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Natura 2000 Seminars


Biogeographic Region

Peer-Reviewed Literature Bibliography

Roger Catchpole, Aspen International Danny Hooftman, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology

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Natura 2000 Seminars

ECNC, ARCADIS Belgium, Aspen International, CEH, ILE SAS 2

Introduction The main search engine that was used in this literature review was the Web of Science. This is is an online academic citation index that provides access to multiple databases, cross-disciplinary research, and specialized fields within specific academic disciplines. This encompasses approximately 12,000 high-impact journals as well as open access journals and over 150,000 conference proceedings. It has advanced search and filtering capabilities which made it an ideal choice for this project in comparison to other more limited search engines such as Google Scholar. The results were subject to a three-stage, iterative filtering process so that only the most suitable references were captured. The first stage consisted of applying filters to the initial search results. References were discarded if they were more than 12 years old, attributed to countries outside the Atlantic Biogeographic Region or from an entirely irrelevant source, e.g. medical sub-disciplines. The second stage involved the direct evaluation of specific references, their keywords and the journal titles. Suitability at this stage was simply determined by broad relevance to the selected habitat types. Very few of the references used the specific EU habitat classification, either in their titles or keywords. This meant that broader terms such as ‘saltmarsh’, rather than ‘Atlantic salt meadows (Glauco-Puccinellietalia maritimae)’, yielded the most potentially relevant literature. Where doubt remained about the suitability of a reference, a third stage filter was applied where the abstract was directly evaluated. References that passed all three filters were then transferred (with abstracts) to EndNote Web. This online bibliographic database was used because of its compatibility with the search engine and to enable further collaboration between project partners. Once complete, the references were exported as bibliographies to this document and a spreadsheet where futher analysis of the results could occur. This analysis involved the classification of references in order to identify knowledge gaps. The classification was derived from insights gained from the Boreal Workshop, themes that arose during the literature search and the ETC Article 17 pressures list. The following list was used:

Biological Resource Use, Biogeography, Botany, Climate Change, Commercial Forestry, Conservation Economics, Conservation Management, Conservation Status, Ecological Measurement, Ecological Processes, Ecology, Ecosystem Modification, Ecosystem Services, Energy Production & Mining, Erosion, Eutrophication, Exchange of Expertise, Gaps in Ecological Knowledge, Grazing, Habitat Fragmentation, Habitat Management, Habitat Restoration, Human Disturbance, Hydrological Management, Invasive Alien Species, Land Abandonment, Land Conversion, Land Use Intensification, Land Management, Limnology, N2K Ecological Coherence, N2K Site Management, N2K Site Protection, Natural Change, Nutrient Impoverishment, Outside N2K Sites, Overgrazing, Pollution, Protected Area Financing, Public Engagement, Stakeholder Engagement, Training & Experience, Undergrazing, Valuation of N2K Services, Other/Various.

Once each reference was attributed, bar charts were generated to summarise the knowledge gaps for each of the broad habitat groupings. These have been shown in the following sections. Care is needed when interpreting these figures as some of the categories are only relevant to specific habitats, e.g. limnology is only relevant to three out of four groupings.

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Natura 2000 Seminars

ECNC, ARCADIS Belgium, Aspen International, CEH, ILE SAS 3

HEATHLAND HABITATS Core Information Sources BfN - Bundesamt für Naturschutz. Natura 2000 Habitats in Germany. URL: [Accessed 2 April, 2012] European Commission (2007) Interpretation Manual of European Union Habitats, version EUR 27. European Commission, Brussels. European Environment Agency. Interpretation Manual of European Union Habitats, version EUR 27. URL: [Accessed 2 April, 2012] Hampton, M. (2008) Management of Natura 2000 habitats - Northern Atlantic wet heaths with Erica tetralix (4010). DG Environment, European Commission. INPN - Inventaire national du Patrimoine naturel. URL: natura2000/listeHabitats [Accessed 30 March, 2012] JNCC. The current UK status and distribution of EC Habitats Directive interest features. URL: [Accessed 30 March, 2012] Ministerie van Economische Zaken, Landbouw en Innovatie. Beschermde natuur in Nederland - Habitattypen. URL: gebiedendatabase.aspx?subj=habtypen&groep=0 [Accessed 30 March, 2012] Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente. Fichas Tipos de Hábitat de Interés Comunitarios de España. URL: temas/red-natura-2000/documentos-claves-de-la-red-natura-2000/acceso_fichas.aspx [Accessed 30 March, 2012] Moore, J.J. (1968) A classification of the bogs and wet heaths of northern Europe (Oxycocco-Sphagnetea Br.-Bl. et Tx. 1943). R.Tuxen [ed]. Junk, Den Haag. Rodwell, J.S. [ed.] (1991) British Plant Communities. Volume 2. Mires and heaths. Cambridge University Press. van Uytvanck, J. et al. (2010) Vademecum - Beheer van Europese Habitats en Soorten voor particuliere beheerders van terreinen binnen Natura 2000 gebieden. Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek, Brussels.

Northern Atlantic wet heaths with Erica tetralix (4010) Humid, peaty or semi-peaty heaths, other than blanket bogs, of the Atlantic and sub-Atlantic domains. Plant text: [Erica tetralix]. Pasted from: European dry heaths (4030) Mesophile or xerophile heaths on siliceous, podsolic soils in moist Atlantic and sub-Atlantic climates of plains and low mountains of Western, Central and Northern Europe. The

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following subtypes are included: Pal. 31.21 Submontane [Vaccinium-Calluna] heaths. [Calluno-Genistion pilosae] p. ([Vaccinion vitis-idaeae] p.): [Vaccinio myrtilli-Callunetum] s.l. i.a. Heaths rich in [Vaccinium] spp., usually with [Calluna vulgaris], of the northern and western British Isles, the Hercynian ranges and the lower levels of the Alps, the Carpathians, the Pyrenees and the Cordillera Cantabrica. Pal. 31.22 Sub-Atlantic [Calluna-Genista] heaths. [Calluno-Genistion pilosae] p. Low [Calluna] heaths often rich in [Genista], mostly of the Germano-Baltic lowlands. Similar formations occurring in British upland areas, montane zones of high mountains of the western Mediterranean basin and high rainfall Adriatic influenced areas are most conveniently listed here. Pal. 31.23 Atlantic [Erica-Ulex] heaths. [Ulicenion minoris]; [Daboecenion cantabricae] p.; [Ulicion maritimae] p. Heaths rich in gorse ([Ulex]) of the Atlantic margins. Pal. 31.24 Ibero-Atlantic [Erica-Ulex-Cistus] heaths. [Daboecenion cantabricae] p.; [Ericenion umbellatae] p., [Ericenion aragonensis]; [Ulicion maritimae] p.; [Genistion micrantho-anglicae] p. Aquitanian heaths with rock-roses. Iberian heaths with numerous species of heathers (notably [Erica umbellata], [Erica aragonensis]) and brooms, rock-roses and often [Daboecia]. When the rock-roses and other Mediterranean shrubs become dominant they should be classified under sclerophyllous scrubs (Pal. 32). Pal. 31.25 Boreo-Atlantic [Erica cinerea] heaths. Plant text: Pal. 31.21 - [Vaccinium] spp., [Calluna vulgaris]; Pal. 31.22 - [Calluna vulgaris], [Genista anglica], [Genista germanica], [Genista pilosa], accompanied by [Empetrum nigrum] or [Vaccinium] spp.; Pal. 31.23 - [Ulex maritimus], [Ulex gallii], [Erica cinerea], [Erica mackaiana], [Erica vagans]; Pal. 31.24 - [Erica umbellata], [Erica aragonensis], [Erica cinerea], [Erica andevalensis], [Cistus salvifolius], [Calluna vulgaris]; Pal. 31.25 - [Erica cinerea]. Pasted from:

Search Terms (heath OR heathland OR “wet heath” OR “dry heath”) OR moorland OR “Northern Atlantic wet heaths with Erica tetralix” OR “Erica tetralix” OR Erica OR “European dry heaths” OR “Genistion micrantho-anglicae” OR “Calluno-Genistion pilosae” OR “Ulicenion minoris” OR “Ulicion maritimae” OR “Ericenion umbellatae” OR “Ericenion aragonensis” OR “Vaccinion vitis-idaeae” OR “Vaccinio myrtilli-Callunetum s.l.” OR “Daboecion cantabricae” OR Calluna OR Vaccinium OR Genista OR “Ulex europeaus” OR “Daboecia Cantabria” AND ecology AND management AND conservation AND “conservation status” AND (threats OR pressures OR decline OR deterioration OR unfavourable OR loss OR degrad*) AND (“climate change” OR “invasive alien species” OR eutrophication OR pollution OR “resource management” OR exploitation OR “land abandonment” OR “land use intensification” OR “land conversion” OR forestry OR fragmentation OR loss OR “protected area” OR “Natura 2000” OR Natura2000 OR “commercial development” OR “industrial development” OR “infrastructure development” OR “spatial planning” OR overgrazing OR undergrazing OR fire OR burning OR hydrology OR drainage OR mining OR quarry OR “natural change” OR “anthropogenic change” OR guidance OR “human disturbance” OR “energy production” OR biofuels OR bioenergy OR “wind farm” OR “wind turbine” OR dam OR “economic valuation” OR “conservation finance” OR “protected area finance”) Search Results A total of 1,242 references were retrieved for closer examination. The search was restricted to the last 12 years, the countries of the Atlantic Biogeographic Region, English language publications and relevant subject categories, i.e. conservation biology not medicine. This was further reduced to 307 references through the evaluation of the paper titles and abstracts. An additional 22 references

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were captured by searching on specific EU habitat terms and associated syntaxa with an unrestricted time range. The subject areas that were covered can be seen in figure 1. Figure 1: Subject area summary for heathland habitat literature search.

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Bibliography Acreman, M. C., et al. (2009) A simple framework for evaluating regional wetland ecohydrological response to climate change with case studies from Great Britain. Ecohydrology, 2(1) Mar, pp.1-17. Acs, S., et al. (2010) The effect of decoupling on marginal agricultural systems: Implications for farm incomes, land use and upland ecology. Land Use Policy, 27(2) Apr, pp.550-563. Adkinson, A. C. and Humphreys, E. R. (2011) The response of carbon dioxide exchange to manipulations of Sphagnum water content in an ombrotrophic bog. Ecohydrology, 4(6) Nov, pp.733-743. Albertson, K., et al. (2009) Forecasting the outbreak of moorland wildfires in the English Peak District. Journal of Environmental Management, 90(8) Jun, pp.2642-2651. Albon, S. D., et al. (2007) Quantifying the grazing impacts associated with different herbivores on rangelands. Journal of Applied Ecology, 44(6) Dec, pp.1176-1187. Allison, M. and Ausden, M. (2006) Effects of removing the litter and humic layers on heathland establishment following plantation removal. Biological Conservation, 127(2) Jan, pp.177-182. Amar, A., et al. (2004) Habitat predicts losses of red grouse to individual hen harriers. Journal of Applied Ecology, 41(2) Apr, pp.305-314. Amar, A., et al. (2011) Long-term impact of changes in sheep Ovis aries densities on the breeding output of the hen harrier Circus cyaneus. Journal of Applied Ecology, 48(1) Feb, pp.220-227. Amar, A., et al. (2008) The impact of raptors on the abundance of upland passerines and waders. Oikos, 117(8) Aug, pp.1143-1152. Andresen, L. C. and Michelsen, A. (2005) Off-season uptake of nitrogen in temperate heath vegetation. Oecologia, 144(4) Aug, pp.585-597. Andresen, L. C., et al. (2010a) Belowground heathland responses after 2 years of combined warming, elevated CO(2) and summer drought. Biogeochemistry, 101(1-3) Dec, pp.27-42. Andresen, L. C., et al. (2010b) Plant nutrient mobilization in temperate heathland responds to elevated CO(2), temperature and drought. Plant and Soil, 328(1-2) Mar, pp.381-396. Andreu, J. and Vila, M. (2010) Risk analysis of potential invasive plants in Spain. Journal for Nature Conservation, 18(1) Jan, pp.34-44. Armitage, H. F., et al. (2012) Nitrogen deposition enhances moss growth, but leads to an overall decline in habitat condition of mountain moss-sedge heath. Global Change Biology, 18(1) Jan, pp.290-300. Armitage, H. F., et al. (2011) Assessing the recovery potential of alpine moss-sedge heath: Reciprocal transplants along a nitrogen deposition gradient. Environmental Pollution, 159(1) Jan, pp.140-147. Arroyo, B., et al. (2009) Hunting habitat selection by hen harriers on moorland: Implications for conservation management. Biological Conservation, 142(3) Mar, pp.586-596.

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Baines, D., et al. (2008) The direct and indirect effects of predation by Hen Harriers Circus cyaneus on trends in breeding birds on a Scottish grouse moor. Ibis, 150Aug, pp.27-36. Bannister, P. and Polwart, A. (2001) The frost resistance of ericoid heath plants in the British Isles in relation to their biogeography. Journal of Biogeography, 28(5) May, pp.589-596. Barclayestrup, P. and Gimingham, C. H. (1994) SEED-SHEDDING IN A SCOTTISH HEATH COMMUNITY. Journal of Vegetation Science, 5(2) Apr, pp.197-204. Barker, C. G., et al. (2004) Effects of habitat management on heathland response to atmospheric nitrogen deposition. Biological Conservation, 120(1) Nov, pp.41-52. Barreiro, A., et al. (2010) Response of soil microbial communities to fire and fire-fighting chemicals. Science of the Total Environment, 408(24) Nov 15, pp.6172-6178. Bartolome, J., et al. (2005) Conservation of isolated Atlantic heathlands in the Mediterranean region: effects of land-use changes in the Montseny biosphere reserve (Spain). Biological Conservation, 122(1) Mar, pp.81-88. Beales, P. A., et al. (2009) A new threat to UK heathland from Phytophthora kernoviae on Vaccinium myrtillus in the wild. Plant Pathology, 58(2) Apr, pp.393-393. Beales, P. A., et al. (2010) A further threat to UK heathland bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) by Phytophthora pseudosyringae. Plant Pathology, 59(2) Apr, pp.406-406. Bellamy, P. E., et al. (2012) Response of blanket bog vegetation to drain-blocking. Applied Vegetation Science, 15(1) Feb, pp.129-135. Bellot, J., et al. (2004) Afforestation with Pinus halepensis reduces native shrub performance in a Mediterranean semiarid area. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology, 25(1-2) Mar, pp.7-15. Benavides, R., et al. (2009) Grazing behaviour of domestic ruminants according to flock type and subsequent vegetation changes on partially improved heathlands. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 7(2) Jun, pp.417-430. Berendse, F. and Aerts, R. (1984) COMPETITION BETWEEN ERICA-TETRALIX L AND MOLINIA-CAERULEA (L) MOENCH AS AFFECTED BY THE AVAILABILITY OF NUTRIENTS. Acta Oecologica-Oecologia Plantarum, 5(1), pp.3-14. Berendse, F., Schmitz, M. and Devisser, W. (1994) EXPERIMENTAL MANIPULATION OF SUCCESSION IN HEATHLAND ECOSYSTEMS. Oecologia, 100(1-2) Nov, pp.38-44. Billett, M. F., et al. (2010) Carbon balance of UK peatlands: current state of knowledge and future research challenges. Climate Research, 45(1) 2010, pp.13-29. Bjerke, J. W., et al. (2011) Contrasting sensitivity to extreme winter warming events of dominant sub-Arctic heathland bryophyte and lichen species. Journal of Ecology, 99(6) Nov, pp.1481-1488.

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Black, J., et al. (2010) Valuing complex environmental goods: landscape and biodiversity in the North Pennines. Environmental Conservation, 37(2) Jun, pp.136-146. Bossuyt, B. and Honnay, O. (2008) Can the seed bank be used for ecological restoration? An overview of seed bank characteristics in European communities. Journal of Vegetation Science, 19(6) Dec, pp.875-884. Bougoure, D. S., et al. (2007) Diversity of fungi in hair roots of Ericaceae varies along a vegetation gradient. Molecular Ecology, 16(21) Nov, pp.4624-4636. Box, J., et al. (2011) Experimental wet heath translocation in Dorset, England. Ecological Engineering, 37(2) Feb, pp.158-171. Brethes, A. (2010) THE CARICI FLACCAE-OVERCETUM ROOMS ass. nov A NEW PHYTOSOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION IN THE CENTRE REGION OF FRANCE. Revue Forestiere Francaise (Nancy), 62(3-4) May-Aug, pp.247-260. Britton, A. and Fisher, J. (2007a) NP stoichiometry of low-alpine heathland: Usefulness for bio-monitoring and prediction of pollution impacts. Biological Conservation, 138(1-2) Aug, pp.100-108. Britton, A., et al. (2003) The influence of soil-type, drought and nitrogen addition on interactions between Calluna vulgaris and Deschampsia flexuosa: implications for heathland regeneration. Plant Ecology, 166(1) May, pp.93-105. Britton, A. J. and Fisher, J. M. (2007b) Interactive effects of nitrogen deposition, fire and grazing on diversity and composition of low-alpine prostrate Calluna vulgaris heathland. Journal of Applied Ecology, 44(1) Feb, pp.125-135. Britton, A. J., et al. (2008) Interactive effects of nitrogen deposition and fire on plant and soil chemistry in an alpine heathland. Environmental Pollution, 156(2) Nov, pp.409-416. Britton, A. J., Pearce, I. S. K. and Jones, B. (2005) Impacts of grazing on montane heath vegetation in Wales and implications for the restoration of montane areas. Biological Conservation, 125(4) Oct, pp.515-524. Brooker, R. W., et al. (2006) Transient facilitative effects of heather on Scots pine along a grazing disturbance gradient in Scottish moorland. Journal of Ecology, 94(3) May, pp.637-645. Buchanan, G., et al. (2005) Characterization of moorland vegetation and the prediction of bird abundance using remote sensing. Journal of Biogeography, 32(4) Apr, pp.697-707. Buhk, C., Meyn, A. and Jentsch, A. (2007) The challenge of plant regeneration after fire in the Mediterranean Basin: scientific gaps in our knowledge on plant strategies and evolution of traits. Plant Ecology, 192(1) Sep, pp.1-19. Bullock, J. M. (2009) A long-term study of the roles of competition and facilitation in the establishment of an invasive pine following heathland fires. Journal of Ecology, 97(4) Jul, pp.646-656. Calvo, L., et al. (2005a) Short-term study of effects of fertilisation and cutting treatments on the vegetation dynamics of mountain heathlands in Spain. Plant Ecology, 179(2) 2005, pp.181-191.

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Calvo, L., et al. (2007) Effects of cutting and nitrogen deposition on biodiversity in Cantabrian heathlands. Applied Vegetation Science, 10(1) Apr, pp.43-52. Calvo, L., Tarrega, R. and de Luis, E. (2002) Secondary succession after perturbations in a shrubland community. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology, 23(6) Dec, pp.393-404. Calvo, L., Tarrega, R. and Luis, E. (2002) Regeneration patterns in a Calluna vulgaris heathland in the Cantabrian mountains (NW Spain): effects of burning, cutting and ploughing. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology, 23(2) May, pp.81-90. Calvo, L., et al. (2005b) Recovery after experimental cutting and burning in three shrub communities with different dominant species. Plant Ecology, 180(2) Oct, pp.175-185. Cameron, K. H. and Leather, S. R. (2012) How good are carabid beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) as indicators of invertebrate abundance and order richness? Biodiversity and Conservation, 21(3) Mar, pp.763-779. Campioli, M., et al. (2009) Nonvascular contribution to ecosystem NPP in a subarctic heath during early and late growing season. Plant Ecology, 202(1) May, pp.41-53. Carrera, N., et al. (2009) Soil invertebrates control peatland C fluxes in response to warming. Functional Ecology, 23(3) Jun, pp.637-648. Carroll, M. J., et al. (2011) Maintaining northern peatland ecosystems in a changing climate: effects of soil moisture, drainage and drain blocking on craneflies. Global Change Biology, 17(9) Sep, pp.2991-3001. Cazau, M., Garel, M. and Maillard, D. (2011) Responses of Heather Moorland and Mediterranean Mouflon Foraging to Prescribed-Burning and Cutting. Journal of Wildlife Management, 75(4) May, pp.967-972. Celaya, R., et al. (2010) Changes in heathland vegetation under goat grazing: effects of breed and stocking rate. Applied Vegetation Science, 13(1) Feb, pp.125-134. Chambers, F. M., et al. (2007) Palaeoecology of degraded blanket mire in South Wales: Data to inform conservation management. Biological Conservation, 137(2) Jun, pp.197-209. Chapman, D. S., et al. (2010) Random Forest characterization of upland vegetation and management burning from aerial imagery. Journal of Biogeography, 37(1) Jan, pp.37-46. Chapman, D. S., et al. (2009) Modelling the coupled dynamics of moorland management and upland vegetation. Journal of Applied Ecology, 46(2) Apr, pp.278-288. Chapman, S. B. (1975) DISTRIBUTION AND COMPOSITION OF HYBRID POPULATIONS OF ERICA-CILIARIS L AND ERICA-TETRALIX L IN DORSET. Journal of Ecology, 63(3), pp.809-823. Chen, Y., et al. (2008) The impact of burning and Calluna removal on below-ground methanotroph diversity and activity in a peatland soil. Applied Soil Ecology, 40(2) Oct, pp.291-298. Clay, G. D. and Worrall, F. (2011) Charcoal production in a UK moorland wildfire - How important is it? Journal of Environmental Management, 92(3) Mar, pp.676-682.

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Clement, B. (2008) Recolonization of vegetation after turf-cutting in the wet heathland of the Landes de Versigny Natural Reserve. Acta Botanica Gallica, 155(1) Mar, pp.79-87. Clerkx, S. and Bijlsma, R.-J. (2003) Extensive heathland of the Veluwe appears to be an open forest landscape after an ecological interpretation of the cadastral maps of 1832. Levende Natuur, 104(4) Juli, pp.148-155. Collier, F. A. and Bidartondo, M. I. (2009) Waiting for fungi: the ectomycorrhizal invasion of lowland heathlands. Journal of Ecology, 97(5) Sep, pp.950-963. Cooper, A., McCann, T. P. and Hamill, B. (2001) Vegetation regeneration on blanket mire after mechanized peat-cutting. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 10(3) May, pp.275-289. Coudun, C. and Gegout, J.-C. (2007) Quantitative prediction of the distribution and abundance of Vaccinium myrtillus with climatic and edaphic factors. Journal of Vegetation Science, 18(4) Aug, pp.517-524. Cox, E. S., et al. (2007) A multi-site assessment of the effectiveness of Pteridium aquilinum control in Great Britain. Applied Vegetation Science, 10(3) Dec, pp.429-440. Cox, E. S., et al. (2008) Factors Affecting the Restoration of Heathland and Acid Grassland on Pteridium aquilinum-Infested Land across the United Kingdom: A Multisite Study. Restoration Ecology, 16(4) Dec, pp.553-562. Cristofoli, S. and Mahy, G. (2010) Colonisation credit in recent wet heathland butterfly communities. Insect Conservation and Diversity, 3(2) May, pp.83-91. Cristofoli, S., et al. (2010a) Spider communities as evaluation tools for wet heathland restoration. Ecological Indicators, 10(3) May, pp.773-780. Cristofoli, S., Monty, A. and Mahy, G. (2010) Historical landscape structure affects plant species richness in wet heathlands with complex landscape dynamics. Landscape and Urban Planning, 98(2) Nov 30, pp.92-98. Cristofoli, S., et al. (2010b) Colonization Credit in Restored Wet Heathlands. Restoration Ecology, 18(5) Sep, pp.645-655. Critchley, C. N. R., et al. (2008) Vegetation dynamics and livestock performance in system-scale studies of sheep and cattle grazing on degraded upland wet heath. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 128(1-2) Oct, pp.59-67. Cruz, A., et al. (2002) Resprouting in the Mediterranean-type shrub Erica australis affected by soil resource availability. Journal of Vegetation Science, 13(5) Oct, pp.641-650. Cuesta, D., et al. (2008) Short- and medium-term effects of experimental nitrogen fertilization on arthropods associated with Calluna vulgaris heathlands in north-west Spain. Environmental Pollution, 152(2) Mar, pp.394-402. Cummins, R. P. and Miller, G. R. (2002) Altitudinal gradients in seed dynamics of Calluna vulgaris in eastern Scotland. Journal of Vegetation Science, 13(6) Dec, pp.859-866.

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Currey, P. M., et al. (2011) Five years of simulated atmospheric nitrogen deposition have only subtle effects on the fate of newly synthesized carbon in Calluna vulgaris and Eriophorum vaginatum. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 43(3) Mar, pp.495-502. Curt, T., et al. (2011) Litter flammability in oak woodlands and shrublands of southeastern France. Forest Ecology and Management, 261(12) Jun 15, pp.2214-2222. Curtis, C. J., et al. (2005) Nitrogen saturation in UK moorlands: the critical role of bryophytes and lichens in determining retention of atmospheric N deposition. Journal of Applied Ecology, 42(3) Jun, pp.507-517. Dallimer, M., et al. (2010) Agricultural land-use in the surrounding landscape affects moorland bird diversity. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 139(4) Dec 15, pp.578-583. Damgaard, C., Riis-Nielsen, T. and Schmidt, I. K. (2009) Estimating plant competition coefficients and predicting community dynamics from non-destructive pin-point data: a case study with Calluna vulgaris and Deschampsia flexuosa. Plant Ecology, 201(2) Apr, pp.687-697. Davies, G. M., et al. (2008) The future of fire management in the British uplands. International Journal of Biodiversity Science & Management, 4(3) Sep, pp.127-147. Davies, G. M. and Legg, C. J. (2008a) Developing a live fuel moisture model for moorland fire danger rating. In: DeLasHeras, J. B. C. A. V. D. L. V. (Ed.): Modelling, Monitoring and Management of Forest Fires. pp.225-236 Davies, G. M. and Legg, C. J. (2008b) The effect of traditional management burning on lichen diversity. Applied Vegetation Science, 11(4) Dec, pp.529-538. Davies, G. M., et al. (2009) Rate of spread of fires in Calluna vulgaris-dominated moorlands. Journal of Applied Ecology, 46(5) Oct, pp.1054-1063. Davies, G. M., et al. (2010) Fire intensity, fire severity and ecosystem response in heathlands: factors affecting the regeneration of Calluna vulgaris. Journal of Applied Ecology, 47(2) Apr, pp.356-365. Davies, M. S. (1984) THE RESPONSE OF CONTRASTING POPULATIONS OF ERICA-CINEREA AND ERICA-TETRALIX TO SOIL TYPE AND WATERLOGGING. Journal of Ecology, 72(1), pp.197-208. De Graaf, M. C. C., et al. (2009) Biodiversity, vegetation gradients and key biogeochemical processes in the heathland landscape. Biological Conservation, 142(10) Oct, pp.2191-2201. De Graaf, M. C. C., et al. (1998) Restoration of species-rich dry heaths: the importance of appropriate soil conditions. Acta Botanica Neerlandica, 47(1) Mar, pp.89-111. DeGabriel, J. L., et al. (2011) The presence of sheep leads to increases in plant diversity and reductions in the impact of deer on heather. Journal of Applied Ecology, 48(5) Oct, pp.1269-1277. Di Minin, E. and Griffiths, R. A. (2011) Viability analysis of a threatened amphibian population: modelling the past, present and future. Ecography, 34(1) Feb, pp.162-169.

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Diaz, A., et al. (2006) Are ericoid mycorrhizas a factor in the success of Calluna vulgaris heathland restoration? Restoration Ecology, 14(2) Jun, pp.187-195. Doche, B., et al. (2005) Changes of humus features along with a successional gradient of Rhododendron ferrugineum (L.) populations (subalpine level, northwestern Alps, France). Arctic Antarctic and Alpine Research, 37(4) Nov, pp.454-464. Dorland, E., et al. (2003a) Soil ammonium accumulation after sod cutting hampers the restoration of degraded wet heathlands. Journal of Applied Ecology, 40(5) Oct, pp.804-814. Dorland, E., et al. (2005a) Assessing the success of wet heath restoration by combined sod cutting and liming. Applied Vegetation Science, 8(2) Nov, pp.209-218. Dorland, E., et al. (2003b) The success of restoring former species-rich heathlands can be increased by applying lime after sod cutting. Levende Natuur, 104(4) Juli, pp.144-147. Dorland, E., et al. (2005b) Catchment liming to restore degraded, acidified heathlands and moorland pools. Restoration Ecology, 13(2) Jun, pp.302-311. Dorland, E., et al. (2004) The effects of sod cutting and additional liming on potential net nitrification in heathland soils. Plant and Soil, 265(1-2) Aug, pp.267-277. Dupont, Y. L. and Olesen, J. M. (2009) Ecological modules and roles of species in heathland plant-insect flower visitor networks. Journal of Animal Ecology, 78(2) Mar, pp.346-353. Edmondson, J. L., et al. (2010) Bio-indicators of nitrogen pollution in heather moorland. Science of the Total Environment, 408(24) Nov 15, pp.6202-6209. Eggers, B., et al. (2010) Value of Semi-Open Corridors for Simultaneously Connecting Open and Wooded Habitats: a Case Study with Ground Beetles. Conservation Biology, 24(1) Feb, pp.256-266. Ejrnaes, R., et al. (2008) When has an abandoned field become a semi-natural grassland or heathland? Environmental Management, 42(4) Oct, pp.707-716. Ellis, C. J. (2008) Interactions between hydrology, burning and contrasting plant groups during the millennial-scale development of sub-montane wet heath. Journal of Vegetation Science, 19(5) Oct, pp.693-U57. Emmett, B. A., et al. (2004) The response of soil processes to climate change: Results from manipulation studies of shrublands across an environmental gradient. Ecosystems, 7(6) Sep, pp.625-637. Evans, M. and Lindsay, J. (2010) Impact of gully erosion on carbon sequestration in blanket peatlands. Climate Research, 45(1) 2010, pp.31-41. Fagundez, J. and Izco, J. (2004) Taxonomic value of seed characters in the Erica tetralix L. group (Ericaceae). Plant Biosystems, 138(3) Nov, pp.207-213. Falk, K., et al. (2010) Molinia caerulea responses to N and P fertilisation in a dry heathland ecosystem (NW-Germany). Plant Ecology, 209(1) Jul, pp.47-56.

