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i am perry-mansfield

FY2014 Annual Report

presented by Joan Lazarus

29 October 2014

Sarah Kirwin and Rich Liccardowith Pre-Professional Theatre Students

at Tuesday Under The Starsin Louis Horst Studio.

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• BrandonFreemanandSharonWehner:BROWNBAGLUNCH/PERFORMANCE40+peopleinattendanceatLouisHorstStudioforinformalperformandandvideosessionfromColoradoBalletdancers.

• ALEXKETLEYANDTHEFOUNDRY(includingin-schoolhighschoolworkshopandfilmscreening)Ourfirstartisticresidency.TheFoundrywasheretocreatenewworksupportedbyaPrincessGraceFoundationgrantbeforebeginningtheirtourofthesoutheast.

• DANCEONFILMSERIESThemonthlyseriescontinuesatBudWernerMemorialLibrarywithourpartners,BWMLandSteamboatDanceTheatre.

• BOYS&GIRLSCLUBCLASSESMonthlydanceclassestaughtbyMegSouthcottwereextendedthroughthesummeraswell.InFY2015,shewilldoublethenumberofclassestaught.ThisprogramisunderwrittenbyRickandCarolDowden.

• SponsorshipofSTEAMBOATDANCETHEATRE P-MisamajorsponsorofSDT’sannualperformancewithafull-pageadvertisingspreadintheirprogrambooklet.

• SponsorshipofSTEAMBOATSYMPHONYORCHESTRAP-MsponsoredthespringSSOconcertwithafull-pagedisplayad

• FACULTYCONCERTATTHECHIEFSold-out,donor-appreciationconcertinJuly2014showcasingthetalentsofourfabuloussummerfaculty(includingKellytheNursewhoturnsouttobeawonderfulpianistandartisticcollaborator).

• TUESDAYUNDERTHESTARS5-partseriesoffreeeventsshowcasingtheinteractionofstudentsandguestartistfacultyinsummer2014.

• YOGACENTEROFSTEAMBOATRESIDENCYFor5weeksinNovemberandDecember2014,YogaCenterusedSteinbergPavilionasitshomebasewhileitsdowntownstudiowasundergoingrenovation.

• MARKMORRISDANCEGROUPRepertoryResidencyFirsteverrepertorymodulefromthemostprestigiouscontemporarydancecompanyinthecountry.Residentartist:TeriWeksler,oneofthefoundingmembersofMMDG.Wealsofoundoutthat5companymembersareP-Malums!

• DANCEPARTYMay10,2014—50+peoplegatheredinSteinbergPavilion“justtodance.”Noadmissionfee.WehadpeopletravelallthewayfromOakCreekandYampa,andtheage-rangewas22to72.

• MANDYMOORESITEVISITforDizzyFeetFoundationOneofourmostfamousalums,choreographerMandyMoore,visitedP-MandalsoattendedourperformanceatStringsMusic


• SQUAREDANCEOrganizedbyPatWalshandSueNeville,thesquaredancewasledbycallerWillardCrary.Wenowknowthatsomeofusdonotmakeanydistinctionbetweenrightandleft.

• YARDSALE—August16,2014LedbyJaneandKevinBennett,UpperandLowerPerrycabinswereinventoried,usefulitemsredistributedacrosscampus,andtherestofferedtothelocalcommunity.Weraisedmorethan$3,000,andmanypeoplenowhaveapieceofP-Mintheirhomes!

• MEMORIALEVENT—SeabertWewereabletoofferSteinbergPavilionforamemorialeventtotheSeabertfamily.

• STRINGSCONCERT–TAMMYANDCHRISCOMPTONForourthirdannualcollaborationwithStringsMusicFestival,TammyandChriscamebacktocampwiththeirnewbabyandperformedintheGershwinprogramatStringsMusicPavilion.

• VISITINGDAY2ndAnnualVisitingDay-OpenHouse.Weestimatethat75peoplecametovisitandeitherparticipatedinorobservedactivitiesacrosscampus.ThisyearwewereupagainstArtinthePark,butstilldrew75!

• 12WEDDINGSEarnedandtaxablerevenue.OurnewweddingpackagegoesintoeffectforFY2015.

• ColoradoRealtyClientAppreciationPartyWeweregladtomakeSteinbergPavilionavailableforthisspecialevent.Everytimepeoplecometocampusandhaveagreattime,wearebuildingrelationships!

• VOLUNTEERDAY—curtainscomingdown,andlandscaping10localfolkscametohelpusfreshenthecabinsbeforecampand27UnitedWayDayofSharingsign-upscametohelpwithlandscaping.

• AFRICANDANCE&DRUMENSEMBLEMASTERCLASSESOctober2014—itturnsoutthatSteinbergPavilionisthefavoredSteamboatlocationfortheseclasses!

• JUNE10THBUILDGUILDOPENINGNIGHTChampagnereceptionatSkylineCabinbeforeopeningnightofTuesdayUnderTheStars.

• EVENINGOFDANCE—SummerCamp2014PerformancesatSteamboatSpringsHighSchoolAuditorium.

• FAILURE:ALoveStory—SummerCamp2014PerformancesatJulieHarrisTheatre.

• YOUNGARTISTSCOLLECTIVE—SummerCamp2014PerformancesatMainStudio,Perry-Mansfield.


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• ARTSBOOTCAMPFirstannualdaycampofferedtoJuniorCamper-agedlocalchildrenatBudWernerMemorialLibrary.Ourstellarsummercampfacultysharedtheirexpertise,onedayatatimeatABC.

