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Spitz and Cymbalista Family Memorial Education Program and

Calendar of Synagogue Events


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Howard N. Sarnoff

Vice Presidents

Michael Harrison

Murry Moskowitz

Recording Secretary

Leah Francés


William Zev Cohn

Senior Gabbai

Herman Lurie

Past President

David Fischberger

Avi Billet, Rabbi

Board of Directors

Marvin Diamond, Chairman

Dr. David Amrani

Richard Barth

Yerachmiel Berkowitz

Kalman Freidus

Nancy Freiman

Lazer Fuerst

Izzy Gabel

Esther Lehmann

Naomi Malakoff

Jerry Meyer

Harold Miller

Adam Rosen

Edward Satran

Martin Schmidt

Arthur Small, MD

Leonard Spector

Moshe Vessal

Letter from the Rabbi and President

Dear Anshei Chesed Member,

The booklet you are holding is the latest innovation in our shul, outlining the planned programming we have for the coming year. It includes the many learning and education opportunities under the Spitz and Cymbalista Family Memorial Education Program, as well our Sisterhood events, and the newly structured Youth Department.

We invite you to mark your calendars and try to attend as many of these sessions as you can. We attempted to craft an exciting program that has something for everyone, including history, inspiration, in-depth text study, social action and more.

We need your help to get the word out about our shul. When friends visit, please let them know how much you enjoy living in our community and how Anshei Chesed fulfills so many needs in our Jewish life.

If there are programs or speakers you’d like to see in the future, please get involved as we plan for next year.

Additionally, sponsorships of all our programs or individual sessions are always welcome and appreciated. If you would like to be a sponsor, contact Howie Sarnoff at [email protected] or 516-508-0626.

We thank you in advance for your personal involvement in the shul, and look forward to this coming year with great anticipation.

Avi Billet, RabbiHoward N. Sarnoff, President

Like us on

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ONGOING CLASSESDaily Daf Yomi with Kalman FreidusImmediately following daily Shacharis.Join us in the Ganchrow Beis Medresh as we learn the daily Daf. Out of town? You can Skype in. Tuesday Sefer Ezra and Nechemia Tuesdays 10:00 AM with Rabbi Billet, November 1st through May Continuing our study of the Books of Ketuvim, this year we will focus on the Jewish people’s return to Zion at the conclusion of the Babylonian exile. Learn how the Second Temple was built despite the social and economic challenges faced under the leadership of Ezra and Nechemia.Chug L’Ivrit/Conversational Hebrew Club with Naomi MalakoffTuesday afternoons, beginning November 1st at 5:00 PMDo you have a good working knowledge of Hebrew but wish to improve your conversational skills? Meet new friends as you freshen up your Hebrew during our Chug L’lvrit.Wednesday The Ethics of Genesis with Marty Levine Nov 30th, December 14th, December 28th, January 11th, February 1st, February 15th, March 1st, March 15th, March 29th, 10:00 AMWhen most people learn the stories in Bereshit (Genesis) they are too young to ask questions about the ethical implications of the narrative. This class explores the stories from a contemporary and more mature perspective. We will pick up where we left off last year, continuing with the narrative of Yosef. Kli Yakar on the ParshaWednesday evenings with Rabbi Billet, 7:30 PM, Beginning October 26th through May Explore the weekly parsha with the innovative commentary of Shlomo Ephraim Luntschitz, famously known as the Kli Yakar. This class is guaranteed to be a refreshing perspective for anyone who loves studying parsha.Thursday Devarim In DepthThursdays at 10:00 AM with Rabbi Billet, starting November 3rd through MayThe last book of the Torah can easily be described as the swan song of Moshe Rabbeinu. We will explore the structure of the book of Devarim as well as a host of topics through the eyes of commentaries while using our own insightful questions as a guide. ShabbosParshat HaShavua At 8:30 AM, fresh perspectives on the parsha are discussed before ShacharitDaf Yomi We meet an hour before the Shabbos afternoon shiur.Shabbos Afternoon Pre-Mincha ShiurFrom halakha to parsha to the holidays or current events, the Rabbi’s energetic shiur will leave you thinking. Shabbos Mevarchim Women’s Afternoon Learning Circle Women are invited to present a d’var Torah or mini-shiur during our monthly grassroots Torah learning initiative. Takes place at the same time as Daf Yomi. October 29th, November 26th, December 24th, January 21st, March 25th, April 22nd, May 20th.

