Page 1: Antimicrobial-specific response from resistance gene carriers ......Tomislav Cernava1* and Gabriele Berg1 Abstract Background: Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a major threat to public

RESEARCH Open Access

Antimicrobial-specific response fromresistance gene carriers studied in anatural, highly diverse microbiomeWisnu Adi Wicaksono1, Peter Kusstatscher1, Sabine Erschen1, Tamara Reisenhofer-Graber1, Martin Grube2,Tomislav Cernava1* and Gabriele Berg1


Background: Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a major threat to public health. Microorganisms equipped with AMRgenes are suggested to have partially emerged from natural habitats; however, this hypothesis remains inconclusiveso far. To understand the consequences of the introduction of exogenic antimicrobials into natural environments,we exposed lichen thalli of Peltigera polydactylon, which represent defined, highly diverse miniature ecosystems, toclinical (colistin, tetracycline), and non-clinical (glyphosate, alkylpyrazine) antimicrobials. We studied microbiomeresponses by analysing DNA- and RNA-based amplicon libraries and metagenomic datasets.

Results: The analyzed samples consisted of the thallus-forming fungus that is associated with cyanobacteria as wellas other diverse and abundant bacterial communities (up to 108 16S rRNA gene copies ng-1 DNA) dominated byAlphaproteobacteria and Bacteroidetes. Moreover, the natural resistome of this meta-community encompassed 728AMR genes spanning 30 antimicrobial classes. Following 10 days of exposure to the selected antimicrobials at fourdifferent concentrations (full therapeutic dosage and a gradient of sub-therapeutic dosages), we observedstatistically significant, antimicrobial-specific shifts in the structure and function but not in bacterial abundanceswithin the microbiota. We observed a relatively lower response after the exposure to the non-clinical compared tothe clinical antimicrobial compounds. Furthermore, we observed specific bacterial responders, e.g., Pseudomonasand Burkholderia to clinical antimicrobials. Interestingly, the main positive responders naturally occur in lowproportions in the lichen holobiont. Moreover, metagenomic recovery of the responders’ genomes suggested thatthey are all naturally equipped with specific genetic repertoires that allow them to thrive and bloom when exposedto antimicrobials. Of the responders, Sphingomonas, Pseudomonas, and Methylobacterium showed the highestpotential.

Conclusions: Antimicrobial exposure resulted in a microbial dysbiosis due to a bloom of naturally low abundanttaxa (positive responders) with specific AMR features. Overall, this study provides mechanistic insights intocommunity-level responses of a native microbiota to antimicrobials and suggests novel strategies for AMRprediction and management.

Keywords: Lichen microbiota, Peltigera polydactylon, Antimicrobial resistance, Metagenomic mining, Genomerecovery

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* Correspondence: [email protected] of Environmental Biotechnology, Graz University of Technology,Graz, AustriaFull list of author information is available at the end of the article

Wicaksono et al. Microbiome (2021) 9:29

Page 2: Antimicrobial-specific response from resistance gene carriers ......Tomislav Cernava1* and Gabriele Berg1 Abstract Background: Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a major threat to public

IntroductionAntimicrobial resistance (AMR) is an increasingly ser-ious threat to global public health [1]. New resistancemechanisms are emerging and spreading globally, whichreduces our means to treat common infectious diseasesand therefore increasingly results in prolonged illness,disability, and death [1]. Current research suggests thatthe unexplored diversity of resistance mechanisms in en-vironmental bacteria is a risk factor for the humanpopulation, and not only clinical pathogens that areequipped with AMR [2]. Natural environments are de-scribed as the origins and reservoirs of antimicrobial re-sistance genes (ARGs) [3]. Recent studies primarilyfocused on microbial communities and their ARGs in awide range of human-influenced environments such asagricultural farmland, crop plants, food production sys-tems, and wastewater treatment plants [4–7]. However,to fully understand the evolution, emergence and spreadof antimicrobial resistance, it is crucial to also study nat-ural systems that are not disturbed by anthropogenicfactors.Microbial diversity within natural microhabitats is an

important bioindicator of changes in ecosystem functiondue to disturbances, such as exposure to pollutants, agri-cultural practices, climate change [8], and exposure toantimicrobials (reviewed in [9]). Generally, the effects ofantimicrobials on single microorganisms or small con-sortia are well-known; however, understanding the con-sequences of antimicrobial exposure in complex, host-associated microbiomes is a critical area where more re-search is required. It is important because the changesinduced by antimicrobial exposure can have an immedi-ate effect on host health [9]. Exposure to antimicrobialsubstances can severely impact microbial communitiesand often leads to selection and/or enrichment of ARGs[10, 11]. A recent study by Mahnert et al. [12] demon-strated that loss of microbial diversity, due to cleaning inconfined environments such as intensive care units andcleanroom facilities, correlates with an increase of anti-microbial resistance features. Despite this growing bodyof research that links antimicrobial exposure to changesin microbial communities, the community response toantimicrobial exposure in native environments is not yetunderstood [13].Appropriate models for native microbial communities

as well as for antimicrobial substances are required toobtain mechanistic insights into the effects of antimicro-bial exposure on natural microbiota. Synthetic microbialcommunities are often used to simulate natural systems;however, they are less complex and less diverse and havelower functional connectivity than natural microbiota.Lichens form spatially limited microbial ecosystems con-sisting of a fungus (mycobiont), eukaryotic algae and/orcyanobacteria (photobiont), and thousands of different

