Page 1: APRIL 21, 2019 • EASTER SUNDAY • DOMINGO DE PASCUA · sepulcro para embalsamar un cadaver y no entienden lo de la Resurrección. Su confusión llegará a comprender lo que hace


450 S. Stagecoach Lane Fallbrook, CA 92028

Phone: 760.689.6200 Web:


OFFICE HOURS Horas de Oficina Monday/Lunes ........... 8:00am-5:00pm Tuesday/Martes ......... 8:00am-5:00pm Wednesday/Miércoles..8:00am-6:00pm Thursday/Jueves ........ 8:00am-6:00pm Friday/Viernes ............ 8:00am-5:00pm

The office is closed for lunch from 12:00pm—1:00pm

MASS SCHEDULE Horarios de misa Weekday Monday/Lunes (Liturgy) .......... 8:30am Tuesday/Martes ....................... 6:30pm Wednesday/Miércoles ............. 8:30am Thursday/Jueves ...................... 8:30am Friday/Viernes .......................... 8:30am

Weekend Saturday/Sábado…… English 4:00pm .................................... Spanish 6:00pm Sunday/Domingo ........ English 9:00am ................................ Spanish 11:00am ST PETER THE APOSTLE CATHOLIC SCHOOL Phone ........................... 760.689.6250 Fax ................................ 760.689.6240

Linda McCotter—Principal [email protected]

SACRAMENT OF PENANCE Confession/Confesiones Saturday/Sábado .................. 10:30am Or by appointment/ O por cita EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Adoración del Santísimo Friday/Viernes .......... 9:00am—9:00pm

Page 2: APRIL 21, 2019 • EASTER SUNDAY • DOMINGO DE PASCUA · sepulcro para embalsamar un cadaver y no entienden lo de la Resurrección. Su confusión llegará a comprender lo que hace


2 | April 21, 2019

PATIENCE. The word haunts me this Easter. Yes, the promise of all ages has now been fulfilled in the Resurrection, and we rejoice. Even so, we have to wait for our slow selves to understand. We are forced to learn patience. Remember how Jesus was so unhurried when he learned that Lazarus, his friend, was dying in Bethany, not far away from where he was? He delayed four days going there. In other words, he waited “forever,” in emotional time. Mary and Martha, those close friends of Jesus, did without him as they buried their broth-er and grieved. Jesus finally got there and each sister cried out words that tore into him.

You could have saved our brother! Jesus wept.

And then he replied, “I am the resurrection and the life.”

On this day we rejoice because we can see that this statement of his was true. This day it is spread out before us in the Great Celebration of Easter. We followers of God and his Christ take a long long time to get beneath the surface of this feast, to put ourselves into the hands of what, after all, is not a money-back guarantee, but a promise. "You will be my people and I will be your God." It is so tough for us to drink the milk of trust in the same way a child drinks at its mother’s breast. We have to decide to entrust still another sluggish part of ourselves to God and to his promise. Maybe the length of the Easter Vigil Service helps us to take in this fact. In the full service there are ten readings, including the Epistle and the Gospel, together with a candle-lighting-ceremony (“Light of Christ”), and numerous Baptisms. Patience is the name of the game at Easter Vigil. Maybe it is for the same rea-son Jesus made the two sisters wait. The darkness of Easter Vigil, lit only by candles, lets us hear, in sequence, how God created us and blessed us, how he called upon and counted on Abraham, how he rescued the Hebrew people as they ran from their captors in the desert journey (and ran from God too). For a “brief moment,” we are told, God lost patience and turned away, but then “with enduring love” took his people back, offer-ing water to the thirsty and grain to the poor. Can we trust this? How much? You will be my people and I will be your God. Finally the Gospel is proclaimed, announcing an empty tomb! The women in the story believe. The men don’t. At least not right away. How about you? Do you believe? Is Jesus risen or is he not? Is it just a child’s fable, after all? On this glorious Easter weekend, after we have reacted just like

the disciples on those seemingly never-ending post-crucifixion days, and even after we sing songs about resurrection, still we do it by faith and trust. We hear it anew, maybe now more pro-foundly. We wait, joyfully. Halleluiah! Ultimately we are asked which path we will follow. The skeptical, calculating path of doubters, or the trusting, patient route of those who keep learning to believe—above all and after all—in the tender mercy of God. Halleluiah!

John Foley, SJ

Fr. John Foley, SJ, is a composer and scholar at Saint Louis Uni-versity.

Copyright © 2015, John B. Foley, SJ All rights reserved. Permis-sion is hereby granted to reproduce for personal or parish use.

