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AP Terms: World Wars

Background Causes of WW1

1. NATIONALISM urged people to unite for a common purpose and for others it caused as a breaking force (i.e.: Ethnic minorities living in multinational empires- Ottomans & Austria-Hungary- were seeking independence

2. IMPERIALISM/INDUSTRIALIZATION competing for foreign markets, materials, resources, arms race

3. ALLIANCES formed for protection (i.e.: Triple Alliance & Triple Entente/Allies)

4. MILITARISM many nations trying to compete in foreign lands would increase the strength of their military

Immediate Cause of WW1

1. Assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand (heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne) was killed by a Serbian nationalist

2. Germany pledged support to Austro-Hungary, who declared war on Serbia Russia declared war on France Britain declared war on Germany (alliances)

3. Nationalism, militarism, imperialism …brought in the entire European continent

Total War

= When all of the nation’s resources are dedication to the war effort; both the civilian and military populations mobilize to defeat an enemy

How? Rationing, propaganda, increased women work force

Conscription/draft brought more than 70 million men into the war

Technology of WW1

= Because of technology advancements, WW1 is considered the world’s 1st modern war

Examples: Machine guns and heavy artillery, trench warfare, poisonous gas grenades, gas mask, armored cars, aerial combat, planes, submarines (U-boats),

Result of technology: many cities destroyed (ie: Paris), 10 million military deaths

Results of WW1

1. Cities destroyed, nations destroyed (led to the rise of WW2 leaders)

2. Millions of deaths, injuries, homeless3. Increased nationalism throughout the colonial world4. Some nations broke up (Austro-Hungarian, Ottomans)5. League of Nations was created6. Concept of self-determination (Pres. Wilson- every nation

had the right to choose their own government)

Paris Peace Conference

= Allied nations met in Paris in 1919 after WW1 to discuss peace terms with the Central Powers

Wilson proposed the 14 Points (14th- League of Nations)

Big Four: George of Britain, Clemenceau of France, Wilson of US, Italy

Result : New nations were formed, some were broken up, Germany severely punished, peace was unstable after the treaties

Treaty of Versailles

= The peace settlement negotiated by the Allies with Germany at the end of WW1; it focused on ensuring that Germany would never again be a threat to the security of Europe

Terms of the treaty : war-guilt clause, loss of Germany territory, Rhineland established (demilitarized zone between France & Germany), loss of colonies, had to pay war reparations, disarmament of army

Result: Treaty was viewed as too harsh, Germany faced

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economic depression & the rise of a totalitarian government occurred in the future

League of Nations

= Created after WW1, it was the first permanent international organization dedicated to maintaining peace, suggested by Pres. Wilson (US)

Members: France, GB, Italy, Japan, not the US League promised to upkeep peace (sanctions), but they

had no military force Dissolved in 1946, replaced by the UNITED NATIONS

Mandate System

= An article in the covenant of the League of Nations stated that colonies and territories needed assistance as they prepared for self-government and that more advanced nations would act as guides for the less experienced ones; Influenced by the concept of self-determination

Age of Anxiety

= Period after WW1, when doubt and feelings of uncertainty was cast upon existing ways of life

EXAMPLES: art (EX: Pablo Picasso), science, architecture, psychology (EX: Freud- questioned traditional thinking on moral values, explained human behavior), literature (EX: Hemingway wrote about the destruction of war)

Great Depression

= 1929, an economic depression spread across the world as the US stock market crashed and European countries struggled to rebuild their damaged postwar economies

US lend millions of dollars to other nations during and after WW1

Many nations struggled to repay their debts Surpluses in agriculture & industry overproduction &

falling prices Many nations effected turned to extreme forms of

government for solutions

New Deal

= In response to the Great Depression, Pres. FDR, proposed legislations aimed at economic recovery by providing: relief, recovery and reform

Laws were enacted to protect the banking industry Government helped provide jobs for US citizens New agencies were form to help reform: WPA & CCC

Rise of Fascism

= Emerged in both Italy & Germany in the between war period (WW1 & WW2) because of economic depression and need for strong leaders

FASCISM: extreme nationalism, state control over all aspects of life

ITALY- Mussolini, emphasized the state over the individual and transformed the nation into a totalitarian state

GERMANY- promoted by the NAZI party, added elements of militarism & anti-Semitism, Hitler

Adolf Hitler:Rise to Power

= Rose to power in the 1920s & 1930s, leader of the Nazis, failed to get full control in 1923, but it failed & he was arrested

MEIN KAMF = book written in prison, outlining Hitler’s political views

1933- Appointed CHANCELLOR, put Germany under a totalitarian state, Hitler ignored the Treaty of Versailles, increased the military