bacterial species [14–16]. Lichen-associated bacteriacarry unique functional properties adapted to the holo-biont, such as the production of antimicrobial sub-stances and resistance towards toxic compounds [14, 17,18]. Although many lichens can persist under environ-mental extremes when they are dehydrated, they aregenerally vulnerable to slight changes in their microcli-mate [19], which substantially affects the fine-tunedsymbiotic interplay [20]. We have selected lichens aspromising systems for the exploration of complex,community-level responses of the microbiome to anti-microbial exposure due to their widespread use asmodels for classical symbioses as well as for bio-indication/monitoring approaches [21]. Lichen thalliwere exposed for a defined time period to representativeclinical antimicrobials with narrow (colistin) and broad-spectrum activity (tetracycline) [22, 23]. A bioactivealkylpyrazine was included to represent a novel, non-clinical antimicrobial [24] and glyphosate was includeddue to its wide but controversial use as herbicide withpotential to affect the photobiont as well as non-targetmicroorganisms [25, 26]. Despite its toxicity, colistin isregarded as a last-line antimicrobial for the treatment ofGram-negative multi-resistant bacteria in many regions[27]. Our hypothesis was that all antimicrobials will re-duce bacterial richness, suppress naturally dominanttaxa, and induce (visible) dysbiosis in the lichen symbi-osis. Furthermore, due to different target spectra andmodes of action of the four selected antimicrobial com-pounds, we expected varying responses of the bacterialcommunities and enrichment of taxa with specific resist-ance features.For this purpose, we studied bacterial community re-

sponses in the ‘many-fruited pelt lichen’ Peltigera poly-dactylon (Neck.) Hoffm. during exposure to a fulltherapeutic dosage and a gradient of sub-therapeuticdosages of four antimicrobials (colistin, tetracycline, gly-phosate, alkylpyrazine) by DNA- and RNA-based ampli-con sequencing along with a metagenomic datasetanalyses. Specifically, we addressed the following ques-tions: (i) Is there a specific microbial shift induced byantimicrobial exposure? (ii) Which taxa respond to anti-microbial exposure? And (iii) which genetic reservoir al-lows positive responders to thrive under antimicrobialexposure? Overall, this study provides key insights onhow antimicrobial exposure shapes microbial communi-ties in their natural environments and provides insightsinto the potential consequences of modern antimicrobialoveruse.

Materials and methodsCollection of lichen material and antimicrobial treatmentsPeltigera polydactylon (Neck.) Hoffm. samples were col-lected in the proximate vicinity of a peri-urban area

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(Graz, Austria; 47° 06′ 45.6″ N, 15° 27′ 55.8″ E). Thehealthy lichen population is part of a natural forest land-scape with no industrial zones in the close proximity. Itis located on an elevation and thus not affected by po-tential run-off from surrounding farmland. The samplinglocation represents a relatively pristine environment thatwill be affected by progressing urbanization. All sampleswere visually examined to detect and remove macro-scopic contaminants, such as adhering moss and plantdetritus, with sterile tweezers. Following the initial pre-processing steps, lichen samples (0.5 g dry weight) wereplaced into sterile Petri dishes.Four different antimicrobials including colistin sulphate

(Sigma-Aldrich, USA), tetracycline (Merck, Germany), gly-phosate (commercial herbicide Roundup® Alphée containinga glyphosate concentration of 7.20 g/l; Scotts Celaflor, Mainz,Germany), and an antimicrobial alkylpyrazine (5-isobutyl-2,3-dimethylpyrazine 97%, Sigma-Aldrich, USA) were used. Asantimicrobial dosages could substantially impact the micro-bial community (reviewed in [8]), we selected dosages of theantimicrobials based on previous published studies that rep-resented a full dosage (FD) and sub-therapeutic dosages (SD;5-, 10-, and 20-fold dilution of FD) of each antimicrobial (intotal 16 treatments; Table 1). Aqueous working solutions ofeach antimicrobial were prepared in sterile water as the solv-ent. Lichen samples were treated every 24 h with the antimi-crobials over a period of 10 days by spraying theantimicrobial solutions (approximately 750μL per treatment)onto the surface of the lichens. Negative controls were im-plemented where lichens were sprayed with sterile water.The lichen samples were kept at room temperature. Duringthe experiment, the average relative humidity range was be-tween 58 and 65% (average = 61.8%), whereas the averagetemperature was between 21 and 25 °C (average = 23.1 °C).Each treatment was performed in three biological replicates.After a 10-day incubation period, the samples were immedi-ately transferred into a 15-ml reaction tube with RNAlaterstabilization solution (Ambion, Life Technologies, Germany)and stored at − 80 °C until total nucleic acid extraction.

Total nucleic acid extraction and cDNA synthesisTotal deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid(RNA), from approximately 100 mg of lichen sample,was extracted using the FastDNA™ SPIN Kit for Soil(MP Biomedicals, Germany) and TRIzol® Plus RNA

Purification Kit (Ambion, Life Technologies), respect-ively, following the manufacturer’s instructions. To fa-cilitate cell lysis, the samples were homogenized at roomtemperature using the FastPrep™ Lysing Matrix E and aFastPrep®-24 Instrument (MP Biomedicals, Germany) for3 × 30 s at 6.0 m/s with 1 min in-between cooling onice. The RNA and DNA quality and quantity were exam-ined by using the NanoDrop™ 2000/2000c Spectropho-tometer and Qubit dsDNA BR and Qubit RNA HSAssay Kit (Thermofischer Scientific), respectively. To re-move genomic DNA, total RNA (100 ng) was treatedwith DNase I (Epicentre; Lucigen, USA) and subse-quently used to synthetize complementary DNA (cDNA)using 5X All-In-One RT MasterMix (Applied Bio-logical Materials, Richmond, BC, Canada) according tothe manufacturer’s instructions. Prior further analysis,cDNA was diluted 10 times using nuclease-free water(Carl Roth, Germany).