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Felinks, B., et al. (2012) Management of Open Habitats under the Habitats Directive on Former Military Training Areas - Establishment of an extensively used all-year pasture in the "Oranienbaumer Heide". Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung, 44(1) Jan, pp.14-23. Fenton, J. H. C. (2008) A postulated natural origin for the open landscape of upland Scotland. Plant Ecology & Diversity, 1(1) 2008, pp.115-127. Fernandez, C., et al. (2008) IMMEDIATE EFFECTS OF PRESCRIBED BURNING, CHOPPING AND CLEARING ON RUNOFF, INFILTRATION AND EROSION IN A SHRUBLAND AREA IN GALICIA (NW SPAIN). Land Degradation & Development, 19(5) Sep-Oct, pp.502-515. Fernandez-Abascal, I., et al. (2003) Effects of sowing native herbaceous species on the post-fire recovery in a heathland. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology, 24(3) Jul, pp.131-138. Fletcher, K., et al. (2010) Changes in breeding success and abundance of ground-nesting moorland birds in relation to the experimental deployment of legal predator control. Journal of Applied Ecology, 47(2) Apr, pp.263-272. Foerster, M., et al. (2008) Approaches to utilising QuickBird data for the monitoring of NATURA 2000 habitats. Community Ecology, 9(2) Dec, pp.155-168. Fosaa, A. M., et al. (2004) Potential effects of climate change on plant species in the Faroe Islands. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 13(5) Sep, pp.427-437. Fottner, S., et al. (2007) Impact of sheep grazing on nutrient budgets of dry heathlands. Applied Vegetation Science, 10(3) Dec, pp.391-398. Fraser, M. D., et al. (2009a) Impact of diet selected by cattle and sheep grazing heathland communities on nutrient supply and faecal micro-flora activity. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 129(4) Feb, pp.367-377. Fraser, M. D., et al. (2009b) Comparative diet selection by cattle and sheep grazing two contrasting heathland communities. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 129(1-3) Jan, pp.182-192. Friedrich, U., et al. (2011) Mechanisms of purple moor-grass (Molinia caerulea) encroachment in dry heathland ecosystems with chronic nitrogen inputs. Environmental Pollution, 159(12) Dec, pp.3553-3559. Frouz, J., et al. (2009) The effect of topsoil removal in restored heathland on soil fauna, topsoil microstructure, and cellulose decomposition: implications for ecosystem restoration. Biodiversity and Conservation, 18(14) Dec, pp.3963-3978. Fuehner, C. and Runge, M. (2009) Are Fe and P availabilities involved in determining the occurrence and distribution of Calluna vulgaris (L.) Hull in semi-arid grasslands on calcareous soils? Plant and Soil, 316(1-2) Mar, pp.161-176. Fuller, R. J., et al. (2006) Breeding bird communities in the upland margins (ffridd) of Wales in the mid-1980s. Bird Study, 53Jul, pp.177-186. Gallet, S., Lemauviel, S. and Roze, F. (2004) Responses of three heathland shrubs to single or repeated experimental trampling. Environmental Management, 33(6) Jun, pp.821-829.

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Ghorbani, J., et al. (2006) Effects of the litter layer of Pteridium aquilinum on seed banks under experimental restoration. Applied Vegetation Science, 9(1) May, pp.127-136. Ghorbani, J., et al. (2007) Effects of experimental restoration on the diaspore bank of an upland moor degraded by Pteridium aquilinum invasion. Land Degradation & Development, 18(6) Nov-Dec, pp.659-669. Gonzalez-Andres, F., Alegre, J. and Ceresuela, J. L. (2005) The rhizobia nodulating shrubs for revegetation of arid lands: Isolation of native strains and specificity of the plant-rhizobia interaction by cross inoculation tests. Arid Land Research and Management, 19(4) Oct-Dec, pp.307-326. Goorman, R., et al. (2011) Enhancement of photosynthesis in post-disturbance resprouts of two co-occurring Mediterranean Erica species. Plant Ecology, 212(12) Dec, pp.2023-2033. Gorissen, A., et al. (2004) Climate change affects carbon allocation to the soil in shrublands. Ecosystems, 7(6) Sep, pp.650-661. Graae, B. J., Pagh, S. and Bruun, H. H. (2004) An experimental evaluation of the arctic fox (Alopex lagopus) as a seed disperser. Arctic Antarctic and Alpine Research, 36(4) Nov, pp.468-473. Grayson, R., Holden, J. and Rose, R. (2010) Long-term change in storm hydrographs in response to peatland vegetation change. Journal of Hydrology, 389(3-4) Aug 11, pp.336-343. Green, E. R., Power, S. A. and Baggs, E. M. (2004) Fate of applied nitrogen in a heathland ecosystem. Controlling Nitrogen Flows and Losses. Grootjans, A. P., et al. (2006) Hydrological landscape settings of base-rich fen mires and fen meadows: an overview. Applied Vegetation Science, 9(2) Nov, pp.175-184. Haerdtle, W., et al. (2009) Shifts in N and P Budgets of Heathland Ecosystems: Effects of Management and Atmospheric Inputs. Ecosystems, 12(2) Feb, pp.298-310. Haerdtle, W., et al. (2007) Nutrient leaching in dry heathland ecosystems: effects of atmospheric deposition and management. Biogeochemistry, 86(2) Nov, pp.201-215. Hagerup, E. (1953) THRIPS POLLINATION OF ERICA-TETRALIX. New Phytologist, 52(1), pp.1-7. Haigh, M. and Kilmartin, M. P. (2006) Hydrology of disturbed peat-land, heads of the valleys, Wales. In: Krecek, J. H. M. (Ed.): Environmental Role of Wetlands in Headwaters. pp.95-105 Hammond, M. E. R. and Cooper, A. (2005) An experimental study of seedling establishment on deep-burned heath. Biology and Environment, 105B(1) Mar, pp.1-7. Hanley, M. E. (2009) Thermal shock and germination in North-West European Genisteae: implications for heathland management and invasive weed control using fire. Applied Vegetation Science, 12(3) Aug, pp.385-390. Hanley, N., et al. (2008) Economic determinants of biodiversity change over a 400-year period in the Scottish uplands. Journal of Applied Ecology, 45(6) Dec, pp.1557-1565.

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Hardtle, W., et al. (2006) Can management compensate for atmospheric nutrient deposition in heathland ecosystems? Journal of Applied Ecology, 43(4) Aug, pp.759-769. Harris, M. P. K., et al. (2011) Factors affecting moorland plant communities and component species in relation to prescribed burning. Journal of Applied Ecology, 48(6) Dec, pp.1411-1421. Hartley, S. E., Gardner, S. M. and Mitchell, R. J. (2003) Indirect effects of grazing and nutrient addition on the hemipteran community of heather moorlands. Journal of Applied Ecology, 40(5) Oct, pp.793-803. Harwood, T. D., et al. (2009) Epidemiological risk assessment using linked network and grid based modelling: Phytophthora ramorum and Phytophthora kernoviae in the UK. Ecological Modelling, 220(23) Dec 10, pp.3353-3361. Hauck, M. (2009) Global warming and alternative causes of decline in arctic-alpine and boreal-montane lichens in North-Western Central Europe. Global Change Biology, 15(11) Nov, pp.2653-2661. Hauguel, J.-C. (2008) Recolonization of vegetation after turf-cutting in the wet heathland of the Landes de Versigny Natural Reserve (Aisne, France). Acta Botanica Gallica, 155(1) Mar, pp.97-103. Hegland, S. J., Jongejans, E. and Rydgren, K. (2010) Investigating the interaction between ungulate grazing and resource effects on Vaccinium myrtillus populations with integral projection models. Oecologia, 163(3) Jul, pp.695-706. Heillwell, R. C., et al. (2008) Who Put the N in PristiNe? Impacts of Nitrogen Enrichment in Fragile Mountain Environments. Mountain Research and Development, 28(3-4) Aug-Nov, pp.210-215. Heitkamp, F., et al. (2008) Soil microbiochemical properties as indicators for success of heathland restoration after military disturbance. Land Degradation & Development, 19(4) Jul-Aug, pp.408-420. Hejcman, M., et al. (2007) The Rengen Grassland Experiment: Plant species composition after 64 years of fertilizer application. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 122(2) Oct, pp.259-266. Helliwell, R. C., et al. (2010) Interactive Effects of N Deposition, Land Management and Weather Patterns on Soil Solution Chemistry in a Scottish Alpine Heath. Ecosystems, 13(5) Aug, pp.696-711. Henson, K. S. E., Craze, P. G. and Memmott, J. (2009) The restoration of parasites, parasitoids, and pathogens to heathland communities. Ecology, 90(7) Jul, pp.1840-1851. Hernandez, E. I., et al. (2010) Morphological traits and water use strategies in seedlings of Mediterranean coexisting species. Plant Ecology, 207(2) Apr, pp.233-244. Herrmann, M., Pust, J. and Pott, R. (2005) Leaching of nitrate and ammonium in heathland and forest ecosystems in Northwest Germany under the influence of enhanced nitrogen deposition. Plant and Soil, 273(1-2) Jun, pp.129-137. Hofland-Zijlstra, J. D. and Berendse, F. (2009) The effect of nutrient supply and light intensity on tannins and mycorrhizal colonisation in Dutch heathland ecosystems. Plant Ecology, 201(2) Apr, pp.661-675.

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Hofland-Zijlstra, J. D. and Berendse, F. (2010) Effects of litters with different concentrations of phenolics on the competition between Calluna vulgaris and Deschampsia flexuosa. Plant and Soil, 327(1-2) Feb, pp.131-141. Hufkens, K., et al. (2010) Habitat reporting of a heathland site: Classification probabilities as additional information, a case study. Ecological Informatics, 5(4) Jul, pp.248-255. Hugonnot, V., et al. (2011) Cephalozia macrostachya Kaal. indicator of the conservation status of a bog in Sologne (Cher, France); its usefullness in the management issue. Acta Botanica Gallica, 158(3) Oct, pp.329-345. Hulme, P. D., et al. (2002) Rehabilitation of degraded Calluna vulgaris (L.) Hull-dominated wet heath by controlled sheep grazing. Biological Conservation, 107(3) Oct, pp.351-363. Hynninen, A., et al. (2011) Capacity of riparian buffer areas to reduce ammonium export originating from ditch network maintenance areas in peatlands drained for forestry. Boreal Environment Research, 16(5) Oct 31, pp.430-440. Iglesias-Diaz, M. I. and Gonzalez-Abuin, F. (2004) Investigating the rooting potential by cutting propagation in wild populations of heathers in NW Spain (Galicia). In: Fernandez, T. D. C. G. (Ed.): Nursery Crops Development, Evaluation, Production and Use. pp.279-285 Jacquemart, A. L. (2004) Floral traits of Belgian Ericaceae species: Are they good indicators to assess the breeding systems. Belgian Journal of Botany, 136(2), pp.154-164. Jacquemart, A. L., Champluvier, D. and De Sloover, J. (2003) A test of mowing and soil-removal restoration techniques in wet heaths of the High Ardenne, Belgium. Wetlands, 23(2) Jun, pp.376-385. Jacquemyn, H., Brys, R. and Neubert, M. G. (2005) Fire increases invasive spread of Molinia caerulea mainly through changes in demographic parameters. Ecological Applications, 15(6) Dec, pp.2097-2108. Jauregui, B. M., et al. (2009) Sheep and Goat Grazing Effects on Three Atlantic Heathland Types. Rangeland Ecology & Management, 62(2) Mar, pp.119-126. Jentsch, A., et al. (2009) Beyond gradual warming: extreme weather events alter flower phenology of European grassland and heath species. Global Change Biology, 15(4) Apr, pp.837-849. Jones, A. G. and Power, S. A. (2012) Field-scale evaluation of effects of nitrogen deposition on the functioning of heathland ecosystems. Journal of Ecology, 100(2) Mar, pp.331-342. Keith, A. M., et al. (2006) Birch invasion of heather moorland increases nematode diversity and trophic complexity. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 38(12) Dec, pp.3421-3430. Kleijn, D., et al. (2008) In search for key biogeochemical factors affecting plant species persistence in heathland and acidic grasslands: a comparison of common and rare species. Journal of Applied Ecology, 45(2) Apr, pp.680-687.

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Klein, S., Jaeger, U. G. and Tischew, S. (2009) Use of fire for conservation and regeneration of complexes of heather and dry grasslands in the landscape of porphyry outcrops in the lower Saale-valley. Hercynia, 42(2) 2009, pp.217-238. Kool, A. and Heijmans, M. M. P. D. (2009) Dwarf shrubs are stronger competitors than graminoid species at high nutrient supply in peat bogs. Plant Ecology, 204(1) Sep, pp.125-134. Kreyling, J., et al. (2008) Invasibility of grassland and heath communities exposed to extreme weather events - additive effects of diversity resistance and fluctuating physical environment. Oikos, 117(10) Oct, pp.1542-1554. Kristensen, S. B. P., Reenberg, A. and Pena, J. J. D. (2009) Exploring local rural landscape changes in Denmark: A human-environmental timeline perspective. Geografisk Tidsskrift-Danish Journal of Geography, 109(1) 2009, pp.47-67. Lamont, B. B., Enright, N. J. and He, T. (2011) Fitness and evolution of resprouters in relation to fire. Plant Ecology, 212(12) Dec, pp.1945-1957. Larsen, K. S., et al. (2011) Reduced N cycling in response to elevated CO(2), warming, and drought in a Danish heathland: Synthesizing results of the CLIMAITE project after two years of treatments. Global Change Biology, 17(5) May, pp.1884-1899. Larsen, K. S., et al. (2007) Ecosystem respiration depends strongly on photosynthesis in a temperate heath. Biogeochemistry, 85(2) Sep, pp.201-213. Lasanta, T., et al. (2009) Mountain pastures, environmental degradation, and landscape remediation: The example of a Mediterranean policy initiative. Applied Geography, 29(3) Jul, pp.308-319. Lawson, C. S., et al. (2004) The establishment of heathland vegetation on ex-arable land: the response of Calluna vulgaris to soil acidification. Biological Conservation, 116(3) Apr, pp.409-416. Le Duc, M. G., Pakeman, R. J. and Marrs, R. H. (2007) A restoration experiment on moorland infested by Pteridium aquilinum: Plant species responses. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 119(1-2) Feb, pp.53-59. Leroux, A. and The Harrier Study And Protection, G. (2002) Evaluation and protection of the Montagu's Harrier in France. Ornithologischer Anzeiger, 41(2-3) Oktober, pp.213-215. Liley, D. and Clarke, R. T. (2003) The impact of urban development and human disturbance on the numbers of nightjar Caprimulgus europaeus on heathlands in Dorset, England. Biological Conservation, 114(2) Dec, pp.219-230. Lin, Y.-C., James, R. and Dolman, P. M. (2007) Conservation of heathland ground beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae): the value of lowland coniferous plantations. Biodiversity and Conservation, 16(5) May, pp.1337-1358. Littlewood, N. A. (2008) Grazing impacts on moth diversity and abundance on a Scottish upland estate. Insect Conservation and Diversity, 1(3) Aug, pp.151-160.

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Littlewood, N. A., et al. (2006) Moorland restoration aids the reassembly of associated phytophagous insects. Biological Conservation, 132(3) Oct, pp.395-404. Littlewood, N. A., Pakeman, R. J. and Pozsgai, G. (2012) Grazing impacts on Auchenorrhyncha diversity and abundance on a Scottish upland estate. Insect Conservation and Diversity, 5(1) Feb, pp.67-74. Littlewood, N. A., Pakeman, R. J. and Woodin, S. J. (2006a) A field assessment of the success of moorland restoration in the rehabilitation of whole plant assemblages. Applied Vegetation Science, 9(2) Nov, pp.295-306. Littlewood, N. A., Pakeman, R. J. and Woodin, S. J. (2006b) The response of plant and insect assemblages to the loss of Calluna vulgayis from upland vegetation. Biological Conservation, 128(3) Mar, pp.335-345. Littlewood, N. A., Pakeman, R. J. and Woodin, S. J. (2009) Isolation of habitat patches limits colonisation by moorland Hemiptera. Journal of Insect Conservation, 13(1) Feb, pp.29-36. Loidi, J., et al. (2010) A biogeographical analysis of the European Atlantic lowland heathlands. Journal of Vegetation Science, 21(5) Oct, pp.832-842. Maes, D. and Van Dyck, H. (2005) Habitat quality and biodiversity indicator performances of a threatened butterfly versus a multispecies group for wet heathlands in Belgium. Biological Conservation, 123(2) May, pp.177-187. Maes, D., et al. (2003) Ant communities (Hymenoptera : Formicidae) of Flemish (north Belgium) wet heathlands, a declining habitat in Europe. European Journal of Entomology, 100(4) 2003, pp.545-555. Manning, P., Putwain, P. D. and Webb, N. R. (2004) Identifying and modelling the determinants of woody plant invasion of lowland heath. Journal of Ecology, 92(5) Oct, pp.868-881. Manning, P., Putwain, P. D. and Webb, N. R. (2006) The role of soil phosphorus sorption characteristics in the functioning and stability of lowland heath ecosystems. Biogeochemistry, 81(2) Nov, pp.205-217. Manning, P., Putwain, P. D. and Webb, N. R. (2007) Spatial heterogeneity in the determinants of woody plant invasion of lowland heath. Applied Vegetation Science, 10(1) Apr, pp.65-72. Marcos, E., Calvo, L. and Luis-Calabuig, E. (2003) Effects of fertilization and cutting on the chemical composition of vegetation and soils of mountain heathlands in Spain. Journal of Vegetation Science, 14(3) Jun, pp.417-424. Marcos, E., Tarrega, R. and Luis-Calabuig, E. (2004) Interactions between mediterranean shrub species eight years after experimental fire. Plant Ecology, 170(2) 2004, pp.235-241. Maren, I. E., et al. (2010) Prescribed burning of northern heathlands: Calluna vulgaris germination cues and seed-bank dynamics. Plant Ecology, 207(2) Apr, pp.245-256. Maren, I. E. and Vandvik, V. (2009) Fire and regeneration: the role of seed banks in the dynamics of northern heathlands. Journal of Vegetation Science, 20(5) Oct, pp.871-888.

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Marrs, R. H., et al. (2007) Competing conservation goals, biodiversity or ecosystem services: Element losses and species recruitment in a managed moorland-bracken model system. Journal of Environmental Management, 85(4) Dec, pp.1034-1047. Marrs, R. H., et al. (2004) Control of Molinia caerulea on upland moors. Journal of Applied Ecology, 41(2) Apr, pp.398-411. Marrs, R. H. and Watt, A. S. (2006) Biological flora of the british isles: Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn. Journal of Ecology, 94(6) Nov, pp.1272-1321. McClintock, D. (1980) THE TYPIFICATION OF ERICA-CILIARIS L, OF ERICA-TETRALIX L AND OF THEIR HYBRID, EXWATSONII BENTHAM. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 80(3), pp.207-211. Meulebrouck, K., et al. (2007) Local and regional factors affecting the distribution of the endangered holoplarasite Cuscuta epithymum in heathlands. Biological Conservation, 140(1-2) Nov, pp.8-18. Meulebrouck, K., et al. (2009a) Limited by the host: Host age hampers establishment of holoparasite Cuscuta epithymum. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology, 35(4) Jul-Aug, pp.533-540. Meulebrouck, K., et al. (2009b) Metapopulation viability of an endangered holoparasitic plant in a dynamic landscape. Ecography, 32(6) Dec, pp.1040-1050. Miller, G. R. and Cummins, R. P. (2003) Soil seed banks of woodland, heathland, grassland, mire and montane communities, Cairngorm Mountains, Scotland. Plant Ecology, 168(2) Sep, pp.255-266. Millett, J., et al. (2008) Above- and below-ground competition effects of two heathland species: Implications for growth and response to herbivory in birch saplings. Basic and Applied Ecology, 9(1) 2008, pp.55-66. Milligan, A. L., et al. (2004) Developing an integrated land management strategy for the restoration of moorland vegetation on Molinia caerulea-dominated vegetation for conservation purposes in upland Britain. Biological Conservation, 119(3) Oct, pp.371-385. Milligan, A. L., Putwain, P. D. and Marrs, R. H. (2003) A field assessment of the role of selective herbicides in the restoration of British moorland dominated by Molinia. Biological Conservation, 109(3) Mar, pp.369-379. Mitchell, R. J., et al. (2007) The cascading effects of birch on heather moorland: a test for the top-down control of an ecosystem engineer. Journal of Ecology, 95(3) May, pp.540-554. Mitchell, R. J., Rose, R. J. and Palmer, S. C. F. (2009) The effect of restoration techniques on non-target species: case studies in moorland ecosystems. Applied Vegetation Science, 12(1) Feb, pp.81-91. Mobaied, S., et al. (2011) The use of diachronic spatial approaches and predictive modelling to study the vegetation dynamics of a managed heathland. Biodiversity and Conservation, 20(1) Jan, pp.73-88.

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Moen, J., Boogerd, C. and Skarin, A. (2009) Variations in mountain vegetation use by reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) affects dry heath but not grass heath. Journal of Vegetation Science, 20(5) Oct, pp.805-813. Mohamed, A., et al. (2007) Effects of prescribed burning on plant available nutrients in dry heathland ecosystems. Plant Ecology, 189(2) Apr, pp.279-289. Moreno, J. M., et al. (2011) Rainfall patterns after fire differentially affect the recruitment of three Mediterranean shrubs. Biogeosciences, 8(12) 2011, pp.3721-3732. Munoz, A., et al. (2012) Structure and diversity of Erica ciliaris and Erica tetralix heathlands at different successional stages after cutting. Journal of Environmental Management, 94(1) Feb, pp.34-40. Newton, A. C., et al. (2009) Impacts of grazing on lowland heathland in north-west Europe. Biological Conservation, 142(5) May, pp.935-947. Nielsen, U. N., et al. (2010) The influence of vegetation type, soil properties and precipitation on the composition of soil mite and microbial communities at the landscape scale. Journal of Biogeography, 37(7) Jul, pp.1317-1328. Niemeyer, M., et al. (2007) Impact of sod-cutting and choppering on nutrient budgets of dry heathlands. Biological Conservation, 134(3) Jan, pp.344-353. Noordijk, J., et al. (2011) Using movement and habitat corridors to improve the connectivity for heathland carabid beetles. Journal for Nature Conservation, 19(5) Oct, pp.276-284. Oom, S. P., Hester, A. J. and Legg, C. J. (2010) Grazing across grass:shrub boundaries: Can spatial heterogeneity increase resistance? Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 139(1-2) Oct 15, pp.159-166. Oom, S. P., et al. (2008) Impacts of sheep grazing a complex vegetation mosaic: Relating behaviour to vegetation change. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 124(3-4) Apr, pp.219-228. Padilla, F. M., et al. (2009) Rethinking species selection for restoration of arid shrublands. Basic and Applied Ecology, 10(7) 2009, pp.640-647. Pakeman, R. J., et al. (2003) Rehabilitation of degraded dry heather Calluna vulgaris (L.) Hull moorland by controlled sheep grazing. Biological Conservation, 114(3) Dec, pp.389-400. Pakeman, R. J. and Nolan, A. J. (2009) Setting sustainable grazing levels for heather moorland: a multi-site analysis. Journal of Applied Ecology, 46(2) Apr, pp.363-368. Pakeman, R. J., et al. (2005) Recovery of moorland vegetation after aerial spraying of bracken (Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn) with asulam. Restoration Ecology, 13(4) Dec, pp.718-724. Palmer, S. C. F., et al. (2004) Introducing spatial grazing impacts into the prediction of moorland vegetation dynamics. Landscape Ecology, 19(8) 2004, pp.817-827. Palmer, S. C. F., et al. (2005) Introducing spatial grazing impacts into the prediction of moorland vegetation dynamics. Landscape Ecology, 20(3) Apr, pp.335-335.

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Pasche, F., et al. (2004) Are meadows with high ecological and patrimonial value endangered by heathland invasion in the French central Pyrenees? Biological Conservation, 118(1) Jun, pp.101-108. Paula, S. and Ojeda, F. (2011) Response to recurrent disturbance in two co-occurring resprouter heath species: the ecological consequences of withstanding herbivores. Plant Ecology, 212(12) Dec, pp.2035-2045. Penuelas, J., et al. (2007) Response of plant species richness and primary productivity in shrublands along a north-south gradient in Europe to seven years of experimental warming and drought: reductions in primary productivity in the heat and drought year of 2003. Global Change Biology, 13(12) Dec, pp.2563-2581. Piessens, K., Aerts, N. and Hermy, M. (2006) Long-term (1978-2003) effects of an extensive grazing regime on plant species composition of a heathland reserve. Belgian Journal of Botany, 139(1) 2006, pp.49-64. Piessens, K. and Hermy, M. (2006) Does the heathland flora in north-western Belgium show an extinction debt? Biological Conservation, 132(3) Oct, pp.382-394. Piessens, K., et al. (2006) Biotic and abiotic edge effects in highly fragmented heathlands adjacent to cropland and forest. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 114(2-4) Jun, pp.335-342. Piessens, K., Honnay, O. and Hermy, M. (2005) The role of fragment area and isolation in the conservation of heathland species. Biological Conservation, 122(1) Mar, pp.61-69. Piessens, K., et al. (2004) Plant species richness and composition of heathland relics in north-western Belgium: evidence for a rescue-effect? Journal of Biogeography, 31(10) Oct, pp.1683-1692. Piessens, K., et al. (2008) Effects of management and adjacent forest on the heathland bryophyte layer. Basic and Applied Ecology, 9(3) 2008, pp.253-262. Pilkington, M. G., et al. (2005a) Effects of increased deposition of atmospheric nitrogen on an upland moor: leaching of N species and soil solution chemistry. Environmental Pollution, 135(1) May, pp.29-40. Pilkington, M. G., et al. (2007) Phosphorus supply influences heathland responses to atmospheric nitrogen deposition. Environmental Pollution, 148(1) Jul, pp.191-200. Pilkington, M. G., et al. (2005b) Effects of increased deposition of atmospheric nitrogen on an upland Calluna moor: N and P transformations. Environmental Pollution, 135(3) Jun, pp.469-480. Pollock, M. L., et al. (2007) Assessment of expert opinion: Seasonal sheep preference and plant response to grazing. Rangeland Ecology & Management, 60(2) Mar, pp.125-135. Pons, T. L. (1989) DORMANCY AND GERMINATION OF CALLUNAS-VULGARIS (L) HULL AND ERICA-TETRALIX L SEEDS. Acta Oecologica-Oecologia Plantarum, 10(1), pp.35-43. Prieto, P., et al. (2009) Changes in the onset of spring growth in shrubland species in response to experimental warming along a north-south gradient in Europe. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 18(4) Jul, pp.473-484.