• FOURTHOFJULYPARADEin2014,P-MwasinvitedtoopenANDclosetheparade!ChoreographybyTammyDykeCompton.ABCCamperswerealsoincludedintheparadechoreography.

• IITResidencyTworesidenciesonthegroundhereatP-M,plusavisittoChicago,yieldedinnovativeandthought-provokingprojectsfromstudentsatIllinoisInsituteofTechnology’sGraduateSchoolofArchitecture.FayeandVictorMorgensternareourlinktoIIT.

• SMALLPLATESAnnewadditiontoSummerCamp,SmallPlateswasadailymeetingof“AllHands”forasharedexperience—taichi,singing,improvisation,hiking.Thiswasachanceforeveryoneoncampustobeintroducedtoalltheguestartistsandtheirwork,andtoformrelationshipsacrossdisciplines.Thesedailygatheringsalsoassistedgreatlyincommunicationsaboutlogisticsandschedules.



• TICKETGIVE-AWAY:RouttCountyCouncilonAging,Casey’sPond,SteamboatSpringsHighSchoolandMiddleSchool,KiwanisClub





Displayadinprogramsfortheyear!• SponsorshipofMARTHAHILLFOUNDATIONannualevent.






• KickoffofSECONDCENTURYINITIATIVEIn-personcultivationandrequestsledbyKathleenWasserman,PatWalsh,andJoanLazarus.

• SeeFY2014developmentsummary—tobedistributedonline

GRANTS:(*funded)• CityofSteamboatSprings*($10,000)• ChamberResortAssociation• YampaValleyBank*($3,000)• YampaValleyCommunityFoundation*($5,000)• JohnsonFoundation• WellsFargo*• DizzyFeet*($10,000)• NationalEndowmentfortheArts• ShellSustainabilityProgram• YampaValleyElectricAssociation• SimmonsFoundation*($6,000)• Craig-ScheckmanFoundation• DuncanFoundation• BonfilsStanton• SteinbergCharitableTrust*($75,000)• RotaryClubofSteamboatSprings• Romick’sIntotheWest*($750)• SmartWool*($500)

MARKETING• GoAlpineyear-roundad• SteamboatDanceTheatreprogramad• ChiefTheatre(wallpostersandprogramsyear-round)• SteamboatSymphony• Visitors’Guide• SteamboatMagazine• ColoradoVacationRentals(online)• DanceMagazine• DanceTeacher• DanceSpirit• ArtsGalleryGuide• SteamboatPilotforallevents(includingonlinebanners)• StringsProgramGuide• Posters:Underground,ShadowDancing,NewWorksFestival,

EveningofDance,FAILURE,“IAm”Series• T-shirtsandotherlogogear• EnjoyYourBench!• NewWeddingGuide


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FACILITIES• Water!SeeEdwardWatson’sreportbelow.






• Adopt-a-Cabin(seesummaryonfollowingpage)• WeddingRentalupdates—begininginFY2015,weddingrentals


FINANCE• AttheendofFY2013,wechangedauditorsandscheduledour


• DirectDepositforalmostallPayrollwasinstituted,greatlyreducingcostandtimeintheoffice.YampaValleyBankchargesnofeeforthisservice,andhasbeenremarkablysupportiveaswelearnthesystem.

• RenewalofLiabilityInsurancetocovermorestructuresforalmostthesamepremium.Ourpreviouscoveragedidnotincludesomebuildingsthatweconsidertobeimportanttoprogramming,andToddHayeswasabletoreassesssomestructuresandcovermorebuildingswithoutamajorincreaseinthepremium.

• PropertyAssessmentfinalizedandlowered$10,000.Ournewpropertytaxassessmentwasover$16,000(upfromaround$4k),andovera6-monthperiod,weworkedwiththeassessortomakeadjustmentsthatmoreclearlyrepresentedthepropertyanditsstructures.ThefinalagreementwasadoptedbytheCounty,andourtaxbilldroppedby$10k.

• Wespendjustover30%ofourbudgetongeneraloperatingpersonnelcosts(includingbenefits).Goodnumber.

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AnnualAdoptionFee:TwoTent Franzel $300Meadow Lazarus $850Greenhous Ballis $850Mexican Hefty $850Lark Hefty $850SnowFolly Hefty $850Cabeen Hefty $1,200Ranch Hefty 950Skyline Joan’sBookClub $1,000Ridge JudithEmerson’sTextileClub—FFFF $450PackTack P-MBoysClub $850CreativeWriting P-MBoysClub $900Binnacle P-MBoysClub $850LittleStar Morgenstern $2,500 onetimenamingopportunitySquirrelCage Cook $500GrayAspen Faulkner $1,500 onetimeupgradedonation

TOTAL: $15,2503-yearTOTALestimate: $35,950Notes:• 30% of the annual adoption fee goes into our Campus-Wide Maintenance Fund.• The updated Adopt-a-Cabin brochure will be online in November, 2014.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ImmediateProblems=PriorityAdoptionsforthefuture! JulieHarrisroof $9,000BlanketCloverleafConradOldArena $3,000SeasonalLightingforPerformanceAreas Butler'sPantry $3,500AccessibilityInitiative BathroomsinMainStudio RisersforMainStudio $35,000New20kwatertank Two10kwatertanks $20,000DrillingtheWell $35,000LoafingShed $5,000SmokingTrailer $1,500


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Pre-ProfessionalIntensiveGrades11-CollegeParticipation ThePre-ProfessionalIntensivehad22participants. 15dance/7threatre• 14dancestudentswerefromoutsideofColorado• 6theatrestudentswerefromoutsideofColorado• 15ofthePre-ProfessionalStudentswerecollegestudents

ReturnRate• 2ofthePre-ProfessionalStudentswerereturners 1dance/1theatre


• “Perry-Mansfieldhelpedmebyguidingme,throughhardworkandperseverance,toquestionwhatIreallywanttodowithmylife,andthenhelpingmetoreaffirm,strongerthanever,thatnotonlydoIwantto,butIcanandwillsucceedindoingwhatIlove:dance.”