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Doing the Holidays RIGHT

In this pre-holiday lecture series, Rabbi Billet will present a pep talk of how we can get the most of the upcoming holiday. Everyone will leave with a summary of all the halachos and practices of yom tov, and a head full of ideas to make the holiday meaningful.

Pre-Rosh Hashana, September 28th, 7:45 PM Pre-Succos, October 9th, 7:30 PM Pre-Chanukah, December 19th, 7:30 PMPre-Purim, March 9, 7:30 PMPre-Pesach, March 27th, 8:00 PM Pre-Shavuos, May 23rd, 7:00 PMPre-Three Weeks and Tisha B’Av, July 9th, 7:00 PM

Sunday MorningCurrent Events Breakfast

January 1st, 10:00 AM March 19th, 10:00 AM

Join Rabbi Billet for breakfast as he offers a halakhic perspective of current events which are taking the local, national or international media by storm.

Hilchos 101

It’s back to the basics of the “do”s and “don’t”s of different areas of Jewish life. Rabbi Billet will distinguish between halakha and custom as we talk about practical observances that enhance Jewish life. For those who miss the live lecture, these classes are videoed and placed on the shul website.

Chol HaMoed - September 14th, 7:30 PM

Take an in-depth look at the laws of Chol HaMoed. You will learn how “melacha” (creative work) is defined with reference to Chol HaMoed and gain an understanding of what behaviors are forbidden or permitted on the intermediate days of the holiday.

The Rituals of Shabbos – November 28th, 7:30 PM

We know how to recite Kiddush, make Ha’motzi and say Havdalah; but we don’t always know the background of these rituals or if we are doing them correctly. Learn explanations for how they should be done and why.

The Kosher Kitchen – December 12th, 7:30 PM

Explore the not-oft discussed topics of why we need hashgacha (supervision) for wines and cheeses, what items don’t need hashgacha and what items absolutely need hashgacha. We will also explore the necessity of separate ovens, sinks, dishwashers and sponges.

Shul Decorum – January 9th, 7:30 PM

We will address: the issues surrounding “makom kavua” (permanent seats), how to relate to others in shul, and how to deal with distractions. When is talking in shul permitted in halakha, when is it forbidden and when is there an allowance due to special circumstances? The presentation will end with a conversation on how to relate to others when the davening experience isn’t a smooth one.

The Kosher Industry – April 3rd, 8:00 PM

In this tell-all lecture, you will get an insider’s view of how the kosher industry operates. The presentation will end with comments on when, if ever, one can “eat out” (in a non-kosher restaurant).

Mezuzah and Contemporary Architecture – May 8th, 6:45 PM

Florida homes present unique questions about how to properly affix a mezuzah. We will review the laws of mezuzah placement and address specific architectural examples which exist in many of the local developments that make this mitzvah challenging.

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in Ramat Bet Shemesh and at numerous synagogues worldwide. He runs many educational programs at zoos and natural history museums, as well as serves as scholar-in-residence on African safaris. Rabbi Slifkin authored numerous books and articles on Judaism and the natural sciences, including extensive research for the Daf Yomi Advancement Forum. Check out his popular blog:

Sociological Upheavals of the Jewish Community in the Past Century with Scholar-in-Residence Professor Rabbi Dr. Adam FerzigerJanuary 27th-29th, 2017

Friday Night Oneg, 8:00 PM - “Beyond Bais Yaakov: The Silent Revolution of Haredi Women” Shabbos Morning Sermon - “Beyond Sectarianism: The Silent Realignment of American Orthodox Judaism” Shabbos Afternoon Class, 4:40 PM - “Does Israeli Religious Zionism Have an American Equivalent?”

