  • 8/3/2019 Application in Wireless Tech






    D.HINDUMATHI, CSE 3rd yr



    (Email-id:[email protected])

  • 8/3/2019 Application in Wireless Tech


    ABSTRACT-Along withthe infiltration of wirelesssensor network in everyfield of our life, sharing

    sensor networkresources in Internetenvironment is one ofkey problems which mustbe solved by wirelesssensor networkapplication. This paperexpounds Web Service

    technology and usesWeb Service technicalframework for referenceto design a new kind ofservice-oriented sensornetwork structure. Andfinally, it introduces indetail the establishedwireless sensor networkfrom software andhardware, etc.Keywords-Web application; WebService; wireless sensornetwork; gateway


    Wireless sensor networkextends human'scapability ofunderstanding the realworld and providespeople with the

    most direct, effective andreal physical informationof the objective world.Convenient acquisition of

    monitoring datais the basis of wirelesssensor networkapplication, alongwith the development oftechnology, releasing themonitoring data got bywireless sensor network

    through Internet hasbecome a key problemthat the wide applicationof sensor network needsto face.Web service is anew kind of distributedcalculationparadigm, it hascharacteristics of cross-platfonn,component-oriented and loosecoupling, etc, and it isbecoming a kind ofmainstream middlewaretechnology ofinteroperation andintegration between

    heterogeneousapplications andresource sharing inInternet environment.

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    The combination ofwireless sensor networkand WebService technology can

    achieve the goal ofsensor networkresource sharing andreuse in Internetenvironment, thistechnology has attractedthe attention of variousacademic

    institutions and producedsome academicachievements, ISOhas also set aboutmaking relatedstandards.


    A. Web Service systemarchitecture andworkflowWeb Service adopts a

    service-orientedarchitecture (SOA)model as its systemstructure and SOA iscomposed of threeroles and three basicoperations,Web Service includes

    three basic roles:

    1. Service provider:it is deployed on SOAPserver and realizes theWebService of enterprisespecific business logic.2. Servicerequester:it calls the client of Web

    Service.3.Service agent

    :namely UDDI server,the client searches forand calls Web Servicethrough it.Service requester canbe regarded as a

    network node and itfinds and calls othersoftware services toprovide

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    commercial solutions.When a Web serviceneeds to be used,it will go to service

    registration center tointerface and realposition of the neededWeb service andthen find the Webservice through the realposition and finally binditself on this service.

    Service provider is alsothe provider of final WebService and it providesservice interfaces ofsoftware resourceswhich handle a series ofspecific tasks, includingservice interfacesof commercial entities orreusable subsystems.Service agent is a placewhich helps to search forWeb services and it canalso be a Web Serviceregistration placewhich is a storehouse ofa large number of on-line

    Webservices. Generally,service provider releasesits various services to theregistration center.The working mechanismof Web Service can be

    understood that clientapplication accesses toSOAP server whichprovides Web Service

    through SOAP protocoland uses WSDL file toexplain and quote; WebService registers anddescribes through UDDIserver for SOAP clientapplication to search andcall.

    B. Structure of wireless

    sensor network based onWeb Service Referring tothe structure frames oftraditional Web Services,combined with thecharacteristics ofwireless sensor network,this paper regardssensor network as theprovider of service anddesigns a kind of sensornetwork structure basedon Web ServiceWireless Sensor Network

    Structure Based on WebService Sensor layerincludes various sensornodes and gateway

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    nodes. Sensor nodescollect the data peopleare interested inand send the data to

    gateway nodes. Gatewaynodes define a set ofstandard Web Serviceinterface (WS-API) toshieldthe diversity of wirelesssensor network, forexample,different sensor

    nodes (differentmanufacturers andtypes,etc) and perceptionobjects (perceptiontemperature,humidityand illumination, etc)encapsulate thefunctions ofsensor network, such asreceiving monitoring dataand issuing monitoringcommands, etc.The main tasks ofservice layer includeintegratingheterogeneousinformation resources

    and supporting theregistration, discoveryand binding of sensorlayer services,

    etc. For example,registration service isresponsible forregistering the meta-

    information description ofservices of varioussensor nodes to serviceregistration center whenthey are addeddynamically; indexservice is mainlyresponsible for inquiring

    about sensor nodes andentities users areinterested in aiming atthe service meta-information ofregistration. Bindingservice mainly providesthe detailedinformation about bindingin the related services,convenient for servicerequesters to connectand call a Web Service.Information layerprovides users with thebasic function ofdisplaying wireless

    sensor networkinformation and it isresponsible for callingcorresponding Webservices in browserpages and displaying

