
Appendix 1. Notation

Latin alphabet

Symbol Description

a A b b B BT C

d e,ea



E Eu f,/k fkl


A F F,Fk

(Fk )v Fkl

current sheet half-thickness vector potential of a magnetic field current sheet half-width perturbation of a magnetic field magnetic field tangential magnetic field speed of light thickness of non-adiabatic region electric charge unit vector from the curvature centre energy of a particle electric field electric field in the plasma rest-frame averaged distribution function for particles of kind k binary correlation function triple correlation function exact distribution function for particles of kind k complex potential force mean force per unit volume force density in the phase space


Introduced in Section (Formula)

6.3 4.4 6.3

16.1 1.1

11.2 4.1

18.1 1.1 4.2 4.1 1.1 7.3 1.2 2.2 2.3 2.2 9.2 1.2 7.1 2.2

596 Appendix 1

F' fluctuating force 2.1 9 velocity-integrated correlation function 2.5 g gravitational acceleration 4.1 G gravitational constant 1.1 G energy flux density (1.41 ) h magnetic field gradient 4.4 h magnetic field at a wave front 15.1 H Hamil tonian 18.2 1£ magnetic helicity 21.1 Ha Hartmann number 15.2 j electric current density 1.1 j' current density in plasma the rest-frame 7.3 .q Jk current density due to particles of kind k 7.1 jk particle flux density in the phase space 2.4 J electric current 14.3 k friction coefficient 1.2 k wave vector 10.1 K curvature of a magnetic field line 18.2 K kinetic energy of a particle (4.92)

current sheet length 21.2 L magnetic trap length 4.3 L(T) radiative loss function 21.2 m magnetic dipole moment 9.4 m,ma particle mass 1.1 M mass of star 14.1 M magnetic moment of a particle 4.2

magnetic energy of a system 14.1 n,nk number density 6.1 n unit vector along a magnetic field 4.1 Nk number of particles of kind k 1.2 P plasma pressure 7.2 Pk gas pressure of particles of kind k 7.1 Pm magnetic pressure 10.1 Pa{3 pressure tensor 7.1 p particle momentum 4.1 P generalized momentum 4.3 q generalized coordinate 4.3

electric charge lS.l

Notation 597

q heat flux density 7.2 qk heat flux density due to particles of kind k 7.1 Qk rate of energy release in a gas of particles of kind k 7.1 r D Debye radius 6.2 r L Larmor radius 4.1 r radius vector 1.1 ra coordinates of ath particle 1.1 R radius of star 9.4 R.l guiding centre spiral radius 4.2 n rigidity of a particle 4.1 R guiding centre vector 4.2 Re Reynolds number 8.2 Rem magnetic Reynolds number 8.2 s entropy per unit mass 8.1 T temperature 8.1

kinetic energy of a macroscopic motion 14.1 TB period of the Larmor rotation 4.2 Ta/3 Maxwellian stress tensor 7.2 U relative velocity 4.1

velocity of the centre-of-mass system 7.3 "local Alfven speed 10.1 electric current velocity 16.3

Ue mean electron velocity 7.3 Ui mean ion velocity 7.3 Uk mean velocity of particles of kind k 7.1 U interaction potential 6.1

volume of a fluid particle 9.2 specific volume of a magnetic tube 14.3

Uth thermal energy 14.1 U velocity of the moving reference frame 11.2

shock speed 12.1 v macroscopic velocity of a plasma 8.1 V,Va particle velocity 1.1 Vd drift velocity 4.1 Vn normal component of the velocity 11.2 Vx velocity orthogonal to a discontinuity surface 11.1 v' deviation of particle velocity from its mean value 7.1 Vr tangential velocity 11.1

598 Appendix 1

vII velocity component along the magnetic field lines 4.1 Vi. transversal velocity 4.1 V velocity of the plasma flow 21.2 Va gradient of the Alfven speed 16.1 VA Alfven speed 8.3 Vgr group velocity of a wave 10.1 V ph phase velocity of a wave 10.1

Vs sound speed velocity 10.1 VTe mean thermal velocity of electons ( 4.88) VTi mean thermal velocity of ions (4.87) VTp mean thermal velocity of protons (4.89) V± speed of a fast (slow) magnetoacoustic wave 10.1 W probability density 2.1 W,Wk heat function per unit mass 7.1 W energy density of an electromagnetic field (1.40) x ionisation degree 21.2 X phase space 1.2 Z ion charge number 6.2


