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MA thesis

Larissa Aksinovitš

Supervisor: Ülle Türk, M.A.



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The aim of the present MA thesis is to carry out a needs analysis research in order to

determine the socio-linguistic needs of students and teachers of mechatronics in Tartu

Vocational Education Centre. The results provide rationales for designing a preliminary CLIL

course outline for B2-level students of mechatronics and sample Moodle teaching materials as

a first step in integrating the schools’ curriculum. The need for integrated materials is great

due to the general shift towards changing the paradigm of vocational education.

The thesis can be divided into two main parts – theoretical and practical. Chapter One

presents a theoretical overview of CLIL as a teaching approach. The practical part consists of

two chapters – an overview of the needs analysis research carried out in Tartu Vocational

Education Centre among the students and the vocational teachers of mechatronics presented

in Chapter Two and the description of the CLIL teaching materials in addition to the course

outline in Chapter Three.

The paper is based on 46 resources and includes nine appendices.

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TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................................... 2 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................... 4 CHAPTER 1 ............................................................................................................................. 10 PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATION OF CLIL ....................................................................... 10

Concept of CLIL .................................................................................................................. 10

Materials’ selection and adoption in CLIL .......................................................................... 15 Assessment in CLIL ............................................................................................................. 18 Teachers’ roles in CLIL: content and language teachers’ responsibilities ........................... 20 Problematic issues of CLIL .................................................................................................. 21

CHAPTER 2 ............................................................................................................................. 25 NEEDS ANALYSIS ................................................................................................................ 25

Determining learners’ needs ................................................................................................. 25

Methodology ........................................................................................................................ 27 Results .................................................................................................................................. 30

CHAPTER 3 ............................................................................................................................. 53 CLIL MATERIALS’ DESIGN ................................................................................................ 53

Rationales for combining CLIL and Moodle ....................................................................... 53 Preliminary CLIL course outline and sample teaching activities for students of

mechatronics ......................................................................................................................... 55

CONCLUSION ........................................................................................................................ 63 REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................... 66

APPENDICES .......................................................................................................................... 70

Appendix 1. Application of Content and language Integrated Learning (CLIL) in

mechatronics. Teacher’s questionnaire. ............................................................................... 70 Appendix 2. Application of Content and language Integrated Learning (CLIL) in

mechatronics. Learner’s questionnaire ................................................................................. 76 Appendix 3. Developing critical thinking in a vocational school through CLIL ................. 81 Appendix 4. Tables of the survey results ............................................................................. 83 Appendix 5. Common beneficial aspects of Moodle and CLIL .......................................... 88

Appendix 6. Bloom’s Revised Digital Taxonomy and Moodle Taxonomy ........................ 89 Appendix 7. Preliminary CLIL course syllabus for mechatronics ....................................... 91 Appendix 8. Overview of CLIL teaching activities designed in Moodle for students of

mechatronics ......................................................................................................................... 92 Appendix 9. European levels - Self Assessment Grid......................................................... 95

RESÜMEE ............................................................................................................................... 96

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The aim of the present MA thesis is to determine what the needs of students and

teachers for CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) materials are and which parts

of the curriculum they are ready to acquire and teach in English. The findings of the research

will be used to design sample Moodle teaching activities and a preliminary integrated course

outline for B2-level students of mechatronics since the demand for new materials based on

CLIL methodology is great. Moodle (modular object oriented digital learning environment) is

a free software package that helps educators to create effective online learning environment.

Applying it in education is considered as an innovative and effective learning management

system (Alhaji et al, 2012). In recent years Moodle has become widely used among educators

around the world as a tool for creating online dynamic websites for their students. The sample

teaching activities for the present MA thesis will be designed in Moodle environment in order

to blend CLIL teaching aspects such as supporting self-awareness, learners’ autonomy,

higher-level thinking skills, and development of ICT (Information and Communications

Technology) literacy in learners.

Difference between CLIL and ESP. In the introductory part it is important to

define the difference between a CLIL and an ESP lesson in order to avoid the confusion of the

terms. A CLIL lesson, as it is seen by Elzbieta Jendrych and Halina Wisniewska (2010), is

neither a language lesson in the traditional understanding, although it shares some aspects

with current English language teaching (ELT) approaches, nor a typical subject class as the

level of language fluency of learners may have an impact on the content acquired. It means

that curriculum subjects are taught and learnt through the language that is not the mother

tongue. ESP (English for Specific Purposes) covers both English for Academic Purposes

(EAP) and English for Occupational Purposes (EOP) and is usually understood as a separate

language-oriented course. EAP is aimed at tertiary level educational institutions’ learners,

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who are not required to be familiar with the content of the discipline they study. As it is stated

by Andy Gillett (1996: 17-23), EAP courses can be held before the students’ academic

courses start in order to bring them up to the level that is necessary to cope with academic

studies. Thus, EAP courses concentrate on teaching specific language study skills – the

language for academic writing and reading tasks, academic listening (note-taking) and

speaking (making presentations).

EOP, however, is for vocational purposes and at least some knowledge related to the

occupation is required from learners (Jendrych & Wisniewska 2010). It is common to EOP

courses that learners know much more about the subject matter than the language teacher and

they need to improve language skills within a certain area. Thus, the teacher’s role is to help

them talk in English about the subjects they already know.

Political and economic background: meeting global requirements. The situation in

the labour market in Estonia does not differ from those in the other European countries. For

example, Latvian researchers Malinovska et al (2009: 344) admit that, in order to cope with

dramatic changes in the work environment, workers have to be prepared for the acquisition of

knowledge and developing new multi-skills such as creative thinking, being able to manage

technological changes, recognise and respect peoples’ diversity (Malinovska et al 2009: 344-

345). Thus, the CLIL model is one of the models used in education in order to achieve new

requirement of employers through the methodology’s core methods: training the four basic

language skills (reading, speaking, writing and listening), authenticity, self-directed and co-

operative learning, experiential learning, learning styles, reading strategies (Malinovska et al

2009: 246). In the overall European situation of a severe economical crisis, it is important to

upgrade employees’ skills, and one of the ways to achieve it is seen through increasing the

mobility of the labour market and deepening international cooperation (Commission of the

European Communities 2008: 3-13).

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In their report prepared for the European Commision, professor Mike Campbel et al

(2010: 8-9) advise, that the education systems will need to take into account people’s prior

learning as well as their life situations, including gender, educational disadvantage and age.

According to the report, nearly one third of Europe’s population aged 25-64, around 77

million people, are insufficiently skilled. To meet the demands of the modern labour market,

it is advised to “form flexible paths” for providing initial training and to pay attention to the

development of digital and entrepreneurial competences (Campbel et al 2010: 4).

The situation in the vocational education system in Estonia. The Ministry of

Education and Research (Haridus- ja Teadusministeerium 2009: 6, 36) has published a

development plan of Estonian vocational education for the period of time from 2009 to 2013.

According to the plan, new trends in vocational education in the nearest future can be

described by the learner-centered approach, increased quality, innovation. Vocational

education should be open and available to different age groups and it is seen as essential for it

to meet the requirements of present-day society and economy.

According to the data gathered by the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research,

one of the greatest challenges of recent time is the fact result of the decline in childbirth in the

beginning of the 1990s (Haridus- ja Teadusministeerium 2009: 17-18). In this situation it is

extremely important to notice every learner and provide education that meets learners’

individual needs and cognitive abilities. Thus, education has to be flexible to make it possible

for learners to acquire qualifications and skills while working and taking care of families. A

solution to this challenge is seen by the Ministry of Education and Research in e-learning,

using modern technologies and in expanding the availability of vocational education for

different target-groups. A student should be trained into an adaptable worker, who is ready for

lifelong learning. Consequently, according to the vision of vocational education

‘Kutseharidus 2020’, it is important to form learners’ attitudes and values, as well as

creativity and initiative.

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Integration as a new concept of vocational education. According to the new

concept of vocational education, the integration of subjects should be accomplished (Pilli &

Kuusik n.d.: 5-6). National curricula for vocational secondary education establishments will

include the former amount (at least 40 weeks of study) of general education subjects. Yet, a

significant change will take place and half (20 weeks) of these general studies will be

integrated into the vocational training modules. The first part of the new national curriculum

planning was carried out in working groups. The main work, however, is the responsibility of

schools and should be done by teachers of different subjects in cooperation with each other.

As a result of this collaboration new school curricula will be created.

Rationales for integration. Integration is not a fresh tendency of modern education

and has a strong scientific justification (Pilli and Kuusik: n.d., p. 7-8). Human consciousness

operates on the basis of linking principles. Acquiring new information is much more effective

when it is associated with some prior knowledge or audio/visual experience. However, links

do not occur automatically because humans have a limited ability to transfer knowledge from

one field to another and human memory obtains information through the same links as it was

stored. The best way to prepare students for the future career is to imitate authentic real-life

situations in order to raise learners’ motivation. In the light of the overall tendency towards

the integration of subjects, CLIL can be one of the best opportunities for teaching English and

special vocational content subjects.

English in Vocational Education. According to new trends in the national

educational system of Estonia (Haridus- ja Teadusministeerium: 2009; Riigikogu 2013), the

shift in vocational education is planned for the year 2014 when the new national curriculum

will be adopted and applied. The new curriculum requires quite a large number of subjects to

be taught through integration. Consequently, there is an increasing need for content and

language integrated learning (CLIL) study materials for different occupations.

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The situation with teaching English in Tartu Vocational Education Centre. At

present, in Tartu Vocational Education Centre (TVEC) students are mostly taught specific

technical English during a 40-hour course and 160-hours of general English. The materials

used for teaching ESP do not meet the needs of students of different occupations. The

textbooks available for teaching (Tech Talk by V. Hollett, 2005; Oxford English for Electrical

and Mechanical Engineering by Glendinning & Glendinning, 2001), deal with general

technical English, and teachers should combine materials from various sources themselves in

order to compile an English for Specific Purposes course for students of certain technical

occupations. A similar problem was previously described by Julia Kovalenko in her MA

thesis (2010).

However, a shift in this teaching paradigm is already in progress. According to the

new national curriculum for vocational education establishments, students will be taught ESP

to a larger extent; the amount of general English will be minimised. Teachers have to get

ready for the change and prepare new teaching materials, cooperate with their colleagues in

order to integrate subjects more effectively.

Specifying the occupation. As it was mentioned previously, vocational education

system involves various technical occupations. There is a great demand for specific language

teaching materials compiled for a certain occupation. The outcomes of the present work it is

to carry out needs analysis and to design sample teaching activities and a preliminary

integrated syllabus for learners of mechatronics. The area of mechatronics is defined more

specifically in Chapter Two. Shortly, mechatronics is often seen as a blend of mechanics,

electronics, a synergy of control theory, computer science, sensor and actuator technology.

To sum up the previous, it can be noted, that the introductory part of the present paper

gives an overview of different approaches to improving learners’ knowledge of specific

technical English (ESP, CLIL). In addition to that, there is also introduced economic and

political background of Estonia and other countries in order to give justification to ongoing

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changes in the educational system and in the system of vocational education in particular. The

main tendency heads towards integration of subjects and choosing CLIL as the most suitable

methodology in order to improve students’ qualifications in various areas simultaneously and

meet the requirements of the 21st century’s labour market.

The structure of the main part of the present work can be divided into two main parts –

theoretical and practical. The theoretical part concentrates on presenting an overview of

teaching approach CLIL (Chapter One). The practical part is divided into two chapters –

overview of the needs analysis research carried out in Tartu Vocational Education Centre

among the students and the vocational teachers of mechatronics (Chapter Two); the sample

CLIL activities constructed in Moodle environment and the preliminary integrated course

outline for students of mechatronics (Chapter Three). In addition to that, nine appendices are

enclosed in the end of the thesis. The paper is based on 46 resources.

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One of the aims of the present work is to give an overview of content and language

integrated learning in order to design sample Moodle CLIL teaching activities for students of

mechatronics. In the existing wide range of numerous teaching approaches, why integration

and CLIL in particular should be chosen? In order to answer this question, in Chapter One

there is presented a more detailed overview of CLIL model, including possible teachers’

attitudes towards this approach and possible mistakes in organising CLIL-based teaching that

should be pre-planned and avoided. In the light of changing educational paradigm, new

requirements should be met.

Concept of CLIL

Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) is often seen as an “umbrella term”

for different methods of teaching language through content Peeter Mehisto et al (2012: 29-

30). CLIL gives learners a different learning experience, if compared with traditional foreign

language teaching, and prepares them for real-life situations in the global, technological

society where knowledge of other languages is essential.

Possible models of CLIL. Trying to define CLIL can be a challenge since the term

itself is so wide and involves various models. Yet, it is possible to combine different

characteristic traits of CLIL in order to develop the most appropriate model suitable for the

conditions of a certain school. For example, Kay Bentley (2010: 6) presents the spectrum of

CLIL types (see Table 1). As seen from the table, Bentley categorises CLIL into three

possible types, which vary from soft CLIL (teaching topics of the curriculum as part of a

language lesson) to hard CLIL (partial immersion where almost half of the curriculum is

taught in the target language).

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Table 1. Spectrum of CLIL types by Kay Bentley



Type of CLIL Time Context

Language-led 45 minutes once a week Some curricular topics are taught during

a language course.

Subject-led (modular)

15 hours during one term

Schools or teachers choose parts of the

subject syllabus which they teach in the

target language.

Subject-led (partial


About 50% of the


About half of the curriculum is taught in

the target language. The content can

reflect what is taught in the L1 or can be

new content.

Furthermore, Do Coyle introduces CLIL through the 4Cs Framework (n.d.), which is

described as a model integrating learning (content and cognition) and language learning

(communication and culture). In the context of a vocational school, content can be understood

as special vocational subjects (e.g., in mechatronics). In addition to that, there exist some

CLIL programs developing cross-curricular links among different content subjects.

Communication covers both written and oral production of the target language and can

involve information gaps, self- and peer-evaluation (Bentley 2010: 7). Cognition is associated

with developing learners’ cognitive skills, including creative thinking and evaluating. The role

of culture is seen in the development of understanding ourselves and people from other

cultural background and other home languages. In addition to that, in the context of educating

skilled workers of various occupations, culture can be recognised not only as an international

aspect, but also as the culture of overall working environment. The modern labour market, as

it was mentioned previously in the introductory part of the present MA thesis, is mobile and

open to people of different occupations. Hence, the new skilled worker has to be ready to

assist new arrivals at their workplace and demonstrate the knowledge of a foreign language,

as well as adapt easily to new cultural conditions if working abroad.

Characteristic features of CLIL. The approach includes many characteristic features,

however, different authors highlight various essential aspects. Thus, Peeter Mehisto et al

(2012: 29-30, 69) list the following: active learning (peer teamwork, evaluation of progress by

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students themselves, involvment into the learning process by being able to set learning);

authenticy (learning is student-centered and connected to students’ lives and the use of

contemporary materials from media will maximise students’ interests); scaffolding

(constructing new knowledge on students’ existing skills and prior experience). In addition to

that, CLIL is often associated with the aspects are discussed further: developing language

skills, raising self-awareness, developing learning styles, and cognitive skills.

Developing language skills through CLIL. While planning a CLIL lesson, it is

important to build up a framework based on a combination of four language skills – reading,

listening speaking and writing (Darn: 2006). The preferences of skills are considered thus:

Reading, using meaningful material, is seen as the major source of input.

Listening is a normal input activity, vital for language learning.

Speaking focuses on fluency. Accuracy is seen as less important.

Writing is a series of lexical activities through which grammar is recycled.

Language across the curriculum. Consequently, acquiring the knowledge of the

target language together through mastering the four essential language skills is one of the

main outcomes often associated with CLIL. According to Bentley (2010: 11), CLIL without

exploring the language should not be considered CLIL. The main focus of CLIL approach is

on understanding the subject and being able to communicate ideas, rather than on grammar

structures. Bentley advises not to exclude grammar from integrated teaching but to present

both grammar and vocabulary in chunks. Yet, it has to be taken into consideration that certain

language competence aspects benefit more than others from CLIL. Christiane Dalton-Puffer

(2007: 4-6, 15) acknowledges that vocabulary, receptive skills, morphology, creativity,

fluency gain most, whereas syntax, writing, informal language, pronunciation and pragmatics

would remain unaffected.

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Raising self-awareness and developing learning styles. To sum up the previous, in

planning a CLIL lesson it is important to integrate language and learning skills, base lessons

on reading and listening texts, approach the language rather lexically than grammatically and

take into consideration students’ learning styles (Darn: 2006). On the whole, being aware of

students’ learning styles can be described as a stepping-stone to learners’ personal

achievement and can help the teacher to create links for further positive communication

(Mehisto et al 2008: 167-168). Learning styles are classified by Mehisto into visual, auditory

and kinaesthetic. Students themselves may be unaware of their individual learning styles and

raising their awareness is one of the teacher’s roles in organising the teaching process. It is

beneficial to start a CLIL course with students evaluating their personal learning styles

because it helps students to gain control of their learning process. In addition to that, students

develop a capacity of self-evaluation and understanding of themselves as a part of learning


Developing cognitive skills through CLIL. In addition to the positive traits of CLIL

mentioned previously in this chapter, good CLIL practice, according to Peeter Mehisto et al

(2008: 30), should involve higher levels of thinking and cognition: recognising, judging,

reasoning, imagining, analysing. In the context of the present work it is important to take into

account Bloom’s taxonomy and Bloom’s revised taxonomy (see Figure 1), which are

described by Mehisto et al (2008: 155) as the main teacher’s tools in lesson planning,

materials’ design and evaluating the process of learning.

Figure 1. Blooms taxonomy and Bloom’s revised taxonomy (Churches 2009: 5)

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The original Taxonomy of Educational Objectives categorised thinking skills dividing

them into Lower Order Thinking Skills (LOTS) and Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS).

According to this categorisation, learner could not understand a concept without remembering

it and it was not possible to apply the knowledge without understanding it.

In Bloom's Revised Taxonomy the use of nouns was replaced with verbs describing

activities of daily classroom practice. In the modified model creativity was considered to be

higher within the cognitive domain than evaluation. Thus, supporting creative and critical

thinking through different target activities is seen as characteristic of CLIL teaching models.

Mehisto et al (2008: 153-165) defines critical thinking as a process involving

creation/generation and further development of ideas and processes. Although there exists a

lack of CLIL materials, it is possible to find useful teaching hints for developing creative and

critical thinking. For example, Mehisto et al (2008: 153-165) give an overview of possible

classroom activities aimed to foster thinking skills. On the basis of his overview a table with

teaching strategies in vocational studies was derivered (see Appendix 3).

In conclusion, CLIL has a lot of positive traits such as increasing cultural awareness,

internationalisation, preparation for both study and working life, increased motivation. CLIL

is overly student-centred and takes into consideration learners’ learning styles, provides

scaffolding in order to construct new knowledge based on students’ previous experiences,

develops the four language skills, supports creative and critical thinking and takes into

account Bloom’s revised taxonomy. CLIL is also characterised by active and authentic

learning. The approach is aiming to raise students’ self-awareness and form them into

independent learners through self- and peer-evaluation. In other words, CLIL is beneficial due

to its methodology and throughout the areas it is intending to influence.