Quantification of bacteria in lichen samplesQuantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) based on SYBRGreen fluorescence was performed to quantify the totaland active bacterial density after antimicrobial treatmentusing the primer pair 515f–927r [33, 34]. In total, 51DNA and 51 cDNA samples were analysed (three bio-logical replicates of each treatment and concentration).The qPCR reaction mix contained 1 μL DNA/cDNAtemplate, 5 μL KAPA SYBR® FAST qPCR Master Mix(2X) (KAPA Biosystem, USA), 1 μL 10 μM of each pri-mer, and 3 μL ultrapure water. Fluorescence quantifica-tion was performed using the Rotor-Gene 6000 real-time rotary analyser (Corbett Research, Sydney,Australia) with initial denaturing at 95 °C for 10 min,followed by 40 cycles of denaturing at 95 °C for 30 s, an-nealing at 60 °C or 62 °C or 64 °C for 30 s, and extensionat 72 °C for 30 s and a final melting curve. The Unibac-IIfragment [33] was subjected to serial dilution (1:10) andrun in two technical replicates to create qPCR standard.Negative and no-template controls were included inevery run.

Amplicon sequencing-based analyses of active and totalbacterial communitiesExtracted DNA and cDNA were subjected for ampliconpolymerase chain reaction (PCR) to target the bacterial

Table 1 Antimicrobial substances and their dosages used in this study

Antimicrobial Full dosage Sub-therapeutic dosages (n = 3) Reference

Colistin* 300 mg/kg 60, 30, and 15 mg/kg [28, 29]

Tetracycline* 1000 mg/kg 200, 100, and 50mg/kg [30]

Glyphosate 7.2 g/L 1.44, 0.7, and 0.36 g/L [31]

Alkylpyrazine 0.66% 0.13, 0.07, and 0.03% [32]

*The required amount of these antimicrobials was calculated based on fresh weight of lichen thalli

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community. The primer set 515f/926r was used to amp-lify the V4-V5 region of bacterial 16S rRNA gene [35].The primers were constructed to contain an overhang atthe 5′ end that was used to attach barcodes and Illuminaflow cell adapter sequences in the subsequent PCR aspreviously described in the protocols of the Earth Micro-biome Project [36]. Two technical replicates were per-formed for each sample. The quality of the PCRproducts was checked visually by loading to 1% agarosegel electrophoresis and using ultra-violet light withBiorad Universal Hood II Gel Doc System (Biorad,USA). Barcoded PCR products were pooled in equimolarconcentrations after purification using Wizard® SV Geland PCR Clean-Up kit (Promega). The pooled librarywas sent to the Genewiz (Leipzig, Germany) and se-quenced using Illumina MiSeq (v2 reaction kit) (2 × 300bp paired-end).

Bioinformatic analysesDue to low quality of the reverse reads, we only usedforward reads for the amplicon sequencing analysis. Toconfirm robustness of the conducted data analysis, wecompared forward and paired-end read datasets and ob-served a congruent result with both analysis strategies(Table S1 and Table S2). Due to a higher species rich-ness that was observed in the dataset with forward reads(Fig. S1), we decided to exclusively use this dataset forfurther analyses. Bioinformatic analysis of the ampliconsequences was performed using the open-source QIIME2 version 2018.4.0 pipeline ( [37];).Demultiplex raw reads were imported to QIIME2 using‘qiime tools import’. Primer sequences were removedusing the cutadapt plugin [38]. The DADA2 algorithmwas used to quality filter and denoise demultiplexed se-quences [39]. Subsequently, chimeric sequences were re-moved using the DADA2 chimera removal. The resultedamplicon sequences variants (ASVs) were taxonomicallyclassified by using the VSEARCH classifier [40] againstthe reference database Silva v128 [41]. Prior further ana-lysis, all reads assigned to Cyanobacteria and mitochon-dria were removed from the dataset.The herein used metagenomic dataset (MG-RAST ID:

mgm4551030.3) was previously reported [20] in the con-text of screening for arsenic-related functions. It was ob-tained from the same lichen population that was usedfor the present study. The raw data was re-analysed withupdated bioinformatic tools to investigate ecologicalfunction and ARGs diversity in the lichen holobiont.Shotgun metagenomic reads were subjected to adaptertrimming and quality filtering using Trimmomatic andVSEARCH [40, 42]. The filtered reads were used as in-put files for taxonomic profiling using Kaiju [43] and forassembly using metaSPAdes with default parameters[44]. The filtered reads were mapped back to the

assembled contigs using Bowtie2 [45]. The assembledcontigs were annotated using the blastx algorithm inDIAMOND [46] against eggNOG version 4.5 database[47] and the manually curated antimicrobial resistancegene database (deepARG) [48] to perform ecologicalfunction and antimicrobial resistance genes profiling. Tominimize the risk of false positives, reads were definedas ARG-like reads at the cut-off E value of 10−10 andsimilarity of 35% as previously described by [49, 50]. Fea-tureCounts [51] were used to align metagenomic readsto the annotated contigs and to obtain total read num-bers, respectively. Amplicon sequences were deposited atthe European Nucleotide Archive (ENA) under the pro-ject number PRJEB37912.