Sunday Morning Presentation, 10:00 AM - “Why Would a Rosh Yeshiva Seek a Ph.D. in English Literature from Harvard? Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein z”l and the Concept of Fragmentary Judaism”

Rabbi Professor Adam S. Ferziger holds the Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch Chair for Research of the Torah and DerekhErez Movement in the Israel and Golda Koschitzky Department of Jewish History and Contemporary Jewry at Bar-Ilan University. He is co-convener of the annual Oxford Summer Institute for Modern and Contemporary Judaism, and a senior associate of the Oxford Center for Hebrew and Jewish Studies.

An intellectual and social historian, Rabbi Professor Ferziger’s research focuses on Jewish religious movements, religious leadership, and religious responses to secularization and assimilation in modern and contemporary North America, Europe and Israel. He is the author or editor of six books including: Exclusion and Hierarchy: Orthodoxy, Nonobservance and the Emergence of Modern Jewish Identity(University of Pennsylvania Press, 2005); Orthodox Judaism – New Perspectives (Magnes Press, 2006); Jewish Denominations: Addressing the Challenges of Modernity (Melton Institute/The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2012); and Beyond Sectarianism: The Realignment of American Orthodox Judaism (Wayne State University Press, 2015), which was accorded the 2015 National Jewish Book Award in American Jewish Studies.


Celebrate Shabbos Parshas Noach with the ‘Zoo Rabbi’ Natan Slifkin November 4th-5th, 2016

Shabbos Morning Sermon – “The Animal Kingdom in Jewish Thought”

Shabbos Afternoon Class, 5:15 PM – “Rationalism vs. Mysticism: Schisms in Traditional Jewish Thought”Saturday Night Multi-Media Presentation, 8:15 PM – “Untangling Evolution”

Rabbi Natan Slifkin is the director of the Biblical Museum of Natural History in Beit Shemesh, Israel. He received rabbinic ordination from Ohr Somayach, where he also taught Talmud and Jewish philosophy. Rabbi Slifkin has an MA in Jewish Studies from the Lander Institute in Jerusalem, where he graduated summa cum laude, and he is currently pursuing a PhD in Jewish History at Bar-Ilan University, writing a dissertation on Rabbinic encounters with zoology in the nineteenth century.Rabbi Slifkin has taught extensively on Judaism, science and zoology at Yeshivat Lev HaTorah

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Yeshiva University Partnership Weekend with Rabbi Jacob J. Schacter February 24th-26th, 2017 Shabbos Morning Sermon – “On the Ethics of Disagreement: Learning to Disagree Agreeably”Shabbos Afternoon Class, 5:00 PM – “Did Moshe Rabbenu Know Everything? Printing and the Unfolding of Human Knowledge”Sunday Morning Presentation,10:00 AM – “Women

and Talmud Torah: Are There Limits?”

Rabbi Dr. Jacob J. Schacter is Professor of Jewish History and Jewish Thought and Senior Scholar at the Center for the Jewish Future at Yeshiva University. He has served as Dean of the Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik Institute in Boston. Prior to his shift to academia, he served as a pulpit rabbi in the Young Israel of Sharon, MA, and at The Jewish Center in New York City.

Dr. Schacter holds a Ph.D. in Near Eastern Languages from Harvard University and received rabbinic ordination from Mesivta Torah Vodaath. He graduated from Brooklyn College in 1973, Summa Cum Laude and Phi Beta Kappa with the Abraham S. Goodhartz Award for Excellence in Judaic Studies. In 1995, he was awarded the prestigious Daniel Jeremy Silver Fellowship from the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, Harvard University and in 2014 he was awarded the Chelst Grant for Publication Assistance from Yeshiva University. He also presently serves as a member of the faculty of The Wexner Foundation.

