Page 1: April 2020 Yacht Yarn - South Venice Yacht Club · YACHT YARN S o u t h V enice Yacht Cl u b SOUTH VENICE YACHT CLUB Mailing Address: €PO Box 1599 ‘ Venice, FL €34284-1599 Building

YACHT YARNSouth Venice Yacht Club

SOUTH VENICE YACHT CLUBMailing Address:  PO Box 1599 • Venice, FL  34284-1599Building Address: 4425 Yacht Club Dr. • Venice, FL  34293

Visit us on the Web

There has been a short shut down of ourclub with this new virus surrounding us, butit does not mean that we cannotcommunicate with each other throughemail or phone calls. While we are in thisisolation situation, I think we should alltake a minute to realize what a blessing itis to be able to spend  time with our partners. We alsohave the opportunity to clean out our cabinets, and closetsand make our husbands finish our honey do lists.  Ha!!!

We do not realize the importance of “hanging out.” Wetake so many things for granted.  While we are in confinedquarters, why don’t we use this opportunity to think out ofthe box and bring new ideas to the Club, such as ways toupgrade our beautiful South Venice Yacht Club property orour social events. We have the opportunity to move in anew direction.

Stay in good health and hope to see you all soon.


APRIL 2020

COMMODORE - Sheri Johnson

The world has (temporarily) changed as weknow it. While the Club is shut down, at leastthrough the end of April, your Buildings andGrounds volunteers are busy attacking issuesinside the Club. Windows are being workedon, for one thing. Volunteers (you) are neededfor that project. Check Howard’s offering thismonth in the Yacht Yarn to find out the details and tovolunteer.

Sue Rogers has stepped up big time with membership andthe Yacht Yarn  –  happy days!

Connie Anderson, your Fleet Captain and Kayak Queen, isbusy making sure everything runs smoothly.

Here’s an issue, my friends – we are going to need tochange the gate code.  There are interlopers who are notClub members taking advantage of the fact that the codehas been the same since there have been gates.  As thathappens, you’ll all be notified of the new code via email.Signs restating private property and prosecution are goingup along the dock. It’s a shame this has to be done for thefew bad apples out there, but….

Happy stuff – TJ is making amazing progress – as of thiswriting it’s been 62 days since his stroke. We are home, heis getting really good with his walker, he gets in and out ofthe car better and better, and he can take a few steps onhis own. If you’d like to visit, please call first. We’re beingawfully careful, given the state of the world right now, as Isuspect, are we all.

The only happenings at the Club this month will be a boardmeeting on April 14, but there will be no general meeting.

Stay happy and healthy and safe, my friends – here’s tomore and merrier sooner rather than later.


We have a new kayak launch whichapparently is a hit. Tom McNair and Ipicked it up in Tampa and brought itdown to the ramp. Howard Wendt and afew others hooked it up. Otherwise, notmuch has been done since the last workday when we trimmed shrubbery and replaced thespeaker system. The place looks and sounds muchbetter with the new landscape lighting and the newspeakers.

Guess we'll all have to stay tuned to find out when thenext dance is!

Page 2: April 2020 Yacht Yarn - South Venice Yacht Club · YACHT YARN S o u t h V enice Yacht Cl u b SOUTH VENICE YACHT CLUB Mailing Address: €PO Box 1599 ‘ Venice, FL €34284-1599 Building

APRIL 2020                                                                                                                                                                      PAGE 2

This month started with very cool andwindy paddle weather. Our launchfrom Casey Key at Albee Bridge wasonly enjoyed by Donna Packard andme. We traveled up the east side ofBlackburn Bay to a tiny secret island.The following week we had a muchbigger crew as we launched from Shoreland Park andpaddled deep into Oscar Scherer Park.