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Materials’ selection and adoption in CLIL

It can be argued, that there is no need for constructing any special materials for

applying CLIL in the context of vocational subjects, since it is possible to use the existing

ESP materials. Yet, these materials are rather topic-based, not subject-based and thus do not

cover the curriculum but just a small part of separate topics. According to Kay Bentley (2010:

50), CLIL materials differ from materials used in traditional foreign language teaching

classes, where topics are mostly chosen to practice grammar. CLIL materials, however, are

selected because of the subject of content and the role of language is to support the subject.

Another possibility is to use materials compiled for native speakers. However, Chris

Baldwin (2011) states that adapting and constructing special materials for CLIL lessons is

essential. Materials designed for native speakers of the target language do not suit to CLIL

unless the content is downgraded and is relatively easy for the learners. According to

Baldwin, it is important to take into consideration students’ needs, individual differences,

their language level and level of content knowledge. The weaker the students’ language level

is, the more language-oriented approach should be applied. For students with a better

knowledge of the language the cognitive load can be more extended.

Consequently, there is a great need for special CLIL materials, constructed with taking

into consideration individual needs of a particular occupation, students’ group, school’s

curriculum, technological opportunities and skills of the teaching staff.

Criteria for compiling CLIL teaching materials. Further there are presented

essential criteria for compiling teaching materials, which can be divided into general criteria,

applicable to any set of materials, and more specific, CLIL didactics-derived criteria.

While compiling CLIL teaching materials, Peeter Mehisto (2012: 22) advises to take

into consideration Krashen’s ‘input hypothesis’ of language learning claiming that a rich input

is extremely important in the process of acquisition. Stephen Krashen himself also sees the

‘input and output hypotheses’ to be closely related to the ‘need hypothesis’ (1998: 180-181).

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According to his idea, the target language is acquired only when there is a ‘need’ to

communicate. It is important to force learners to use the target language for both oral and

written communication, while the input should be above the learners’ level in order to provide

the development of the language from one level to another (Krashen 2011: 13-20).

To sum up the previous, it can be concluded, that it is essential to provide rich input

for the learners (authentic texts, listening tracks and videos). Otherwise, as Wu Wenquan

(2010: 138-139), professor of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, warns, the

less input the learners get, the less output would they be able to produce. Due to that reason

there should always be a gap between the learner’s level and the input provided in the


General criteria for constructing teaching materials. The following issues and

general criteria suggested by Mehisto (2012: 30), need to be taken into consideration, while

developing CLIL materials in order to ensure that they meet the general norms of student

learning materials: technical requirements (electronic materials must meet safety requirements

set by national education authorities, they have to ensure face-to-face communication with

others, direct students to non-electronic sources of learning and foster the development of

media literacy); environmental issues (should reflect safety issues and reflect recycling,

renewable energy); social issues and avoiding stereotypes (stereotypes should be avoided in

presenting people of different age groups, minorities, occupations).

To conclude the previous, if aiming to design any kind of specific teaching materials

such as CLIL or ESP, in hard copy or online, it is crucial to take into consideration general

principles for constructing materials, including safety issues and avoiding stereotypes.

Specific criteria for constructing CLIL materials. In addition to the general criteria,

it is necessary to pay attention to specific CLIL criteria listed below. These specific principles

are based upon a tool for creating CLIL materials developed by Mehisto (2010, 2012: 15-33).

The tool consists of 10 characteristic features of quality CLIL learning materials:

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1) making the learning process (language, content, learning skills) visible to students by

providing clear instructional goals and a systematic feedback on student’s progress. Learners

should gain some control over their learning.

2) systematically fostering academic language proficiency: scientific language should be

empowered throughout the whole learning process and simplified if needed. (Cummins


3) fostering learning skills development and learner autonomy: materials can include

learning skills tips, can guide students to determining what they think/feel. Reading activities

can involve examining the text for different purposes (skimming and scanning) and help teach

them learning strategies (Hattie 2012: 193)

4) including self, peer and other types of formative assessment: materials contain

assessment of planned outcomes for achievement of content/language, learning skills goals.

5) helping create a safe learning environment: cognitive overload is avoided in materials

(provide language scaffolding, ‘chunking’ and logical framework of the content.

6) fostering cooperative learning: material introduce criteria or an assessment grid to

analyse group work results and improve critical thinking.

7) seeking ways of incorporating authentic language and authentic language use:

materials establish cultural connections and help construct knowledge about ethnically and

culturally diverse people. Language should be used for authentic purposes (problem solving,

creating a project)

8) fostering critical thinking: fact-based questions should be avoided, instead activities

should be cognitively challenging and incorporate high-level thinking processes.

9) fostering cognitive fluency through scaffolding helping student to reach well beyond

what they could do on their own. According to Mehisto (2012: 24), scaffolding can be

provided for content (highlighting ideas and terms, adding subtitles, connecting the topic to

learner’s personal experiences); language (shortening sentences/paragraphs; introducing

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synonyms; providing explanations of some key vocabulary in the margins; grouping language

according to use e.g., procedures, equipment; incorporating dictionary links for difficult

terms); learning skills development (providing a sample correct answer at the start of an

exercise, asking students to guess meaning from context, providing samples of error

correction techniques).

10) helping to make learning meaningful: materials should establish connections of the

content with students’ interests and prior knowledge, deepen it by presenting new facts.

Materials should provide cross-curricular links and projects.

In the context of the present MA thesis it is aimed to design sample Moodle teaching

activities based on CLIL principles that would reinforce the knowledge of technical English

of students of mechatronics in TVEC. Moreover, the online sample materials would provide a

support for the collaboration of the content teachers of mechatronics and the language

teachers. It is intended to take into consideration most of the specific materials’ design criteria

listed previously and developed by Mehisto (2010, 2012: 15-33). Many criteria can be

beneficially accomplished in Moodle environment, e.g., providing systematic feedback on

students’ progress, including formative assessment, self- and peer-evaluation, providing an

opportunity to work with authentic reading and listening materials, creating a well-organised

learning environment by providing ‘chunked’ information and logical structure of the content.

Apart from the language skills, this will help students develop their self-awareness and form

them into independent learners.

Assessment in CLIL

Formative assessment was already mentioned previously among the specific CLIL

criteria for compiling study materials. Yet, the aspect of assessment should be examined more

closely, since the Moodle environment allows to provide an instant and systematic

assessment. Hence, the question of assessment cannot be excluded from the theoretical

overview. Assessment is probably the feature that makes online study materials different from

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the ones in a course book – assessment has to be pre-planned and included as an essential part

of online materials.

Learning outcomes and assessment criteria. For many teachers it can be

complicated to apply assessment in CLIL, because it aims to teach both language and content.

From this perspective it is confusing for teachers what, how and when to assess. It is advised

to assess depending on the type of CLIL course (Bentley 2010: 84-85). As it was mentioned

previously in Chapter One of the present MA thesis, more attention to that language is paid in

soft CLIL programs, which are often part of the language course. Hard CLIL programs

concentrate more on both language and the content or sometimes just the content. Yet, Ana

Llinares et al (20122: 282) warn, that teachers have to be careful and determine the role of the

language and the subject when assessing students’ achievement of learning outcomes. In the

process of assessing the language it is also important to distinguish between structures

acquired by learners in the academic environment and outside of it.

In addition to the previously mentioned aspects, the following skills can be taken into

consideration in CLIL assessment: communication, cognitive, practical skills (e.g., in carrying

out experiments, measuring). In order to apply assessment in CLIL effectively, according to

Bentley, it is essential to make the process learner-centered and set standards for assessment

(e.g., to take into account learners’ individual needs and abilities, strengths and areas for

improvement in subject content in order to give learners feedback on these).

It is of extreme importance to decide on assessment criteria to help the teacher judge

how well a learner has achieved the learning outcomes. It is possible to create assessment

sheets and checklists for learners with the specific criteria listed.

Types of assessment in CLIL. Kay Bentley (2010:89) presents an overview of

different assessment types in CLIL and describes two main types of assessment – summative

and formative assessment. Summative assessment is the assessment of learning in order to get

a picture of what kind of specific content, language knowledge the learners have achieved.

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This type of assessment is often quite formal. Diagnostic tests used to identify problems

learners have with subject content is one of the examples of summative assessment.

Formative assessment is the assessment for learning aiming to give students useful

feedback on their progress, it is often informal. Information for formative assessment can be

collected by observing students, collecting data of written work, during group work or oral

presentations (performance assessment). Other types of formative assessment are peer

assessment (learners assess and give feedback on each other’s progress) and self-assessment

(learners assess their own progress). For both forms of assessment, learners need to know the

learning outcomes and the criteria. How is it possible to describe learning outcomes the most

efficiently? Kay Bentley advises to use ‘can do’ statements to do so (2010: 90).

To sum up the previous, a lot of different aspects should be taken into consideration

while designing CLIL teaching materials. Learning outcomes and assessment criteria should

be preplanned to make the process of learning well-structured and beneficial for learners. In

the CLIL sample materials for students of mechatronics created for the present MA thesis, it

was decided to include both summative and formative assessment to make the process of

evaluation of students’ progress more complete.

Teachers’ roles in CLIL: content and language teachers’ responsibilities

Teachers are often seen as the main driving power of organising CLIL-based teaching

in schools, since schools try to cope with reforming the system of education using their own

accessible means and resources. According to Chris Baldwin (2011), it is vital for language

teachers and content teachers to cooperate in planning CLIL lessons. Peeter Mehisto et al

(2008: 11) mention that content teachers are also expected to teach some language. The role

of language teachers is seen as supporting content teachers by providing the language needed

for students to manipulate with the content. Surprisingly, Mehisto et al (2008: 11) also

describe the role of a content teacher as supportive. As the integration of the language and the

content has a dual focus, from one point of view, the process of learning the language can be

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integrated into the content classes and in this case the information can be presented in charts,

diagrams, key-concepts and terminology. From another point of view, content can also be

included into the language lessons and this can be achieved only with the support of content

teachers. The language teacher then is responsible for incorporating vocabulary, terminology

and texts from content subjects into the language classroom. Thus, it can be concluded that

CLIL theorists avoid placing the leading role upon either language or content teachers. It

appears that, according to Mehisto et al (2008: 11), both language and content teachers have a

supportive role since they support the integrated teaching and learning process as a whole. In

the context of a certain school it can be understood as a need for taking into consideration the

weakest and the strongest skills of teachers participating in the process of reorganising the

educational paradigm.

Problematic issues of CLIL

In order to present a more adequate overview of CLIL teaching approach, it is

important to pre-plan possible obstacles, which could help to find solutions to arising

problems. It is possible to classify the problems associated with organising CLIL lessons into

two main categories: materials-related and human-resources-related problems. The lack of

resources is a serious obstacle since creating/adopting materials is extremely time-consuming

(Baldwin & Kelly 2010).

However, the greatest concern is rather associated with the negative attitudes and

disbelieves among students, teachers and audience outside educational institutions (Mehisto et

al 2008: 20-23). It is often stated that students studying in a foreign language cannot possibly

achieve the same level of content knowledge that their peers studying in the mother tongue

are able to achieve. In addition to that, CLIL is thought to be suitable only for learners with

outstanding academic abilities. Mehisto et al argue that a common practice of multicultural

education rejects this disbelief. Similarly to the concerns of Peeter Mehisto et al, Do Coyle

(2008) warns about the existing prejudices about CLIL and lists some of them, including the

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fact that CLIL is often believed to favour languages and sometimes even seen as a threat to

the subject. However, the results of research prove that there are no significant differences

amongst students with poor or excellent school readiness when their mother-tongue literacy

skills were compared; even young learners are able to acquire the content in the target

language if provided with the support of home and teachers and a well-structured framework

of information (Merisuo-Storm 2003).

Problems with teacher training and teachers’ attitudes. The role of teachers in

CLIL cannot be underestimated, since it is probably one of the main powers of expanding

CLIL into everyday classrooms. Yet, shortage of teachers is recognised as a common problem

among numerous educational institutions aiming to expand CLIL. Initial teacher training in

universities of many countries does not provide a special training in CLIL, thus, providing

well-trained teachers who both speak the target language and have a qualification in the

content subject can be extremely demanding. Having a language teacher qualification is not

enough for teachers due to the fact that CLIL is more specific than a traditional language

teaching (Eurydice 2006). Vera Savic (2010) studied teachers’ attitudes to and experiences in

CLIL in Serbia. She concludes that that most of respondents believed that CLIL requires more

subject knowledge than teachers of English possess. The Norwegian practice shows that

teachers have two-three qualifications apart from the qualification of a language teacher

(Eurydice 2006).

CLIL in Estonia. Practicing CLIL in Estonia is mainly associated with immersion

and teaching subjects in the Estonian language in non-Estonian schools. According to Anu-

Reet Hausenberg and Kristi Saarsoo (2008), a teacher should be provided with separate CLIL

methodology training, as well as he/she should have a C1 level of knowledge of the target

language and have a higher education in the subject they teach. The authors present an idea

that CLIL methodology training can be a part of general university teacher training program.

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To sum up the situation with the existing problems in organising CLIL-based teaching

in schools, there exists a real challenge in providing suitable materials, trying to overcome

negative attitudes among students and teachers, shortage of well-trained teachers with the

sufficient language skills. It should be admitted, that CLIL can be challenging for teachers,

since initial teacher training does not include specific CLIL training, neither is it provided

systematically throughout the country as an in-service training.

The attitude of the education authorities in Estonia. Teachers often tend to look for

the support of authorities and are not ready to take the whole responsibility for organising the

process of the integrated teaching (Savic 2010). Therefore, it is important to present the

attitude of the local authorities dealing with recent revolutionary changes in education. The

authorities in Estonia, responsible for activating the process of integrating subjects teaching in

vocational schools, admit that planning an integrative learning process can be challenging for

schools (Pilli & Kuusik n.d.: p 33-34).

The problematic issue of teacher training and teachers’ qualifications is not denied.

Being competent in more than one field can be beneficial for teachers. Moreover, planning the

integrative teaching process is recognised by Pilli and Kuusik (n.d.: p 33-34) as extremely

time-consuming. In order to plan the integration, it is necessary to have enough time to find

common concepts and themes connecting a variety of subjects. Probably the most problematic

issue of all is the organisation of teaching process within the school, since it is much easier to

organise teaching module and separate subject wise, it is more convenient to measure and

evaluate teachers’ work than if dealing with complicated wholly integrated modules.

Pilli and Kuusik provide possible solutions to these problems (n.d.: p. 34-35):

1) Integrated modules must be designed, taught, assessed in collaboration with other

teacher. In this case it should not be expected, that one module at time should be taught by

only one teacher. It is recommended that school authorities will take into account the

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collaboration among teachers working in integrated modules and pay teachers one extra

working hour per week.

2) Learning should not be considered only as an auditory work, which is easier to

account but it can cause obstacles in developing learners’ key proficiencies. Some part of

individual learning can take place online to make information more accessible to learners.

This should be taken into consideration in teachers salaries.

3) Feedback is an important part of learning since it helps learners to take responsibility

for their own learning.

To sum up the previous, Chapter One concentrates on presenting an overview of CLIL

and its application in the teaching process and materials’ design. The approach involves

numerous positive aspects such as increasing cultural awareness, and motivation, preparation

for working life, being student-centred and taking into consideration learners’ learning styles,

providing scaffolding to construct new knowledge, developing the four language skills,

supporting creative and critical thinking, raising students’ self-awareness and forming them

into independent learners. In addition to that, there are listed some negative aspects and

possible problems that can arise while applying CLIL model on practice. Some questions are

still open and cannot be answered instantly. Yet, it should be noted, that these challenges are

recognised by the officials dealing with reorganising vocational education in Estonia.

Hopefully, it is possible to solve most of the problems in case if they are pre-planned and

dealt with gradually.

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The present chapter presents general practice of needs analysis and introduces the

research carried out in Tartu Vocational Education Centre (TVEC) in February-April 2013

among the students and the content teachers of mechatronics. It is aimed to use the findings of

the survey for compiling a sample CLIL course syllabus and Moodle teaching activities.

Determining learners’ needs

Before designing any study materials, it is essential to define what the needs of the

target groups are. Further there are presented several opportunities for determining learners’


General practice. Professor of Sydney University Jack C. Richards (2001) introduces

seven methods of collecting data for understanding learners’ needs:

1) Questionnaires can be filled out by employers (to identify situations in which the

target language will be used) and by learners themselves (to identify learning needs).

2) Self-ratings are often included into questionnaires. The problematic issue of this

method based on learners’ self-evaluation, is that the answers can be subjective.

3) Interviews: in order to gather as much information as possible, both learners and

their future employers can be involved into the procedure.

4) Observations carried out in a target socio-linguistic situation in order to collect

examples of tasks that have to be performed in learner’s future occupational settings.

5) Collecting learner language samples: the method involves collecting different

language tasks aiming to get information about learners’ ability to complete the tasks. It

allows to determine learners’ language needs, however, it is very time-consuming.

7) Task analysis aims to analyse tasks learners will have to perform in their future

socio-linguistic situations, which can help evaluate language needs.

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8) Case studies: learners themselves write down the situations where they used the

language in and problems they had.

To sum up the overview of possible needs analysis methods, it is preferred to use

different methods in order to get a more adequate picture of learners’ needs. One of the easiest

ways to gather information is to use questionnaires, because it is less time-consuming and the

data can be analysed easily. Due to these beneficial aspects it was decided to use a

questionnaire in the present study. However, one of the obstacles of this method could be

formulating the questions and achieving the right balance between open and closed questions.

Needs analysis of the learners and the teachers of mechatronics in TVEC. One of

the aims of the present work was to find out what the linguistic needs of the students and the

teachers of mechatronics in TVEC are and to determine their attitudes towards content and

language integrated learning.

Defining the area of mechatronics. From the perspective of selecting topics for the

study materials, it is essential to gain an understanding of the area on the whole and the

subtopics it involves. Shortly it can be stated, that mechatronics is widely recognised as an

interdisciplinary science. The term itself (a blend of ’mecha’ for mechanisms and ’tronics’ for

electronics) was first used in Japan by an engineer at Japan's Yaskawa Electric Co. in 1969

(Popovchenko 2006). It is often stated, that mechatronics grew out of robotics and it is often

associated with this field. Actually, robotics is only one field of mechatronics. According to

Stephen Ashley (1997), the word ‘mechatronics’ itself has a broader meaning than

electromechanics – a field which can be labelled as ‘an ancestor’ of mechatronics and

involves the use of electrostatic and electromagnetic devices (Ashley 1997). Ashley includes

into mechatronics’ related technical areas modeling and design, system integration, actuators

and sensors, robotics, motion control, vibration and noise control and optoelectronic systems.

The present situation in mechatronics and modern fields of its development. Since the

2000-s building high memory capacity have improved rapidly and lead to the boom in

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production of in-car navigation systems and other audio-visual consumer electronic products

(Habib 2007: 15). Nowadays more and more educational establishments develop new

curricula to meet new requirements of the world. According to educators providing training in

mechatronics, interdisciplinarity of mechatronics emphasises individual- and team-based

learning through a problem- and project-based approach to fulfill the challenges of modern

technology and the demands of the modern world (Habib 2007:13).

