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Apple as a brand has hugely

changed their identity since its

creation thirty-five years ago.

Their recognised simplistic,

sleek, modern yet sophisticated

appearance is evident across

all aspects of Apple. From their

product design to marketing

campaigns to packaging,

attention to detail is never short

of perfect. This is what they have

become famous for. However,

surprisingly this has not always

been the case. This booklet will

explore the history of the Apple

brand focusing particularly on

how and when design became

such an important element to

their identity.

The iconic logo, product

design and marketing will

all be examined in detail to

demonstrate their clear transition

in design.

Steve Jobs is the Co-Founder and

current CEO of Apple. He was

born February 24 1955 in San


Gaining an early interest in

economics and computers, Jobs

spent a summer working at

Hewlett-Packard. This is where he

first met Steve Wozniak, also an

employee. Jobs graduated high

school in 1972 and started to

attend Reed College in Portland,

Oregon. However he quickly

dropped out after one semester.

After spending time traveling,

and working as a computer

technician at Atari, Jobs started

to work with Wozniak who was

particularly skilled at building

and designing computers. With

Jobs eye for the future, the pair

established Apple computer inc.

with Ronald Wayne.

Jobs served as a persuasive and

charismatic director at Apple

for nine years, however he left

the company in 1985 after

loosing control with the board of


Jobs quickly started on his

next project, founding NeXT a

computer platform development

agency. The computers created

were dismissed by the industry

due to their high price. However

they held an impressive technical

strength, a system which was

later incorporated into the Mac.

During his time away from

Apple, Jobs purchased Pixar

a computer graphics division

company. Jobs partnered with

Disney to produce a number of

computer animated feature films.

The first being Toy Story, which

established Pixars reputation as a

studio. In 2006 Disney purchased

Pixar for $7.4 billion. Jobs is now

on the board of directors at

Disney. The merged companies

have gone on to produce

numerous box office hits.

In 1996 Apple bought NeXT for

$429 million, bringing Jobs back

to Apple, where he became CEO

in 2000. Since his return Jobs has

significantly increased sales with

his focus on innovative products

and their appealing designs.

In 2004 Jobs was diagnosed with

pancreatic cancer, however it was

removed. Jobs remained healthy

until 2009 when he underwent a

liver transplant.


Steve Jobs The man behind it all

Apple inc. Headquaters Cupertino California

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Introduction History Logo Product Design Adverts Conclusion (8:36) Sat 10:02

Apple computer inc is founded by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne.

Apples first computer the Apple I is released, but does not gain much commercial interest.

Ronald Wayne leaves the company shortly after its creation due to financial reasons, selling his share for $800.

Steve Wozniak is involved in a plane crash causing him to suffer from amnesia, he leaves the company in 1987.

Jobs leaves Apple, founding NeXT a computer platform development agency.

Apple buys NeXT for $429 million, Jobs soon becomes CEO of Apple a position which he still retains.

Jobs commissions Rob Janoff to to produce the iconic rainbow logo, which is used for 22 years.

The release of the Apple II brings huge success for Apple. High sales allow the company to grow.

Jonathan Ive is hired as the head of the industrial team, a position which he still retains.

The first iPhone is available to the public. Three subsequent models have been released over the years.

The first iPad is available to the public. The iPad 2 is released in April 2011.

Apples growth has been immense, they have approximately 49,000 employees worldwide, and annual sales of $65.23 billion.

The first iMac is introduced, debuting Apples change in direction in terms of design.

Apple opens their first Apple stores in California and Virginia, there are now 300 stores worldwide.

The iconic rainbow logo is replaced by a block monochrome apple. The new logo is still used today.

The first iPod is introduced, over the years varying models are released such as the nano and shuffle.

February 1981

May 1985

December 1996




May 2001

October 2001

June 2007

April 2010

September 2010

History of Apple

MacBook Pro

April 1976

May 1976

July 1976


April 1977

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1976-1998 1998-present


Behind its products Apple holds a very strong, iconic coperate logo

which has evolved and developed over the years in keeping with their

recognised simplistic and sophisticated identity.

Apples first logo was created by original founder Ronald Wayne. The

pen and ink illustration reflects Isaac Newton sitting under a tree with

an apple dangling above his head. The logo incorporates a portion

of William Wordsworth poem around its border “Newton…A mind

forever voyaging through strange seas of thought…alone”.

Steve Jobs quickly dropped the logo, believing it was too intellectual

and hard to reproduce and read on a small scale.

Jobs commissioned graphic designer Rob Janoff to evolve a more

modern logo. Created was a multi coloured simplistic apple with a

bite taken out of its right side. The bite was originally implemented

so people would realise that it represented an apple rather than a

tomato or cherry. The colourful stripes were a reminder that the Apple

II (computer of the time) had a coloured monitor.

The iconic symbol was used for 22 years, when it was axed by Jobs

to reinvent the company. The rainbow stripes were removed and

replaced by a block monochrome fill, still in the original iconic apple

shape. This allowed large monochrome logos to be placed on Apple

products making the coperate logo recognised worldwide, something

that would not have been possible with the rainbow logo.