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Pueyo, Y. and Alados, C. L. (2007) Abiotic factors determining vegetation patterns in a semi-arid Mediterranean landscape: Different responses on gypsum and non-gypsum substrates. Journal of Arid Environments, 69(3) May, pp.490-505. Pysek, P., et al. (2010) Contrasting patterns in the invasions of European terrestrial and freshwater habitats by alien plants, insects and vertebrates. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 19(3) May, pp.317-331. Pywell, R. F., et al. (2011) Long-term heathland restoration on former grassland: The results of a 17-year experiment. Biological Conservation, 144(5) May, pp.1602-1609. Pywell, R. F., et al. (2002) The potential for lowland heath regeneration following plantation removal. Biological Conservation, 108(2) Dec, pp.247-258. Quevedo, M., et al. (2006) Habitat selection by Cantabrian capercaillie Tetrao urogallus cantabricus at the edge of the species' distribution. Wildlife Biology, 12(3) Sep, pp.267-276. Quintana, J. R., et al. (2004) Time of germination and establishment success after fire of three obligate seeders in a Mediterranean shrubland of central Spain. Journal of Biogeography, 31(2) Feb, pp.241-249. Ramsay, P. M. and Fotherby, R. M. (2007) Implications of the spatial pattern of Vigur's Eyebright (Euphrasia vigursii) for heathland management. Basic and Applied Ecology, 8(3) 2007, pp.242-251. Raymond, B., et al. (2002) Escape from pupal predation as a potential cause of outbreaks of the winter moth, Operophtera brumata. Oikos, 98(2) Aug, pp.219-228. Read, J. M., Birch, C. P. D. and Milne, J. A. (2002) HeathMod: a model of the impact of seasonal grazing by sheep on upland heaths dominated by Calluna vulgaris (heather). Biological Conservation, 105(3) Jun, pp.279-292. Redpath, S. and Thirgood, S. (2009) Hen harriers and red grouse: moving towards consensus? Journal of Applied Ecology, 46(5) Oct, pp.961-963. Renaud, J.-P., et al. (2009) INFLUENCE OF SOIL CONDITIONERS ON THE COMPOSITION AND DYNAMICS OF THE FLORISTIC SUCCESSION FOR POPULATIONS LOCATED ON ACIDIC SOILS. Revue Forestiere Francaise (Nancy), 61(3) May-Jun, pp.251-266. Reyes, O., Casal, M. and Rego, F. C. (2009) Resprouting Ability of Six Atlantic Shrub Species. Folia Geobotanica, 44(1) Mar, pp.19-29. Reyes, O. and Trabaud, L. (2009) Germination behaviour of 14 Mediterranean species in relation to fire factors: smoke and heat. Plant Ecology, 202(1) May, pp.113-121. Rodriguez Pleguezuelo, C. R., et al. (2009) Litter decomposition and nitrogen release in a sloping Mediterranean subtropical agroecosystem on the coast of Granada (SE, Spain): Effects of floristic and topographic alteration on the slope. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 134(1-2) Nov, pp.79-88.

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Rodriguez-Loinaz, G., Amezaga, I. and Onaindia, M. (2012) Does forest fragmentation affect the same way all growth-forms? Journal of Environmental Management, 94(1) Feb, pp.125-131. Roem, W. J., Klees, H. and Berendse, F. (2002) Effects of nutrient addition and acidification on plant species diversity and seed germination in heathland. Journal of Applied Ecology, 39(6) Dec, pp.937-948. Rogers, D., et al. (2012) Assessing regional scale habitat area with a three dimensional measure. Ecological Informatics, 7(1) Jan, pp.1-6. Roovers, P., et al. (2004) Experimental trampling and vegetation recovery in some forest and heathland communities. Applied Vegetation Science, 7(1) May, pp.111-118. Rosa Garcia, R., et al. (2011) Ground-dwelling arthropod assemblages of partially improved heathlands according to the species of grazer and grazing regime. European Journal of Entomology, 108(1) 2011, pp.107-115. Rosa Garcia, R., et al. (2009) Effects of livestock breed and grazing pressure on ground-dwelling arthropods in Cantabrian heathlands. Ecological Entomology, 34(4) Aug, pp.466-475. Rosa Garcia, R., et al. (2010) Arthropod fauna on grassland-heathland associations under different grazing managements with domestic ruminants. Comptes Rendus Biologies, 333(3) Mar, pp.226-234. Rose, R. J. (2007) The effects of hybridization on the small-scale variation in seed-bank composition of a rare plant species, Erica ciliaris L. Seed Science Research, 17(3) Sep, pp.201-210. Ross, S., Adamson, H. and Moon, A. (2003) Evaluating management techniques for controlling Molinia caerulea and enhancing Calluna vulgaris on upland wet heathland in Northern England, UK. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 97(1-3) Jul, pp.39-49. Rowe, E. C., et al. (2006) Fertilizer application during primary succession changes the structure of plant and herbivore communities. Biological Conservation, 131(4) Sep, pp.510-522. Rudner, M. (2011) Ephemeral Wetland Vegetation in Mediterranean Heathland and Maquis Communities. Wetlands, 31(3) Jun, pp.551-562. Sardans, J., Penuelas, J. and Estiarte, M. (2008) Warming and drought change trace element bioaccumulation patterns in a Mediterranean shrubland. Chemosphere, 70(5) Jan, pp.874-885. Sardans, J., et al. (2008a) Changes in Ca, Fe, Mg, Mo, Na, and S content in a Mediterranean shrubland under warming and drought. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences, 113(G3) Sep 23. Sardans, J., et al. (2008b) Drought and warming induced changes in P and K concentration and accumulation in plant biomass and soil in a Mediterranean shrubland. Plant and Soil, 306(1-2) Apr, pp.261-271. Schirmel, J. (2010) SHORT-TERM EFFECTS OF MODERN HEATHLAND MANAGEMENT MEASURES ON CARABID BEETLES (COLEOPTERA: CARABIDAE). Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 8(3) 2010, pp.165-175.

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Schirmel, J., Blindow, I. and Fartmann, T. (2010) The importance of habitat mosaics for Orthoptera (Caelifera and Ensifera) in dry heathlands. European Journal of Entomology, 107(1) 2010, pp.129-132. Schirmel, J. and Buchholz, S. (2011) Response of carabid beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) and spiders (Araneae) to coastal heathland succession. Biodiversity and Conservation, 20(7) Jun, pp.1469-1482. Schirmel, J., et al. (2011) Impacts of succession and grass encroachment on heathland Orthoptera. Journal of Insect Conservation, 15(5) Oct, pp.633-642. Schmidt, I. K., et al. (2004) Soil solution chemistry and element fluxes in three European heathlands and their responses to warming and drought. Ecosystems, 7(6) Sep, pp.638-649. Schulp, C. J. E. and Verburg, P. H. (2009) Effect of land use history and site factors on spatial variation of soil organic carbon across a physiographic region. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 133(1-2) Sep, pp.86-97. Scott, D., et al. (2007) Response of the moss Racomitrium lanuginosum to changes in sheep grazing and snow-lie due to a snow-fence. Applied Vegetation Science, 10(2) Aug, pp.229-238. Seeger, M. and Ries, J. B. (2008) SOIL DEGRADATION AND SOIL SURFACE PROCESS INTENSITIES ON ABANDONED FIELDS IN MEDITERRANEAN MOUNTAIN ENVIRONMENTS. Land Degradation & Development, 19(5) Sep-Oct, pp.488-501. Sheikh, K. H. (1969) RESPONSES OF MOLINIA-CAERULEA AND ERICA-TETRALIX TO SOIL AERATION AND RELATED FACTORS .2. GAS CONCENTRATIONS IN SOIL AIR AND SOIL WATER. Journal of Ecology, 57(3), pp.727-&. Sheikh, K. H. and Rutter, A. J. (1969) RESPONSES OF MOLINIA-CAERULEA AND ERICA-TETRALIX TO SOIL AERATION AND RELATED FACTORS .1. ROOT DISTRIBUTION IN RELATION TO SOIL POROSITY. Journal of Ecology, 57(3), pp.713-&. Sheppard, L. J., et al. (2008) Stress responses of Calluna vulgaris to reduced and oxidised N applied under 'real world conditions'. Environmental Pollution, 154(3) Aug, pp.404-413. Sotherton, N., Tapper, S. and Smith, A. (2009) Hen harriers and red grouse: economic aspects of red grouse shooting and the implications for moorland conservation. Journal of Applied Ecology, 46(5) Oct, pp.955-960. Sowerby, A., et al. (2008) Contrasting effects of repeated summer drought on soil carbon efflux in hydric and mesic heathland soils. Global Change Biology, 14(10) Oct, pp.2388-2404. Stewart, G. B., Pullin, A. S. and Tyler, C. (2007) The effectiveness of asulam for bracken (Pteridium aquilinum) control in the united kingdom: A meta-analysis. Environmental Management, 40(5) Nov, pp.747-760. Stokes, K. E., et al. (2004) Population responses of Ulex shrubs to fire in a lowland heath community. Journal of Vegetation Science, 15(4) Aug, pp.505-514. Stokes, K. E., Bullock, J. M. and Watkinson, A. R. (2003) Ulex gallii Planch. and Ulex minor Roth. Journal of Ecology, 91(6) Dec, pp.1106-1124.

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Strange, A. M., et al. (2007a) Habitat associations of the Small Red Damselfly (Ceriagrion tenellum) (De Villiers) in heathland in southern England (Zygoptera : Coenagrionidae). Journal of Insect Conservation, 11(3) Sep, pp.241-249. Strange, N., et al. (2007b) Value for money: Protecting endangered species on Danish heathland. Environmental Management, 40(5) Nov, pp.761-774. Stutter, M. I., Lumsdon, D. G. and Rowland, A. P. (2011) Three representative UK moorland soils show differences in decadal release of dissolved organic carbon in response to environmental change. Biogeosciences, 8(12) 2011, pp.3661-3675. Suggitt, A. J., et al. (2011) Habitat microclimates drive fine-scale variation in extreme temperatures. Oikos, 120(1) Jan, pp.1-8. Tebar, F. J., Gil, L. and Llorens, L. (2004) Flowering and fruiting phenology of a xerochamaephytic shrub community from the mountain of Mallorca (Balearic islands, Spain). Plant Ecology, 174(2) 2004, pp.293-303. Thirgood, S. and Redpath, S. (2008) Hen harriers and red grouse: science, politics and human-wildlife conflict. Journal of Applied Ecology, 45(5) Oct, pp.1550-1554. Thompson, P. S., et al. (2009) Resolving the conflict between driven-grouse shooting and conservation of hen harriers. Journal of Applied Ecology, 46(5) Oct, pp.950-954. Tibbett, M. and Diaz, A. (2005) Are sulfurous soil amendments (S(0), Fe((II))SO(4), Fe((III))SO(4)) an effective tool in the restoration of heathland and acidic grassland after four decades of rock phosphate fertilization? Restoration Ecology, 13(1) Mar, pp.83-91. Tietema, A., Kuikman, P. and Berendse, F. (1985) MASS-LOSS, NUTRIENT DYNAMICS AND INFLUENCE OF DIPTERA LARVAE IN DECOMPOSING LITTER OF ERICA-TETRALIX AND MOLINIA-CAERULEA. Pedobiologia, 28(6), pp.389-397. Tipping, E., et al. (2007) The organic carbon dynamics of a moorland catchment in NW England. Biogeochemistry, 84(2) Jun, pp.171-189. Toberman, H., et al. (2008) Summer drought decreases soil fungal diversity and associated phenol oxidase activity in upland Calluna heathland soil. Fems Microbiology Ecology, 66(2) Nov, pp.426-436. Trinder, C. J., Artz, R. R. E. and Johnson, D. (2008) Temporal patterns of litter production by vascular plants and its decomposition rate in cut-over peatlands. Wetlands, 28(1) Mar, pp.245-250. Trinder, C. J., Johnson, D. and Artz, R. R. E. (2009) Litter type, but not plant cover, regulates initial litter decomposition and fungal community structure in a recolonising cutover peatland. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 41(3) Mar, pp.651-655. Tyler, C., Pullin, A. S. and Stewart, G. B. (2006) Effectiveness of management interventions to control invasion by Rhododendron ponticum. Environmental Management, 37(4) Apr, pp.513-522. Urban, K. E. (2005) Oscillating vegetation dynamics in a wet heathland. Journal of Vegetation Science, 16(1) Feb, pp.111-120.

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WallisDeVries, M. F. and Ens, S. H. (2010) Effects of Habitat Quality and Isolation on the Colonization of Restored Heathlands by Butterflies. Restoration Ecology, 18(3) May, pp.390-398. Ward, S. E., et al. (2007) Long-term consequences of grazing and burning on northern peatland carbon dynamics. Ecosystems, 10(7) Nov, pp.1069-1083. Ward, S. E., et al. (2010) Litter evenness influences short-term peatland decomposition processes. Oecologia, 164(2) Oct, pp.511-520. Waters, J., et al. (2011) Niche differentiation of a cryptic bumblebee complex in the Western Isles of Scotland. Insect Conservation and Diversity, 4(1) Feb, pp.46-52. Weijtmans, K., Jongejans, E. and van Ruijven, J. (2009) Sod cutting and soil biota effects on seedling performance. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology, 35(5) Sep-Oct, pp.651-656. Wessel, W. W., et al. (2004) A qualitative ecosystem assessment for different shrublands in western Europe under impact of climate change. Ecosystems, 7(6) Sep, pp.662-671. Williams, B., et al. (2011) Management considerations for conserving hill areas highlighted by range analysis of hill sheep. Tearmann, 82011, pp.59-75. Williams, B., et al. (2010) RESOURCE SELECTION BY HILL SHEEP: DIRECT FLOCK OBSERVATIONS VERSUS GPS TRACKING. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 8(4) 2010, pp.279-299. Wilson, L., Wilson, J. M. and Johnstone, I. (2011) The effect of blanket bog drainage on habitat condition and on sheep grazing, evidence from a Welsh upland bog. Biological Conservation, 144(1) Jan, pp.193-201. Yallop, A. R. and Clutterbuck, B. (2009) Land management as a factor controlling dissolved organic carbon release from upland peat soils 1: Spatial variation in DOC productivity. Science of the Total Environment, 407(12) Jun 1, pp.3803-3813. Yallop, A. R., et al. (2006) The extent and intensity of management burning in the English uplands. Journal of Applied Ecology, 43(6) Dec, pp.1138-1148.

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Estuaries (1130) Downstream part of a river valley, subject to the tide and extending from the limit of brackish waters. River estuaries are coastal inlets where, unlike 'large shallow inlets and bays' there is generally a substantial freshwater influence. The mixing of freshwater and sea water and the reduced current flows in the shelter of the estuary lead to deposition of fine sediments, often forming extensive intertidal sand and mud flats. Where the tidal currents are faster than flood tides, most sediments deposit to form a delta at the mouth of the estuary. Baltic river mouths, considered as an estuary subtype, have brackish water and no tide, with large wetland vegetation (helophytic) and luxurious aquatic vegetation in shallow water areas. Plant text: Benthic algal communities, [Zostera] beds e.g. [Zostera noltii] ([Zosteretea]) or vegetation of brackish water: [Ruppia maritima] (= [R. rostellata] ([Ruppietea])); [Spartina maritima] ([Spartinetea]); [Sarcocornia perennis] ([Arthrocnemetea]). Both species of fresh water and brackish water can be found in Baltic river mouths ([Carex] spp., [Myriophyllum] spp., [Phragmites australis], [Potamogeton] spp., [Scirpus] spp.). Vertebrate text: Important feeding areas for many birds. Invertebrate text: Invertebrate benthic communities. Pasted from: Atlantic salt meadows (Glauco-Puccinellietalia maritimae) (1330) Salt meadows of Baltic, North Sea, English Channel and Atlantic shores. [Aster tripolium] can be present or abundant in most subdivisions. Plant text: Pal.:15.31 - [Puccinellia maritima]; Pal.:15.32 - [Halimione portulacoides], [Halimione pedunculata], [Aster tripolium]; Pal.:15.33 - [Armeria maritima], [Glaux maritima], [Plantago maritima], [Frankenia laevis], [Artemisia maritima], [Festuca rubra], [Agrostis stolonifera], [Juncus gerardi], [Carex extensa], [Blysmus rufus], [Eleocharis] spp.; Pal.:15.34 - [Spergularia marina], [Puccinellia distans], [Puccinellia fasciculata], [Puccinellia retroflexa], [Puccinellia maritima], [Triglochin maritima], [Potentilla anserina], [Halimione portulacoides]; Pal.:15.35 - [Elymus pycnanthus] (= [Agropyron pungens]) or [Elymus repens]; Pal.:15.36 - [Atriplex littoralis], [Atriplex hastata], [Beta maritima], [Matricaria maritima]. Pasted from: Salicornia and other annuals colonizing mud and sand (1310) Formations composed mostly or predominantly of annuals, in particular Chenopodiaceae of the genus [Salicornia] or grasses, colonising periodically inundated muds and sands of marine or interior salt marshes. [Thero-Salicornietea], [Frankenietea pulverulentae], [Saginetea maritimae]. Subtypes: Pal. 15.11 - Glasswort swards ([Thero-Salicornietalia]): annual glasswort ([Salicornia] spp., [Microcnemum coralloides]), seablite ([Suaeda maritima]), or sometimes salwort ([Salsola] spp.) formations colonising periodically inundated muds of coastal saltmarshes and inland salt-basins. Pal. 15.12 - Mediterranean halo-nitrophilous pioneer communities ([Frankenion pulverulentae]): formations of halo-nitrophilous annuals ([Frankenia pulverulenta], [Suaeda splendens], [Salsola soda], [Cressa cretica], [Parapholis incurva], [P. strigosa], [Hordeum marinum], [Sphenopus divaricatus]) colonising salt muds of the Mediterranean region, susceptible to temporary inundation and extreme drying. Pal. 15.13 - Atlantic sea-pearlwort communities ([Saginion maritimae]): formations of annual pioneers occupying sands subject to variable salinity and humidity, on the coasts, in dune systems and saltmarshes. They are usually limited to small areas and best

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developed in the zone of contact between dune and saltmarsh. Pal. 15.14 Central Eurasian crypsoid communities : Sparse solonchak formations of annual grasses of genus [Crypsis] ([Heleochloa]) colonizing drying muds of humid depressions of the salt steppes and saltmarshes (Pal. 15.A) of Eurasia, from Pannonia to the Far East. Plant text: Pal.:15.11 - [Salicornia] spp., [Microcnemum coralloides], [Suaeda maritima]; Pal.:15.12 - [Frankenia pulverulenta], [Suaeda splendens], [Salsola soda], [Cressa cretica], [Parapholis incurva], [Parapholis strigosa], [Hordeum marinum], [Sphenopus divaricatus]; Pal.:15.13 - [Sagina maritima], [Sagina nodosa], [Cochlearia danica], [Gentiana littorale], [Bupleurum tenuissimum]. Pal.:15.14 - [Crypsis] spp, [Cyperus pannonicus], [Spergularia media], [Spergularia marina], [Salicornia] spp., [Lepidium latifolium], [Chenopodium] spp., [Atriplex] spp. Pasted from:

Search Terms (estuary OR estuaries OR “salt meadow” OR “salt marsh” OR mudflat) OR “Atlantic salt meadows (Glauco-Puccinellietalia maritimae)” OR “Atlantic salt meadows” OR “Glauco-Puccinellietalia maritimae” OR “Aster tripolium” OR “Puccinellia maritime” OR “Glauco-Puccinellietalia” OR “ alicornia and other annuals colonizing mud and sand” OR “ alicornia europaea” OR “ alicornia procumbens” OR “ alicornia pusilla” OR “ alicornia agg” OR “Frankenietea pulverulentae” OR “ aginetea maritimae” OR “ hero- alicornietalia” AND ecology AND management AND conservation AND “conservation status” AND (threats OR pressures OR decline OR deterioration OR unfavourable OR loss OR degrad*) AND (“climate change” OR “invasive alien species” OR eutrophication OR pollution OR “resource management” OR exploitation OR “land abandonment” OR “land use intensification” OR “land conversion” OR forestry OR fragmentation OR loss OR “protected area” OR “Natura 2000” OR Natura2000 OR “commercial development” OR “industrial development” OR “infrastructure development” OR “spatial planning” OR overgrazing OR undergrazing OR fire OR burning OR hydrology OR drainage OR mining OR quarry OR “natural change” OR “anthropogenic change” OR guidance OR “human disturbance” OR “energy production” OR biofuels OR bioenergy OR “wind farm” OR “wind turbine” OR dam OR “economic valuation” OR “conservation finance” OR “protected area finance”) Search Results A total of 930 references were retrieved for closer examination. The search was restricted to the last 12 years, the countries of the Atlantic Biogeographic Region, English language publications and relevant subject categories, i.e. conservation biology not medicine. This was further reduced to 278 references through a two-tier evaluation of titles and abstracts. An additional 49 references were captured by searching on specific EU habitat terms and associated syntaxa with an unrestricted time range. The subject areas that were covered can be seen in figure 2.

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Figure 2: Subject area summary for coastal habitat literature search.

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Bibliography Adao, H., et al. (2009) Spatial distribution of subtidal Nematoda communities along the salinity gradient in southern European estuaries. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology, 35(2) Mar-Apr, pp.287-300. Allison, S. K. (1996) Recruitment and establishment of salt marsh plants following disturbance by flooding. American Midland Naturalist, 136(2) Oct, pp.232-247. Alvarez Rogel, J., Alcaraz Ariza, F. and Ortiz Silla, R. (2000) Soil salinity and moisture gradients and plant zonation in Mediterranean salt marshes of Southeast Spain. Wetlands, 20(2) June, pp.357-372. Alvarez-Rogel, J., et al. (2006) A conceptual model of salt marsh plant distribution in coastal dunes of southeastern Spain. Wetlands, 26(3) Sep, pp.703-717. Alves, J. A., Sutherland, W. J. and Gill, J. A. (2012) Will improving wastewater treatment impact shorebirds? Effects of sewage discharges on estuarine invertebrates and birds. Animal Conservation, 15(1) Feb, pp.44-52. Andrews, J., et al. (2005) Integrated assessment for catchment and coastal zone management: The case of the Humber. In: Vermaat, J. E. B. L. T. K. S. W. (Ed.): Managing European Coasts: Past, Present and Future. pp.323-353 Angus, S. and Dargie, T. (2002) The UK Machair Habitat Action Plan: Progress and problems. Botanical Journal of Scotland, 54(1) 2002, pp.63-74. Aslam, Z., Bhatti, A. S. and Mujtabe, M. (1999) Aster tripolium: A winter forage: Introduction for salt-affected soils. In: Hamdy, A., Lieth, H., Todorovic, al. (Eds.): Halophyte Uses in Different Climates Ii: Halophyte Crop Development: Pilot Studies. pp.95-103 Attrill, M. J. (2002) A testable linear model for diversity trends in estuaries. Journal of Animal Ecology, 71(2) Mar, pp.262-269. Austin, G. E. and Rehfisch, M. M. (2005) Shifting nonbreeding distributions of migratory fauna in relation to climatic change. Global Change Biology, 11(1) Jan, pp.31-38. Baeta, A., et al. (2011) Modelling the effects of eutrophication, mitigation measures and an extreme flood event on estuarine benthic food webs. Ecological Modelling, 222(6) Mar 24, pp.1209-1221. Bakker, J. P., Bravo, L. G. and Mouissie, A. M. (2008) Dispersal by cattle of salt-marsh and dune species into salt-marsh and dune communities. Plant Ecology, 197(1) Jul, pp.43-54. Barba-Brioso, C., et al. (2010) The life cycle impact assessment applied to the Domingo Rubio tidal system by the study of seasonal variations of the aquatic eutrophication potential. Science of the Total Environment, 408(23) Nov 1, pp.5897-5902. Barendregt, A., et al. (2006) Wetlands in the tidal freshwater zone. In: Bobbink, R. B. B. V. J. T. A. W. D. F. (Ed.): Wetlands: Functioning, Biodiversity Conservation, and Restoration. pp.117-148

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Barkowski, J. W., et al. (2009) The impact of tidal inundation on salt marsh vegetation after de-embankment on Langeoog Island, Germany-six years time series of permanent plots. Journal of Coastal Conservation, 13(4) Nov, pp.185-206. Beadman, H. A., et al. (2004) Changes in species richness with stocking density of marine bivalves. Journal of Applied Ecology, 41(3) Jun, pp.464-475. Bedri, Z., et al. (2011) A Three-Dimensional Hydro-Environmental Model of Dublin Bay. Environmental Modeling & Assessment, 16(4) Aug, pp.369-384. Bernhardt, K. G. and Koch, M. (2003) Restoration of a salt marsh system: temporal change of plant species diversity and composition. Basic and Applied Ecology, 4(5), pp.441-451. Bertness, M. D. and Silliman, B. R. (2008) Consumer control of salt marshes driven by human disturbance. Conservation Biology, 22(3) Jun, pp.618-623. Beyen, W. and Meire, P. (2003) Ecohydrology of saline grasslands: Consequences for their restoration. Applied Vegetation Science, 6(2) Dec, pp.153-160. Birol, E. and Cox, V. (2007) Using choice experiments to design wetland management programmes: The case of Severn Estuary wetland, UK. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 50(3) 2007, pp.363-380. Bockelmann, A.-C., Wels, T. and Bakker, J. P. (2011) Seed origin determines the range expansion of the clonal grass Elymus athericus. Basic and Applied Ecology, 12(6) 2011, pp.496-504. Boorman, L. A., Hazelden, J. and Boorman, M. (2001) The effect of rates of sedimentation and tidal submersion regimes on the growth of salt marsh plants. Continental Shelf Research, 21(18-19) Dec, pp.2155-2165. Bos, D., et al. (2002) Long-term vegetation changes in experimentally grazed and ungrazed back-barrier marshes in the Wadden Sea. Applied Vegetation Science, 5(1) May, pp.45-54. Bos, D., van de Koppel, J. and Weissing, F. J. (2004) Dark-bellied Brent geese aggregate to cope with increased levels of primary production. Oikos, 107(3) Dec, pp.485-496. Bouma, T. J., De Vries, M. B. and Herman, P. M. J. (2010) Comparing ecosystem engineering efficiency of two plant species with contrasting growth strategies. Ecology, 91(9) Sep, pp.2696-2704. Bouma, T. J., et al. (2005) Trade-offs related to ecosystem engineering: A case study on stiffness of emerging macrophytes. Ecology, 86(8) Aug, pp.2187-2199. Bouma, T. J., et al. (2009) Density-dependent linkage of scale-dependent feedbacks: a flume study on the intertidal macrophyte Spartina anglica. Oikos, 118(2) Feb, pp.260-268. Bouma, T. J., Ortells, V. and Ysebaert, T. (2009) Comparing biodiversity effects among ecosystem engineers of contrasting strength: macrofauna diversity in Zostera noltii and Spartina anglica vegetations. Helgoland Marine Research, 63(1) Mar, pp.3-18. Bregnballe, T. and Madsen, J. (2004) Tools in waterfowl reserve management: effects of intermittent hunting adjacent to a shooting-free core area. Wildlife Biology, 10(4) Dec, pp.261-268.

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Brogueira, M. J. and Cabecadas, G. (2006) Identification of similar environmental areas in Tagus estuary by using multivariate analysis. Ecological Indicators, 6(3) Aug, pp.508-515. Burton, N. H. K., et al. (2002) Impacts of man-made landscape features on numbers of estuarine waterbirds at low tide. Environmental Management, 30(6) Dec, pp.857-864. Burton, N. H. K., Rehfisch, M. M. and Clark, N. A. (2002) Impacts of disturbance from construction work on the densities and feeding behavior of waterbirds using the intertidal mudflats of Cardiff Bay, UK. Environmental Management, 30(6) Dec, pp.865-871. Burton, N. H. K., et al. (2006) Impacts of sudden winter habitat loss on the body condition and survival of redshank Tringa totanus. Journal of Applied Ecology, 43(3) Jun, pp.464-473. Cacabelos, E., et al. (2011) Ecological features of Terebellida fauna (Annelida, Polychaeta) from Ensenada de San Simon (NW Spain). Animal Biodiversity and Conservation, 34(1) 2011, pp.141-150. Cailleaud, K., et al. (2009) Tidal influence on the distribution of hydrophobic organic contaminants in the Seine Estuary and biomarker responses on the copepod Eurytemora affinis. Environmental Pollution, 157(1) Jan, pp.64-71. Cartaxana, P. and Catarino, F. (2002) Nitrogen resorption from senescing leaves of three salt marsh plant species. Plant Ecology, 159(1) Mar, pp.95-101. Carvalho, L. M., Cacador, I. and Martins-Loucao, M. A. (2001) Temporal and spatial variation of arbuscular mycorrhizas in salt marsh plants of the Tagus estuary (Portugal). Mycorrhiza, 11(6) Dec, pp.303-309. Carvalho, P. N., et al. (2009) Organochlorine pesticides levels in Portuguese coastal areas. Chemosphere, 75(5) May, pp.595-600. Castillo, J. M. and Figueroa, E. (2009) Restoring Salt Marshes Using Small Cordgrass, Spartina maritima. Restoration Ecology, 17(3) May, pp.324-326. Castillo, J. M., et al. (2008) Spatial and temporal variations in aboveground and belowground biomass of Spartina maritima (small cordgrass) in created and natural marshes. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 78(4) Jul 30, pp.819-826. Castillo, J. M., et al. (2005) Short-term responses to salinity of an invasive cordgrass. Biological Invasions, 7(1) Jan, pp.29-35. Castillo-Lopez, E. and Valle, A. (2012) The role of research in coastal westlands management: Salt Marshes of Santoa and Noja (Spain). Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 184(1) Jan, pp.171-180. Catry, T., et al. (2011) Long-term declines of wader populations at the Tagus estuary, Portugal: a response to global or local factors? Bird Conservation International, 21(4) Dec, pp.438-453. Cave, R. R., et al. (2003) The Humber catchment and its coastal area: from UK to European perspectives. Science of the Total Environment, 314Oct 1, pp.31-52.

