powerful tool• Part of an overall

communications strategy

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Social Media-What isn’t it?

• Free—REALLY?• Your complete


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Michigan Dyslexia Institute

• The Challenge• The Strategy

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Michigan Dyslexia InstituteThe Strategy

• Social Media Policy• Facebook• Twitter• YouTube• Other communications

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The StrategySocial Media Policy

• What should be included?– IT/email/

Human Resources policies

– Your organization’s personality

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Your Policy

• Identification• Permanent record • Right to control content• Responsibility• Subjects off limits• Warning about sharing

personal info• Branding standards• Reputation management

protocol• Disciplinary action

guideline for violation

The basics

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The Strategy Cont.Facebook• Customized profile

– Banner graphic– Custom tabs

• About MDI with Lead Cap for mailing list

• Camp Starlight Tab with lead cap for registration packet

• Donation tab with link to the donation page on MDI’s website

• YouTube

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The Strategy Cont.Facebook Cont.• Causes

– Specific events– Birthday wishes– General causes

• Pay-per-click• A word about

testimonials: Video, written, and audio

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Dyslexia in the news

The Strategy Cont.Twitter

• Customized profile• Things to tweet about

Fundraising drives &


Links to your Facebook

page, Flickr accounts, etc.

Congratulating other orgs. on


Community Events

Did you hear…?Tweet!What’s the


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The Strategy Cont.

Twitter Cont.

• Building followers– Follow others– Join the conversation– Keyword

tracking/following• How to manage it

– Schedule tweets– Schedule for


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How does it all integrate?

Traditional media

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• Email communications

• Press releases• RSS• Newsletters• Blog• Website

How does it all integrate?

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Mobile Communication

• Everybody’s doing it!

• Smart phone sales in 2011 & 2012 will exceed flat screen TVs and PCs combined!

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A Note About ROI

• Return on Investment– What is the

value of a new follower? Donor? Advocate? Consumer of your service? Person educated about your cause?

• Metrics– Followers– Shares– Conversations– Click throughs– Registrations– Lead cap

completions– Video views

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Gary’s Perspective

• The process: Things to consider

• Implications • Hopes for the


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Find Us Online!



• Twitter: Coming soon….

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