Page 3: APRIL 21, 2019 • EASTER SUNDAY • DOMINGO DE PASCUA · sepulcro para embalsamar un cadaver y no entienden lo de la Resurrección. Su confusión llegará a comprender lo que hace


St Peter the Apostle | 3

¿PREGUNTAS O RESPUESTAS? Marcos, el evangelista, narra la pasión y muerte de Jesús con muchos detalles de la gente que estuvo presente. Los eventos representados son la última lección de Jesús sobre el discipu-lado y revelan cómo confrontar a los pudientes con el hecho del Reino de Dios. No es Jesús de Nazaret el que pasa por el juicio, sino los ritos y leyes que protegen cualquier elemento que no sea ni creador ni liberador en el mundo. Al oír las palabras del centurión, estamos seguros de que ya toda esperanza ha termi-nado; han muerto el mundo y su profeta. José de Arimatea sólo recoge los pedazos después del cataclismo. Marcos nos trae al término perfecto, el que después se vuelve un comienzo nuevo. Su historia de la resurrección es como el acontecimiento mismo porque cambia todo. La resurrección va más allá de su propio momento, abriendo toda relación humana para que en ella se vea Dios. Los primeros cristianos que compartían la vida del Resucitado poco a poco desmoronaban las murallas entre griego y judío, hombre y mujer, esclavo y persona libre (Gálatas 3,28). El hecho de la resurrección nos dice que sólo al morir damos vida a los demás; este evangelio nos asevera que sólo al llegar a nuestro fin completo y permanente podremos dar comienzo a la nueva creación. Marcos nos enseña que el fin es un nuevo comienzo y que lo que nos parece muerte es la oportunidad de comenzar de nuevo. Todos merecemos una historia propia. Cada uno posee sus raíces y las experiencias de la vida. Sin embargo, si estos fac-tores son nuestras únicas herramientas, con el tiempo llegaremos a la apatía y al tedio. La identidad cultural o nuestra manera de ganar la vida revelan nuestras posibilidades futuras sólo como un punto de partida para nuestros sueños e imagi-nación. Según la narración de Marcos, el discipulado requiere una cierta perspicacia con la sociedad. El mundo pide cambios. Lo vemos al revés con sus prioridades dañadas por el pecado, la injusticia y la muerte. Según la visión apocalíptica de Marcos, debemos terminar lo que hay y tener un nuevo comienzo, no basado en un poder robado y abusado en contra de los pobres, sino en la llegada de nuestro Dios quien nos dio la creación co-mo nuestra casa y hoy nos quiere traer la paz (Mc.1,1213; Lc.4,112). Marcos comienza el evangelio, diciéndonos que ya se terminó el plazo, que debemos cambiar, y que el Reino de Dios está a la puerta. (Mc.1,15). Nuestro mundo, lleno de corrupción y muerte algo que nos parece tan normal porque jamás hemos vivido en otro, debe ser subvertido según la agenda que Dios nos trae en Jesús. Hay que preguntarnos lo que esto significa sobre la base de la esperanza que ofrece su anuncio de la Resurrección. Sólo provoca preguntas en las tres mujeres fieles que visitan el sepulcro para embalsamar un cadaver y no entienden lo de la Resurrección. Su confusión llegará a comprender lo que hace Dios en la historia sólo por un diálogo y conversación posterior-es. Nosotros tampoco captamos lo que Cristo es y lo que no-sotros somos en él antes de compartir la vida y eucaristía en la

comunidad de fe. Sólo en comunidad apreciamos la esperanza. Si hemos vivido sin ella, si hemos creído hasta ahora que los que no tienen casa jamás la tendrán o que los niños no se van a educar o que los ancianos siempre morirán en soledad, la resurrección apocalíp-tica de Jesús proclamada por Marcos nos dice lo contrario y nuestra confusión, como la de las tres mujeres, sólo nos traerá un nuevo comienzo. Lo que somos hoy y lo que será el mundo cuando Dios trae su Reino pueden vivir juntos. Hasta hoy, la muerte fue victoriosa; ahora, la muerte sólo representa un factor más que uno con-fronta al compartir y celebrar en amor la vida del mismo Dios. El pecado fue la división que había vencido el mundo, haciendo de un pueblo uno que conquistaba a otro, dejándolo esclavizado. Nuestra gracia como partícipes en la historia de Marcos es preguntarnos sobre las decisiones tomadas: ¿cómo somos, en qué lado nos paramos, qué consecuencias de la resurrección estamos dispuestos a activar en la vida? ¿Cuáles serán ahora las respuestas?