NUREMBURG LAWS - anti-Semitic policies

Late 1930s- Hitler took control of Rhineland & Austria

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Adolf Hitler at War

1938- Munich Conference- Hitler promised not to invade Czechoslovakia in return for the Sudetenland (example of APPEASEMENT)

1939- took over Czechoslovakia, invaded Poland (begins WW2)

“Living space”= Hitler argued that Germans need more space by invaded German lands, as well as cleansing the land of inferior people (Jews, Holocaust)

1945- Allies marched on Germany, Hitler took his own life

Benito Mussolini

= Responsible for the establishment of the world’s first fascist state, emerged as a dictator in postwar Italy (which was struggling to recover form the depression)

Promised: economic recovery, addition of land to the Italian empire

Accomplished: suspending people’s liberties, used fear and terror to enforce his will

ROME-BERLIN AXIS - signed between Germany & Italy in 1936, alliance

Italy experienced many losses, he was striped of his power, still supported by Germanys

1945- Captured by the Italian resistance & executed

Joseph Stalin

= Leader after Lenin, “man of steel,” became a totalitarian dictator of the USSR, leader during WW2 and early Cold War

5 YEAR PLAN = program aimed at transforming the Soviet Union from an agrarian economy to a modern/industrialized nation -Set high quotas, focused on industry in the beginning - Quotas not met but Stalin claimed it was a success

COLLECTIVIZATION = government took control of land and created collective farms with the goal of improving agricultural production (result- famine & anger from peasants & kulaks)

GREAT PURGE = period in which Stalin’s opponents were jailed and/or executed

Origins of WW2

1. AXIS POWERS (Germany, Italy, Japan) vs. ALLIED POWERS (France, GB, USSR, CHINA, US)

2. JAPAN’S IMPERIALIST GOALS Japan invades Manchuria & the L.o.N gives warnings Japan withdraws from the League of Nations invades China

3. ITALY’S IMPERIALIST GOALS Italy invades Ethiopia violates L.o.N

4. GERMANY’S IMPERIALIST GOALS Violates Treaty of Versailles by entering the RHINELAND & invading the SUDENTENLAND

5. APPEASEMENT= Western democracies gave in to the demands of the aggressor nations (ie: Japan, Italy, Germany) in an attempt to keep peace

Nazi-Soviet Pact

= A nonaggression treaty signed between Germany & the Soviet Union in 1939 in which the two nations publicly agreed to avoid armed conflict with one another

1941- Germany violated the pact by invading the Soviet Union & took control of the Soviet spheres of influence in the Baltic countries & eastern Europe

Japanese Invasion of China (1937)

=Japan launched a full-scale invasion of China in the hopes of gaining control of China’s extensive natural resources and gained control of China who was ill-prepared to stop it

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= “Lightning war,” Germans invaded Poland unannounced in 1939, their strategy was to be fast and mobile

The sudden success of Germany’s blitzkrieg approach was a shock to the rest of the world (especially France & GB)

Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor

= In an attempt to destroy American naval forces in the Pacific, Japan attacked the US naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, on December 7, 1941

FDR called it, “a date which will live in infamy” Japanese pilots attacked in 2 waves, disabled ships &

aircraft carriers 1941- Hitler & Mussolini declared war on US; US joined


Dropping of Atomic Bomb

= The war in Europe ended in May 1945, but continued in the Pacific. US General MacArthur gained land with his ISLAND-HOPPING campaign, and the decision had to be made whether to use the bombs on the Japanese mainland

1945- 1 st atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima, 2 nd on Nagasaki

US President Truman Soviets declared war on Japan and the combined effort

resulted in the surrender of Japan by Emperor Hirohito in August of 1945

Followed by the US occupation of Japan until 1952

US Occupation of Japan

= US forces, under General MacArthur, occupied Japan after the unconditional surrender of WW2, ended in 1952

1. DEMOCRATIZATION & NEW CONSTITUTION instituted democratic reforms, emperor retained his title but not the military & political power, parliamentary democracy, a diet made the political decisions

2. DEMILITIZATION limited Japan’s military, in 1954 they were allowed to create separate land, sea, and air forces for self-defense

Jewish Holocaust

= Under the Nazi regime, 6 million Jews were killed, in addition to 5 million Slaves, Gypsies, homosexuals, communists and others “undesirables”- a human disaster on a previously unknown scale

GENOCIDE = deliberate killing of an entire race (ie: anti-Semitism)