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Chang, E. R., Veeneklaas, R. M. and Bakker, J. P. (2007) Seed dynamics linked to variability in movement of tidal water. Journal of Vegetation Science, 18(2) Apr, pp.253-262. Chang, E. R., et al. (2008) To move or not to move: determinants of seed retention in a tidal marsh. Functional Ecology, 22(4) Aug, pp.720-727. Chang, E. R., et al. (2005) Seed dispersal by small herbivores and tidal water: are they important filters in the assembly of salt-marsh communities? Functional Ecology, 19(4) Aug, pp.665-673. Chapman, H. W. (1923) Aster tripolium on salt marshes. Nature, 111Jan-Jun, pp.256-256. Clapham, A. R., Pearsall, A. H. and Richards, P. W. (1942) Aster tripolium L. Journal of Ecology, 30, pp.385-395. Conde, A., Novais, J. and Dominguez, J. (2010) Southern limit of distribution of the soft-shell clam Mya arenaria on the Atlantic East Coast. Biological Invasions, 12(3) Mar, pp.429-432. Connort, M. O., Cooper, J. A. G. and Jackson, D. W. T. (2007) Morphological Behaviour of Headland-Embayment and Inlet-Associated Beaches, Northwest Ireland. Journal of Coastal Research,2007, pp.626-630. Cordes, L. S., et al. (2011) Long-term patterns in harbour seal site-use and the consequences for managing protected areas. Animal Conservation, 14(4) Aug, pp.430-438. Costa, P. M., et al. (2012) Can the integration of multiple biomarkers and sediment geochemistry aid solving the complexity of sediment risk assessment? A case study with a benthic fish. Environmental Pollution, 161Feb, pp.107-120. Costil, K., Dussart, G. B. J. and Daguzan, J. (2001) Biodiversity of aquatic gastropods in the Mont St-Michel basin (France) in relation to salinity and drying of habitats. Biodiversity and Conservation, 10(1) Jan, pp.1-18. Couto, T., et al. (2010) The influence of mesh size in environmental quality assessment of estuarine macrobenthic communities. Ecological Indicators, 10(6) Nov, pp.1162-1173. Crespo, D., et al. (2010) EFFECTS OF THE OVER HARVESTING ON AN EDIBLE COCKLE (Cerastoderma edule Linaeus, 1758) POPULATION ON A SOUTHERN EUROPEAN ESTUARY. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 19(12) 2010, pp.2801-2811. Crooks, S., et al. (2002) Drainage and elevation as factors in the restoration of salt marsh in Britain. Restoration Ecology, 10(3) Sep, pp.591-602. Darbra, R. M., et al. (2009) Survey on environmental monitoring requirements of European ports. Journal of Environmental Management, 90(3) Mar, pp.1396-1403. Dausse, A., et al. (2008) Seed dispersal in a polder after partial tidal restoration: Implications for salt-marsh restoration. Applied Vegetation Science, 11(1) Feb, pp.3-12. Dauvin, J.-C., et al. (2008) A report card and quality indicators for the Seine estuary: From scientific approach to operational tool. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 57(1-5) 2008, pp.187-201.

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Davy, A. J., Bishop, G. F. and Costa, C. S. B. (2001) Salicornia L. (Salicornia pusilla J. Woods, S. ramosissima J. Woods, S. europaea L., S. obscura P.W. Ball & Tutin, S. nitens P.W. Ball & Tutin, S. fragilis P.W. Ball & Tutin and S. dolichostachya Moss). Journal of Ecology, 89(4) Aug, pp.681-707. Davy, A. J., et al. (2006) Biological flora of the British Isles: Sarcocornia perennis (Miller) A.J. Scott. Journal of Ecology, 94(5) Sep, pp.1035-1048. Davy, A. J., et al. (2011) Colonization of a newly developing salt marsh: disentangling independent effects of elevation and redox potential on halophytes. Journal of Ecology, 99(6) Nov, pp.1350-1357. Dias, M. P. (2009) Use of Salt Ponds by Wintering Shorebirds throughout the Tidal Cycle. Waterbirds, 32(4) Dec, pp.531-537. Dias, M. P., et al. (2006) Distance to high-tide roosts constrains the use of foraging areas by dunlins: Implications for the management of estuarine wetlands. Biological Conservation, 131(3) Aug, pp.446-452. Dias, M. P., et al. (2008) Does traditional shellfishing affect foraging by waders? The case of the Tagus estuary (Portugal). Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology, 33(2) Mar-Apr, pp.188-196. Dias, N., Sprung, M. and Hassall, M. (2005) The abundance and life histories of terrestrial isopods in a salt marsh of the Ria Formosa lagoon system, southern Portugal. Marine Biology, 147(6) Oct, pp.1343-1352. Dietz, M. W. and Piersma, T. (2007) Red knots give up flight capacity and defend food processing capacity during winter starvation. Functional Ecology, 21(5) Oct, pp.899-904. Dormann, C. F., Van der Wal, R. and Bakker, J. P. (2000) Competition and herbivory during salt marsh succession: the importance of forb growth strategy. Journal of Ecology, 88(4) Aug, pp.571-583. Du Laing, G., et al. (2009a) Heavy metal mobility in intertidal sediments of the Scheldt estuary: Field monitoring. Science of the Total Environment, 407(8) Apr 1, pp.2919-2930. Du Laing, G., et al. (2009b) Trace metal behaviour in estuarine and riverine floodplain soils and sediments: A review. Science of the Total Environment, 407(13) Jun 15, pp.3972-3985. Duarte, A. A. L. S. and Vieira, J. M. P. (2009) Mitigation of estuarine eutrophication processes by controlling freshwater inflows. In: Brebbia, C. A. (Ed.): River Basin Management V. pp.339-350 Ducrotoy, J.-P. and Dauvin, J.-C. (2008) Estuarine conservation and restoration: The Somme and the Seine case studies (English channel, France). Marine Pollution Bulletin, 57(1-5) 2008, pp.208-218. Durell, S., et al. (2005a) A strategy for baseline monitoring of estuary Special Protection Areas. Biological Conservation, 121(2) Jan, pp.289-301. Durell, S., et al. (2005b) Modelling the efficacy of proposed mitigation areas for shorebirds: a case study on the Seine estuary, France. Biological Conservation, 123(1) May, pp.67-77. Durell, S. E. A. L. V. d., et al. (2006) Modelling the effect of environmental change on shorebirds: A case study on Poole Harbour, UK. Biological Conservation, 131(3) Aug, pp.459-473.

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Durell, S. E. A. L. V. d., et al. (2008) Using an individual-based model to inform estuary management in the Baie de Somme, France. Oryx, 42(2) Apr, pp.265-277. Eertman, R. H. M., et al. (2002) Restoration of the Sieperda tidal marsh in the Scheldt estuary, the Netherlands. Restoration Ecology, 10(3) Sep, pp.438-449. Egan, T. P. and Ungar, I. A. (2000a) Mortality of the salt marsh species Salicornia europaea and Atriplex prostrata (Chenopodiaceae) in response to inundation. Ohio Journal of Science, 100(2) Apr, pp.24-27. Egan, T. P. and Ungar, I. A. (2000b) Similarity between seed banks and above-ground vegetation along a salinity gradient. Journal of Vegetation Science, 11(2) Apr, pp.189-194. Elliott, M., et al. (2007) Estuarine, coastal and marine ecosystem restoration: Confusing management and science - A revision of concepts. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 74(3) Sep, pp.349-366. Ellison, A. M. (1987a) DENSITY-DEPENDENT DYNAMICS OF SALICORNIA-EUROPAEA MONOCULTURES. Ecology, 68(3) Jun, pp.737-741. Ellison, A. M. (1987b) EFFECTS OF COMPETITION, DISTURBANCE, AND HERBIVORY ON SALICORNIA-EUROPAEA. Ecology, 68(3) Jun, pp.576-586. Engels, J. G. and Jensen, K. (2010) Role of biotic interactions and physical factors in determining the distribution of marsh species along an estuarine salinity gradient. Oikos, 119(4) Apr, pp.679-685. Engels, J. G., Rink, F. and Jensen, K. (2011) Stress tolerance and biotic interactions determine plant zonation patterns in estuarine marshes during seedling emergence and early establishment. Journal of Ecology, 99(1) Jan, pp.277-287. Erfanzadeh, R., et al. (2010a) Factors affecting the success of early salt-marsh colonizers: seed availability rather than site suitability and dispersal traits. Plant Ecology, 206(2) Feb, pp.335-347. Erfanzadeh, R., et al. (2010b) The effect of successional stage and salinity on the vertical distribution of seeds in salt marsh soils. Flora, 205(7) 2010, pp.442-448. Espinar, J. L., et al. (2004) Helophyte germination in a Mediterranean salt marsh: Gut-passage by ducks changes seed response to salinity. Journal of Vegetation Science, 15(3) Jun, pp.315-322. Espinar, J. L., et al. (2002) Submerged macrophyte zonation in a Mediterranean salt marsh: a facilitation effect from established helophytes? Journal of Vegetation Science, 13(6) Dec, pp.831-840. Esselink, P., Fresco, L. F. M. and Dijkema, K. S. (2002) Vegetation change in a man-made salt marsh affected by a reduction in both grazing and drainage. Applied Vegetation Science, 5(1) May, pp.17-32. Esselink, P., et al. (2000) The effects of decreased management on plant-species distribution patterns in a salt marsh nature reserve in the Wadden Sea. Biological Conservation, 93(1) Apr, pp.61-76.

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Esteves, E. and Andrade, J. P. (2008) Diel and seasonal distribution patterns of eggs, embryos and larvae of Twaite shad Alosa fallax fallax (Lacepede, 1803) in a lowland tidal river. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology, 34(2) Sep-Oct, pp.172-185. Fernandez-Tajes, J., et al. (2011) Use of three bivalve species for biomonitoring a polluted estuarine environment. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 177(1-4) Jun, pp.289-300. Ferns, P. N., Rostron, D. M. and Siman, H. Y. (2000) Effects of mechanical cockle harvesting on intertidal communities. Journal of Applied Ecology, 37(3) Jun, pp.464-474. Figueroa, M. E., et al. (2003) Facilitated invasion by hybridization of Sarcocornia species in a salt-marsh succession. Journal of Ecology, 91(4) Aug, pp.616-626. Fuzy, A., et al. (2008) Drought, but not salinity, determines the apparent effectiveness of halophytes colonized by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Journal of Plant Physiology, 165(11), pp.1181-1192. Gamito, R. and Cabral, H. (2003) Mortality of brown-shrimp discards from the beam trawl fishery in the Tagus estuary, Portugal. Fisheries Research, 63(3) Sep, pp.423-427. Gamito, S., et al. (2010) Modelling the effects of extreme events on the dynamics of the amphipod Corophium orientale. Ecological Modelling, 221(3) Feb 10, pp.459-466. Ganter, B. (2000) Seagrass (Zostera spp.) as food for brent geese (Branta bernicla): an overview. Helgoland Marine Research, 54(2-3) 2000, pp.63-70. Garbutt, A. and Wolters, M. (2008) The natural regeneration of salt marsh on formerly reclaimed land. Applied Vegetation Science, 11(3) Aug, pp.335-344. Garcia, A., et al. (2010) Assesment of the response of a shallow macrotidal estuary to changes in hydrological and wastewater inputs through numerical modelling. Ecological Modelling, 221(8) Apr 24, pp.1194-1208. Garcia, P., Zapico, E. and Colubi, A. (2009) An angiosperm quality index (AQI) for Cantabrian estuaries. Ecological Indicators, 9(5) Sep, pp.856-865. Garnier, J. and Billen, G. (2007) Production vs. Respiration in river systems: An indicator of an "ecological status". Science of the Total Environment, 375(1-3) Apr 1, pp.110-124. Gasperi, J., et al. (2009) Priority pollutants in surface waters and settleable particles within a densely urbanised area: Case study of Paris (France). Science of the Total Environment, 407(8) Apr 1, pp.2900-2908. Geissler, N., Hussin, S. and Koyro, H. W. (2010) Elevated atmospheric CO(2) concentration enhances salinity tolerance in Aster tripolium L. Planta, 231(3) Feb, pp.583-594. Gerbersdorf, S. U., et al. (2009) Microbial assemblages as ecosystem engineers of sediment stability. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 9(6) Dec, pp.640-652.

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Gerdol, V. and Hughes, R. G. (1993) EFFECT OF THE AMPHIPOD COROPHIUM-VOLUTATOR ON THE COLONIZATION OF MUD BY THE HALOPHYTE SALICORNIA-EUROPAEA. Marine Ecology-Progress Series, 97(1) Jul, pp.61-69. Gill, J. A., Norris, K. and Sutherland, W. J. (2001) The effects of disturbance on habitat use by black-tailed godwits Limosa limosa. Journal of Applied Ecology, 38(4) Aug, pp.846-856. Godbold, J. A., Solan, M. and Killham, K. (2009) Consumer and resource diversity effects on marine macroalgal decomposition. Oikos, 118(1) Jan, pp.77-86. Goncalves, A. M. M., et al. (2010) DISTRIBUTION AND COMPOSITION OF SMALL-SIZE ZOOPLANKTON FRACTION IN A TEMPERATE SHALLOW ESTUARY (WESTERN PORTUGAL). Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 19(12B) 2010, pp.3160-3176. Gonzalez-Gordillo, J. I. and Rodriguez, A. (2003) Comparative seasonal and spatial distribution of decapod larvae assemblages in three coastal zones off the south-western Iberian Peninsula. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology, 24May, pp.S219-S233. Gonzalez-Ortegon, E., et al. (2010) Assessment of the interaction between the white shrimp, Palaemon longirostris, and the exotic oriental shrimp, Palaemon macrodactylus, in a European estuary (SW Spain). Biological Invasions, 12(6) Jun, pp.1731-1745. Goss-Custard, J. D., et al. (2006) Test of a behavior-based individual-based model: Response of shorebird mortality to habitat loss. Ecological Applications, 16(6) Dec, pp.2215-2222. Granadeiro, J. P., et al. (2006) Variation in numbers and behaviour of waders during the tidal cycle: implications for the use of estuarine sediment flats. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology, 29(3) May-Jun, pp.293-300. Gratton, C. and Denno, R. F. (2006) Arthropod food web restoration following removal of an invasive wetland plant. Ecological Applications, 16(2) Apr, pp.622-631. Green, B. C., et al. (2012) High site fidelity and low site connectivity in temperate salt marsh fish populations: a stable isotope approach. Oecologia, 168(1) Jan, pp.245-255. Green, D. R. (2010) Applying Geospatial Technologies to Weedmat Monitoring and Mapping: The Ythan Estuary, NE Scotland. In: Green, D. R. (Ed.): Coastal and Marine Geospatial Technologies. pp.153-169 Green, D. R. and Bojar, K. (2010) "Ythanview" - Visualizing an Estuary and Virtual Fieldwork at the Ythan Estuary, Scotland, UK. In: Green, D. R. (Ed.): Coastal and Marine Geospatial Technologies. pp.171-186 Guarini, J.-M., Sari, N. and Moritz, C. (2008) Modelling the dynamics of the microalgal biomass in semi-enclosed shallow-water ecosystems. Ecological Modelling, 211(3-4) Mar 10, pp.267-278. Gubelit, Y. I. and Berezina, N. A. (2010) The causes and consequences of algal blooms: The Cladophora glomerata bloom and the Neva estuary (eastern Baltic Sea). Marine Pollution Bulletin, 61(4-6) 2010, pp.183-188.

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Transition mires and quaking bogs (7140) Peat-forming communities developed at the oligotrophic to mesotrophic water surfaces, with characteristics intermediate between soligenous and ombrogenous types. They present a large and diverse range of plant communities. In large peaty systems, the most prominent communities are swaying swards, floating carpets or quaking mires formed by medium-sized or small sedges, associated with sphagnum or brown mosses. They are generally accompanied by aquatic and amphibious communities. In the Boreal region this habitat type includes minerotrophic fens that are not part of a larger mire complex, open swamps and small fens in the transition zone between water (lakes, ponds) and mineral soil. These mires and bogs belong to the [Scheuchzerietalia palustris] order (oligotrophic floating carpets among others) and to the [Caricetalia fuscae] order (quaking communities). Oligotrophic water-land interfaces with [Carex rostrata] are included. Plant text: [Eriophorum gracile, Carex chordorrhiza, Carex lasiocarpa, Carex diandra, Carex rostrata, Carex limosa, Scheuchzeria palustris, Hammarbya paludosa], #[Liparis loeselii, Rhynchospora alba, Rhynchospora fusca, Menyanthes trifoliata, Epilobium palustre, Pedicularis palustris, Sphagnum] sp. ([Sphagnum papillosum, Sphagnum angustifolium, Sphagnum subsecundum, Sphagnum fimbriatum, Sphagnum riparium, Sphagnum cuspidatum, Calliergon giganteum, Drepanocladus revolvens, Scorpidium scorpioides, Campylium stellatum, Aneura pinguis]. Pasted from: Active raised bogs (7110) Acid bogs, ombrotrophic, poor in mineral nutrients, sustained mainly by rainwater, with a water level generally higher than the surrounding water table, with perennial vegetation dominated by colourful Sphagna hummocks allowing for the growth of the bog ([Erico-Sphagnetalia magellanici, Scheuchzerietalia palustris] p., [Utricularietalia intermedio-minoris] p., [Caricetalia fuscae] p.). Typically, pools may be present in western United Kingdom, Ireland, Finland and Sweden. The term "active" must be taken to mean still supporting a significant area of vegetation that is normally peat forming, but bogs where active peat formation is temporarily at a standstill, such as after a fire or during a natural climatic cycle e.g., a period of drought, are also included. Plant text: Erico-Sphagnetalia magellanici - [Andromeda polifolia, Carex pauciflora, Cladonia] spp., [Drosera rotundifolia, Eriophorum vaginatum, Odontoschisma sphagni, Sphagnum magellanicum, Sphagnum imbricatum, Sphagnum fuscum, Vaccinium oxycoccos]; in the Boreal region also [Betula nana, Chamaedaphne calyculata, Calluna vulgaris, Ledum palustre] and [Sphagnum angustifolium].

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[Scheuchzerietalia palustris] p., [Utricularietalia intermedio-minoris] p., [Caricetalia fuscae] p. - [Carex fusca, Carex limosa, Drosera anglica, Drosera intermedia, Eriophorum gracile, Rhynchospora alba, Rhynchospora fusca, Scheuchzeria palustris, Utricularia intermedia, Utricularia minor, Utricularia ochroleuca]; in the Boreal region also [Sphagnum balticum] and [Sphagnum majus]. Invertebrate text: Dragonflies -[Leucorrhinia dubia, Aeshna subarctica, Aeshna caerulea, Aeshna juncea, Somatochlora arctica, Somatochlora alpestris]. Butterflies - [Colias palaeno, Boloria aquilonaris, Coenonympha tullia, Vacciniina optilete, Hypenodes turfosalis, Eugraphe subrosea]. Spiders - [Pardosa sphagnicola, Glyphesis cottonae]. Ants - [Formica transkaucassia]. Cricket/Grasshopper - [Metrioptera brachyptera, Stethophyma grossum]. Pasted from: Alkaline fens (7230) Wetlands mostly or largely occupied by peat- or tufa-producing small sedge and brown moss communities developed on soils permanently waterlogged, with a soligenous or topogenous base-rich, often calcareous water supply, and with the water table at, or slightly above or below, the substratum. Peat formation, when it occurs, is infra-aquatic. Calciphile small sedges and other [Cyperaceae] usually dominate the mire communities, which belong to the [Caricion davallianae], characterised by a usually prominent "brown moss" carpet formed by [Campylium stellatum, Drepanocladus intermedius, D. revolvens, Cratoneuron commutatum, Acrocladium cuspidatum, Ctenidium molluscum, Fissidens adianthoides, Bryum pseudotriquetrum] and others, a grasslike growth of [Schoenus nigricans, S. ferrugineus, Eriophorum latifolium, Carex davalliana, C. flava, C. lepidocarpa, C. hostiana, C. panicea, Juncus subnodulosus, Scirpus cespitosus, Eleocharis quinqueflora], and a very rich herbaceous flora including [Tofieldia calyculata, Dactylorhiza incarnata, D. traunsteineri, D. traunsteinerioides, D. russowii, D. majalis ssp.brevifolia, D. cruenta, #Liparis loeselii, Herminium monorchis, Epipactis palustris, Pinguicula vulgaris, Pedicularis sceptrum-carolinum, Primula farinosa, Swertia perennis]. Wet grasslands ([Molinietalia caerulaea], e.g. [Juncetum subnodulosi] & [Cirsietum rivularis], Pal. 37), tall sedge beds ([Magnocaricion], Pal. 53.2), reed formations ([Phragmition], Pal. 53.1), fen sedge beds ([Cladietum mariscae], Pal. 53.3), may form part of the fen system, with communities related to transition mires (Pal. 54.5, 54.6) and amphibious or aquatic vegetation (Pal. 22.3, 22.4) or spring communities (Pal. 54.1) developing in depressions. The sub-units below, which can, alone or in combination, and together with codes selected from the categories just mentioned, describe the composition of the fen, are understood to include the mire communities sensu stricto ([Caricion davallianae]), their transition to the [Molinion], and assemblages that, although they may be phytosociologically referable to alkaline [Molinion] associations, contain a large representation of the [Caricion davallianae] species listed, in addition to being integrated in the fen system; this somewhat parallels the definition of an integrated class [Molinio-Caricetalia davallianae] in Rameau et al., 1989. Outside of rich fen systems, fen communities can occur as small areas in dune slack systems (Pal. 16.3), in transition mires (Pal. 54.5), in wet grasslands (Pal. 37), on tufa cones (Pal. 54.121) and in a few other situations. Rich fens are exceptionally endowed with spectacular, specialised, strictly restricted species. They are among the habitats that have undergone the most serious decline. They are essentially extinct in several regions and gravely endangered in most. Plant text: [Schoenus nigricans, S. ferrugineus, Carex spp., Eriophorum latifolium, Cinclidium stygium, Tomentypnum nitens]. Pasted from:

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Search Terms (bog OR mire OR “transition mire” OR “quaking bog” OR “raised bog” OR fen OR “alkaline fen”) OR peatland OR “transition mires and quaking bogs” OR Carex OR phagnum OR Eriophorum OR “Caricetalia fuscae” OR “ cheuchzerietalia palustris” OR “active raised bogs” OR “Utricularietalia intermedio-minoris” OR “Utricularietalia intermedio-minoris” OR “alkaline fens" OR “Caricion davallianae” OR Molinion AND ecology AND management AND conservation AND “conservation status” AND (threats OR pressures OR decline OR deterioration OR unfavourable OR loss OR degrad*) AND (“climate change” OR “invasive alien species” OR eutrophication OR pollution OR “resource management” OR exploitation OR “land abandonment” OR “land use intensification” OR “land conversion” OR forestry OR fragmentation OR loss OR “protected area” OR “Natura 2000” OR Natura2000 OR “commercial development” OR “industrial development” OR “infrastructure development” OR “spatial planning” OR overgrazing OR undergrazing OR fire OR burning OR hydrology OR drainage OR mining OR quarry OR “natural change” OR “anthropogenic change” OR guidance OR “human disturbance” OR “energy production” OR biofuels OR bioenergy OR “wind farm” OR “wind turbine” OR dam OR “economic valuation” OR “conservation finance” OR “protected area finance”) Search Results A total of 1,032 references were retrieved for closer examination. The search was restricted to the last 12 years, the countries of the Atlantic Biogeographic Region, English language publications and relevant subject categories, i.e. conservation biology not medicine. This was further reduced to 75 references through a two-tier evaluation of titles and abstracts. An additional 27 references were captured by searching on specific EU habitat terms and associated syntaxa with an unrestricted time range. The subject areas that were covered can be seen in figure 3.

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Figure 3: Subject area summary for bog habitat literature search.

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Bibliography Almquistjacobson, H. and Foster, D. R. (1995) TOWARD AN INTEGRATED MODEL FOR RAISED-BOG DEVELOPMENT - THEORY AND FIELD EVIDENCE. Ecology, 76(8) Dec, pp.2503-2516. Baird, A. J., Eades, P. A. and Surridge, B. W. J. (2008) The hydraulic structure of a raised bog and its implications for ecohydrological modelling of bog development. Ecohydrology, 1(4) Dec, pp.289-298. Belyea, L. R. and Baird, A. J. (2006) Beyond "The limits to peat bog growth'': Cross-scale feedback in peatland development. Ecological Monographs, 76(3) Aug, pp.299-322. Belyea, L. R. and Lancaster, J. (2002) Inferring landscape dynamics of bog pools from scaling relationships and spatial patterns. Journal of Ecology, 90(2) Apr, pp.223-234. Bennie, J., Anderson, K. and Wetherelt, A. (2011) Measuring biodiversity across spatial scales in a raised bog using a novel paired-sample diversity index. Journal of Ecology, 99(2) Mar, pp.482-490. Bleuten, W., et al. (2006) Hydrological processes, nutrient flows and patterns of fens and bogs. In: Verheven, J. T. A., Beltman, B., Bobbink, al. (Eds.): Wetlands and Natural Resource Management. pp.183-204 Boeye, D., et al. (1996) A local rich fen fed by calcareous seepage from an artificial river water infiltration system. Vegetatio, 126(1) Sep, pp.51-58. Bolscher, B. (1995) Niche requirements of birds in raised bogs: Habitat attributes in relation to bog restoration. Restoration of Temperate Wetlands. Bolscher, B., Huvendieck, B. and Pohler, T. (1996) Habitat requirements of ground-nesting bird species in raised bogs of the western Palearctic region. Verhandlungen Der Gesellschaft Fur Okologie, Vol 26. Bootsma, M. C., et al. (2002) Rehabilitation of acidified floating fens by addition of buffered surface water. Restoration Ecology, 10(1) Mar, pp.112-121. Bracken, F., McMahon, B. J. and Whelan, J. (2008) Breeding bird populations of Irish peatlands. Bird Study, 55Jul, pp.169-178. Bragazza, L., et al. (2004) Nutritional constraints in ombrotrophic Sphagnum plants under increasing atmospheric nitrogen deposition in Europe. New Phytologist, 163(3) Sep, pp.609-616. Bragg, O. M. (2002) Hydrology of peat-forming wetlands in Scotland. Science of the Total Environment, 294(1-3) Jul, pp.111-129. Breeuwer, A., et al. (2008) The effect of increased temperature and nitrogen deposition on decomposition in bogs. Oikos, 117(8) Aug, pp.1258-1268. Casparie, W. A. (1993) THE BOURTANGER MOOR - ENDURANCE AND VULNERABILITY OF A RAISED BOG SYSTEM. Hydrobiologia, 265(1-3) Aug, pp.203-215.

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Chapman, S., et al. (2003) Exploitation of northern peatlands and biodiversity maintenance: a conflict between economy and ecology. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 1(10) Dec, pp.525-532. Connolly, J., Holden, N. M. and Ward, S. M. (2007) Mapping peatlands in Ireland using a rule-based methodology and digital data. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 71(2) Mar-Apr, pp.492-499. Couwenberg, J. (2005) A simulation model of mire patterning - revisited. Ecography, 28(5) Oct, pp.653-661. Couwenberg, J. and Joosten, H. (2005) Self-organization in raised bog patterning: the origin of microtope zonation and mesotope diversity. Journal of Ecology, 93(6) Dec, pp.1238-1248. Crushell, P. H., et al. (2011) Restoration of a Terrestrialized Soak Lake of an Irish Raised Bog: Results of Field Experiments. Restoration Ecology, 19(2) Mar, pp.261-272. Delescaille, L. M. (2002) Nature conservation and pastoralism in Wallonia. Pasture Landscapes and Nature Conservation. Eggelsmann, R. R. F. (1995) Hydrological protection and rewetting of raised bogs influenced by man. Restoration of Temperate Wetlands. Eppinga, M. B., et al. (2009) Linking habitat modification to catastrophic shifts and vegetation patterns in bogs. Plant Ecology, 200(1) Jan, pp.53-68. Flatberg, K. I., Whinam, J. and Lebouvier, M. (2011) Three species of Sphagnum endemic to Ile Amsterdam, Terres Australes et Antarctiques Francaises: S. cavernulosum sp. nov., S. complanatum sp. nov. and S. islei. Journal of Bryology, 33Jun, pp.105-121. Frankard, P. and Hindryckx, M. N. (1998) Evolution of the vegetation in the southern part of the fagne Wallonne raised bog, during the last 60 years (Hautes-Fagnes, Belgium). Belgian Journal of Botany, 131(1), pp.28-40. Frankl, R. and Schmeidl, H. (2000) Vegetation change in a South German raised bog: Ecosystem engineering by plant species, vegetation switch or ecosystem level feedback mechanisms. Flora, 195(3) Aug, pp.267-276. Goldhammer, T. and Blodau, C. (2008) Desiccation and product accumulation constrain heterotrophic anaerobic respiration in peats of an ombrotrophic temperate bog. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 40(8) Aug, pp.2007-2015. Gondar, D., et al. (2005) Effect of soil depth on acid properties of humic substances extracted from an ombrotrophic peat bog in northwest Spain. European Journal of Soil Science, 56(6) Dec, pp.793-801. Goubet, P., Thebaud, G. and Pettel, G. (2006) Ecological constraints on Sphagnum bog development: a conceptual model for conservation. Revue D Ecologie-La Terre Et La Vie, 61(2), pp.101-116. Grootjans, A. P., et al. (2006) Hydrological landscape settings of base-rich fen mires and fen meadows: an overview. Applied Vegetation Science, 9(2) Nov, pp.175-184.