• “Howamazinganexperienceitwastobeexposedtoandsurroundedbysuchtalentineveryoneoncampforsixweeksstraight.Theopportunitiesherehavereallyhelpedmegrowasanactressandasahumanbeing.”

YoungArtistIntensiveGrades8th,9th,10th&11thParticipation TheYoungArtistIntensivehad32participants. 15dance/17theatre• 9dancestudentswerefromoutsideofColorado• 5theatrestudentswerefromoutsideofColorado

ReturnRate• 6oftheYoungArtistIntensiveStudentswerereturners 2dance/4theatre


• “Ican’timagineabetterplacetostudymycraft.Ilovedithere.”

• “ThisiswithoutadoubtthehighestqualityandmostdiversedancetrainingIhaveeverreceived.”

JuniorCampGrades5th,6th&7thParticipation JuniorCamphad24participants.

• 4studentswerefromoutsideofColorado

ReturnRate• 9JuniorCamperswerereturners

ArtsBootCamp(matchingJuniorages)Participation ArtsBootCamphad22participants.14newtoP-M.


• “Ihadsomuchfun,theparadeanddancingweremyfavoriteparts.”

DiscoveryDayCampAges8,9,10Participation DiscoveryCamphad39participants.

ReturnRate• 12oftheDiscoverycamperswerereturners


• “Paradiseinthewoods.”

EquestrianDayCampsAges10-15Participation EachEquestrianCampislimitedto10students,this

summertherewereatotalof14studentscombined.• 100%oftheCampersareDayStudents• 8ofthesestudentswerelocals• 5werefromoutsideoftheSteamboatarea


• “IlovedtheEquestrianCampandpaintingmyhorse.”


• Houston-DanceOnly(2)JenGolonka 1PPIand1YAI

• Dallas-DanceOnly(0)JenGolonka

• Tucson-DanceOnly(3)TammyDyke 2PPIand1YAI

• St.Louis-DanceOnly(2)JoanLazarus 2YAI

• NewYork-DanceOnly(0)JenGolonka

• LosAngeles-DanceOnly(2)ThangDao

• SanFrancisco-DanceandTheatre(1)JoanLazarus 1YAIdance

• Denver-TheatreOnly(2)EmilyTarquin 2YAI


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2014p e r r y - m a n s f i e l d . m a i n s t u d i o a t p e r r y - m a n s f i e l d . j u l y 3 1 a n d a u g u s t 1 . 8 p m . t i x : p e r r y - m a n s f i e l d . o r g

shadow dancingyoung artist collective : an evening of dance and theatrechoreography by Jennifer golonkaangela difioregabriel williamsilana goldman

Perry-Mansfield’s Young Artist Intensive Lynda Davis, Artistic Director of Dance Jennifer Golonka, Associate Director

2014p e r r y - m a n s f i e l d . m a i n s t u d i o a t p e r r y - m a n s f i e l d . j u l y 3 1 a n d a u g u s t 1 . 8 p m . t i x : p e r r y - m a n s f i e l d . o r g

underground an original musical for perry-mansfield’s young artist collective : an evening of theatre and dance

book by JOHN VISCARDI music and lyrics by THOMAS HODGES

Perry-Mansfield’s Young Artist Intensive Emily Tarquin, Artistic Director of Theatre

UNDERGROUND tells the story of several

homeless New Yorkers forced to live and

survive beneath the streets. It is about hope

and dreams and disappointments, a tale that

is both heartwarming and heartbreaking,

and ultimately, triumphant. The characters

use redemption and the power of

love to overcome hardship.

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p e r r y - m a n s f i e l d . 1 0 1 s t s e a s o n . s t e a m b o a t s p r i n g s h i g h s c h o o l . j u l y 2 5 a n d 2 6 . 8 p m . t i x : p e r r y - m a n s f i e l d . o r g

2014perry-mansfield performing arts school & campevening of danceLynda Davis, Artistic Director

Jennifer Golonka, Associate Director


Dan Wagoner

Amy Seiwert

Alex Ketley

Anjali Austin

Darrell Jones

Antonio Brown

John Pennington




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Na t u r a l t a N g oNick & Diana are back!

If you enjoyed dancing with Nick and Diana in July, you will welcome the opportunity to continue your practice. If you missed their visit, now is the time!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Saturday, October 19thSteinberg Pavilion / Perry-Mansfield970-879-7125 / perry-mansfield.org10am — Tango Open ClassNoon — Brown Bag Lunch & Demonstration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Take class at 10am, bring your own bag lunch to enjoy as Nick and Diana dance for you and talk about tango, its music, and its roots, and why they love it so much.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No experience necessary.Class $15 at the doorLecture-Demonstration $15 at the doorBoth! $25

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What: Tammy Dyke Compton and Christopher Compton dance to Gershwin!

Where:StringsMusicFestivalPavilion SteamboatSprings,Colorado

When: Saturday,July5,2014@8pm


we are perry-mansfield, and we think you are, too.


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Training young artists since 1913. Our second century starts now.

In our first 100 years . . .

