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2012 / 2013

Goulburn Valley Regional Waste Management Group

Trading as


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Member Councils

Campaspe Shire Council

City of Greater Shepparton

Moira Shire Council

Strathbogie Shire Council

Mitchell Shire Council

Murrindindi Shire Council

Resource GV Staff:

Nicholas Nagle Executive Officer

Brad Montgomery Regional Education Officer

Tracy Taylor Goulburn Broken Greenhouse Alliance (GBGA) Coordinator

© State of Victoria, Goulburn Valley Regional Waste Management Group 2013. This publication is copyright. No part may be reproduced by any process except in accordance with the provisions of the

Copyright Act 1968.

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1. REPORTS ................................................................................................................................................... 4 1.1 CHAIRMAN’S MESSAGE ........................................................................................................................... 4 1.2 EXECUTIVE OFFICER’S REPORT ............................................................................................................ 5 1.3 EDUCTION OFFICER’S REPORT .............................................................................................................. 6 2.1 OBJECTIVES, FUNCTIONS, POWERS AND DUTIES .............................................................................. 8 2.2 MISSION / VISION / VALUES ..................................................................................................................... 9 2.3 OBJECTIVES AND PROGRAM AREAS .................................................................................................... 9 2.4 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT REPORT / STATUTORY PLANNING PROVISIONS ..................... 10 2.5 NATURE AND RANGE OF SERVICES PROVISION ............................................................................... 10 3. BOARD MEMBERSHIP/COMMITTEES/ MEETING ATTENDANCE ........................................................ 11 3.1 DIRECTORS’ ROLE .................................................................................................................................. 11 3.2 BOARD MEMBERSHIP ............................................................................................................................ 11 3.3 ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE ........................................................................................................... 14 3.4 BOARD MEETINGS .................................................................................................................................. 15 3.5 FINANCE AND AUDIT COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP............................................................................... 16 3.6 TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE .................................................................................................... 18 3.7 GOULBURN BROKEN GREENHOUSE ALLIANCE (GBGA) – SPECIAL COMMITTEE ........................ 21 4. REPORT OF RESOURCE GV OPERATIONS .......................................................................................... 24 4.1 MANAGEMENT TEAM.............................................................................................................................. 24 4.2 RESOURCE GV STRATEGIC DIRECTION AND AUTHORITY DEVELOPMENT .................................. 25 4.3 OBJECTIVES OF THE REGIONAL WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN ...................................................... 26 4.4 OPERATIONAL OBJECTIVES AND PERFORMANCE AGAINST OBJECTIVES ................................... 28 4.5 KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS ....................................................................................................... 34 4.6 THE FUTURE ............................................................................................................................................ 39 5. STATEMENT OF LEGISLATIVE COMPLIANCE ..................................................................................... 39 5.1 AVAILABILITY OF OTHER INFORMATION ............................................................................................ 39 5.2 STATEMENT OF WOKFORCE DATA ...................................................................................................... 40 5.3 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY (OH&S) ...................................................................................... 40 5.4 APPLICATION AND OPERATION OF FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT 1982 ................................. 41 5.5 COMPLIANCE WITH BUILDING & MAINTENANCE PROVISIONS OF THE BUILDING ACT 1993 ...... 41 5.6 NATIONAL COMPETITION POLICY ........................................................................................................ 41 5.7 CULTURAL DIVERSITY- AGED, YOUTH, KOORIES, NESB .................................................................. 42 5.8 PRIVACY ACT .......................................................................................................................................... 42 5.9 WHISTLEBLOWERS PROTECTION ACT ................................................................................................ 42 5.10 OFFICE BASED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS ....................................................................................... 45 5.11 SUBSEQUENT EVENTS........................................................................................................................... 45 5.12 MAJOR CHANGES OR FACTORS AFFECTING PERFORMANCE ........................................................ 45 5.13 VICTORIAN INDUSTRY PARTICIPATION POLICY DISCLOSURES ...................................................... 45 5.14 DISCLOSURE INDEX ............................................................................................................................... 46 6. FINANCIALS ............................................................................................................................................. 48 6.1 FIVE YEAR FINANCIAL SUMMARY ........................................................................................................ 48 6.2 USE OF LANDFILL LEVY MONIES ......................................................................................................... 48 6.3 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES IN FINANCIAL POSITION DURING THE YEAR ............................................ 49 6.4 FINANCIAL AUDITING ............................................................................................................................. 49 6.5 DECLARATION UNDER DIRECTION 9.1.3(IV) OF THE FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT ACT 1994 ........ 49 4.6 BUDGET PORTFOLIO OUTCOMES ........................................................................................................ 49 4.7 CONSULTANCIES GREATER THAN $10,000 ......................................................................................... 49 6.9 DISCLOSURE OF MAJOR CONTRACTS ................................................................................................ 50 8.10 RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS ....................................................................................................... 50 8.11 STATEMENT BY WASTE MANAGEMENT GROUP DIRECTORS .......................................................... 51 8.12 FINANCIAL REPORT 2012 / 2013 ............................................................................................................ 52 8.13 INDEPENDENT AUDIT REPORT ............................................................................................................. 53

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The 2012-13 year saw the Group undergo both changes at Board level but also in the activities that we undertook. The local government elections in October 2012 resulted in a high turnover of Directors which saw five new Directors join me on the Board. I would like to thank the outgoing Directors, led by Chairman David McKenzie for their efforts with the organisation over many years. The Waste Policy consultations and ultimate release in April 2013, along with the Ministerial Advisory Committee on Waste and Resource Recovery Governance have provided excellent opportunities for our region to present our concerns and ideas for the sector. With the announcement of these reforms imminent, we look forward to working within a new framework that enables greater focus and certainty for all stakeholders within the industry. Well done to the staff and officers of member councils who have applied themselves to a heavy schedule of project delivery this year. A special mention to our Goulburn Broken Greenhouse Alliance, who managed to secure $3M of funding from the Federal Government Community Energy Efficiency Program. The funding, which was announced in May 2013, will result in over $5.5M total project value being delivered to this region. I would like to thank my fellow Board Members including the Deputy Chairman Wendy Buck for their interest in taking up a Waste Management Group Directorship, and for the work they have invested through a lengthy induction process. In accordance with Financial Management Act 1994, I am pleased to present the Report of Operations for the Goulburn Valley Regional Waste Management Group for the year ending 30 June 2013. Greg Toll Chairperson, Resource GV

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Through the agency of the Regional Waste Management Support Fund, Resource GV benefited from an increased level of project funding in 2012-13. This meant that a range of projects were undertaken, all contributing to supporting our Regional Waste Management Plan review in 2013-14. It is appropriate to mention that Resource GV enjoyed excellent relationships and availability of key staff from Sustainability Victoria and the Department of Environmental and Primary Industries (DEPI). Sustainability Victoria Hume Region Community Facilitator Martina Rienzner, and the DEPI team involved with the Waste Policy Review rate a particular mention for their efforts. The efforts of the Moira Shire in responding to yet another extreme weather event have been lauded as a great example and contributed greatly to lessening the inconvenience and heartbreak endured by those effected and the general population in affected areas. Key departures this year included Mitchell Shire Waste Management Coordinator John Smyth and Veolia Environmental Services Regional Manager Gary Buckland. Both gentlemen have been great contributors to Resource GV and we wish them well in their future endeavours. Our involvement in the preparations for the development of the State-wide Infrastructure Plan and the Rural Landfill Risk Assessment Project have seen heavy involvement and data gathering throughout the year. The rigour of this work will give a sound evidence base for longer term infrastructure planning in the region. On the performance front, an increase in recycling and organics yields were positive, but our regional diversion remained at 50% during the 2010-11 data collection year (lagging indicator). Our potential to unlock significant additional waste diversion has been handed a huge boost by Sustainability Victoria after agreeing to fund incentives for Councils to add additional kerbside organics services. The $550K funds will enable an estimated 25,000 households to join this program. Two successful organics collection trials in Kyabram (Campaspe) and Wallan (Mitchell) concluded in June 2013, further adding to the evidence base for greater diversions from landfill. Market research suggested in both cases that support for the service grew almost 10% to 95% after participating in the trial and results in both instances point to well in excess of state averages yields. I would like to thank our Regional Education Officer Brad Montgomery and GBGA Coordinator Tracy Taylor for their dedication and professionalism which is continuing to place Resource GV among the top performing Regional Waste Management Groups around the state. I also would like to express my sincere appreciation to our Chairman and Directors who have demonstrated a thirst for knowledge and a willingness to be ambassadors for the Group and agents for change within the community. Nicholas Nagle Executive Officer

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The successful implementation of the Resource Smart Schools framework across the Hume region has been a highlight over the past 12 months.

An excellent base for the next two years has been built with the Hume Region Consortia achieving its target of engaging 21 additional schools and an agreement to extend its management of the program up until the end of 2015 as part of an aim to have approximately 70 schools (35%) across the Hume Region actively engaged in the program. The Region will also benefit financially, with participating schools accessing funding provided through the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD) energy efficiency grants. The Fluoro-Collect fluorescent tube recycling program also occupied a significant proportion of 2012-13 project delivery. Some very worthwhile additional diligence was directed to aspects of occupational hygiene to ensure that the innovative units represented a safe working environment. The four units in operation cater for both domestic and commercial quantities and the program is target is to collects over 35,000 fluorescent tubes over the next three years. Also prominent among our project work was the offering of a Certificate IV in Asset Maintenance (Waste Management) which continued our focus on professional development opportunities to our waste mangers and officers. Twenty completions of this qualification has resulted in a brooding of our stakeholder network and targeted up skilling of key personnel involved in waste services and facilities. Brad Montgomery Regional Education Officer

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Tornado Emergency For the fourth year in a row, the region has again been required to respond to the aftermath of a natural disaster. In the wake of the March 22 2013 Tornado event which impacted the Moira Indigo and Strathbogie Shires in Victoria (as well as the Corowa Shire in New South Wales), a massive clean-up operation was launched. The Moira Shire again bore the brunt of nature’s fury but has been commended for the professionalism and timeliness of their response. Up to sixty homes and hundreds of cabins and caravans were destroyed in the townships of Koonomoo, Barooga, Mulwala and Bundalong and more still have been declared unliveable after what has now been described as the strongest tornado ever to be record in Victoria. The learnings from member councils experiences in recent times are being captured by Resource GV to ensure that future responses benefit from lessons learned during the clean-up operations. Summary An application by Resource GV to have landfill levy waived for affected Victorian municipalities for a period of two months was granted and advised on 27 March 2013. The Victorian and Commonwealth Government’s immediately announced emergency financial assistance under the Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements (NDRRA). Premier and Minister for Regional Cities Denis Napthine visited communities in Bundalong and Koonoomoo in the immediate aftermath and again in May.

Cost for processing green-waste was close to $100,000

Building and demolition 210 M3

General waste 200 M3

Green waste 10,880 M3

Scrap metal 353 M3

Emergency landfill accommodation at Howlong landfill (Corowa Shire) developed to cope with Mulwala waste.

Photos 1-4: Tornado aftermath and cleanup activities in Bundaloing and Koonomoo

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1. The Governor in Council (GiC) (on the Minister’s recommendation) declares Goulburn Valley as a waste management region under section 50E(1) of the Environment Protection Act 1970

2. The six member councils in the Goulburn Valley submitted a draft constitution to the Minister for approval under section 50F(1)(a)

3. The Minister approved the constitution under section 50F(1)(b), subject to any additional legislative requirements

4. GiC, on the Minister’s recommendation, declared the creation of the Goulburn Valley Regional Waste Management Group. This occurred on 14 October 1997

During the reporting period 1 July 2012 to 30 June 2013 the Group was accountable to the Hon Ryan Smith, MP, Minister for Environment and Climate Change. 2.1 OBJECTIVES, FUNCTIONS, POWERS AND DUTIES In partnership with its members municipalities Resource GV develops regional plans to give effect to state-wide policies, strategies and programs at a local level. The Group aims to achieve the ultimate goal of waste reduction through a variety of a co-ordinated regional approach community based and co-operative methods. By working with the community and allied agencies to promote waste and litter minimisation, the Resource GV aims to restore, enhance, protect and maintain the ecosystem of the Region. Resource GV's members play a key role in the provision of infrastructure and community programs, and to implement regional plans focused on municipal waste management, developed by the group. In their municipal waste planning and management role, Resource GV's members add value to regional initiatives through contracting, service delivery, and provision of infrastructure and facilities. They also assist Resource GV to deliver education programs through events, schools, and organisations in local communities. Resource GV’s functions, according to section 50H of the Environment Protection Act 1970, are to:

(a) To plan for the management of municipal waste in its region, working in partnership with the councils in its region; and

(b) To co-ordinate the activities of its members in its region to give effect in its region to State policies, strategies and programs relating to waste; and

(c) To facilitate and foster best practices in waste management. In carrying out its functions a regional waste management group is:

(1)(a) To plan for municipal waste management in its region including: (i) Preparing and keeping up to date a regional waste management plan; (ii) Implementing and promoting the plan; (iii) Setting performance targets for municipal waste reduction programs;

developing, implementing, supporting and promoting municipal waste reduction and recycling programs;

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(1)(b) To co-ordinate the waste management activities of its members including: (i) Introducing measures that lead to conformity of standards for Waste

reduction, waste management and litter prevention and control between its members;

(ii) Investigating and advising on landfill disposal costs and charges in the region;

(iii) Encouraging the training of staff involved in municipal waste management; (1)(c) To promote, commission and undertake research into waste management; (1)(d) To advise its members on best practices in municipal waste management; (1)(e) To promote improved waste management technologies; (1)(f) To promote and co-ordinate relevant community education in its region; (1)(g) To mediate disputes between its members.