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Hajek, M., et al. (2006) Habitat diversity of central European fens in relation to environmental gradients and an effort to standardise fen terminology in ecological studies. Perspectives in Plant Ecology Evolution and Systematics, 8(2), pp.97-114. Hajkova, P., et al. (2007) The role of base saturation and altitude in habitat differentiation within Philonotis in springs and mires of three different European regions. Bryologist, 110(4) Win, pp.776-787. Heijmans, M., et al. (2002) Response of a Sphagnum bog plant community to elevated CO2 and N supply. Plant Ecology, 162(1) Sep, pp.123-134. Heijmans, M., et al. (2008) Long-term effects of climate change on vegetation and carbon dynamics in peat bogs. Journal of Vegetation Science, 19(3) Jun, pp.307-U54. Herault, B. and Thoen, D. (2008) Diversity of plant assemblages in isolated depressional wetlands from Central-Western Europe. Biodiversity and Conservation, 17(9) Aug, pp.2169-2183. Hochkirch, A. and Adorf, F. (2007) Effects of prescribed burning and wildfires on Orthoptera in Central European peat bogs. Environmental Conservation, 34(3) Sep, pp.225-235. Hughes, P. D. M. and Barber, K. E. (2003) Mire development across the fen-bog transition on the Teifi floodplain at Tregaron Bog, Ceredigion, Wales, and a comparison with 13 other raised bogs. Journal of Ecology, 91(2) Apr, pp.253-264. Hughes, P. D. M. and Barber, K. E. (2004) Contrasting pathways to ombrotrophy in three raised bogs from Ireland and Cumbria, England. Holocene, 14(1) Jan, pp.65-77. Hughes, P. D. M. and Dumayne-Peaty, L. (2002) Testing theories of mire development using multiple successions at Crymlyn Bog, West Glamorgan, South Wales, UK. Journal of Ecology, 90(3) Jun, pp.456-471. Hughes, P. D. M., et al. (2008) Decline and localized extinction of a major raised bog species across the British Isles: evidence for associated land-use intensification. Holocene, 18(7) Nov, pp.1033-1043. Hughes, P. D. M., et al. (2007) The declining quality of late-Holocene ombrotrophic communities and the loss of Sphagnum austinii (Sull. ex Aust.) on raised bogs in Wales. Holocene, 17(5) Jul, pp.613-625. Hugonnot, V., et al. (2011) Cephalozia macrostachya Kaal. indicator of the conservation status of a bog in Sologne (Cher, France); its usefullness in the management issue. Acta Botanica Gallica, 158(3) Oct, pp.329-345. Jacquemart, A. L. and De Sloover, J. R. (2008) Effects of turf-cutting for the restauration of wet heathlands in high Belgian Ardenne. Acta Botanica Gallica, 155(1) Mar, pp.133-141. Jassey, V. E. J., et al. (2012) Phenoloxidase and peroxidase activities in Sphagnum-dominated peatland in a warming climate. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 46Mar, pp.49-52. Keuper, F., et al. (2011) A Race for Space? How Sphagnum fuscum stabilizes vegetation composition during long-term climate manipulations. Global Change Biology, 17(6) Jun, pp.2162-2171.

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Kruse, J., Lennartz, B. and Leinweber, P. (2008) A modified method for measuring saturated hydraulic conductivity and anisotropy of fen peat samples. Wetlands, 28(2) Jun, pp.527-531. Kuchler, H., et al. (2009) Vegetation change and effects of cattle grazing in the transition mire "Burgmoos". Botanica Helvetica, 119(2) Dec, pp.95-104. Lamers, L. P. M., Bobbink, R. and Roelofs, J. G. M. (2000) Natural nitrogen filter fails in polluted raised bogs. Global Change Biology, 6(5) Jun, pp.583-586. Large, A. R. G., et al. (2007) Using long-term monitoring of fen hydrology and vegetation to underpin wetland restoration strategies. Applied Vegetation Science, 10(3) Dec, pp.417-428. Limpens, J., Berendse, F. and Klees, H. (2004) How phosphorus availability affects the impact of nitrogen deposition on Sphagnum and vascular plants in bogs. Ecosystems, 7(8) Dec, pp.793-804. Limpens, J. and Heijmans, M. (2008) Swift recovery of Sphagnum nutrient concentrations after excess supply. Oecologia, 157(1) Aug, pp.153-161. Mauquoy, D. and Yelov, D. (2008) Raised peat bog development and possible responses to environmental changes during the mid- to late-Holocene. Can the palaeoecological record be used to predict the nature and response of raised peat bogs to future climate change? Biodiversity and Conservation, 17(9) Aug, pp.2139-2151. Mawby, F. J. (1995) Effects of damming peat cuttings on Glasson Moss and Wedholme Flow, two lowland raised bogs in North-West England. Restoration of Temperate Wetlands. McClymont, E. L., et al. (2008) The disappearance of Sphagnum imbricatum from Butterburn Flow, UK. Holocene, 18(6) Sep, pp.991-1002. McClymont, E. L., et al. (2009) The disappearance of Sphagnum imbricatum from Butterburn Flow, UK: a reply to comments by Bjorn Robroek et al. Holocene, 19(7) Nov, pp.1094-1097. McMullen, J. A., Barber, K. E. and Johnson, B. (2004) A paleoecological perspective of vegetation succession on raised bog microforms. Ecological Monographs, 74(1) Feb, pp.45-77. Michel, P., et al. (2012) Species traits and their non-additive interactions control the water economy of bryophyte cushions. Journal of Ecology, 100(1) Jan, pp.222-231. Middleton, B. A., Holsten, B. and van Diggelen, R. (2006) Biodiversity management of fens and fen meadows by grazing, cutting and burning. Applied Vegetation Science, 9(2) Nov, pp.307-316. Money, R. P. (1995) Re-establishment of a Sphagnum-dominated flora on cut-over lowland raised bogs. Restoration of Temperate Wetlands. Moore, P. D. (2002a) The future of cool temperate bogs. Environmental Conservation, 29(1) Mar, pp.3-20. Moore, P. D. (2002b) The future of cool temperate bogs. Environmental Conservation, 29(1) Mar, pp.3-20.

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Moran, J., et al. (2008) The use of GIS techniques to quantify the hydrological regime of a karst wetland (Skealoghan turlough) in Ireland. Applied Vegetation Science, 11(1) Feb, pp.25-U31. Moran, J., Sheehy, S. M. and Gormally, M. (2008) The influence of hydrological regime and grazing management on the plant communities of a karst wetland (Skealoghan turlough) in Ireland. Applied Vegetation Science, 11(1) Feb, pp.13-U17. Mucina, L. and Polacik, S. (1982) PRINCIPAL COMPONENTS-ANALYSIS AND TREND-SURFACE ANALYSIS OF A SMALL-SCALE PATTERN IN A TRANSITION MIRE. Vegetatio, 48(2), pp.165-173. Novak, M., et al. (2008) Accumulation of organic carbon over the past 150 years in five freshwater peatlands in western and central Europe. Science of the Total Environment, 390(2-3) Feb, pp.425-436. Phuyal, M., et al. (2008) Long-term nitrogen deposition increases phosphorus limitation of bryophytes in an ombrotrophic bog. Plant Ecology, 196(1) May, pp.111-121. Poschlod, P. (1995) Diaspore rain and diaspore bank in raised bogs and implications for the restoration of peat-mined sites. Restoration of Temperate Wetlands. Proctor, M. C. F. (2010) ENVIRONMENTAL AND VEGETATIONAL RELATIONSHIPS OF LAKES, FENS AND TURLOUGHS IN THE BURREN. Biology and Environment-Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, 110B(1) Jun, pp.17-34. Querner, E. P., et al. (2010) Modelling Peatland Hydrology: Three Cases from Northern Europe. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 19(1), pp.149-159. Ramchunder, S. J., Brown, L. E. and Holden, J. (2012) Catchment-scale peatland restoration benefits stream ecosystem biodiversity. Journal of Applied Ecology, 49(1) Feb, pp.182-191. Robroek, B. J. M., et al. (2007a) Effects of water level and temperature on performance of four Sphagnum mosses. Plant Ecology, 190(1) May, pp.97-107. Robroek, B. J. M., et al. (2007b) Precipitation determines the persistence of hollow Sphagnum species on hummocks. Wetlands, 27(4) Dec, pp.979-986. Robroek, B. J. M., Waucomont, J. G. M. and Schouten, M. G. C. (2009) The disappearance of S. imbricatum from European raised bogs: a comment on McClymont et al. Holocene, 19(7) Nov, pp.1093-1094. Rodriguez-Oubina, J., Izco, J. and Ramil, P. (2001) Phytosociological characterization of Sphagnum pylaesii Brid. communities in Northwest Spain. Acta Botanica Gallica, 148(3), pp.201-213. Ruzickova, H. (1980) COMMUNITIES OF THE ASSOCIATION CARICION DAVALLIANAE KLIKA 1934 IN THE LIPTOV BASIN. Biologia, 35(4), pp.275-284. Schramm, J. and Wollert, H. (2010) The bryophyte flora of an unspoiled percolation mire of northern Germany in the valley of the Blinde Trebel (Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania). Herzogia, 23(2), pp.257-267.

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Schrautzer, J., et al. (2002) The Eidertal pasture landscape - Mire restoration and species conservation in a river valley of Schleswig-Holstein (northwest Germany). Pasture Landscapes and Nature Conservation. Schwaar, J. (1966) DAS CARICION DAVALLIANAE IN DER SALMER UND GEROLSTEINER KALKMULDE. Berichte Der Deutschen Botanischen Gesellschaft, 79(1), pp.45-&. Skeffington, M. S., et al. (2006) Ttirloughs - Ireland's unique wetland habitat. Biological Conservation, 133(3) Dec, pp.265-290. Smith, R. S., et al. (2003) Vegetation change in an ombrotrophic mire in northern England after excluding sheep. Applied Vegetation Science, 6(2) Dec, pp.261-270. Smolders, A. J. P., et al. (2002) Peat bog restoration by floating raft formation: the effects of groundwater and peat quality. Journal of Applied Ecology, 39(3) Jun, pp.391-401. Ssymank, A. and Hauke, U. (1998) Landscape ecology of calcareous fens (Caricion davallianae) and the Cladietum marisci in the lowlands of NE-Germany and their relevance for nature conservation in the European Union Habitats Directive. Phytocoenologia, 28(1), pp.105-142. Stammel, B., Kiehl, K. and Pfadenhauer, J. (2006) Effects of experimental and real land use on seedling recruitment of six fen species. Basic and Applied Ecology, 7(4), pp.334-346. Taylor, K. and Rowland, P. (2011) Biological Flora of the British Isles: Stachys palustris L. Journal of Ecology, 99(4) Jul, pp.1081-1090. Thebaud, G., Cubizolle, H. and Petel, G. (2003) Preliminary research about ombrotrophic raised bogs of Bois-Noirs and Northern Forez mountains (French Massif central): vegetation, development and present dynamics. Acta Botanica Gallica, 150(1) Mar, pp.35-57. Thebaud, G., et al. (2009) Plant communities of ombrotrophic mires in the eastern Massif central (France). Acta Botanica Gallica, 156(3) Oct, pp.341-377. Thebaud, G. and Petel, G. (2008) A contribution to the revision of ombrotrophic and ombrominerotrophic medioeuropean mires communities. Phytocoenologia, 38(4) Dec, pp.287-304. Tomassen, H. B. M., et al. (2003) Stimulated growth of Betula pubescens and Molinia caerulea on ombrotrophic bogs: role of high levels of atmospheric nitrogen deposition. Journal of Ecology, 91(3) Jun, pp.357-370. Tomassen, H. B. M., et al. (2005) How bird droppings can affect the vegetation composition of ombrotrophic bogs. Canadian Journal of Botany-Revue Canadienne De Botanique, 83(8) Aug, pp.1046-1056. Tomassen, H. B. M., et al. (2004) Expansion of invasive species on ombrotrophic bogs: desiccation or high N deposition? Journal of Applied Ecology, 41(1) Feb, pp.139-150. van Belle, J., et al. (2006) The effects of groundwater discharge, mowing and eutrophication on fen vegetation evaluated over half a century. Applied Vegetation Science, 9(2) Nov, pp.195-204.

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van der Hoek, D. and Sykora, K. V. (2006) Fen-meadow succession in relation to spatial and temporal differences in hydrological and soil conditions. Applied Vegetation Science, 9(2) Nov, pp.185-194. van Diggelen, R., et al. (2006) Fens and floodplains of the temperate zone: Present status, threats, conservation and restoration. Applied Vegetation Science, 9(2) Nov, pp.157-162. van Duinen, G. A., et al. (2006) Differential response of aquatic oligochaete species to increased nutrient availability - a comparative study between Estonian and Dutch raised bogs. Hydrobiologia, 564(1) Jul, pp.143-155. van Loon, A. H., et al. (2011) Linking habitat suitability and seed dispersal models in order to analyse the effectiveness of hydrological fen restoration strategies. Biological Conservation, 144(3) Mar, pp.1025-1035. Vermaat, J. E., Goosen, H. and Omtzigt, N. (2007) Do biodiversity patterns in Dutch wetland complexes relate to variation in urbanisation, intensity of agricultural land use or fragmentation? Biodiversity and Conservation, 16(12) Nov, pp.3585-3595. Visser, M., et al. (2006) The rise and fall of turlough typologies: A call for a continuum concept. Wetlands, 26(3) Sep, pp.745-764. Weijtmans, K., Jongejans, E. and van Ruijven, J. (2009) Sod cutting and soil biota effects on seedling performance. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology, 35(5) Sep-Oct, pp.651-656. Werner, J., et al. (2005) The bryophytes of Lorraine (France), outside the Vosges mountains, A critical annotated list. Cryptogamie Bryologie, 26(4) Oct, pp.347-402. Yallop, A. R., et al. (2006) The extent and intensity of management burning in the English uplands. Journal of Applied Ecology, 43(6) Dec, pp.1138-1148. Zaccone, C., et al. (2008) Humic acids role in Br accumulation along two ombrotrophic peat bog profiles. Geoderma, 146(1-2) Jul, pp.26-31. Zijlstra, G. (1981) SOME REMARKS ON THE CIRSIO-MOLINIETUM AND THE CARICION-DAVALLIANAE. Proceedings of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie Van Wetenschappen Series C-Biological and Medical Sciences, 84(1), pp.89-&.

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LAKE AND RIVER HABITATS Core Information Sources Bensettiti, F., Gaudillat, V. & Haury, J. (2002) Cahiers d'habitats. Natura 2000. Connaissance et gestion des habitats et des espèces d'intérêt communautaire. Tome 3 - Habitats humides (wetland habitats). La Documentation française. BfN - Bundesamt für Naturschutz. Natura 2000 Habitats in Germany. URL: [Accessed 2 April, 2012] European Commission (2007) Interpretation Manual of European Union Habitats, version EUR 27. European Commission, Brussels. European Environment Agency. Interpretation Manual of European Union Habitats, version EUR 27. URL: [Accessed 2 April, 2012] INPN - Inventaire national du Patrimoine naturel. URL : [Accessed 30 March, 2012] JNCC. The current UK status and distribution of EC Habitats Directive interest features. URL: [Accessed 30 March, 2012] Ministerie van Economische Zaken, Landbouw en Innovatie. Beschermde natuur in Nederland - Habitattypen. URL: gebiedendatabase.aspx?subj=habtypen&groep=0 [Accessed 30 March, 2012] Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente. Fichas Tipos de Hábitat de Interés Comunitarios de España. URL: temas/red-natura-2000/documentos-claves-de-la-red-natura-2000/acceso_fichas.aspx [Accessed 30 March, 2012] Rodwell, J.S. [ed.] (1995) British Plant Communities. Volume 4. Aquatic communities, swamps and tall-herb fens. Cambridge University Press. Rodwell, J.S. [ed.] (1991) British Plant Communities. Volume 1. Woodlands and scrub. Cambridge University Press. van Uytvanck, J. et al. (2010) Vademecum - Beheer van Europese Habitats en Soorten voor particuliere beheerders van terreinen binnen Natura 2000 gebieden. Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek, Brussels.

Oligotrophic to mesotrophic standing waters with vegetation of the Littorelletea uniflorae and/or of the Isoëto-Nanojuncetea (3130) Subtypes: Pal. 22.12 x 22.31: Aquatic to amphibious short perennial vegetation, oligotrophic to mesotrophic, of lake, pond and pool banks and water-land interfaces belonging to the [Littorelletalia uniflorae] order. Pal. 22.12 x 22.32: amphibious short annual vegetation, pioneer of land interface zones of lakes, pools and ponds with nutrient poor soils, or which grows during periodic drying of these standing waters: [Isoeto-Nanojuncetea] class. These two units can grow together in close association or separately. Characteristic plant species are generally small ephemerophytes. Plant text: Pal. 22.12 x 22.31: [Littorella uniflora],

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#[Luronium natans], [Potamogeton polygonifolius], [Pilularia globulifera], [Juncus bulbosus ssp. bulbosus], [Eleocharis acicularis], [Sparganium minimum]. Pal. 22.12 X 22.32: #[Lindernia procumbens], [Elatine] spp., [Eleocharis ovata], [Juncus tenageia], [Cyperus fuscus], [Cyperus flavescens], [Cyperus michelianus], [Limosella aquatica], [Schoenoplectus supinus], [Scirpus setaceus], [Juncus bufonius], [Centaurium pulchellum], [Centunculus minimus], [Cicendia filiformis] Pasted from Natural eutrophic lakes with Magnopotamion or Hydrocharition - type vegetation (3150) Lakes and ponds with mostly dirty grey to blue-green, more or less turbid, waters, particularly rich in dissolved bases (pH usually > 7), with free-floating surface communities of the [Hydrocharition] or, in deep, open waters, with associations of large pondweeds ([Magnopotamion]). Plant text: [Hydrocharition] - [Lemna] spp., [Spirodela] spp., [Wolffia] spp., [Hydrocharis morsus-ranae], [Stratiotes aloides], [Utricularia australis], [Utricularia vulgaris], #[Aldrovanda vesiculosa], ferns ([Azolla]), liverworts ([Riccia] spp., [Ricciocarpus] spp.);[Magnopotamion] - [Potamogeton lucens], [Potamogeton praelongus], [Potamogeton zizii], [Potamogeton perfoliatus]. Pasted from Oligotrophic waters containing very few minerals of sandy plains (Littorelletalia uniflorae) (3110) Shallow oligotrophic waters with few minerals and base poor, with an aquatic to amphibious low perennial vegetation belonging to the [Littorelletalia uniflorae] order, on oligotrophic soils of lake and pond banks (sometimes on peaty soils). This vegetation consists of one or more zones, dominated by [Littorella], [Lobelia dortmanna] or [Isoetes], although not all zones may not be found at a given site. Plant text: [Isoetes lacustris], [Isoetes echinospora], [Littorella uniflora], [Lobelia dortmanna], [Deschampsia setacea], [Subularia aquatica], [Juncus bulbosus], [Pilularia globulifera], #[Luronium natans], [Potamogeton polygonifolius]; in the Boreal region also [Myriophyllum alterniflorum], [Drepanocladus] spp., [Warnstorfia] spp. and [Fontinalis] spp. Pasted from Water courses of plain to montane levels with the Ranunculion fluitantis and Callitricho-Batrachion vegetation (3260) Water courses of plain to montane levels, with submerged or floating vegetation of [Ranunculion fluitantis] and [Callitricho-Batrachion] (low water level during Summer) or aquatic mosses Plant text: Submerged or floating vegetation of [Ranunculion fluitantis] and [Callitricho-Batrachion] (low water level during Summer) or aquatic mosses. [Ranunculus saniculifolius], [Ranunculus trichophyllus], [Ranunculus fluitans], [Ranunculus peltatus], [Ranunculus penicillatus ssp. penicillatus], [Ranunculus penicillatus ssp. pseudofluitantis], [Ranunculus aquatilis], [Myriophyllum] spp., [Callitriche] spp., [Sium erectum], [Zannichellia palustris], [Potamogeton] spp., [Fontinalis antipyretica]. Pasted from

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Alluvial forests with Alnus glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior (Alno-Padion, Alnion incanae, Salicion albae) (91E0) Riparian forests of [Fraxinus excelsior] and [Alnus glutinosa], of temperate and Boreal Europe lowland and hill watercourses (Pal. 44.3: [Alno-Padion]); riparian woods of [Alnus incanae] of montane and submontane rivers of the Alps and the northern Apennines (Pal. 44.2: [Alnion incanae]); arborescent galleries of tall [Salix alba, Salix fragilis] and [Populus nigra], along medio-European lowland, hill or submontane rivers (Pal. 44.13: [Salicion albae]). All types occur on heavy soils (generally rich in alluvial deposits) periodically inundated by the annual rise of the river (or brook) level, but otherwise well-drained and aerated during low-water. The herbaceous layer invariably includes many large species ([Filipendula ulmaria, Angelica sylvestris, Cardamine] spp., [Rumex sanguineus, Carex] spp., [Cirsium oleraceum]) and various vernal geophytes can occur, such as [Ranunculus ficaria, Anemone nemorosa, Anemone ranunculoides, Corydalis solida]. This habitat includes several subtypes: ash-alder woods of springs and their rivers (Pal. 44.31 [Carici remotae-Fraxinetum]); ash-alder woods of fast-flowing rivers (Pal. 44.32 [Stellario-Alnetum glutinosae]); ash-alder woods of slow-flowing rivers (Pal. 44.33 [Pruno-Fraxinetum, Ulmo-Fraxinetum]); montane grey alder galleries (Pal. 44.21 [Calamagrosti variae-Alnetum incanae] Moor 58); submontane grey alder galleries (Pal. 44.22 [Equiseto hyemalis-Alnetum incanae] Moor 58); white willow gallery forests (Pal. 44.13 [Salicion albae]). The Spanish types belong to the alliance [Osmundo-Alnion] (Cantabric atlantic and southeast Iberia peninsula). Plant text: Tree layer - [Alnus glutinosa, Alnus incanae, Fraxinus excelsior; Populus nigra, Salix alba, Salix fragilis]; [Betula pubescens, Ulmus glabra]; herb layer - [Angelica sylvestris, Cardamine amara, Cardamine pratensis, Carex acutiformis, Carex pendula, Carex remota, Carex strigosa, Carex sylvatica, Cirsium oleraceum, Equisetum telmateia, Equisetum] spp., [Filipendula ulmaria, Geranium sylvaticum, Geum rivale, Lycopus europaeus, Lysimachia nemorum, Rumex sanguineus, Stellaria nemorum, Urtica dioica]. Pasted from

Search Terms (lake OR pool OR pond OR loch OR river OR stream OR “riparian woodland” OR “wet woodland” OR "wet forest" OR "riparian forest") OR “Oligotrophic to mesotrophic standing waters with vegetation of the Littorelletea uniflorae and/or of the Isoëto-Nanojuncetea” OR “Littorella uniflora” OR Juncus OR Cyperus OR “ soëto-Nanojuncetea” OR “Littorelletalia uniflorae” OR “ soetetum azorica” OR “Littorelletea uniflorae” OR “Natural eutrophic lakes with Magnopotamion or Hydrocharition - type vegetation” OR Hydrocharition OR Magnopotamion OR “Potamogeton lucens” OR “Potamogeton perfoliatus” OR “Potamogeton praelongus” OR Utricularia OR “Oligotrophic waters containing very few minerals of sandy plains (Littorelletalia uniflorae)” OR “Littorelletalia uniflorae” OR soetes OR Littorella OR “Lobelia dortmanna” OR "Water courses of plain to montane levels with the Ranunculion fluitantis and Callitricho-Batrachion vegetation" OR Ranunculus OR Myriophyllum OR Callitriche OR Potamogeton OR "Ranunculion fluitantis" OR "Callitricho-Batrachion" OR "Alluvial forests with Alnus glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior (Alno-Padion, Alnion incanae, Salicion albae)" OR "Alno-Padion" OR "Alnion incanae" OR "Salicion albae" OR "Alnus glutinosa" OR "Fraxinus excelsior" OR "Salix" OR "Populus" OR "Osmundo-Alnion" OR "Stellario-Alnetum glutinosae" OR "Ulmo-Fraxinetum" OR "Calamagrosti variae-Alnetum incanae" OR "Equiseto hyemalis-Alnetum incanae" OR "Pruno-Fraxinetum" OR "Alnenion glutinoso-incanae" OR "Carici remotae-Fraxinetum" AND ecology AND management AND conservation AND conservation status AND (threats OR pressures OR decline OR deterioration OR unfavourable OR loss OR degrad*) AND (“climate change” OR “invasive alien species” OR eutrophication OR pollution OR “resource management” OR exploitation

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OR “land abandonment” OR “land use intensification” OR “land conversion” OR forestry OR fragmentation OR loss OR “protected area” OR “Natura 2000” OR Natura2000 OR “commercial development” OR “industrial development” OR “infrastructure development” OR “spatial planning” OR overgrazing OR undergrazing OR fire OR burning OR hydrology OR drainage OR mining OR quarry OR “natural change” OR “anthropogenic change” OR guidance OR “human disturbance” OR “energy production” OR biofuels OR bioenergy OR “wind farm” OR “wind turbine” OR dam OR “economic valuation” OR “conservation finance” OR “protected area finance”) Search Results A total of 1,602 references were retrieved for closer examination. The search was restricted to the last 12 years, the countries of the Atlantic Biogeographic Region, English language publications and relevant subject categories, i.e. conservation biology not medicine. More restrictive subject categories had to be applied in this search as initial results consisted of more than 35,000 references. Consequently only references associated with ecology, limnology and biodiversity conservation were selected. This selection was further reduced to 114 references through a two-tier evaluation of titles and abstracts. An additional 29 references were captured by searching on specific EU habitat terms and associated syntaxa with an unrestricted time range. The subject areas that were covered can be seen in figure 4.

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Figure 4: Subject area summary for lake and river habitat literature search.

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Bibliography Abrantes, N., et al. (2006) Seasonal succession of cladocerans and phytoplankton and their interactions in a shallow eutrophic lake (Lake Vela, Portugal). Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology, 29(1) Jan-Feb, pp.54-64. Abrantes, N., Nogueira, A. and Goncalves, F. (2009) Short-term dynamics of cladocerans in a eutrophic shallow lake during a shift in the phytoplankton dominance. Annales De Limnologie-International Journal of Limnology, 45(4), pp.237-245. Aherne, J. and Farrell, E. P. (2001) Sensitivity of Irish lakes to acidification. In: Williams, W. D. (Ed.): International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Proceedings, Vol 27, Pt 4. pp.2467-2470 Allott, N. and Brennan, M. (2001) Nature and origin of acid episodes in western Ireland. In: Williams, W. D. (Ed.): International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Proceedings, Vol 27, Pt 4. pp.2471-2474 Anastacio, P. M., et al. (2011) Ontogenic shifts in predatory roles involving two invasive species. Limnologica, 41(3) Sep, pp.228-234. Andersen, F. O. and Andersen, T. (2006) Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizae on biomass and nutrients in the aquatic plant Littorella uniflora. Freshwater Biology, 51(9) Sep, pp.1623-1633. Anton-Pardo, M. and Armengol, X. (2009) Changes in zooplankton and macroinvertebrates in shallow lakes of Southeastern Spain. In: Jones, J. (Ed.): International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Vol 30, Pt 5, Proceedings. pp.745-748 Arts, G. H. P. and Denhartog, C. (1990) PHYTOGEOGRAPHICAL ASPECTS OF THE WEST EUROPEAN SOFT-WATER MACROPHYTE FLORA. Acta Botanica Neerlandica, 39(4) Dec, pp.369-378. Arts, G. H. P. and Vanderheijden, R. (1990) GERMINATION ECOLOGY OF LITTORELLA-UNIFLORA (L) ASCHERS. Aquatic Botany, 37(2) Jul, pp.139-151. Baar, J., et al. (2011) Molecular analysis of AMF diversity in aquatic macrophytes: A comparison of oligotrophic and utra-oligotrophic lakes. Aquatic Botany, 94(2) Feb, pp.53-61. Bakker, E. S., et al. (2010) Effect of macrophyte community composition and nutrient enrichment on plant biomass and algal blooms. Basic and Applied Ecology, 11(5), pp.432-439. Bjerring, R., et al. (2008) Inferring recent changes in the ecological state of 21 Danish candidate reference lakes (EU Water Framework Directive) using palaeolimnology. Journal of Applied Ecology, 45(6) Dec, pp.1566-1575. Bonn, A. and Schroder, B. (2001) Habitat models and their transfer for single and multi species groups: a case study of carabids in an alluvial forest. Ecography, 24(4) Aug, pp.483-496. Boston, H. L. and Adams, M. S. (1987) PRODUCTIVITY, GROWTH AND PHOTOSYNTHESIS OF 2 SMALL ISOETID PLANTS, LITTORELLA-UNIFLORA AND ISOETES-MACROSPORA. Journal of Ecology, 75(2) Jun, pp.333-350.