Statistical analysesThe R version 1.2 (R Core Team, 2017) was used to per-form general statistical analysis and visualize results. Sig-nificant differences (P < 0.05) of bacterial gene copynumbers were analysed using the non-parametricKruskall-Wallis test. The ASV tables and taxonomicclassifications that were generated with QIIME2 wereimported into R via phyloseq [52]. The number of se-quences from each amplicon sequencing library was nor-malized to the lowest number of read counts (1009reads per sample) by randomly selecting subsets of se-quences. A taxonomy summary of the top 100 mostabundant ASV at class level was visualized by using theintegrated bar plots. Differences in microbial alpha di-versity based on the number of identified ASVs and theShannon index were analysed using the non-parametricKruskall-Wallis test followed by the paired differencetest, Wilcoxon signed-rank test. The beta diversity as-sessment based on normalized Bray-Curtis dissimilaritymatrix was subjected to the Adonis test (999 permuta-tions) to determine the effect of antimicrobial exposureand different dosages on microbial community struc-tures. The distance matrices were visualized usingnon-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) plots.The analyses mentioned above were performedusing the R package vegan [53]. We also correlatedtotal and active bacterial community matrix dis-tance through partial Mantel tests (corrected forspatial distance) with 999 permutations. Bacterialgenera associated with each antibiotic treatmentwere identified by LefSe (liner discriminant analysiseffect size) as implemented in MicrobiomeAnalyst[54–56]. The threshold for the linear discriminantanalysis (LDA) was set to 2 with a P value cut-offof 0.05. Finally, the correlation analysis imple-mented in the ggpubr package [57] was used to cal-culate Spearman coefficients for correlationsbetween bacterial genera and different antimicrobialcompounds.

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Complementary quantification of the mcr1 gene by qPCRTo quantify AMR activation of the positive respondersat mRNA level, we performed a targeted qPCR analysisof the mcr1 gene. The mcr1 gene was selected, becauseit is the only known gene that confers colistin resistance.We therefore expected that it is present in lichen-associated bacteria that thrive under colistin exposure.The qPCR experiments were conducted using the pri-mer pair mcr1FP-mcr1RP as previously described [58].A mcr1 standard was obtained from ten-fold serial dilu-tions of the genomic DNA of a colistin-resistant Escheri-chia coli isolate. The isolate is part of the culturecollection of the Department of Internal Medicine, Med-ical University, of Graz. Extracted cDNA from colistin-treated and control samples was subjected to qPCR ana-lyses using the Rotor-Gene 6000 real-time rotary ana-lyser (Corbett Research) with previously describedparameters [58].

ResultsThe Peltigera microbiome and antimicrobial resistancegenesA total of 1.67 × 106 (1.63 × 104 per sample mean) high-quality reads were obtained in the amplicon sequencingapproach. From the metagenomic dataset, a total of 13.9× 106 reads were annotated using the eggNOG database,while a total of 3.04 × 105 reads (0.82% of total reads)was assigned to ARGs using the deepARG database. Ac-cording to the Kaiju classifier, we detected metagenomiccontigs that were classified as Cyanobacteria. Ampliconlibraries were also dominated by Nostocaceae (Cyano-bacteria phylum) sequences. These contigs and the re-spective raw sequences were not evaluated as part of thebacterial community because Nostoc represent the well-studied, homogenous phototobiont in Peltigera, and theycommonly carry only a few distinct ARGs, for examplemtrA (multidrug resistance gene). After filtering non-target taxa, a total of 8.6 × 105 (8.4 × 103 per samplemean) amplicon sequencing reads were retained andassigned to 3124 bacterial ASVs. Comparison betweencommunity assessments on metagenome, DNA ampli-con, and RNA amplicon level revealed that the generalbacterial community structure showed a certain congru-ent at class and order level across the dataset regardlessof different approaches (Fig. 1a–c). Alphaproteobacteriawere the most dominant class in the Peltigera-associatedmicrobiome in the non-treated samples with a relativeabundance (RA) of 29–43%. The other predominantclasses were Bacteroidetes (17–28%), and Gammaproteo-bacteria/Betaproteobacteria (9–17%). Taxonomic ana-lysis revealed four highly abundant orders, i.e.,Rhizobiales (17.6%, average RA from metagenomic andamplicon sequencing dataset), Sphingobacteriales

(12.3%), Sphingomodales (10.3%), and Betaproteobacter-iales (8.7%).We conducted a general functional analysis, which fo-

cused on functions that could directly affect the symbi-osis. In the overall dataset, the majority of metagenomicreads (65%) was assigned to bacterial proteins. Therein,we detected numerous reads (1.4%) assigned to Ton andTol transport systems which are involved in iron uptake.Many of these reads were derived from Sphingomonas,Methylobacterium, and Mucilaginibacter. Genes that areinvolved in vitamin production such as cobalamin bio-synthesis protein and folate metabolism (0.3%) were alsodetected within contigs derived from these taxa. Inaddition, bacterial porin proteins such as carbohydrate-selective porin and aquaporin that may be involved incarbohydrate metabolism and drought stress were alsodetected (0.03%). Using the eggNOG database, we foundthat a high number of bacterial reads (2.6%) wereassigned to defence mechanism function. The majorityof those proteins (25.5%) were annotated as part of anABC-transport system.More specific profiling of antimicrobial resistance

genes in the metagenomic dataset against the deepARGdatabase resulted in the detection of 728 ARGs spanning30 antimicrobial classes (Fig. 1d). Most of the identifiedARGs originated from Proteobacteria (28% of Alphapro-teobacteria and 20% of Beta/Gammaproteobacteria, Fig.S2). A total of 80.5% detected ARGs were classified tomacrolide-lincosamide-stretogramin (MLS) multidrugclasses, bacitracin, beta lactam, and polymyxin. Thisfinding indicated a high diversity, but a low abundance,of ARGs embedded in the lichen metagenome (Fig. 1d).