15,000 alumni developed a

profound appreciation for dance and drama


elite faculty spent their summers teaching in Steamboat Springs

350 esteemed professional

companies employed alumni worldwide

4 former students or faculty

became Kennedy Center honorees or MacArthur Genius grant recipients

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Perry-Mansfield brings you Hip Hop!This class will be designed for students to learn a style of dance that is high energy and intricate.

An important skill in hip hop is being able to isolate the body in different ways to make movement more dynamic. You will learn techniques, movement, improvisation, and rhythm.

Overall, hip hop is collectively individual — we dance together, and we are able to explore the movement and make it our own.

Meg Southcott is from Sarnia, Ontario, Canada. She is a graduate of the Meadows School of the Arts (’12) at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, TX. earning her BFA in Dance Performance and BSc in Applied Physiology & Sport Management. Meg has choreographed and performed in the Brown Bag Dance Series and Sharp Show at SMU. She has performed in the Meadows School of the Arts Fall and Spring Dance Concerts performing works by Martha Graham, Danny Buraczeski, Shen Wei, Cheryl Chaddick, Christopher Dolder, to name a few. She’s excited to be full-time staff at Perry-Mansfield as Community Outreach Manager and making Steamboat Springs her home.

FRIDAYS! October 11 9:15am • grades K-2 / 10:00am • grades 3-5 / 10:45am • grades 6-9 November 8 January 17 February 21 March 7 April 11

CAMP PACKING LISTAs you plan your visit to Perry-Mansfield, we suggest the following gear:

• comfortable walking shoes• sunscreen• water bottle• brown bag lunch or snacks• cell phone or camera to document your visit

There will be no parking on campus that day, so please consider these options:

• consider biking to campus• park at Steamboat Springs Middle School and

hop the shuttle vans to Perry-Mansfield• park at Steamboat Springs Middle School and

walk to Perry-Mansfield (approximately 1 mile)

No Dogs, please.Visit

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TUESDAY UNDER THE STARS at Perry-Mansfield • Free!June 10 #1 – Focus: New Works FestivalJune 17 #2 – Improv Movement Jam (Dance, Theatre, Music)June 24 #3 – A Visual Exploration in Motion & Sound July 1 #4 – Naomi Barker and the Equestrian ProgramJuly 8 #5 – P-M Artists’ Night — Faculty & Students

NEW WORKS FESTIVALJune 13 8pm Chief Theater (Harwig’s opening night dinner) June 14 4pm & 8pm Julie Harris Theatre at P-M (Picnic interlude)

DANCE ON FILM SERIES Bud Werner Memorial Library • Free!June 23 7pm Tap or Die! July 14 7pm Paul Taylor: Creative Domain

SPECIAL EVENTS • Free!July 4 all day Fourth of July ParadeJuly 13 11am - 3pm Visiting Day (bring friends and family!)

PERFORMANCES and CONCERTS at P-M unless noted otherwiseJuly 5 8pm Tammy and Christopher Compton at Strings Tickets:

July 11 8pm The Dancing Image Project Screenings with Guest Faculty Tara Rynders

July 15 8pm Faculty Concert at Chief Theater

July 16 7pm Guest Artist Anjali Austin presents “Threads” at Bud Werner Memorial Library

July 18 + 19 8pm Pre-Professional Intensive Theatre Production

July 25 + 26 8pm Evening of Dance (Steamboat High School)

July 31 + Aug 1 8pm Young Artists Collective: an evening of theatre & dance

August 9 9am -noon Discovery Camp Showcase

P h i l i p H e r n á n d e z a n d J e r e m y W a l lB r o a d w a y s t a r o f L e s M i s e r á b l e s a n d f o u n d i n g a r t i s t o f S p y r o G y r a


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Bring your snowshoes!

Meet the artists — Alex, Aline, and Sarah!

SATURDAY • MARCH 296 to 9pm . $20 at the door

Steinberg Pavilion . Perry-Mansfield


Perry-Mansfield presents New Moon Snowshoe • Chili • Dance ConcertALEX KETLEY, Choreographer

NO HERONo Hero was created by traveling extensively throughout the American West, with a curiousity about what dance and presentational dance means to the lives of people in these communities. The piece was developed by meeting strangers, asking them about their experience with dance, filming their stories, and then also doing small dances for them in their living rooms, diners, trailer parks, etc. The final piece is a combination of this collected film and a live dance.

B r o a d w a y s t a r o f L e s M i s e r á b l e s P H I L I P H E R N Á N D E Z a n d f o u n d i n g a r t i s t o f S p y r o G y r a J E R E M Y W A L L


WinterSong January 8, 2014at Strings Music Pavilion


Perry-Mansfield presents

Residency Schedule • January 2014

2 Phil and Jeremy arrive at Hayden Airport - Pat Walsh brings them to P-M

3 Rehearsals begin in Cabeen

4 EVENT 7pm • Michelle and Michael Osterman’s house “An Evening With Phil & Jeremy” Entrance to GOLD and SILVER Pass holders

5 EVENT 10am • Steinberg Pavilion • FREE Open rehearsal — watch our artists at work — we need

to make sure that every young person who is interested in music knows that he or she may attend this event for free! I would love to have 100+ in attendance.

EVENT Noon • Steinberg Pavilion • $20 or Passes LunchLearnLaunch — an interactive CD release party

with luncheon catered by Drunken Onion. People may attend “a la carte,” or your GOLD, SILVER, and SNOWFLAKE Passes gain entrance to this event.

6 Rehearsals/Recording in Steinberg Pavilion

7 Rehearsals/Recording in Steinberg Pavilion

8 Rehearsals at Strings Music Pavilion. Closed to the public, but if you make a special request, we can ask Phil and Jeremy to let let us sneak a peek.