(2) A regional waste management group may do anything that is necessary or

convenient to enable it to perform its functions. 2.2 MISSION / VISION / VALUES Through a comprehensive business planning process, commencing in April 2012, Resource GV adopted a vision, mission and set of values that were incorporated into its objectives and program areas for 2012/13.








Recognise the role we and allied agencies play in environmental management;

Will work harmoniously together and share resources to achieve our goals;

Will be responsible and equitable in our dealings and communication;

Will provide quality information, education and advice. 2.3 OBJECTIVES AND PROGRAM AREAS Our Strategic priorities from July 2013 to June 2016 are to:

Continue promotion of our Regional Group – its identity, its achievements and its goals;

Foster more input into the Groups operations from the community;

Build stronger relationships with all relevant bodies involved in the waste management industry;

Promote the use of information, data and resources between the Group, its member Councils and external bodies;

Partner member Councils in their application of the principles of best practice;

Foster local solutions for local problems;

Ensure adequate resourcing of operations, programs and strategy implementation.

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Resource GV prepares and implements environmental (waste management) plans and reports, as part of its core functions and statutory obligations. In doing so Resource GV works in partnership with other Government Agencies to promote and to maintain the principles of sustainability. Resource GV articulates its long-term strategic position on the environment through the regional waste management plan, which is implemented through the business plan and reported on through this annual report. More specifically, Resource GV operates in partnership with the Environment Protection Authority, Sustainability Victoria and local authorities to implement state policies and strategies, relating to solid waste management and resource efficiency, in a regional and local setting. Resource GV’s primary role in strategic planning relates to working with its Member councils to determine proposed siting of waste facilities. Siting of facilities is locked into the regional waste management planning process, which involves consultation with local government. Ultimately, approval of the plan stands with the Environment Protection Authority. 2.5 NATURE AND RANGE OF SERVICES PROVISION Resource GV develops and applies regional strategies and initiatives in the context of State policy, through the States regional waste management framework under the Environment Protection Act 1970. As such Resource GV plans for municipal waste management at a regional level and facilitates and fosters best practice in waste and litter management within the Goulburn Valley Region, comprising the member municipalities of Moira, Mitchell, Murrindindi, Campaspe, Strathbogie and Greater Shepparton. Stakeholders within this Region are many and varied but included community groups such as Local Area Planning Committees, Landcare networks, trader associations, allied government agencies, and waste contractors and processors

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3. BOARD MEMBERSHIP/COMMITTEES/ MEETING ATTENDANCE 3.1 DIRECTORS’ ROLE Board Members are required to operate in the best interests of the Resource GV as a whole rather than in a representative capacity for any stakeholders or customer groups. Though they operate in a voluntary role Resource GV’s directors undertake a number of responsibilities inclusive of: (i) Approving, where appropriate, Group policies and other recommendations

received from the Group, its sub-committees and staff; (ii) Monitoring all Group policies; review and recommending changes to the Groups

internal strategies and policies manual; (iii) Reviewing the Board’s structure, approve changes, and prepare amendments; (iv) Participating in the development of the Group’s Business Plan, Waste

Management Plan, Constitution, Education Strategy and Annual Report; (v) Considering and approving the Group’s Annual Budget; (vi) Approving the hiring and release of the Executive Officer; and, (vii) Assisting in developing and maintaining positive relations among the Board,

committees, staff, stakeholders and the community to enhance the Groups mission.

As members of a State Statutory Agency’s Board, Directors may choose to be remunerated under the Governments Part Time Appointment and Remuneration Guidelines for Members of Government Boards and Advisory Committees. The Board at its AGM on 16 May 2003 determined to pay sitting fees to all Directors and this has continued in accordance with the guidelines. 3.2 BOARD MEMBERSHIP Membership Criteria: One Councillor appointed by each of the six Member Councils as its Director on the Management Committee. Membership of the Management Board Chairman: Member Councillor elected on the vote of Directors. Board Meeting Frequency: Quarterly Voting: One vote per Director From 1 July 2012 until 26 October 2012 (Victoria Local Government Elections) the membership of the Board was as follows:

Dir Bob Flowers (Murrindindi)

Dir Greg Toll (Campaspe)

Dir Geoff Dobson (Greater Shepparton)

Dir Trevor Tobias (Mitchell)

Dir Howard Myers (Strathbogie)

Dir David McKenzie (Moira)

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Board members

Director Greg Toll Chairman Campaspe Shire Councillor

Director Wendy Buck Deputy Chairman Moira Shire Councillor

Director Robin Weatherald Strathbogie Shire Councillor

Director Fern Summer Greater Shepparton City Councillor

Director Kevin Mulroney Mitchell Shire Councillor

Director Bernie Magner Murrindindi Shire Councillor

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From 27 October 2012 until 30 June 2013 the membership of the Board was as follows:

Greg Toll (Campaspe)

Wendy Buck (Moira)

Robin Weatherald (Strathbogie)

Kevin Mulroney (Mitchell)

Fern Summer (Greater Shepparton)

Bernie Magner (Murrindindi) The 2012 Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held on 14 June 2012 the Board:

Elected Dir D McKenzie as its Chairman for 2012/13.

Elected Dir Greg Toll as Deputy Chairman for 2012/13. The 2013 AGM was held on 7 June 2013. At this meeting the Board:

Elected Dir Greg Toll as its Chairman for 2013/14*.

Elected Dir Wendy Buck as its Deputy Chairman for 2013/14. *Director Toll was appointed interim Chairperson at the first ordinary meeting post the Local Government elections and served in this capacity until being at the 7 June 2013 AGM.

Photo 5: Resource GV staff members, Brad Montgomery, Nick Nagle and Tracy Taylor

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3.3 ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE Interactivity of the Board, staff and committees of the Group, is set out in the structure diagram below:

Figure 1: Organisational Chart

Executive Officer

Nick Nagle

Regional Education Officer

Brad Montgomery

Goulburn Broken Greenhouse Alliance


Tracy Taylor

Special Committee 3

Goulburn Broken Greenhouse Alliance

Special Committee 2

Audit Committee

Special Committee 1 Technical Advisory


RESOURCE GV BOARD Chairman Greg Toll (Campaspe Shire Council), Deputy Chairman Wendy Buck (Moira Shire Council), Directors Robin Weatherald (Strathbogie Shire Council), Fern Summer

(Greater Shepparton City Council), Kevin Mulroney (Mitchell Shire Council) Bernie Magner (Murrindindi Shire Council).

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3.4 BOARD MEETINGS The Goulburn Valley Regional Waste Management Group Constitution requires the Management Board to meet at least once every three months. During 2011/2012 the Management Board met as follows:

16 September 2011 in Shepparton

17 November 2011 in Shepparton

27 April 2012 in Shepparton

14 June 2012 in Shepparton

Meeting Attendance

KEY: √ - Present x - Absent


Meeting Dates

Oct 19 2012

Feb 15 2013

June 7 2013

AGM June 7 2013

Dir. Flowers




Dir. Tobias




Dir. Myers





Dir. McKenzie




Dir. Dobson




Dir. Toll

Dir. Buck


Dir. Magner



√ (Sub)

√ (Sub)

Dir. Weatherald


√ (Sub)

√ (Sub)

Dir. Mulroney



Dir. Summer


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3.5 FINANCE AND AUDIT COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP On the 12 September 2003 the Board resolved to form an Audit Committee in order to ensure compliance, principally with the Standing Directions of the Minister for Finance under the Financial Management Act 1994. Functions: The Audit Committee assists the Group’s Board in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities. The Committee undertakes the oversight of (but not limited to):

Financial performance and the financial reporting process, including the annual financial statements

The scope of work, performance and independence of internal audit

The scope of work, independence and performance of the external auditor

The operation and implementation of the risk management framework

Matters of accountability and internal control affecting the operations of the Group

The effectiveness of management information systems and other systems of internal control

The acceptability of and correct accounting treatment for and disclosure of significant transactions which are not part of the Group’s normal course of business

The Group’s process for monitoring compliance with laws and regulations and its own Code of Conduct and Code of Financial Practice.

Membership for the 2012-13 year was as follows:

Mr Alan Sutherland – Independent

Mr Phillip Friedlieb - Independent and Chair

Director Geoff Dobson (until 26 Oct 2012)

Director David McKenzie (until 26 Oct 2012)

Director Wendy Buck (post 26 Oct 2012)

Director Robin Weatherald (post 26 Oct 2012) In addition to the appointed members, the committee benefits from the assistance of an Internal Auditor, Mr Terry Lant who also attends meetings of the committee as required. The Executive Officer as the Chief Financial Accountable Officer (CFAO) attended all meetings as advisor and prepared agendas and minutes. All meetings of the Audit Committee are generally held in Shepparton.

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Meeting Attendance The Audit Committee met on the following occasions:

19 August 2011

1 March 2012

12 April 2012

7 June 2012

All meetings of the audit committee were in Shepparton

Audit Committee member

Meeting Date

July 6 2012 Oct 12 2012

15 March 2013 7/6/12

Mr Alan Sutherland

Mr Phillip Friedlieb (Chairman)


Dir. McKenzie


Dir. Dobson


Dir. Weatherald



Dir. Buck



√ - Attendance x - Absent N/A - Not an elected/nominated representative at this time The Committee has continued to provide direction for organisational compliance and has been progressively implementing a range of continuous improvement measures within its governance framework.

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Membership Criteria: One officer from each Member Council, and 2 directors from the board. Functions:

Support and advice with regard to the Groups technical functions.

Provide advice to the Management Committee on relevant matters, including recommendations of any Special Committee established by the Management Committee.

Provide a co-ordination role during the set up phase of any Special Committees. Secretariat: Goulburn Valley Regional Waste Management Group Executive Officer and/or Regional Education Officer. Meeting Frequency: As required but nominally on a quarterly basis. Voting: One vote per Goulburn Valley Regional Waste Management Group member Council (a proxy from the same member Council may attend and vote). The personnel involved in the Technical Advisory Committee for 2012/2013 was as follows: Campaspe Shire Council

Mr Brian Holmes (Waste Management Coordinator)

Murrindindi Shire Council

Ms Bella Guinto (Coordinator Waste Management)

Mr Josh Russell (Coordinator Waste Management)

Greater Shepparton City Council

Mr Graeme Long (Manager Waste Services)

Mr George Bitcon (Team Leader Waste Services)

Mr Matt Glavina (Environmental Officer Waste Services)

Moira Shire Council

Mr John Mangan (Program Coordinator - Waste & Recycling)

Mr Graeme Murray (Team Leader Waste)

Mitchell Shire Council

Mr John Smyth (Waste Management Officer)

Mr Barry Strong (Waste Management Officer)

Mr Shane Power (Manager Operations)

Shane Whelan (Waste Education Officer)

Strathbogie Shire Council

Mr Darren Ritchie (Waste Engineer)

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Meeting Attendance The Advisory Committee met on four occasions in the 2011/2012 year:


Meeting Date

Sept 17

2013 Feb 4 2013

March 1 2013

March 20 2013

April 17 2013

George Bitcon x √ x x √

Graeme Long √ x √ x x

Darren Ritchie √ √ √ √ √

John Smyth x √ x NA NA

Brian Holmes √ √ √ √ √

John Mangan √ √ √ x √

Bella Guinto √ NA NA NA NA

Josh Russell NA √ √ √ √

Shane Power x x √ x x

Dir R Weatheald x x √ x x

Robert Halley x x x x x

Dir G Toll x x x x √

Graeme Murray x x x √ x

Matt Glavina x √ x √ √

Shane Whelan x x √ √ √

Martina Rienzner √ x √ x x

Nicola Thom x x √ x x

Barry Strong NA NA NA NA √

√ - Attendance x - Absent N/A - Not a nominated representative at this time

Photo 6: Resource GV members at the regional launch of the Drop zone program June 2013.

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The Resource GV Technical Advisory Committee instigated numerous achievements in 2012-13, notably including:

Development and delivery of a Waste Avoidance Advertising campaign including distribution of 10,000 No junk mail please’ letterbox stickers.

A heads of agreement developed and successful in accessing organics collection support funding

Report into Non return of Industrial Bulk Containers (IBC) provided for Association of Regional Waste Management Groups

Regional Waste Management Support package projects for 2012-13 delivered

State-wide Infrastructure Plan workshop held

Regional Waste Management Support package projects for 2013-14 developed

National TV and computer recycling scheme launched with 11 Drop Zone collection points

Forum held for Get it Right on Bin Night campaign development.

