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ESGC6318 Applications of Demographic TechniquesTest

16 May 2014

Time: 6.15 pm -7.30 pmAnswer all questions (TOTAL 40 MARKS)1. List the three main sources of demographic data and compare the strengths and weaknesses of each of these sources. (4 marks)


Population censusesComplete coverage, suitable for small area analysisLimited information, lack of quality control, not suitable for complex issues, long interval (not up to date)

Demographic surveysComprehensive data, better quality control, suitable for in-depth analysisInsufficient sample size for small area analysis, may have lower response rate, may not be representative of the total population

Vital registrationComplete coverage, up-to-date information, cheaper to collect the informationLimited data for in-depth analysis, will have to combine with population censuses for the denominator in calculating the rates

2. Briefly discuss the information needed for education planning. (3 marks)

Number of school going population by age and geographical distribution (and also ethnicity in Malaysia where different ethnic groups have their own vernacular schools, migration trends, enrolment ratio, transition rate, educational budget, student-teacher ratio, number of trained teachers and schools by level and location.3. Fill up all the blanks in the following table. What is the probability that the marriage is still intact after 5 years? (Hint: Apply life table technique) (3 marks)

Number of women married at base year and subsequent yearsNumber of dissolved marriages Probability of marriage dissolutionCumulative probability of marriage dissolution

< 1 year1200110.0090.009

2 years1189120.0100.019

3 years117770.0060.025

4 years1170140.0120.037

5 years1156

USE MALAYSIAN CENSUS DATA FOR YEAR 2000 TO ANSWER Q4 5 (Go to Forum under Spectrum)Select if sex=2 (female) then crosstab marital status by agegp. Copy and paste percent never married into the template to get SMAM4. Tabulate the marital distribution of women by age group (age5), and calculate the singulate mean age at marriage. (5 marks)

95.17333 1,108 2,608 236 2,372 95 24.9








5. Cross-tabulate employment sector for those aged 20-59 (hint: use select if command) by sex. Interpret the results. (5 marks)

Select if age >19 and age

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