EVENT 4:30pm • One Steamboat Place • Members Only This is a private event for 1SP members. Phil and Jeremy

will do a short performance at the Wednesday Wine Down, and we are offering a special 1SP Pass to the concert at Strings the same evening.

EVENT 7pm • Strings Music Pavilion Our big conert event followed by a champagne and

strawberry reception. Tickets and/or Passes and many special promotions are available online at or by calling 970-879-7125

9 Recording/Rehearsals at Steinberg Pavilion

10 Phil and Jeremy leave!

B r o a d w a y s t a r o f L e s M i s e r á b l e s P H I L I P H E R N Á N D E Z a n d f o u n d i n g a r t i s t o f S p y r o G y r a J E R E M Y W A L L


WinterSong January 8, 2014at Strings Music Pavilion


Perry-Mansfield presents

Residency Schedule • January 2014

2 Phil and Jeremy arrive at Hayden Airport - Pat Walsh brings them to P-M

3 Rehearsals begin in Cabeen

4 EVENT 7pm • Michelle and Michael Osterman’s house “An Evening With Phil & Jeremy” Entrance to GOLD and SILVER Pass holders

5 EVENT 10am • Steinberg Pavilion • FREE Open rehearsal — watch our artists at work — we need

to make sure that every young person who is interested in music knows that he or she may attend this event for free! I would love to have 100+ in attendance.

EVENT Noon • Steinberg Pavilion • $20 or Passes LunchLearnLaunch — an interactive CD release party

with luncheon catered by Drunken Onion. People may attend “a la carte,” or your GOLD, SILVER, and SNOWFLAKE Passes gain entrance to this event.

6 Rehearsals/Recording in Steinberg Pavilion

7 Rehearsals/Recording in Steinberg Pavilion

8 Rehearsals at Strings Music Pavilion. Closed to the public, but if you make a special request, we can ask Phil and Jeremy to let let us sneak a peek.

EVENT 4:30pm • One Steamboat Place • Members Only This is a private event for 1SP members. Phil and Jeremy

will do a short performance at the Wednesday Wine Down, and we are offering a special 1SP Pass to the concert at Strings the same evening.

EVENT 7pm • Strings Music Pavilion Our big conert event followed by a champagne and

strawberry reception. Tickets and/or Passes and many special promotions are available online at or by calling 970-879-7125

9 Recording/Rehearsals at Steinberg Pavilion

10 Phil and Jeremy leave!

WinterSong P h i l i p H e r n á n d e z a n d J e r e m y W a l l

. B r o a d w a y s t a r o f L e s M i s e r á b l e s a n d f o u n d i n g a r t i s t o f S p y r o G y r a

P e r r y - M a n s f i e l d ’ s A r t - I n - C o m m u n i t y S e r i e s p r e s e n t s

ConCertJanuary 8th . 7pm at Strings Music Pavilion

KicK-off • community ScholarShip fund

With every ticket purchased, send local kids to Perry-Mansfield’s summer ArtsBootCamp

or the residential summer program, and to a rehearsal with Phil and Jeremy on January 5th.

a s p e c i a l o f f e r j u s t f o r S t e a m b o a t

f a m i l i e S & f r i e n d S p a S S

w w w . p e r r y - m a n s f i e l d . o r g 9 7 0 - 8 7 9 - 7 1 2 5

Embarking on its most ambitious community centered programming to date, Perry-Mansfield is hosting a week-long musical

residency and concert. The heart of this project is the introduction of two new programs to support arts development within

Steamboat’s young population. Perry-Mansfield’s new community Scholarship fund will sponsor youth in their

pursuit of arts education at the residential summer camp and at the new artsBootcamp, a 2-week day camp to be held

at Bud Werner Memorial Library. The residency and concert were the inspiration of Broadway star and Perry-Mansfield vocal

coach, Philip Hernández, who is the only performer to have sung both leading roles in Les Miserábles in New York and London’s

West End. Philip is traveling to Steamboat Springs with his good friend Jeremy Wall, founding artist of Grammy-nominated

jazz fusion group, SpyroGyra, to create and record music, and to perform on January 8. Please join us!

We have made a special Pass at a special Price, just for you.

Go to:

Click on: Ticketing right under our logo


Enter your code: FAMPAK

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2 weeksMonday — Friday

1 – 3pm dailyBud Werner Memorial Libary Hall

$250 . 970-879-7125 970-879-7125

June 23 - July 4, 2014(YES! you will sing and dance in the Fourth of July Parade

as part of the Perry-Mansfield contingent)

Are you . . .Between the ages of 11 and 14?

Do you . . . Love the performing arts — theatre, dance, song?

Are you . . .Ready to study with some of the finest artists

in the country?

What . . .Are you waiting for?


Perry-Mansfield Walk-AboutTuesday, March 25th at 5pm

Meet at Main OfficeView the cabins which may become our MODEL HOME

Wine and cheese at Columbine

RSVP : [email protected] or 970-879-7125 970-879-7125

training young artists since 1913 in steamboat springs

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TUESDAY UNDER THE STARS at Perry-Mansfield • Free!

June 10 8pm #1 – Focus: New Works FestivalJune 17 8pm #2 – Improv Movement Jam (Dance, Theatre, Music)June 24 8pm #3 – A Visual Exploration in Motion & Sound July 1 4:45pm #4 – Naomi Barker and the Equestrian ProgramJuly 8 8pm #5 – P-M Artists’ Night — Faculty & Students


June 13 8pm Chief Theater (Harwig’s opening night dinner) June 14 4pm & 8pm Julie Harris Theatre at P-M (Picnic interlude)

DANCE ON FILM SERIES at Bud Werner Memorial Library • Free!