As it was described above, mechatronics is a wide field and provides a lot of

opportunities for students to build a career according to their individual interests and

preferences. Maria Popovchenko (2006) gives an overview of expanding new spheres in

mechatronics, which involve machine-tool construction and equipment for automation of

technological processes; aviation, space and military techniques; motor car construction

(antiblocking brake system (ABS), automatic parking); office equipment; computer facilities

(e.g., printers); medical equipment; home appliances; micro machines (for biotechnology,

means of telecommunications); control and measuring devices. These are the fields where

students of mechatronics are able to find a job after graduating from their education

establishment. Thus, the area is extremely broad and it is essential to carry out needs analysis

in order to specify topics for the material design.


In order to accomplish aims set for the present MA thesis, a needs analysis research

was carried out during the period of time from February to April 2013. The data was collected

by administering questionnaires to the students of mechatronics and the teachers of specific

vocational subjects.

Sample. Needs analysis research was carried out in TVEC. In total, 61 students of

mechatronics participated in the research. The groups studying on the basis of basic and

secondary education were questioned; six different groups were represented. On the whole, 59

male students and two female students participated in the survey; an average age of the

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students was 21.3, varying from 17 to 37 years. 59.3% of all the respondents study on the

basis of secondary education. Only one third of all students admitted having occupational

work experience, which was mostly up to one year. 13% of the student respondents have

worked abroad.

In addition to the student participants, ten teachers of special vocational subjects of

mechatronics participated in the research. Eight male teachers and two female teachers filled

out the survey, an average age of the participants was 53.6, varying from 24 to 74 years, the

median was 60+ years. Background information of the teachers showed that 80% of them

have work experience more than 20 years and none of them has worked abroad.

Questionnaire and the procedure. To find out what the socio-linguistic needs of the

students and the teachers are, two separate questionnaires (see Appendices 1 and 2) for the

teachers and for the students were compiled. The questionnaires are based on the schools’

curriculum for mechatronics (Tartu Kutsehariduskeskus 2009) and the Vocational Standard

for Mechatronic Technicians (Sihtasutus Kutsekoda 2001). Two questionnaires were used to

gather data for the needs analysis – one to get information about the students’ linguistic-

situational needs and attitudes towards learning content subjects through integrated approach

(students’ questionnaire, SQ), the other questionnaire was used to find out what the teachers’

attitudes and readiness to teach subjects through the target language are (teachers’

questionnaire, TQ). The types of questions included multiple choice questions, open-ended

questions, rating scales (e.g., self-evaluation).

Both questionnaires have a similar framework divided into five main parts:

background information about the respondent (SQ questions 1-6, TQ questions 1-5);

information about use of English in everyday life in occupation-related areas (SQ

questions 7-10 , TQ questions 6-9);

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questions about applying CLIL in the classroom and preferences in possible English

language-based teaching classroom activities (SQ questions 11-18, TQ questions 10-20);

a block of questions about preferences and possibility of studying/teaching various

compulsory and elective vocational subjects of the mechatronics’ curriculum in English (SQ

questions 19-20, TQ questions 21-22);

questions about the possible use of English in various situations in students’ future

workplace (SQ questions 23-27, TQ questions 21-24).

Modules 2-5 are divided into sub-parts according to the four language skills (reading,

writing, speaking, listening) in order to follow CLIL characteristic features.

Both the students’ and the teachers’ questionnaires were partly filled out online in environment; some of them were answered on paper in order to accelerate the

procedure of data collecting. Most teachers’ questionnaires were filled out on hard copy due

to the fact that teachers were the hardest to motivate to participate in the research. As a result,

some useful comments were received during the procedure of a semi-structured interview.

Research questions. The survey was aiming to answer the following questions:

1) What language skills do the learners and the teachers of mechatronics apply the most

in everyday life in occupation-related fields and in which situations most commonly?

2) What kind of English language learning involving activities do the students prefer to

participate in during a content lesson in the classroom and what kind of activities are the

content teachers of mechatronics ready to provide?

3) What kind of compulsory and elective vocational subjects the from mechatronics’

curriculum do the learners and the teachers evaluate as possible to be taught/learnt in English

and to which extent (totally/partly/not at all)?

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4) In what kind of the four language skills involving activities are the students likely to

need English in their future workplace according to their own and their teachers’ evaluation?


In order to make adequate conclusions about the experience with the language and

teaching/learning preferences, it is important to evaluate the participants’ level of English (SQ

question 6, TQ question 5). Both the learners and the teachers were asked to assess their own

knowledge according to the scale good-average-bad. It was decided not to include CEFR

(Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, see Appendix 8) levels into the

scale, because the students might not be familiar with this terminology. The results (see Table

2) show, that the students assessed their level of English higher than the teachers (67.5% of

the teachers stated their level of English was poor as opposed to 8% of the students with poor

knowledge of English). Thus, most of the teachers participated in the survey admitted having

bad knowledge of English. The strongest skill was reading, since only 50% of the teachers

stated that it was bad. The situation is much worse with the other skills, where writing was

assessed as the weakest skill in 80% of all cases, both speaking and understanding the speech

were assessed as equally poor. In open-ended questions, some teachers admitted having no

experience of learning English at all.

In comparison to the teachers’ answers, the students of mechatronics in TVEC

evaluated their knowledge of English much higher. According to their answers, reading,

similarly to teachers, is the strongest skills. The speaking skill collected the most “bad”

answers (12 %), and, consequently, was evaluated as the poorest. However, it is still much

stronger if being opposed to the teachers’ results. From one point of view the results are

understandable, because almost two thirds of teachers were older than 60 years and most of

them have not learnt English. From another point of view, it is possible that teachers evaluate

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their knowledge of the language more adequately or they are more self-critical. On the whole

it can be noted, that the receptive skills are reported as stronger than the productive skills.

Table 2. The respondents’ knowledge of English:


Students Teachers

Good Average Poor Good Average Poor

Reading 64 32 4 20 30 50

Writing 46 46 8 10 10 80

Speaking 48 40 12 10 20 70


the speech

68 24 8 20 10 70

Average result 56.5 35.5 8 15 17.5 67.5

Using English in everyday occupational environment. In this part of the

questionnaire (SQ questions 7-10, TQ questions 6-9) the participants were asked to evaluate

how often they use English in different occupation-related activities and situations. The

activities were presented according to the four language skills (reading, writing, listening and

speaking) and had to be evaluated on the often-seldom-never scale. The results are presented

in Appendix 4 (Tables 1-4).

In analysing reading-related situations, the most surprising finding was that quite a

large number of the teachers (40%) do not read occupation-related literature in English at all

(see Table 2, Appendix 4). One of the teachers mentioned as a comment to an open-ended

question using additional materials such as dictionaries and google translate. Among the

students only 21.7% admitted that they never read specific literature in English. A common

tendency among the students and the teachers was discovered in searching information in the

Internet and working with different computer software, since it involved using English to a

larger extent. According to the results, both the teachers and the students also read assembly

instructions and user manuals in English. Reading accident reports, check-lists and other

specific documentation was the less common activity for both target groups.

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In writing-related activities the findings (see Table 2, Appendix F) were consistent

with the ones discovered about reading-related activities. Both the teachers and the students

use the writing skill mostly for searching for some information in the Internet as well as for

working with a computer. However, only 3.3% of all the learners never use English in

searching information in the Internet, while among the teachers 20% answered that they never

use English to seek information on-line. The less popular activity among both groups was

using the language for filling out specific documentations such as reports and check-lists.

On the whole, speaking (Table 3, Appendix 4) appeared to be the less common skill

used in everyday occupational environment by both the teachers and the students. An

overview of average scores throughout all the four language skills used in everyday

occupational environment will be examined further in this chapter, the results are presented in

Table 5 of Appendix 4. None of the teachers admitted using English for communicating

constantly, which is probably logical, since in the school environment possibilities of

communication in English are limited. The situation-wise analysis showed, that both among

the students’ and the teachers’ answers it is possible to sort out the less popular activities

among other relatively unpopular choices. The students stated making work arrangements,

giving instructions (55.4% of negative answers) and speaking about technical documentation-

related topics (48.3% on the ‘unpopularity’ scale) in English as the less popular activities.

Among the teachers giving instructions in English was also one of the most unpopular

choices, since 90% of teachers stated they never do it. In addition to that, another the less

common choice for using English was speaking about materials, their properties and

designations (80%).

As for listening-related activities (Table 4, Appendix 4), the most frequent choice

among the students were watching videos on occupational topics, since only 7.1% of all the

respondents admitted that they never do it). A similar tendency appeared in the teachers’

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answers, 20% of them stated that they never watch occupation-related videos. However, this

percentage is still much higher than in the students’ answers. It can be concluded that

watching videos is one of the most common, real-life resembling activities for both the

students and the teachers, thus to some extent this activity should be further included into

sample online CLIL materials.

The less popular choice among the teachers’ answers was using English for listening

to work orders and instructions (90% admitted they never practise that) and listening to oral

reports (80% never do that). Similarly to that, 46% of all the student respondents admitted that

they never listen to oral reports, which was the less common choice among all others. It is an

interesting finding, because making presentations and listening to reports can probably be one

of the easiest activities to organise in the context of a classroom. Thus, it could be a relatively

easy for starting applying CLIL in teaching content subjects with a slight support of a

language teacher.

General overview of the use of the four language skills. An overview of the topic-wise

situational analysis of the use of the four language skills by the participants is already

presented above. In order to find out what are the language skills used the most widely by the

participants, average scores were calculated and presented in Table 3 below.

Table 3. Using English in various occupation-related activities by the students and by the

teachers. Overall scores throughout the four language skills Students Teachers

Constantly Sometimes Never Constantly Sometimes Never

Reading 35.4 50 14.6 28 50 22

Writing 26.4 42.5 31.1 12 38 50

Speaking 10.2 47.8 42 0 26.7 73.3

Listening 24.9 43 32.1 13.7 33.8 52.5

According to the data analysis, the reading skill is the most commonly used by both

target groups. In addition to that, the comparison of the use of the other three language skills

clearly shows the identical tendency for both participants’ groups. Thus, the writing and the

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listening skills are used equally, if being compared to other skills. However, the students still

write and listen in English more than their teachers. Speaking remains the most

underrepresented among both participants’ groups.

Applying CLIL in the classroom: integrating the language and the content. In this

part (TQ questions 10-20; SQ questions 11-18) the participants were asked to evaluate which

activities are the participants ready to take part in/organise in the classroom in English

(according to the four language learning skills) and what kind of compulsory and elective

subjects of the mechatronics’ curriculum can be taught to students in English and to what

extent. In addition to that, the teachers’ awareness of CLIL was checked.

The students’ overall attitudes towards CLIL. The students evaluated the importance

of English and readiness to start learning content subjects of the mechatronics’ curriculum in

English on yes-no-hard to say scale. The results are presented in Table 5 of Appendix 4. More

than 90% of the students evaluated the knowledge of English as important and 52.4% were

ready to start learning special vocational subjects to some extent in English. However, there

were some doubtful students, who expressed their opinion in their comments to the questions.

For example, some students stated that mechatronics was a complicated occupation, requiring

the knowledge of content subjects to a larger extent. Thus, learning content subjects in

Estonian could be easier.

The teachers’ awareness of CLIL and attitude to it. According to the data collected

during the research (table 6 of Appendix F), not all the teachers have previously heard about

CLIL, 30% of the respondents whether doubted having heard about the concept of integrated

learning, or admitted that they do not have any prior information about it. Most of the teachers

have not received any training in CLIL (80%). However, half of the teachers stated, that they

have taught their subjects in another language to some extent. It is possible, that it was not

English but Russian, as one of the teachers mentioned. At least in answering the question

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about having an experience of collaborating with other teachers in organising a CLIL lesson,

90% of all the responds were negative. A positive tendency is that most teachers (60%)

believe in CLIL’s usefulness for both content and language acquisition (see Table 7 of

Appendix 4). Some teachers commented orally on the survey and pointed out possible plusses

and minuses of integrated learning. From one point of view, specific terminology in

mechatronics-related areas is not translated into Estonian and for a teacher it is a wonderful

opportunity to be able to use English terminology instead. Yet, teachers were extremely

worried about the situation with specific terminology in Estonian. According to their

concerns, students do not acquire specific terminology in their mother tongue in that case, and

if the problem is being viewed in a wider national context, then Estonian terminology and

scientific language remain undeveloped.

Being ready to start with CLIL in the classroom. A huge difference appeared in the

teachers’ and the students’ responds about being ready to start teaching/acquiring vocational

subjects through English. None of the teacher respondents reported being ready to start

practising CLIL in the classroom, while 52.4% of the students admitted being ready to try

learning in English.

Readiness to participate in/provide various CLIL activities in the classroom. The

participant of both groups, who had previously stated being ready to start with CLIL in the

classroom, were asked to choose optional activities they would the most likely to participate

in/provide in the classroom. The results are presented in Table 8 of Appendix 4. Since environment allowed to answer these questions (SQ 11-18, TQ 10-20) to all the

participants, then it is possible that in the questions about suitable CLIL activities there were

more responses than the positive “ready to start” answers from the previous questions. The

teachers’ responses give a reason to speculate that they answered the questions about the

possible classroom activities in spite of the fact that none of them stated being ready to start

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with CLIL in one of the previous questions. Thus, although the teacher’s first reaction to

starting with CLIL was overly negative, they still reported being ready to provide some of

integrated activities when they were given a chance to choose from a list of possible methods

from the list. Consequently, this could be the place for developing further collaboration

between the language and the content teachers of the vocational school.

The analysis of suitable CLIL reading-related activities (see Table 8 of Appendix 4)

showed that both the teachers and the students would prefer reading specialised texts,

searching for occupation-related information in the Internet and exploring charts and tables as

possible activities for taking part/organising in English in a content subject classroom. A

common tendency appeared as well in choosing the less popular integrated activities. Only

5.9% of the students and none of the teachers were ready to provide/take tests in English.

Reading specific documentation was not a popular choice both among the teachers and the

students. An interesting difference appeared in learning/providing specific English

terminology. The students were motivated enough to learn it in the content classroom (13.6%

of positive responses), while the teachers struggled to provide it (only 5.3% stated they would

choose this method).

Among writing activities’ preferences the less commonly chosen activities both

among the teachers and the students were taking/providing tests and filling out/asking to fill

out technical specifications and instructions. Peculiarly, the teachers tended to avoid asking

students to write a summary paper and to describe charts/tables/drawings on the occupation-

related topics, since none of the teachers stated they would do it in the content classroom. The

students, however, were more motivated to participate in these activities. The most commonly

chosen CLIL writing activities among both participant groups were writing a summary on a

basis of texts/videos presented in the classroom; writing down specific English terminology;

translating from English into mother tongue and backwards. Surprisingly, the teachers were

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slightly even more motivated to provide these activities than the students were to participate

in them (14.3% opposed to 13.8% of the students’ positive responds). Somehow working with

terminology was recognised by the teachers as a suitable writing-related activity, not a

reading-related activity.

A great difference appeared in the analysis of possible speaking-related CLIL

activities. The only activity that was reported by the teachers as a possible one, was asking

students to make topic-related presentation in English (chosen by 40% of the teacher

respondents, which is a very high score). Other speaking-related activities involving the use of

English to some extent were not chosen by the teachers at all. In contrast to that, the students

were motivated to participate in all the activities provided in the list. The most popular choice

was participating in subject-related discussions. It can only be speculated about the real

reason for such a great difference in the respondents’ answers. Probably the teachers

evaluated their language skills the most adequately in this situation, acknowledging that it is

impossible for them to lead discussions and group work with their level of English. The

students seemed to be very motivated to participate in discussions and group work using

English. However, everyday situation of an English-language lesson shows quite a distinct

picture. Thus, students usually do not tend to participate in class discussions very actively

whether lacking the language skills or just being passive, lacking the courage to express their

opinion due to some personality traits. Whatever is the real reason for such a great

controversy in the teachers’ and the students’ answers, it is clear that speaking- and

communication-related activities cannot be excluded from a lesson if aiming to acquire the

target language. Sadly it should be admitted, that the content teachers of mechatronics in

TVEC lack both the language skills and the motivation to provide these activities in the


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The analysis of listening-related activities preferences showed that both target groups

reported watching videos as the most suitable activity for an integrated classroom. The

teachers (44.4% of positive responses) were more positive about providing this activity than

the students about participating in it (24.4%). Listening to presentations and audio-flies in

English were not the most popular choices, however, they were also graded as acceptable

activities by both groups. A great difference appeared in being ready to listen to instructions

for filling out specific documentation and listening to some topic-related material presented

by the teacher, because, obviously, teachers struggled to use these methods in the classroom

due to the lack of their language skills (0% of the teachers chose these activities). On the other

hand, the students marked these activities among the most popular ones.

To find out what kind of skills are preferred to be used as CLIL activities in the

classroom by both target groups, average scores were of positive answers were calculated (see

Table 4 below). According to the results, the teachers’ preferences seem to be quite even

throughout the four language skills. The writing skill-related activities gained slightly less

positive scores than the rest. An overall analysis of average scores of the teachers’ and the

students’ answers shows that the teachers’ scores are slightly lower than the students’ scores.

However, as it was mentioned previously, according to the topic-wise analysis, the teachers

were more motivated to apply some of CLIL methods in the classroom than the students.

Among the students’ answers the speaking skill-related activities gained noticeably higher

average scores than the other skills involving activities. Furthermore, similarly to the

teachers’ responses, the writing skill involving activities gained the lowest scores of

preferences. To sum up the results presented in Table 4, speaking- and listening-related

activities were more popular for participating/organising both among the students and the

teachers, while activities involving reading and writing were less popular among both groups.

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Table 4. Average scores of preferences throughout the four language skills involving

activities among the students and the teachers of mechatronics

Average scores

Percentages of positive answers

among the students

Percentages of positive

answers among the teachers

Reading-related CLIL activities 12.5 9.9

Writing-related CLIL activities 11.1 7.9

Speaking-related CLIL activities 25 10

Listening-related CLIL activities 16.7 11.1

The students’ and the teachers’ attitudes towards learning/teaching compulsory

and elective subjects in the mechatronics’ curriculum in English. To answer the question

what kind of subjects from the mechatronics’ curriculum is it possible to teach/learn in

English and to which extent, both respondent groups were asked to evaluate compulsory

subjects of the mechatronics’ curriculum on the fully/partly/not at all scale (TQ question 21;

SQ question 19). The results are presented in Table 9 of Appendix 4 and are shown in

percentages. The data was analysed according to separate curriculum subjects, in addition to

that, an average attitude throughout the whole curriculum was measured.

The subject-wise analysis of the data showed that the students tend to evaluate

computer-related subjects (digital systems, use of computers and administration, logic and

programming, programmable (PLC) controllers), as easier to be taught through the target

language. All of these subjects got relatively low scores in the ‘cannot be taught in English at

all’ grid. This finding is not surprising, since these subjects already require the use of English

to quite a large extent. It looks like the students do not mind being internationalised and

immersed into English during their apprenticeship, which is definitely one of the easiest and

the most practical way to develop the language skills. The subjects that were evaluated as the

closest to impossible to being acquired in English were the ones that scored more than 30%

among students on the ‘impossibility’ scale: labour law and safety related subjects (bases of

labour law, labour and environmental safety), some practical subjects (machine elements and

assembly and cutting machine works) where stress is placed upon carrying out practical

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projects and assignments, not upon dealing with theory to a larger extent. The fact that

electrical engineering appeared to be one of the hardest and the most impossible subjects for

learning in English is probably a school-specific result, since it is taught by one teacher who is

believed to be extremely strict and demanding.