Responses to exposure to antimicrobials at phenotypeand genotype level (richness and diversity)Antimicrobial treatments resulted in phenotypic changesto the exposed Peltigera thalli. A change of colour fromdrab grey-green to dark brown in lichen samples treatedwith the full dosage of the alkylpyrazine was observedafter 3 days of continuous exposure in comparison tothe control (Fig. S3). A similar phenotypic change wasalso observed in samples treated with the full dosage ofglyphosate after 5 days, which became more obviousafter 8 days of continuous exposure. We did not observea change of colour in lichen thalli that were treated withsub-therapeutic dosages of alkylpyrazine and glyphosateas well as colistin and tetracycline treated samples incomparison to the control during the whole experiment.These changes indicate that the naturally occurringcyanobacteria were negatively affected by the alkylpyra-zine and glyphosate treatments due to algicidal proper-ties of these antimicrobials.Different exposures to antimicrobials and their re-

spective dosages affected bacterial richness (P < 0.001, P

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= 0.010, respectively, Table S3) according to the Shan-non diversity index (H), whereas the assessment type(DNA- or RNA-based amplicons) did not have any effecton the alpha diversity (P = 0.632, Table S3). When ana-lysed separately, each of the employed dosages of alkyl-pyrazine and glyphosate showed no significant changesin bacterial richness when compared to the untreatedcontrol group (P > 0.05, Table S3). In contrast, highlysignificant changes were observed for the colistin andtetracycline treatments (P < 0.001, Table S3). Increaseddosage of these antimicrobial substances resulted in sub-stantially reduced bacterial richness. The highest impactwas observed in the samples exposed to the full dosages

of colistin (H’ = 1.7 and H’ = 1.7—total and active bac-teria, Table S4) and tetracycline (H’ = 1.4 and H’ = 2.5)in comparison to non-treated samples (H’ = 4.3 and H’ =4.3).To investigate the impact of the antimicrobial expos-

ure on the bacterial community structure, beta diversityanalysis was performed using Bray-Curtis matrix dis-tance in combination with Adonis and visualized using anon-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) plot. Theantimicrobial type was found to be the main driver ofthe bacterial community structure (R2 = 0.265, P =0.001, Table 2, Fig. 2a), whereas the other factors, suchas antimicrobial dosage or type of community (total or

Fig. 1 The results of bacterial community (a–c) and antimicrobial resistance gene profiling (d) of the Peltigera-associated microbiome arevisualized in Krona charts and a circle packing plot. The lichen thallus-associated community was assessed with a DNA-based ampliconsequencing, b RNA-based amplicon sequencing, and c shotgun metagenomic sequencing. An AMR profile was obtained by specific assignmentswithin the deepARG database. Different colours indicate specific ARG classes

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active bacterial fraction) only explained a small amount ofthe variation (P = 0.001; R2 = 0.076 and R2 = 0.043, respect-ively). A complementary Mantel test showed a highly signifi-cant correlation of both, the total bacterial community andthe active community (P = 0.001, R = 0.719). This indicateda high congruent between these approaches. When the datawas separated according to the antimicrobial substance, weobserved that antimicrobial dosage in each dataset had asubstantial impact on bacterial community structure (P =0.001, R2 = 0.255–0.571). In ordination space, a clear cluster-ing was observed between treated and non-treated sampleswhere samples that were treated with higher dosage are fur-ther apart from non-treated samples (Fig. 2b–e). A note-worthy result was that a higher impact of antimicrobialdosage was observed in the colistin dataset (R2 = 0.571) com-pared to other datasets.

Antimicrobial exposure induces changes in bacterialcommunity composition without altering bacterialabundancesTo investigate the total and active bacterial abundanceof the lichen-associated bacteria after antimicrobial

exposure, a quantitative polymerase chain reaction(qPCR) approach with specific bacterial primers, target-ing the 16S ribosomal RNA gene was performed. Totalbacterial rRNA gene abundance ranged between 1.02 ×107 and 1.90 × 108 16S rRNA gene copies per ng ex-tracted DNA whereas active bacterial rRNA gene abun-dance ranged between 4.40 × 103 and 6.35 × 104 16SrRNA gene copies per ng extracted RNA (Table S5).Overall, statistical significance tested using the Kruskal-Wallis test showed no effect of antimicrobial treatmenton bacterial abundance (P > 0.05).In order to visualize taxonomic composition of the li-

chen holobiont after antimicrobial exposures, bar plotsshowing the 100 most abundant bacterial ASVs wereconstructed (Fig. 3). Distinct taxonomical changes wereobserved after antimicrobial exposure depending on thetype of antimicrobial and their dosages. Taxonomicalshifts after exposure to colistin were more similar totetracycline exposure whereas glyphosate exposureshowed a more similar taxonomical shift to alkylpyrazineexposure.Most remarkably, the abundances of Pseudomonada-

ceae family (Gammaproteobacteria), increased in re-sponse to colistin exposure. The relative abundance ofPseudomonadaceae gradually increased in response tocolistin exposure which reached up to 79.6% and 80.3%in the total and active bacterial fraction, respectively,when exposed to the full dosage of colistin. In contrast,this taxon represented only 5.9 and 3.3% (total and ac-tive bacterial fraction, respectively) in non-treated sam-ples. A similar pattern was observed after exposure totetracycline where the relative abundance increased upto 49.4% and 31.1% in the treatment with the full dos-age. In contrast, the relative abundances of Sphingobac-teriaceae as well as Sphingomonadaceae decreased tobelow 0.2% and 0.6% after full dosage exposure of theseantimicrobial substances. Taxonomical shifts in the bac-terial families were also observed after alkylpyrazine ex-posure with an increase in Beijerinckiaceae, rangingfrom 26.5% and 20.8% (total and active bacterial fraction,respectively), with the lowest concentration of alkylpyra-zine, to 30.4% and 31.1% in the full dosage, in compari-son to non-treated samples (17.3% and 16.4%). Overall,exposure to antimicrobial substances at different dosagesinduced shifts in the bacterial community structure (Fig.3a, b). Moreover, an indication of microbial imbalancedue to selectively enriched low abundant taxa was ob-served in samples treated with colistin and tetracycline.