In addition to being widely published, Rabbi Schacter holds a number of prominent Jewish communal positions. He served as Founding President of the Council of Orthodox Jewish Organizations (COJO) of the Upper West Side, is a member of the Board of Governors of the Orthodox Union and is on the Editorial Boards of Tradition, Jewish Action, BDD (Bechal Derachecha Da’ehu) and Jewish Educational Leadership.


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Gilbert and Eleanor Kraus never set out to be heroes. But on the eve of the Holocaust, this Jewish couple from Philadelphia took on an extraordinary mission. Against all odds, they traveled into Nazi Germany in a bold and unlikely effort to bring 50 Jewish children back with

them to the safety of the United States. Their story had never been told…until now.

Steven Pressman received an undergraduate degree in political science from the University of California at Berkeley. He worked for many years as a journalist in Los Angeles, Washington, D.C., and San Francisco. He is the author of 50 Children: One Ordinary American Couple’s Extraordinary Rescue Mission into the Heart of Nazi Germany. The book reached #1 on the New York Times bestseller list for e-books in December 2015. Steven is also the writer, director and producer of the documentary film “50 Children: The Rescue Mission of Mr. and Mrs. Kraus.” The film premiered on HBO in 2013 and was nominated for an Emmy Award in the category of Outstanding Historical Programming.

Professor E.M. Rose “Blood, Guts and the Crusade: The Medieval Blood Libel and its Modern Repercussions” January 15th, 7:30 PM

The malevolent accusation that Jews used the blood of children for religious rituals has endured for centuries and led to torture, pogroms and expulsions in supposed revenge. In this presentation, we will examine the origins of the

blood libel, how it spread in the Middle Ages and review some of the more famous cases. We will also look at some the imagery of the blood libel and its use in anti-semitic propaganda that is still present to this day.

E.M. Rose is a journalist and historian who specializes in Christian–Jewish relations in the pre-modern period. In the fall of 2016 she will be Visiting Scholar in the Program of Medieval Studies at Harvard University. She has taught history at Princeton, Johns Hopkins, Rutgers, Villanova, and Baruch College (CUNY). Her book The Murder of William of Norwich: The Origins of the Blood Libel in Medieval Europe (Oxford University Press) was chosen as one of the ten best history books of 2015 by The Sunday Times.


This lecture series presented by authors and scholars will present their recently published works on topics in Jewish history and sociology.

Steven Pressman“50 Children: One Ordinary American Couple’s Extraordinary Rescue Mission into the Heart of Nazi Germany”November 15, at 7:30 PM


Professor Oren Baruch Stier, PhD “The Anne Frank You Never Knew” March 30th, 7:00PM Join Professor Oren Stier on a multimedia journey into some of the surprising ways the image and persona of Anne Frank have survived the Shoah, leading her to become one of the most notable icons of the Holocaust. Utilizing rare photographs and other materials, both familiar and unfamiliar, Professor Stier reveals the “young girl” and

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Insights in the Talmud - for the Perplexed

This lecture series presented by local rabbis will cover an array of topics that will leave you marveling at the wisdom of the Talmud.

teenage diarist you never knew. Drawn from his recent book, Holocaust Icons: Symbolizing the Shoah in History and Memory, this presentation provides insight into the life and afterlife of one of the Holocaust’s most famous victims and, paradoxically, one of its most famous “survivors” as well.Oren Stier is Professor of Religious Studies and Director of the Holocaust Studies Initiative at Florida International University. He is the author of two books, Holocaust Icons: Symbolizing the Shoah in History and Memory (Rutgers University Press, 2015) and Committed to Memory: Cultural Mediations of the Holocaust (University of Massachusetts Press, 2003) and co-editor of Religion, Violence, Memory, and Place (Indiana University Press, 2006). He is a past recipient of a prestigious Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies Fellowship at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum and currently on sabbatical working on his latest book, Elie Wiesel’s Testament: Between Speech and Silence.