June 23 7pm Dance on Film Series – Tap or Die! July 14 7pm Dance On Film Series – Paul Taylor: Creative Domain


July 4 all day Fourth of July Parade (downtown Steamboat) July 13 11am - 3pm Visiting Day (bring friends and family!)


July 5 8pm Tammy and Christopher Compton Strings Music Festival (

July 11 8pm The Dancing Image Project Screenings with Guest Faculty Tara Rynders

July 15 8pm Faculty Concert at Chief Theater

July 16 7pm Guest Artist Anjali Austin presents “Threads” at Bud Werner Memorial Library

July 18 8pm Pre-Professional Intensive Theatre ProductionJuly 19 8pm Pre-Professional Intensive Theatre Production (Julie Harris Theatre at Perry-Mansfield)

July 25 8pm Evening of Dance (Steamboat High School)July 26 8pm Evening of Dance (Steamboat High School)

July 31 8pm Young Artists Collective: an evening of theatre & dance Aug 1 8pm Young Artists Collective: an evening of theatre & dance (Main Studio at Perry-Mansfield)

August 9 9am Discovery Camp Showcase from 9am till noon (Steinberg Pavilion at Perry-Mansfield)

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What’s it all about? You mean, you just wanna dance?We’re gonna turn on the music and DANCE.

Hope you can come. Bring your friends.

SATURDAY, May 10, 2014 at 7pmSteinberg Pavilion at Perry-Mansfield

BYOB • over 21, please 970.879.7125

p i o n e e r s o f i m a g i n a t i o n , s p i r i t , a n d p e r f o r m a n c e s i n c e 1 9 1 3

PERRYMANSFIELDtraining young artists since 1913


congratulations Steamboat Symphony Orchestraon your fabulous season!

A strong Arts Council = A strong Cultural Plan. Thank you, Steamboat Springs Arts Council for supporting our Orchestra!

Dance Composition with Alex Ketley, founding artist of The Foundry !When: March 25 4pm-6pm !Where: SSHS Auditorium !Admission: FREE ! !Please call Perry-Mansfield at 970.879.7125 for more information regarding this workshop.

!This workshop will include lessons in basic dance composition. Alex and his dancers will guide the participants through a series of exercises that will help the dancer explore the creative process of creating dances. Also, as an added bonus chosen choreographers from SSHS Dance Showcase and/or Steamboat Dance Theatre will show their work to Alex and his dancers and receive feedback-a once in a life time opportunity for a budding choreographer.

Alex Ketley is an independent choreographer and the director of The Foundry. Formally a classical dance with the San Francisco Ballet, her performed a wide range of classical and contemporary repertory including the work of William Forsythe, James Kudelka, and George Balanchine in San Francisco and on tour throughout the world. Along with his direction of The Fundry and his various independent projects, he helped Summer Lee Rhatigan create The San Francisco Conservatory of Dance in 2004, an organization where he still serves as an advisor, teacher, and the Resident Choreographer. Stemming from a classical foundation, the school is deeply invested in advanced students learning and growing through the engagement of contemporary choreography.

Alex Ketley with Special Guests Aline Wachsmuth and Sarah Woods

Presented by Perry-Mansfield in partnership with Steamboat Dance Theatre.

Head Shot and biography excerpt taken from

square dancenouna country dance that starts with four couples facing one another in a square, with the steps and movements shouted out by a caller.

verb ( square dance) [ intrans. ] [often as n. ] ( square dancing)participate in a square dance.

DERIVATIVESnoun square dancer

what it is

what you do

who you are!

when Saturday, November 9, 2013 . 7 - 9:30pmwhere Steinberg Pavilion . Perry-Mansfield . 40755 CR 36 . Steamboat Springshow much $20 per person / reservations recommended, space is limited: [email protected]

your caller

WILLARD CRARYmore information


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970 . 879 . 7125

TUESDAY UNDER THE STARS at Perry-Mansfield • Free!

June 10 8pm #1 – Focus: New Works Festival 6pm The Build Guild Big Reveal – Model Cabin Invitational

June 17 8pm #2 – Improv Movement Jam (Dance, Theatre, Music)June 24 8pm #3 – A Visual Exploration in Motion & Sound July 1 4:45pm #4 – Naomi Barker and the Equestrian ProgramJuly 8 8pm #5 – P-M Artists’ Night — Faculty & Students


June 13 8pm Chief Theater (Harwig’s opening night dinner) June 14 4pm & 8pm Julie Harris Theatre at P-M (Picnic interlude)

DANCE ON FILM SERIES at Bud Werner Memorial Library • Free!

June 23 7pm Dance on Film Series – Tap or Die! July 14 7pm Dance On Film Series – Paul Taylor: Creative Domain


July 4 all day Fourth of July Parade (downtown Steamboat) July 13 11am – 3pm Visiting Day (bring friends and family!)


July 5 8pm Tammy and Christopher Compton Strings Music Festival ( July 11 8pm The Dancing Image Project Screenings with Guest Faculty Tara Rynders

July 15 8pm Faculty Concert at Chief Theater

July 16 7pm Guest Artist Anjali Austin presents “Threads” at Bud Werner Memorial Library

July 18 8pm Pre-Professional Intensive Theatre Production (Julie Harris Theatre at Perry-Mansfield)July 19 8pm Pre-Professional Intensive Theatre Production (Julie Harris Theatre at Perry-Mansfield)

July 25 8pm Evening of Dance (Steamboat High School)July 26 8pm Evening of Dance (Steamboat High School)

July 31 8pm Young Artists Collective: an evening of theatre & dance (Main Studio at Perry-Mansfield)Aug 1 8pm Young Artists Collective: an evening of theatre & dance (Main Studio at Perry-Mansfield)

August 9 9am Discovery Camp Showcase from 9am till noon (Steinberg Pavilion at Perry-Mansfield)

perry-mansfield & chief theater & harwig’s present


New works by 2014 Festival playwrights

Maria Alexandria Beech / Charles Mee / Itamar Moses commissioned by our producing partners for first readings here in Steamboat!