According to the data, the students tend to be more positive about CLIL and learning

compulsory subjects of the mechatronics’ curriculum in English to some extent than the

teachers. Moreover, 33.7% of the students reported that compulsory subjects can be fully

taught in English (if being compared to 5.4% of the teachers). It is remarkable that the

average score of positive attitudes of the two groups towards teaching compulsory subjects of

the curriculum in English partly does not vary to such a great extent, thus, 41.1% of the

students and 48.1% of the teachers believe that these subjects can be taught partly through

English. From another point of view, 46.5% of the teachers and only 25,2% of the students

state that major subjects cannot be taught at all in the language other than mother tongue.

The same tendency can be noted about elective subjects of the curriculum (TQ

question 22; SQ question 20). Much less the teachers than the students believe that elective

subjects can be fully taught in English (see Table 10 of Appendix 4). Yet, the percentage of

the teachers (55.6%), who admit that elective subjects can be taught partly in English, is

slightly higher than the percentage of the students (50.7%).

If to compare the attitudes towards both compulsory and elective subjects being taught

in English, then it can be noted that both groups tend to believe that elective subjects are more

likely to be taught in English partly than compulsory subjects. The percentage of those who

state that special subjects of the mechatronics’ curriculum cannot be taught in English at all, is

smaller for elective subjects than for compulsory subjects. Thus it can be concluded, that both

the students and the teachers are careful about starting integrated learning through the core

compulsory subjects and would rather start applying CLIL through teaching and learning less

important or easier elective subjects.

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Evaluation of the importance of English in students’ future workplace. Both

target groups participated in the research were asked to evaluate which of the four language

skills involving situations are the students likely to experience in their future workplaces. The

results of this analysis are presented in Tables 11-14 of Appendix 4.

According to the respondents’ evaluation of possible reading-related situations

involving use of English, the teachers reported as the most essential activities reading user and

assembly manuals and working with computer-aided design and manufacturing software

(CAD, CAM). None of the teachers stated that in these situations English would not be

needed at all. In addition to that the teachers stated that the procedure of applying for a job,

assembly/testing of mechatronic systems and use of processor technologies in automated

control systems would require use of English to a larger extent. The less popular choices

among the teachers were use/maintenance of occupational equipment (as an overly practical

activity) and reading labour law-related documents probably due to specific terminology. This

finding is rational if to take into consideration the teachers’ general attitude that the purpose

of Estonian education is to school staff for the Estonian labour market.

According to the students’ evaluation, the less important activity in their future

workplace is reading reports, check-lists and accident reports in English. Among the most

probable situations mentioned by the students were listed the same four situations chosen by

the teachers except applying for a job. Instead of that the students added to their ‘popularity’

list working with specific materials and mechatronic system elements and their designations,

which is logical, since working with various designations involves the knowledge of specific

codes and language-specific abbreviations.

The analysis of writing-related situations showed that teachers consider the process of

applying for a job (CVs, job applications) as the most English-involving, since only 20%

stated it was unimportant. This finding is consistent with the teachers’ evaluation of reading-

related activities, where applying for a job was stated as the most important. Surprisingly, the

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students agreed here with their teachers and also reported the job application process as the

most language-involving (only 6% stated it was unimportant). The students also stated the

following situations as important and requiring use of English: working with CAD, CAM

software, working with measuring mechatronic tools, mechatronic systems’ elements and

maintenance of occupational equipment. If analysing the less important situations for use of

English, then both target groups considered labour law-related writing activities as the less

essential. In addition to that, the teachers listed as unimportant assembly and testing of the

mechatronic systems and working with mechatronic measuring tools. The last was

controversial to the students’ evaluation, who reported this activity as an important in the

sense of use of English. Moreover, apart from marking filling out employment agreements

and forms as an unlikely situation in their future workplace, the students also graded as

improbable filling out specific documentation such as check-lists, accident reports.

Furthermore, possible speaking-related situations at the students’ future workplaces

were analysed. Both respondent groups consistently marked applying for a job and

participating in a job-interview as the most language-requiring situation. In addition to that,

the teachers stated that English will be needed in a future workplace for presenting duties and

talking about workplace, contrarily to the students who, otherwise, reported these activities as

unlikely. Presenting workplace and duties received the highest score on the ‘unimportance’

scale among the students (12.5%). The teachers evaluated as the less important working with

mechatronic systems, their elements and designations (40% marked that English is

unimportant for this activity).

Surprisingly, the results of the students’ and the teachers’ evaluation were the most

controversial in deciding over the importance of English in various speaking-related situations

in a future workplace. The teachers’ choices of the most unimportant situations for the use of

English (working with tools, mechatronic systems, using and maintaining occupational

equipment) were unexpectedly marked in the student’ list of the most important activities.

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Here it is only possible to speculate about the real reason for that. Presumably, the difference

in evaluation may be affected by the individual psychological differences (e.g., differences in

learning styles and types of multiple intelligences). It is possible that the students are more

team-work oriented and used to learning through collaboration, while the teachers at the age

of 60+ are more used to working independently, since their prior knowledge of the subjects

allows to make decisions and act autonomously.

Another curious tendency appears in the results of listening-related situations’

analysis. Among the teachers’ answers it was easy to distinguish between ‘popular’ and

‘unpopular’ choices. Listening to demonstrations was considered as the most probable activity

in a future workplace, only 11.1% of the teachers marked it as unessential. Working with

mechatronic systems and occupational equipment (similarly to the result of speaking-related

situations’ analysis) were reported by 33.3% of the teachers as the less likely for use of

English. In contrast to this pattern, the students’ evaluation is much less distinct. Neither of

the activities gained more than 8.3% on the ‘unpopularity’ scale and due to that it can be

concluded, that the students evaluated all of possible listening-involving situations as

significant. The following activities can be determined as the most important of the list:

working with specific materials and their designations, working with elements of mechatronic

systems and occupational equipment. Only 2.1% of all students reported these socio-linguistic

situations as unimportant. Thus, a similar pattern as with speaking-related situations in a

future workplace appears. The activities marked by the teachers as the most unlikely are

reported by the students as the most probable.

Since the evaluation of various situations throughout the four language skills seems to

be quite uneven, it is important to determine what the overall attitude of the teachers and the

students to the linguistic skills is and what kind of skills are considered as more important in a

students’ future workplace.

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Comparison of average attitudes towards the importance of the four language skills in

a students’ future workplace. Table 5 below presents average scores of the importance of the

four language skills in students’ future workplace throughout all different situations and tasks.

To find out what the most and the less important skills are that the students are likely to use at

work, average scores from Tables 11-14 in Appendix 4 were placed into a summary table.

The skills that collected the highest percentage of ‘unimportant’ scores were considered as the

less important; and otherwise - the skills that collected the less of ‘unimportant’ scores were

considered as the most important according to the evaluation of the two target groups.

Table 5. Comparison of average attitudes towards the importance of the four language skills

in a future workplace Students Teachers


important Important Not

important at



important Important Not


at all Reading 48.2 45.4 6.4 28.2 56.4 15.4 Writing 38.8 52.9 8.3 20.9 47.3 31.8 Speaking 36.9 54.9 8.2 16 61.8 22.2 Listening 35.4 59.3 5.3 20.5 55.7 23.8

According to the data collected during the research, the students recognised the

receptive skills (reading and listening) as more important than the productive skills (writing

and speaking). If being compared to the students’ evaluation of their own knowledge of

English, this finding shows a corresponding tendency - the receptive skills were evaluated as

stronger than productive skills. The teachers’ result show, that reading is assessed as the most

important skill that the students would likely to use the most in their future workplace. This

finding also corresponds with the teachers’ self-evaluation of their own language skills.

According to this, reading was evaluated as the strongest skill of the teachers’, it was also the

one they relied on the most to get information, since it allowed them to use dictionaries or the

Internet tools for translation (e.g., google translate), as it was found out from their answers to

open-ended questions and oral comments. Partly it can be explained by differences in

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experience of learning languages or any other learning experiences, since learning through

communication and visualisation is more suitable for the students. The teachers with the

median age of 60+ would probably be more likely to consider the learning process as a hard

individual work, often with texts and dictionaries. The results can be also explained by the

differences in learning styles or multiple intelligences. However, none of that was evaluated

during the research, thus in this way it is just an assumption without any empirical proof.

Conclusion of results and rationales for compiling a preliminary syllabus for the

Moodle teaching activities. One of the aims of the present work was to find out what the

linguistic and situational needs of the students and the teachers of mechatronics in the Tartu

Vocational Education Centre are. The results of the research carried out during the period of

time from February to April 2013 showed that students’ knowledge of English is much better

than their teachers’ language skills. On the whole, the receptive skills (especially reading) are

reported as stronger than the productive skills by both target groups. It appeared that the

students are more motivated to acquire some parts of the curriculum subjects in English than

their teachers ready to teach (none of the teachers reported being ready to start with CLIL in

the classroom). It can be an essential starting point, since the students are motivated and ready

to start with CLIL, there is a need for materials and it is essential to search for ways of

collaboration between school teachers in order to meet students’ needs and interests.

Answering research question one, reading is also the most commonly used skill in

everyday occupational environment both by the students and the teachers and speaking is the

most underrepresented. Interestingly, writing and listening were not evaluated as the strongest

skills, however, they are used relatively often by both groups. The detailed situation-wise

analysis showed that both in reading- and writing-related situations the most usual activity for

both groups is searching and reading for some information in the Internet. Thus, working with

Moodle activities should not cause technophobic obstacles and should be real life resembling.

The most rarely experienced situations among both target groups is reading and filling out

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specific documentation such as check lists and reports. It is an interesting finding and this

activity should be rather included than excluded from sample Moodle teaching activities,

since students have limited opportunity to practice their English in this sociolinguistic

situation and this activity is listed among compulsory in the Vocational Standard for

Mechatronic Technicians (Sihtasutus Kutsekoda 2001). As it was already mentioned,

speaking was not a common skill used in everyday environment, which is logical, since most

of everyday occupational activities are school-centred. However, one of the aims for

development of TVEC stated in the development plan of school for the years 2014-2018

(Tartu Kutsehariduskeskus 2013) is to make school and the process of learning more

internationalised and create more opportunities for students to expand barriers for career

outlooks, improve students (and teachers) language skills. Thus, it is essential to prepare

students for the future changes and help them master their speaking skill, which they feel

themselves the most unsure at. Moodle materials can definitely provide options for fostering

collaboration among students and teachers. Speaking is the skill the content teachers struggle

the most to assist with their students in the classroom. Consequently, speaking should be the

skill that language teachers should provide their support with. Moreover, it is the skill that can

help to link virtual Moodle environment with the classroom activities, since oral tasks can be

partly coordinated in real life surrounding. However, some speaking activities can still be

organised online (e.g., videoblogging, creating/posting videos). As a justification to the

previous statement the results of analysis of listening activities should be highlighted: the

students hardly ever listen to oral presentations and reports in English. Yet, making

presentations and listening to reports can be one of the easiest activities to organise in the

context of a classroom. Thus, it could be a relatively easy to start applying CLIL in teaching

content subjects with a slight support of a language teacher. The most common listening

activity both target groups admitted practicing constantly is watching occupation-related

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videos. Moodle environment enables to incorporate videos into the learning process, which

definitely is a motivating and authentic activity for students.

A huge difference appeared in the teachers’ and the students’ responds about being

ready to start teaching/acquiring vocational subjects through English (research question two).

None of the teacher respondents reported being ready to start practising CLIL in the

classroom, while more than half of the students admitted being ready to try learning in

English. However, the real situation with being ready to start with subject and language

integrated learning may seem disastrous, this finding is rather positive for the further design

of CLIL-based Moodle sample activities. In the context of TVEC this could be the first step-

stone for starting with systematic integrated learning. These sample materials can be

developed into a real practical support for content teachers, whose language skills are

insufficient. In addition to that, the materials would reinforce the collaboration between the

language and the content teachers and, as a result, meet the students’ needs, who feel

motivated enough to start acquiring some parts of content subjects through English. It should

be mentioned that, in spite of the teacher’s first negative reaction to applying CLIL, they still

admitted being ready to provide some of integrated activities when they were given a chance

to choose from a list of possible methods from the list. Therefore, this finding provides an

opportunity for developing further collaboration between the language and the content

teachers of the vocational school.

The activity-wise analysis showed that a common tendency appeared in writing- and

reading-related activities, as the most feared activity for the both target groups was taking and

administering tests in English. This could be a place for forming positive attitudes towards

CLIL by providing a positive experience in acquiring the content and getting assessed, since

CLIL enables a great variety of assessment forms (including formative assessment and self-

evaluations) which do not have to be a classical test. Activities that would definitely motivate

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both groups are working with specialised texts, exploring charts, terminology and various

Internet-based activities. Reading specific documentation such as check lists and reports

repeatedly received rather negative feedback from both target groups, which is quite logical,

since, as the results of common everyday life situations showed, they have the less experience

with filling out specific documentation. Thus, in order to reinforce the weakest skill and to

provide tips together with positive experience, it is important to include this topic into sample

Moodle activities. Among listening activities watching/showing videos was chosen as the

most common by both groups.

Surprisingly, speaking-related activities appeared as the most motivating for the

students if being compared to the other skills involving learning activities. The students

acknowledge that the speaking skill is needed in order to become a successful learner/worker.

According to their own evaluation, speaking was their weakest skill, thus it is highly positive

that the students are extremely motivated to practice it. Unfortunately, the content teachers of

mechatronics participated in the research lack both the language skills and the motivation to

provide these activities in the classroom. Thus, it is the role of the language teacher to provide

the supportive link in order to reinforce and develop the students’ speaking skill and organise

classroom discussions, group work, (video) presentations in English. To sum up the previous,

speaking- and listening-related activities were more popular for participating/organising both

among the students and the teachers, while activities involving reading and writing were less

popular among both groups.

According to the result of the survey, the teachers and the students have different

opinions about what subjects can be fully or partly taught in English and their choices of the

subjects suitable for CLIL differ (research question three). As it was mentioned in the

introductory part of the present MA thesis, the new concept of vocational education takes the

destination towards integration of subjects (Pilli & Kuusik, n.d.: 5-6). The main work of

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creating new integrated school curricula is seen as the responsibility of schools and should be

done by teachers of different subjects in cooperation with each other. Needs analysis carried

out in order to determine the subjects suitable for integrated teaching in English has partly

failed. An important finding for organising CLIL in TVEC within the curriculum of

mechatronics’ occupation is that the students are quite positive about acquiring content of

vocational subjects in English. Yet, the teachers’ answers revealed the weak sides of trying to

apply CLIL on practice. The content teachers hesitate to start teaching in English themselves

due to insufficient knowledge of English. However, they do not exclude an opportunity of

CLIL totally, which makes it possible to apply integrated teaching with a support from

language teachers. Thus, the amount of integrated modules can depend on quality of personal

contact and the amount and productivity of collaboration between the subject and the

language teachers. It is easier to integrate various subject topics with the language by placing

the materials into Moodle or any other Internet-based environment. Both teacher groups

would have free access to the materials and to overview of assignments done by a student in

addition to his/her grades.

Another challenge with choosing topics for integrated syllabus is the fact that the

current school curriculum faces a problem that some subjects duplicate corresponding topics

within the subjects’ syllabus. While planning an integrated module, it is important to take into

consideration schools’ opportunities and availability of materials and devices, rooms, the

difficulty and importance of the subject, the knowledge of English of a certain content

teacher. In order to choose topics for the Moodle sample activities and the preliminary course

outline, it was decided to find opportunities for integration of the subjects of the existing

mechatronics’ curriculum by grouping them into structurally logical chunks and blend them

with some more general topics which are essential for developing learner autonomy and self-

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awareness and can help the students to plan their future careers. The preliminary syllabus and

CLIL sample materials are presented further in Chapter Three.

During the research both target groups were asked to evaluate possible workplace

activities and situations that might require use of the four language skills (research question

four). The evaluation of possible listening- and speaking-involving situations showed an

extremely controversial result, since the activities marked by the teachers as the most unlikely

are reported by the students as the most probable. Still it was possible to define some

consistent tendencies. For instance, the procedure of applying for a job was stated as the most

language-requiring. Again, labour law-related writing activities as the less important.

Similarly to the previous findings, reading activities reading user and assembly manuals and

working with computer-aided design and manufacturing software (CAD, CAM) were also

among the most popular choices. An overall analysis showed that self-evaluation of the

participants’ own language skills has influenced the attitude towards the importance of use of

the four language skills in various situations in students’ future workplace since the strongest

receptive skills (reading and listening) were recognised as more important than weaker

productive skills (writing and speaking). The teachers’ result show, that reading is assessed as

the most important skill that they would likely to use the most in students’ future workplace.

To sum up, the research showed some important results that will be taken into

consideration in the design of sample Moodle CLIL-based activities for students of


General ideas

The students are motivated to start with CLIL;

The content teachers hesitate to start with CLIL due to the lack of the language skills

but ready to try if provided some support from a language teacher;

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The easiest way to start with CLIL is to place materials online (e.g., into Moodle),

since it is real-life resembling and can provide a lot of authentic information resources. In

addition to that, it can foster collaboration between teachers;

On the existing stage of integration in TVEC the sample materials designed for the

present MA thesis can be understood only as a pilot-project needed to be developed further in

the future, since it requires more of specific knowledge of mechatronic content that one

language teacher possesses.

Skill- and activity-based criteria

All four language skills should be included into materials;

It is important to foster collaboration and the speaking skill through Moodle activities

(e.g., videoblogging, creating/posting videos and audio files) aiming to link online and

classroom learning (making presentations and participating in discussions);

Reading and listening can provide rich language input for CLIL activities and it is also

recognised by the respondents;

Listening activities such as watching videos are motivating for students and can be

easily included into Moodle environment (in contrast to the fact that many ESP course books

often lack authentic listening materials);

Specialised texts, user and assembly manuals, charts and terminology should be

included into the pilot-project materials, since their necessity was recognised by the


Criteria based on the subject-wise analysis of preferences

Despite the fact that some of the activities listed in the questionnaire were reported by

the respondents as unessential (e.g., working with specific documentation), it was decided not

to exclude them from the materials and, vice versa, try to reinforce unpopular choices in order

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to change the negative attitude and provide positive experience, since these activities are

present in the Vocational Standard for Mechatronic Technicians (Sihtasutus Kutsekoda 2001);

It was recognised by the participants that the language is necessary not only for being

successful in a job but also for getting a job and being able to show yourself as the best


The integration of subjects should take into consideration the existing school resources

and should be based on the existing school curriculum for students of mechatronics (Tartu

Kutsehariduskeskus 2009).

