Page 1: Another biochemical variant of galactose mia

Another Biochemical Variant of Galactose mia

Page 2: Another biochemical variant of galactose mia

CD presumed carrier by pedigree

M .

FIG. 1. Gerle defect in D.C. and RI families hy pedigree and erythrocyte transferase. I 1 it)

J>.C.‘s family was Ilot tested.



Family ,“l’o. of members Range of transferase

(true relativesj junits/gm Hgb) Probable genotypes

G 7.41-14.7 Normal

9 0.09-4.35 IIeterozygous 1 <0.05 Homozygous

D.C. 10 5.30-22.2 Normal 2 1.31, 4.32 Heteroxygous

1 <0.05 TIomosygous 1 (mother) 12.1 ?

ma1 ( < 3 units/gm Hgb), in those from his pare& + and nine relatives, including

seven aihlings (Table I). The pat,tern in D.C.‘s family was unusual, in that kansferase in samples from the

galnctosemic’s mot’hcr \vas I\-ithin the normal range (Table I). Partial deficiencies were detected in t’he father’s samples and in t,hat of a paternal cousin (Fig. 1). The quantitative assays confirmed estimat’es of relative enzyme activities (Beutlcr et al., 1964) in earlier samples from both parents. The father’s deficiency was apparent

Page 3: Another biochemical variant of galactose mia


15-day cllltrlre Father, II 3 <0.002 (‘olmil~, III 2 <o.oo” (‘olllrl,ls 13) 0.0%”

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