“How the Talmud is the Basis for Our Halakhic System” Rabbi Rael Blumenthal, Boca Raton Synagogue WestFebruary 6th, 7:30 PM

“Don’t Take it Literally! Aggadata and How We Should Understand Larger-Than-Life Talmudic Tales” Rabbi Philip Moskowitz, Boca Raton SynagogueFebruary 13th, 7:30 PM

“Eliyahu HaNavi in the Talmud – How are we to understand his appearances and strange tales?”Rabbi Yosef Weinstock, Young Israel of HollywoodFebruary 20th, 7:30 PM

“Making The Shift From Biblical Judaism to Rabbinic Judaism”Rabbi Efrem Goldberg, Boca Raton SynagogueFebruary 27th, 7:30 PM

“Beyond Pirkei Avot - Talmudic Aphorisms We Can Live By” Rabbi Menachem Jaroslawicz, Delray Orthodox SynagogueMarch 6th, 7:30 PM


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This year’s line-up of Jewish themed films feature:Ahead of Time – September 11th, 8:00 PM Ushpezin – October 19th, 8:00 PM Remember – December 17th, 8:00 PM

Paperclips – January 14th, 8:00 PM

TBA February 18th

TBA March 19th Patterns of Evidence – April 6th, 8:00 PM

Our active sisterhood meets regularly through the winter. From celebrating Rosh Chodesh to packing Purim baskets, the sisterhood’s camaraderie and spirit enriches the fabric of our vibrant shul life.Rosh Chodesh Mar Cheshvan Breakfast Wednesday, November 2nd, 10:00 AM Welcome TeaWednesday, November 30th, time tbd Sisterhood fundraiser at Charming Charlie (Delray Marketplace) Sunday, December 4th, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM Sisterhood Pre-Chanukah program Wednesday, December 21st, evening Sisterhood Annual LuncheonWednesday, February 8th, 12:00 PMRosh Chodesh Adar ProgramSunday, February 26th, time tbdRosh Chodesh Nissan ProgramSunday, March 26th, time tbd

Grab a bite to eat midday from our pre-ordered menu, or just come enjoy the lecture. Lunch at 12:30 PM, lecture at 1:00 PM. December 5th - Jonathan Francés presents an overview of Social Security retirement benefits and recent changes to the laws.Jan 23rd - Eric Ross of the Anti-Defamation League discusses Anti-Semitism today and why it’s not like what your bubbie and zayde experienced. May 15th - To Be Announced.




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SPECIAL PROGRAMSThe Rabbi’s State of the Shul AddressSeptember 18th, 8:00 PM

Join Rabbi Billet as he delivers a personal assessment of the shul’s growth in 5776 while previewing the programming in store for 5777. A brief town hall Q and A will follow. We will have a live feed for our members who are not currently in Boynton Beach.

Partnership AIPAC Evening November 10th, 7:30 PM

Mitchell Bard, American Foreign Policy Analyst, editor and author, will be speaking about the roots of the BDS. This event is off the record and closed to the press.

An Evening of Inspiration – kickoff for the Anshei Chesed Care Network Launch date in December, details TBA

See how we are expanding our community’s awareness of chesed opportunities, and how we hope to organize looking out for those in need.

OU SPIRIT ProgramMarch 20th, 10:00 AM, Full schedule TBA

In partnership with Anshei Chesed, the Orthodox Union’s Department of Community Engagement presents inspiring lectures geared for active retirees as part of its mission to offer quality social and Torah educational events targeted to Jewish women and men ages sixty and over.

Rabbi Michael Stern: “Taking the Three ‘Shoshie Rules’ To Heart” April 30th, 7:15 PM

In this heartfelt and thoughtful presentation, learn why giving up your seat, seeing the good in others and making peace are the three keys to Jewish unity and hastening the redemption.