Friday, JUNE 13 Chief Theater

— opening night dinner at Harwig’s

8pm Primary Stages Company New York City

Saturday, JUNE 14 Julie Harris Theatre at Perry-Mansfield

4pm Actors Theatre of Louisville Louisville, KY

— interlude picnic supper by Drunken Onion at Perry-Mansfield

8pm South Coast Repertory Company Costa Mesa, CA

This year, you may purchase a Festival Pass, separate tickets for each performance, or a Festival Feast Pass that includes an opening night dinner at Harwig’s on Friday and a box picnic dinner at Perry-Mansfield on Saturday.


ArtsBootCamp and Fourth of July Parade We are excited that to have you join us in this year’s

4th of July Parade!

Please meet Perry-Mansfield at 9:00am on the corner of 11th St. and Lincoln Ave.

Wear your festive ABC 4th of July Perry-Mansfield shirts and closed-toed shoes.

Following the parade is a picnic lunch in Little Toots Park (if you choose not to join our picnic in the park, please inform us ahead of time).

WHO: Perry-Mansfield and ArtsBootCampWHERE: Start: 11th and Lincoln; End: Little Toots ParkWHEN: 9:00am — don’t be late. We lead the parade!WHAT: Parade t-shirt and close-toed shoes.

See you Friday morning! 970879-7125

ArtsBootCamp and Fourth of July Parade We are excited that to have you join us in this year’s

4th of July Parade!

Please meet Perry-Mansfield at 9:00am on the corner of 11th St. and Lincoln Ave.

Wear your festive ABC 4th of July Perry-Mansfield shirts and closed-toed shoes.

Following the parade is a picnic lunch in Little Toots Park (if you choose not to join our picnic in the park, please inform us ahead of time).

WHO: Perry-Mansfield and ArtsBootCampWHERE: Start: 11th and Lincoln; End: Little Toots ParkWHEN: 9:00am — don’t be late. We lead the parade!WHAT: Parade t-shirt and close-toed shoes.

See you Friday morning! 970879-7125

Page 15: Annual report fy2014 rev 27oct2014

GRIP TOP SOCK Give me the gift of a grip top sock.

A dip-drape, ship-shape, tip-top sock.

Not your spiv-slick, slapstick, slip slop sock,

But a plastic, elastic, grip top sock.

None of your fantastic slap swap slop

From a slap dash, flash cash habberdash shop.

Not a knick-knack, knit-lock, knock-kneed knickerbocker sock

With a mock shot, blob mottled, trick tick-tocker clock.

Not a super sheer, seersucker, puka sack, smock sock;

Not a spot speckled, frog freckled cheapskate’s sock

Off a hotch potch, moss blotched botched scotch block.

Nothing slip slop, drip drop, flip flop or clip clop.

Tip me to a tip top grip top sock.

Concept conceived, developed and performed by:

Anjali AustinAssociate Professor of Dance

School of Dance, Florida State UniversityTallahassee, Florida

ThreadsA work in progress

Photographer: Kaitlyn Christensen

JULY 16, 2014 . 7pm . Bud Werner Memorial Library

Perry-Mansfield and Bud Werner Memorial Library present . . .

Threads is an auto-ethnographic portrayal that highlights the familial influences that shape one’s life. Intended to be a tribute to Ms. Austin’s ancestors, it centers around 33 quilts created and designed by her maternal grandmother Gussie Beatrice Arnold Hill. Within the piece Ms. Austin investigates the human experience during a time in African American history when their existence, contributions to society, and cultural and professional achievements were devalued.

As a part of her research process Ms. Austin seeks opportunities to present Threads as a work in progress. Her intention is to offer a multi-generational and multi-cultural experience in communities to engage them in dialogue and discussion about their histories, similarities and distinctions. Other community activities of interest are interacting with local quilters, and gallery and museum presentations, lectures, and exhibits.

Anjali Austin is a distinguished ballet teacher whose career includes thirteen years of performing with the critically acclaimed Dance Theatre of Harlem. A well rounded interdisciplinary artist, she has performed classical, neo-classical and contemporary works

by prominent choreographers from the 20th century, choreographed works on students at FSU, and is currently working on her first one woman show titled, Threads. Anjali is a certified Master Trainer in GYROTONIC® and GYROKINESIS® and conducts teacher trainings nationally and internationally. Additionally, she continues her research on Black classical ballet dancers and presents on the topic at K-12 schools, universities and conferences. Ms. Austin is a founding member of CORPS de Ballet International and currently serves on its Board.

a new century . . . a new progam . . . at Perry-Mansfield

TUESDAY UNDER THE STARSJune 10 8pm #1 – Focus: New Works Festival

June 17 8pm #2 – Improv Movement Jam (Dance, Theatre, Music)

June 24 8pm #3 – A Visual Exploration in Motion & Sound

July 1 4:45pm #4 – Naomi Barker and the Equestrian Program

July 8 8pm #5 – P-M Artists’ Night – Faculty and Students

You are invited to enjoy informal performances by guest artists and pre-professional students – under the stars. FREE!