Our biggest event is theinstallation of the kayak launch.We are very thankful to BruceWeaver and Tom McNair for notonly making the deal on thelaunch, but also picking it up inTampa and putting it in thewater. George Faketty finishedoff the installation. Thanks somuch to these members whohelped make it possible for

SVYC to have a safe and easy kayak launch. No moresliding in the muck and landing on the concrete.

The pandemic has now put our Wednesday paddles onhold for the season. Many of our members are already ontheir way north. Fortunately, our new kayak launch isavailable and being used often, providing sport alongwith social distancing. I hope to see you on the watersoon.

FLEET CAPTAIN - Connie Anderson BUILDINGS & GROUNDS - Howard Wendt

We continue with maintenance andimprovements to our Club. The low voltagelighting project has been completed. TomMcNair has completed the installation ofoutdoor speakers which will be put to gooduse when we resume Club activities.

During April we are working on caulking and securing theClub windows in anticipation of the rainy season. Ifpossible, I may be asking for volunteers to help with somemaintenance and Club improvement projects in April.


South Venice Yacht Club is a social club that was formed in1955 with a vision by a few people who started to playBingo and earmarked the profits for the future club.

A brief history of the South Venice Yacht Club includessome of the local folklore.

The Venice Yacht Club was already in operation in 1955and was known as the "Rich Man's Club." With tongue-in-cheek, our people applied for a charter to form the SouthVenice Yacht Club, known locally as the "Poor Man's Club."The charter was granted, and the club was incorporated onAugust 7, 1957.

The Inland Waterway was not yet on the west coast ofFlorida when the Club started. When digging eventuallybegan in the Fort Myers area, interest in our club pickedup. The hope at that time was to purchase land directly onthe ICW, but that was not to be. By the time the canaldigging was past South Venice, the Club had onlyaccumulated $5,000.

The land where the clubhouse now stands was purchasedfor $5,000 in 1966, which exhausted the treasury. In orderto erect the building it was decided to sell 100 lifememberships at $100 each. This raised $10,000 which builtthe north half of the clubhouse. The building was openedfor the first time on New Year’s Eve, 1967.

In the period 1970-71, the size of the building was doubledand we purchased the land to the south which is now ourparking lot.

Calling All Club Members

If you’ve taken any interesting photos at the club of youractivity group, a great wildlife photo, or anything else that

members might enjoy, send them [email protected].  If space permits, we’ll

include them in the Yacht Yarn.We all need something to smile about!

Page 3: April 2020 Yacht Yarn - South Venice Yacht Club · YACHT YARN S o u t h V enice Yacht Cl u b SOUTH VENICE YACHT CLUB Mailing Address: €PO Box 1599 ‘ Venice, FL €34284-1599 Building


APRIL 2020                                                                                                                                                                     PAGE  3

Each succeeding administration made manyimprovements to the Club. At one point, it was foundnecessary to enlarge the galley and restroom areas.Lacking the necessary funds, it was decided to sell bondsto the Club members. These bonds were paid off in a fewmonths. One major improvement outside the clubhousewas building the sea wall, which is now overgrown withmangroves.

Our club has forged ahead due to the hard work anddedication of so many, and today boasts a 4900 square footclubhouse on 1.4 acres on Alligator Creek with direct accessto the Intracoastal Waterway. All of this was accomplisheddue to the dedicated volunteer effort by members over theyears, (God Bless Them All) and the "Even Keels;" theLadies of the Yacht Club.


Page 4: April 2020 Yacht Yarn - South Venice Yacht Club · YACHT YARN S o u t h V enice Yacht Cl u b SOUTH VENICE YACHT CLUB Mailing Address: €PO Box 1599 ‘ Venice, FL €34284-1599 Building