Shoshana Stern A”H, the daughter of Rabbi Mike & Denise Stern, was tragically taken from us in April 2013 at the tender age of 12. Rabbi Mike will inspire and uplift as he shares the lessons learned from Shoshie, whose short life was one of great spiritual accomplishment. The Sterns have inspired many people over the past 25 years through their outreach work with Aish Philadelphia, the Milwaukee Kollel and the Levis JCC in Boca Raton.

You can buy flowers and put them in a vase…or you can come to AnsheiChesed to make a gorgeous centerpiece for your yom tov table. An instructor from Sydney Boutique Flowers and Gifts of Boynton Beach will teach the principles of floral design and guide participants in how-tos of making a stunning centerpiece in advance of each holiday.Pre-Rosh Hashana Floral Design Workshop – September 29th, 7:00 PMPre-Pesach Floral Design Workshop – April 9th, 10:00 AMPre-Shavuout Floral Design Workshop – May 29th, 10:00 AM

Pre-registration only, $55 per person

Holiday Floral Design Workshop


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Calling all readers! If you love contemporary fiction with Jewish themes, join our 2016 - 2017 literary season. Each evening begins at 8:00 PM with a moderated discussion led by Chana Billet, followed by a live, half hour Skype chat with the author.

Here’s what authors from our 2015-2016 had to say about our program:

“Here is a proper thank you for including my book in your club’s roster. What a nice and smart group of readers!” -- Michelle Brafman, Washing the Dead “Skyping with your group was so much fun. You asked great questions and included me in a terrific conversation. I wanted to jump through the computer to join you because you seem like such a smart, fun, warm community.” -- Nomi Eve, Henna House “It’s always lovely to talk with book groups. You had such smart questions and it was fun to see everyone in the room.” -- Janis Cooke Newman, A Master Plan for Rescue“I was so impressed with all the thoughtful questions and insightful comments.” -- Nicole Dweck, The Debt of Tamar“It was so wonderful speaking to your group! We had a great conversation.” -- Kristin Hannah, The Nightingale  “You are an engaged and serious group of readers. A pleasure to speak to.” – David Bezmozgis, The Betrayers

November 1st December 6th

May 2ndMarch 7th April 4th

January 3rd February 7th

Email [email protected] to be added to the email list to receive pre-discussion reading material

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Married With Children: A Six-Part Workshop by Leading Professionals to Help Generation X-and-Y-ers Achieve

Parenting Success

“Foundations for Successful Parenting” - Aliza Septimus Psy.D. November 8th, 8:00 PM Parenting is often one of the hardest jobs an adult will undertake, but also the job for which one has the least amount of training. In this session, you will learn specific strategies to encourage positive behaviors in pre-school and school age children while increasing their self -esteem. In addition, you will learn how to confidently apply effective discipline strategies to manage negative behaviors.“Proven Marriage Tips” - Aliza Schulman, LCSW December 13th, 8:00 PM Every marriage has issues. Learn how to argue while still maintaining connection to your spouse. Utilizing the work of John Gottman, we will discuss healthy and non- healthy methods of dealing with “solvable” and “unsolvable” issues that arise in marriage. “Coping with Common Behavior Problems” - Aliza Septimus Psy.D. January 10th, 8:00 PM Learn effective ways and strategies to manage common behavior problems. Specifics such as dawdling, misbehavior in public places, sibling fighting, and resistance to going to bed and nighttime awakenings will be discussed. Common reasons for each problem are presented followed by practical suggestions about what to do in each situation. “Raising Caring Children, Teaching Positive Social Skills to Pre-Teens and Adolescents” - Rabbi Mordechai Smolarcik, Psy.D. February 14th, 8:00 PM Does your child seem to be overly self-absorbed? Is it important to you that your child grow up to be a “Mensch(ette)?” Join us for a discussion about the factors that turn a self-concerned child into a caring and giving adolescent and adult. This lecture will cover both the philosophical underpinnings and practical behavioral modifications that engender pro-social (helping) behaviors.“Improve Your Relationships By Understanding Yourself and Others” - Aliza Schulman, LCSW March 22nd, 8:00 PM Minimize stress, reduce conflict, prevent misunderstandings, increase communication, and enhance relationships by knowing your personality type and the personality types of your children, family members, friends, neighbors, in–laws and colleagues. We will explore how one’s personality is complex and unique yet can be described and understood utilizing the Myer Briggs Typology System. Exclusive Filming of the 2016 documentary “Screenagers” April 25th, 8:00PM This just-released documentary will help parents understand the impact of our children’s increased connection to screens. While there is no turning back on the digital age, the film starts a conversation and offers direction for parents coping with this grappling issue.