970 . 879 . 7125

Steamboat Springs Performing Arts Coalition is hereby convened to:

1. Facilitate maximum coordination of performing arts calendars — events, performances, and education programs;

2. Share resources — skills, venues, expertise, contacts, marketing opportunties, and much more;

3. Create resourses through joint fundraising and programming;

4. Become a nexus for cultural advocacy in the region;

5. Be the “place to start” when searching the regional Cultural Calendar;

6. Support the work of all other cultural organizations with member discounts, referrals, and new initiatives that directly address the needs of local artists.

First steps — Share our calendars to create one master calendar!

1. Create an online resource that will link to all member organizations.2. Create a brochure of major performing arts programs and events that will be available to visitors and

local residents.3. Set a schedule for regular community meetings of the PAC. Meetings will include business, but will

always include time to create and collaborate new programs and partnerships.4. Nominate and Recruit members — everyone is invited. Hopefull all performing arts organizations will

join PAC, and we encourage local residents and businesses to become part of the Coalition, too.

Page 16: Annual report fy2014 rev 27oct2014

faculty concertperr y-mansfield guest ar tists at chief theater

July 15, 2014 . 8pm . Chief Theater

$25 . and at the door

spring cleaning at perry-mansfield

to do list:1. arm a squad of determined women with tools2. take down every single curtain and curtain rod on campus3. mimosas & snacks provided!

3pm . Friday . May 30th . meet at the Main Office970-879-7125 or [email protected]

a special


you to

our vol


Saturday, May 31, 2014 is one of our final work days on SKYLINE CABIN — the model cabin for the Adopt-a-Cabin Program at Perry-Mansfield.

Just by chance, one of my favorite dancers will be traveling through Steamboat with his remarkable dancing wife, and they have agreed to a visit that is part R&R and part “jackpot” for us.

As a special thank you to all of you who are helping us to bring our 101st Season to fruition, Brandon “Private” Freeman and Sharon Wehner will dance for us and join us for lunch.

Saturday, May 31 at noonLouis Horst Studio at Perry-MansfieldBring a bag lunch & friends — take a break!

Please note: there is a wedding on campus that afternoon, so please park at Julie Harris Theatre if you plan to join the work party in the morning or attend this special event.

Brandon “Private” Freeman photo: David DeSilva

Tuesday Under the Stars

Tuesday, June 10, 2014 at Perry-Mansfield

Champagne & Strawberries at 6:00pm

Celebrate the Big Reveal of Skyline Cabin — The Model Rehab!

Our cabin renewal effort is made possibleby The Build Guild and Adopt-a-Cabin Program.

Kick-off Perry-Mansfield’s 101st Seasonwith the premier evening ofTuesday Under The Stars

8:00pmFeaturing New Works Festival Playwrights


[email protected]


Page 17: Annual report fy2014 rev 27oct2014

Open House at Perry-MansfieldBring your friends and family

Navigate the beautiful campus — experience the artsDraw • Sing • Dance • Act • Create

SUNDAY • JULY 13, 201411am – 3pm

Come one! Come all! Activities for all ages!

FREERide your bike to camp or walk 3 miles from downtown Steamboat.

If you drive, please park at Steamboat Springs Middle School and catch the continuous shuttle to campus. 40755 County Road 36 – on the way to Strawberry Park Hot Springs

dancedancedancedanceperry-mansfield training young artists since 1913

congratulations Steamboat Dance Theatrefor another fabulous season!

Lynda Davis, Director of DanceJennifer Golonka, Associate Director

Page 18: Annual report fy2014 rev 27oct2014

and we think you are, too!

training young artists since 1913p i o n e e r s o f i m a g i n a t i o n , s p i r i t , a n d p e r f o r m a n c e . s t e a m b o a t s p r i n g s

In our first 100 years . . .

15,000 alumni developed a

profound appreciation for dance and drama


elite faculty spent their summers teaching in Steamboat Springs

350 esteemed professional

companies employed alumni worldwide

4 former students or faculty

became Kennedy Center honorees or MacArthur Genius grant recipients

Training young artists since 1913. Our second century starts now.

we are perry-mansfield, and we think you are, too.

Dancer: Aline Wachsmuth Photo: Alex Ketley

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• SmallPlatesinLouisHorstStudio

• TuesdayUndertheStarswithSarahKirwin&RichLiccardo

• PPIImprovisationforclassplacements

• ArtsBootCampwithLorenDavidsonatTheLibrary

• TeriWeksler,MarkMorrisDanceGroupRepertory

• PhilHernándezleadingvocalclassoutdoors

• SongwritingclasswithKathyHussey

• CentennialEquestrianpatchandblanket

Page 21: Annual report fy2014 rev 27oct2014

• SmallPlatesinMainStudio

• EquestrianCamp#1

• ArtsBootCampwithLorenDavidsonatTheLibrary

• ArtsBootCampwithLorenDavidsonatTheLibrary

• JohnPennington’srehearsalofOverlayinSteinbergPavilion

• YAIdancerehearsal

• JuniorsinMainStudiowithJenGolonkaandStuartSanks

• JuniorsdanceoutsidewithaccompanistKevinSport

Page 22: Annual report fy2014 rev 27oct2014

• DirectorofTheatre,EmilyTarquinwithherJuniors

• PPIDancePlacementwithJoeVenegoni,accompanist

• ParkerincostumeoutsideCostumeShop

• Theendofcamp

• IlanaGoldmanteachinginSteinbergPavilion

• GabrielWilliamsteachestapinLouisHorstStudio

• Frisbeesayshello!

• EnjoyingthethingsthatmakePerry-Mansfieldunique!

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