Greek alphabet

Symbol Description


>. InA 1/


parameter of the magnetic field inhomogeneity parameter of the electric field inhomogeneity coefficient in an expulsion force dimensionless parameter of ideal MHD ratio of specific heats 6N -dimensional phase space dimensionless parameter of ideal MHD mean kinetic energy of a chaotic motion dimensionless parameter of ideal MHD dimensionless electric field small parameter of expansion second viscosity coefficient interaction parameter plasma parameter first viscosity coefficient (dynamic viscosity) pitch-angle angle between a wave vector and the magnetic field classical electron conductivity mean free path Coulomb logarithm collisional frequency kinematic viscosity electron-ion mean collisional frequency mean collisional frequency neutral-ion mean collisional frequency magnetic diffusivity column depth displacement of a current sheet dimensionless longitudinal magnetic field dimensionless transverse magnetic field displacement of the medium


Introduced in Section (Formula)

4.2 4.2

15.3 8.3

11.1 2.1 8.2 7.2 8.3

18.1 19.3 8.1 2.4 2.4 8.1 4.1

10.1 6.3 6.1 6.1 6.1 8.1 7.3 7.1

21.2 8.1 6.3

19.3 18.1 18.1 16.1

600 Appendix 1

(k) 7ro.{3 viscous stress tensor 7.1 II work against the Lorentz force 20.4 II~{3 total momentum flux density tensor 8.1 P plasma mass density 7.1 Pk mass density for particles of kind k 7.1 pq electric charge density 1.1 p~ charge density due to particles of kind k 7.1 P rotational motion vector 4.2 0' isotropic electric conductivity 7.3 O'H Hall conductivity 7.3 0'11 conductivity parallel to the magnetic field 7.3 0'.1 conductivity perpendicular to the magnetic field 7.3

v O'o.{3 viscous stress tensor 8.1 T characteristic time scale 4.2 Tee electron collisional time 6.3 Tei electron-ion collisional time 6.3 Tii ion collisional time 6.3 Tr reconnect ion time scale 22.4 </> gravitational potential 1.1 <p electrostatic potential 6.2 <p angle in the spherical frame 9.4 </>,cp angle in the cylindrical frame 14.2 CPk deviation of the exact distribution function

from an averaged distribution function 2.2 <P magnetic flux 9.2

stream function 9.4 X defle~tion angle 6.1 'lj; angle to the x axis 9.4

potential of an electric current 15.3 W potential of a current-free magnetic field 8.3 W wave frequency 10.1 Wo wave frequency in a moving frame of reference 10.1 wB cyclotron or Larmor frequency 4.1 Wpl electron plasma frequency 6.2 n gravitational energy 14.1 w vector of angular velocity 15.1

Appendix 2 Useful Expressions

Some important characteristics of cosmic plasma

Source formulae Larmor frequency of a non-relativistic electron (4.11), (4.85)

Larmor frequency of a non-relativistic proton (4.86)

w~p) ~ 9.58 X 103 B (G), rad s-l .

Larmor radius of a non-relativistic electron (4.14), (4.93)

(e) = CPl. ,...., 5 69 10-8 V (cms- l ) ~ eB,....,· X B(G) , cm.

Larmor radius of a non-relativistic proton (4.14), (4.95)

(p),...., 1 04 10-4 v (cms- l ) r L ,....,. x B(G) , cm.

Mean thermal velocity of electrons ( 4.88)

VTe = (3k~~e y/2 ~ 6.74 X 105 J Te (K), cm S-1 .

Mean thermal velocity of protons (4.89)



Larmor radius of non-relativistic thermal electrons

(e) = VTe '" 3 83 10-2 JTe (K) r L w~e) "'. X B(G) , cm.

Larmor radius of non-relativistic thermal protons

(p) = VTp '" 1 64 J Tp (K) r L w~p) "'. B (G) , cm.

Drift velocity

c F x B Vd=- --.

e B2

Magnetic moment of a particle on the Larmor orbit

M = ! JS = eW B r{ = pI _ &.1 . c 2c 2mB B

Debye radius (Te = T, Ti = 0 or Te » 11)

( k T )1/2 r - _B_ D - 41Tne2

Appendix 2






Debye radius in electron-proton thermal plasma (Te = Tp = T) (6.75)

, cm.

Coulomb logarithm

Electron plasma frequency

w~:) = (4":: n, y/2 '" 5.64 X 10' ,;n;" rad s~ 1 Thermal electron collisional time

2 v,3 V 3 me Te -20 Te

Tee = 0.714 e481T In A ne ~ 4.04 x 10 ne s.




Useful Expressions 603

Thermal proton collisional time (6.73)

2 TT3 TT3 mp v Tp -13 v Tp

'Tpp = 0 714 48 1 A - ~ 1.36 x 10 -. e1rn np np s .

Electron-ion collision (energy exchange) time Section 6.3

. (") _ memi [3kB (Te/me + Ti/mi) ]3/2 ~l ~ - 2 / e; ei ( 61r)1 2 8 In A

Time of energy exchange between electrons and protons (6.39)

'Tep (e) ~ 22 'Tpp ~ 950 'Tee .