To sum up, the aspects listed previously will be taken into consideration while

designing sample CLIL-based Moodle teaching activities and a preliminary integrated course

outline for students of mechatronics, which are presented further in Chapter Three and in

Appendices 7 and 8.

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The following chapter provides justification for constructing CLIL-based sample

teaching activities in Moodle environment. The preliminary integrated course outline and the

sample teaching materials are introduced in the end of the present chapter and in Appendices

7 and 8.

Rationales for combining CLIL and Moodle

Moodle has numerous benefits and ways of application in orginising the learning

process. According to Nigerian researchers Suleiman Ahmad Alhaji et al (2012: 445-455)

Moodle is beneficial because it allows to manage a large number of students, can be used for

fully online courses and for improving face-to-face courses (known as blended learning), its

activities such as forums, databases and wikis build richly collaborative communities of

learning around the subject.

Moodle and CLIL: common aspects. Is it possible to combine Moodle and CLIL

and find common aspects to link them? Probably it is the easiest way to do it in a short period

of time on the first stages of changing educational paradigms in the vocational education. A

comparison of common characteristic features of Moodle and CLIL methodology is presented

in Appendix 5.

Amongst other rationales for combining Moodle and CLIL can be named the in order

to form a student into independent learner the following aspects can be listed:

1) development of time-management skills: learners have an adequate overview of their

improvement throughout the course, the structure of the course is very logical with all the

topics presented at once, which allows to navigate easily;

2) expanding the barriers of the learning process: Moodle provides both online and

offline activities in support to the face-to-face teaching (Alhaji et al 2012: 445-455);

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3) filling the ‘missing link’ needed for adapting to new jobs: ability to analyse and

organise information, take responsibility (Campbell et al 2010: 25);

4) Making learning interactive and multilayered: features that help increase the

likelihood that both content and language learning will be meaningful, as it is considered

important by Peeter Mehisto (2012: 17);

5) Supporting creativity, learner independence and collaboration (Bentley 2010: 52).

In addition to that, it can be stated that using modern technological approaches in

teaching meets the requirements of the globalised world trying to cope with the obstacles

caused by the economic crisis.

Bloom’s digital taxonomy. Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy was already mentioned in

Chapter One as one of the main tools for planning CLIL-based learning in order to achieve

the development of HOTS – high order thinking skills. Andrew Churches (2009: 3-7)

evaluates the Revised Taxonomy as a modern approach, which is more suitable if dealing

with new digital generation of learners, with new technologies and actions/activities related to

them. Learners do not have to start learning from the lower taxonomy levels to improve their

skills, rather they can start at any level and cover the lower levels later. However, Andrew

Churches (2009: 3-7) argues, that the verbs from Bloom’s revised taxonomy do not meet new

requirements emerged from the expanding use of of Information and Communication

Technologies (ICT) in students’ everyday lives and modern classrooms. Due to that change in

the processes of learning and teaching, Churches makes a suggestion to digitalise the existing

model. These modifications together with examples of infotechnology-related activities are

presented in Figure 1 of Appendix 6.

In the present work it was aimed to design sample Moodle teaching activities, thus, it

is important to understand, how the Digital Taxonomy is going to be applied. In the Figure 2

of Appendix 6 there is presented a pyramid scheme linking different Moodle activities and

thinking processes reflecting Taxonomy domains. It can be argued that Moodle teaching

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activities do not support collaborating and communication among students, thus, violate the

criteria for CLIL-based materials. However, modern theorists provide a counterargument to

that. Andrew Churches presents in his Digital Taxonomy a wide range of communication

activities that can be applied in Moodle virtual environment. These communicational

activities involve debating, moderating, collaborating, posting and blogging, replying,

chatting, questioning etc. On the whole, activities mentioned in both variations of digital

taxonomies were taken into consideration while designing sample Moodle CLIL-based

activities for the present MA thesis.

Preliminary CLIL course outline and sample teaching activities for students of mechatronics

The findings of the research carried out in Tartu Vocational Education Centre from

February to April 2013 were used to design the sample Moodle teaching activities and the

preliminary integrated course outline for B2-level students of mechatronics since the demand

for new ideas for integrated materials based on CLIL methodology was great. The teaching

activities were placed into Moodle environment in order to blend CLIL teaching aspects such

as supporting self-awareness, learners’ autonomy, higher-level thinking skills, and

development of ICT literacy in learners. This project is the first stepping-stone for starting

with systematic integrated learning and can be developed into a real practical support for

content teachers, whose language skills are insufficient. In addition to that, by starting with

the integration gradually, it would be possible to reinforce the collaboration between the

language and the content teachers and, as a result, meet the students’ needs, who feel


Aims. Designing a CLIL course for students of mechatronics was aiming to develop

- students’ communication skills and ability to process data;

- the four language skills for academic and occupational purposes;

- interpersonal skills;

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- planning and time-management skills;

- ability to learn autonomously;

- ability to apply the content knowledge gained in both national and international

occupational environment.

Objectives. The learning objectives are set according to the four language learning

skills and on the basis of requirements listed in CEFR assessment grid for B2-level language

learners (see Appendix 9) and St. Giles’ level descriptors (n.d.)

Reading: can read authentic texts, articles and reports; understand main ideas of both

concrete and abstract technical topics; find, process and compare information from multiple

sources and use it in own production; discuss causes, consequences, hypothetical situations;

understand specialised articles with relatively unfamiliar content provided that he/she can use

a dictionary to confirm terminology; read many kinds of texts quite easily at different speeds

and in different ways according to their purpose in reading and the type of text.

Writing: can pass on information in reports and essays on a variety of subjects related

to his/her interests; write formal letters and CVs; compare and contrast ideas; describe

advantages and disadvantages of various options; write a comment on both concrete and

abstract occupation-related topics; develop an argument giving reasons in support of or

against a particular point of view; write clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects related

to the occupation-related field; write a text highlighting the personal significance of events and


Listening/Understanding the speech: can understand a talk or lecture on known topics

and majority of radio and TV broadcasts related to current affairs and general knowledge;

main ideas of presentations on different subjects; can understand the majority of video

information in standard dialect; can understand in detail what is said to them in the standard

spoken even when there is some noise in the background; can identify the speaker’s mood and


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Speaking: can take active part in discussions and debates on topics known to him/her;

present his/her point of view, justify it and argue to reach a compromise; produce an extended

speech on a topic related to his/her interests; make a presentation; discuss occupation-related

topics discuss causes, consequences, hypothetical situations; develop an argument giving

reasons in support of or against a particular point of view.

Grammar and vocabulary to be mastered: Grammatical forms and vocabulary

necessary to achieve course objectives specified above.

To sum up, the CLIL course is aimed at developing learners’ linguistic skills so as to

allow them to cope in their future workplace.

Modules. The preliminary course outline consists of six modules: an introductory

module and five topic-based modules. The list of modules is presented in Appendix 7. Sample

teaching materials in Moodle have been designed for the introductory module and the first

two topic-based modules. The other modules (electronics, electricity, mechanics and ICT)

integrate specific content subjects of the TVEC curriculum for mechatronics (Tartu

Kutsehariduskeskus 2009) with English and involve more specific subject knowledge than

one language teacher possesses. Moreover, the aim of the present study was not to prepare the

full set of integrated study materials as the process of integration will last until the year 2017,

according to the plan of Estonian Ministry of Education and Research (Haridus- ja

Teadusministeerium 2009) the Development Plan of TVEC in 2014-2018 (Tartu

Kutsehariduskeskus 2013). The basis of integration of vocational subjects was the definition

of mechatronics as an area itself (see Figure 2 below).

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Figure 2: Mechatronic related areas (

Thus, the CLIL course will consist of six modules all in all, each of them dealing with

one are of mechatronics.

Structure of modules. A tool for planning the integration of the content subjects,

cognitive skills and English has been designed (see Appendix 8). The tool is based upon Do

Coyle’s 4Cs Framework of CLIL (n.d.) and takes into consideration the four language

learning skills.

According to Do Coyle’s model, the structure of each topic-based CLIL module

includes four subsections: general learning integrating subsections (content and cognition)

and language learning involving subsections (communication and culture). The content part is

aimed for planning activities built around special vocational subjects in mechatronics and

knowledge of work ethics and employment-related procedures. The planning tool includes an

overview of the mechatronic’ curriculum content subjects (Tartu Kutsehariduskeskus 2009)

suitable for integration with English in each topic-based model (see integrationalism).

Cognition is associated with developing learners’ cognitive skills (creative thinking,

evaluating, time-management skills). Culture is seen in the development of understanding

ourselves and people from other cultural background, development of the ability to assist

others at work. Communication involves both communication in the online environment and

the ability to do teamwork offline while working on various projects.

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In order to plan teaching activities by taking into consideration the four language skills

each subsection of Do Coyle’s model was devided into four parts (reading, writing, listening

and speaking).

Thus, the framework of models is beneficial for further planning of activities for

integrated lessons by setting the learning outcomes according to the skills that are aimed to be

developed. When the learning outcomes are set, it is essential to plan the teaching activities

followed by defining the ways of assessment in order to explain how the teacher is going to

check the acquisition of material and the accomplishment of the learning outcomes.

It should be mentioned, that at present neither all of the Co Doyle’s Cs nor all the four

language skills are represented in the integrated framework equally. Further the ideal plan is

to develop all the skills equally throughout the CLIL course. However, some topics may be

too specific to enable the integration of all the parameters (e.g., the introductory part). On the

contrary, the other modules can be more suitable for developing all the criteria within the

designed framework due to the wider range of subtopics and curriculum’s subjects included

into the module (e.g., module 1 ‚Career outlooks’ and module 2 ‚Safety’).

In conclusion, the modules are built around the main mechatronics’ related areas and

take into consideration the structure of the curriculum of TVEC for mechatronics (Tartu

Kutsehariduskeskus 2009), Do Coyle’s 4Cs model and the four language skills. Some

introductory topics were added to the syllabus aiming to develop learners’ general knowledge

about working in the manufacturing industry and self-awareness of being a skilled

learner/worker. The structure of the course will help students to acquire content subjects and

develop their interpersonal skills. The framework of the course can be used by teachers as a

tool for planning the integration of the mechatronics’ curriculum and designing specific

activities taking into consideration learning outcomes and assessment.

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Thus, the CLIL course framework designed for the present MA thesis is beneficial

both for students and for the teachers responsible for organising the integrated teaching

process in TVEC.

General characteristics of sample CLIL activities for students of mechatronics.

An overview of sample CLIL activities for students of mechatronics designed as an outcome

of the present MA thesis is provided in Appendix 8, which contains tables suitable to be used

as a tool for planning integrated lessons. All in all, the tables include the learning objectives,

the description of the activities and assessment for three topics of the CLIL course for

mechatronics: introduction, career outlooks and safety.

As it was mentioned previously in the present work, according to Kay Bentley (2010:

6) there are three possible types of CLIL which vary from soft CLIL to hard CLIL (see Table

1). Taking into consideration the results of the needs analysis of the students and the content

teachers of mechatronics in Tartu Vocational Education Centre as well as the teaching

situation there (possibilities for collaboration of the content and the language teachers and the

availability of teaching resources together with IT-devices), it can be concluded, that neither

the soft CLIL model nor the hard model would be suitable for the conditions of the Centre.

Rather it should be the medium subject-led model that can be characterised by a certain

amount of hours taught in English during the term and certain parts of different subjects

chosen by teachers in collaboration in order to be taught in the target language. Most of the

existing printed materials are more suitable for organising soft CLIL model and cover some

curricular topics that are taught during a limited language course. The sample teaching

activities designed for the present MA thesis

Bentley (2010: 7) also recommends the inclusion self-evaluation in the process of

learning in addition to peer- and group feedback, since cognition is associated with

developing learners’ cognitive skills, including creative thinking and evaluating. Self-

evaluation was integrated into the present sample CLIL teaching activities as an essential part

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of forming and raising students’ self-awareness. This also correspondents with the idea of

Mehisto et al (2008: 167-168) that making students aware of their learning styles is a step-

stone to their personal achievement. It is one of the original aspects of the present Moodle

materials, since students are encouraged to test and define their learning style and can get an

instant result in the interactive environment. In addition to that, students are guided to

evaluating their own language learning process and the process of raising professional self-


Learning outcomes and assessment criteria should be pre-planned to make the process

of learning well-structured and beneficial for learners. In the sample teaching activities

created for the present MA thesis it was decided to include both summative and formative


According to Bloom's revised taxonomy described previously in Chapter One

(Churches 2009: 3; Mehisto 2008: 155), verbs are used for giving instructions in the sample

Moodle activities constructed for students' of mechatronics.

The materials are built around fostering the four language learning skills. The

authentic materials used for compiling the sample activities include videos and employment-,

safety- and health-related documentation, which, according to the results of the survey carried

out for the present MA thesis, are seen by the participants as useful and real-life resembling.

Thus, a rich input is provided and learners have an opportunity to apply new knowledge on

practice and reflect on their learning process.

The author of the sample teaching activities aimed to reinforce communication among

learners not only by providing opportunities for collaboration in Moodle environment, but

also by linking the online activities to the everyday classroom context (preparing

presentations, presenting projects). The survey results showed that the students are motivated

to participate in oral activities and in the context of VECT those can be organised with a

support of a language teacher.

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Scaffolding is provided by chunking the information into step-by-step activities and

instructions, logical framework of the course, easiness of navigation and the opportunity to

get an instant overview of the whole structure.

To sum up, the designed sample activities include the following key features: a logical

and well-structured framework based upon Do Coyle’s 4Cs Model (n.d.) and built around the

four language skills, taking into consideration opportunities of the particular vocational

school, providing a rich input of authentic occupation-related materials, developing learners’

autonomy and time-management skills, raising self-awareness. Yet, it has to be

acknowledged, that the CLIL course outline and Moodle activities designed for the present

MA thesis as a pilot project in order to be developed and expanded further during the process

of ongoing integration in TVEC. This time-demanding and complicated process will take

several years up to the year 2018. Thus, it was not aimed to develop a complete set of

teaching materials and a fully integrated course for mechatronic occupation. However, the

present teaching activities and the syllabus have a real practical value and got approved by the

content teachers of mechatronics in Tartu Vocational Education Centre.

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The aim of the present MA thesis was to carry out a needs analysis research in order to

determine the socio-linguistic needs of students and teachers of mechatronics in Tartu

Vocational Education Centre. The results provided rationale for designing the preliminary

CLIL course outline for B2-level students of mechatronics and sample Moodle teaching

materials as a first step in integrating the schools’ curriculum. The need for integrated

materials is great due to the general shift towards changing the paradigm of vocational

education (Riikgikogu 2013; Tartu Kusehariduskeskus 2013; Pilli & Kuusik n.d.). The

economic and political background of Estonia and other countries is introduced in the

introductory part of the present thesis in order to give justification to ongoing changes in the

educational system and in the system of vocational education in particular. The main tendency

heads towards integration of subjects in order to improve students’ qualifications in various

areas simultaneously and meet the requirements of the 21st century’s labour market.

Chapter One presents a theoretical overview of CLIL (Content and Language

Integrated Learning) as a teaching approach and its application in education and materials’

design. CLIL is seen as beneficial due to its methodology and throughout the areas it is

intending to influence (e.g., increasing cultural awareness, internationalisation, preparation for

both study and working life, increased motivation). CLIL is student-centred and takes into

consideration learners’ learning styles, provides scaffolding in order to construct new

knowledge based on students’ previous experience, develops the four language skills,

supports creative and critical thinking. The approach is aiming to raise students’ self-

awareness and to form them into independent learners through self- and peer-evaluation. In

addition to that, there are listed some negative aspects and possible problems that can arise

while applying CLIL model on practice. Luckily, these challenges are recognised by the

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officials dealing with reorganising vocational education in Estonia. Hopefully, it is possible to

solve most of the problems in case if they are pre-planned and dealt with gradually.

Chapter Two presents general practice of needs analysis and introduces the research

carried out in Tartu Vocational Education Centre (TVEC) in February-April 2013 among the

students and the content teachers of mechatronics. The aim of the research was to determine

what the needs of students and teachers for CLIL materials are and which parts of the

curriculum they are ready to acquire and teach in English. The research showed some

important results that were taken into consideration in the design of sample Moodle CLIL-

based activities for students of mechatronics. It was found out that the content teachers

hesitate to start with CLIL due to the lack of the language skills but ready to try if provided

some support from a language teacher. Thus, the easiest way to start applying CLIL is to

place materials online into Moodle, since it is real-life resembling and can provide a lot of

authentic information resources. In addition to that, it was obvious that all four language skills

should be included into sample activities to some extent. Reading and listening can provide

rich language input for CLIL activities, writing gives an opportunity to practice new skills in

the output. In addition to that it is essential to foster collaboration and the speaking skill

through Moodle activities aiming to link online and classroom learning.

Despite the fact that some of the activities listed in the questionnaire were reported by

the respondents as unessential (e.g., working with specific documentation), it was decided to

reinforce unpopular choices in order to change the negative attitude and provide positive

experience, since these activities are present in the Vocational Standard for Mechatronic

Technicians (Sihtasutus Kutsekoda 2001). Empoyment-related activities were also included

into the outline as a separate module due to the great interest towards it among the research


Chapter Three provides justification for constructing CLIL-based sample teaching

activities in Moodle environment. The findings of the research carried out in Tartu Vocational

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Education Centre from February to April 2013 were used to design sample Moodle teaching

activities and a preliminary integrated course outline for B2-level students of mechatronics

since the demand for new ideas for integrated materials based on CLIL characteristic aspects

was great. The teaching activities have been designed in Moodle environment in order to

blend CLIL teaching aspects such as supporting self-awareness, learners’ autonomy, higher-

level thinking skills, and development of ICT literacy in learners.

While compiling the framework for the integration of subjects, it was taken into

consideration the existing school’s resources and the existing school curriculum for students

of mechatronics (Tartu Kutsehariduskeskus 2009). The present project is the first stepping-

stone for starting with systematic integrated learning and can be developed into a real

practical support for content teachers, whose language skills are insufficient. In addition to

that, by starting with the integration gradually, it would be possible to reinforce the

collaboration between the language and the content teachers and, as a result, meet the

students’ needs, who feel motivated to participate in CLIL-based programs.

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of Research and Innovation in the Language Classroom, 21, 2012, 15-33. Available at: , accessed 18.06.13.

Merisuo-Storm,Tuula. 2003. Development of first language literacy skills in bilingual

education. European Conference on Educational Research materials, University of

Hamburg. Available at,

accessed 3.10.12.

Pilli, Einike, Kuusik, Tiina. N.d. Riiklike õppekavade uuendamine 2010-2013. Eriala- ja

üldharidusõpingute lõimimine kutseõppes, juhendmaterjal. [Integration of Content and

Educational Subjects in Vocational Education, instructional materials]. Unpublished

materials. SA Innove. Available at

Popovchenko, Maria. Introduction to Mechatronics and Mechatronics in Real Life. May 29,

2006. Available at: http://www14.informatik.tu- , accessed


Rekkor, Sirje. 2011. Kutsehariduse riikliku õppekava koostamise kontseptuaalsed alused.

Ettepanekud. [The conceptual foundations of the national vocational education

curriculum. Proposals]. Unpublished materials. Riiklik Eksami- ja

Kvalifikatsioonikeskus. Available at, accessed 14.03.13.