SS (“action squads”)- carried out killings FINAL SOLUTION = plan to kill all Jews in Europe CAMPS: examples Auschwitz & Belzec, gassing,

experiments, gunned NUREMBERG TRIALS= held after WW2 to try Nazi

war criminals for crimes against humanity

United Nations

= Created at the end of WW2 as a coalition dedicated to maintaining world peace & security. Had more power than the League of Nations, which had been ineffective in preventing WW2

REPRESENTATIVES: US, China, GB, USSR, France Today’s focus: provide humanitarian assistance around

the world

= Cold War was an ideological (war of ideas) war between 2 ideologically opposed superpowers

CONTAINMENT = US pledged to resist the spread of communism (examples: Truman Doctrine & Marshall Plan)

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Cold War: Origins

Division of postwar Germany into 4 occupation zones set the stage for DEMOCRACY vs. COMMUNISM

NATO & Warsaw Pacts = military alliances, increased tensions

SATELLITE NATIONS - created a bloc of communist nations in E. Europe

Both superpowers committed to a NUCLEAR & SPACE race

Iron Curtain: Creation

= First spoken in a 1946 speech by English prime minster, WINSTON CHURCHILL, referred to the symbolic division of Europe after the end of WW2; symbolized the God War between capitalism and communism

Eastern nations influenced by the USSR, Warsaw Pact

Western nations influenced by US BERLIN WALL= 1961 construction began, built to

reinforce the border between East & West Berlin, became a visible symbol of the curtain & Cold War

Nuclear Arms Race

= The struggle between the US & USSR to claim political superiority across the globe that led to an expensive arms race and the proliferation (spreading) of nuclear weapons

Each had intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) to attack one another

DETERRENCE - as long as each side had enough weapons, neither would attack

Mid-1960s- explored the ideas of reducing arms 1972- SALT (Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty)- signed

by the 2 nations, established limits & restraints on their weapon programs

Satellite Nations

= Soviet-occupied nations at the end of WW2: Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Romania. Soviets set up a communist government in Poland

Other nations: Stalin prevented free elections, suppressed noncommunist political parties, creating one-party governments

Satellite nations joined the Warsaw Pact, served as a buffer zone between the USSR & the democratic West

Truman Doctrine

= 1947, by Pres. Truman, it was an economic & military program intended to help nations resist Soviet aggression & prevent the spread of communism, based on the theory of containment

Provided over $400,000,000 in aid to nations committed to the development of democratic governments

Marshall Plan

= Aka, European Recovery Program, a massive economic aid package, part of the containment policy, designed to strengthen democracy & lessen the appeal of communism (developed after WW2)

Over 13 billion dollars was sent to war-torn western European countries to help them recover from the war


= North Atlantic Treaty Organization, established in 1949, as a military alliance of democratic nations against Soviet aggression

GOAL: to form a military alliance to maintain peace through collective defense in postwar Europe

Warsaw Pact

= A defense military alliance of communist nations designed to counter the collective defense formed by the democratic nations of NATO

Original members: USSR, Poland, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria

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Geneva Conference

= Cold War peace conference held in 1954 Vietnam would temporarily be divided at the 17 th

parallel (N (communist leader Ho Chi Minh) vs. S Vietnam (noncommunist control))

Pres. Eisenhower feared the DOMINO THEORY would befall SE Asia (if one fell they all would)

Geneva Agreement required elections, elected Ho Chi Minh

Korean War

= After WW2, Korea, which had been annexed by Japan, was occupied by both the Soviet Union & the US- the USSR north of the 38 th parallel, and the US to the south of it, condemned by the UN

Cease-fire agreement divided Korea in 1953, the nation remains divided by the demilitarized zone

Cuban Missile Crisis

= FIDEL CASTRO, leader of communist Cuba, formed an alliance with Stalin, leader of Soviet Union, after the BAY OF PIGS incident and an attempted assassination by rebels funded by the US

Castro allowed Stalin to build nuclear missile bases in Cuba (90 miles south of the southern tip of the US)

Pres. Kennedy demanded removal of nuclear weapons from Cuba, set up a naval blockade & cut off Cuba until an agreement was reached


= Represented a “third path” an alternative to allying with either the US or the USSR

Nations did not take a side during the Cold War/remained neutral

Examples: India, Yugoslavia, many African nations Goal: to avoid involvement in the Cold War & maintain

& increase economic progress (by accepting economic aid from both sides)


= In the post-WW2 world, mother countries could no long maintain control of their colonies as they attempted to repair their own war-torn lands

Newly independent states struggled to maintain autonomy & develop self-determination in the shadow of the Cold War