Dreicer field (6.78)

E = 41re3 lnA ne ~ 6.54 x 10-8 ne V cm-1 . Dr k T. T. ' Bee

Conductivity of magnetized plasma Section 7.3.2

2 e n 8 -3) ( 1 all = a = - 'Tei ~ 2.53 x 10 n (cm 'Tei s), s- , me

a.l=a 2' 1 + (w~e) 'Tei)

w(e) To • B el 1

Magnetic diffusivity (or viscosity) (8.24)

c2 19 1 2 1 l/m = -- ~ 7.2 x 10 - cm s- .

41ra a

Magnetic Reynolds number (8.36)

L2 vL Rem =--=-

l/m'T l/m

Alfven speed (8.63), (8.84)

V B 218 1011 B cm S-1 . A = J41rp ~. X ..;n ,

Lundquist number Section 17.1.3

( ) VAL NL = Rem VA,L = --.



Sound speed in electron-proton plasma

( )1/2

Vs = '9 ~ ~ 1.66 X 104 J T(K) ,

Electric field in magnetized plasma

1 E ~ -vB ~ 10-8 v (cm s-I)B (G), V cm-1 .


Appendix 2



Appendix 3. Constants

Fundamental physical constants

Speed of light c 2.998 x 1010 cm s-l Electron charge e 4.802 x 10-10 CGSE Electron mass me 9.109 x 10-28 g Proton mass mp 1.673 x 10-24 g Boltzmann constant ks 1.381 x 10-16 erg K-1

Gravitational constant G 6.673 x 10-8 dyne cm2 g-2 Planck's constant h 6.625 x 10-27 erg s

Some useful constants and units

Ampere (current) A 3 X 109 CGSE Angstrom (length) A 1O-8 cm Electron Volt (energy) eV 1.602 x 10-12 erg

eV 11605 K Gauss (magnetic induction) G 3 x 1010 CGSE Henry (inductance) H 1.111 X 10-12 s2 cm-1

Ionization potential of hydrogen 13.60eV

Joule (energy) J 107 erg Maxwell (magnetic flux) M 3 X 1010 CGSE Ohm (resistance) n 1.111 x 10-12 s cm-1

Tesla (magnetic induction) 104 Gauss Volt (potential) V 3.333 x 10-3 CGSE Watt (power) W 107 erg s-l Weber (magnetic flux) Wb 108 Maxwell



Some astrophysical constants

Astronomical unit AU Mass of the Sun M 0

Mass of the Earth ME Solar radius R0 Solar surface gravity 9 0

Solar luminosity L 0

Mass loss rate M 0

Rotation period of the Sun T 0

1.496 X 1013 em 1.989 x 1033 g 5.98 X 1027 g 6.960 X lOlD em 2.740 x 104 em s-2 3.827 x 1033 erg S-l

1012 g s-l

26 days (at equator)

Appendix 3


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abundance elements, 92, 558, 563

acceleration by electric field, 112, 184, 402,

411, 435, 485, 574 by Langmuir turbulence, 485 by magnetic inhomogeneities,

98, 316 by MHD turbulence, 99 by shock waves, 99, 315, 484

diffusive, 316 drift, 321

by waves, 123 electrons, 113, 114, 127, 131,

463, 469, 475, 476 Fermi, 98, 124, 127, 221, 332 guiding center, 89 in current sheet, 112, 402, 463 in solar flares, 56, 99, 114, 476,

484 ions, 113, 115, 329, 477 particle, 2, 8, 13, 98, 151, 402,

464 protons, 99, 326 regular, 402, 476 stochastic, 98, 123, 476

accretion disc, 133, 154, 214, 374 black hole, 216, 217, 366

active galaxy, 2, 133, 154, 216, 221, 366

active region, 3, 102, 349, 493, 545


adiabatic cooling, 98 adiabatic invariant, 92

first or transversal, 94 second or longitudinal, 97, 332 third or flux invariant, 100

adiabatic process, 262 adiabatic theory

accuracy, 101 advection, 154, 173, 217 Alfven, 1, 222, 252, 367 Alfven discontinuity, 282

propagation order, 302 Alfven soliton, 134 Alfven wave, 133, 251, 282, 367 Alfven wave, 299 Ap star, 345 approximation

adiabatic or drift, 105, 470 binary collisions, 36 CGL, 133, 188 cold ions, 145, 147 collisionless, 140, 536 diffusion, 126 force free, 582 hydrodynamic, 65 ideal MHD, 392 isotropic conductivity, 188 kinetic, 66 large mag. Reynolds number,

209, 383, 547 line tying, 578


magnetostatic, 212, 349, 493 non-relativistic, 79, 94, 200 small displacement, 214, 238 small mag. Reynolds number,

209, 369, 375, 549, 553 stationary, 213, 266, 363, 551 strong magnetic fi~ld, 185,211,