Richards, Jack. C. 2001. Curriculum Development in Language Teaching. New York:

Cambridge University Press.

Riigikogu. 2013. Kutseõppeasutuste seadus. [Vocational Educational Institutions Act],

Tallinn: Riigikogu. Available at:

12, accessed 28.11.13.

Savic, Vera. 2010. Are We Ready for Implementing CLIL in Primary Language Classrooms?

University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Education in Jagodina. Available at

2.doc, accessed 21.03.13.

Sihtasutus Kutsekoda. 2001. Mehhatrooniku kutsestandard [Professional standard for

mechatronic technicians]. Available at:, accessed


St Giles International. Level Descriptor. Available at http://www.stgiles- , accessed 3.12.13.

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Tartu Kutsehariduskeskus. 2013. Tartu Kutsehariduskeskuse arengukava aastateks 2014-2018

[Development plan of Tartu Vocational Education Centre 2014-2018]. Unpublished

materials. Tartu Kutsehariduskeskus: Tartu. Available at: , accessed 6.12.13

Tartu Kutsehariduskeskus. 2009. Mehhatroonika õppekava [Mechatronics curriculum].

Unpublished materials. Tartu Kutsehariduskeskus: Tartu.

Wenquan, Wu, 2010. The Application of Input Hypothesis to the Teaching of

Listening and Speaking of College English. Asian Social Science, Vol. 6, No. 9, 137-

141. Available at:, accessed


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Appendix 1. Application of Content and language Integrated Learning (CLIL) in mechatronics. Teacher’s questionnaire.

Dear Teacher,

I am carrying out a research for my master’s thesis aiming to find out, which areas from the mechatronics’

curriculum and to what extent can be covered in English. Data collected during the research will be used for

determining learners’ needs of using the language at their future workplace and compiling teaching materials.

The questionnaire is based on mechatronics’ curriculum of Vocational Education Centre of Tartu and the

professional standard for mechatronics technicians. The questionnaire is anonymous and consists mostly of

multiple-choice questions. It will take you about 25 minutes to answer the questions, the time is not limited.

Thank you for your help!

I Teacher’s personal background

Please provide information about yourself:

1) Age:

2) Gender: M F

3) Work experience: 0-5 years; 5-10 years; 10-15 years; 15-20 years; more than 20 years

4) Work experience abroad: YES NO

5) Your knowledge of English:

Skill Good Average Poor




Understanding the speech

II In which situations do you use English in everyday work?

6) Using English in everyday work: READING

Constantly Sometimes Never

Reading specific literature

Searching for information on-line

Reading specific documentation (reports, check-

lists, accident reports)

Reading technical specifications and instructions

(user and assembly manuals)

Working with a computer (including use of

English menus in different programs)

*If you wish to comment on the previous question or add something, please do it here:

7) Using English in everyday work: WRITING

Constantly Sometimes Never

Searching for information on-line

Filling out specific documentation (reports, check-

lists, accident reports)

Filling out technical documentation

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Working with a computer (including use of

English menus in different programs)

Exchanging information on mechatronics- related


*If you wish to comment on the previous question or add something, please do it here:

8) Using English in everyday work: SPEAKING

Constantly Sometimes Never

Speaking about your workplace/occupation

Making work arrangements, giving work


Speaking about technical documentation-related


Speaking about materials, their properties and


Speaking about work principles, use and

maintenance of measuring and other tools used in


Speaking about use and maintenance of

occupational equipment

*If you wish to comment on the previous question or add something, please do it here:

9) Using English in everyday work: LISTENING

Constantly Sometimes Never

Watching area-related videos (both on TV and in

the Internet)

Listening to work orders/instructions

Listening to presentations

Listening to oral reports

Listening to instructions for filling out technical


Listening to information about materials, their

properties and designations

Listening to information about work principles,

use and maintenance of measuring and other tools

used in mechatronics

Listening to information about use

and maintenance of occupational equipment

*If you wish to comment on the previous question or add something, please do it here:

III Applying CLIL in the classroom: integrating the language and the content

10) I have heard about Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)

YES NO Hard to say

11) I have received specific training in CLIL

YES NO Hard to say

12) I have already taught the content subject through another language


13) I have co-operated with other teachers (eg language teachers) in organising CLIL lessons.


14) I think that applying CLIL is

useful for language acquisition

useful for content subject acquisition

is useful for acquiring both the language and the subject

I doubt that CLIL is useful at all

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15) I am ready to start teaching my subject(s) in English

YES NO Hard to say

16) If the answer to the previous question is NO, then explain for what reasons you are not ready to teach the

subject(s) in English?

17) If you answered YES to the question nr 11, then what kind of activities are you ready to organise in the

classroom in English in order to develop learner’s READING skills? (Multiple choices are possible).

□ I can use specialised texts in English to give to my students to read.

□ I can ask my students to find information in the Internet using sources in English

□ I can show charts, tables and drawings containing some information in English

□ I can show PowerPoint presentations containing information in English

□ I can introduce to my students specific terminology in English

□ I can give to my students to read specific documentation (reports, check-lists, accident reports)

□ I can give to my students to read technical specifications and instructions (user and assembly manuals)

□ I can compile instructions and assignments for a test in English

□ Other (please specify):

18) If you answered YES to the question nr 11, then what kind of activities are you ready to organise in the

classroom in English in order to develop learner’s WRITING skills? (Multiple choices are possible)

□ I can ask my students to write a summary or make notes in English on the basis of videos/texts

□ I can ask my students to write a paper on the basis of Internet resources in English.

□ I can ask my students to describe charts, tables and drawings containing some information in English

□ I can ask my students to write down specific terminology in English.

□ I can organise a translation activity from English into students’ mother tongue and backwards

□ I can ask my students to fill out specific documentation (reports, check-lists, accident reports)

□ I can ask my students to fill out technical documentation

□ I can ask my students to write user and assembly instructions in English

□ I can ask my students to write answers to a test questions in English.

□ Other (please specify):

19) If you answered YES to the question nr 11, then what kind of activities are you ready to organise in the

classroom in English in order to develop learner’s SPEAKING skills? (Multiple choices are possible)

□ I can organise subject-related discussions in English

□ I can organise discussions in English concerning filling out specific documentation (reports, check-lists,

accident reports)

□ I can ask my students to prepare a topic-related oral presentation in English

□ I can ask my students to use English during group works and carrying out projects.

□ Other (please specify):

20) If you answered YES to the question nr 11, then what kind of activities are you ready to organise in the

classroom in English in order to develop learner’s LISTENING skills? (Multiple choices are possible)

□ I can show videos in English in the classroom

□ I can let my students listen to audio-files in English

□ I can present instructions for filling out specific documentation (reports, check-lists, accident reports) in


□ I can present orally some part of a topic-related material in English in the classroom

□ I can let my students listen to subject-related presentations presented in English by their classmates

□ I can ask my students to use English during group works, discussions and carrying out projects.

□ Other (please specify):

21) Which compulsory subjects of the mechatronics’ curriculum can be taught to students in English and to what


Can be fully taught Can be partly taught Cannot be taught at


Introduction into speciality

Electrical engineering

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Material studies

Bases of electronics

Digital systems

Technical drawing

Use of computers and administration

Bases of economics and business

Bases of labour law

Labor and environmental safety

Bases of communication and customer service

Technical documentation

Electrical safety and electricity legislation

Logic and programming


Programmable (PLC) controllers


Locksmith’ works

Cutting machine works

Machine elements and assembly


Electrical equipment and appliances

Electrical measurements and automation


Mechatronic devices

Occupational apprenticeship

*If you wish to comment on the previous question or add something, please do it here:

22) Which elective subjects of the mechatronics’ curriculum can be taught to students in English and to what


Can be fully taught Can be partly taught Cannot be taught at


Safety devices

Bases of computer hardware

Soldering works and materials

Programming of numerically controlled (CNC)

machine tools

Operating systems theory

Bases of object-oriented programming

Welding bases

Data and information security

Real estate automation

*If you wish to comment on the previous question or add something, please do it here:

IV Using English in students’ future workplace

23) I think that my students will have to use English in their future workplace:

YES NO Hard to say

*If you wish to comment on the previous question or add something, please do it here:

24) How important is English for your students in these READING-related situations in their future workplace?

Very important Important Not important at


Applying for a job: reading job advertisements

Labour law: reading employment agreements and


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Reading specific documentation (reports, check-lists,

accident reports)

Reading technical specifications and instructions (user

and assembly manuals)

Working with computer-aided design and

manufacturing software (CAD; CAM)

Use of processor technologies in automated control


Assembly and testing of mechatronic systems

Working with specific materials, their use, properties

and designations

Work principles, use and maintenance of measuring

and other tools used in mechatronics

Mechatronic systems elements and their designations

Use and maintenance of occupational equipment

*If you wish to comment on the previous question or add something, please do it here:

25) How important is English for your students in these WRITING-related situations in their future workplace?

Very important Important Not important at


Applying for a job: writing a CV, a job application

Labour law: filling out employment agreements and


Filling out specific documentation (reports, check-

lists, accident reports)

Filling out technical specifications-related


Working with computer-aided design and

manufacturing software (CAD; CAM)

Use of processor technologies in automated control


Assembly and testing of mechatronic systems

Working with specific materials, their use, properties

and designations

Work principles, use and maintenance of measuring

and other tools used in mechatronics

Mechatronics systems elements and their designations

Use and maintenance of occupational equipment

*If you wish to comment on the previous question or add something, please do it here:

26) How important is English for your students in these SPEAKING-related situations in their future workplace?

Very important Important Not important at


Applying for a job: participating in a job-interview,

introducing yourself, speaking about one’s education

and work experience

Communicating with co-workers

Presenting one’s workplace and duties

Giving work orders and instructions

Working with technical documentation

Assembly and testing of mechatronic systems

Working with specific materials, their use, properties

and designations

Work principles, use and maintenance of measuring

and other tools used in mechatronics

Mechatronic systems elements and their designations

Use and maintenance of occupational equipment

*If you wish to comment on the previous question or add something, please do it here:

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27) How important is English for your students in these LISTENING-related situations in their future


Very important Important Not important

at all

Listening to work orders and instructions

Listening to demonstrations

Communicating with co-workers

Listening to oral reports

Working with the technical documentation

Assembly and testing of mechatronic systems

Working with specific materials, their use, properties

and designations

Work principles, use and maintenance of measuring

and other tools used in mechatronics

Mechatronic systems elements and their designations

Use and maintenance of occupational equipment

*If you wish to comment on the previous question or add something, please do it here:

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Appendix 2. Application of Content and language Integrated Learning (CLIL) in mechatronics. Learner’s questionnaire

Dear Learner,

I am carrying out a research for my master’s thesis aiming to find out, which areas from the mechatronics’

curriculum and to what extent can be covered in English. Data collected during the research will be used for

determining learners’ needs of using the language at the future workplace and compiling teaching materials.

The questionnaire is based on mechatronics’ curriculum of Vocational Education Centre of Tartu and the

professional standard for mechatronics technicians. The questionnaire is anonymous and consists mostly of

multiple-choice questions. It will take you about 25 minutes to answer the questions, the time is not limited.

Thank you for your help!

I Learner’s personal background

Please provide information about yourself:

1) Gender: M F

2) Year: 1; 2; 3; 4

3) I study on the basis of

basic education

secondary education

4) Occupational work experience: YES NO

If you have some occupational work experience, then please specify (how many months/years):

5) Work experience abroad: YES NO

6) Your knowledge of English:

Skill Good Average Poor Reading Writing Speaking Understanding the speech

II In which situations do you use English in everyday work?

7) Using English in everyday work: READING

Constantly Sometimes Never Reading specific literature Searching for information on-line Reading specific documentation (reports, check-

lists, accident reports)

Reading technical specifications and instructions

(user and assembly manuals)

Working with a computer (including use of English

menus in different programs)

*If you wish to comment on the previous question or add something, please do it here:

8) Using English in everyday work: WRITING

Constantly Sometimes Never Searching for information on-line Filling out specific documentation (reports, check-

lists, accident reports)

Filling out technical documentation Working with a computer (including use of English

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menus in different programs)

Exchanging information on mechatronics’-related


*If you wish to comment on the previous question or add something, please do it here:

9) Using English in everyday work: SPEAKING

Constantly Sometimes Never

Speaking about your workplace/occupation Making work arrangements, giving work


Speaking about technical documentation-related


Speaking about materials, their properties and


Speaking about work principles, use and

maintenance of measuring and other tools used in


Speaking about use and maintenance of

occupational equipment

*If you wish to comment on the previous question or add something, please do it here:

10) Using English in everyday work: LISTENING

Constantly Sometimes Never

Watching area-related videos (both on TV and in

the Internet)

Listening to work orders/instructions Listening to presentations Listening to oral reports

Listening to instructions for filling out technical


Listening to information about materials, their

properties and designations

Listening to information about work principles, use

and maintenance of measuring and other tools

used in mechatronics

Listening to information about use and

maintenance of occupational equipment

*If you wish to comment on the previous question or add something, please do it here:

III Applying CLIL in the classroom: integrating the language and the content

11) I think that knowledge of English is important

YES NO Hard to say

12) I think that I will have to use English at my future workplace:

YES NO Hard to say

13) I am ready to start learning vocational subjects in English

YES NO Hard to say

14) If the answer to the previous question is NO, then explain for what reasons you are not ready to learn

vocational subjects in English?

15) If you answered YES to the question nr 8, then what kind of activities are you ready participate in in the

classroom in English in order to develop your READING skills? (Multiple choices are possible).

□ Reading specialised texts in English in the classroom or independently

□ Searching for some information from the Internet using sources in English

□ Exploring charts, tables and drawings containing some information in English

□ Following PowerPoint presentations containing information in English

□ Reading specific terminology in English

□ Reading specific documentation (reports, check-lists, accident reports)

□ Reading technical specifications and instructions (user and assembly manuals)

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□ Reading test instructions and assignments in English

□ Other (please specify):

16) If you answered YES to the question nr 8, then what kind of activities are you ready participate in in the

classroom in English in order to develop your WRITING skills? (Multiple choices are possible).

□ Writing a summary on the basis of videos/texts presented in the classroom

□ Writing a paper based on the Internet resources about the occupation-related topics in English.

□ Describing charts, tables and drawings containing some information in English

□ Writing down specific terminology in English.

□ Translating from English into my mother tongue and backwards

□ Filling out specific occupation-related documentation (reports, check-lists, accident reports)

□ Filling out technical documentation

□ Writing and filling out technical specifications and instructions (user and assembly manuals)

□ Write answers to a test questions/assignments in English.

□ Other (please specify):

17) If you answered YES to the question nr 8, then what kind of activities are you ready participate in in the

classroom in English in order to develop your SPEAKING skills? (Multiple choices are possible).

□ Participating in subject-related discussions in English

□ Participating in discussions in English concerning filling out specific documentation (reports, check-lists,

accident reports)

□ Making topic-related oral presentations in English

□ Using English during group works and carrying out projects

□ Other (please specify):

18) If you answered YES to the question nr 8, then what kind of activities are you ready participate in in the

classroom in English in order to develop your LISTENING skills? (Multiple choices are possible).

□ Watching videos in English in the classroom

□ Listening to audio-files in English

□ Listening to instructions for filling out specific documentation (reports, check-lists, accident reports) in


□ Listening to some part of a topic-related material in English presented orally by teacher

□ Listening to subject-related presentations presented in English by my classmates

□ Listening to English during group works, discussions and carrying out projects.

□ Other (please specify):

19) Which compulsory subjects of the mechatronics’ curriculum can be taught to students in English and to what


Can be fully


Can be partly


Cannot be

taught at all Introduction into speciality Electrical engineering Material studies Bases of electronics Digital systems Technical drawing Use of computers and administration Bases of economics ad business Bases of labour law Labor and environmental safety Bases of communication and customer service Technical documentation Electrical safety and electricity legislation Logic and programming Pneumoautomatics Programmable (PLC) controllers Hydroautomatics Locksmith’ works Cutting machine works Machine elements and assembly

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Mechatronics Electrical equipment and appliances Electrical measurements and automation Automation Mechatronic devices Occupational apprenticeship

*If you wish to comment on the previous question or add something, please do it here:

20) Which elective subjects of the mechatronics’ curriculum can be taught to students in English and to what


Can be fully


Can be partly


Cannot be

taught at all Safety devices Bases of computer hardware Soldering works and materials Programming of numerically controlled (CNC) machine


Operating systems theory Bases of object-oriented programming Welding bases Data and information security Real estate automation

*If you wish to comment on the previous question or add something, please do it here:

IV Using English in the future workplace

21) How important is using English in these READING-related situations in your future workplace?

Very important Important Not important at

all Applying for a job: reading job advertisements Labour law: reading employment agreements and forms Reading specific documentation (reports, check-lists,

accident reports)

Reading technical specifications and instructions (user and

assembly manuals)

Working with computer-aided design and manufacturing

software (CAD; CAM)

Use of processor technologies in automated control systems Assembly and testing of mechatronic systems Working with specific materials, their use, properties and


Work principles, use and maintenance of measuring and

other tools used in mechatronics

Mechatronic systems elements and their designations Use and maintenance of occupational equipment

*If you wish to comment on the previous question or add something, please do it here:

22) How important is using English in these WRITING-related situations in your future workplace?

Very important Important Not important at

all Applying for a job: writing a CV, a job application Labour law: filling out employment agreements and forms Filling out specific documentation (reports, check-lists,

accident reports)

Filling out technical specifications-related documentation Working with computer-aided design and manufacturing

software (CAD; CAM)

Use of processor technologies in automated control systems Assembly and testing of mechatronic systems Working with specific materials, their use, properties and


Work principles, use and maintenance of measuring and

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other tools used in mechatronics

Mechatronics systems elements and their designations Use and maintenance of occupational equipment

*If you wish to comment on the previous question or add something, please do it here:

23) How important is using English in these SPEAKING-related situations in your future workplace?

Very important Important Not important at

all Applying for a job: participating in a job-interview,

introducing yourself, speaking about one’s education and

work experience

Communicating with teammates Presenting one’s workplace and duties Giving work orders and instructions Working with technical documentation Assembly and testing of mechatronic systems Working with specific materials, their use, properties and


Work principles, use and maintenance of measuring and

other tools used in mechatronics

Mechatronic systems elements and their designations Use and maintenance of occupational equipment

*If you wish to comment on the previous question or add something, please do it here:

24) How important is using English in these LISTENING-related situations in your future workplace?

Very important Important Not important at

all Listening to work orders and instructions Listening to demonstrations Communicating with co-workers Listening to oral reports Working with the technical documentation Assembly and testing of mechatronic systems Working with specific materials, their use, properties and


Work principles, use and maintenance of measuring and

other tools used in mechatronics

Mechatronic systems elements and their designations Use and maintenance of occupational equipment

*If you wish to comment on the previous question or add something, please do it here:

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Appendix 3. Developing critical thinking in a vocational school through CLIL (Mehisto 2008: 153-165)

Type of critical


Explanation of the term

Examples of activities for developing critical thinking in a

vocational school

Appreciating Understanding others and yourself Students explain five things that they like about their occupation.