Basket Weaving Every Tuesday1:00 pm

Joan Van Zile941-412-1121$3

Kayaking Every Wednesday9:30 pm

Connie Anderson503-329-6439

Line Dancing Every Wednesday10:30 am

Cathy Linhart941-474-1438

Men’s Poker Every Thursday1 to 4:00 pm

Frank Piccone845-863-3068

Ladies “Hand andFoot” cards

Every Thursday1 to 4:00 pm

Gerry Bowerman941-497-1951

Thirsty Thursday 1st, 3rd Thursday7:00 pm

Howard Wendt239-233-0706

Open StudioPainting

Every Tues. &Thursday10:00 am

Bocce Ball andPort Hole

Every Friday3:00 pm

Frank Marrapese724-866-6979


APRIL 2020                                                                                                                                                                      PAGE 4

Bartending2nd & 4th Saturdays  5-6:30 pmJack Stapleton  941-475-4871

Clean Up Hall2nd, 3rd, and 4th Monday after a dinner or German Club10:00 am

Decorating - Karen Miller  941-445-1541

Set up Tables2nd & 4th Friday  10:00 amCathy Linhart  941-474-1438

Outside Work - Building & GroundsHoward Wendt  239-233-0706

COCKTAIL SPONSORS NEEDEDIf you can’t do the harder club jobs anymore but want to helpthe club, why not volunteer to be a cocktail sponsor? TheSVYC needs 18 sponsors a year. It’s very simple! Just sign upon the Bulletin Board in the clubhouse and donate $100.Please call Sheri Johnson 610-453-1385.

The menu is short, but here goes,

The recipe that I will use for the month of April,

One large measure of Love

One six foot of distance

A large measure of letters, calls and emails

Stew for a while, and when finished,

We will all be together again, laughing, dinning anddancing.

If anyone is in need and Karen or I can help, please call.

Please be safe and healthy.

Gary Miller

Page 5: April 2020 Yacht Yarn - South Venice Yacht Club · YACHT YARN S o u t h V enice Yacht Cl u b SOUTH VENICE YACHT CLUB Mailing Address: €PO Box 1599 ‘ Venice, FL €34284-1599 Building


APRIL 2020                                                                                                                                                                      PAGE 5

Commodore Sheri [email protected]

Vice Commodore Karen [email protected]

Rear Commodore Bruce [email protected]

Secretary Cathy [email protected]

Treasurer Karen [email protected]


Bldgs/Grounds Howard [email protected]

Membership Sue [email protected]

Publicity Sandra [email protected]

Fleet Captain Connie [email protected]

Food Management &Purchasing

Gary [email protected]

Beverage Jack [email protected]

Sunshine Marie [email protected]

Reservationist Diana [email protected]

Yacht Yarn Sue [email protected]

Website Mickey [email protected]

CLASSIFIEDSWANTED:  Ocean Kayak, single, 10-11 ft. Call LindaHoward at 760- 668-3762.

FOR SALE:  Tandem Kayak, Brand: Ocean Kayak MalibuTwo XL. Included: paddles and seats. Good condition. Canbe set up for one or two people.  Great way for anexperienced kayaker to help an inexperienced kayaker tobecome comfortable with kayaking. Call Ralph 330-903-1538 or email [email protected].

If you have an item you want to sell or are looking to buy,please email the information to Sue Rogers [email protected].





Coronavirus formal dance attire at South Venice Yacht Club . . .  Hefty bags!

WANTED:  Does anyone have a kayak suitable for a 10 yrold that you would be willing to loan for a couple ofmonths or sell? Please contact Sheila 401-239-9339 oremail [email protected].

Page 6: April 2020 Yacht Yarn - South Venice Yacht Club · YACHT YARN S o u t h V enice Yacht Cl u b SOUTH VENICE YACHT CLUB Mailing Address: €PO Box 1599 ‘ Venice, FL €34284-1599 Building

CONSIDER PLACING YOUR AD HERE - Reach a target audience of serious shoppersReasonable Pricing - 1/8th Page - $10.00 per issue, $100 per year Business card ad - $6.00 per issue


South Venice Yacht Club4425 Yacht Club Drive

Venice, fl


APRIL 2020                                                                                                                                                                      PAGE 6


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