255, 390, 446, 461 strong-field-cold-plasma, 213, 225,

234, 395 two-dimensional, 227, 578 two-fluid, 181 two-temperature, 221 weak Coulomb interaction, 37,

143 weak magnetic field, 185, 211,

216 WKB, 494, 507

atmosphere solar, 41, 102, 113, 140, 142,

145, 213, 257, 302, 347, 369

averaged force, 32, 42, 167

binary interaction, 30 black hole, 133, 154, 189, 216, 366 Boltzmann law, 143 boundary conditions, 8, 284

ideal MHD, 266 isolated groups, 264, 295 linearized, 293 on current sheet, 510

boundary layer, 372, 578 bremsstrahlung, 60, 142, 148, 153 bump-on-tail instability, 120

catastrophe theory, 543 catenary, 76 centrifugal force, 90


charge neutrality, 145, 188 Cherenkov condition, 134, 260 chirality, 557, 575 chromospheric evaporation, 99 Clebsch variables, 244 collapse

gravitational, 344 magnetic, 409 star, 243, 344

collapsing magnetic trap, 99, 327, 485

collective phenomena, 46, 146 collision

between neutrals and ions, 556 characteristic time, 141, 172,

179 close, 138, 163 Coulomb, 8, 51, 137 cross-section, 138 distant, 40, 138, 163 frequency, 142 mean free path, 139

collisional integral, 15, 28, 32, 46, 167

Landau, 39, 47, 52 collisional time

between electrons, 146, 164 between electrons and ions, 147 between ions, 147, 221

collisionless plasma, 117, 284 complex potential, 233 conditions

boundar~ 8, 266, 284 isolated groups, 295 linearized, 293

electrodynamic continuity, 267 evolutionarity, 293, 300 initial, 8, 226, 235

conductivi ty


anisoptropic, 195 electric, 181, 518, 553 Hall, 184, 576 isotropic, 185, 188, 198 parallel, 195 perpendicular, 184, 576 thermal, 202

conform mapping, 233, 244 conservation law

energy, 17, 178,263,266 magnetic flux, 204, 208, 582 magnetic helicity, 547 mass, 263, 266 momentum, 176, 202, 263, 266 particles, 11

contact discontinuity, 269 evolutionarity, 300

continuity equation, 226 electric charge, 7 for particles of kind k, 170 for plasma, 176, 396 in phase space, 11 Lagrangian form, 234, 396

convective current, 189 convective instability, 355 cooling

adiabatic, 98 by heat flux, 150 radiative, 149, 550

coordinates doubly Lagrangian, 240 generalized, 19, 92, 472 Lagrangian, 239, 395 polarized, 121

cork ratio, 96 coronal heating, 257, 545, 548, 565 coronal mass ejection, 2, 102, 152,

356, 478, 484, 576 coronal transient, 2, 102, 486, 576

correlation function binary, 30, 33 triple, 36, 43

corrugational instability, 314 cosmic rays, 78, 318, 321


Coulomb collision, 8, 24, 51, 137 Coulomb logarithm, 39, 142, 145,

164 cumulative effect, 390, 394, 403 current

conductive, 199, 401 convective, 189, 199 direct, 41, 66, 105 displacement, 199, 401 field-aligned, 571 interruption, 572 reverse, 41, 65, 105, 163, 398,

491 current sheet

energy, 416 evolutionarity, 515 formation, 416 high-temperature turbulent, 151,

329,463 interplanetary, 440 neutral, 112, 237, 433, 517,

533, 555 non-adiabatic thickness, 470 non-neutral, 440, 519

electrically, 113, 480 magnetically, 113, 464, 475

reconnecting, 105,236,487,517 splitting, 487

curvature magnetic field line, 89

cyclotron or Larmor frequency, 77, 113



Alfven wave, 256 collisional, 146 Landau, 39, 120 transit-time, 127

de Broglie wavelength, 115 Debye radius, 44, 143, 162, 193 density

change, 396 charge, 176, 189

in MHD, 199 current in MHD, 199 energy flux, 18, 201, 207

friction, 202 heat, 202

magnetic field energy, 211, 223, 270, 329

mass, 168 momentum flux, 203 number, 168 particle flux in phase space, 12 plasma, 239 probability distribution, 26 spectral, 124

description exact, 16 kinetic or microscopic, 9, 167 macroscopic, 9, 167 statistical, 17

diamagnetic effect, 86 differential rotation, 368 diffusion

pitch angle, 122 diffusivity

magnetic, 205, 492 dimensionless parameters, 82, 210 dipole moment, 237 direct current, 41, 66, 105 discontinui ty