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COMMITTEE Membership Criteria: One officer from each Member Council and one councillor from each member council Functions:

The members will work collaboratively to achieve the agreed outcomes;

The members will monitor the success of initiatives entered into; and

The members will work collaboratively to solve problems as they arise. Secretariat: GBGA coordinator. Meeting Frequency: Required twice per year, but nominally on a quarterly basis. Voting: Two votes per GBGA member Council (a proxy from the same member Council may attend and vote). The personnel involved in the GBGA Special Committee for 2012/2013 was as follows: Murrindindi Shire Council

Ms Zoe Stephens (Coordinator Environmental Programs)

Michael Chesworth (General Manager Sustainability)

Cr Sally Abbot-Smith

Cr John Kennedy Greater Shepparton City Council

Mr Greg McKenzie (Manager Environment)

Ms Sharon Terry (Sustainability and Environment Officer)

Cr Les Oroszvary Moira Shire Council

Ms Sally Rice (Manager Safety Amenity and Environment)

Mr Tom Brown (Environment Sustainability Officer)

Cr Jessie McCallum

Cr Wendy Buck Mitchell Shire Council

Ms Annemaree Docking (Sustainability Officer)

Stacey Gardiner (Manager Strategic Planning and Sustainability)

Cr Graeme Coppel

Cr Bill Melbourne Strathbogie Shire Council

Mr Peterson Asante (Manager Projects and Works)

Mr Darren Ritchie (Waste Engineer)

Cr Howard Myers

Cr Robin Weatherald

Benalla Rural City Council

Ms Larissa Montgomery (Environment Sustainability Coordinator)

Ms Veronica Schilling (General Manager Development & Environment)

Cr Campbell Griffin

Cr Barbara Alexander

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Mansfield Shire Council

Mr Chris Washusen (Environment Sustainability Officer)

Ms Suzie Healy (Environment Officer)

Ms Athina Hope (Development Services Manager)

Cr Greg Wilder

Cr Paul Sladdin Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority

Ms Kate Brunt (Senior Project Officer – Climate change)

Mr Steve Wilson (Land and Biodiversity Program Manager) Meeting Attendance The GBGA Special Committee met on three occasions in the 2012/2013 year:

Member Meeting Date

Sept 2012 Feb 2013 May 2013

Zoe Stephens NA √ x

Michael Chesworth x x x

Cr Sally Abbot Smith x NA NA

Cr John Kennedy NA x x

Greg McKenzie x x x

Sharon Terry NA √ √

Cr Les Oroszvary NA x x

Sally Rice √ x x

Tom Brown NA √ √

Cr Jessie McCallum √ NA NA

Cr Wendy Buck NA √ √

Annemaree Docking √ x √

Stacey Gardiner NA NA x

Cr Graeme Coppel √ NA NA

Cr Bill Melbourne NA x x

Peterson Asante x x √

Darren Ritchie x x x

Cr Howard Myers √ NA NA

Cr Robin Weatherald NA √ x

Larissa Montgomery x x x

Veronica Schilling x x x

Cr Campbell Griffin x NA NA

Cr Barbara Alexander NA NA √

Chris Washusen √ √ NA

Suzie Healy x x x

Athina Hope x NA NA

Cr Greg Wilder x NA NA

Cr Paul Sladdin NA NA x

Kate Brunt √ x √

Steve Wilson x x x

Allison McCallum x √ x

Robyn Rattray Wood x x x

Chelsea Cherry NA x √

Martina Rienzner √ x x

√ - Attendance x - Absent N/A - Not a nominated representative at this time

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Photo 7: GBGA Special Committee members at the launch of the Goulburn Broken Local Government Sustainability Training Program

The GBGA Special Committee instigated numerous achievements in 2012-13, notably including:

Development and delivery of the Local Government Sustainability Training Program stage 1 – Measuring and Managing carbon in Local Government.

Development and delivery of Goulburn Broken Climate Change media campaign.

Awarded $2,959,628 from the Community Energy Efficiency Program for the ‘Watts Working Better’ project. This project will retrofit 12, 661 street lights to more energy efficient globes across the Goulburn Broken region. Total Project cost is $4,493,442 which will be implemented over 3 years.

Developed a GBGA Strategic Plan 2013/14 – 2016/17.

Developed a GBGA Communication Plan.

Developed Business Plan 2013/14.

Review of member contributions.

All 8 existing members signed four year Memorandums of Understanding (2013/14, 2014/15, 2015/16, 2016/17).

Negotiated with Campaspe Shire Council to become a member of the GBGA in 2013/14.

Elected a new Chairman for 2013-14, Cr Wendy Buck.

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4. REPORT OF RESOURCE GV OPERATIONS 4.1 MANAGEMENT TEAM In implementing regional strategies, Resource GV relies on both internal and external human resources. In 2012/13 Resource GV employed a full time Executive Officer, and a full-time Education Officer. The success of Resource GV’s programs is also contingent upon the support of directors and officers of member councils and other external organisations with whom partnerships are forged. Executive Officer: The main purpose of the Executive Officer position is to support the Group in the development and implementation of its plans, budgets, programs, projects and activities for waste management in the region, in accordance with relevant legislation, policy and guidelines, and consistent with regional needs and priorities. A key objective of the position is to ensure the Group develops and maintains a vision of continuous improvement in the management of waste and litter in the region, and makes progress towards the achievement of state-wide policy goals and regional objectives for municipal waste reduction. The Executive Officer is therefore considered a creative source for the strategic thinking and planning of the Group, and a driving force behind the implementation of its waste management plans and programs. The present incumbent – Mr Nick Nagle, is responsible for the operational and financial (CAFO) management activities of the Group and co-ordinates the strategic planning functions, budget, funding opportunities and liaison with other relevant bodies. Regional Education Officer: The main purpose of the Regional Education Officer position is to support the development and delivery of community education programs and actions in the region. The strategic basis for these programs is defined in the Groups waste management plan, business plan, and its regional waste and litter reduction strategy, and reflected in the corresponding plans or strategies developed by member Councils at the local level. The regional education strategy, in particular, has been developed to be consistent with State level policies and strategies and Sustainability Victoria’s business plan, further the Groups regional waste management plan, define the Groups objectives and priorities for waste and litter reduction, and to establish the programs and activities to achieve these objectives. A key objective of the position is to assist stakeholders in the region to develop the necessary understanding, capacity and commitment to change practices and undertake activities to reduce waste and litter, and hence support the Groups progress towards the achievement of state-wide policy goals and regional objectives. The Regional Education Officer is therefore expected to provide a point of stimulus, a source of encouragement, and a repository of tools, knowledge and ideas for educational and promotional activities in waste and litter reduction. The present incumbent Mr Brad Montgomery reports to the Executive Officer and is responsible for planning and implementing waste education activities and programs across the Region.

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Greenhouse Alliance Coordinator: The position objective is to facilitate the development and growth of the Goulburn Broken Greenhouse Alliance by overseeing delivery of the Alliance’s Strategic Plan, building the membership and network of the Alliance and developing new funding opportunities. The present incumbent, Ms Tracy Taylor, is accountable to the Executive Officer Resource GV for:

Managing the business affairs of the Alliance;

Initiating, implementing or coordinating relevant programs and projects;

Increasing the awareness of climate change adaptation and the capacity of the region to adapt to climate change;

Increasing awareness of regional greenhouse gas emissions and the capacity of the region to reduce emissions;

Developing regional climate change adaptation and greenhouse gas reduction projects, to avoid duplication of effort and to share information, resources and capacities in the region;

Delivering the Alliance’s Strategic Plan. External support: The officers of Resource GV are required to attend board and special project group meetings as well as other project based activities from time to time. Officers of Resource GV, EPA, Sustainability Victoria and other Government and private sector organisations take part in regional activities. 4.2 RESOURCE GV STRATEGIC DIRECTION AND AUTHORITY DEVELOPMENT Resource GV prepares and implements Group policies, strategies and programs that are articulated through its regional waste management plan and then implemented through the annual business planning and reporting process. The EPA approves the waste management plans of Resource GV. The Department of Environment and Primary Industries (DEPI) formally reviews Resource GV’s Annual Report and advises the Minister on presentation of those reports to Parliament. Sustainability Victoria provides the opportunity for additional funding to Resource GV through tied grants and informally reviewed Resource GV’s Business Plan.

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4.3 OBJECTIVES OF THE REGIONAL WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN The following are broad objectives of the Plan, developed to ensure that the Group and its member meet the requirements of Group policy and legislation, especially the provisions of division 2B of the Environment Protection Act 1970. Operation of Region

Seek to establish the most effective means of operation for the Region whereby it is less reliant on Government funding, in tune with the community needs and has broad community representation and acceptance.

Waste Management

To provide for the current and future management of waste in a cost effective, equitable and efficient manner using best practice for environmental improvement.

Waste Reduction

To reduce the per capita quantity of waste going to landfill to provide almost no waste by the year 2020.

Waste Minimisation

To encourage the implementation of best practice to achieve the minimisation of waste at all sources.

Education and promotion

To increase community awareness of and educate the community in proper waste management practices.

Litter Prevention

Enhance litter control through an integrated approach to litter control, combining education, enforcement and prevention at source.


To provide for best practice waste disposal for all regional wastes for a 25 year time frame, which is to be utilised as a last resort, in accordance with the Waste Hierarchy.

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Recover Energy


Target: No Waste 2020





Figure 2: The Waste Hierarchy

The Resource GV Regional Waste Management Plan is overdue for review and the Group is currently awaiting guidance material being coordinated by Sustainability Victoria. Review of the Regional Plan will allow a chance to refocus our organisation on waste and litter minimisation in the context of Getting Full Value: The Victorian Waste and Resource Recovery Policy.

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4.4 OPERATIONAL OBJECTIVES AND PERFORMANCE AGAINST OBJECTIVES KEY ACHIEVEMENTS IN THE PERIOD In general terms the Group has performed well against its stated objectives, with considerable improvement against Towards Zero Waste Strategy targets, and the development and implementation of a number of innovative community campaigns for waste reduction. Summaries of the activities identified in the 2012-13 business plan, are as follows:

Priority Area: Waste Generation

Objective A: Reduced waste generation



1. Conduct a household waste avoidance campaign √

2. Undertake a regional survey of attitudes toward waste and recycling.

Partial. Predominantly delivered in July 2013

3. Resource Smart schools program support √

Additional Achievements:

4. Distribution of ‘No junk mail’ stickers for regional distribution

5. Initiate discussions with waste contractors and processors regarding regional bin stickers and Get it Right on Bin Night campaign.

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Priority Area: Resource Recovery

Objective B: Increase resource recovery



1. Develop and provide training opportunities that build appropriate expertise in resource recovery.

2. Plan for future resource recovery infrastructure through Mitchell Shire organics recovery and Hume region resource recovery projects

3. Demonstrate organics diversion methods and infrastructure through kerbside trials in Mitchell and Campaspe

4. Investigation of market development opportunities via research into barriers for recycled organics and plasterboard.

5. Involvement in preparation for and delivery of state approved waste education campaigns (Get it Right on Bin Night and ResourceSmart programs).

Additional Achievements:

6. Preparation of Regional Waste Management Group Support funding project plans for 2013-14

7. Promotion of Moira Shire concept of mobile plant for expanded polystyrene recycling unit

8. Develop regional strategy for participation in the National TV and Computer recycling scheme

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Priority Area: Residual waste management

Objective C: Reduced harmful effects caused by residual waste

Activity Completed

1. Implement regional system for fluorescent tube recycling and explore models for commercial sector

2. Implement domestic asbestos disposal infrastructure, training and education program

Partial. Not yet whole of government agreement on matter of insurance and communication.

3. Implement Northern Victorian Tourism Litter project

Additional Achievements:

4. Promotion of Detox your Home collections and participation in scheduling and programming reviews

5. Meeting with Metropolitan Waste Management Group on issues of landfilling and planning.

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Priority Area: Governance

Objective D: High quality governance and planning for the Group

Activity Completed

1. Effective management of the Goulburn Broken Greenhouse Alliance

2. Produce Annual Report in the required timelines, approved by Minister.

3. Development of Regional Waste Management Plan

X Processed delayed.

Awaiting guidance and completion of other


4. Business Plan Approved by the Board and forwarded to the Minister by required timelines. Approved by Minister

Additional Achievements:

5. Timely provision of agendas and minute preparation/circulation.

6. Tracking against strategy. Inclusion graphical representation of tracking against strategy in annual report and Business plan.

7. Participate in DEPI/SV Review workshops and consultation. Attendance at workshops. Discussions at Board level and numerous briefings and correspondence to member councils on the progress of the reform process.

8. Special committees meetings. Frequency as per required for Audit, Technical and Greenhouse Alliance functions.

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Kerbside Performance Achievement The information contained within this section relies on the Local Government Data Survey which is a lagging indicator of Council performance across municipal solid waste collection services. Sustainability Victoria compiles and interrogates this data, undertaking a lengthy review process to ensure its integrity. Only the information that is published and publically available at the time of report preparation has been utilised. Sustainability Victoria provides this information annually in advance of its formal release) for the purpose of the production of this business plan.