Students name five attitudes they would appresiate in their

collegues at work of future apprentiseship place.

Assigning Setting items apart for a particular


Students attribute roles and tasks in a group, and afterwards

evaluate how fairly work was devided.

Associating Connecting items together. Students interview working people to find out how soft skills such

as teamwork and positive thinking can increase performance and


Classyfying Putting items into categories. Students classify ethical issues they are likely to face in a job (eg.

in nursing). They develop response scenarios and analyse potential

consequences. Key phrases, nouns and verbs need for discussion

and classification can be listed.

Combining Putting items into a single whole. Students list the serious physical or mental consiquences of taking

various combinations of drugs (in nursing). Students are provided

with the list of nouns, verbs, adjectives that they combine into

instruction for using equipment.

Commiting Understanding and accepting


Students analyse the reasoning behind an industry’s ethical code

and think consequences of not following such a code. For

instance, aircraft mechanics agree not to use spare parts without

serial numbers. Uncertified parts may be of substandard quality

and cause serious accidents.

Comparing Identifying similarities and


Students watch short videos and compare interpersonal stydels

across cultures. Students compare the language of someone

working in a customer service to someone working in a


Considering Extracting the essence of a text. Students reduce employee rules and regulations into a series of

generalizations (eg wash hands before touching tools; separate

cooked and uncooked food). Hygiene needs to be maintained on

personal and work level.

Converting Changing the aspects of an


Students convert a recipe from 5 to 500 servings. Students convert

sentences used in the kitchen among staff into sentences that could

be addressed to clients: That’s bloody hot! versus It is a rather

sicy dish, madam.

Defining Determining key qualities and/or


Students define work processes such as testing, checking,

grinding, milling, measuring.

Describing Reporting the features of an item


Student A descibes an electrical scheme, which student B then

draws. Student A looks at the result and describes changes to be

made. The students compare the drawing with the oroginal,

assessing their collaboration and drawing conclusion. Students

then complete the task with a visual, an auditory and a kinesthetic

learner. They assess wether the task was completed as desired.

This is followed by the analysis if instructions could be improved.

Designating Assigning a name, a title or a

function to an item.

Students name every tool they use, elements in the electrical

circuit, in a microscope or in an aircraft wing.

Students listen to dialogues and designate the register of language

being used (formal, casual, professional, non/professional, etc).

Discriminating Treating some item of information

differently from others.

Students define how to tell the difference between high-quality

and low-quality products. Students establish criteria for measuring

products created in vocational classes. Students establish the

differences between a safe and unsafe working environment.

Students distinguis various types of damage on the fuselage of

aircraft or on the body of a car.

Extending Developing ideas further. Students are provided with a dictionary definition of the word

professionalism. Then they define what the word means to them

personally and describe how they think professionals behave at


Identifying cause and


Defining what was at the root of an

event and what result it produced.

Students look at tenworkplace problems and decide how each one

relates to the other nine problems. For example, students could

determine wether each of the following problems is a cause or

consequence of their own problems: a lack of time; too great

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workload; a dissatisfied client; tensions among staff; low morale;

unfilled positions; lack of turnover in sales; low profitability; old

equipment; no parking.

Students then decide in which order the problems should be


Imaging Forming a mental image. Students lay their heads on the desk and close their eyes. Ask them

to imagine ten years from now. What community are they living

in? Are they living in a house, or a boat or somewhere else? How

big is it? Whit whom do they live? What do they do on weekends?

What food do they eat most of the time? How do they earn a

living? What are the people like who they work with? What do

they do well? How do people treat them? How do they treat

others? What are the steps that need to be taken to achieve this –

education, personal development, etc?

Linking Finding relationships. Students group together elements that form units (eg nuts and


Observing Looking in detail at someone or


Students observe one task on an assembly line (on a video or in

real life) and describe all the steps involved in completing the task.

Predicting Anticipating what is likely to


Students read five different pastry dough recipes and predict the

type of pastry each will produce. They bake the pastry and

compare the results with their predictions.

Students predict the results of leaving ingridients out of a recipe.

Students predict the taste of unusual combinations of food.

Reconciling Putting opposing items together to

form a consistent whole.

Groups discuss ways of accomodating different customer

expectations in order to create a profitable plumbing or carpentry


Roleplaying Thinking like someone else and

communicating and acting as that

person would.

Students roleplay dealing wiht customer complaint.

Separating Taking things apart to identify

specific components.

Students separate tools according to function (testing, drilling,

fastening, etc).

Selecting Making a preferred, imperative or

needed choice.

Students review a list of tasks and select tools and/or equipment

for each task.

Students choose key paraphrases so they can order supplies.

Triggering Something that sets off another

thought or event.

Students come up with words that are related by meaning (bolt,

nut, hub, wheel, etc), field or study or sound.

Variation: Students are in teams of five. One team at a time, each

team is given a word and must come up with another word related

to it (eg, drill>hole, screw, nails, electric, professional,

construction). If a team fails to suggest a related word, after a

certain period of time (15 seconds), the next team tries. If that

team succeeds, it gets a point. From here on in, each team gets a

point when it answers. No point is awarded if no answer is given.

Utilizing Demonstrating how things could be,

are being or have been put to use.

Students think up new uses for chocolate or industrial by-products.

Veryfying Specifying how information should

be accepted as valid or true.

ICT students verify that every chunk of the computer software

programme actually takes the user to the next level/step.

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Appendix 4. Tables of the survey results Table 1. Using English in everyday occupational environment: reading-related activities

Activities Students Teachers

Constantly Sometimes Never Constantly Sometimes Never

Reading specific literature 21.7 56.6 21.7 20 40 40

Searching for information on-line 45.9 47.5 6.6 50 40 10

Reading specific documentation (reports, check-

lists, accident reports)

20.7 51.7 27.6 0 50 50

Reading technical specifications and instructions

(user and assembly manuals)

30.5 57.6 11.9 10 80 10

Working with a computer (including use of English

menus in different programs)

58.3 36.7 5 60 40 0

Average scores 35.4 50 14.6 28 50 22

Table 2. Using English in everyday occupational environment: writing-related activities


Students Teachers

Constantly Sometimes Never Constantly Sometimes Never

Searching for information on-line 50.8 45.9 3.3 10 70 20

Filling out specific documentation (reports, check-

lists, accident reports)

11.9 39 49.1 0 20 80

Filling out technical documentation 15 40 45 0 40 60

Working with a computer (including use of English

menus in different programs)

39.3 45.9 14.8 40 30 30

Exchanging information on mechatronics’ related forums

15 41.7 43.3 10 30 60

Average scores 26.4 42.5 31.1 12 38 50

Table 3. Using English in everyday occupational environment: speaking-related activities

Activities Students Teachers

Constantly Sometimes Never Constantly Sometimes Never

Speaking about your workplace/occupation 11.9 50.8 37.3 0 30 70

Making work arrangements, giving work


10.7 33.9 55. 4 0 10 90

Speaking about technical documentation-related topics.

5.2 46.5 48.3 0 30 70

Speaking about materials, their properties and


6.8 55.9 37.3 0 20 80

Speaking about work principles, use and maintenance of measuring and other tools used in


10.5 52.7 36.8 0 30 70

Speaking about use and maintenance of

occupational equipment

15.8 47.4 36.8 0 40 60

Average scores 10.2 47.8 42 0 26.7 73.3

Table 4. Activities involving listening/understanding the speech


Students Teachers

Constantly Sometimes Never Constantly Sometimes Never

Watching area-related videos (both on TV and in

the Internet)

46.4 46.4 7.2 40 40 20

Listening to work orders/instructions 24.1 38.9 37 0 10 90

Listening to presentations 20.8 50.9 28.3 10 60 30

Listening to oral reports 14 40 46 10 10 80

Listening to instructions for filling out technical


18.5 37 44.5 10 20 70

Listening to information about materials, their

properties and designations

19.2 48.1 32.7 20 30 50

Listening to information about work principles, use

and maintenance of measuring and other tools used in mechatronics

27.8 44.4 27.8 10 40 50

Listening to information about use

and maintenance of occupational equipment

28.8 38.5 32.7 10 60 30

Average scores 24.9 43 32.1 13.7 33.8 52.5

Table 5. The students’ overall attitudes towards applying CLIL in the classroom

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Yes No Hard to say

Knowledge of English is important 95.1 1.6 3.3 English will be needed at my future workplace 90.1 3.3 6.6 I am ready to start learning vocational subjects in English 52.4 19.7 27.9

Table 6. The teachers’ overall attitudes towars CLIL


Yes No Hard to say

I have heard about Content and language Integrated Learning (CLIL) 70 10 20 I have received specific training in CLIL 20 80 0 I have already taught the content subject through another language 50 50 - I have co-operated with other teachers (eg. language teachers) in organising CLIL

lessons. 10 90 -

I am ready to start teaching vocational subjects in English 0 87.5 12.5

Table 7. The teachers’ attitudes to the usefulness of CLIL

Statements about usefulness of CLIL Percentages of the teachers’ positive responces CLIL is useful for language acquisition 20 CLIL is useful for content subject acquisition 0 CLIL is is useful for acquiring both the language and the subject 60 I doubt that CLIL is useful at all 20

Table 8. Readiness of the students and the teachers to participate/organiseCLIL activities in the classroom


Percentages of

positive answers among the


Percentages of

positive answers among

the teachers


Reading specialised texts in English in the classroom or independently 14.8 15.8

Searching for some information from the Internet using sources in English 17.1 15.8

Exploring charts, tables and drawings containing some information in English 15.7 15.8

Following PowerPoint presentations containing information in English 11.8 10.5

Reading specific terminology in English 13.6 5.3

Reading specific documentation (reports, check-lists, accident reports) 9.7 5.3

Reading technical specifications and instructions (user and assembly manuals) 11.4 10.5

Test instructions and assignments in English 5.9 0

Average scores 12.5 9.9


Writing a summary on the basis of videos/texts presented in the classroom 13.8 14.3

Writing a paper on the occupation-related topics in English. 11.3 0

Describing charts, tables and drawings containing some information in English 10.3 0

Writing down specific terminology in English. 13.3 14.3

Translating from English into my mother tongue and backwards 13.8 14.3

Filling out specific occupation-related documentation (reports, check-lists, accident reports) 11.3 14.3

Filling out technical documentation 10.3 14.3

Writing and filling out technical specifications and instructions (user and assembly manuals) 8.2 0

Write answers to a test questions/assignments in English. 7.7 0

Average scores 11.1 7.9


Participating in subject-related discussions in English 28.9 0

Participating in discussions in English concerning filling out specific documentation (reports,

check-lists, accident reports)

22.8 0

Making topic-related oral presentations in English 23.7 40

Using English during group works and carrying out projects 24.6 0

Average scores 25 10


Watching videos in English in the classroom 24.4 44.4

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Listening to audio-files in English 18.1 11.1

Listening to instructions for filling out filling out specific documentation (reports, check-lists,

accident reports) in English

16.5 0

Listening to some part of a topic-related material in English presented orally by teacher 15.7 0

Listening to subject-related presentations presented in English by my classmates 13 11.1

Listening to English during group works, discussions and carrying out projects. 12.5 0

Average scores 16.7 11.1

Table 9. The attitudes towards learning/teaching compulsory subjects of mechatronic’s curriculum in English

Compulsory subjects

Students Teachers Can be fully taught

Can be partly


Cannot be taught

at all

Can be fully taught

Can be partly


Cannot be taught at


Introduction into speciality 36.7 40.8 22.4 0 60 40 Electrical engineering 26.9 40.4 32.7 0 50 50 Material studies 29.4 47.1 23.5 0 50 50 Bases of electronics 34.6 40.4 25 0 60 40 Digital systems 34.6 48.1 17.3 20 40 40 Technical drawing 36 42 22 0 50 50 Use of computers and administration 46 40 14 10 60 30 Bases of economics and business 31.4 39.2 29.4 0 60 40 Bases of labour law 23.5 41.2 35.3 0 30 70 Labor and environmental safety 28 42 30 0 40 60 Bases of communication and customer service 37.3 35.3 27.5 10 40 50 Technical documentation 31.4 43.1 25.5 10 60 30 Electrical safety and electricity legislation 25.5 47.1 27.5 0 30 70 Logic and programming 47.1 37.3 15.7 20 40 40 Pneumoautomatics 36 40 24 10 50 40 Programmable (PLC) controllers 40.4 42.3 17.3 20 40 40 Hydroautomatics 33.3 37.3 27.5 0 60 40 Locksmith works 35.3 37.3 27.5 0 40 60 Cutting machine works 35.3 33.3 31.4 0 50 50 Machine elements and assembly 35.3 29.4 35.3 0 50 50 Mechatronics 27.5 45.1 27.5 20 50 30 Electrical equipment and appliances 29.4 45.1 25.5 0 40 60 Electrical measurements and automation 30 46 24 0 40 60 Automatisation 32.7 42.3 25 10 60 30 Mechatronical devices 33.3 43.1 23.5 10 50 40 Occupational apprenticeship 38.8 42.9 18.4 0 50 50

Average result 33.7 41.1 25.2 5.4 48.1 46.5

Table 10. The attitudes towards learning/teaching elective subjects of the mechatronic’s curriculum in English

Elective subjects

Students Teachers

Can be fully


Can be partly


Cannot be taught at


Can be fully


Can be partly




taught at


Safety devices 25.9 51.9 22.2 0 60 40

Bases of computer hardware 39.6 49.1 11.3 20 40 40

Soldering works and materials 27.8 48.1 24.1 10 60 30

Programming of numerically controlled (CNC) machine tools 41.8 41.8 16.4 0 70 30

Operating systems theory 27.8 57.4 14.8 10 50 40

Bases of object-oriented programming 30.2 50.9 18.9 20 50 30

Welding bases 21.2 51.9 26.9 0 70 30

Data and information security 26.8 55.4 17.9 10 60 30

Real estate automation 24.1 50 25.9 0 40 60

Average result 29.5 50.7 19.8 7.7 55.6 36.7

Table 11.The importance of reading-related situations in the students’ future workplace

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Students Teachers



Important Not


at all



Important Not


at all

Applying for a job: reading job advertisements 55.8 36.5 7.7 20 70 10

Labour law: reading employment agreements and forms 44.2 46.2 9.6 20 50 30

Reading specific documentation (reports, check-lists,

accident reports)

51 35.3 13.7 20 60 20

Reading technical specifications and instructions (user and assembly manuals)

49.8 46.4 3.8 50 50 0

Working with computer-aided design and

manufacturing software (CAD; CAM)

59.6 34.6 5.8 40 60 0

Use of processor technologies in automated control systems

57.7 38.5 3.8 40 50 10

Assembly and testing of mechatronic systems 51.9 44.3 3.8 40 50 10

Working with specific materials, their use, properties

and designations

45.1 49 5.9 10 70 20

Work principles, use and maintenance of measuring

and other tools used in mechatronics

45.1 43.1 11.8 20 60 20

Mechatronic systems elements and their designations 41.2 52.9 5.9 20 60 20

Use and maintenance of occupational equipment 45.1 47.1 7.8 30 40 30

Average result 48.2 45.4 6.4 28.2 56.4 15.4

Table 12. The importance of writing-related situations in the students’ future workplace

Students Teachers



Important Not


at all



Important Not


at all Applying for a job: writing a CV, a job application 50 44 6 50 30 20 Labour law: filling out employment agreements and

forms 40.8 49 10.2 20 40 40

Filling out specific documentation (reports, check-lists,

accident reports) 37.5 45.8 16.7 10 60 30

Filling out technical specifications-related

documentation 36.7 55.1 8.2 20 50 30

Working with computer-aided design and

manufacturing software (CAD; CAM) 38.8 55.1 6.1 40 30 30

Use of processor technologies in automated control

systems 37.5 54.2 8.3 30 40 30

Assembly and testing of mechatronic systems 35.4 56.3 8.3 20 40 40 Working with specific materials, their use, properties and designations

34 57.5 8.5 0 70 30

Work principles, use and maintenance of measuring

and other tools used in mechatronics 39.6 54.2 6.2 10 50 40

Mechatronics systems elements and their designations 36.2 57.4 6.4 20 50 30 Use and maintenance of occupational equipment 40.4 53.2 6.4 10 60 30

Average result 38.8 52.9 8.3 20.9 47.3 31.8

Table 13. The importance of speaking-related situations in the students’ future workplace

Students Teachers

Very important

Important Not important

at all

Very important

Important Not important

at all

Applying for a job: participating in a job-interview, introducing yourself, speaking about one’s education and

work experience

46 48 6 40 60 0

Communicating with teammates 41.2 48.8 10 20 60 20 Presenting one’s workplace and duties 37.5 50 12.5 0 90 10 Giving work orders and instructions 40.4 48.9 10.7 0 77.8 22.2 Working with technical documentation 39.6 52.1 8.3 20 60 20 Assembly and testing of mechatronic systems 31.1 62.2 6.7 10 60 30 Working with specific materials, their use, properties and

designations 36.2 57.4 6.4 20 60 20

Work principles, use and maintenance of measuring and

other tools used in mechatronics 30.4 60.9 8.7 10 60 30

Mechatronic systems elements and their designations 30.5 63 6.5 20 40 40 Use and maintenance of occupational equipment 36.2 57.4 6.4 20 50 30

Average result 36.9 54.9 8.2 16 61.8 22.2

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Table 14. The importance of listening-related situations in the students’ future workplace

Students Teachers

Very important

Important Not important

at all

Very important

Important Not important

at all

Listening to work orders and instructions 37.5 54.2 8.3 30 50 20 Listening to demonstrations 35.4 56.3 8.3 44.4 44.4 11.1 Communicating with co-workers 33.3 60.2 6.5 10 70 20 Listening to oral reports 35.4 56.3 8.3 11.1 66.7 22.2 Working with the technical documentation 39.6 56.3 4.1 10 70 20 Assembly and testing of mechatronic systems 39.5 54.2 6.3 22.2 44.4 33.3 Working with specific materials, their use, properties

and designations 34.8 63 2.2 22.2 55.6 22.2

Work principles, use and maintenance of measuring and other tools used in mechatronics

39.1 56.5 4.4 11.1 66.7 22.2

Mechatronic systems elements and their designations 31.9 66 2.1 22.2 44.4 33.3 Use and maintenance of occupational equipment 27.7 70.2 2.1 22.2 44.4 33.3

Average result 35.4 59.3 5.3 20.5 55.7 23.8

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Appendix 5. Common beneficial aspects of Moodle and CLIL

Table 1. Common aspects of Moodle and CLIL

CLIL requirements

Moodle opportunities

Presenting information in chunks

(charts, diagrams, drawings,

experiments, key-concepts and


Moodle allows to present different kinds of graphical and visual

information, allows to fill in a glossary of terms (both by

teachers and students).

Cooperation between the content and

the language teacher

Moodle enables both teachers to be course administrators. In

addition to that, Moodle improves collaborative learning through

activities, observing and sharing of resource among the teachers

and students

Teacher’s positive support

Good teaching and teacher-learner relationships do not disappear

in spite of the technicality of the Moodle package.