More than 90 nations gained independence from the end of the war to 1980

European Community

= Formed in 1957, 6 founding members nations: France, Belgium, West Germany, Luxembourg, Italy, the Netherlands; characterized by a common market & free trade

Signed the TREATY OF ROME= established the European Economic Community, their goal was to dissolve tariffs & increase free trade


= Policy adopted by the Soviet Union & the US during the Cold War in an effort to reduce tensions between the two superpowers over the arms race and control of developing countries

Encouraged: cooperation in the following areas: environmental research, space explorations, health research and cultural diffusion

Vietnam War

= US intervened in the conflict on the side of the noncommunist South Vietnam after the French were defeated

US involvement under presidents: Eisenhower, Kennedy & Johnson sent more than 500,000 troops

US public opinion pressured President Nixon to end the war (Vietnamization)

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1973: US phase of the Vietnam War ended with the Paris Peace Accords, 2 years later the agreements were thrown out & North Vietnam, 1976- the North & South were united in a Communist government

Iran-Iraq War

SADDAM HUSSEIN became the leader of IRAQ & seized control over a disputed border area

Hussein used power to invade IRAN (1980); his goal was to have a quick victory over Iran & a pan-Arab movement throughout the Middle East

War last 8 years & killed 1 million soldiers The US got involved when both sides attacked OIL

tankers in the PERSIAN GULF PERSIAN GULF WAR: 1991, Iraq invaded KUWAIT

and seized control of oil fields. The US, leading a coalition of UN’s forces, intervened & liberated Kuwait


= Interdependence & interconnection of world economies GOAL: a global economy to facilitate the movement of

goods & trade, associated with the term free trade (trade unrestricted by state limits as it crosses borders)

IMF (International Monetary Fund)= 1944, promote free trade & increase growth rates of nations

NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement)= concluded in 1993, the US, Canada, & Mexico- created the world’s 2nd largest free-trade zone


= Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, organization of producers of oil established in 1960

GOAL : to control the price of oil through cooperation Members: Abu Dhabi, Algeria, Ecuador, Gabon,

Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Kuwait, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela

Power lessened in the 1980s as a result of overproduction and the Iran-Iraq and Gulf Wars

Iron Curtain: Demise

1989- Berlin Wall was opened, allowing people to travel freely from east to west. Soon the entire wall was torn down, symbolizing the end of the Cold War

With the end of the Cold War, democracy spread across Eastern Europe, and the Iron Curtain that had for so long represented the symbolic division of Europe no longer existed

Green Revolution

= New methods of farming were introduced in many developing countries, most notably India, to increase the production of staple crops such as rich & wheat

Revolution in agriculture that developed new plan varieties & improved farming techniques (fertilizers, pesticides, irrigation systems, machinery)

Impacted : population growth & food production


= The killing of a specific group of people based on specific ethnics, religious, or racial characteristics

Examples: Holocaust, Ethnic cleansings (Bosnia), Rwanda (Hutus & Tutsis), Cambodia, Armenia

1948- the UN adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights- states the rights that all human beings are born with, the UN has put on trial those who have violated the declaration


= Women made up 40 5o 50 % of workforce in industrialized societies, 20% in developing countries. Jobs characterized as “women’s work”: teaching, clerical work

Discrimination in the workplace was a catalyst for the women’s movement

Fought for control over their own bodies (birth control, abortions)

US Civil Rights Act of 1964 forbids discrimination

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based on sex or race

Global Problems

1. POVERTY (unequal distribution of basics- food, water, shelter)

2. TRAFFICKING (women, children, drugs, forced into servitude)

3. HIV/AIDS (infection spread through infected blood, especially problematic in African countries b/c medicine is expensive)

4. TERRORISM (deliberate use of unpredictable violence, especially against civilians, to gain revenge or achieve political goals


= Nongovernmental Organizations, a group that has no connection to a government; not funded by a government

Examples: UN, Red Cross, Greenpeace

Machine Gun

= A weapon invented by Maxim in 1884, could fire 400 to 600 rounds per minute, used as a defensive weapon during WW1

Used as an offensive weapon when mounted on aircraft, tanks & other vehicles

Improvements were made on later models, 1918 the machine gun was operated by one man and was portable

Commercial Cellular/Mobile Phones

= Developed the radio technology from WW2, cell phones are divided into 4 generations to mark changes/technological developments

Communication increased Information/data services improved


= After the Soviet’s launched Sputnik, it led the US to fund technology research, which eventually led to the creation of the Internet

“Network of networks”- linked, carried a vast array of information resources & services, most notably the inter-linked hypertext documents of the World Wide Web (WWW), electronic mail

Estimated population of Internet users was 1.8 billion as of 2009

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