*Figures represent actual result per household serviced, rather than per number of

services who have the option to access a service.


2009-10 Sustainability

Victoria Local Govt survey data

State average

2010-11 Sustainability

Victoria Local Govt survey data

State average

Kg/household/yr 2009-10 Kg/household/yr 2010-11

Waste to landfill (garbage) kg/household/year

Campaspe: 525


Campaspe: 529


Shepparton: 496 Shepparton: 517

Mitchell: 459 Mitchell: 481

Moira: 559 Moira: 514

Murrindindi: 394 Murrindindi: 363

Strathbogie: 404 Strathbogie: 477

Reg. Total: 495 Reg. Total: 499

Commingled packaging and paper/cardboard recyclables collected kg/household/year

Campaspe: 262


Campaspe: 260

Shepparton: 267 Shepparton: 316

279 Mitchell: 277 Mitchell: 303

Moira: 279 Moira: 286

Murrindindi: 272 Murrindindi: 231

Strathbogie: 294 Strathbogie: 262

Reg. Total: 271 Reg. Total: 287

Garden organics collected


Campaspe: 597


Campaspe: 570


Shepparton: 365 Shepparton: 396

Mitchell: 0 Mitchell: 0

Moira: 0 Moira: 0

Murrindindi: 0 Murrindindi: 0

Strathbogie: 0 Strathbogie: 0

Reg. Total: 388* Reg. Total: 417*

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Kerbside Diversion Rate by Municipality / Region

Household material generated per household serviced (%)

Municipality 2009-10 Local Govt data survey

State average 2009-10

2010-11 Local Govt data survey

State average 2010-11

Kerbside recyclables % of total tonnes i.e.: Recyclables Recycled x 100 [Garbage + Recyclables Collected]

Campaspe 30




COGS 35 38

Mitchell 35 39

Moira 33 41 Murrindindi 39 38

Strathbogie 39 33

Region Ave

34 36

Kerbside recyclables and organics % of total tonnes i.e.: [Recyclables + G. O Processed] x 100 [Garbage + Recyclables Recycled + G. O. Collected]

Campaspe 35




COGS 48 52

Mitchell 35 39

Moira 33 41

Murrindindi 39 38

Strathbogie 39 33

Region Ave

40 43

Kerbside and drop off recyclables, and organics % of total tonnes i.e.: [Recyclables + G. O Processed] x 100 [Garbage + Recyclables Recycled + G. O. Collected]

Campaspe 40




COGS 52 55 Mitchell 56 58 Moira 42 51

Murrindindi 51 43

Strathbogie 65 50

Region Ave

50 50

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4.5 KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS In 2005/06 Resource GV adopted a series of key performance indicators (KPI's) and has since continued to report progress against these in its Business Plans and Annual reports. Future targets and KPIs may be different to deliver Getting full value and as such these will be revisited in 2013/14 in conjunction with a transition towards new institutional and governance arrangements. Through Getting full value, the government have committed to undertake a comprehensive review of data management systems, to consider which policy indicators remain relevant, and develop more reliable and valid indicators once the systems are in place to support them. Other ways that Resource GV monitors the performance is via the annual Local regional waste auditing, and community attitudes surveys. Tracking Regional Performance

Key Performance Indicator 1: Household Waste to Landfill

Reduction in the contribution of the per household rate for waste generated (measured in kilograms per household per year – kg/hh/yr)) in the region going to landfill to 398kgs by 2008-09, and to 300kgs 20013-14

Figure 3: Regional Kerbside Garbage Average

A total of 74,031 properties (3946 non-residential) are now have a garbage service in the region. Part of the reason for the Resource GV’s strong kerbside performance figures is the fact that a high proportion of these services also have a recyclables service.

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Key Performance Indicator 2: Kerbside Recycling Recovery Rate

Increase the existing household recovery rate for kerbside recycling to 283kg/hh/yr by 2008-09 and 347kg/hh/yr by 2013/14.

Figure 4: Regional Recycling Yield

A number of councils have extended their kerbside service coverage in 2010-11 with over 3992 non-residential properties now serviced in the Region. The total number of recycling services grew by 1978 during the 2010-11 data collection year.

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Key Performance Indicator 3: Organics Recovery Rate

Increase organics yield to 200kg/hh/yr by 2008/09 and 280kg/hh/yr by 2013/14 on basis of those with access.

Increase organics yield to 315kg/hh/yr by 2008/09 and 375kg/hh/yr by 2013/14 on per household basis

Increase the existing households serviced by a green organics service to 18,000 by 2008-09 and 35,500 by 2013-14.

Figure 5: Yield per Green Organics Service

Regional kerbside organics collections are currently limited to a voluntary service in Campaspe (2100 services) and an optional service offered in Greater Shepparton (15,612). The total number of these services grew by over 1000 during 2010-11. Trial of garden and food organics services were completed in the Mitchell Shire and commenced in the Campaspe Shire. These trials have now been delivered to four member councils in an effort to provide an evidence base that supports the introduction of these additional services.

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Figure 6: Households with a Green Organics Service

Further growth in organics service number regionally is the main priority of the Group and is the focus of trials and evaluation that aim to provide relevant detail for council reports and analysis.

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Key Performance Indicator 4: Overall Household Materials Recovery Rate

Increase the overall household materials recovery rate from its current level to 45% by 2008/09 and to 65% by 2013/14.

Figure 7: Regional Kerbside Diversion Performance.

Strong performance in overall diversion rate will be largely due and dependant on the successful uptake of green organics services in the future. Beyond a 50% diversion level, improvements will be dependent on such factors as:

Innovation in kerbside models such as a fortnightly garbage/weekly recyclables collection.

A further downsizing of garbage bin size

A generational change in household consumption levels.

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4.6 THE FUTURE A number of initiatives introduced in 2003/04 by the Ministerial appointed implementation group, have created consistency and certainty for Regional Waste Management Groups into the future. Resource GV now has a framework that better supports its employment, corporate governance and strategic functions. It is continuing to review its Regional Waste Management Plan and implement a range of key strategic, education and infrastructure initiatives that are required to achieve the State’s Towards Zero Waste (TWZ) Strategy at a regional and local setting. As well as working to achieve its municipal kerbside targets, Resource GV will work with its members and other partners in establishing sustainable solutions for non-kerbside services, a particular issue in regional and isolated areas. Resource GV programs will continue to focus on the areas of:

The minimisation of waste generation;

The recovery of resources;

The minimisation of harm caused by residual waste;

Quality planning and governance. 5. STATEMENT OF LEGISLATIVE COMPLIANCE 5.1 AVAILABILITY OF OTHER INFORMATION Any information on the following, not included in the report of operations, is available on request, subject to subject to the Freedom of Information Act 1982, from Resource GV’s Executive Officer either by phone on 0358321122 or in writing to P.O. Box 6919, Shepparton VIC 3632.

a) Declarations of pecuniary interest have been duly completed by relevant officers, and are available upon request.

b) Publications produced by Resource GV, and how these can be obtained. c) Changes in prices, fees, charges, rates and levies charged. d) Major external reviews carried out on Resource GV. e) Major research and development activities undertaken. f) Overseas travel undertaken including a summary of the objectives and

outcomes of each visit. g) Major promotional, public relations and marketing activities undertaken by

Resource GV to develop community awareness of Resource GV and its services.

h) Assessments and measures undertaken to improve the OHS of employees. i) A general statement on IR within Resource GV and details of time lost through

industrial accidents and disputes. j) A list of major committees sponsored by Resource GV, the purposes of each

committee and the extent to which the purposes have been achieved k) Details of shares held by a senior officer as nominee, or held beneficially in a

statutory authority or subsidiary; and l) Details of all consultancies and contractors including: consultants/contractors

engaged; services provided; and expenditure committed to for each engagement.

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5.2 STATEMENT OF WOKFORCE DATA There have been no changes to employment arrangements during the 2012/13 year.

2013 2012 (As at 30/6/13) (As at 30/6/12) Total Employees 3 3 Male 2 2 Female 1 1 Part Time 1 1 Full Time 2 2 Equivalent Full Time 0 0 Managers/Professionals (Male) 2 2 Managers/Professionals (Female) 1 1 Clerks (Male) 0 0 Clerks (Female) 0 0 Staff Turnover 0 0 STATEMENT OF MERIT AND EQUITY Resource GV is committed to the principles of equal employment opportunity and the establishment and maintenance of a non-discriminatory work environment. Resource GV aims to ensure that all persons are assessed solely on the basis of merit with respect to recruitment, promotion and access to training and other programs and facilities. This approach reflects Resource GV’s desire to have a work place free from discrimination, where each person has the opportunity to progress to the extent of their ability and the needs of the organisation. Resource GV is committed to the principles of merit and equity as covered under the Public Administration Act 2004, including:

Employers must ensure Employees must

Decisions are based on merit

Employees are treated fairly and reasonably

EEO is provided

Reasonable avenues of redress against unfair or unreasonable treatment

Act impartially

Display integrity including avoiding real or apparent conflict of interests

Show accountability for actions

Provide responsive service

Demonstrate respect

Demonstrate leadership

Respect and promote human rights

5.3 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY (OH&S) The Group has the appropriate Workcover policy and conducts safe work practices. The Group has an OH&S policy as part of its charter of corporate governance which includes OH&S inductions procedure and an incident log. There have not been any reports or claims made for injuries or near misses. Workplace assessments have been conducted by a licensed contractor and these arrangements are reviewed annually as part of the internal audit work program.

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Resource GV is a State Statutory Agency under the Environment Protection Act 1970, and so is a ‘Government Agency’ under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 1982. Accordingly, it is required to comply with the procedures that have been prescribed under which members of the public may gain access to information held by agencies. Access to documents may be obtained through written request to the authorised FOI officer. Requests should be addressed to the Authorised Officer as follows: Resource GV FOI Officer Mr Nicholas Nagle PO Box 6919 Shepparton Vic 3632 The current fee for such an application is set at $25.70 in accordance with the notification by the Treasurer in the Victoria Government Gazette No. G10 on 11 March 2010. A decision to release information is made by either the Principal Officer or an Authorised Officer There were no requests received under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 during the reporting period. 5.5 COMPLIANCE WITH BUILDING & MAINTENANCE PROVISIONS OF THE

BUILDING ACT 1993 Resource GV did not undertake any building works, which fall within the provisions of the Building Act 1993, as its premises are leased and any waste management services are provided by contractors. 5.6 NATIONAL COMPETITION POLICY The national competition reform agenda has resulted in a greater emphasis on the encouragement of competition in the community. Competitive neutrality is a principle of the National Competition Policy and requires that, as far as practicable, government owned businesses compete with private sector businesses on the same footing. Resource GV, as the independent manager of, and investor in Resource GV’s assets, purchases services and goods in line with the Victorian Government Purchasing Authority’s guidelines. In doing this, Resource GV applies the following principles:

o Value for Money o Open and Fair Competition o Accountability o VIPP policy

Resource GV adheres to the principles of the National Competition Policy to ensure that any business competition with private entities takes place in an environment where Resource GV has no competitive advantage. The Environment Protection Act 1970 specifically precludes Resource GV from undertaking waste management activity that is being carried out on a commercial basis anywhere in Victoria. Resource GV strictly adheres to relevant provisions of the Environment Protection Act 1970 in relation to this issue.

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5.7 CULTURAL DIVERSITY- AGED, YOUTH, KOORIES, NESB The Group is aware of the PREMIER'S CIRCULARS NO. 2003/3 and 2006/1 - Whole of Government Reporting on Responsiveness to Cultural Diversity, Women, Youth and Indigenous Affairs, and it is noted by the Group as an issue to be recognised. Resource GV is committed to policies, programs and strategies aimed at delivering culturally appropriate services to all Victorians.

5.8 PRIVACY ACT The Information Privacy Act 2000 and came into force on Sept 1 2002. Resource GV as a Public Sector Agency is subject to the Privacy Act and has taken steps to ensure compliance with the provisions. The Executive Officer as the Privacy Officer did not receive any complaints concerning breaches of the provisions of the Privacy Act during the 2012 /2013 period 5.9 WHISTLEBLOWERS PROTECTION ACT The former Whistleblowers Protection Act 2001 (‘Whistleblowers Act’) was repealed and replaced with the Protected Disclosure Act 2012 (‘PD Act’), which came into force on 10 February 2013. As the change of legislation occurred midway through the 2012-13 financial year, this disclosure complies with the requirements of the PD Act and section 104 of the Whistleblowers Act, for each of the relevant time periods. Compliance with the Protected Disclosures Act 2012 The PD Act was part of a package of integrity reforms introduced by the Victorian Government, which also established the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC). The PD Act enables people to make disclosures about improper conduct within the public sector without fear of reprisal. It aims to ensure openness and accountability by encouraging people to make disclosures and protecting them when they do. What is a 'protected disclosure'? A protected disclosure is a complaint of corrupt or improper conduct by a public officer or a public body. Resource GV is a “public body” for the purposes of the Act. What is ‘improper or corrupt conduct’? Improper or corrupt conduct involves substantial:

mismanagement of public resources; or

risk to public health or safety or the environment; or

corruption. The conduct must be criminal in nature or a matter for which an officer could be dismissed. How do I make a 'Protected Disclosure'? You can make a protected disclosure about Resource GV or its board members, officers or employees by contacting DEPI or IBAC on the contact details provided below. Please note that Resource GV is not able to receive protected disclosures.