Alfven or rotational, 282


evolutionarity, 300 boundary conditions, 284

hydrodynamics, 262 ideal MHD, 266 linearized, 293

classification, 265 contact, 269, 306 evolutionary, 291, 489, 588 non-evolutionary, 291, 489, 587 shockwave, 261, 264, 272 small perturbations, 291 switch-off wave

evolutionarity, 300 switch-on shock

evolutionarity, 300 tangential, 255, 264, 270, 306,

314, 364, 587 transitional, 284 weak, 306

discontinuous flow, 247 discontinuous solutions

continuous transitions, 282, 302 dispersion equation, 249, 313; 494,

525, 531 displacement

antisymmetric, 580 magnetic footpoints, 545, 580

dissipation dynamic, 402, 411, 458 Joule, 151, 187, 206, 402 magnetic helicity, 549

dissipative wave, 300, 496 distribution function, 10

averaged, 22, 30 bump-on-tail, 96, 120 exact, 16, 21, 28 Maxwellian, 179 non-equilibrium, 96

double layer, 572


Dreicer field, 161, 165, 410 drift

curvature-dependent, 90 electric, 80, 88, 105, 108, 467 gradient, 88, 108 gravitational, 81, 88 inertial, 89 non-magnetic force, 80

drift shell, 100 Dungey, 389 dynamic chaos, 471 dynamic dissipation, 400, 411, 458 dynamic friction, 155

gravitational, 165 dynamical trajectory, 24 dynamo

gravitomagnetic, 219 magnetic, 211, 216 photospheric, 374, 560

Earth's magnetic field, 78, 100, 101 electric circuit, 572 electric conductivity

anisotropic, 184 isotropic, 181, 518

electric drift, 80, 88, 105, 108 electric field, 5, 113

Dreicer, 161 generation, 104, 416 in MHD, 199 in moving plasma, 198 reverse current, 163

electric neutrality, 43, 182, 188 electric resistivity, 205 electric runaway, 410 electron resonance, 539 energy conservation law, 172, 178,

263, 539


energy flux density, 18, 201, 207, 223

energy surface, 474 enthalpy

specific, 173, 201, 285 entropy, 202 entropy wave, 251, 295, 299, 495 equation

biharmonic, 379 continuity, 7,11,170,176,191,

226,396 correlation function, 33, 35 diffusion, 40, 587 diffusion-convection, 317 dispersion, 249, 313, 494, 525 Fokker-Planck, 40, 47, 131 freezing-in, 208, 226, 396 Grad-Shafranov, 577 guiding center motion, 85, 87 heat transfer, 202 kinetic, 28, 33, 167, 536 Langevin, 48 linear oscillator, 112, 192 Liouville, 13, 21 motion, 75, 109, 191,200,202,

232 oscillator, 467 Poisson, 44, 143 state, 202

linearized, 248 perfect gas, 173, 178

Vlasov, 37, 117, 536 wave, 393

equations autonomous, 308 Einstein, 203, 224 Hamilton, 19 hydrodynamic, 178 ideal MHD, 207, 209, 266


linearized, 248, 392 magnetic field line, 230, 582 Maxwell, 5, 38, 118, 199 MHD, 197 Newton, 6 particle motion, 6 transfer, 124, 168, 174, 207

equilibrium MHD, 339 thermodynamic, 41, 143, 173

Euler potentials, 244 evolutionarity

Alfven discontinuity, 300 conditions, 293, 300, 490 consequences, 300 contact discontinuity, 300 continuous transitions, 302 criterion, 510 current sheet, 490, 515 definitions, 291 fast shock wave, 299, 490 slow shock wave, 299, 490 switch-off shock, 300 switch-on shock, 300 tangential discontinuity, 300

exact distribution function, 16, 21, 28

expulsion force, 375

Fermi acceleration, 98, 124, 127, 221, 332

field constant homogeneous, 75 slowly changing weakly inho­

mogeneous, 83, 92 weakly inhomogeneous, 82

fire-hose instability, 133 flare

accretion disc, 220

avalanche model, 545 chromospheric, 3 electron-dominated, 131 in cosmic plasmas, 2


solar, 2, 56, 60, 95, 99, 114, 127, 130, 148, 163, 220, 302, 356, 389, 416, 452, 463, 469, 549

spaghetti model, 545 stellar, 2 topological trigger, 476 turbulent cascade, 127, 546

fluid particle, 232, 238, 395 Fokker-Planck equation, 40, 47, i31 force

Archimedean, 357, 375 averaged, 32, 42 binary, 29 centrifugal, 90 collisional drag, 155, 181 conservative, 15 electric

in MHD, 200 electromagnetic, 9 expulsion, 375 friction, 14, 178 gravitational, 9, 14, 32, 46,

