
Anthony Browne has written and illustrated nearly 40 children’s books. © ThinkStock©

Anthony was born in 1946 and grew up near Halifax in a small village called Hipperholme in Yorkshire.

As a child Anthony would spend hours drawing and painting with his father. © ThinkStock©

When he was growing up, Anthony wanted to be a journalist, a boxer or a cartoonist.

He was inspired by his father who had lots of different jobs. He worked as a professional boxer, a pub landlord, a schoolteacher and a soldier. © ThinkStock©

Anthony grew up in his father’s pub. He would often stand on a bar stool and tell stories to the customers about a made up character called Big Dum Tackle.

Anthony was small for his age but he was encouraged to take part in lots of sports (such as rugby, cricket and football). This helped him to fit in at school. © ThinkStock©

After finishing at school, Anthony went to Leeds Art College where he studied to gain a graphic arts degree.

When he graduated from University, Anthony worked as a medical illustrator for three years. He used to eat his lunch in the mortuary! © ThinkStock©

Anthony also illustrated greetings cards for 15 years. One of his cards was the inspiration for the book ‘Gorilla’.

Anthony wrote and illustrated his first children’s book ‘Through the Magical Mirror’ in 1976. © ThinkStock©

Anthony claims that ‘Gorilla’ is based on his own childhood. As a boy, he always wanted a real trumpet for his birthday but got a toy plastic one instead.

‘The Tunnel’ was also based on a childhood experience. Anthony and his brother used to go down a very scary tunnel when they were boys. © ThinkStock©

Anthony is famous for his illustrations. He is particularly noted for including gorillas, as he likes the contrast between their strength and gentleness.

Anthony was asked to present a children’s program about books. He had to sit in a cage with a gorilla but it bit him. So he decided not to take part! © ThinkStock©

In 2000 Anthony received the highest honour any illustrator can receive – the Hans Christian Anderson Award for his services to children’s literature.

Anthony was awarded an Honorary Doctorate in Education from Kingston University in 2005. © ThinkStock©

Anthony was the Children’s Laureate from 2009 – 2011 to celebrate his outstanding achievement in children’s writing and illustration.

Anthony has worked as the illustrator in residence at the Tate Museum and gallery in London. © ThinkStock©

Anthony now lives in Kent and has two grown up sons. © ThinkStock© © ThinkStock©

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