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How can I access Resource GV’s procedures for the protection of persons from detrimental action? Resource GV has established procedures for the protection of persons from detrimental action in reprisal for making a protected disclosure about Resource GV or its employees. Access to Resource GV’s procedures is available upon request. Contacts

Department of Environment and Primary Industries (DEPI)

Jennifer Berensen, Senior Advisor, Privacy & Ombudsman

Department of Environment and Primary Industries

Address: PO Box 500, East Melbourne Vic 3002

Ph.: 03 9637 8697


Independent Broad-Based Anti-Corruption Commission (IBAC) Victoria

Address: Level 1, North Tower, 459 Collins Street, Melbourne Victoria 3001.

Mail: IBAC, GPO Box 24234, Melbourne Victoria 3000


Phone: 1300 735 135

Email: see the website above for the secure email disclosure process, which also provides for anonymous disclosures.

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Disclosures under the Whistleblowers Protection Act 2001 (repealed) The archived procedures established under the Whistleblowers Protection Act 2001 are available upon request. The disclosures detailed in the table below relate to the period commencing on 1 July 2012 and ending on 9 February 2013.

2012-13 2011-12 number number

The number and types of disclosures made to Reource GV during the year (1 July 2012 to 9 February 2013):

Public interest disclosures 0 0

Protected disclosures 0 0

The number of disclosures referred during the year by the public body to the Ombudsman for determination as to whether they are public interest disclosures 0 0

The number and types of disclosed matters referred to the public body by the Ombudsman for investigation 0 0

The number and types of disclosures referred by the public body to the Ombudsman for investigation 0 0

The number and types of investigations taken over from the public body by the Ombudsman 0 0

The number of requests made by a whistleblower to the Ombudsman to take over an investigation by the public body 0 0

The number and types of disclosed matters that the public body has declined to investigate 0 0

The number and types of disclosed matters that were substantiated upon investigation and the action taken on completion of the investigation 0 0

Any recommendations made by the Ombudsman that relate to the public body: Recommendation regarding file security and management N/A N/A

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5.10 OFFICE BASED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS Resource GV employs two officers that operate from an office in Shepparton and has made a commitment to lead by example in promoting and maintaining the principles of sustainability within its office environment. As such Resource GV participates in Sustainability Victoria’s ResourceSmart program and is a member of the EcoBuy program, co-coordinated by the Municipal Association of Victoria. Other achievements relative to minimising environmental impacts of operation include:

25% Green Power has been purchased through energy retailer

Office paper recycling bins continue to be supplied to member Councils and the office complex that the Group operates from in order to ensure that this is a universally accepted system for employees.

Train travel is preference where possible for all meetings in Melbourne.

Teleconferencing is being used with increased frequency.

Purchase of 100% recycled office paper and use of the first commercial printing companies in Regional Victoria to be awarded the Sustainable Green Print (SGP) tick of approval.

5.11 SUBSEQUENT EVENTS The Ministerial Advisory Committee on Waste and Resource Recovery Governance Reform delivered its final report to the Hon Ryan Smith MP, Minister for Environment and Climate Change, on 31 May 2013. The government has supported the majority of the recommendations which include strengthening the Regional Waste Management Groups by consolidating the existing 12 regional groups to six new regional waste groups. The government will work closely with local governments, regional waste management groups and stakeholders to manage the transition process over the next 12-18 months. The financial impact of the reforms cannot be measured at the date of signing the financial report. 5.12 MAJOR CHANGES OR FACTORS AFFECTING PERFORMANCE

The main factor affecting the performance against the waste diversion targets in the short term is the uptake of additional kerbside organics collections by municipal Councils. The Group is now under contract (with Sustainability Victoria) to deliver an additional 25,000 household services for garden and food organics and is working with its members for the successful implementation of this program.

5.13 VICTORIAN INDUSTRY PARTICIPATION POLICY DISCLOSURES The Victorian Industry Participation Policy (VIPP) aims to ensure that local suppliers can participate in procurement and industry assistance activities across Government, wherever they offer the best value for money. The VIPP applies when the Victorian Government’s funding or provision of a grant exceeds $3m in Metropolitan Melbourne and $1m in regional Victoria. There were no contracts over $1 million awarded by Resource GV during the reporting period.

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5.14 DISCLOSURE INDEX The 2012/13 Annual Report of the Goulburn Valley RWMG is prepared in accordance with all relevant Victorian legislation. This index has been prepared to facilitate identification of the authorities’ compliance with statutory disclosure requirements.

Ministerial Directions

Report of Operations

Legislation Requirement Page Reference

Charter and purpose

FRD 22D Manner of establishment and the relevant Ministers 8

FRD 22D Objectives, functions, powers and duties 8

FRD 22D Nature and range of services provided 10

Management and structure

FRD 22D Organisational structure 14

Financial and other information

FRD 10 Disclosure index 46

FRD 12A Disclosure of major contracts 49

FRD 15B Executive officer disclosures F21

FRD 22D, SD 4.2(k) Operational and budgetary objectives and performance against objectives


FRD 22D Employment and conduct principles 40

FRD 22D Occupational health and safety policy 40

FRD 22D Summary of the financial results for the year 48

FRD 22D Significant changes in financial position during the year F4

FRD 22D Major changes or factors affecting performance 49

FRD 22D Subsequent events 45

FRD 22D Application and operation of Freedom of Information Act 1982 41

FRD 22D Compliance with building and maintenance provisions of Building Act 1993


FRD 22D Statement on National Competition Policy 41

FRD 22D Application and operation of the Whistleblowers Protection Act 2001


FRD 22D Details of consultancies over $10 000 49

FRD 22D Details of consultancies under $10 000 50

FRD 22D Statement of availability of other information 39

FRD 24C Reporting of office-based environmental impacts1 45

FRD 25 Victorian Industry Participation Policy disclosures 45

FRD 29 Workforce Data disclosures 40

SD 4.5.5 Risk management compliance attestation 50

SD 4.2(g) General information requirements 39

SD 4.2(j) Sign-off requirements 51

1 Only required from the Environment Protection Authority and Sustainability Victoria, but encouraged for inclusion in all annual reports

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Financial Statements

Legislation Requirement Page Reference

Financial Statements required under Part 7 of the FMA

SD 4.2(a) Statement of changes in equity SD 4.2(b) Operating statement F1

SD 4.2(b) Balance Sheet F2

SD 4.2(b) Cash flow statement F4

Other requirements under Standing Directions 4.2 SD 4.2(c) Compliance with Australian accounting standards and other

authoritative pronouncements


SD 4.2(c) Statement of compliance F27

SD 4.2(d) Rounding of amounts F7

SD 4.2(c) Accountable Officer’s declaration F27

Other disclosures as required by FRDs in notes to the financial statements FRD 11 Disclosure of Ex-gratia Payments F23

FRD 12A Disclosure of major contracts 49

FRD 21A Responsible Person and Executive Officer Disclosures in the Financial Report


FRD 102 Inventories F11

FRD 103D Non-Current Physical Assets F14

FRD 104 Foreign Currency F7

FRD 106 Impairment of Assets F7

FRD 109 Intangible Assets F11

FRD 110 Cash Flow Statements F6

FRD 112C Defined Benefit Superannuation Obligations NA

FRD 113 Investments in Subsidiaries, Jointly Controlled Entities and Associates


FRD 114A Financial Instruments – General Government Entities and Public Non-Financial Corporations


FRD 119 Contributions By Owners F10


Freedom of Information Act 1982 41

Building Act 1983 41

Whistle-blowers Protection Act 2001 42

Victorian Industry Participation Policy Act 2003 45

Financial Management Act 1994 49

Multicultural Victoria Act 2004 42

Environment Protection Act 1970 7

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6. FINANCIALS BUDGETARY OBJECTIVES AND PERFORMANCE AGANIST OBJECTIVES A balanced budget was adopted for the 2012/13 financial year with a small loss being recorded. 6.1 FIVE YEAR FINANCIAL SUMMARY

2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13

Core Business Revenue






Project Grants $62,993 $401,087 $257,966 $82,992 $269,748

Member Funds and Other












Administration $418,254 $408,067 $426,743 $421,840 $462,638

Corporate Expenditure






Project Expenditure












Current Assets $154,013 $294,329 $272,807 $392344 $347,890

Non-Current Assets






TOTAL ASSETS $218,499 $397,039 $373,117 $486,098 $450,249

Current Liabilities $74,104 $150,760 $94,618 $220,061 $185,791

Non-Current Liabilities












Resource GV received funding during the reporting period for its core administration derived from the landfill levy, which is paid by any party disposing waste at landfill in Victoria. These payments were made in accordance with the Environment Protection (Distribution of Landfill Levy) Regulations 2010. Resource GV received $331,618 in funding in four quarterly in arrears payments. The utilisation of these funds from the landfill levy are summarised below: 6.2 USE OF LANDFILL LEVY MONIES

Employment and associated costs for Regional Education Officer and Executive Officer - $239,936

Meeting expenses, delegate’s expenses and sitting fees - $42,501

Administration of Group (insurances, telephone, office rental - $49,181 All these activities are directly associated with operation of the Group and the implementation of specific aspects of the Goulburn Valley Regional Waste Management Group - Regional Waste Management Plan and Business Plan.

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6.3 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES IN FINANCIAL POSITION DURING THE YEAR There were no significant changes in financial position during the year. 6.4 FINANCIAL AUDITING Financial auditing is under the control of the Victorian Auditor-General’s Office. That Office has appointed as their agent Kathie Teasdale (Partner) RSD Chartered Accountants as the auditor of the Regions’ financial statements for the period ended June 30, 2013. 6.5 DECLARATION UNDER DIRECTION 9.1.3(IV) OF THE FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT ACT 1994 In accordance with Direction 9.1.3(iv) of the Financial Management Act 1994, Resource GV will make all relevant information, such as declarations of pecuniary interest and details of overseas visits etc., available to the Minister on request. 4.6 BUDGET PORTFOLIO OUTCOMES Under its obligations to section 50QC of the Environment Protection Act 1970, Resource GV has reported in section 6.2 of this report and on page 8 and 9 of the financial statements on all the activities it has undertaken that were funded by the landfill levy. 4.7 CONSULTANCIES GREATER THAN $10,000

There were four such consultancies engaged during the reporting period with details as follows (all amounts exclude goods and services tax):

1. Registered Training Provider (Academy Green Sustainable Learning) Certificate IV waste management. Total project fees approved

Expenditure for the reporting period

Future expenditure committed to the consultant for the project

$23,100 $11,125 $0

2. Constraint mapping (KMH Environmental). Potential Mitchell Shire organics processing locations. Total project fees approved

Expenditure for the reporting period

Future expenditure committed to the consultant for the project

$ 11250 $11,958 $0

3. Facilitation of regional planning project (The Regional Development Company)

Resource recovery planning for Hume region.

Total project fees approved

Expenditure for the reporting period

Future expenditure committed to the consultant for the project

$25,440 $18,188 $3,088

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4. Market research professionals (The Klein Partnership) Campase and Mitchell

Shire organics trial collections evaluation.

Total project fees approved

Expenditure for the reporting period

Future expenditure committed to the consultant for the project

$27,825 $30,607 $0

4.8 NUMBER AND VALUE OF CONSULTANCIES LESS THAN $10,000 No consultancies of this value were engaged during the reporting period. 6.9 DISCLOSURE OF MAJOR CONTRACTS Resource GV did not enter into any contracts greater than $10 million in value during the reporting period. 8.10 RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS

Revenue and expense transactions

There were no revenue and expense transactions between the entity and responsible persons and related parties during the period.

Amounts payable and receivable

Aggregate amounts receivable from and payable to responsible persons or their responsible person related parties: NIL

Loans made to responsible persons and related parties


Other transactions

Related party transactions requiring disclosure under the Direction of the Minister for Finance have been considered and there are no matters to report.

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8.11 STATEMENT BY WASTE MANAGEMENT GROUP DIRECTORS We hereby state that, in our opinion, the information set out in this operations report fairly and accurately represents the performance and compliance status of the Group during the Year ended 30 June 2013. I further certify that the Goulburn Valley Regional Waste Management Group has risk management processes in place consistent with the Australian/New Zealand Risk Management Standard and an internal control system is in place that enables the executive to understand, manage and satisfactorily control risk exposures. The audit committee verifies this assurance and that the risk profile of the Goulburn Valley Regional Waste Management Group has been critically reviewed within the last 12 months. At the time of signing these financial statements, we are not aware of any circumstances that would render any particulars included in the operations report to be misleading.