165,210 gravitomagnetic, 217, 224 inertia, 212 Lorentz, 14, 32, 171, 177, 357 magnetic, 76, 112, 200 magnetic a-dependent, 358, 375 magnetic buoyancy, 358 mean, 27, 46, 170 mean collisional, 171 non-magnetic, 75, 79, 212 statistically averaged, 167 viscous, 200, 381


force-free field, 211, 226, 346 helicity, 361, 546 linear, 361, 547, 549, 586 non-linear, 549

fractionation elements, 92, 558 FIP effect, 558, 563

free magnetic energy, 108, 572 freezing-in equation, 226, 396 frequency

collision, 142, 146, 172 cyclotron or Larmor, 77, 113 electron plasma, 145, 192 ion plasma, 195 neutral-ion collisions, 556

friction force, 14, 165, 178, 181 function

correlation, 30 delta, 6 distribution, 10 heat, 173 Maxwellian, 42, 173 stream, 241

general relativity, 203 geomagnetic storm, 101 geomagnetic tail, 104, 356, 476,

479, 540, 541 geospace,3 Giovanelli, 161, 389 gradient drift, 88, 108 gravitational drag, 166 gravitational drift, 81, 88 gravitational energy, 342 gravitational force, 9, 14, 32, 46,

165, 180, 210, 289 gravitational pressure, 344 gravitational system, 10, 46, 141,


group velocity, 249, 495 guiding center, 83, 100, 122 guiding center acceleration, 89 guiding center motion

flux invariant, 100 guiding center spiral, 88 gyroresonance, 122

Hall current, 184, 196 Hamilton equations, 19 Hamiltonian

transformed, 472 usual, 19, 472


hard X-ray bremsstrahlung, 60, 142 Hartmann number, 372 heat flux density, 173 heat function, 173 heating

by electron beam, 148 chromospheric, 96 coronal, 257, 545 Joule, 202 viscous, 202

helioseismology, 369 Hinotori, 457 horizon

black hole, 154, 216 hydrodynamic velocity, 176

ideal MHD, 207, 392 impact parameter, 138 inertial drift, 89 initial conditions, 8, 226, 235 injection energy, 123 injection spectrum, 57 instability

bump-on-tail, 120 convective, 355 corrugational, 314


fire-hose, 128, 133 Jean, 180 kinetic, 96, 285 shear, 215 structural, 424, 488 tearing, 105, 424, 517 thermal, 424 two-stream, 120

integral collisional, 15, 28, 32, 46, 167 motion, 101, 232, 238

interaction binary, 30 Coulomb, 41, 137

weak, 37, 143 electromagnetic, 8 magnetic fluxes, 102 particles, 12 wave-particle, 8, 19, 117, 411,

444, 459, 465 interaction parameter, 31, 37 intracluster medium, 153 invariant

adiabatic, 92, 332 motion, 19,472

involution, 473 ion resonance, 541 ion-acoustic wave, 120, 194 Irnshow theorem, 348 isorotation, 368

Jean's instability, 180 Jeans, 141 Jeans theorem, 19, 119 jet

astrophysical, 365 bi-directional, 152, 366 disc corona, 221 non-relativistic, 364


relativistic, 133, 177, 217, 366 Joule dissipation, 151 Joule heating, 154, 202, 555, 587

kinematic problems, 211 kinetic energy, 341, 538 kinetic equation, 28, 33, 167 Kolmogorov spectrum, 125

Lagrangian coordinates, 239, 395 Lagrangian surfaces, 232 Lagrangian variables, 232, 238 Landau

collisional integral, 39, 47, 52 Landau damping, 39, 120

nonlinear, 121 Landau resonance, 40, 119, 540 Langevin equation, 48 Langmuir wave, 120, 145, 189, 192 Larmor radius, 78, 84, 105, 109,

law 113, 321, 471, 537

T to the 3/2 power, 140 Boltzmann, 143 conservation, 172, 176,207,266 Ohm's, 9, 181, 528

layer boundary, 372, 578 double, 572

Lichnerowicz, 203 Liouville equation, 13, 21 Liouville operator, 13, 118, 134 Liouville theorem, 12 liquid contour, 205 loop

flaring, 95, 99 Lorentz factor, 77, 124, 135 Lorentz force, 14, 32, 82, 171, 177,



loss cone anomalous diffusion, 97 magnetic trap, 96

Lundquist number, 439

magnetar, 2, 116,244,345 magnetic collapse, 234, 246, 409 magnetic diffusivity, 201, 205, 375,

492, 587 magnetic dynamo, 211, 216 magnetic energy, 342, 361 magnetic field

bald patch, 586 completely open, 576 cumulative effect, 394 force free, 211, 226, 346, 546,

576 helical, 347 interplanetary, 326 limiting line, 228 linkage, 546, 580 longitudinal, 113, 228, 440, 464,

471,584 plane dipole, 237 poloidal, 241, 579 potential or current free, 103,

212, 576 separator, 441 shear, 346 superstrong, 116, 244 toroidal, 368, 583 transversal, 113, 370, 411, 440,