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Supervised Open Play in our Toy Room with Lisa, “The Kid Magnet” (ages 0-5)Every Shabbos morning from 9:15 AM until Kiddush from September through June

Shabbos Morning Group with Deanna Casper (ages 6-10)Kids enjoy purposeful davening with the new Koren Youth Siddur, Parsha review, interactive games and a healthy snack. Every Shabbos morning from October through June, 10:00 AM -11:30 AM

Youth and Teen Minyan with Rabbi Eli Casper (ages 10 and up) Kids lead davening, serve as gabbai, give a d’var Torah and set goals to lein and read the haftorah in their very own minyan. Davening is followed by a hot Kiddush, set up and cleared by the kids. Every Shabbos morning from September through June.

Youth-Lead Monthly Shabbos Afternoon Mincha with Rabbi Eli Casper From getting an aliyah to leining and even being gabbai, this once-a-month program puts our youth at the helm of Shabbos afternoon Mincha in the main shul. October 29th, November 19th, December 17th, January 7th, February 18th, March 4th, April 8th, May 13th, June 10th

Motzei Shabbos Youth Events Fun, supervised Saturday night activities are perfect for kids who like social experiences. “Nights ‘IN’” (sushi making, “Jew-pardy” or pizza and learning) will alternate with “Nights ‘OUT’” at the ice skating rink, roller skating rink, bowling alley or laser tag. November 19th, December 3rd, December 17th, January 7th, February 4th, February 18th, February 25th (Events begin 45 minutes after Shabbos ends)

Sunday Morning Family Breakfast Come to daven and stay for breakfast. Following the 9:00 AM Minyan, participants are invited to dig in at our tasty waffle bar in the upstairs kitchen.September 11th, October 9th, November 13th, December 11th, January 8th, February 12th, March 5th, April 2nd, May 14th, and June 11th.


Pre-Holiday Youth Activities Get into the spirit of yom tov through unique crafting activities, trivia and hands-on holiday prep.$10 for non-youth department members/ FREE for youth department membersPre Rosh Hashana – Sunday, September 25th, 10:00 AMPre Succos – Sunday, October 9th, 10:00 AM Pre Chanukah – Sunday, December 18th, 10:00 AMPre Purim – Sunday, March 5th 10:00 AMPre Pesach – Sunday, March 26th, 10:00 AMPre Shavuous – Sunday, May 21st, 10:00 AM End-of-the-Year-BBQ-at-the-Billets At this celebration for youth department members, we will acknowledge the hard work our kids put in to achieve their goals. Wednesday, June 14th 5:30 PM