Board Chairperson

Director Greg Toll

Shepparton (Date)

23 Aug 2013

Board Deputy Chairperson

Director Wendy Buck

Shepparton (Date)

23 Aug 2013

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8.12 FINANCIAL REPORT 2012 / 2013

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30th JUNE, 2013

FINAL 30 June 2013




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Note 1 Significant accounting policies 7

Note 2 Events occurring after balance date 9

Note 3 Member Contributions 10

Note 4 Operating Grants 10

Note 5 Special Project Grants & Contributions 10

Note 6 Other revenue 10

Note 7 Administration 10

Note 8 Special Projects 11

Note 9 Other Expenditure 11

Note 10 Depreciation and amortisation 11

Note 11 Net gain(loss) on disposal of property, plant and equipment 11

Note 12 Cash and cash equivalents 12

Note 13 Trade and other receivables 12

Note 14 Other Assets 12

Note 15 Property, plant and equipment 13

Note 16 Trade and other payables 15

Note 17 Provisions 15

Note 18 Reconciliation of cash flows from operating activities to surplus(deficit) 16

Note 19 Reconciliation of cash and cash equivalents 16

Note 20 Superannuation 17

Note 21 Financial instruments 18

Note 22 Auditors' remuneration 21

Note 23 Responsible Persons Disclosure 22

Note 24 Resources Received free of charge 23

Note 25 Expenditure Commitments 23

Note 26 Contingent liabilities and contingent assets 23

Note 27 Pending Accounting Standards 24




Financial Statements

Statement of Comprehensive Income

Table of ContentsFinancial Report

Statement of Financial Position

Statement of Cash Flows

Certification of the Financial Report

Notes to Financial Statements

Statement of Changes in Equity

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2012/2013 Financial Report

Note 2013 2012

$ $


Member Contributions 3 109,527 89,204

Operating grants 4 331,618 343,530

Special project grants and contributions 5 269,748 82,992

Other revenue 6 64,219 116,378

Total revenue 775,112 632,104


Administration 7 (462,638) (421,840)

Regional Project 8 (239,545) (201,846)

Other expenses 9 (4,330) (8,468)

Depreciation and amortisation 10 (26,405) (21,167)

Total expenses (732,918) (653,321)

Other Income (Expense)

Net gain(loss) on disposal of property, plant and equipment 11 (51,046) (2,327)

Surplus(deficit) for the period (8,852) (23,544)

Total comprehensive inomce (8,852) (23,544)

The above statement of comprehensive income should be read with the accompanying notes.

For the Year Ended 30 June 2013

Statement of Comprehensive Income

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For the Year Ended 30 June 2013

Note 2013 2012

$ $


Current assets

Cash and cash equivalents 12 198,416 174,842

Trade and other receivables 13 149,474 209,870

Prepayments 14 - 7,632

Total current assets 347,890 392,344

Non-current assets

Property, plant and equipment 15 102,359 93,754

Total non-current assets 102,359 93,754

Total assets 450,249 486,098


Current liabilities

Trade and other payables 16 110,618 155,784

Provisions 17 75,173 64,277

Total current liabilities 185,791 220,061

Non-current liabilities

Provisions 17 31,866 24,593

Total non-current liabilities 31,866 24,593

Total liabilities 217,657 244,654

Net Assets 232,592 241,444


Accumulated Surplus/ (Deficit) 57,114 65,966

Contributed Capital 175,478 175,478

Total Equity 232,592 241,444

The above statement for financial position should be read with the

accompanying notes.

As at 30 June 2013

Statement of Financial Position

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2012/2013 Financial Report

Accumulated Contributed

Total Surplus Capital

2013 2013 2013

2013 $ $ $

Balance at beginning of the financial year 241,444 65,966 175,478

Surplus(deficit) for the year (8,852) (8,852) -

Balance at end of the financial year 232,592 57,114 175,478

Accumulated Contributed

Total Surplus Capital

2012 2012 2012

2012 $ $ $

Balance at beginning of the financial year 264,988 89,510 175,478

Surplus(deficit) for the year (23,544) (23,544) -

Balance at end of the financial year 241,444 65,966 175,478

The above statement of changes in equity should be read with the accompanying notes.


For the Year Ended 30 June 2013

Statement of Changes in Equity

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2012/2013 Financial Report

2013 2012

Inflows/ Inflows/

(Outflows) (Outflows)

Note $ $

Cash flows from operating activities

Grants 601,366 343,640

Contributions 123,050 148,719

Interest 3,890 9,428

Payments to suppliers & employees (inclusive of GST) (618,676) (432,169)

Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities 18 109,630 69,618

Cash flows from investing activities

Payments for property, plant and equipment (86,056) (16,938)

Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities (86,056) (16,938)

Net increase(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 23,574 52,680

Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the financial year 174,842 122,162

Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the financial year 19 198,416 174,842

The above statement of cash flows should be read with the accompanying notes.

For the Year Ended 30 June 2013

Statement of Cash Flows

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GOULBURN VALLEY REGIONAL WASTE MANAGEMENT GROUPGVRWMG Notes to the Financial Report2010/2011 Financial Report2012/2013 Financial Report For the Year Ended 30 June 2013

Note 1 Significant accounting policies

(a) Basis of accounting

This financial report of the Goulburn Valley Regional Waste Management Group (GVRWMG) is a

general purpose financial report that consists of a Statement of Comprehensive Income, Statement of Financial Position,

Statement of Changes in Equity, Statement of Cash Flows and notes accompanying these statements.

The financial report complies with Australian Accounting Standards, other authoritive pronouncements of the Australia

Accounting Standards Board, Australian Interpretations and the requirements of the Financial Management Act 1994 and

applicable Ministerial Directions.

The financial report has been prepared on an accrual basis and in accordance with the historical cost convention.

Appropriations and other revenues which the Goulburn Valley Regional Waste Management Group controls to carry on its

functions have been included in this financial report. During the reporting period, the Goulburn Valley Regional Waste

Management Group had not entered into any transactions involving administered resources.

(b) Change in accounting policies

No changes in accounting policy

(c) Rounding

All amounts shown in the financial statements are expressed to the nearest $1 unless otherwise stated.

(d) Comparative information

There have been no changes to comparative information which require additional disclosure.

(e) Revenue recognition

Grants, fees and member contributions

Sale of property, plant and equipment

(f) Depreciation and amortisation of non-current assets


Plant and equipment

Motor Vehciles 20%

Furniture, equipment and computers 10-20%

Control over granted assets is normally obtained upon their receipt (or acquittal) or upon earlier notification that a grant has been

secured, and are valued at their fair value at the date of transfer.

Income is recognised when the Group obtains control of the contribution or the right to receive the contribution, it is probable that

the economic benefits comprising the contribution will flow to the Group and the amount of the contribution can be measured


Grants, fees and member contributions are recognised as revenues when the Group obtains control over the assets comprising

these receipts.

Non-current assets having limited useful lives are systematically depreciated over their useful lives to the Group in a manner

which reflects consumption of the service potential embodied in those assets commencing from the time the asset is ready for


The profit or loss on sale of an asset is determined when control of the asset has irrevocably passed to the buyer.

Straight line depreciation is charged based on the residual useful life as determined each year.

Major depreciation periods used are listed below and are consistent with the prior year unless otherwise stated:

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GOULBURN VALLEY REGIONAL WASTE MANAGEMENT GROUPGVRWMG Notes to the Financial Report2010/2011 Financial Report2012/2013 Financial Report For the Year Ended 30 June 2013

Note 1 Significant accounting policies (cont.)

(g) Recognition and measurement of assets

Threshold Limit

Plant and equipment $

Motor Vehicles 2,000Furniture, equipment and computers 300

(h) Cash and cash equivalents

(i) Investments

(j) Employee benefits

Wages and salaries

Annual leave

Long service leave


All non-current physical assets are initially recognised at cost and subsequently revalued at fair value less accumulated

depreciation and impairment in accordance with the requirement of Financial Reporting Direction (FRD) 103D.

The following classes of assets have been recognised in note 15. In accordance with the Group's policy, the threshold limits

detailed below have applied when recognising assets within an applicable asset class and unless otherwise stated are consistent

with the prior year:

For the purposes of the statement of cash flows, cash and cash equivalents include cash on hand, deposits at call, and other

highly liquid investments that are readily convertible to cash at the Group's option and are subject to insignificant risk of changes

in value, net of outstanding bank overdrafts.

Investments are measured at cost.

Liabilities for wages and salaries and rostered days off are recognised and are measured as the amount unpaid at balance date

and include appropriate oncosts such as workers compensation and payroll costs.

Annual leave entitlements are accrued on a pro rata basis in respect of services provided by employees up to balance date and

are measured at the amount expected to be paid, including appropriate oncosts, when the accrued obligation is settled.

Non-Current Liability - conditional LSL (representing less than 7 years of continuous service) is disclosed as a non-current liability.

There is an unconditional right to defer the settlement of the entitlement until the employee has completed the requisite years of

service. Conditional LSL is required to be measured at present value.

In calculating present value, consideration is given to expected future wages and salary levels, experience of employee

departures and periods of service. Expected future payments are discounted using market yields at the reporting date on national

government bonds with terms to maturity and currency that match, as closely as possible, the estimated future cash outflows.

The amount charged to the Statement of Comprehensive Income in respect of superannuation represents contributions made or

due by GVRWMG to the relevant superannuation plans in respect to the services of GVRWMG‟s staff (both past and present).

Superannuation contributions are made to the plans based on the relevant rules of each plan and any relevant compulsory

superannuation requirements that GVRWMG is required to comply with.

Current Liability - unconditional LSL (representing 7 or more year of continuous service) is disclosed as a current liability even

where the Corporation does not expect to settle the liability within 12 months because it will not have the unconditional right to

defer the settlement of the entitlement should an employee take leave within 12 months.

The components of this current LSL liability are measured at:

- Present value - component that the Corporation does not expect to settle within 12 months; and

- Nominal Value - component that the Corporation expects to settle within 12 months.

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GOULBURN VALLEY REGIONAL WASTE MANAGEMENT GROUPGVRWMG Notes to the Financial Report2010/2011 Financial Report2012/2013 Financial Report For the Year Ended 30 June 2013

Note 1 Significant accounting policies (cont.)

Classification of employee benefits

(k) Allocation between current and non-current

(l) Goods and Services Tax (GST)

(m) Receivables

(n) Trade & Other Payables

Note 2 Events occurring after balance date

In the determination of whether an asset or liability is current or non-current, consideration is given to the time when each asset or

liability is expected to be settled. The asset or liability is classified as current if it is expected to be settled within the next 12

months, being the Group's operational cycle, or if the Group does not have an unconditional right to deter settlement of a liability

for at least 12 months after the reporting date.

An employee benefit liability is classified as a current liability if the Group does not have an unconditional right to defer settlement

of the liability for at least 12 months after the end of the period. This would include all annual leave and unconditional long service

leave entitlements.

The government has supported the majority of the recommendations which include strengthening the Regional Waste

Management Groups by consolidating the existing 12 regional groups to six new regional waste groups. The government will work

closely with local governments, regional waste management groups and stakeholders to manage the transition process over the

next 12-18 months. The financial impact of the reforms cannot be measured at the date of signing the financial report.

The Ministerial Advisory Committee on Waste and Resource Recovery Governance Reform delivered its final report to the Hon

Ryan Smith MP, Minister for Environment and Climate Change, on 31 May 2013.

Revenues, expenses and assets are recognised net of the amount of GST, except where the amount of GST incurred is not

recoverable from the Australian Tax Office. In these circumstances the GST is recognised as part of the cost of acquisition of the

asset or as part of an item of the expense. Receivables and payables in the statement of financial position are shown inclusive of


Cash flows are presented in the statement of cash flows on a gross basis, except for the GST component of investing and

financing activities, which are disclosed as operating cash flows.

Trade receivables are recognised initially at fair value and subsequently measured at amortised cost, less allowance for doubtful

debts. Trade receivables are due for settlement no more than 30 days from the date of recognition.

Collectability of trade receivables is reviewed on an ongoing basis. Debts which are known to be uncollectible are written off. A

provision for doubtful receivables is established when there is objective evidence that the Authority will not be able to collect all

amounts due according to the original terms of receivables. The amount of the provision is the difference between the asset‟s

carrying amount and the present value of estimated future cash flows, discounted at the effective interest rate. The amount of the

provision is recognised in the statement of comprehensive income.

These amounts represent liabilities for goods and services provided to the Group prior to the end of the financial year, which are

unpaid at financial year end. The amounts are unsecured and are usually paid within 30 days of recognition.