464, 471, 519 zeroth point or line, 101, 228,

236, 389, 487, 518, 578 peculiar, 236, 241, 487

magnetic field line equations, 230, 582 meaning, 208


separator, 3, 228, 573, 579 separatrix, 104, 518, 578, 579

magnetic flux, 231, 580 emerging, 102

magnetic flux conservation, 204, 208, 582

magnetic flux tube closely packed, 545 coronal, 95 specific volume, 353, 582

magnetic force, 76, 112, 200 magnetic helicity, 421

conservation, 547 dissipation, 549 global, 361, 546

magnetic mirror, 95, 333 magnetic moment, 86, 94, 242 magnetic obstacle, 329 magnetic pressure, 212, 269, 277,

347, 364 perturbation, 254

magnetic reconnection, 3, 9, 104, 221, 228, 234, 389, 517, 545

collisionless, 9, 443 of electric currents, 573 Petschek's regime, 289, 487

magnetic Reynolds number, 206 magnetic separator, 382 magnetic sound, 255 magnetic storm, 2 magnetic stresses, 215, 548 magnetic surface, 100, 350 magnetic tension, 212, 347, 367 magnetic trap, 95, 140, 327 magnetoacoustic wave, 299

fast, 273, 278, 496 slow, 278, 495


magnetohydrodynamics, 9, 188, 197, 200

relativistic, 203 magnetosphere

black hole, 133, 189 Earth, 2, 78, 213, 330 pulsar, 133, 189

magnetospheric substorm, 2, 540, 541

magnetospheric tail, 440 Maxwell equations, 5, 38, 117, 199 Maxwellian function, 42, 173, 179 Maxwellian stress tensor, 177, 340 mean collisional force, 171 mean force, 27, 46, 170 mean free path, 139, 162, 179 mean kinetic energy, 172 mean momentum, 168 mean thermal velocity, 113, 140 mean velocity, 168 MHD assumptions, 198 MHD pump, 373 MHD turbulence, 98, 125 microquasar, 366 minimum current corona, 362, 423,

428,577 mixing mechanism, 24, 474 moment

inertia, 341 magnetic, 86, 94, 242 of distribution function, 168 viscous force, 381

momentum conservation, 263 electromagnetic field, 203 generalized, 19, 92, 472 longitudinal, 133, 332 mean, 168 plasma stream, 203


transversal, 94, 133 momentum flux density tensor, 169,

177,203,207 motion

guiding center, 85, 100 rotational, 83 shear, 412, 578 spiral, 80

nanoflare, 565 near space, 3 neutron star, 2, 115, 154, 244, 345 Newton equations, 6

Ohm's law generalized, 9, 184, 556 in MHD, 188, 198, 528 usual, 9, 181

operator Liouville, 13, 118, 134

parameter m/e, 83 interaction, 31, 37 plasma, 37, 46

particle accelerated, 41, 98 field, 39, 139 fluid, 232, 395 precipitating, 96 test, 139 trapped, 96, 101

particle flux density, 12 particle interaction, 12 particle simulations, 9 peculiar zeroth point, 236, 487 phase space, 10, 21, 473 phase trajectory, 12, 473 phase velocity, 249 phase velocity diagram, 254, 282


pinch effect, 228, 562 pitch-angle, 78, 96, 122, 332 plasma, 43

collisional, 117 collisionless, 117, 133, 188, 402 dusty, 9 electron-positron, 133 self-gravitational, 9 superhot, 114, 329, 456 three-component, 181 two-temperature, 148 weakly-ionized, 374, 550, 558

plasma frequency, 145 plasma motion

continuous, 236 meridional, 241

plasma parameter, 37, 46 plasma turbulence

marginal regime, 450 saturated regime, 450

plasma wave, 65, 145 Poisson brackets, 19, 473 Poisson equation, 44, 143 postulates of statistics, 23 potential

complex, 233 conjugate harmonic, 234 Coulomb, 137 Euler, 244 gravitational, 340 magnetic field, 103, 212 vector, 104, 230

Poynting vector, 18, 202, 223, 384, 567

pressure partial, 177 total, 177

pressure tensor, 169, 173 probability density, 26

prominence, 356, 386, 550, 556 protostar, 374 pulsar magnetosphere, 133

quasar, 2, 366

radiation belts, 101 radio source


extragalactic, 366 Rankine-Hugoniot relation, 277, 286,

311 reconnect ion

collisionless, 9, 104, 184, 329, 402,411

in vacuum, 104 linear, 394, 551, 553 low-ionized plasma, 558 magnetic, 3, 104, 220, 389 weakly-ionized plasma, 550

reduced mass, 138 refraction index, 135 resonance

Landau, 40, 119, 540 reverse cascade, 548 reverse current, 41, 65, 105, 163,

398,491 Reynolds number

hydrodynamic, 206 magnetic, 206

rigidity, 78 threshold, 101

rotation differential, 368

runaway electric, 160, 403, 410, 425 thermal, 162

Rutherford formula, 138

self-inductance, 423 self-organization, 547


self-similar solution, 403 separation

charge, 140 MHD, 358

separator, 228, 415, 447 separatrix, 104, 414 Shafranov theorem, 348 shear, 215, 412, 578 shock wave