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Brederveld, R. J., et al. (2011) Dispersal as a limiting factor in the colonization of restored mountain streams by plants and macroinvertebrates. Journal of Applied Ecology, 48(5) Oct, pp.1241-1250. Burgmer, T., Hillebrand, H. and Pfenninger, M. (2007) Effects of climate-driven temperature changes on the diversity of freshwater macroinvertebrates. Oecologia, 151(1) Feb, pp.93-103. Canedo-Arguelles, M. and Rieradevall, M. (2011) Early succession of the macroinvertebrate community in a shallow lake: Response to changes in the habitat condition. Limnologica, 41(4) Dec, pp.363-370. Caroni, R. and Irvine, K. (2001) Relationships between water chemistry and zooplankton distribution in Irish lakes. In: Williams, W. D. (Ed.): International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Vol 27, Pt 2, Proceedings. pp.768-772 Castro, B. B. and Goncalves, F. (2011) Planktivory in non-indigenous fish and implications for trophic interactions in a Mediterranean shallow lake. Annales De Limnologie-International Journal of Limnology, 47(3) Jan, pp.269-280. Chaput-Bardy, A., et al. (2009) Modelling the effect of in-stream and overland dispersal on gene flow in river networks. Ecological Modelling, 220(24) Dec, pp.3589-3598. Chaves, M. L., et al. (2011) Are Water Framework Directive stream types biologically relevant? The case of the Mondego river, Portugal. Annales De Limnologie-International Journal of Limnology, 47(2) Jan, pp.119-131. Chen, Q., Mynett, A. E. and Minns, A. W. (2002) Application of cellular automata to modelling competitive growths of two underwater species Chara aspera and Potamogeton pectinatus in Lake Veluwe. Ecological Modelling, 147(3) Jan, pp.253-265. Chung, S. O. and Le Cohu, R. (2001) Variability of sediment diatom assemblages of Lake Pont-de-Salars on the Viaur River (France). Annales De Limnologie-International Journal of Limnology, 37(3), pp.167-176. Claassen, T. H. L. (2006) Limnological characteristics of Lake the Leijen in Northern Netherlands, focused on a pilot project of the implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive. In: Jones, J. (Ed.): International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Vol 29, Pt 3, Proceedings. pp.1433-1439 Correia, A. M. and Anastacio, P. M. (2008) Shifts in aquatic macroinvertebrate biodiversity associated with the presence and size of an alien crayfish. Ecological Research, 23(4) Jul, pp.729-734. Cortes, R. M. V., Oliveira, S. V. and Tavares, I. (2001) Riparian habitats in small streams: are they ecotones? In: Williams, W. D. (Ed.): International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Vol 27, Pt 5, Proceedings. pp.2505-2510 Danger, M., et al. (2009) Direct and indirect effects of biomanipulations on periphyton stoichiometry in shallow lakes. In: Jones, J. (Ed.): International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Vol 30, Pt 5, Proceedings. pp.737-740 de Castro, F. and Gaedke, U. (2008) The metabolism of lake plankton does not support the metabolic theory of ecology. Oikos, 117(8) Aug, pp.1218-1226.

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De Hoyos, C., Comin, F. A. and Vega, J. C. (2001) The heat budget of Lake Sanabria (NW Spain). In: Williams, W. D. (Ed.): International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Proceedings, Vol 27, Pt 4. pp.2186-2189 De Meester, L., et al. (2006) Biodiversity in European shallow lakes: a multilevel-multifactorial field study. In: Bobbink, R., Beltman, B., Verhoeven, J. T. al. (Eds.): Wetlands: Functioning, Biodiversity Conservation, and Restoration. pp.149-167 Declerck, S., et al. (2005) Multi-group biodiversity in shallow lakes along gradients of phosphorus and water plant cover. Ecology, 86(7) Jul, pp.1905-1915. Doe, S. G. and Rippey, B. (2002) Classifying and measuring the ecological status of lakes using phytoplankton. In: Wetzel, R. G. (Ed.): International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Vol 28 Pt 3, Proceedings. pp.1452-1455 Donohue, I., et al. (2009) Nutrient enrichment homogenizes lake benthic assemblages at local and regional scales. Ecology, 90(12) Dec, pp.3470-3477. Douglas, R., Rippey, B. and Gibson, C. (2002) Mechanisms of contaminant transport in lakes. In: Williams, W. D. (Ed.): International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Vol 27, Pt 7, Proceedings. pp.3907-3910 Dufour, S. and Piegay, H. (2008) Geomorphological controls of Fraxinus excelsior growth and regeneration in floodplain forests. Ecology, 89(1) Jan, pp.205-215. Duigan, C., Kovach, W. and Palmer, M. (2007) Vegetation communities of British lakes: a revised classification scheme for conservation. Aquatic Conservation-Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 17(2) Mar-Apr, pp.147-173. Eckmann, R., et al. (2007) Re-oligotrophication and whitefish fisheries management - a workshop summary. In: Jankun, M., Brzuzan, P., Hliwa, al. (Eds.): Biology and Management of Coregonid Fishes - 2005. pp.353-360 Escriva, A., Armengol, X. and Mezquita, F. (2010) Microcrustacean and Rotiferan Communities of Two Close Mediterranean Mountain Ponds, Lagunas de Bezas and Rubiales (Spain). Journal of Freshwater Ecology, 25(3) Sep, pp.427-435. Filipe, A. F., Magalhaes, M. F. and Collares-Pereira, M. J. (2010) Native and introduced fish species richness in Mediterranean streams: the role of multiple landscape influences. Diversity and Distributions, 16(5) Sep, pp.773-785. Free, G., et al. (2005) The identification of lake types using macrophyte community composition in Ireland. In: Jones, J. (Ed.): International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Vol 29, Pt 1, Proceedings. pp.296-299 Free, G., et al. (2009) The identification, characterization and conservation value of isoetid lakes in Ireland. Aquatic Conservation-Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 19(3) May, pp.264-273. Friberg, N., et al. (2011) Biomonitoring of Human Impacts in Freshwater Ecosystems: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. In: Woodward, G. (Ed.): Advances in Ecological Research, Vol 44. pp.1-68

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Gacia, E., et al. (2009) Functional diversity of macrophyte communities within and between Pyrenean lakes. Journal of Limnology, 68(1), pp.25-36. George, D. G. (2000) De-coupling natural and anthropogenic sources of variation in the lakes of the English Lake District. In: Williams, W. D. (Ed.): International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Vol 27, Pt 1, Proceedings. pp.321-325 Gergs, R., Grey, J. and Rothhaupt, K. O. (2011) Temporal variation in zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) density structure the benthic food web and community composition on hard substrates in Lake Constance, Germany. Biological Invasions, 13(12) Dec, pp.2727-2738. Girel, J., Vautier, F. and Peiry, J. L. (2003) Biodiversity and land use history of the Alpine Riparian landscapes (the example of the Isere River Valley, France). In: Mander, U. and Antrop, M. (Eds.): Multifunctional Landscapes, Vol Iii: Continuity and Change. pp.167-200 Grenouillet, G., et al. (2008) Concordance among stream assemblages and spatial autocorrelation along a fragmented gradient. Diversity and Distributions, 14(4) Jul, pp.592-603. Guenet, B., et al. (2010) Priming effect: bridging the gap between terrestrial and aquatic ecology. Ecology, 91(10) Oct, pp.2850-2861. Hammerling, R., et al. (2006) Development of phosphorus input in Lake Scharmutzelsee, Germany, and the changes in phosphorus balance. In: Jones, J. (Ed.): International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Vol 29, Pt 3, Proceedings. pp.1639-1641 Herrmann, M., Saunders, A. M. and Schramm, A. (2009) Effect of Lake Trophic Status and Rooted Macrophytes on Community Composition and Abundance of Ammonia-Oxidizing Prokaryotes in Freshwater Sediments. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 75(10) May, pp.3127-3136. Hilt, S., et al. (2006) Restoration of submerged vegetation in shallow eutrophic lakes - A guideline and state of the art in Germany. Limnologica, 36(3) Sep, pp.155-171. Hilt, S., et al. (2011) Abrupt regime shifts in space and time along rivers and connected lake systems. Oikos, 120(5) May, pp.766-775. Huang, S., et al. (2009) From meso- to macro-scale dynamic water quality modelling for the assessment of land use change scenarios. Ecological Modelling, 220(19) Oct, pp.2543-2558. Huber, V. and Gaedke, U. (2006) The role of predation for seasonal variability patterns among phytoplankton and ciliates. Oikos, 114(2) Aug, pp.265-276. Hudec, I. (1987) CLADOCERA IN PLANT ASSOCIATIONS LEMNION-MINORIS AND HYDROCHARITION. Biologia, 42(6), pp.547-556. Hulsmann, S., et al. (2006) Relations between food web structure and nutrient budget in a stratified lake: results from a whole lake experiment in Saidenbach Reservoir, Germany. In: Jones, J. (Ed.): International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Vol 29, Pt 3, Proceedings. pp.1543-1547

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Hupfer, M. and Renner, S. (2002) Recolonisation with macrophytes and their influence on phosphorus fixation in the sediment of a shallow lake. In: Wetzel, R. G. (Ed.): International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Vol 28 Pt 3, Proceedings. pp.1332-1335 Jahnig, S. C., et al. (2009) Effects of re-braiding measures on hydromorphology, floodplain vegetation, ground beetles and benthic invertebrates in mountain rivers. Journal of Applied Ecology, 46(2) Apr, pp.406-416. Jeppesen, E., et al. (2005) Response of northern temperate shallow lakes to reduced nutrient loading, with special emphasis on Danish lakes. In: Jones, J. (Ed.): International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Vol 29, Pt 1, Proceedings. pp.115-122 John, H. and Richert, E. (2011) Hydrochory of Littorelletea and Isoeto-Nanojuncetea species in the Erzgebirge (Germany). Tuexenia,(31), pp.87-104. Jones, I. J., et al. (2000) Do submerged aquatic plants influence periphyton community composition for the benefit of invertebrate mutualists? Freshwater Biology, 43(4) Apr, pp.591-604. Jones, J. I. and Sayer, C. D. (2003) Does the fish-invertebrate-periphyton cascade precipitate plant loss in shallow lakes? Ecology, 84(8) Aug, pp.2155-2167. Jones, R. I. and Feuchtmayr, H. (2002) Nutrient limitation of bacterioplankton growth in three upland lakes. In: Wetzel, R. G. (Ed.): International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Vol 28, Pt 1, Proceedings. pp.97-101 Kalettka, T. and Rudat, C. (2006) Hydrogeomorphic types of glacially created kettle holes in North-East Germany. Limnologica, 36(1) Feb, pp.54-64. Kasprzak, P. and Koschel, R. (2001) Lake trophic state, community structure and biomass of crustacean plankton. In: Williams, W. D. (Ed.): International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Vol 27, Pt 2, Proceedings. pp.773-777 King, L., Jones, R. I. and Barker, P. A. (2001) Periphyton response to nutrient manipulation in an oligotrophic lake (Wastwater, English Lake District). In: Williams, W. D. (Ed.): International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Vol 27, Pt 5, Proceedings. pp.3154-3158 King, L., Jones, R. I. and Barker, R. (2002) Spatial variation in epilithic algal communities around an oligotrophic and a mesotrophic lake in the English Lake District. In: Wetzel, R. G. (Ed.): International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Vol 28, Pt 1, Proceedings. pp.455-461 Kirilova, E., et al. (2009) Climate-induced changes in the trophic status of a Central European lake. Journal of Limnology, 68(1), pp.71-82. Koschel, R. H., et al. (2002) Primary production of phytoplankton and nutrient metabolism during and after thermal pollution in a deep, oligotrophic lowland lake (Lake Stechlin, Germany). In: Wetzel, R. G. (Ed.): International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Vol 28, Pt 2, Proceedings. pp.569-575 Launbardt, A., Rucker, J. and Nixdorf, B. (2006) Control of seasonal phytoplankton dynamics in Lake Scharmutzelsee (northeast Germany) by nutrient competition during winter. In: Jones, J. (Ed.):

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International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Vol 29, Pt 3, Proceedings. pp.1675-1678 Layer, K., et al. (2010) Food Web Structure and Stability in 20 Streams Across a Wide pH Gradient. In: Woodward, G. (Ed.): Advances in Ecological Research: Ecological Networks, Vol 42. pp.265-299 Ledger, M. E., et al. (2008) Disturbance frequency influences patch dynamics in stream benthic algal communities. Oecologia, 155(4) Apr, pp.809-819. Legalle, M., Mastrorillo, S. and Cereghino, R. (2008) Spatial distribution patterns and causes of decline of three freshwater species with different biological traits (white-clawed crayfish, bullhead, freshwater pearl mussel): a review. Annales De Limnologie-International Journal of Limnology, 44(2), pp.95-104. Leira, M., et al. (2006) Assessing the ecological status of candidate reference lakes in Ireland using palaeolimnology. Journal of Applied Ecology, 43(4) Aug, pp.816-827. Leprieur, F., et al. (2008) Null model of biotic homogenization: a test with the European freshwater fish fauna. Diversity and Distributions, 14(2) Mar, pp.291-300. Leyer, I. and Pross, S. (2009) Do seed and germination traits determine plant distribution patterns in riparian landscapes? Basic and Applied Ecology, 10(2), pp.113-121. Li, H., et al. (2010) Revealing spatial pattern dynamics in aquatic ecosystem modelling with Multi-Agent Systems in Lake Veluwe. Ecological Informatics, 5(2) Mar, pp.97-107. Li, Z. Q., et al. (2011) Suppressed growth of the submersed macrophyte Vallisneria natans in a non-rooted suspended state. Journal of Freshwater Ecology, 26(3) Sep, pp.423-428. Lillebo, A. I., et al. (2007) Nutrient dynamics in Mediterranean temporary streams: A case study in Pardiela catchment (Degebe River, Portugal). Limnologica, 37(4) Dec, pp.337-348. Linnane, S. M. and Murray, D. A. (2001) A paleolimnological investigation of an upland mountain lake on the east coast of Ireland. In: Williams, W. D. (Ed.): International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Vol 27, Pt 3, Proceedings. pp.1204-1208 Madsen, B. L., et al. (2006) Ecological principles and stream restoration. In: Jones, J. (Ed.): International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Vol 29, Pt 4, Proceedings. pp.2045-2050 Maier, G., et al. (2011) New records of the rare glacial relict Eurytemora lacustris (Poppe 1887) (Copepoda; Calanoida) in atypical lake habitats of northern Germany. Journal of Limnology, 70(1), pp.145-148. May, L., Bailey-Watts, A. E. and Hilton, J. (2002) An assessment of the likely effects of phosphorus load reduction on phytoplankton biomass in Bassenthwaite Lake, Cumbria, England. In: Williams, W. D. (Ed.): International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Vol 27, Pt 7, Proceedings. pp.4009-4012

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McCarthy, T. K., et al. (2001) Water quality monitoring in some larger western Irish lakes. In: Williams, W. D. (Ed.): International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Proceedings, Vol 27, Pt 4. pp.1816-1821 Mehner, T., Holker, F. and Kasprzak, P. (2005) Spatial and temporal heterogeneity of trophic variables in a deep lake as reflected by repeated singular samplings. Oikos, 108(2) Feb, pp.401-409. Meyer, E. I., et al. (2006) Influence of sediment dynamics on substrate-associated parameters in sandy-bottomed streams. In: Jones, J. (Ed.): International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Vol 29, Pt 3, Proceedings. pp.1630-1634 Monaghan, K. A. and Soares, A. (2008) Macroinvertebrate communities and habitat structure in least-impacted hill streams of central Portugal. Journal of Freshwater Ecology, 23(2) Jun, pp.315-325. Morales-Baquero, R. and Conde-Porcuna, J. M. (2001) Effect of the catchment areas on the abundance of zooplankton in high mountain lakes of the Sierra Nevada (Spain). In: Williams, W. D. (Ed.): International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Proceedings, Vol 27, Pt 4. pp.1804-1808 Moss, B., et al. (2003) How important is climate? Effects of warming, nutrient addition and fish on phytoplankton in shallow lake microcosms. Journal of Applied Ecology, 40(5) Oct, pp.782-792. Murphy, K. J., Hudson, K. D. and Mitchell, J. (1994) FRESH-WATER AND WETLAND PLANT-COMMUNITIES OF LOCH-LOMOND. Hydrobiologia, 290(1-3) Sep, pp.63-74. Mutz, M., et al. (2006) Perception and evaluation of dead wood in streams and rivers by German students. Limnologica, 36(2) Jun, pp.110-118. Nielsen, K. B. and Andersen, F. O. (2005) Interactions of the macrophyte Littorella uniflora with sediment phosphate in three oligotrophic Danish lakes. Phosphates in Sediments, Proceedings. O'Driscoll, J. F., Harrison, S. S. C. and Giller, P. S. (2006) Do trees make a difference? An evaluation of the impact of riparian vegetation on the ecology of nutrient poor headwater streams. Polish Journal of Ecology, 54(4), pp.695-700. O'Sullivan, P., et al. (2001) Long-term response of Loch Ness, Scotland, to changes in inputs from its catchment. In: Williams, W. D. (Ed.): International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Proceedings, Vol 27, Pt 4. pp.2307-2311 Paetzold, A., Warren, P. H. and Maltby, L. L. (2010) A framework for assessing ecological quality based on ecosystem services. Ecological Complexity, 7(3) Sep, pp.273-281. Pedersen, O., et al. (2006) A multidisciplinary approach to understanding the recent and historical occurrence of the freshwater plant, Littorella uniflora. Freshwater Biology, 51(5) May, pp.865-877. Peintinger, M., Prati, D. and Winkler, E. (2007) Water level fluctuations and dynamics of amphibious plants at Lake Constance: Long-term study and simulation. Perspectives in Plant Ecology Evolution and Systematics, 8(4), pp.179-196. Perez-Quintero, J. C. (2011) Freshwater mollusc biodiversity and conservation in two stressed Mediterranean basins. Limnologica, 41(3) Sep, pp.201-212.

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Pinto, P., et al. (2009) Seasonal and spatial gradients in the biological and ecological traits of benthic macroinvertebrate communities in Mediterranean rivers in southern Portugal. In: Jones, J. (Ed.): International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Vol 30, Pt 8, Proceedings: Now: International Society of Limnology. pp.1197-1201 Pulido, C., et al. (2011) Influence of quantity and lability of sediment organic matter on the biomass of two isoetids, Littorella uniflora and Echinodorus repens. Freshwater Biology, 56(5) May, pp.939-951. Raun, A. L., Borum, J. and Sand-Jensen, K. (2010) Influence of sediment organic enrichment and water alkalinity on growth of aquatic isoetid and elodeid plants. Freshwater Biology, 55(9) Sep, pp.1891-1904. Rieradevall, M., Bonada, N. and Prat, N. (2000) Recent and past zoobenthic communities in the high mountain Lake Redo, (Pyrenees, Spain). A MOLAR project study. In: Williams, W. D. (Ed.): International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Vol 27, Pt 1, Proceedings. pp.500-500 Rimet, F., Druart, J. C. and Anneville, O. (2009) Exploring the dynamics of plankton diatom communities in Lake Geneva using emergent self-organizing maps (1974-2007). Ecological Informatics, 4(2) May, pp.99-110. Rioual, P. (2002) Limnological characteristics of 25 lakes of the French Massif Central. Annales De Limnologie-International Journal of Limnology, 38(4), pp.311-327. Robe, W. E. and Griffiths, H. (1992) SEASONAL-VARIATION IN THE ECOPHYSIOLOGY OF LITTORELLA-UNIFLORA (L) ASCHERSON IN ACIDIC AND EUTROPHIC HABITATS. New Phytologist, 120(2) Feb, pp.289-304. Robe, W. E. and Griffiths, H. (2000) Physiological and photosynthetic plasticity in the amphibious, freshwater plant, Littorella uniflora, during the transition from aquatic to dry terrestrial environments. Plant Cell and Environment, 23(10) Oct, pp.1041-1054. Rodriguez-Oubina, J., Romero, M. I. and Ortiz, S. (1997) Communities of the class Littorelletea uniflorae in the northwest iberian Peninsula. Acta Botanica Gallica, 144(1), pp.155-169. Romani, A. M. and Sabater, S. (2001) Structure and activity of rock and sand biofilms in a Mediterranean stream. Ecology, 82(11) Nov, pp.3232-3245. Samaniego, L. and Bardossy, A. (2006) Simulation of the impacts of land use/cover and climatic changes on the runoff characteristics at the mesoscale. Ecological Modelling, 196(1-2) Jul, pp.45-61. Sanchez-Castillo, P. M., Linares-Cuesta, J. E. and Fernandez-Moreno, D. (2008) Changes in epilithic diatom assemblages in a Mediterranean high mountain lake (Laguna de La Caldera, Sierra Nevada, Spain) after a period of drought. Journal of Limnology, 67(1), pp.49-55. Sand-Jensen, K. and Staehr, P. A. (2007) Scaling of pelagic metabolism to size, trophy and forest cover in small Danish lakes. Ecosystems, 10(1) Feb, pp.127-141. Scheffer, M. and Jeppesen, E. (2007) Regime shifts in shallow lakes. Ecosystems, 10(1) Feb, pp.1-3.

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Schmieder, K. (2004) European lake shores in danger - concepts for a sustainable development. Limnologica, 34(1-2) May, pp.3-14. Selig, U., et al. (2002) The environmental history of a postglacial dimictic lake in North Germany. In: Wetzel, R. G. (Ed.): International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Vol 28 Pt 3, Proceedings. pp.1340-1344 Sondergaard, M. and Jeppesen, E. (2007) Anthropogenic impacts on lake and stream ecosystems, and approaches to restoration. Journal of Applied Ecology, 44(6) Dec, pp.1089-1094. Sondergaard, M., et al. (2005) Water framework directive: Ecological classification of danish lakes. Journal of Applied Ecology, 42(4) Aug, pp.616-629. Sondergaard, M., et al. (2007) Lake restoration: successes, failures and long-term effects. Journal of Applied Ecology, 44(6) Dec, pp.1095-1105. Spierenburg, P., et al. (2009) Could rising aquatic carbon dioxide concentrations favour the invasion of elodeids in isoetid-dominated softwater lakes? Freshwater Biology, 54(9) Sep, pp.1819-1831. Spierenburg, P., et al. (2010) Competition between isoetids and invading elodeids at different concentrations of aquatic carbon dioxide. Freshwater Biology, 55(6) Jun, pp.1274-1287. Statzner, B., Bonada, N. and Doledec, S. (2008) Biological attributes discriminating invasive from native European stream macroinvertebrates. Biological Invasions, 10(4) Apr, pp.517-530. Steiner, S. and Kasprzak, P. (2001) Cladoceran grazing and the fate of planktonic primary production in a mesotrophic stratified lake. In: Williams, W. D. (Ed.): International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Vol 27, Pt 5, Proceedings. pp.3005-3008 Stephen, D., et al. (2000) Long-term responses of a shallow and a deep lake to external nutrient reduction. In: Williams, W. D. (Ed.): International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Vol 27, Pt 1, Proceedings. pp.598-598 Straile, D. (2000) Meteorological forcing of plankton dynamics in a large and deep continental European lake. Oecologia, 122(1) Jan, pp.44-50. Sudova, R., et al. (2011) The incidence of arbuscular mycorrhiza in two submerged Isoetes species. Aquatic Botany, 94(4) May, pp.183-187. Szmeja, J. (1994a) AN INDIVIDUALS STATUS IN POPULATIONS OF ISOETID SPECIES. Aquatic Botany, 48(3-4) Jun, pp.203-224. Szmeja, J. (1994b) DYNAMICS OF THE ABUNDANCE AND SPATIAL-ORGANIZATION OF ISOETID POPULATIONS IN AN OLIGOTROPHIC LAKE. Aquatic Botany, 49(1) Jul, pp.19-32. Urban, R. A., Titus, J. E. and Zhu, W. X. (2006) An invasive macrophyte alters sediment chemistry due to suppression of a native isoetid. Oecologia, 148(3) Jun, pp.455-463. Van de Meutter, F., Stoks, R. and De Meester, L. (2006a) Lotic dispersal of lentic macroinvertebrates. Ecography, 29(2) Apr, pp.223-230.

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Van de Meutter, F., Stoks, R. and De Meester, L. (2006b) Rapid response of macroinvertebrates to drainage management of shallow connected lakes. Journal of Applied Ecology, 43(1) Feb, pp.51-60. Van Geest, G. J., et al. (2007) Long transients near the ghost of a stable state in eutrophic shallow lakes with fluctuating water levels. Ecosystems, 10(1) Feb, pp.36-46. Van Looy, K. and Meire, P. (2009) A conservation paradox for riparian habitats and river corridor species. Journal for Nature Conservation, 17(1), pp.33-46. van Nes, E. H., et al. (2008) Modelling the effects of diving ducks on zebra mussels Dreissena polymorpha in lakes. Ecological Modelling, 211(3-4) Mar, pp.481-490. van Nes, E. H., Rip, W. J. and Scheffer, M. (2007) A theory for cyclic shifts between alternative states in shallow lakes. Ecosystems, 10(1) Feb, pp.17-27. Verdonschot, R. C. M., Didderen, K. and Verdonschot, P. F. M. (2012) Importance of habitat structure as a determinant of the taxonomic and functional composition of lentic macroinvertebrate assemblages. Limnologica, 42(1) Feb, pp.31-42. Verreydt, D., et al. (2012) Dispersal-mediated trophic interactions can generate apparent patterns of dispersal limitation in aquatic metacommunities. Ecology Letters, 15(3) Mar, pp.218-226. Volkl, W., et al. (2002) Natural succession in a dynamic riverine landscape and the protection of open areas. Pasture Landscapes and Nature Conservation. vom Hofe, H. and Gerstmeier, R. (2001) Ecological preferences and movement patterns of carabid beetles along a river bank. Revue D Ecologie-La Terre Et La Vie, 56(4), pp.313-320. Wahl, B. (2009) Long-term changes of Lake Constance with special regard to the climate impact. In: Jones, J. (Ed.): International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Vol 30, Pt. 7, Proceedings. pp.989-992 Wilhelm, S. and Adrian, R. (2007) Long-term response of Dreissena polymorpha larvae to physical and biological forcing in a shallow lake. Oecologia, 151(1) Feb, pp.104-114. Wolf, R., Vrielink, J. G. and DeWaal, R. L. (1997) Riverine woodlands in the Netherlands. Global Ecology and Biogeography Letters, 6(3-4) May-Jul, pp.287-295. Wolfer, S. R. and Straile, D. (2004) Density control in Potamogeton perfoliatus L. and Potamogeton pectinatus L. Limnologica, 34(1-2) May, pp.98-104. Wynne, C. A. and Linnane, S. M. (2009) An investigation of macrophyte and macroinvertebrate communities in lowland sites on the rivers of Milltown (Muckno Mill) lake catchment, Co. Monaghan, Ireland. In: Jones, J. (Ed.): International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Vol 30, Pt. 7, Proceedings. pp.1133-1136 Zhang, J. J., Jorgensen, S. E. and Mahler, H. (2004) Examination of structurally dynamic eutrophication model. Ecological Modelling, 173(4) Apr, pp.313-333.

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DUNE HABITATS Core Information Sources BfN - Bundesamt für Naturschutz. Natura 2000 Habitats in Germany. URL: [Accessed 2 April, 2012]

European Commission (2007) Interpretation Manual of European Union Habitats, version EUR 27. European Commission, Brussels.

European Environment Agency. Interpretation Manual of European Union Habitats, version EUR 27. URL: [Accessed 2 April, 2012] Houston, J. (2008) Management of Natura 2000 habitats. 2130 - Fixed coastal dunes with herbaceous vegetation (‘grey dunes’). DG Environment European Commission. Houston, J.A. (2008) Management of Natura 2000 habitats. 2190 - Humid dune slacks. DG Environment, European Commission. INPN - Inventaire national du Patrimoine naturel. URL: natura2000/listeHabitats [Accessed 30 March, 2012]

JNCC. The current UK status and distribution of EC Habitats Directive interest features. URL: [Accessed 30 March, 2012]

Ministerie van Economische Zaken, Landbouw en Innovatie. Beschermde natuur in Nederland - Habitattypen. URL: gebiedendatabase.aspx?subj=habtypen&groep=0 [Accessed 30 March, 2012]

Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente. Fichas Tipos de Hábitat de Interés Comunitarios de España. URL: temas/red-natura-2000/documentos-claves-de-la-red-natura-2000/acceso_fichas.aspx [Accessed 30 March, 2012] Rodwell, J.S. [ed.] (2000) British plant communities. Volume 5. Maritime communities and vegetation of open habitats. Cambridge University Press. van Uytvanck, J. et al. (2010) Vademecum - Beheer van Europese Habitats en Soorten voor particuliere beheerders van terreinen binnen Natura 2000 gebieden. Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek, Brussels.