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GVRWMG Notes to the Financial Report2012/2013 Financial Report For the Year Ended 30 June 2013

2013 2012

$ $

Note 3 Member Contributions

Campaspe 16,028 17,503

Mitchell 22,076 15,184

Moira 11,473 13,081

Murrindindi 12,442 6,594

Shepparton 27,759 18,431

Shepparton (Resources Received Free of Charge - note 24) 14,673 13,974

Strathbogie 5,076 4,437

109,527 89,204

Note 4 Operating Grants

State Government

Landfill Levy 331,618 323,530

Supplementary Funding - 20,000

Education Officer - -

331,618 343,530

State Government Total 331,618 343,530

Total 331,618 343,530

Recurrent 331,618 323,530

Non-recurrent - 20,000

Total 331,618 343,530

Conditions on Grants

There were no grants or contributions which were recognised as revenues in a previous

reporting period and were expended during the current reporting period

Note 5 Special Projects Grants & Contributions

RWMG Support Package 70,000 -

Cross Regional Project 22,148 -

DINR Flourescent 23,000 -

TZW Litter - 14,000

TZW Organics 7,663 27,287

TZW E-Waste 8,000 -

GBGA/RGV Print Media Campaign 24,948 -

Local Govt Training Program 7,000 -

Goulburn Broken Greenhouse Alliance 73,489 41,705

Capital Income 33,500 -

269,748 82,992

Note 6 Other revenue

Interest 3,890 10,660

Contributions 13,239 -

Training Program 10,500 -

Other 36,590 105,718

64,219 116,378

Note 7 Administration

Employee Costs 354,136 318,388

Core Programs 19,259 36,151

Resources Received Free of Charge (note 24) 14,673 13,974

Meetings & Conferences 23,242 29,504

Insurance 17,689 5,948

Telephone & Internet 13,356 10,781

Office Expenses 20,047 6,973

Other 236 121

462,638 421,840

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GVRWMG Notes to the Financial Report2012/2013 Financial Report For the Year Ended 30 June 2013

2013 2012

$ $

Note 8 Special Projects

Regional Projects 5,000 51,943

TZW Organics 27,825 61,159

TZW Kerbside - 808

TZW E-Waste 11,008 2,986

TZW Litter - -

GBGA Projects 436 84,950

Organics Trial Strathbogie 23,592 -

Regional Street Lighting 28,146 -

Constraint Map Mitchell Shire 11,957 -

Organics Trial Campaspe 17,285 -

Organics Trial Mitchell 20,271 -

Waste Avoidance Advertising 34,491 -

Denton Scholarship 11,094 -

Flurp Tubes recycling 10,917 -

Regional RR Planning Overlay 11,554 -

others 25,969 -

239,545 201,846

Note 9 Other Expenditure

Audit Fee 211 4,339

Information Technology 504 1,361

Other 3,615 2,768

4,330 8,468

Note 10 Depreciation and amortisation


Motor Vehicles 16,061 11,485

Furniture/Equipment 10,344 9,682

26,405 21,167

Note 11 Net gain(loss) on disposal of property, plant and equipment

Plant and equipment

Proceeds from sale of assets - -

Written down value of assets sold (44,820) (2,327)

Net gain(loss) on sale of plant and equipment (44,820) (2,327)

Furniture and Equipment

Proceeds from sale of assets - -

Written down value of assets sold (6,226) -

Net gain(loss) on sale of assets (6,226) -


Proceeds from sale of assets - -

Written down value of assets sold (51,046) (2,327)

Net gain(loss) on sale of assets (51,046) (2,327)

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GVRWMG Notes to the Financial Report2012/2013 Financial Report For the Year Ended 30 June 2013

2013 2012

$ $

Note 12 Cash and cash equivalents

Cash at Bank 89,749 30,903

Term Deposits 108,667 143,939

198,416 174,842

Represented by:

Cash at bank 89,749 30,903

89,749 30,903

Non-discretionary investments 108,667 143,939

108,667 143,939

Total cash assets 198,416 174,842

Note 13 Trade and other receivables


Environmental Protection Agency 82,904 80,882

Other Receivables 66,570 128,988

149,474 209,870

Note 14 Other assets


Prepayments - 7,632

- 7,632

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GVRWMG Notes to the Financial Report2012/2013 Financial Report For the Year Ended 30 June 2013

2013 2012

$ $

Note 15 Property, plant and equipment


At cost 170,418 206,830

Less accumulated depreciation 68,059 113,076

Total 102,359 93,754

Plant and Equipment

Motor Vehicles

At cost 96,786 121,981

Less accumulated depreciation 37,585 84,291

59,201 37,690

Furniture & Equipment

Furniture & Equipment

At cost 73,632 84,849

Less accumulated depreciation 30,474 28,785

43,158 56,064

Total Plant and Equipment 102,359 93,754

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Note 15 Property, plant and equipment (cont.)


Balance at

beginning of

financial year


of assets






value of


Transfers to




Balance at end

of financial year

(note 10)

$ $ $ $ $ $

Plant and equipment

Plant, machinery and equipment 37,690 82,392 (16,061) (44,820) 59,201

Furniture, Equipment & Computers 56,064 3,664 (10,344) (6,226) 43,158

Total plant and equipment 93,754 86,056 (26,405) (51,046) - 102,359

Total property, plant and equipment 93,754 86,056 (26,405) (51,046) - 102,359


Balance at

beginning of

financial year


of assets






value of


Transfers to




Balance at end

of financial year

(note 10)

$ $ $ $ $ $

Plant and equipment

Plant, machinery and equipment 31,502 15,231 (11,485) (2,327) 4,769 37,690

Furniture, Equipment & Computers 68,808 1,707 (9,682) - (4,769) 56,064

Total plant and equipment 100,310 16,938 (21,167) (2,327) - 93,754

Total property, plant and equipment 100,310 16,938 (21,167) (2,327) - 93,754


2012/2013 Financial Report

Notes to the Financial Report

For the Year Ended 30 June 2013

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2012/2013 Financial Report

2013 2012

$ $

Note 16 Trade and other payables


Tax Payable 9,691 12,739

Other payables 53,000 92,488

Accrued expenses 47,927 50,557

110,618 155,784

Total 110,618 155,784

Note 17 Provisions



Long service



2013 $ $ $

Balance at beginning of the financial year 32,124 56,746 88,870

Additional provisions 22,907 15,202 38,109

Amounts used (19,941) - (19,941)

Balance at the end of the financial year 35,090 71,948 107,038


Balance at beginning of the financial year 39,358 41,816 81,174

Additional provisions 22,498 14,930 37,428

Amounts used (29,732) - (29,732)

Balance at the end of the financial year 32,124 56,746 88,870

2013 2012

Employee benefits $ $


Annual leave 35,090 32,124

Long service leave 40,083 32,153

75,173 64,277


Long service leave 31,865 24,593

31,865 24,593

Aggregate carrying amount of employee benefits:

Current 75,173 64,277

Non-current 31,865 24,593

107,038 88,870

Notes to the Financial Report

For the Year Ended 30 June 2013

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GVRWMG Notes to the Financial Report2012/2013 Financial Report For the Year Ended 30 June 2013

2013 2012

$ $

Note 18

Surplus(deficit) for the period (8,852) (23,544)

Depreciation/amortisation 26,405 21,167

(Profit)/loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment 51,046 2,327

Change in assets and liabilities:

(Increase)/decrease in trade and other receivables 60,396 (60,756)

Increase/(decrease) in trade and other payables (45,166) 128,829

(Increase)/decrease in other assets 7,632 (6,101)

(Decrease)/increase in provisions 18,169 7,696

Net cash provided by(used in) operating activities 109,630 69,618

Note 19 Reconciliation of cash and cash equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents (note 12) 198,416 174,842

198,416 174,842

Reconciliation of cash flows from operating activities to surplus(deficit)

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GVRWMG Notes to the Financial Report2012/2013 Financial Report For the Year Ended 30 June 2013

Note 20 Superannuation

Group makes the following contributions:

2013 2012

$ $

Employer contributions to Local Authorities Superannuation Fund (Vision Super) 22,338 20,254

22,338 20,254

The Group makes employer superannuation contributions in respect of its employees to the Local Authorities Superannuation

Fund (the Fund). Obligations for contributions are recognised as an expense in profit or loss when they are due. The Fund has

two categories of membership, each of which is funded differently. Employees also have the option of nominating an alternative

superannuation fund and Group also makes superannuation contributions to those nominated funds.

- 9.25% of members' salaries (increased from 9.00% in previous years);

Details of contributions to superannuation funds during the year and contributions payable at 30 June are as follows:

- the difference between resignation and retrenchment benefits paid to any retrenched employees, plus contribution tax (same

as previous year);

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GVRWMG Notes to the Financial ReportFor the Year Ended 30 June 2013

Note 21



instruments Note Accounting Policy Terms and Conditions

Financial assets

Cash and cash


12 Cash on hand and at bank and money market call

account are valued at face value.

On call deposits returned a floating interest rate of 3.025% (5.50% in

2011/12). The interest rate at balance date was 2.65% (3.40% in


Interest is recognised as it accrues. There were no funds deposited on fixed interest. (5.30% in 2011/12),

and (5.65% in 2011/2012) net of fees.

Investments and bills are valued at cost.

Investments are held to maximise interest returns of

surplus cash.

Interest revenues are recognised as they accrue.

Trade and other


13 Receivables are carried at nominal amounts due less

any provision for doubtful debts. A provision for

doubtful debts is recognised when collection in full is

no longer probable.

Collectibility of overdue accounts is assessed on an

ongoing basis.

General debtors are unsecured. Credit terms are based on 30 days.

Trade and other


15 Liabilities are recognised for amounts to be paid in

the future for goods and services provided to Council

as at balance date whether or not invoices have

been received.

General Creditors are unsecured, not subject to interest charges and

are normally settled within 30 days of invoice receipt.

Financial liabilities

2012/2013 Financial Report

(a) Accounting policy, terms and conditions

Financial instruments

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2012/2013 Financial Report

Note 21 Financial instruments (cont.)

(b) Interest Rate Risk





Fixed interest

1 year or less



Over 1 to 5




More than 5


Non Interest-

bearing Total

$ $ $ $ $ $

Financial assets

Cash and cash equivalents 198,416 - - - - 198,416

Trade and other receivables - - - - 149,474 149,474

Total financial assets 198,416 - - - 149,474 347,890

Weighted average interest rate 3.03%

Financial liabilities

Trade and other payables - - - - 110,618 110,618

Interest-bearing loans and borrowings - - - - - -

Total financial liabilities - - - - 110,618 110,618

Weighted average interest rate 0.00%

Net financial assets (liabilities) 198,416 - - - 38,856 237,272



Interest rate

Fixed interest

1 year or less



Over 1 to 5




More than 5


Non Interest-

bearing Total

$ $ $ $ $ $

Financial assets

Cash and cash equivalents 30,903 143,939 - - - 174,842

Trade and other receivables - - - - 209,870 209,870

Total financial assets 30,903 143,939 - - 209,870 384,712

Weighted average interest rate 5.50%

Financial liabilities

Trade and other payables - - - - 155,784 155,784

Interest-bearing loans and borrowings - - - - -

Total financial liabilities - - - - 155,784 155,784

Weighted average interest rate 0.00%

Net financial assets (liabilities) 30,903 143,939 - - 54,086 228,928

The exposure to interest rate risk and the effective interest rates of financial assets and financial liabilities, both recognised and

unrecognised, at balance date are as follows:

Notes to the Financial Report

For the Year Ended 30 June 2013

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2012/2013 Financial Report

Note 21 Financial instruments (cont.)

(c) Net Fair Values

Financial instruments

2013 2012 2013 2012

$ $ $ $

(1) Financial assets

Cash and cash equivalents 198,416 174,842 198,416 174,842

Trade and other receivables 149,474 209,870 149,474 209,870

Total financial assets 347,890 384,712 347,890 384,712

(2) Financial liabilities

Trade and other payables 110,618 155,784 110,618 155,784

Total Financial liabilities 110,618 155,784 110,618 155,784

Net Financial Assets 237,272 228,928 237,272 228,928

(d) Credit risk

Market risk

Interest rate risk

The risks associated with our main financial instruments and our policies for minimising these risks are detailed below.

Market risk is the risk that the fair value or future cash flows of our financial instruments will fluctuate because of changes in market prices.

The Group's exposures to market risk are primarily through interest rate risk with only insignificant exposure to other price risks and no exposure to

foreign currency risk. Components of market risk to which we are exposed are discussed below.

(e) Risks and mitigation

Notes to the Financial ReportFor the Year Ended 30 June 2013

The maximum exposure to credit risk at balance date in relation to each class of recognised financial asset is represented by

the carrying amount of those assets as indicated in the statement of financial position.

Aggregate net fair value

The aggregate net fair values of financial assets and financial liabilities, both recognised and unrecognised, at balance date are

as follows:

Total carrying amount as

per Balance Sheet

Investment of surplus funds is made with approved financial institutions with reference to all relevant regulations. We manage interest rate risk by

following a draft investment policy that ensures:

- conformity with State and Federal regulations and standards,

- adequate safety,

- appropriate liquidity,

Interest rate risk refers to the risk that the value of a financial instrument or cash flows associated with the instrument will fluctuate due to changes

in market interest rates. Interest rate risk arises from interest bearing financial assets and liabilities that we use. Non derivative interest bearing

assets are predominantly short term liquid assets. Our long term borrowings are not at fixed rates so we are not exposed to fair value interest rate


The Group currently have no loan borrowings or Finance leases. We have an Overdraft facility arranged with a major Australian bank which is

currently not in use.

- diversification by credit rating, financial institution and investment product,

- monitoring of return on investment,

- benchmarking of returns and comparison with budget.

Maturity will be staggered to provide for interest rate variations and to minimise interest rate risk.