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    these services in somegraphic modes to providea friendly interactiveinterface for users.

    When deploying asensor network,administrators callregistration servicesthrough browser andrelease the servicedescription information ofwireless sensor network

    to the registration center.Users search for therelated applicationsof sensor network fromregistration center andaccess to the228corresponding servicesby calling thecorresponding serviceinterfaces and finallydisplay the informationthey need atclient browser in a visualmode.


    A. Design of hardwareplatform

    The wireless sensornodes introduced in thispaper have

    functions of collectingindoor temperature andhumidity data,etc, and abilities ofstoring, processing andtransmitting data.Nodes can exchangeinformation with each

    other and realizethe access to networkresources throughnetwork. A sensornode is mainlycomposed of four parts,namely sensormodule, processormodule, wireless

    communication moduleand power supplymodule.Thetemperature-humiditysensor is single-chip

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    full-calibration digitalrelative temperature andhumidity sensor SHT11developed by Swiss

    Sensirion Company. Thesensor adopts uniqueCMOSens TMtechnology and it hascharacteristics of digitaloutput, debugging-free,calibration-free,peripheral circuit-free

    and full-interchange.Central processing unit ismainly used to processthe data collected fromsensor nodes and finishsome control functions,according to therequirements of gatewaynodes for performanceindexes, such as datathroughput, dataprocessing ability, lowpower consumption,easy extension,high-end application-oriented and embeddedoperating system, etc,

    this paper choosesPHILIPS single-chip 32-bitARM7 microcontrollerLPC2194. LPC2194 is aCPU supporting real-time

    simulation and trackingand it has a256KB embedded highspeed Flash memory. It

    can use32-bit ARMinstructions and 16-bitTHUMB instructions, forthe applications whichstrictly control code size,it can use16-bit Thumbmode to decrease codesize by more than

    30%,but performanceloss is very little. Storageunit adopts fourIntel 28F128J3AStrataFlashs to form a64M-byte memoryand two SamsungK4S281632E-TC1L75SDRAMs to form a64M-byte SDRAMmemory.Radio-frequencytransceiver module isconnected tosensor nodes through a51-needle interface andit is used for receiving

    the data sent by sensornodes and sendingcommands to sensornodes. Communicationmodule realizes

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    Ethernet communicationby directly connectingCS8900 chipwith processor and

    GPRS communication bydual-frequencymodule SIMlOO, userscan observe the datacollected by thesensor through commonPC and GPRS mobilephone terminal.

    This paper selectsMAXIM MAX604 minorswitch voltage stabilizeras the voltage stabilizerof power supply module,its quiescent current ismuch smaller thanLM78xxlinear voltagestabilizer; itsencapsulation format isan extremely smallsurface mount SO-8, allof its inductors anddiodes are integrated inchips, like linear voltagestabilizer, itcan work with a

    decoupling capacitor.Its hardware part iscomposed of core boardand expansion boardIts software platformmainly includes

    embedded operatingsystem, RFcommunication module,serial transceiver

    module, sensorinformation analysis andprocessing module, datastorage module, systemconfiguration module andWeb Service interfaces.Embedded operatingsystem adopts an open

    source code,portable and easilytailored and customizedLinux operatingsystem. RFcommunication moduletransmits sensor nodeinformation to serial portsthrough RF link:, serialtransceivermodule takes out thedata and hands the datato sensor informationanalysis and processingmodule for informationextraction and analysisand then the information

    is stored in different XMLfiles according toinformation types. WebService interfacesencapsulate XML datainto SOAP message and

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    send the message touser browser throughstandard HTTPcommunication protocol

    to make users getvisual and vivid sensornetwork data through aunified interface. Systemconfiguration moduleallows users to carryout system configurationof sensor network

    through Webbrowser after verifyingusers' identities.