Putative roles of the identified bacterial respondersCalculation of linear discriminant analysis effect size(LEfSe) was performed to identify taxa that were signifi-cantly affected by antimicrobial treatments. The analysisindicated that 15 and 12 bacterial genera were affected

Table 2 Effect of antimicrobial treatment, dosages, andsample type (DNA or RNA) on bacterial communitystructure (β-diversity). A complementary statistical analysis wasconducted in order to identify factors with a significant effecton the bacterial community

Factor Microbial community similarities

R2 value P value

All datasets

Antimicrobials 0.265 0.001*

Dosage 0.076 0.001*

Type 0.043 0.001*

Colistin dataset

Dosage (D) 0.528 0.001*

Type (T) 0.069 0.001*

D × T 0.131 0.001*

Tetracycline dataset

Dosage (D) 0.471 0.001*

Type (T) 0.065 0.007*

D × T 0.097 0.087

Alkylpyrazine dataset

Dosage (D) 0.340 0.001*

Type (T) 0.134 0.001*

D × T 0.128 0.011*

Glyphosate dataset

Dosage (D) 0.255 0.001*

Type (T) 0.070 0.001*

D × T 0.099 0.769

*Significant differences (P ≤ 0.05) were assessed with the Adonis test

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in the total and active bacterial community ofantimicrobial-treated and non-treated samples, respect-ively (Fig. S4). Pseudomonas and Curtobacterium wereconsistently enriched under colistin exposure and Bur-kholderia was consistently enriched under tetracyclineexposure (Fig. S4). The analysis also indicated thatMethylobacterium, Acidiphilium, and an unidentified

member of Beijerinckiaceae were consistently enrichedunder alkylpyrazine exposure. In complementary ana-lyses, we statistically examined correlations between therelative abundance of bacterial genera and antimicrobialconcentrations. To minimize spurious correlation, we se-lected only bacterial genera with a relative abundanceabove 2% in the whole dataset. Acidiphilium,

Fig. 2 Community clustering of bacterial composition (total and active bacterial community) in lichens treated with different antimicrobialcompounds is visualized in two-dimensional Bray-Curtis NMDS plots. The plots are based on a all datasets, b colistin dataset, c tetracyclinedataset, d glyphosate dataset, and e alkylpyrazine dataset

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Burkholderia, and Sphingomonas were found to consist-ently negatively correlate to increase dosage of colistinin both, total and active bacterial community. The lattertaxon was also negatively correlated with increasingtetracycline dosage. Several genera, i.e., Acidiphilium,Flavobacterium, Mucilaginibacter, Methylobacterium,and Rhizobium were identified to also negatively correl-ate to increased dosages of tetracycline in the total bac-terial community dataset. We further identified bacterialgenera that were positively correlated to increased anti-microbial dosage in both, the total and the active bacter-ial community (P < 0.05, Fig. 4a, b). The relativeabundance of Pseudomonas was found to correlate to in-creased dosage of colistin and tetracycline in the totaland active bacterial community. Burkholderia was foundto correlate to an increased dosage of tetracycline whileSphingomonas was correlated to an increased dosage ofglyphosate (Fig. 4a, b).To address the question why distinct responders could

thrive under pressure caused by specific antimicrobials,we investigated contigs that were assigned to each of the

responders from the metagenome dataset and comparedthe presence/absence of specific antimicrobial resistancegenes. From the detected ARGs in the Peltigera meta-genome, a network of co-occurring ARGs was con-structed to visualize shared and unique ARGs of theselected responders (Fig. 4c). A high proportion of mul-tidrug resistance and quinolone were shared betweenthe responders. Sphingomonas (n = 102), Pseudomonas(n = 83), and Methylobacterium (n = 69) had a highernumber of multidrug resistance genes in comparison toother responders such as Burkholderia (n = 47) and Rhi-zobium (n = 51). Moreover, a higher number of multi-drug resistance genes in Sphingomonas andMethylobacterium contigs may explain how responderscould thrive during exposure to non-clinical antimicro-bial substances, glyphosate and alkylpyrazine, respect-ively. Despite the high occurrence of shared ARG genes,mcr1, a colistin resistance gene, was detected in Pseudo-monas-derived contigs indicating that this gene may beresponsible for its thriving under colistin exposure.When copy numbers of the mcr1 transcript were

Fig. 3 Relative abundance plot of the top 100 most abundant bacterial families in lichen samples with or without antimicrobial treatment. Adifferential assessment of the a total bacterial community and b active bacterial community was conducted. For each included treatment,antimicrobials at their full dosage as well as three sub-therapeutic dosages were applied

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analysed via qPCR in colistin-treated and non-treatedsamples, significantly (P = 0.007) higher transcript num-bers were found in colistin-treated samples irrespectiveof the dosage in comparison to non-treated samples(Table S6).All positive and negative responders were shown to

carry tetracycline resistance genes. A higher number oftetracycline resistance genes was found in negative re-sponders Mucilaginibacter (n = 19) and Sphingomonas(n = 22) derived contigs in comparison to the positiveresponders, i.e., Burkholderia (n = 3) and Pseudomonas

(n = 4). We also detected tetAB(46) and tetAB(60) thatwas only shared between Mucilaginibacter and Sphingo-monas. These genes encode ABC transporters that con-fer resistance to tetracycline.