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Youth Incentive Program To encourage kids to be more involved in shul life, Torah and tefilah, “Youth Cards” will be awarded to youth department members who come on time to the youth and teen minyan or to youth groups on Shabbos morning; attend Mincha/Ma’ariv on Shabbos afternoon; give a d’var Torah at the youth and teen minyan or during youth groups on Shabbos morning; lein at the youth and teen minyan or in the main minyan for Mincha. Boys over bar mitzvah can redeem eighteen “Youth Cards” for a $10 Amazon gift card. Boys under bar mitzvah and girls of all ages can redeem twelve “Youth Cards” for a $10 Amazon gift card. Youth Department Pricing For Anshei Chesed Members: $25 per child to join the youth department for the year, $80 maximum per family. For Anshei Chesed Non-Members: $50 per child to join the youth department for the year or $120 maximum per familyYouth Department Membership includes: free entry to all of our pre-holiday programs, invitation to our end-of-the-year-BBQ, and at-cost pricing for Motzei Shabbos activities. Judaic Studies Afternoon Classes for Homeschoolers and Public School StudentsKids meet twice a week, Monday and Thursday afternoons from 3:40-5:10 PM to study Hebrew reading, Chumash and Mishna with Rabbi Billet in a small group setting. Separate from our Youth Department, classes are $100/$125 per month

NCSYEmtza NCSY, the local middle school chapter of this national organization, is housed at Anshei Chesed, servicing youth throughout our neighborhood.For more information please contact Jason Segelbaum [email protected].

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Full Schedule of Yom Tov Classes Will Be Shared In Advance of Every Holiday

Community-Wide Sukkah Hop – On Shabbos of Chol Ha’Moed Sukkos, visit sukkahs throughout the neighborhood while rejoicing with friends, food and conversation.

Chol Ha’Moed Family Trip – Take advantage of our discounted group rate for “The Wow Factory.” Kids and Grandkids will love this adventure hot spot that features a ropes course, laser tag, rock climbing and a multi-story ball pit. October 20th, 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM

Simchas Torah “Lilmod U’lelamed” Youth Program – Listen to kids of all ages give a d’var Torah to the congregation while the Torah reading stations are active.

Thanksgiving Dinner – Spend the evening with friends at our catered Thanksgiving dinner. November 24th - 5:00 PM

Chanukah Party – Enjoy latkes, donuts and entertainment during our family Chanukah party. This year’s entertainment will feature the magic and wonder of award-winning magician, entertainer, and motivational speaker, Chad Jurros, whose personal story has touched many lives world-wide. December 28th, 7:00 PM

Purim Seudah – Celebrate Purim at our community seudah. Enjoy a themed dinner, a raffle, and good Purim cheer. March 12th, 5:00 PM

Chol Ha’Moed Pesach “Art Night ‘IN’ at Anshei Chesed” – Make Chol Ha’Moed even more fun by creating a spectacular craft in an art session lead by a local artist. April 13th, 7:00 PM

Yom HaShoah Memorial – In this community-wide program, through prayer, words of poetry, and heartfelt speeches, we remember. April 23rd, 7:00 PM

Yom Ha’atzmaut Program – Celebrate Israel’s 69th birthday during an evening celebration on May 1st. Join us in the morning on, May 2nd, for a tefila chagigit, a special celebratory prayer service in honor of the State of Israel.

Shavuos Mini Tikkun Layl Shavuos – With a nod to the custom of learning on Shavuos eve, men and women are invited to enjoy light refreshments and four shiurim until 1:15 AM. Challenge your thinking at the late hour with Rabbi Billet’s “Lomdish Riddles.” May 30th, 11:15 PM—1:30 AM

Shavuos Women’s Learning Circle – In the afternoon on the first day of Shavuos, share words of Torah as we celebrate the giving of the Book of Life together. May 31st, 5:00 PM

Shavuos Ice Cream Social – On the second day of Shavuos, make your own sundae while socializing in this multi-generational holiday celebration. June 1st, 5:00 PM

Page 16: ANSHEI CHESED CONGREGATION - ShulCloud...why we need hashgacha (supervision) for wines and cheeses, what items don’t need hashgacha and what items absolutely need hashgacha. We will

Come join our family!Anshei Chesed Congregation

10683 El Clair Ranch RoadBoynton Beach, Florida 33437

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