Reflective learning and self-


Moodle tools to encourage and engage students primarily in

learning and evaluations. The system allows the administrators

to create surveys and self-assessments activities.

Self-assessment form for students can be created.

Teachers’ feedback and formative


Students get a good overview of their grades together with

teacher’s feedback, which is posted individually and in a written


Communication Chat tool which supports group discussions.

Students can share their ideas and write responses via blog.

Safe environment and heading for

correct use of the language

Tests permit multiple attempts for students, the attempts can be

reviewed and students can learn from their own mistakes.

Students can use various on-line dictionaries and spell-check

resources while completing assignments.

The role of the language Moodle is customised to support multilingual activities, it offers

over 70 languages.

Cognitive skills Active teaching methods are totally applicable to Moodle and

provide good basis for development of higher order thinking

(creating, evaluating, analysing).

Meeting learner’s individual learning


Moodle is much easier for taking into account different learning

styles. Providing activities for visual, auditory and kinaesthetic

learners as well as multifunctional learners (videos, projects,


The system allows use of academic games, puzzles and quizzes.

Meaningful context and activities The system enables to use countless authentic materials

(according videos and pictures).

The activities are meaningful, since they engage ‘learning-

through-doing’ and provide the result in very short periods of


Interconnectivity Moodle helps to create meaningful connections between topics

and information outside the course.

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Appendix 6. Bloom’s Revised Digital Taxonomy and Moodle Taxonomy

Figure 1. Bloom's revised digital taxonomy (Churches 2009: 7)

Figure 2. Blooms’ digital taxonomy in the context of Moodle (E-TeachUK, 2010)

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Appendix 7. Preliminary CLIL course syllabus for mechatronics

Introduction: Me as a learner

Subtopics: learning styles, learning strengths and weaknesses.

Integrationalism: introduction into speciality; occupational apprenticeship.

Module 1: Career outlooks

Subtopics: Job description, duties, responsibilities, skills, employment agreements and job


Integrationalism: introduction into speciality; use of computers and administration;

occupational apprenticeship; bases of labour law.

Module 2: Safety Subtopics: safety check-lists, accident reports, safety instructions.

Integrationalism: safety and electricity legislation; labour and environmental safety; safety

devices (elective subject); technical documentation.

Module 3: Electronics Subtopics: tools, mechatronic systems, controllers, hydraulic and pneumatic actuators, CNC

machines, autotronics, avionics, bionics.

Integrationalism: Integration with subjects: introduction into speciality; mechatronics;

mechatronic devices; programmable (PLC) controllers; digital systems; bases of electronics;

elective subjects: hydroautomatics; pneumoautomatics; soldering works and materials; real

estate automation.

Module 4: Electricity Subtopics: electrical equipment and appliances, forces, electrical designations, wiring and

protection, renewable energy.

Integrationalism: electrical engineering; electrical safety and electricity legislation; electrical

equipment and appliances; electrical measurements and automation; hydroautomatics;


Module 5: Mechanics Subtopics: materials and their properties, technical drawings, welding, metalworking.

Integrationalism: locksmith’ works, cutting machine works, machine elements and assembly,

technical drawing, material science; elective subjects: welding bases, soldering works and


Module 6: ICT (Information and Communications Technology)

Subtopics: ICT systems, computer hardware, software development, CNC machines, the

Internet, CAD and CAM systems.

Integrationalism: digital systems, use of computers and administration, logic and

programming, programmable (PLC) controllers: elective subjects: bases of computer

hardware, operating systems theory, bases of object-oriented programming, programming

CNC machine tools.

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Appendix 8. Overview of CLIL teaching activities designed in Moodle for students of mechatronics

Integration with subjects of mechatronics’ curriculum and main topics of the syllabus (based

on learning outcomes)

Introduction: Me as a learner Subtopics: learning skills, learning strengths and weaknesses

Integrationalism: introduction into speciality, occupational apprenticeship

Language Learning outcomes Tasks, activities Assessment

Content Reading

Writing 1. Learner is able to analyse ones

strengths and weaknesses as a


1.1. Learner is able to present

main duties of a mechatronic


1. Writing a self-evaluation

‘Me as a mechatronic, my

strengths’ and weaknesses’

Self-evaluation and

teacher’s feedback



Culture Reading 1. Learner participates actively in

planning of his/her own learning


1.1. Learner is able to take active

part in Moodle discussion on the

topic of apprenticeship

experience, read and respond to

other chat participants’ opinions.

1. Learner participates in the

Moodle survey in order to

choose and set te suitable

session time for further

Moodle chat on the topic of


1.1. Participating in Moodle

chat discussion on various

aspects of learners’

apprenticeship experiences.

Not evaluated

Teacher’s feedback

based on previously

set evaluation


Writing 1. Learner is able to take active

part in Moodle discussion on the

topic of apprenticeship

experience, read and respond to

other chat participants’ opinions.

1. Participating in Moodle

chat discussion on various

aspects of learners’

apprenticeship experiences.

Teacher’s feedback

based on previously

set evaluation




Cognition Reading 1. Learner is aware of his/her

learning style ;

1. Filling out a language

skills test

Self-assessment and

instant feedback

Writing 1. Learner is able to apply the

knowledge about his/her learning

styles in planning the learning


1. Writing a self-evaluation

and compiling a study plan

providing hints for taking

into consideration learning

styles in the process of


Self-evaluation and

teacher’s feedback



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Module 1: Career outlooks Subtopics: Job description, duties, responsibilities, skills, employment agreements and job applications

Integrationalism: introduction into speciality, use of computers and administration, occupational apprenticeship, bases

of labour law

Language Learning outcomes Tasks, activities Assessment

Content Reading 1. Learner understands duties and

responsibilities of a mechatronic


2. Understands the main aspects

of an employment agreement

1. Reading job descriptions,

job advertisements

2. Reading a sample

employment agreement,

searching for relevant


Writing 1. Can write a CV

2. Able to fill out an employment


1. Writing a CV (Europass)

1.1. Making a mind-map

about the occupation

2. Filling out a sample

gapped employment


Teacher’s feedback


Teacher’s feedback

Listening 1. Learner understands

information about mechatronics’

duties and working conditions if

it is presented orally

1. Watching a video about

career outlooks


Culture Reading

Writing 1. Learner is familiar with the

employment culture;

1.1. Learner is able to present

duties and responsibilities from

employer’s and employee’s point

of view.

1. Creating a project ‘My

company’ involving the

description of the business,

description of employer’s

and employee’s duties and

responsibilities according to

the employment agreement.

Self-evaluation, peer



Speaking 1.Learner is able to make a

presentation about mechatronic

technician’s job

1.1. able to answer questions

about characteristic aspects of the

job, pros and cons of the job.

1. Making an oral

presentation about the job

Peer evaluation,

teacher’s feedback

Cognition Reading 1. Learner plans his/her learning

process; able to manage his/her


1. Following the dead-lines

1.1. Posting/presenting

assignments on time


teacher’s feedback

Writing 1. Learner is able to express

his/her opinion about the Internet

resource provided;

1.1. able to analyse the text and to

compare the theory with his/her

personal experience;

1.1. communicates with his/her

peers on the topic of “Golden

rules of a job interview”.

1. Reading through the

Internet resource provided

and participating in the

Moodle chat on the topic of

“Golden rules of a job



Speaking 1. Learner is able to prepare a

speech on the basis of the

materials provided;

1.1. is able to distinguish between

relevant and irrelevant


1. Pair work involving

creating a role-play “Job


Peer evaluation and

teacher’s feedback.

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Module 2: Safety Subtopics: safety check-lists, accident reports, safety instructions

Integrationalism: safety and electricity legislation, labour and environmental safety, safety devices (elective subject),

technical documentation

Language Learning outcomes Tasks, activities Assessment

Content Reading 1. Learner understands texts

related to workplace and safety.

1. Filling out a safety check-



Writing 1. Learner uses a dictionary and

other resources to work with a

text and explore the language.

1. Compiling a vocabulary

list, creating a Moodle


Teacher’s feedback

on the vocabulary list

presented by a




Culture Reading

Writing 1. Learner is aware of safety-

related procedures at a


1.1. able to fill out health issues

related documentation.

1. Filling out a hearing

loss/X ray pulmonary

function test form.


Speaking 1. Learner is able to instruct a

new arrival with a distinct

ethnical background at a


1. Preparing and presenting

a pair work audio/video

project involving taking

pictures/filming hazards and

giving safety instructions.

Peer evaluation

involving giving

feedback on two

different works of

their classmates.

Cognition Reading

Writing 1. Learner is able to analyse

workplace hazards through

his/her own experience.

1.1. Deitinguishes between safe

and unsafe factors at a workplace.

1. Writing a risk analysis

based on a safety check-list

filled out previously.

Teacher’s feedback.



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Appendix 9. European levels - Self Assessment Grid

A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2













I can understand

familiar words and

very basic phrases

concerning myself,

my family and

immediate concrete

surroundings when

people speak slowly

and clearly.

I can understand phrases

and the highest frequency

vocabulary related to areas

of most immediate personal

relevance (e.g. very basic

personal and family

information, shopping, local

area, employment). I can

catch the main point in

short, clear, simple

messages and


I can understand the main

points of clear standard

speech on familiar matters

regularly encountered in

work, school, leisure, etc. I

can understand the main

point of many radio or TV

programmes on current

affairs or topics of personal

or professional interest

when the delivery is

relatively slow and clear.

I can understand extended

speech and lectures and

follow even complex lines

of argument provided the

topic is reasonably familiar.

I can understand most TV

news and current affairs

programmes. I can

understand the majority of

films in standard dialect.

I can understand

extended speech even

when it is not clearly

structured and when

relationships are only

implied and not signalled

explicitly. I can

understand television

programmes and films

without too much effort.

I have no difficulty in

understanding any kind of

spoken language, whether

live or broadcast, even

when delivered at fast

native speed, provided. I

have some time to get

familiar with the accent.




I can understand

familiar names,

words and very

simple sentences,

for example on

notices and posters

or in catalogues.

I can read very short,

simple texts. I can find

specific, predictable

information in simple

everyday material such as


prospectuses, menus and

timetables and I can

understand short simple

personal letters.

I can understand texts that

consist mainly of high

frequency everyday or job-

related language. I can

understand the description

of events, feelings and

wishes in personal letters.

I can read articles and

reports concerned with

contemporary problems in

which the writers adopt

particular attitudes or

viewpoints. I can

understand contemporary

literary prose.

I can understand long

and complex factual and

literary texts,

appreciating distinctions

of style. I can understand

specialised articles and

longer technical

instructions, even when

they do not relate to my


I can read with ease

virtually all forms of the

written language, including

abstract, structurally or

linguistically complex texts

such as manuals,

specialised articles and

literary works.














I can interact in a

simple way

provided the other

person is prepared

to repeat or rephrase

things at a slower

rate of speech and

help me formulate

what I'm trying to

say. I can ask and

answer simple

questions in areas of

immediate need or

on very familiar


I can communicate in

simple and routine tasks

requiring a simple and

direct exchange of

information on familiar

topics and activities. I can

handle very short social

exchanges, even though I

can't usually understand

enough to keep the

conversation going myself.

I can deal with most

situations likely to arise

whilst travelling in an area

where the language is

spoken. I can enter

unprepared into

conversation on topics that

are familiar, of personal

interest or pertinent to

everyday life (e.g. family,

hobbies, work, travel and

current events).

I can interact with a degree

of fluency and spontaneity

that makes regular

interaction with native

speakers quite possible. I

can take an active part in

discussion in familiar

contexts, accounting for and

sustaining my views.

I can express myself

fluently and

spontaneously without

much obvious searching

for expressions. I can use

language flexibly and

effectively for social and

professional purposes. I

can formulate ideas and

opinions with precision

and relate my

contribution skilfully to

those of other speakers.

I can take part effortlessly

in any conversation or

discussion and have a good

familiarity with idiomatic

expressions and

colloquialisms. I can

express myself fluently and

convey finer shades of

meaning precisely. If I do

have a problem I can

backtrack and restructure

around the difficulty so

smoothly that other people

are hardly aware of it.








I can use simple

phrases and

sentences to

describe where I

live and people I


I can use a series of phrases

and sentences to describe in

simple terms my family and

other people, living

conditions, my educational

background and my present

or most recent job.

I can connect phrases in a

simple way in order to

describe experiences and

events, my dreams, hopes

and ambitions. I can briefly

give reasons and

explanations for opinions

and plans. I can narrate a

story or relate the plot of a

book or film and describe

my reactions.

I can present clear, detailed

descriptions on a wide

range of subjects related to

my field of interest. I can

explain a viewpoint on a

topical issue giving the

advantages and

disadvantages of various


I can present clear,

detailed descriptions of

complex subjects

integrating sub-themes,

developing particular

points and rounding off

with an appropriate


I can present a clear,


description or argument in

a style appropriate to the

context and with an

effective logical structure

which helps the recipient to

notice and remember

significant points.


W r

i t

i n


I can write a short,

simple postcard, for

example sending

holiday greetings. I

can fill in forms

with personal

details, for example

entering my name,

nationality and

address on a hotel

registration form.

I can write short, simple

notes and messages. I can

write a very simple personal

letter, for example thanking

someone for something.

I can write simple

connected text on topics

which are familiar or of

personal interest. I can

write personal letters

describing experiences and


I can write clear, detailed

text on a wide range of

subjects related to my

interests. I can write an

essay or report, passing on

information or giving

reasons in support of or

against a particular point of

view. I can write letters

highlighting the personal

significance of events and


I can express myself in

clear, well-structured

text, expressing points of

view at some length. I

can write about complex

subjects in a letter, an

essay or a report,

underlining what I

consider to be the salient

issues. I can select a style

appropriate to the reader

in mind.

I can write clear, smoothly-

flowing text in an

appropriate style. I can

write complex letters,

reports or articles which

present a case with an

effective logical structure

which helps the recipient to

notice and remember

significant points. I can

write summaries and

reviews of professional or

literary works.

Page 96: APPLICATION OF CONTENT AND LANGUAGE … Aksinovits MA... · CLIL MATERIALS’ DESIGN ..... 53 Rationales for combining CLIL and Moodle





Larissa Aksinovitš

Application of Content and Language Integrated learning (CLIL) in Designing Moodle

Learning Activities for Students of Mechatronics. (Lõimitud aine- ja keeleõppe (LAK)

rakendamine Moodle õppematerjalide loomisel mehhatroonika eriala jaoks).


Aasta: 2014

Lehekülgede arv: 97


Antud magistritöö eesmärgiks oli läbi viia uuring Tartu Kutsehariduskeskuse (Tartu

KHK) mehhatroonika eriala õppijate ja kutseõpetajate seas, et välja selgitada õppijate sotsio-

lingvistilised vajadused inglise keele omandamisel. Uurimuse tulemuste põhjal oli kavandatud

koostada algupärane LAK (lõimitud aine- ja keeleõppe) ainekava mehhatroonika eriala jaoks.

Lisaks ainekavale oli plaanis koostada näidisülesandeid Moodle keskkonnas B2-

keeleoskustaseme õppijatele.

Vajadus uute integreeritud ainekavade ja materjalide osas on suur, sest vastavalt uuele

Kutseõppeseadusele (Riigikogu 2013) aastal 2018 peab toimuma lõplik üleminek uutele

lõimitud õppekavadele, kuis suurem osa keeleõppest peaks toimuma erialast lähtuvalt. Seega

esimese sammuna mehhatroonika eriala õppekava integreerimisel viidi Tartu

Kutsehariduskeskuses vajaduste uuring ning koostati näidisainekava ja –õppeülesandeid.

Edaspidi saaks neid kasutada abimaterjalina integratsiooni edaspidiste staadiumite


Käesolev magistritöö koosneb sissejuhatusest, põhiosast ja kokkuvõttest. Põhiosa võib

jagada kaheks osaks – teoreetiliseks ja praktiliseks. Teoreetiline osa on koondatud esimesse

peatükki ning annab ülevaate LAK-õppe olemusest ja selle rakendamisest haridussüsteemis ja

õppematerjalide koostamisel. Praktiline osa on kajastatud kahes peatükis. Peatükk 2 tutvustab

vajadusi väljaselgitavat uuringut, mis oli läbi viidud Tartu KHK-s veebruarist aprillini 2013,

uuringu metodoloogiast ja tulemustest. Uuring andis ülevaadet mehhatroonika erialaga

seonduvatest lingivtilistest vajadustest, kuigi tuleb tõdeda, et tihtipeale õppijate ja

kutseõpetajate arvamused ühe või teise aspekti kohta olid subjektiivsed, mõjutatud

responentide isiklike hoiakute ja keeleoskuse poolt.

Kolmas peatükk keskendub magistritöö jaoks loodud LAK näidisainekava ja –

õppeülesannete tutvustamisele ning samuti hõlmab ülevaadet Moodle keskkonna

iseärasuslikest joontest ja võimalustest. Lõimitud ainekava keele ja mehhatroonika ainete

õpetamiseks koosneb sissejuhatusest ja kuuest moodulist, mis lisaks töökeskkonnaohutusele

ja tööga seotud dokumentatsioonile hõlmavad ka mehhatroonika põhivaldkondi (elektroonika,

mehhanika, elekter, arvutiteadused)

Antud magistritöö oli koostatud kooskõlas Tartu KHK Tööstustehnoloogia osakonna

vajadusega läbi viia mehhatroonika õppekava lõiming ning töö kirjutamisel on lähtetud

konkreetse kutsekooli võimalustest ja inim- ning õppevara ressursidest. Töö võib olla abiks

edaspidise koostöö arendamiseks kutse- ja keeleõpetajate vahel ainete lõimimisel.

Magistritöö toetub 46-le allikale ning sellel on 9 lisa.

Märksõnad: kutseharidus, erialane keel, õppematerjalid, Moodle, lõimitud aine- ja keeleõpe


Page 97: APPLICATION OF CONTENT AND LANGUAGE … Aksinovits MA... · CLIL MATERIALS’ DESIGN ..... 53 Rationales for combining CLIL and Moodle


Lihtlitsents lõputöö reprodutseerimiseks ja lõputöö üldsusele kättesaadavaks tegemiseks

Mina Larissa Aksinovitš

(autori nimi)

(isikukood: 48106172722)

1. annan Tartu Ülikoolile tasuta loa (lihtlitsentsi) enda loodud teose




(lõputöö pealkiri)

mille juhendaja on Ülle Türk, M.A.,

(juhendaja nimi)

1.1. reprodutseerimiseks säilitamise ja üldsusele kättesaadavaks tegemise eesmärgil, sealhulgas

digitaalarhiivi DSpace-is lisamise eesmärgil kuni autoriõiguse kehtivuse tähtaja


1.2. üldsusele kättesaadavaks tegemiseks ülikooli veebikeskkonna kaudu, sealhulgas

digitaalarhiivi DSpace´i kaudu kuni autoriõiguse kehtivuse tähtaja lõppemiseni.

2. olen teadlik, et punktis 1 nimetatud õigused jäävad alles ka autorile.

3. kinnitan, et lihtlitsentsi andmisega ei rikuta teiste isikute intellektuaalomandi ega

isikuandmete kaitse seadusest tulenevaid õigusi.

Tartus 17.01.14 (kuupäev)



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