DiscussionOur data highlights that the natural microbiome of Pelti-gera comprises highly diverse and low abundant intrinsicARGs, which provide a retrievable basis to cope withantimicrobial pressure. Similar to other relatively pristineenvironments, ARGs were found to be ubiquitous and to

Fig. 4 Correlation analysis between relative abundances of bacterial genera and antimicrobial dosages (a, b) and network visualization of sharedand unique antimicrobial resistance genes (ARGs) from selected bacterial responders (c). Responders (indicated with different colours) are shownin the a total bacterial community and b active bacterial community. Only correlations with P < 0.05 are displayed. The nodes in the network arecoloured according to ARG classes. COL, colistin; TET, tetracycline; GLY, glyphosate; PYR, 5-isobutyl-2,3-dimethylpyrazine

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harbour a high number of different efflux pump systems[13, 59, 60]. In nature, ARGs fulfil various roles and arecommonly involved in processes such as detoxificationand molecular signalling. However, the same mecha-nisms can also serve as an essential feature of nosoco-mial pathogens to overcome high (toxic) antimicrobialconcentrations that are found in clinical settings [59,61]. The high diversity of ARGs that was detected in thepresent study, reflects the natural complexity of micro-bial communities that are commonly associated with li-chens, and have previously been shown to providemetabolic versatility that facilitates plasticity of the li-chen holobiont [13, 62].Our study provides the first detailed insights into

community-level response to antimicrobial exposure in apristine system. In agreement to previous reports and, asexpected, a higher impact of antimicrobial exposure wasobserved on the bacterial community structure com-pared to the bacterial abundance [26, 30]. We observeda specific shift in the taxonomic composition and com-munity structure of native bacteria as a response to anti-microbial exposure. Despite minor variations,comparable and congruent alpha and beta diversity re-sults between DNA- and RNA-based amplicon sequen-cing indicated that both of the approaches reflected howantimicrobial exposure shaped the bacterial community.Both approaches led to the identification of mostly over-lapping responder taxa. Moreover, the similarity betweenthe DNA and RNA approach indicates that the majorityof bacteria in lichen was active. We observed a relativelylower effect after exposure to non-clinical antimicrobialcompounds, i.e., glyphosate and alkylpyrazine despitetheir broad activity spectrum compared to the clinicalantimicrobial compounds, i.e., colistin and tetracycline.This indicated that the bacterial community is more re-silient towards non-clinical antimicrobials. Wehypothesize that the diversity of unspecific multidrug ef-flux pumps that are shared among Peltigera-associated bac-teria may play a major role in the observed resilience.Distinct taxa such as Sphingomonas and Methylobacteriumare equipped with a high number of multidrug resistancefeatures, which are likely important for their resilience to-wards non-clinical antimicrobial compounds. Multidrug ef-flux pumps, especially ABC transporters, are known tocontribute to herbicide resistance [63, 64]. Despite this,there are no studies reporting resistance genes against pyra-zines, producers of these compounds can be frequentlyfound in nature and more specifically in the microbiota ofother lichens [65, 66]. Thus, Peltigera-associated bacteriamay likely encounter these antimicrobial compounds in na-ture whereby multidrug efflux pumps likely provide thebest means for detoxification [61].Certain taxa in the lichen microbiome that naturally

occur in low abundances but are equipped with specific

resistance features, increased in response to colistin andtetracycline. Antimicrobial exposure might have createda temporary ‘biological vacuum’ as a result of the reduc-tion of bacterial diversity and therefore created a newniche for more resilient bacteria (responders) forrecolonization and bloom [67, 68]. Pseudomonas consist-ently increased in response to colistin and tetracycline.The mcr1 gene, which encodes a phosphoethanolaminetransferase, was found among Pseudomonas-assignedcontigs in the metagenomic dataset and provides an ex-planation for the resilience against colistin. The mcr1transcripts were also higher in colistin-treated samplesin comparison to non-treated samples when assessedwith a complementary qPCR approach. This gene con-stitutes the only known mechanism to confer colistin re-sistance by altering antimicrobial-specific binding sites(reviewed in [69–71]). It remains unclear how the posi-tive responders, i.e., Pseudomonas and Burkholderiacould thrive under tetracycline exposure, because nega-tive responders were shown to also harbour tetracyclineresistance genes. Nevertheless, it is worth to mentionthat the presence of genes in a metagenomic library donot necessarily imply their functional expression [72].This is important in the context of our study since wedetected a high number of tetracycline resistance genesin Sphingomonas and Mucilaginibacter despite the ob-served negative effect of tetracycline exposure on theirrelative abundance. Nevertheless, other factors such asincreased bacterial resilience through biofilm formation,the host response and nutrient availability that were notassessed in this study, might be involved in increasedabundance of distinct taxa under specific antimicrobialexposure [73, 74]. Therefore, further studies based onmetatranscriptomic and metaproteomic approaches willbe needed to identify genes, proteins, and pathways thatare associated with bacterial community responses dur-ing antimicrobial exposure.We showed that naturally dominant taxa, such as

Sphingomonas and Mucilaginibacter, were negativelycorrelated to increased concentrations of clinical antimi-crobials. Lichens are known to harbour bacteria withfunctional guilds that play an essential role as probioticsand detoxifiers [18]. Dominant taxa, such as Sphingomo-nas and Mucilaginibacter that encoded for various trans-port machineries, such as Ton- and Tol-dependenttransport as well as porins, are suggested to play import-ant roles in iron metabolism and transport as part of asurvival strategy in the lichen holobiont [14, 75]. Follow-ing antimicrobial exposure, it was observed that the na-tive microbiota may be restored to the initialcomposition; however, the restoration remains often in-complete (reviewed in [76]). Therefore, collateral dam-age of dominant and crucial taxa from prolongedexposure to antimicrobials may disrupt the fine-tuned

