Page 1: ANNUAL REPORT 2015 ANNUAL REPORT 2017 · 2016 AGENDA 2016 AGM The Annual General Meeting of the West Pymble Bicentennial Club Limited will be held on Sunday 27 November 2016 th at

West Pymble Bicentennial Club Ltd(A Company Limited by Guarantee)

ACN 000 351 637


Come on down and support your community club!


WEST PYMBLE BICENTENNIAL CLUB LTD2 Prince of Wales Drive, West Pymble, 2073

Tel: (02) 9498 3135 Email: [email protected]

Web: /westpymblebicentennialclub

ABN 86 465 973 118

Page 2: ANNUAL REPORT 2015 ANNUAL REPORT 2017 · 2016 AGENDA 2016 AGM The Annual General Meeting of the West Pymble Bicentennial Club Limited will be held on Sunday 27 November 2016 th at



Confirmation of Minutes of 2016 Annual General Meeting

Annual Reports:• Chairman• Treasurer

Election of Officers:• Chairman• Senior Deputy Chairman• Deputy Chairman• Treasurer• Directors Up to Five (Inc Appointed Sports Director)

Election of Life Members:

Presentation of Awards:

Appointment of Honorary Legal Advisor:

General Business: of which due notice has been given

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West Pymble Bicentennial Club Ltd

6  November  2016  

 AGENDA  2016  AGM  

The  Annual  General  Meeting  of  the  West  Pymble  Bicentennial  Club  Limited  will  be  held  on  Sunday  27th  November  2016  at  the  Clubhouse  commencing  at  10.00  am.      Apologies:    Business:      Confirmation  of  Minutes  of  2015  Annual  General  Meeting      Annual  Reports:  Chairman  Treasurer      Election  of  Directors:    Chairman    Treasurer    Up  to  Five  Directors  (including  Appointed  Sports  Director)    

• Members  are  advised  nominations  for  the  position  of  Chairman,  Treasurer  and  up  to  five  Directors  close  with  the  Secretary  at  7pm  on  Friday  11th  November  2016.    

• Nomination  forms  are  available  from  the  bar  on  request.  • The  Nominee,  indicating  his  or  her  willingness  to  stand  for  office,  in  addition  to  the  

Proposer  and  Seconded,  must  sign  nomination  forms.  • Nominees  must  be  full  financial  Bowling  Members  of  the  Club.  • To  comply  with  the  Registered  Clubs  Act  1976  (as  amended),  voting  by  proxy  is  not  permitted.  

 Election  of  Life  Members:      Presentation  of  Awards:      Appointment  of  Honorary  Legal  Advisor:      General  Business  of  which  due  notice  has  been  given      


2 Prince of Wales Drive, West Pymble, 2073 Phone: (02) 9498 3135 Fax: (02) 9418 4975

Email: [email protected]

A.B.N. 86 465 973 118 ABN 86 465 973 118

23 September 2017

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West Pymble Bicentennial Club LtdACN 000 351 637

CHAIRMAN’S REPORT - 30 JUNE 2017ABN 86 465 973 118

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West Pymble Bicentennial Club LtdACN 000 351 637

CHAIRMAN’S REPORT (cont) - 30 JUNE 2017ABN 86 465 973 118

Page 5: ANNUAL REPORT 2015 ANNUAL REPORT 2017 · 2016 AGENDA 2016 AGM The Annual General Meeting of the West Pymble Bicentennial Club Limited will be held on Sunday 27 November 2016 th at

Following on from the issues the club had in 2015/16, 2016/17 was another challenging year.Key issues from the prior year were to:-• Address the liabilitywith theATO in relation

to outstanding BAS/PAYG which had reached $191,180.

• Maketheclubprofitableagainandimproveonthe FY2015/16 results.

As at 30 June 2017, the club owed the ATO $9,431 forGST,areductionof$88,599fromthe30June2016 balance of $98,030. This is an outstanding achievementfortheClub.OngoingremittancestotheATOare continuing tobemadeonaweeklybasis to assist cash flow in discharging the ATOliability.Thenetsurplus(profit)oftheClubforthe2016/17financialyearwas$55,405,an increasefromtheprioryearof$37,699,a fantastic turnaround forthe Club which was in the red for the 2014/15 financialyear.A key driver of the net surplus was an increase in Bar Sales for the year of $96,460 to $533,664

which reflects the strong support of the Club’spatrons and the local community.The balance sheet of the Club has strengthened with the net assets of the Club increasing from $517,704 to $573,109, an increase of $55,405. This increasehasresultedprimarilyfromthereductionin the liability to the ATO. There has been a slight increase in the overall creditor’s balance as aresultofmanagingcashflowmoreeffectivelyandyet still trading within the suppliers commercialterms.General trade on the prior financial year hascontinued to improveand initiatives suchas themeatrafflesaregoingfromstrengthtostrength.The implementation of thework groups for theboard has allowed the board members to focus on theareasoftheircoreskillstothebenefitoftheClub.


Chris Mortensen.

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West Pymble Bicentennial Club LtdACN 000 351 637

TREASURER’S REPORT - 30 JUNE 2017ABN 86 465 973 118

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WPBC’s Grade 4 / Zone 9 Pennant winners. First time in Club history!


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