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2012/2013 Financial ReportNotes to the Financial ReportFor the Year Ended 30 June 2013

Credit risk

Liquidity risk

(f) Sensitivity disclosure analysis

Market risk exposure

100 basis points 200 basis points

Profit Equity Profit Equity


Financial assets: $ $ $ $ $

Cash and cash equivalents 198,416 (1,984) (1,984) 3,968 3,968


Financial assets: $ $ $ $ $

Cash and cash equivalents 174,842 (1,748) (1,748) 3,497 3,497

Note 22 Auditors remuneration 2013 2012

$ $

Audit fee to conduct external audit 3,875 3,700

3,875 3,700

- we will not have sufficient funds to settle a transaction on the date;

(e) Risks and mitigation (cont.)

Credit risk is the risk that a contracting entity will not complete its obligations under a financial instrument and cause us to make a financial loss. We

have exposure to credit risk on all financial assets included in our balance sheet. To help manage this risk:

- we have a policy for establishing credit limits for the entities we deal with;

- we may require collateral where appropriate; and

- we only invest surplus funds with financial institutions which have a recognised credit rating specified in our draft investment policy.

- we will be forced to sell financial assets at a value which is less than what they are worth; or

- we may be unable to settle or recover a financial assets at all.

Trade and other receivables consist of a large number of customers, spread across the consumer, business and government sectors. Credit risk

associated with the Group's financial assets is minimal because the main debtor is the Victorian Government. Apart from the Victorian Government

we do not have any significant credit risk exposure to a single customer or groups of customers. Ongoing credit evaluation is performed on the

financial condition of our customers and, where appropriate, an allowance for doubtful debts is raised.

Liquidity risk includes the risk that, as a result of our operational liquidity requirements:

- monitor cashflow performance on a regular basis based on historical high and low flow periods.

The Groups exposure to liquidity risk is deemed insignificant based on prior periods' data and current assessment of risk.

Taking into account past performance, future expectations, economic forecasts, and management's knowledge and experience of the financial

markets, the Group believes the following movements are 'reasonably possible' over the next 12 months (Base rates are sourced from Federal

Bank of Australia):

To help reduce these risks we:

- have a draft cash management policy advising that a level of cash or equivalents must be maintained to cover transactions;

- have both readily accessible funds at call and other funding arrangements with the investment institutions in place to redeem invested funds

before maturity only forfitting the interest that would have been earned between the redemption date and maturity;

- have a portfolio structure that requires surplus funds to be invested at call until minimum is covered then to terms as required;



subject to


-1% 2%

- A parallel shift of +2% and -1% in market interest rates (AUD) from year-end rates of 3.025%.

The table below discloses the impact on net operating result and equity for each category of financial instruments held by the Group at year-end, if

the above movements were to occur.

Interest rate risk

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2012/2013 Financial Report

Note 23 Responisible Persons Disclosure

(i) Responsible Persons

Responsible Ministers

The Honourable Ryan Smith Minister for Environment & Climate Change

Board Members 01/07/2012 - 26/10/2012

Bob Flowers (Chairperson)

Greg Toll (Deputy Chairperson)

Geoff Dobson

Howard Myers

Trevor Tobias

David McKenzie

Board Members 27/10/2012 - 30/06/2013

Greg Toll (Chairperson)

Wendy Buck (Deputy Chairperson)

Robin Weatherald

Kevin Mulroney

Fern Summer

Bernie Magner

Executive Officer Nick Nagle

(ii) Remuneration of Responsible Persons

2013 2012 2013 2012

No. No. No. No.

11 6 11 6

$100,000 - $109,999 0 0 0 0

$110,000 - $119,999 1 1 1 1

12 7 12 7

$ $ $ $

118,548 116,448 122,802 122,312



(v) Other transactions


No loans have been made, guaranteed or secured by the Group to a

Responsible Person during the reporting year (2011/12 Nil).

No transactions other than remuneration payments or the reimbursement of

approved expenses were entered into by Group with Responsible Persons, or

Related Parties of such Responsible Persons during the reporting year

(2011/12 Nil). No contractors are charged with significant management


There are no other executive officers at GVRWMG than the accountable

officer noted in Section (i)

Notes to the Financial ReportFor the Year Ended 30 June 2013

Executive Officers Remuneration

Names of persons holding the position of a Responsible Person at the Group

at any time during the year are:

Total Remuneration for the reporting year for Responsible Persons included

above amounted to:

$1 - $ 9,999

Base Remuneration Total RemunerationThe numbers of Responsible Officers, whose total remuneration from Group

and any related entities fall within the following bands:

No retirement benefits have been made by the Group to a Responsible Person

during the reporting year. (2011/12 Nil).

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GVRWMG Notes to the Financial Report2012/2013 Financial Report For the Year Ended 30 June 2013

Note 24

Resources for administrative support with an estimated value of $14,673 (2011/12 $13,974) including

typing, computing and accounting services were provided by the City of Greater

Shepparton free of charge. These resources are heavily based on use of administrative staff,

as a result the 4% EB Agreement increase has resulted in the need for a 5% increase in the estimated

value of these resources. These resources were utilised by the Goulburn Valley Regional

Waste Management Group in its operations for the achievement of its objectives and are disclosed

at note 3 for income and note 7 for expenditure.

Note 25 Expenditure Commitments

At the reporting date, the Group had no obligations under a finance lease of equipment.

Note 26 Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets

Contingent liabilities

The Group is unaware of any contingent liabilities at 30 June 2013. (2011/2012 Nil).

Contingent assets

The Group is unaware of any contingent assets at 30 June 2013. (2011/2012 Nil).

Resources Received Free of Charge

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GVRWMG Notes to the Financial Report

2012/2013 Financial Report For the Year Ended 30 June 2013

Note 27 Pending Accounting Standards

Pronouncement What‟s new? Impact/Action Transition Effective date

AASB 9 Financial Instruments AASB 9 standard is one of a series of

amendments that are expected to

eventually completely replace AASB 139.

During 2010-11, the standard will be

expanded to include new rules on

measurement of financial liabilities and

hedge accounting. Currently the existing

provisions of AASB 139 will continue to

apply in these areas. AASB 9 simplifies

the classifications of financial assets into

those to be carried at amortised cost and

those to be carried at fair value – the

„available for sale‟ and „held-to-maturity‟

categories no longer exists. AASB 9

also simplifies requirements for

embedded derivatives and removes the

tainting rules associated with held-to-

maturity assets. The new categories of

financial assets are:

The impact is not likely to be extensive in

the local government sector. Although it

will vary considerably between entities.

While the rules are less complex than

those of AASB 139, the option to show

equity instruments at cost has been

largely removed, which is likely to lead to

greater volatility within the income

statement. However it may also lead to

an improved financial position for some

entities. This will also create a

requirement to measure some

instruments annually that has not

previously existed.


arrangements are

extensive – in general

retrospective restatement

is required, but there are

exceptions. Early-

adoption of the standard

before 1 January 2014

removes the requirement

for restatement of


Periods beginning on or

after 1 January 2015.

The standard was

amended in 2012 to delay

the effective date by two

years (previously 1

January 2013).

·          Similarly, all movements in the fair value of a financial asset now go to the income statement, or, for

equity instruments not held for trading, other comprehensive income. There is no longer any requirement to

book decrements through the income statement, and increments through equity.

· There is no longer any requirement to consider whether „significant or prolonged‟ decline in the value of

financial assets has occurred. The only impairment testing will be on those assets held at amortised cost, and

all impairments will be eligible for reversal.

· Amortised cost – those assets with „basic‟ loan features‟.

·          Fair value through other comprehensive income - this treatment is optional for equity instruments not

held for trading (this choice is made at initial recognition and is irrevocable).

·          Fair Value through profit and Loss - everything that does not fall into the above two categories.

The following changes also apply:

·          Investments in unquoted equity instruments must be measured at fair value. However, cost may be

the appropriate measure of fair value where there is insufficient more recent information available to determine

a fair value.

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GVRWMG Notes to the Financial Report

2012/2013 Financial Report For the Year Ended 30 June 2013

Note 27 (cont). Pending Accounting Standards

Pronouncement What‟s new? Impact/Action Transition Effective date

AASB 12 Disclosure of

Involvement with Other


AASB 12 requires the disclosure of

information to enable users to evaluate

the nature of, and risks associated with,

its interests in other entities and The

effect of those interests on its financial

position, financial performance, and cash

flows. AASB 12 applies to all entities

that have subsidiaries, joint

arrangements, associates, or

unconsolidated structured entities, and

requires disclosures grouped into four


The disclosures required will be both

qualitative and quantitative. In particular,

management should document and be

able to justify its key judgments

concerning control and significant


Early adoption is

permitted, but AASB

10,AASB 11, AASB 12,

AASB 127 (revised) and

AASB 128 (revised) must

all be adopted


Periods beginning on or

after 1 January 2013

·          Significant judgments and

assumptions, including how control, joint

control, or significant influence has been


·          Interests in subsidiaries, including

details of the composition of the group,

the interests held by any non-controlling

interest, any changes in control, and the

nature of any associated risks.

·          Interests in joint arrangements

and associates, including their nature

and extent, the effects on the group, and

any associated risks.

·          Interests in unconsolidated

structured entities, including their nature

and extent, any changes during the year,

and the associated risks.

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GVRWMG Notes to the Financial Report

2012/2013 Financial Report For the Year Ended 30 June 2013

Note 27 (cont). Pending Accounting Standards

Pronouncement What‟s new? Impact/Action Transition Effective date

AASB 13 Fair Value


AASB 13 replaces the existing IFRS

guidance on fair value measurement and

disclosure. It applies whenever another

standard permits or requires the use of

fair value measurements. It sets out a

fair value hierarchy for such


The standard determines „how to‟ rather

than „when‟ in respect of fair value

measurements, and summarises the

existing IFRS guidance in one place.

This standards may assist those councils

that have equity investments that are no

longer able to be held at cost.

· Level 1 – quoted prices in active

markets for identical assets and

liabilities, which can be accessed at the

measurement date.

· Level 2 – inputs other than quoted

market prices included within Level 1,

which are observable for the asset or

liability, either directly or indirectly.

· Level 3 – unobservable inputs for

the asset or liability.

There are also extensive disclosure

requirements relating to each of the three

levels within the hierarchy.

AASB 119 Employee Benefits AASB 119 requires the recognition of all

re-measurements of defined benefit

liabilities/assets immediately in other

comprehensive income, the immediate

recognition of all past service cost in

profit or loss and the calculation of a net

interest expense or income by applying

the discount rate to the net defined

benefit liability or asset.

The entity is yet to assess its full impact.

Where adequate information is available,

the entity will apply the new standard

from 1 July 2013 when the new standard

applies to the Goulburn Valley Regional

Waste Management Group.

Early adoption is


Periods beginning on or

after 1 January 2013

AASB 127 Separate Financial


AASB 127 has been amended to ensure

consistency with the new requirements of

AASB 10 Consolidated Financial

Statements (see above). It now deals

only with the preparation of separate

company financial statements.

Where separate financial statements are

prepared, investments in subsidiaries,

associates, and joint ventures must be

accounted for either at cost , or in

accordance with AASB 9 Financial

Instruments. These changes are not

expected to impact significantly on


Early adoption is

permitted, but AASB

10,AASB 11, AASB 12,

AASB 127 (revised) and

AASB 128 (revised) must

all be adopted


Periods beginning on or

after 1 January 2013

AASB 128 Investments in

Associates and Joint Ventures

AASB 128 has been amended to ensure

consistency with the new requirements of

AASB 10 Consolidated Financial

Statements and AASB 11 Joint

Arrangements . The standard sets out

how the equity method of accounting is

to be applied, defines “significant

influence,” and how impairment is to be

tested for investments in associates or

joint ventures.

Some joint ventures which were

previously accounted for under the

proportionate consolidation method must

now be accounted for as associates.

These changes are not expected to

impact significantly on Councils

Early adoption is

permitted, but AASB

10,AASB 11, AASB 12,

AASB 127 (revised) and

AASB 128 (revised) must

all be adopted


Periods beginning on or

after 1 January 2013

Early adoption is


Periods beginning on or

after 1 January 2013

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Page 81: ANNUAL REPORT 2012 / 2013 · 2016-03-03 · ANNUAL REPORT 2012 / 2013 Goulburn Valley Regional Waste Management Group Trading as ... Region Consortia achieving its target of engaging


2012/2013 Financial Report

We Certify that the attached financial statements for the Goulburn Regional Waste

Management Group have been prepared in accordance with Standing Direction 4.2 of the

Financial Management Act 1994, applicable Financial Reporting Directions, Australian Accounting

Standards and other mandatory professional reporting requirements.

We further state that, in our opinion, the information set out in the statement of comprehensive income,

statement of financial position, statement of changes in equity, statement of cash flows and notes to and forming

part of the financial statements, presents fairly the financial transactions during the year ended 30 June 2013

and financial position of the Group as at 30 June 2013.

At the time of signing these financial statements, we are not aware of any circumstances

that would render any particulars included in the financial statements to be misleading

or inaccurate.


Date : 23 Aug 2013


Date : 23 Aug 2013

N Nagle

Mr. Greg Toll

Certification of the Financial Report

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