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symbiotic interplay in lichens even if they harbour resist-ant taxa. In the present study, we also observed a bloomof low abundant taxa that carry features that are knownto confer colistin resistance. This is relevant in the con-text of potential spread of natural AMRs to clinical set-tings, which currently rely on this antibiotic. Lichensthat cover up to 8% of the total terrestrial surface [77]may be increasingly affected by anthropogenic activitiesin the future such as overuse of antimicrobial substances[78]; the use of antimicrobials for agricultural purposesis predicted to increase at least 99% by 2030 [79]. In-creased antimicrobial pressure in natural AMR reser-voirs may increase the risk for resistance transmission toopportunistic human pathogens [59, 80].

ConclusionLichens are ideal model organisms to mechanisticallystudy how antimicrobial exposure affects native micro-biota due to their well-defined, highly diverse bacterialcolonizers. All antimicrobial substances showed an im-pact on the microbiome and we identified distinct posi-tive as well as negative responders. Microbial dysbiosiscaused by exogenic antimicrobials can result in a bloomof naturally low abundant taxa (positive responders) withspecific AMR features. Bacteria assigned to the generaPseudomonas, Sphingomonas, Burkholderia, and Methy-lobacterium were identified as positive responders; manyspecies of these genera are already well-known nosoco-mial pathogens in clinical environments. The findings ofthe present study indicate that in situ exposure of micro-bial communities can facilitate the identification ofAMR-carriers with resistance features of opportunistichuman pathogens and is thus a valuable tool to exploretheir emergence. Moreover, these and future findingsmay be translatable into new management strategies forAMR-affected environments, e.g., alternating use of dif-ferent antimicrobials in clinical settings to reduce spe-cific antimicrobial pressure that was shown to result in abloom of distinct resistance carriers.

Supplementary InformationThe online version contains supplementary material available at

Additional file 1. Table S1. Comparison of the alpha diversity in forwardand paired-end read datasets. Table S2. Comparison of the beta diversityin forward and paired-end read datasets. Table S3. Effect of antimicrobialtreatment, dosages, and sample type (DNA or RNA) on lichen associatedbacterial richness (alpha diversity) according to the Shannon diversityindex. Table S4. Lichen-associated bacterial richness (alpha diversity) ac-cording to the Shannon diversity index following exposure to antimicro-bial compounds. Table S5. Real time qPCR-based assessment of totalbacterial 16S rRNA gene copy numbers in lichens after exposure to differ-ent antimicrobial substances. Table S6. Real time qPCR-based assessmentof mcr-1 resistance gene copy numbers in lichens after exposure to colis-tin. Figure S1. Rarefaction curves showing the number of ASVs that wereobserved in lichens treated with different antimicrobial compounds.

Rarefaction curves are based on (a-e) the forward-read-only dataset and(f-j) the paired-end read dataset and derived from the (a,f) colistin (b,g),tetracycline (c,h), alkylpyrazine (d,i) and glyphosate (e,j) treatments. FigureS2. Identification of carriers of the detected antimicrobial resistancegenes. The annotation was conducted using the metagenome classifierKaiju and visualized with the integrated bubble plot tool. Figure S3. Phe-notypes of lichen samples that were treated with full dosages of anti-microbial compounds i.e. colistin, tetracycline, glyphosate, andalkylpyrazine in comparison to the untreated control. Representative li-chen samples were documented on day 3, 5 and 8 after the first sprayapplication of the antimicrobial substances. Figure S4. Identification of re-sponders to different antimicrobial compounds by LEfSe (Linear discrim-inant analysis effect size). The analyses are based on (a) the total and (b)the active bacterial community. Only bacterial genera with a LDA scoreabove 2 and cut-off P values below 0.05 were included.

AbbreviationsAMR: Antimicrobial resistance; ARG: Antimicrobial resistance gene; FD: Fulldosage; DNA: Deoxyribonucleic acid; RNA: Ribonucleic acid;cDNA: Complementary DNA; PCR: Polymerase chain reaction; qPCR: Real-time (quantitative) polymerase chain reaction; ASV: Amplicon sequencesvariant; NMDS: Non-metric multidimensional scaling; MLS: Macrolide-lincosamide-stretogramin

AcknowledgementsThe authors gratefully thank Barbara Fetz (Graz) for her support during DNAextractions from lichen thalli. The authors would like to thank Dr. KathrynWalker (University Canterbury) for English revision and discussion.

Authors’ contributionsGB, TC, MG, and WAW conceived and designed the study. WAW, SE, and TRGperformed the laboratory work. WAW and PK performed bioinformaticanalysis. WAW, PK, TC, and GB wrote the manuscript. All authors read andapproved the final version of the manuscript.

FundingThis study was supported by a grant from the FWF (Austrian Science Fund)and the federal state government of Styria to G.B. (P29285-BBL).

Availability of data and materialsRaw sequencing data for each sample used in this study was deposited atthe European Nucleotide Archive (ENA) in the FASTQ format and is availableunder the Bioproject accession number PRJEB37912.

Ethics approval and consent to participateNot applicable.

Consent for publicationNot applicable.

Competing interestsThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Author details1Institute of Environmental Biotechnology, Graz University of Technology,Graz, Austria. 2Institute of Biology, University of Graz, Graz, Austria.

Received: 29 April 2020 Accepted: 16 December 2020

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