The Logo


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Introduction History Logo Product Design Adverts Conclusion (6:10) Sat 10:37

One of the most appealing things about Apple products is their incredible product design.The aesthetics of products such as the iPod, iMac and iPhone are beautiful. However when Wozniak and Jobs first started out, little emphasis was put on the look of the product but instead how it ran. It was not until Jobs returned to the company in 1997 that the design of the brand as a whole was considered. It was this that transformed Apple into the company that is today. Jobs hired award winning industrial designer Jonathan Ive, who went on to produce some of Apples most recognised products. Apple has now gained a reputation for gorgeous products, and they continue to fulfill this reputation. Over the next few spreads the development of Apple product design will be explored in detail.

Apple’s first successful desktop computer was the Apple II. Their next venture the Apple Lisa was not a commercial success due to its high price, however it introduced design elements such as a desktop, mouse and icons. The original Macintosh was then released, holding an iconic design which presented elements that are still found in Macs today, such as the all in one design. The first iMac debuted in 1998 and demonstrated Apples clear change in design, drawing on a curvaceous structure. The iMac G4 was Apple’s first product which demonstrated their desire to slim down. This can again be seen in the current iMac aluminum, which adopts Apples current design language, brushed aluminum with sleek black elements.

Product Design

MacBook Pro

Apple II 1977 Lisa 1983 Macintosh 1984

iMac 1998 iMac G4 2002 iMac 2007 - present

Desktop Computers

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Apple II 1977


Jonathan Ive is currently senior

vice president of industrial design

at Apple. The brains behind the

iMac, Macbook Pro, iPod, iPhone

and iPad, Ive has been described

as one of the worlds most

influential designers.

Born in Chingford, London in

1967. Knowing he wanted to

pursue a creative career, Ive

studied industrial design at

Northumbria University. After

graduating, Ive moved to London

where he worked for a short

time at Tangerine design agency.

In 1992 he moved to the US,

specifically to pursue a career at

Apple inc. When Jobs returned

to Apple in 1996 he aimed to

reinvent the company. To achieve

this he put a huge emphasis on

the design of their products,

which led to the hiring of Ive as

the head of the industrial design

team, a role which he continues

to fulfill to this day.

His innovative designs and

explicit attention to detail has

earned him several awards and

global recognition. Ive’s design

skills have transformed the Apple

brand to what it is recognised for

today, their famous beautifully

designed products.

Apple’s first attempt at a portable

battery powered device came

in 1989, and was entitled the

Macintosh Portable. Various

flaws meant that it was not

commercially successful.

Apple’s next attempt was the

Powerbook. During its existence

the Powerbook was revised over

six times, each one progressing

in design. Subsequent models

of the Powerbook changed

dramatically, and started

to resemble the upcoming


The iBook was later introduced

to cater for lower end markets.

It held similar design features of

the original iMac with its curved

structure and colourful sections.

Both the Powerbook and iBook

were discontinued in 2006 and

were replaced by the MacBook

range, consisting of the MacBook,

MacBook Pro and MacBook Air.

The first range was created out of

aluminum and included features

such as a magnetic latch, glossy

display and sunken keyboard.

Since 2006 the MacBook range

has been heavily modified, each

model released is slimmer and

curvier than the last.

The current MacBook range is

created out of a single block

of aluminum. It also adopts

Apples current design language,

brushed aluminum with sleek

black elements.

Desktop Computers Jonathan Ive The brains behind Apple design

Powerbook 1991 iBook 1999 MacBook Pro 2010

Portable Computers

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The MacBook Pro holds a magnetic latch, making opening and closing the mac pleasurable

Introduction History Logo Product Design Adverts Conclusion (5:45) Sat 10:54

LED backlight technology is used on the Macbook Pro, this allows the screen to be instantly bright. This

technology has also influenced the design allowing the screen to be incredibly thin.

The structure of the display is created out of wall to wall glass, as well as shaping the display it aids the

aesthetics making it look beautiful.

An extremely thin, HD face time camera is built into the upper screen. Something that is barely noticeable creates clean, crisp images and films.

The MacBook Pro adopts Apples current design language, brushed aluminum, with sleek black elements

such as the keyboard, and the sophisticated black boarder

MacBook Pro

MacBook Pro Design Features

As well as the products appearance Apple are recognised for pushing technological boundaries and

producing products that are above and beyond anything else in the market. This can be demonstrated in

the design features of the MacBook Pro.

Screen Design Features

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The MacBook pro has a large multi touch track pad, no buttons are necessary as it acts as a button which is

sensitive to the pressure of finger movements.

The MacBook Pros sophisticated sunken black keys are backlit allowing easy use even in the darkest



The Macbook pro is cast from a single piece of aluminum, which has reduced the number of parts needed. In terms of design this has allowed the Pro to become thinner and lighter, extremely desirable features. It

also means that the structure is stronger and more durable, a factor which is essential for portable devices.

