
2. MOBILE APPS ARE THE FUTUREpeople use apps 127 min/day (more than web) apps constitute 67% of all mobile revenues $74B in revenue + 310B installs by 2016 3. BUT KEEPING YOUR CUSTOMERS AROUND IS INCREDIBLY DIFFICULT 54/43/35% retention 1/2/3 months post-install41+ apps vying for your attentionmore difficult to engage on Android 4. FEW APP MAKERS HAVE CRACKED THE CODEapp makers lack time, expertise and tools apps must stand out among 775K+ otherseconomics favor the big guys 5. AS THE INDUSTRY EVOLVES, METRICS ARESHIFTING app installs monthly active users cost per install lifetime value acquisitionretentiondataactionable analytics 6. THIS PLACES A PREMIUM ON BUILDING CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIPS relationships start at the moment of installthey require active nurturing and management they force you to think long-term 7. TO SUCCEED IN 2013, RETHINK YOUR PRIORITIESbuild a great product that solves a real needacquire users without breaking the bank make customer engagement part of your core 8. 1. UNDERSTAND YOUR CUSTOMERSget to know them via emailreview basic app analyticstake advantage of social profilesanalyze key app usage flows 9. 2. SEGMENT THEM INTO DIFFERENT GROUPSonboarding + first impressionsgeneral product usage industry-specific objectives 10. 3. ENGAGE THEM ACROSS MULTIPLE MARKETINGCHANNELS avoid one-size-fits all solutionstry different tools for different use casesbe creative with your approach 11. TOOLSUSE MESSAGING TO START CONVERSATIONSpush notifications effective but risk fatigue in-app messages a less intrusive alternativeemail overlooked but high performer 12. HANDLE ISSUES VIA CUSTOMER SUPPORT cost-of-entry for mobile apps effective way to detect and resolve problems prevents negative app store reviews 13. MONITOR SOCIAL MEDIAstep outside the boundaries of your app keep a pulse on conversations about you amplify word of mouth + loyalty 14. KEEP THINGS FRESH WITH CONTENT MARKETING great content is a valuable reason to come backregular editorial schedule incentivizes habitmust be authentic or well-curated to workSource: Curata 2012 15. OPTIMIZE AGAINST A FEW KEY METRICS choose 3-4 key metrics to trackfocus on outreach that moves the needle iterate, iterate, iterate 16. WHAT ELSE ARE INDUSTRY INSIDERS THINKING ABOUT? lifetime value of customersreducing friction in monetizationmobile apps vs. mobile web vs. desktop web 17. APPBOY HAS A HOLISTIC APPROACH TO MOBILE APP ENGAGEMENThelps you engage, retain and monetize customersrobust offering combines multiple SDKs into one integrates with third-party CRM toolslets you focus on what you do best 18. APPBOY: CUSTOMER PROFILE 19. APPBOY: CUSTOMER SEGMENTATION 20. APPBOY: MESSAGING (PUSH / IN-APP / EMAIL) 21. APPBOY: CUSTOMER SUPPORT 22. APPBOY: HOOTSUITE SOCIAL INTEGRATION 23. APPBOY: CONTENT MARKETING 24. APPBOY: CROSS-PROMOTION 25. TALK TO USCezary PietrzakDirector of [email protected]@appboy

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