collisionless, 274, 284, 326 discontinuity surface, 264 fast

evolutionarity, 299 intermediate or transalvenic,

279 interplanetary, 326 longitudinal, 283 oblique, 275

fast, 277, 283, 331 slow, 277, 283

perpendicular, 272, 283 propagation order, 300 Rankine-Hugoniot relation, 277,

311 slow

evolutionarity, 299 switch-off, 280 switch-on, 280

soft gamma-ray repeater, 244 SOHO, 2, 152, 369, 562, 565 solar atmosphere, 41, 102, 140, 145,

302 solar corona, 104, 113, 124, 131,

163, 185, 195, 221, 257, 259, 386, 411, 558

Solar Maximum Mission, 457 solar wind, 318, 558 Solar-B, 591 sound velocity, 248, 261

space near, 3 phase, 10, 21, 473 pseudo-phase, 476

special relativity, 203


specific enthalpy, 173, 201, 285 specific volume, 286 spectrum

injection, 57 splitting

current sheet, 488 Stormer solutions, 101 star

class A, 345 cold giant, 344 collapse, 243, 344 formation, 374 in galaxy, 46, 165, 180 neutron, 2, 154, 244, 345 nova, 242 rotation, 368 Sun, 345 supernova, 2, 242, 244

statistical averaging, 26 stochastic acceleration, 123 stream function, 241 structural instability, 488 substantial derivative, 175, 213 Sun

active region, 2, 102, 349, 493, 545

chromosphere, 3, 95, 102, 148, 374,551

corona, 99, 259, 386, 493 photosphere, 2, 10, 102, 374,

551, 571 prominence, 356 rotation, 368

superstrong magnetic field, 116


surface wave, 498 Syrovatskii, 249, 265, 295, 364, 390,


tangential discontinuity, 283, 492, 587

evolutionarity, 300 hydrodynamics, 264, 314 ideal MHD, 270, 364 stability, 270 weak, 255

Taylor hypothesis, 547 tearing instability, 105, 424, 517

electron, 539 ion, 540 nonlinear, 542

temperature, 140, 173 tensor

conductivity, 187 Maxwellian stress, 340 momentum flux density, 169,

177,203,207 pressure, 169, 173 unit antisymmetric, 86 viscous stress, 173, 202, 381

theorem Irnshow, 348 Jeans, 19, 119 Liouville, 12 Shafranov, 348 virial, 9, 339, 576 Woltjer, 546 Zemplen, 277

thermal conductivity, 202 thermal energy, 341 theta-pinch, 229 thick target, 57, 131 TRACE, 2 transfer coefficients, 178, 284


transfer equations, 124, 168, 174 trapped particle, 96, 101, 327 trigger

tearing instability, 517 thermal, 438 topological, 476

triple correlation function, 36, 43 turbulence

ion-acoustic, 450, 463, 465 ion-cyclotron, 450 Langmuir, 485 MHD, 98, 215 plasma, 151, 465 weak, 121

two-dimensional problem axisymmetric, 241 first type, 228 second type, 229

two-temperature plasma, 148

vector potential, 104, 230 velocity

drift, 80 group, 249, 495 hydrodynamic, 176 mean thermal, 140 most probable, 157 phase, 249 sound or acoustic, 248, 261

virial theorem, 9, 576 scalar, 339 tensor, 340

viscosity dynamic, 376 kinematic, 201

viscosity coefficient, 200 viscous stress tensor, 173, 202 Vlasov equation, 37, 67, 117, 536


gravitational analog, 46, 49, 289

volume charge, 176, 188, 200 vortex flow, 359

wave Alfven, 133, 251, 282,.367 Alfven, 299 dissipative, 300, 304, 496 entropy, 251, 295, 299, 495 entropy-vortex, 260 ion-acoustic, 120, 194 Langmuir, 120, 145, 192 large-amplitude, 247, 283 low-frequency, 194 magnetoacoustic, 259, 299

fast, 253, 273, 278, 283, 496 slow, 253, 278, 495

plane, 248, 293 shock, 247, 264 small-amplitude, 247, 282 sound or acoustic, 283 surface, 498 wistler, 122, 132

wave cascading, 124 wave spectral density, 124 white dwarf, 115 Woltjer theorem, 546

X-ray binary system, 154 X-ray claster, 153 X-ray emission

bremsstrahlung, 63, 114, 148, 153

hard, 60, 99, 142, 148, 428 polarization, 63

soft, 152 X-type zeroth point, 103, 208, 228,

234, 389, 415, 441, 447,


490, 518, 578

Yohkoh, 2, 148, 428, 456, 566

Zemplen theorem, 277

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