Keyboard Design Features

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Introduction History Logo Product Design Adverts Conclusion (5:16) Sat 11:22

Over the years Apple has become recognised for pushing

technological boundaries, as a result they have produced highly

innovative products which continue to be market leaders.

Apple have created numerous handheld devices where design and

technical performance have wowed the public and critics.

Apple first launched the innovative digital portable music device on

April 23 2001. The original iPod (iPod Classic) has evolved over the

years to include various models each targeted at different audiences.

The iPod range consists of iPod classic, iPod touch, iPod nano, and iPod

shuffle. All designs of each iPod have been revised over the years to fit

with the stylish simplistic Apple brand.

The highly anticipated iPhone was first released on June 29 2007, and

was received openly. A smart phone with incredible capability, holding

a very recognisable and beautiful design. It is black, sleek and slender

with a large multi touch screen and a virtual keyboard. The screen

holds apps which are depicted as small colourful icons (this suggests

that the iPhone would suit visual learners.)

There are four generations of iPhone, each subsequent model

developing into a smaller thinner device. The iPhone has completely

revolutionised the use of phones. All competitors have desperately

tried to create a device which is just as innovative and gorgeous, but

nothing quite compares to the iPhone.

The iPad is a line of tablet

computers, its large screen

designed for audio visual media

including games, films etc.

The iPad was first released

in April 2010. Its innovative

technical capability and sleek

design were greatly received. The

iPad 2 was released in April 2011.

Product Design

MacBook Pro


iPod shuffel iPod nano iPod classic iPod touch


iPhone iPhone 3G iPhone 4



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As Apples identity and branding

has changed over the years so

has its advertisements. The next

few pages will explore Apple

advertising from the start to

present, to demonstrate their

clear transition in design.

Apple Adverts1976-2011



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A text heavy Apple advert from the 1980s

A still from the famous 1984 Superbowl commercialw

With the release of the iMac in 1998 Apple became a lot more artistic,

this was reflected in their adverts which mainly showcased the

products, and had little writing compared to previous adverts.

In 2006 Apple produced the successful ‘I am Mac, I am PC’ TV

commercials, with actors Justin Long and John Hodgeman acting as

Mac and PC. The advert showed that Mac can do everything that PC

can, but faster and safer. The campaign was officially ended in 2010.

Apple is also famous for their iconic iPod adverts, they reflect dark

silhouettes dancing to their iPods on a range of colourful backgrounds.

Recently Apple have transitioned to mainly creating TV commercials

rather than printed adverts (particularly for the iPhone and iPad). They

follow a very specific style with white backgrounds and an emphasis

put on the product being sold.

Muhammad Ali in Apples ‘Think Different’ campagin

Apples new apporach to advertising

2009 ad for the iPhone 3G

Introduction History Logo Product Design Adverts Conclusion (4:32) Sat 11:57

Apple first started to advertise in the late 1970s, throughout this time

and the 1980s adverts were very text heavy, including few images,

persuading people to purchase a computer and specifically an Apple.

As well as printed ads, Apple are recognised for their TV commercials.

Their most famous aired during the 1984 Superbowl, in order to

promote the upcoming Macintosh computer. The commercial

depicted heroine Anya Major saving humanity from conformity. It

proved to be a huge success.

In the late 1990s Apple introduced the popular ad campaign ‘Think

Different’. It consisted of TV and printed ads, featuring black and white

footage of famous individuals including Martin Luther King, Gandhi,

Albert Einstein and John Lennon. The ads gave the impression that

creative people used Macs to get to their aspiring position.


MacBook Pro

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Introduction History Logo Product Design Adverts Conclusion (2.30) Sat 12:17

Apples unique simplistic, sophisticated design demonstrated throughout their extensive brand is what they

are considered most famous for. Surprisingly research shows this has not always been the case. When the

company was first established in 1976, it is evident from the machines created such as the Apple I and II that

design was not the crucial component in their production, and not the factor of Apples initial success. It

instead was their ability to create efficiently running computers that led to their starting triumph. This tactic

worked for numerous years, but as time progressed product design was considered more and more.

The Key date in Apples transitioning identity can be pin pointed to when Jobs returned to Apple in 1996,

when the company was clearly on the decline. He knew that something needed to change for the company

to become more recognised. Deciding to focus on design, Jobs quickly hired industrial designer Jonathan

Ive and also changed the iconic Apple logo. With the release of the iMac in 1998, the public saw the first

glimpse of Apples new identity. The modern simplistic approach was soon transitioned to all aspects of the

Apple brand. This includes areas which have not been explored in the booklet including their innovative

Apple stores, their sophisticated plush website, and even to small details such as their packaging. Attention

to detail in all areas has enabled them to become recognised for their appearance and design alone,

defining Apple as a leading brand.

Product design is such a crucial part of the Apple brand, and they continue to constantly update their highly

innovative products with new advances in technology. Implementing these design processes has allowed

Apple products to become thinner, lighter and more desirable.

Apple as a brand is truly beautiful


MacBook Pro

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An investigation into Apple inc Written and designed by Emma Wynne

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