Shifting dunes along the shoreline with Ammophila arenaria ('white dunes') (2120) Mobile dunes forming the seaward cordon or cordons of dune systems of the coasts of the North Sea and the Atlantic in this BNP-region with as characteristic species Ammophilion arenariae and Zygophyllion fontanesii. Other characteristic plant species are Ammophila arenaria, Eryngium maritimum, Euphorbia paralias, Calystegia soldanella, Otanthus maritimus and Leymus arenarius. Pasted and amended from:

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Fixed coastal dunes with herbaceous vegetation ('grey dunes') (2130)

Fixed dunes stabilised and colonised by more or less closed perennial grasslands and abundant carpets of lichens and mosses, from the Atlantic coasts (and the English Channel) between the Straits of Gibraltar and Cap Blanc Nez, and the shores of the North Sea and the Baltic. In the case of the thermo-Atlantic coast, it is logical to include the associations Euphorbio-Helichrysion and Crucianellion maritimae (Strait of Gibraltar as far as the southern Atlantic near Cape Prior in Galicia). Subtypes are:

(i) Northern grey dunes: fixed dunes of the Baltic, North Sea, Channel and northern Atlantic, with grass communities and vegetation from the Galio-Koelerion albescentis association with Koelerion albescentis and Corynephorion canescentis and the Sileno conicae-Cerastion semidecandri association. (ii) Biscay grey dunes, of the Euphorbio-Helichrysion stoechadis association: dunes on stabilised humus soil infiltrated by dwarf bushes, of Brittany and the coast of the Bay of Biscay, with Helichrysum stoechas, Artemisia campestris and Ephedra distachya. (iii) Thermo-Atlantic grey dunes with Crucianellion maritimae: suffrutescent communities on more or less stabilised soils low in humus of the thermo-Atlantic coasts of Galicia, Portugal and south-western Spain (as far as the Strait of Gibraltar), with plant species Crucianella maritima and Pancratium maritimum. (iv) Atlantic dune (Mesobromion) grasslands: various sandy coastal sites characterised by herbaceous vegetation in the form of calcicole mesoxerocline grasslands, poor in nitrogen, corresponding to the communities of Mesobromion found by the sea (penetration of aero haline species); dunal grasslands composed of species characteristic of dry calcareous grasslands. (v) Atlantic dune thermophile fringes of the Trifolio-Geranietea sanguinei and Galio maritimi-Geranion sanguinei associations with Geranium sanguineum formations, incorporated within grey dune systems of the British Isles and Brittany, on neutro basic soils rich in calcium and poor in nitrogen. (vi) Dune fine-grass annual communities: sparse pioneer formations of fine grasses rich in spring-blooming therophytes characteristic of oligotrophic soils (nitrogen poor sand or very superficial soils, or on xerocline to xerophile rocks) of the Thero-Airion and Nardo-Galion saxatile and Tuberarion guttatae associations. Characteristic plant species are : Aira spp., Anacamptis pyramidalis, Bromus hordeaceus, Carex arenaria, Cerastium spp., Corynephorus canescens, Erodium glutinosum, Erodium lebelii, Galium verum, Gentiana campestris, Gentiana cruciata, Koeleria spp., Milium scabrum, Myosotis ramosissima, Ononis repens, Phleum arenarium, Polygala vulgaris var. dunensis, Silene conica, Silene otites, Trifolium scabrum, Tuberaria guttata, Viola curtisii, Viola rupestris var. arenaria. Typical moss species is Tortula ruraliformis; and the lichen Cladonia spp.

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Humid dune slacks (2190) Humid depressions within the dunal system. Humid dune-slacks are extremely rich and specialised habitats very threatened by the lowering of water tables. Subtypes are:

(i) Dune-slack pools with Charetum tomentosae, Elodeetum canadense, Hippuridetum vulgaris, Hottonietum palustris, and Potametum pectinati. (ii) Freshwater aquatic communities of permanent dune-slack water bodies. (iii) Dune-slack pioneer swards of the Juncenion bufonii, Gentiano-Erythraeetum littoralis and Hydrocotylo-Baldellion associations: pioneer formations of humid sands and dune pool fringes, on soils with low salinity. (iv) Dune-slack fens: calcareous and, occasionally, acidic fen formations, often invaded by creeping willow, occupying the wettest parts of dune-slacks. (v) Dune-slack grasslands: humid grasslands and rushbeds of dune-slacks, also often with creeping willows (Salix rosmarinifolia and Salix arenaria).

Pasted and amended from:

Search Terms

(”Humid dune slack” OR ”Dune-slack” OR ”Fixed coastal dune” OR ”grey dune” OR ”Euphorbio-Helichrysion” OR ”Crucianellion maritimae” OR ”Koelerion albescentis” OR ” ileno conicae-Cerastion semidecandri” OR ”Euphorbio-Helichrysion stoechadis” OR ”Atlantic dune grassland” OR ”Mesobromion” OR ”Atlantic dune thermophile fringe” OR ” rifolio-Geranietea sanguinei” OR ”Galio maritimi-Geranion sanguinei” OR ”Dune fine-grass annual ” OR ”Coastal stable dune grassland” OR ”Atlantic dune Mesobromion grassland” OR ”Atlantic dune thermophile fringe” OR ”Biscay grey dune” OR ”Crested-hairgrass dune” OR ”Dune fine-grass annual” OR ”Grey-hairgrass dune” OR ” bero-Mediterranean grey dune” OR ”Mouse-ear dune” OR ”Northern Atlantic grey dune” OR ” hifting dune” OR ”Ammophila arenaria” OR ”white dune” OR ” hifting coastal dune”) AND (ecology OR management OR conservation OR “conservation status”) AND (threat OR pressure OR decline OR deterioration OR unfavourable OR loss OR degrad* OR management) AND (“Biological Resource Use”* OR Biogeography OR Botany OR “Climate Change” OR “Commercial Forestry” OR “Conservation Economics” OR “Conservation Management” OR “Conservation tatus” OR “Ecological Measurement” OR “Ecological Processes” OR “Ecology” OR “Ecosystem Modification” OR “Ecosystem ervices” OR “Energy Production” OR Mining OR Erosion OR Eutrophication OR “Exchange of Expertise” OR “Gaps in Knowledge” OR Grazing OR “Habitat Fragmentation” OR “Habitat Management” OR “Habitat Restoration” OR “Human Disturbance” OR “Hydrological Management” OR “ nvasive pecies” OR “Alien pecies” OR “Land Abandonment” OR “Land Conversion” OR “Land Use ntensification” OR “Land Management” OR “Limnology” OR “N2K Ecological Coherence” OR “N2K ite Management” OR “N2K ite Protection” OR “Natural Change” OR “Nutrient mpoverishment” OR “Outside N2K ites” OR “Overgrazing” OR “Pollution” OR “Protected Area Financing” OR “Public Engagement” OR takeholder OR raining OR Experience OR Undergrazing OR “Valuation of N2K ervices” OR “resource management” OR exploitation OR “commercial development” OR “industrial development” OR “infrastructure development” OR “spatial planning” OR fire OR burning OR drainage OR quarry OR “natural change” OR “anthropogenic change” OR “energy production” OR biofuels OR bioenergy OR “wind farm” OR

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“wind turbine” OR dam OR “economic valuation” OR “protected area finance” OR “Natura 2000” OR Natura2000 OR “protected area” OR reserve) Search Results A total of 56 references were retrieved for closer examination. The search was restricted to the last 12 years (2000-2012), the countries of the Atlantic Biogeographic Region, English language publications and relevant subject categories, i.e. conservation biology not medicine. We added peer-reviewed case-studies with English abstracts as far as listed in Web of Science. To capture further world-wide leading references, a full search was conducted without year of publication and country restrictions (total 265 references); 14 relevant papers pre-2000 were selected from this list, which have 20 or more citations. Combined references were further reduced to 55 references (as below) through the evaluation of the paper titles and abstracts. Subject areas that were covered can be seen in figure 5.

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Figure 5: Subject area summary for the dune habitat literature search.

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Bibliography Adema, E. B. and Grootjans, A. P. (2003) Possible positive-feedback mechanisms: plants change abiotic soil parameters in wet calcareous dune slacks. Plant Ecology, 167(1) Jul, pp.141-149. Adema, E. B., et al. (2002) Alternative stable states in a wet calcareous dune slack in The Netherlands. Journal of Vegetation Science, 13(1) Feb, pp.107-114. Adema, E. B., van Gemerden, H. and Grootjans, A. P. (2003) Is succession in wet calcareous dune slacks affected by free sulfide? Journal of Vegetation Science, 14(2) Apr, pp.153-162. Avis, A. M. and Lubke, R. A. (1996) Dynamics and succession of coastal dune vegetation in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. Landscape and Urban Planning, 34(3-4) May, pp.237-253. Bakker, C., et al. (2005) Does the seed bank contribute to the restoration of species-rich vegetation in wet dune slacks? Applied Vegetation Science, 8(1) May, pp.39-48. Berroneau, M., Miaud, C. and Bernaud, J.-P. (2010) Digging ponds on grey dune in Gironde: importance for amphibians and new distribution data. Bulletin de la Societe Herpetologique de France,(133) 2010, pp.5-16. Bonte, D., et al. (2004) The importance of habitat productivity, stability and heterogeneity for spider species richness in coastal grey dunes along the North Sea and its implications for conservation. Biodiversity and Conservation, 13(11) Oct, pp.2119-2134. Bonte, D. and Maes, D. (2008) Trampling affects the distribution of specialised coastal dune arthropods. Basic and Applied Ecology, 9(6) 2008, pp.726-734. Carranza, M. L., et al. (2008) Ecosystem classification for EU habitat distribution assessment in sandy coastal environments: An application in central Italy. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 140(1-3) May, pp.99-107. Chamberlain, E. J. and Butt, K. R. (2008) Distribution of earthworms and influence of soil properties across a successional sand dune ecosystem in NW England. European Journal of Soil Biology, 44(5-6) Sep-Dec, pp.554-558. Condeca, J., et al. (2006) Groundwater modelling in Atlantic coastal ecosystems (South Portugal). In: Baba, A. H. K. W. F. G. O. (Ed.): Groundwater and Ecosystems. pp.269-288 Cooper, A., McCann, T. and Ballard, E. (2005) The effects of livestock grazing and recreation on Irish machair grassland vegetation. Plant Ecology, 181(2) Dec, pp.255-267. De Boer, W., Gunnewiek, P. and Woldendorp, J. W. (1998) Suppression of hyphal growth of soil-borne fungi by dune soils from vigorous and declining stands of Ammophila arenaria. New Phytologist, 138(1) an, pp.107-116. Derooijvandergoes, P., Vanderputten, W. H. and Vandijk, C. (1995) Analysis of nematodes and soil-borne fungi from Ammophila-arenaria (marram grass) in dutch coastal foredunes by multivariate techniques. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 101(2) Mar, pp.149-162. do Carmo, J. A., Reis, C. S. and Freitas, H. (2010) Working with Nature by Protecting Sand Dunes:

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Lessons Learned. Journal of Coastal Research, 26(6) Nov, pp.1068-1078. Ernst, W. H. O., Slings, Q. L. and Nelissen, H. J. M. (1996) Pedogenesis in coastal wet dune slacks after sod-cutting in relation to revegetation. Plant and Soil, 180(2) Mar, pp.219-230. Eyre, M. D. and Luff, M. L. (2005) The distribution of Epigeal Beetle (Coleoptera) assemblages on the north-east England Coast. Journal of Coastal Research, 21(5) Sep, pp.982-990. Feola, S., et al. (2011) EU habitats of interest: an insight into Atlantic and Mediterranean beach and foredunes. Biodiversity and Conservation, 20(7) Jun, pp.1457-1468. Gaynor, K. (2006) The vegetation of Irish machair. Biology and Environment, 106(3) Nov, pp.311-321. Grootjans, A. P., et al. (2001) Restoration of wet dune slacks on the Dutch Wadden Sea islands: Recolonization after large-scale sod cutting. Restoration Ecology, 9(2) Jun, pp.137-146. Grootjans, A. P., et al. (2002) Restoration of coastal dune slacks in the Netherlands. Hydrobiologia, 478(1-3) Jun, pp.181-203. Grootjans, A. P., et al. (1991) Succession and fluctuation in a wet dune slack in relation to hydrological changes. Journal of Vegetation Science, 2(4) Sep, pp.545-554. Grootjans, A. P., et al. (1988) Vegetation dynamics in a wet dune slack .1. rare species decline on the wadden-island of Schiermonnikoog in The Netherlands. Acta Botanica Neerlandica, 37(2) Jun, pp.265-278. Grootjans, A. P., Sival, F. P. and Stuyfzand, P. J. (1996) Hydro-geochemical analysis of a degraded dune slack. Vegetatio, 126(1) Sep, pp.27-38. Heimes, C., Kollmann, J. and Bergmeier, E. (2010) Grazed coastal grassland in eastern Denmark - Managing plant communities to preserve rare plant species. Tuexenia, 30, 2010, pp.243-269. Hylgaard, T. and Liddle, M. J. (1981) The effect of human trampling on a sand dune ecosystem dominated by Empetrum-nigrum. Journal of Applied Ecology, 18(2) 1981, pp.559-569. Isermann, M., Koehler, H. and Muehl, M. (2010) Interactive effects of rabbit grazing and environmental factors on plant species-richness on dunes of Norderney. Journal of Coastal Conservation, 14(2, Sp. Iss. SI) Jun, pp.103-114. Jandt, U., von Wehrden, H. and Bruelheide, H. (2011) Exploring large vegetation databases to detect temporal trends in species occurrences. Journal of Vegetation Science, 22(6) Dec, pp.957-972. Jones, P. S. and Etherington, J. R. (1989) Ecological and physiological studies of sand dune slack vegetation kenfig pool and dunes local nature reserve mid-glamorgan Wales UK. In: Van Der Meulen, F., P. D. Jungerius and J. Visser (Ed.): Perspectives in coastal dune management. pp. 297-304. Ketner-Oostra, R. and Sykora, K. V. (2004) Decline of lichen-diversity in calcium-poor coastal dune vegetation since the 1970s, related to grass and moss encroachment. Phytocoenologia, 34(4) Dec , pp.521-549. Ketner-Oostra, R., van der Peijl, M. J. and Sykora, K. V. (2006) Restoration of lichen diversity in grass-

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dominated vegetation of coastal dunes after wildfire. Journal of Vegetation Science, 17(2) Apr, pp.147-156. Kollmann, J., et al. (2007) Limiting factors for seedling emergence and establishment of the invasive non-native Rosa rugosa in a coastal dune system. Biological Invasions, 9(1) Jan, pp.31-42. Kutiel, P., Peled, Y. and Geffen, E. (2000) The effect of removing shrub cover on annual plants and small mammals in a coastal sand dune ecosystem. Biological Conservation, 94(2) Jul, pp.235-242. Lammerts, E. J., et al. (1999) Nutrient limitation and vegetation changes in a coastal dune slack. Journal of Vegetation Science, 10(1) Feb, pp.111-122. Lemauviel, S., Roze, F. and Clement, B. (2005) A study of the dynamics of the seed banks in a complex dune system, with the aim of restoration. Journal of Coastal Research, 21(5) Sep, pp.991-999. Maes, D. and Bonte, D. (2006) Using distribution patterns of five threatened invertebrates in a highly fragmented dune landscape to develop a multispecies conservation approach. Biological Conservation, 133(4) Dec, pp.490-499. Mateille, T., et al. (2011) Plant-associated nematode communities in West-Palaearctic coastal foredunes may relate to climate and sediment origins. Applied Soil Ecology, 49, Sep, pp.81-93. Nijssen, M., et al. (2001) Effects of grass-encroachment and grazing management on carabid assemblages of dry dune grasslands. In: Bruin, J. (Ed.): Proceedings of the Section Experimental and Applied Entomology of the Netherlands Entomological Society. pp.113-119 Oppel, S. (2005) Long-term changes of a coastal bird breeding community on a small island - does natural succession compromise conservation values? Biodiversity and Conservation, 14(14) Dec, pp.3407-3422. Pillon, Y., et al. (2007) Genetic diversity and ecological differentiation in the endangered fen orchid (Liparis loeselii). Conservation Genetics, 8(1) Feb, pp.177-184. Pollet, M. and Grootaert, P. (1996) An estimation of the natural value of dune habitats using Empidoidea (Diptera). Biodiversity and Conservation, 5(7) Jul, pp.859-880. Power, J., et al. (2001) A life-ICZM demonstration project for Irish beaches and sand dunes. Coastal Dune Management: Shared Experience of European Conservation Practice. Provoost, S., et al. (2004) Ecology, management and monitoring of grey dunes in Flanders. Journal of Coastal Conservation, 10(1-2) Dec, pp.33-42. Rodriguez-Echeverria, S. and Freitas, H. (2006) Diversity of AMF associated with Ammophila arenaria ssp arundinacea in Portuguese sand dunes. Mycorrhiza, 16(8) Nov, pp.543-552. Roze, F. and Lemauviel, S. (2004) Sand dune restoration in north Brittany, France: A 10-year monitoring study. Restoration Ecology, 12(1) Mar, pp.29-35. Santos, J., et al. (2004) Mycorrhizal fungi associated with Ammophila arenaria in Portuguese coastal sand dunes. Revista de Biologia (Lisbon), 22(1-4) 2004, pp.101-108.

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Slings, Q. L. (1997) Regeneration of black bullrush-vegetation by sod cutting in a wet dune-slack. Levende Natuur, 98(7) Dec., pp.296-298. Slobodchikoff, C. N. and Doyen, J. T. (1977) Effects of Ammophila-arenaria on sand dune arthropod communities. Ecology, 58(5) 1977, pp.1171-1175. Smith, P. H. (2009) Distribution, status and ecology of Blysms compressus (L.) Panz. ex Link on the Sefton Coast sand-dunes, Merseyside. Watsonia, 27(Part 4) Aug, pp.339-353. Smith, P. H. and Lockwood, P. A. (2011) Grazing is the key to the conservation of Gentianella campestris (L.) Borner (Gentianaceae): evidence from the north Merseyside sand-dunes. New Journal of Botany, 1(2) 2011, pp.127-136. Sykora, K. V., van den Bogert, J. and Berendse, F. (2004) Changes in soil and vegetation during dune slack succession. Journal of Vegetation Science, 15(2) Apr, pp.209-218. Ujhazy, K., Fanta, J. and Prach, K. (2011) Two centuries of vegetation succession in an inland sand dune area, central Netherlands. Applied Vegetation Science, 14(3) Aug, pp.316-325. van der Hagen, H. G. J. M., Geelen, L. H. W. T. and de Vries, C. N. (2008) Dune slack restoration in Dutch mainland coastal dunes. Journal for Nature Conservation, 16(1) 2008, pp.1-11. van der Putten, W. H., et al. (2005) Invasive plants and their escape from root herbivory: a worldwide comparison of the root-feeding nematode communities of the dune grass Ammophila arenaria in natural and introduced ranges. Biological Invasions, 7(4) Jul, pp.733-746. Veer, M. A. C. and Kooijman, A. M. (1997) Effects of grass-encroachment on vegetation and soil in Dutch dry dune grasslands. Plant and Soil, 192(1) May, pp.119-128.

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DRY GRASSLAND HABITATS Core Information Sources BfN - Bundesamt für Naturschutz. Natura 2000 Habitats in Germany. URL: [Accessed 2 April, 2012] Calaciura, B. & Spinelli, O. (2008) Management of Natura 2000 habitats. 6210 Semi-natural dry grasslands and scrubland facies on calcareous substrates (Festuco-Brometalia) (*important orchid sites). DG Environment, European Commission. European Commission (2007) Interpretation Manual of European Union Habitats, version EUR 27. European Commission, Brussels.

European Environment Agency. Interpretation Manual of European Union Habitats, version EUR 27. URL: [Accessed 2 April, 2012] Galvánek, D. & Janák, M. (2008) Management of Natura 2000 habitats. 6230 *Species-rich Nardus grasslands. DG Environment, European Commission. INPN - Inventaire national du Patrimoine naturel. URL: natura2000/listeHabitats [Accessed 30 March, 2012]

JNCC. The current UK status and distribution of EC Habitats Directive interest features. URL: [Accessed 30 March, 2012]

Ministerie van Economische Zaken, Landbouw en Innovatie. Beschermde natuur in Nederland - Habitattypen. URL: gebiedendatabase.aspx?subj=habtypen&groep=0 [Accessed 30 March, 2012]

Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente. Fichas Tipos de Hábitat de Interés Comunitarios de España. URL: temas/red-natura-2000/documentos-claves-de-la-red-natura-2000/acceso_fichas.aspx [Accessed 30 March, 2012] Rodwell, J. S. [ed.] (1992) British Plant Communities. Volume 3. Grassland and montane communities. Cambridge University Press. Rodwell, J.S., Morgan, V., Jefferson, R.G. and Moss, D. (2007) The European context of British Lowland Grassland. JNCC Report 394. JNCC, Peterborough. van Uytvanck, J. et al. (2010) Vademecum - Beheer van Europese Habitats en Soorten voor particuliere beheerders van terreinen binnen Natura 2000 gebieden. Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek, Brussels.

Species-rich Nardus grasslands, on silicious substrates in mountain areas (6230) Closed, dry or mesophile, perennial Nardus grasslands occupying siliceous soils in Atlantic or sub-Atlantic or boreal lowland, hill and montane regions of middle and northern Europe and western Iberia. Vegetation highly varied, but the variation is characterised by continuity. Associations are of the Violo-Nardion (Nardo-Galion saxatilis and Violion caninae] and the Nardion. Species-rich sites should be interpreted as sites which are remarkable for a high

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number of species. In general, the habitats which have become irreversibly degraded through overgrazing should be excluded. Plant species include: Antennaria dioica, Arnica montana, Campanula barbata, Carex ericetorum, Carex pallescens, Carex panicea, Festuca ovina, Galium saxatile, Gentiana pneumonanthe, Hypericum maculatum, Hypochoeris maculata, Lathyrus montanus, Leontodon helveticus, Leucorchis albida, Meum athamanticum, Nardus stricta, Pedicularis sylvatica, Platanthera bifolia, Polygala vulgaris, Potentilla aurea, Potentilla erecta, Veronica officinalis, Viola canina. Invertebrates include: Miramella alpina. Pasted and amended from:

Lowland hay meadows with Alopecurus pratensis and Sanguisorba officinalis (6510) Species-rich hay meadows on little to moderately fertilised soils of the plain to submontane levels, belonging to the Arrhenatherion and the Brachypodio-Centaureion nemoralis alliances. These extensive grasslands are rich in flowers and are not reaped before flowering of the grasses and then only one or two times per year. Characteriistic plant species are: Arrhenatherum elatius, Trisetum flavescens ssp. flavescens, Pimpinella major, Centaurea jacea, Crepis biennis, Knautia arvensis, Tragopogon pratensis, Daucus carota, Leucanthemum vulgare, Alopecurus pratensis, Sanguisorba officinalis, Campanula patula, Leontodon hispidus, Leontodon nudicaulis, Linum bienne, Oenanthe pimpinelloides, Rhinanthus lanceolatus, Malva moschata and Serapias cordigera.

Pasted and amended from:

Semi-natural dry grasslands and scrubland facies on calcareous substrates (Festuco-Brometalia) (6210) Dry to semi-dry calcareous grasslands of the Festuco-Brometea. This habitat is formed on the one hand by steppic or subcontinental grasslands (Festucetalia valesiacae) and, on the other, by the grasslands of more oceanic and sub-Mediterranean regions (Brometalia erecti); in the latter case, a distinction is made between primary Xerobromion grasslands and secondary (semi-natural) Mesobromion grasslands with Bromus erectus; the latter are characterised by their rich orchid flora. Abandonment results in thermophile brushwood with an intermediate stage of thermophile fringe vegetation (Trifolio-Geranietea). Only considered as a priority habitat on "important orchid sites", by which one should understand the sites that are important on the basis of one or more of the following three criteria:

i. the site hosts a rich suite of orchid species; ii. the site hosts an important population of at least one orchid species

considered not very common on the national territory; iii. the site hosts one or several orchid species considered to be rare, very rare

or exceptional on the national territory.

Characteristic plant species are of the Mesobromion: Anthyllis vulneraria, Arabis hirsuta, Brachypodium pinnatum, Bromus inermis, Campanula glomerata, Carex caryophyllea, Carlina vulgaris, Centaurea scabiosa, Dianthus carthusianorum, Eryngium campestre, Koeleria pyramidata, Leontodon hispidus, Medicago sativa ssp. falcata, Ophrys apifera, Ophrys insectifera, Orchis mascula, Orchis militaris, Orchis morio, Orchis purpurea, Orchis ustulata, Orchis mascula, Polygala comosa, Primula veris, Sanguisorba minor, Scabiosa

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columbaria, Veronica prostrata, Veronica teucrium. Characteristic plant species are of the Xerobromion: Bromus erectus, Fumana procumbens, Globularia elongata, Hippocrepis comosa. Characteristic plant species are of the Festucetalia valesiacae: Adonis vernalis, Euphorbia seguierana, Festuca valesiaca, Silene otites, Stipa capillata, Stipa joannis. Invertebrate include: Papilio machaon and Iphiclides podalirius (Lepidoptera); Libelloides spp. and Mantis religiosa (Neuroptera). Pasted and amended from:

Molinia meadows on calcareous, peaty or clayey-silt-laden soils (Molinion caeruleae) (6410) Molinia meadows of plain to montane levels, on more or less wet nutrient poor soils (nitrogen, phosphorus). They stem from extensive management, sometimes with a mowing late in the year or, they correspond to a deteriorated stage of draining peat bogs. Subtypes are:

(i) Eu-molinion on neutro-alkaline to calcareous soils with a fluctuating water table, relatively rich in species. The soil is sometimes peaty with a summer drying. Typical plant species are: Molinia coerulea, Dianthus superbus, Selinum carvifolia, Cirsium tuberosum, Colchicum autumnale, Inula salicina, Silaum silaus, Sanguisorba officinalis, Serratula tinctoria and Tetragonolobus maritimus. (ii) Junco-Molinion (Juncion acutiflori) on more acid soils except species-poor meadows or on degraded peaty soils. Characteristic plant species are: Viola persiciflora, Viola palustris, Galium uliginosum, Cirsium dissectum, Crepis paludosa, Luzula multiflora, Juncus conglomeratus, Ophioglossum vulgatum, Inula britannica, Lotus uliginosus, Dianthus deltoides, Potentilla erecta, Potentilla anglica, Carex pallescens.

Pasted and amended from:

Search Terms (“dry grass”* OR “calcareous grassland” OR “arid grassland” OR “calcaro-siliceous grassland” OR “sand grassland” OR “Brometalia erecti” OR “Festucetalia valesiacae” OR “Xerobromion” OR “Mesobromion” OR “Festuco-Brometalia” OR “ tipo capillatae-Festucenea valesiacae” OR “Mesobromenalia erecti” OR “Xerobromenalia erecti” OR “Koelerio macranthae-Phleion phloeidis” OR “Koelerio macranthae-Phleenalia phloeidis” OR “Festuco-Brometea” OR “trifolio-Geranietea sanguine” OR “ pecies-rich Nardus grassland“ OR “Nardetalia“ OR “Violo-Nardion“ OR “Acid alpine and subalpine grassland“ OR “Alpic sward“ OR “Nardus stricta“ OR “Non-Mediterranean dry acid and neutral closed grassland“ OR “Dry acid closed perennial grassland“ OR “Alpic mat-grass sward“ OR “Alpic mat-grass sward“ OR “Harz summital mat-grass sward“ OR “Hautes Chaumes summital mat-grass sward“ OR “Hercynian summital mat-grass sward“ OR “ nsular Nardus-Galium grassland“ OR “Mat-grass sward“ OR “Nemoral Agrostis-Festuca grassland“ OR “Northern boreal Festuca grassland“ OR “Pyrenean Poa violacea sward“ OR “Pyreneo-Alpine hygrophile foxtail sward“ OR “Pyreneo-Alpine hygrophile mat-grass sward“ OR “Pyreneo-Alpine mesophile mat-grass sward“ OR “ and sedge grassland“ OR “ ub-Atlantic Nardus-Galium grassland“ OR “Wood small-reed stand“ OR “Festuco-Brometalia“ OR “dry calcareous grassland“ OR “feathergrass steppe“ OR “steppic

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grassland“ OR “subcontinental meadow steppe“ OR “Central alpine arid grassland“ OR “Perennial calcareous grassland and basic steppe“ OR “Lowland hay meadow“ OR “Arrhenatherion“ OR “Brachypodio-Centaureion nemoralis“ OR “hay meadow“ OR “Boreal and sub-boreal meadow“ OR “Boreal meadow“ OR “Molinion caeruleae“ OR “Molinia meadow“ OR “Eu-molinion“ OR “Junco-Molinion“ OR “Molinia caerulea“ OR “Moist or wet oligotrophic grassland“ OR “moorgrass meadow“) AND (ecology OR management OR conservation OR “conservation status”) AND (threat OR pressure OR decline OR deterioration OR unfavourable OR loss OR degrad* OR management) AND (“Biological Resource Use”* OR Biogeography OR Botany OR “Climate Change” OR “Commercial Forestry” OR “Conservation Economics” OR “Conservation Management” OR “Conservation tatus” OR “Ecological Measurement” OR “Ecological Processes” OR “Ecology” OR “Ecosystem Modification” OR “Ecosystem ervices” OR “Energy Production” OR Mining OR Erosion OR Eutrophication OR “Exchange of Expertise” OR “Gaps in Knowledge” OR Grazing OR “Habitat Fragmentation” OR “Habitat Management” OR “Habitat Restoration” OR “Human Disturbance” OR “Hydrological Management” OR “ nvasive pecies” OR “Alien pecies” OR “Land Abandonment” OR “Land Conversion” OR “Land Use ntensification” OR “Land Management” OR “Limnology” OR “N2K Ecological Coherence” OR “N2K ite Management” OR “N2K ite Protection” OR “Natural Change” OR “Nutrient mpoverishment” OR “Outside N2K ites” OR “Overgrazing” OR “Pollution” OR “Protected Area Financing” OR “Public Engagement” OR takeholder OR raining OR Experience OR Undergrazing OR “Valuation of N2K ervices” OR “resource management” OR exploitation OR “commercial development” OR “industrial development” OR “infrastructure development” OR “spatial planning” OR fire OR burning OR drainage OR quarry OR “natural change” OR “anthropogenic change” OR “energy production” OR biofuels OR bioenergy OR “wind farm” OR “wind turbine” OR dam OR “economic valuation” OR “protected area finance” OR “Natura 2000” OR Natura2000 OR “protected area” OR reserve) Search Results A total of 385 references were retrieved for closer examination. The search was restricted to the last 12 years, the countries of the Atlantic Biogeographic Region, English language publications and relevant subject categories, i.e. conservation biology not medicine. We added peer-reviewed case-studies with English abstracts as far as listed in Web of Science. To capture further world-wide leading references, a full search was conducted without year of publication and country restrictions (total 1,001 references); 24 relevant papers pre-2000 were selected from this list, which have 50 or more citations. References were further reduced to 207 references (as below) through the evaluation of the paper titles and abstracts. Subject areas that were covered can be seen in figure 6.