    C. Web Serviceinterface design

    Define three WebServices interfaces,namely1.GetObservation,2.GetTopology and3.Describe Sensor andshield the bottomrealization details ofsensor networkapplications to provide a

    unified interface for usersand make users accessto sensor networkinformation they needby calling correspondingservices. Get

    Observation interfaceencapsulates datacollection service andGetTopology and

    describeSensorinterfaces encapsulatenetwork topologydIsplay and sensor nodestate monitoringservices. Whenreceiving a requestmessage, they extract

    the correspondinginformation, encapsulatethe information intoSOAP message andreturn the SOAPmessage to the servicerequester.ConnectSOAP server and call thecorresponding WebService.


    . Take a sunlightgreenhouse asexperimental subject,

    install a sensor node atits four comers andcenter respectively,every node collectstemperature andhumidity data of the

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    greenhouse andcollection cycle is onehour.

    Various sensor nodes

    pack the collected datain single-hopmode and transmit thepacked data to gatewaynode.

    Gateway nodecollects the field data ofvarious sensor nodes

    in active polling modeand then analyzes,classifies andstores the data andfinally encapsulates datacollection andmitoring functions intoservices to register inregIstration center.Remote users candirectly visit homepagethrough IP address,When users click thesebuttons, such as "datacollection", "statemonitoring" and"network topology", etc,

    JavaScript script runningin the browser will searchfor the related services inregistration centerautomatically and realizeuser demands by calling

    the correspondinggateway interfaces, thisprocess is completedautomatically in

    asynchronous mode andit is crystal clear tousers.Take obtainingreal-time temperature forexample, theuser clicks "datacollection" button toenter "sensor network

    data collection"JavaScript script runningin the browser will callthe service provided byGet Observation.


    The main part ofGetObservation interfacereturning the message isas follows:


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    interface of gatewaynode periodically and theservice encapsulates thecurrent temperaturevalue in the datainformation it obtains intoan XML message andreturns the messa ge toclient browser.


    Wireless sensor networkis an emerging researchfield inrecent years and it

    has a wide applicationprospect. This papercombines wirelesssensor network with Web230technology tointroduce in detail a kind

    of design scheme ofhardware and softwareplatforms based onwireless sensor

    network and finish thedesign and realization ofsensorgateway nodefrom low cost, low powerconsumption andminiaturizationrequirements ofSince Web Service

    technology has become oneof the IT topics that

    everyone is talking about, it

    will create potential

    benefits for those who

    understand all working

    process ofweb service.

    Starting from creating web

    service, connecting to

    database including create

    webapplication that can be

    used to retrieved

    information by applying

    method of web service

    properly.Nowadays there is

    plenty of information which

    is important assets as it is

    the knowledgesource.Therefore it is

    important for all

    organizations to carefully

    keep and record

    confidentialinformation in

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    place. Creating Web

    Service can help on this

    issue. In case that some

    organizationswould like

    external parties to access tosome level of information,

    they can create web service

    toconnect to database. By

    using web service user

    name and password will not

    be disclosed, onlysome

    level of information can be

    retrieved according to webservice developer.

    Moreover usageof Visual (ASP.NET)

    language can be learned

    through creating web

    service. (ASP.NET) is

    the essential language in

    the .NET world because it

    is widelyused. There are many


    (ASP.NET) language

    developers nowadays;

    therefore it is important to

    exchange knowledge and

    ideas for futuredevelopment.proves that itachieves the goal ofsharing sensornetworkresources inInternet environment.

    The next work is to makea deep study of wirelesssensor network and itapplications,enrich

    sensor network models,define more Web serviceinterfaces and studythese securitymechanisms, such asaccess authenticationmechanism andinformation transmission

    mechanism, etc.

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