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Figure 6: Subject area summary for the dry grassland habitat literature search.

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Bibliography Adema, E. B., et al. (2002a) Alternative stable states in a wet calcareous dune slack in The Netherlands. Journal of Vegetation Science, 13(1) Feb, pp.107-114. Adema, E. B., et al. (2002b) Alternative stable states in a wet calcareous dune slack in The Netherlands. Journal of Vegetation Science, 13(1) Feb, pp.107-114. Adriaens, D., Honnay, O. and Hermy, M. (2006) No evidence of a plant extinction debt in highly fragmented calcareous grasslands in Belgium. Biological Conservation, 133(2) Nov, pp.212-224. Adriaens, D., Honnay, O. and Hermy, M. (2007) Does seed retention potential affect the distribution of plant species in highly fragmented calcareous grasslands? Ecography, 30(4) Aug, pp.505-514. Adriaens, D., et al. (2009) Conservation of remnant populations of Colchicum autumnale - The relative importance of local habitat quality and habitat fragmentation. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology, 35(1) Jan-Feb, pp.69-82. Aerts, R. (1989) Above-ground biomass and nutrient dynamics of Calluna-vulgaris and Molinia-caerulea in a dry heathland. Oikos, 56(1) Sep, pp.31-38. Bakker, J. P. and ter Heerdt, G. N. J. (2005) Organic grassland farming in the Netherlands: a case study of effects on vegetation dynamics. Basic and Applied Ecology, 6(2) 2005, pp.205-214. Barham, D. F. and Stewart, A. J. A. (2005) Differential indirect effects of excluding livestock and rabbits from chalk heath on the associated leafhopper (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha) fauna. Journal of Insect Conservation, 9(4) Dec, pp.351-361. Becker, T. and Braendel, M. (2007) Vegetation-environment relationships in a heavy metal-dry grassland complex. Folia Geobotanica, 42(1) 2007, pp.11-28. Becker, T., Braendel, M. and Dierschke, H. (2007) Dry grasslands on sites with and without heavy metal influence in the Bottendorf Hills of Thuringia (Germany). Tuexenia, 27, 2007, pp.255-286. Bekker, R. M., et al. (2000) Soil seed bank dynamics in hayfield succession. Journal of Ecology, 88(4) Aug, pp.594-607. Beltman, B., et al. (2003) Impact of mowing regime on species richness and biomass of a limestone hay meadow in Ireland. Bulletin of the Geobotanical Institute ETH, 69, 2003, pp.17-30. Bennie, J., et al. (2006) Influence of slope and aspect on long-term vegetation change in British chalk grasslands. Journal of Ecology, 94(2) Mar, pp.355-368. Bernhardt-Roemermann, M., et al. (2009) Mycorrhizal infection indicates the suitability of different management treatments for nature conservation in calcareous grassland. Botanica Helvetica, 119(2) Dec, pp.87-94. Berry, P. M., et al. (2003) The sensitivity and vulnerability of terrestrial habitats and species in Britain and Ireland to climate change. Journal for Nature Conservation (Jena), 11(1) 2003, pp.15-23. Berry, P. M., et al. (2002) Modelling potential impacts of climate change on the bioclimatic envelope

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of species in Britain and Ireland. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 11(6) Nov, pp.453-462. Bisteau, E. and Mahy, G. (2005a) A landscape approach for the study of calcareous grassland plant communities. Biotechnologie Agronomie Societe et Environnement, 9(2) 2005, pp.93-99. Bisteau, E. and Mahy, G. (2005b) Vegetation and seed bank in a calcareous grassland restored from a Pinus forest. Applied Vegetation Science, 8(2) Nov, pp.167-174. Boer, P., Dekoninck, W. and Van Noordwijk, T. (2006) The ant fauna of singular lime grasslands in Thier de Lanaye and the discovery of Lasius distinguendus in Belgium. Bulletin de la Societe Royale Belge d'Entomologie, 142(7-12) Jul-Dec, pp.115-122. Bolliger, J., et al. (2011) Balancing Forest-Regeneration Probabilities and Maintenance Costs in Dry Grasslands of High Conservation Priority. Conservation Biology, 25(3) Jun, pp.567-576. Bornkamm, R. (2006) Fifty years vegetation development of a xerothermic calcareous grassland in Central Europe after heavy disturbance. Flora, 201(4) 2006, pp.249-267. Boschi, C. and Baur, B. (2007) The effect of horse, cattle and sheep grazing on the diversity and abundance of land snails in nutrient-poor calcareous grasslands. Basic and Applied Ecology, 8(1) 2007, pp.55-65. Bossuyt, B., Butaye, J. and Honnay, O. (2006) Seed bank composition of open and overgrown calcareous grassland soils - a case study from Southern Belgium. Journal of Environmental Management, 79(4) Jun, pp.364-371. Botham, M. S., et al. (2011) The effects of habitat fragmentation on niche requirements of the marsh fritillary, Euphydryas aurinia, (Rottemburg, 1775) on calcareous grasslands in southern UK. Journal of Insect Conservation, 15(1-2) Apr, pp.269-277. Bottin, G., et al. (2005) Methodology for the elaboration of Natura 2000 sites designation acts in the Walloon Region (Belgium): calcareous grasslands in the Lesse-and-Lomme area. Biotechnologie Agronomie Societe et Environnement, 9(2) 2005, pp.101-110. Bradshaw, M. E. (2009) The decline of Lady's-mantles (Alchemilla vulgaris L. agg.) and other hay-meadow species in Northern England since the 1950s. Watsonia, 27(Part 4) Aug, pp.315-321. Brereton, T. M., et al. (2008) The changing status of the Chalkhill Blue butterfly Polyommatus coridon in the UK: the impacts of conservation policies and environmental factors. Journal of Insect Conservation, 12(6) Dec, pp.629-638. Brueckmann, S. V., Krauss, J. and Steffan-Dewenter, I. (2010) Butterfly and plant specialists suffer from reduced connectivity in fragmented landscapes. Journal of Applied Ecology, 47(4) Aug, pp.799-809. Brys, R. and Jacquemyn, H. (2009) Biological Flora of the British Isles: Primula veris L. Journal of Ecology, 97(3) May, pp.581-600. Bullock, J. M., et al. (2001) Restoration of biodiversity enhances agricultural production. Ecology Letters, 4(3) May, pp.185-189.

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Seifert, B. and Fischer, M. (2010) Experimental establishment of a declining dry-grassland flagship species in relation to seed origin and target environment. Biological Conservation, 143(5) May, pp.1202-1211. Signoret, J. and Diederich, P. (2000) Interest of lichens and lichenicolous fungi biodiversity for conservation management of a nature reserve: The N.R. of Montenach (France, Lorraine). Lejeunia, (163) Sept, pp.1-14. Smits, N. A. C., et al. (2007) Evaluation of 26 years of sheep grazing on the Bemelerberg hill. Natuurhistorisch Maandblad, 96(4) Apr, pp.114-121. Smits, N. A. C., Willems, J. H. and Bobbink, R. (2008) Long-term after-effects of fertilisation on the restoration of calcareous grasslands. Applied Vegetation Science, 11(2) Apr, pp.279-U92. Smulders, M. J. M., et al. (2000) Genetic diversity and the reintroduction of meadow species. Plant Biology, 2(4) Jul, pp.447-454. Stocklin, J. and Fischer, M. (1999) Plants with longer-lived seeds have lower local extinction rates in grassland remnants 1950-1985. Oecologia, 120(4) Sep, pp.539-543. Stroh, M., Storm, C. and Schwabe, A. (2007) Restoration of dry grasslands on sandy sites: The Seeheim-Jugenheim experiment in southern Hesse, Germany (1999-2005). Tuexenia, 27, 2007, pp.287-305. Stroh, M., et al. (2002) Restorative grazing as a tool for directed succession with diaspore inoculation: the model of sand ecosystems. Phytocoenologia, 32(4) Dec, pp.595-625. Suess, K., Storm, C. and Schwabe, A. (2010) Successional pathways in base-rich open inland sand vegetation: results from permanent-plot studies. Tuexenia, 30, 2010, pp.289-318. Thiele, J. and Otte, A. (2006) Analysis of habitats and communities invaded by Heracleum mantegazzianum Somm. et Lev. (Giant Hogweed) in Germany. Phytocoenologia, 36(2) Jun 14, pp.281-320. Thomas, J. A. (1983) The ecology and conservation of Lysandra-bellargus (lepidoptera, lycaenidae) in Britain. Journal of Applied Ecology, 20(1) 1983, pp.59-83. Todd, P. A., et al. (2000) Control of Molinia caerulea on moorland. Grass and Forage Science, 55(2) Jun, pp.181-191. Tscharntke, T., et al. (2002) Contribution of small habitat fragments to conservation of insect communities of grassland-cropland landscapes. Ecological Applications, 12(2) Apr, pp.354-363. Turner, E. C., et al. (2009) Habitat preference and dispersal of the Duke of Burgundy butterfly (Hamearis lucina) on an abandoned chalk quarry in Bedfordshire, UK. Journal of Insect Conservation, 13(5) Oct, pp.475-486. van den Berg, L. J. L., et al. (2011) Direct and indirect effects of nitrogen deposition on species composition change in calcareous grasslands. Global Change Biology, 17(5) May, pp.1871-1883. van der Heijden, M. G. A., et al. (1998) Mycorrhizal fungal diversity determines plant biodiversity,

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ecosystem variability and productivity. Nature, 396(6706) Nov, pp.69-72. van der Hoek, D. and Sykora, K. V. (2006) Fen-meadow succession in relation to spatial and temporal differences in hydrological and soil conditions. Applied Vegetation Science, 9(2) Nov, pp.185-194. van Halder, I., et al. (2008) Importance of semi-natural habitats for the conservation of butterfly communities in landscapes dominated by pine plantations. Biodiversity and Conservation, 17(5) May, pp.1149-1169. van Noordwijk, C. G. E., et al. (2012) Life-history strategies as a tool to identify conservation constraints: A case-study on ants in chalk grasslands. Ecological Indicators, 13(1) Feb, pp.303-313. Van Rossum, F. (2010) Reproductive success and pollen dispersal in urban populations of an insect-pollinated hay-meadow herb. Perspectives in Plant Ecology Evolution and Systematics, 12(1) 2010, pp.21-29. vandeKoppel, J., Rietkerk, M. and Weissing, F. J. (1997) Catastrophic vegetation shifts and soil degradation in terrestrial grazing systems. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 12(9) Sep, pp.352-356. Vanderpoorten, A., Delescaille, L. M. and Jacquemart, A. L. (2004) The bryophyte layer in a calcareous grassland after a decade of contrasting mowing regimes. Biological Conservation, 117(1) May, pp.11-18. Verhagen, R., et al. (2001) Restoration success of low-production plant communities on former agricultural soils after top-soil removal. Applied Vegetation Science, 4(1) Jun, pp.75-82. Verschoor, G., et al. (2004) The Julianagroeve quarry - Floral developments in a disused limestone quarry. Natuurhistorisch Maandblad, 93(4) Apr, pp.131-136. Virtanen, R., Edwards, G. R. and Crawley, M. J. (2002) Red deer management and vegetation on the Isle of Rum. Journal of Applied Ecology, 39(4) Aug, pp.572-583. von Blanckenhagen, B. and Poschlod, P. (2005) Restoration of calcareous grasslands: the role of the soil seed bank and seed dispersal for recolonisation processes. Biotechnologie Agronomie Societe et Environnement, 9(2) 2005, pp.143-149. Waesch, G. (2000) The nature reserves "Torfmoor" and "Mecklenbruch" in the Solling mountains (Lower Saxony). Flora, vegetation, ecology. Tuexenia, 20, 2000, pp.91-117. Walker, K. J. and Pinches, C. E. (2011) Reduced grazing and the decline of Pulsatilla vulgaris Mill. (Ranunculaceae) in England, UK. Biological Conservation, 144(12) Dec, pp.3098-3105. Walker, K. J. and Preston, C. D. (2006) Ecological predictors of extinction risk in the Flora of Lowland England, UK. Biodiversity and Conservation, 15(6) Jun, pp.1913-1942. Walker, K. J., et al. (2004) The restoration and re-creation of species-rich lowland grassland on land formerly managed for intensive agriculture in the UK. Biological Conservation, 119(1) Sep, pp.1-18. WallisDeVries, M. F., Poschlod, P. and Willems, J. H. (2002) Challenges for the conservation of calcareous grasslands in north-western Europe: integrating the requirements of flora and fauna. Biological Conservation, 104(3) Apr, pp.265-273.

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Wellstein, C., Otte, A. and Waldhardt, R. (2007) Seed bank diversity in mesic grasslands in relation to vegetation type, management and site conditions. Journal of Vegetation Science, 18(2) Apr, pp.153-162. Wenzel, M., et al. (2006) The severe decline of butterflies on western German calcareous grasslands during the last 30 years: A conservation problem. Biological Conservation, 128(4) Apr, pp.542-552. Whittingham, M. J., Percival, S. M. and Brown, A. F. (2000) Time budgets and foraging of breeding golden plover Pluvialis apricaria. Journal of Applied Ecology, 37(4) Aug, pp.632-646. Willems, J. H. (1982) Phytosociological and geographical survey of Mesobromion communities in Western-Europe. Vegetatio, 48(3) 1982, pp.227-240. Willems, J. H. (1987) Our chalk land South Limburg Netherlands vi. chalk grassland in South Limburg. Wetenschappelijke Mededelingen K.N.N.V. (Koninklijke Nederlandse Natuurhistorische Vereniging),(184) 1987, pp.3-42. Willems, J. H. (2001) Problems, approaches, and, results in restoration of Dutch calcareous grassland during the last 30 years. Restoration Ecology, 9(2) Jun, pp.147-154. Willems, J. H. and vanNieuwstadt, M. G. L. (1996) Long-term after effects of fertilization on above-ground phytomass and species diversity in calcareous grassland. Journal of Vegetation Science, 7(2) May, pp.177-184. Williams, L. R., Fowler, J. A. and Jarvis, P. (2000) Hay meadow management treatments compared using a multivariate analysis. London Naturalist, (79) Dec, pp.55-63. Wittig, B., Kemmermann, A. R. g. and Zacharias, D. (2006) An indicator species approach for result-orientated subsidies of ecological services in grasslands - A study in North-western Germany. Biological Conservation, 133(2) Nov, pp.186-197. Wolton, R. J. (2000) The larger moths (macrolepidoptera) of culm grassland, North Devon. Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation, 112(4) July-August, pp.141-153. Woodcock, B. A., et al. (2005) Grazing management of calcareous grasslands and its implications for the conservation of beetle communities. Biological Conservation, 125(2) Sep, pp.193-202. Woodcock, B. A., et al. (2012) Effects of seed addition on beetle assemblages during the re-creation of species-rich lowland hay meadows. Insect Conservation and Diversity, 5(1) Feb, pp.19-26. Wurth, C. (2002) Effects of extensive grazing and shrub cutting on the ground beetles of dry grassland. Verhandlungen der Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Oesterreich, 139, 2002, pp.25-52. Yallop, A. R., et al. (2006) The extent and intensity of management burning in the English uplands. Journal of Applied Ecology, 43(6) Dec, pp.1138-1148. Zobel, M., et al. (1996) The dynamics of species richness in an experimentally restored calcareous grassland. Journal of Vegetation Science, 7(2) May, pp.203-210.

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Zschokke, S., et al. (2000) Short-term responses of plants and invertebrates to experimental small-scale grassland fragmentation. Oecologia, 125(4) Dec, pp.559-572.

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WET GRASSLAND HABITATS Core Information Sources BfN - Bundesamt für Naturschutz. Natura 2000 Habitats in Germany. URL: [Accessed 2 April, 2012] Curtis, T., Downes, S. & Ní Chatháin, B. (2009) The ecological requirements of water-dependent habitats and species designated under the Habitats Directive. Biology and Environment: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, 109B, pp.261–319. European Commission (2007) Interpretation Manual of European Union Habitats, version EUR 27. European Commission, Brussels.

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Siliceous Pyrenean Festuca eskia grasslands (6140) Subalpine and lower alpine closed mesophile (Festuca eskia) grasslands of north-facing slopes (ubacs) and depressions in the Pyrenees with characteristic species: Arnica montana, Ranunculus pyrenaeus, Selinum pyrenaeum, Trifolium alpinum, Campanula barbata, Gentiana punctata, Leucorchis albida, and Phyteuma betonicifolium.

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Alkaline fens (7230) - This was also grouped in the bog habitat literature search. Wetlands mostly or largely occupied by peat- or tufa-producing small sedge and brown moss communities developed on soils permanently waterlogged, with a soligenous or topogenous base-rich, often calcareous water supply, and with the water table at, or slightly above or below, the substratum. Peat formation, when it occurs, is infra-aquatic. Calciphile small sedges and other Cyperaceae usually dominate the mire communities, which belong to the Caricion davallianae association, characterised by a usually prominent "brown moss" carpet formed by the species Campylium stellatum, Drepanocladus intermedius, D. revolvens, Cratoneuron commutatum, Acrocladium cuspidatum, Ctenidium molluscum, Fissidens adianthoides and Bryum pseudotriquetrum among characteristic species are grass-like growth of Schoenus nigricans, S. ferrugineus, Eriophorum latifolium, Carex davalliana, C. flava, C. lepidocarpa, C. hostiana, C. panicea, Juncus subnodulosus, Scirpus cespitosus, Eleocharis quinqueflora, and a very rich herbaceous flora including Tofieldia calyculata, Dactylorhiza incarnata, D. traunsteineri, D. traunsteinerioides, D. russowii, D. majalis ssp.brevifolia, D. cruenta, Liparis loeselii, Herminium monorchis, Epipactis palustris, Pinguicula vulgaris, Pedicularis sceptrum-carolinum, Primula farinose and Swertia perennis. Wet grasslands of the Molinietalia caerulaea with subtypes Juncetum subnodulosi & Cirsietum rivularis), tall sedge beds of the Magnocaricion, and reed formations (Phragmition), and fen sedge beds (Cladietum mariscae), may form part of the fen system, with furthermore communities related to transition mires and amphibious or aquatic vegetation or spring communities developing in depressions. The sub-units, which can, alone or in combination describe the composition of the fen, are understood to include the mire communities sensu stricto (Caricion davallianae), their transition to the Molinion, and assemblages that, although they may be phytosociologically referable to alkaline Molinion associations, contain a large representation of the Caricion davallianae species listed, in addition to being integrated in the fen system; this somewhat parallels the definition of an integrated class Molinio-Caricetalia davallianae in Rameau et al., 1989. Outside of rich fen systems, fen communities can occur as small areas in dune slack systems, in transition mires, in wet grasslands, on tufa cones and in a few other situations. Rich fens are exceptionally endowed with spectacular, specialised, strictly restricted species. They are among the habitats that have undergone the most serious decline. They are essentially extinct in several regions and gravely endangered in most containing the species: Schoenus nigricans, S. ferrugineus, Carex spp., Eriophorum latifolium, Cinclidium stygium, and Tomentypnum nitens. Pasted and amended from:

Search Terms (“wet grass”* OR “acid grassland” OR “ iliceous Pyrenean Festuca eskia grasslands” OR “Acid alpine and subalpine grassland” OR “Pyrenean closed grassland” OR “Festuca eskia” OR iliceous “Pyrenean Festuca eskia grassland” OR “raised bog” OR “mire” OR “calcareous fen” OR “alkaline fen” OR “peat” OR “tufa” OR “base-rich fen” OR “Caricion davallianae” OR “sedge fen” OR sedge mire” OR “reed formation” OR “transition mire” OR Molinion OR “Molinio-Caricetalia davallianae” OR flush OR “Calcareous dunal sedge fen” OR “Pyrenean fen” OR “calcareous flush” or “calcareous soak” OR “ mall herb alkaline fen” OR “ ubcontinental fen” OR “Carex davalliana” OR “Mediterranean and Central Eurasian small sedge fen” OR “Mediterraneo- uranian small sedge fen” OR “Alpine deer-sedge alkaline fen” OR Black bogrush fen’’ OR Black sedge alkaline fen’’ OR Bottle sedge alkaline fen’’ OR British saxifrage-sedge flush’’ OR “Brown bogrush fen’’ OR “Calcareous dunal rush-sedge fen” OR

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“Deergrass alkaline fen” OR “Dioecious-flea-yellow sedge fen” OR ” ce sedge fen” OR ”Mediterraneo- uranian flat sedge fen” OR ”Middle European flat sedge fen” OR ”Pyrenean Davall sedge fen” OR ”Russet sedge fen” OR ” mall herb alkaline fen” OR ” pike-rush fen” OR ” ubcontinental Davall sedge fen” OR ”Black bog-rush fen” OR ”Black sedge alkaline fen” OR ”Bohemio-Pannonic Davall sedge fen” OR ”Boreal black sedge” OR ”alkaline fen” OR ”Bottle sedge alkaline fen” OR ”British black bog-rush fen” OR ”British dioecious-yellow sedge fen” OR ”British saxifrage-sedge flushes” OR ”Brown bog-rush fen” OR ”Calcareous dunal rush-sedge fen” OR ”Cantabrian yellow sedge fen” OR”Central European black bog-rush fen” OR ”Davall sedge fen” OR ”Deergrass alkaline fen” OR ”Deergrass Davall sedge fen” OR ”Dioecious-flea-yellow sedge fen” OR ”Eastern berian rich fen” OR ”Flea sedge fen” OR ” ce sedge fen” OR ”Mediterraneo-Turanian flat sedge fen” OR ”Middle European black sedge alkaline fen” OR ”Middle European flat sedge fen” OR ”Middle European yellow sedge fen” OR ”Northern brown bog-rush fen” OR ”Northern Davall sedge fen” OR ”Pannonic black bog-rush fen” OR ”Peri-Alpine brown bog-rush fen” OR ”Peri-Alpine Davall sedge fen” OR ”Pyrenean rich fen” OR ”Rich fen” OR ”Russet sedge fen” OR ” candinavian brown moss sedge fen” OR ” candinavian dioecious-yellow sedge fen” OR ” candinavian russet sedge fen” OR ” candinavian phagnum warnstorfii sedge fen” OR ”cottish brown bog-rush fen” OR ” cottish russet sedge fen” OR ” mall herb alkaline fen” OR ” pike-rush fen” OR ” all herb fen” OR ”Western continental black bog-rush fen”) AND (ecology OR management OR conservation OR “conservation status”) AND (threat OR pressure OR decline OR deterioration OR unfavourable OR loss OR degrad* OR management) AND (“Biological Resource Use”* OR Biogeography OR Botany OR “Climate Change” OR “Commercial Forestry” OR “Conservation Economics” OR “Conservation Management” OR “Conservation tatus” OR “Ecological Measurement” OR “Ecological Processes” OR “Ecology” OR “Ecosystem Modification” OR “Ecosystem ervices” OR “Energy Production” OR Mining OR Erosion OR Eutrophication OR “Exchange of Expertise” OR “Gaps in Knowledge” OR Grazing OR “Habitat Fragmentation” OR “Habitat Management” OR “Habitat Restoration” OR “Human Disturbance” OR “Hydrological Management” OR “ nvasive pecies” OR “Alien pecies” OR “Land Abandonment” OR “Land Conversion” OR “Land Use ntensification” OR “Land Management” OR “Limnology” OR “N2K Ecological Coherence” OR “N2K ite Management” OR “N2K ite Protection” OR “Natural Change” OR “Nutrient mpoverishment” OR “Outside N2K ites” OR “Overgrazing” OR “Pollution” OR “Protected Area Financing” OR “Public Engagement” OR takeholder OR raining OR Experience OR Undergrazing OR “Valuation of N2K ervices” OR “resource management” OR exploitation OR “commercial development” OR “industrial development” OR “infrastructure development” OR “spatial planning” OR fire OR burning OR drainage OR quarry OR “natural change” OR “anthropogenic change” OR “energy production” OR biofuels OR bioenergy OR “wind farm” OR “wind turbine” OR dam OR “economic valuation” OR “protected area finance” OR “Natura 2000” OR Natura2000 OR “protected area” OR reserve) Search Results A total of 503 references were retrieved for closer examination. The search was restricted to the last 12 years, the countries of the Atlantic Biogeographic Region, English language publications and relevant subject categories, i.e. conservation biology not medicine. We added peer-reviewed case-studies with English abstracts as far as listed in Web of Science. To capture further world-wide leading references, a full search was conducted without year of publication and country restrictions (total 9,065 references); 35 relevant papers pre-2000 were selected from this list, which have 50 or more citations. References were further reduced to 78 references (as below) through the evaluation of the paper titles and abstracts. Subject areas that were covered can be seen in figure 7.

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Figure 7: Subject area summary for the wet grassland habitat literature search.

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Busche, G. (2000) Changes in the breeding-bird community of a cultivated mire in western Schleswig-Holstein, 1950 to 1997. Vogelwelt, 121(1) 2000, pp.27-37. Cameron, A., Johnston, R. J. and McAdam, J. (2004) Classification and evaluation of spider (Araneae) assemblages on environmentally sensitive areas in Northern Ireland. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 102(1) Mar, pp.29-40. De Mars, H. (1996) Recovery of a write-off fen meadow in the Vechtstreek? Levende Natuur, 97(3) 1996, pp.123-129. Eysink, F. and De Bruijn, O. (1997) Restoration of fen meadows in the Lemselermaten. Levende Natuur, 98(7) ec., pp.258-265. Gardiner, T. (2010) Precipitation and habitat degradation influence the occurrence of the common green grasshopper Omocestus viridulus in southeastern England. Journal of Orthoptera Research, 19(2) 2010, pp.315-326. Ghorbani, J., et al. (2007) Temporal responses of propagule banks during ecological restoration in the United Kingdom. Restoration Ecology, 15(1) Mar, pp.103-117. Goffart, P., Schtickzelle, N. and Turlure, C. (2010) Conservation and Management of the Habitats of Two Relict Butterflies in the Belgian Ardenne: Proclossiana eunomia and Lycaena helle. In: Habel, J. C. Assmann, T. (Ed.), Relict Species: Phylogeography and Conservation Biology, pp. 357-370. Gonzalo-Turpin, H., et al. (2010) Co-occurring patterns of endophyte infection and genetic structure in the alpine grass, Festuca eskia: implications for seed sourcing in ecological restoration. Conservation Genetics, 11(3) Jun, pp.877-887. Granados, L. and Lane, S. D. (2007) A fine scale study of selected environmental and floristic parameters in three populations of Euphrasia vigursii (Davey), a rare annual endemic to Devon and Cornwall. Watsonia, 26(Part 3) Feb, pp.347-358. Gusewell, S., Koerselman, W. and Verhoeven, J. T. A. (2003) Biomass N : P ratios as indicators of nutrient limitation for plant populations in wetlands. Ecological Applications, 13(2) Apr, pp.372-384. Haines-Young, R., et al. (2003) Changing landscapes, habitats and vegetation diversity across Great Britain. Journal of Environmental Management, 67(3) Mar, pp.267-281. Hald, A. B., et al. (2003) Restoration of degraded low-lying grasslands: indicators of the environmental potential of botanical nature quality. Ecological Engineering, 21(1) Nov, pp.1-20. Hald, A. B. and Vinther, E. (2000) Restoration of a species-rich fen-meadow after abandonment: Response of 64 plant species to management. Applied Vegetation Science, 3(1) May, pp.15-24. Henderson, I. G., et al. (2002) Population estimates, trends and habitat associations of breeding Lapwing Vanellus vanellus, Curlew Numenius arquata and Snipe Gallinago gallinago in Northern Ireland in 1999. Bird Study, 49, Mar, pp.17-25. Jansen, W., Tham, J. and Koch, M. (2003) The aquatic fauna of the raised bog and fen complex "Wurzacher Ried" in southern Germany: Biodiversity, habitat-specific communities, conservation

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