Donaldo Headley

Donaldo Headley se ordenó al sacerdocio en 1958. Se graduó con MA en filosofía y STL en teología de la Facultad Pontificia

del Seminario de Santa María del Lago en Mundelein, Illinois.

Derechos de Autor © 2015, Donaldo Headley.

Todos los derechos reservados. Se concede permiso para la reproducción para uso personal o


Page 4: APRIL 21, 2019 • EASTER SUNDAY • DOMINGO DE PASCUA · sepulcro para embalsamar un cadaver y no entienden lo de la Resurrección. Su confusión llegará a comprender lo que hace


4 | April 21, 2019

PASTORAL TEAM Equipo Pastoral Pastor Fr. José Arturo Uribe 760.689.6205 Deacon Daniel Rosas 760.689.6200 School Principal Linda McCotter 760.689.6250 Pastoral Associate Kristine Almada 760.689.6208 Children’s Faith Formation Denell Robles 760.689.6212 Formación de Fé para Niños Petra Díaz 760.689.6211 Youth Minister Toney Renteria 760.689.6209 Coordinator of Liturgy and Sacred Music John Koss 760.689.6207 Coordinador de Música Juan Domingo 949.614.6205


Announcements must be submitted at least two weeks prior to the requested publication date.

[email protected]


"He commissioned us to preach to the people and testify that he is the one appointed

by God as judge of the living and the dead." (Acts 10:42)


This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad. (Ps 118) or Alleluia

Second Reading:

When Christ your life appears, then you too will appear with him in glory. (Col 3:4)


Then the other disciple also went in, the one who had arrived at the tomb first,

and he saw and believed. (Jn 20:8)

READINGS FOR THE WEEK Sunday: Acts 10:34a, 37-43/Ps 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23 [24]/Col 3:1-4 or 1 Cor

5:6b-8/Jn 20:1-9 or Lk 24:1-12 or Lk 24:13-35

Monday: Acts 2:14, 22-33/Ps 16:1-2a and 5, 7-8, 9-10, 11 [1]/Mt 28:8-15

Tuesday: Acts 2:36-41/Ps 33:4-5, 18-19, 20 and 22 [5b]/Jn 20:11-18

Wednesday: Acts 3:1-10/Ps 105:1-2, 3-4, 6-7, 8-9 [3b]/Lk 24:13-35

Thursday: Acts 3:11-26/Ps 8:2ab and 5, 6-7, 8-9 [2ab]/Lk 24:35-48

Friday: Acts 4:1-12/Ps 118: 1-2 and 4, 22-24, 25-27a [22]/Jn 21:1-14

Saturday: Acts 4:13-21/Ps 118:1 and 14-15ab, 16-18, 19-21 [21a]/Mk 16:9-15

Next Sunday: Acts 5:12-16/Ps 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24 [1]/Rv 1:9-11a, 12-13, 17-19/

Jn 20:19-31

SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Easter Sunday Monday: Earth Day Wednesday: Administrative Professionals' Day Friday: Arbor Day Next Sunday: 2nd Sunday of Easter (Divine Mercy Sunday)

THE SICK Los Enfermos Sara Maria Cardenas, Lloyd Reighley, Uriel Escobar, Elizabeth Van Thiel, Dolores Martin, Mateo Yanez, Victoria Dionico, Dorothy Romani, Bonnie Corda, Kathy Jolowicz, Ramiro Duarte, Eliza-beth McCoy, Jona McKnight, Aaron Lopez

THE DECEASED Los Difuntos Maria Rantz, Marvin Munoz Carrillo, John B. Rogers, Lazaro Jimenez, Rebecca Totanes, Dick Dooley, Margarita Cortez Rodriguez, Raymundo Lopez, John Wade, Connie Escalera, Richard Burke, Diane Dooley, Candelaria Castillo, Martin Tamasi, Bud Alles, Manuel Salvador Munoz, Joy Xavier, Roger Thompson, Arcelia Marrufo, Domingo Pascual Tomas, Irene Gibler, Rafael Munoz, Rebecca Totanes, Regina Branson, Ricardo Alvarez, Ricardo Hernandez, Bob Selsor, Lazaro Jimenez, John Schmidt, Raymond Kelly, Claire Sclasher, Irene Gibler, Ken Quigley, Carrol Quigley, Bob Rysewyk, Joan Alegre, Dr. Faustino Escalera, Gabe Escalera, Jorge Vilches, Rigoberto Lomelli, Elvira Mendez, Patricia Mendez, Louis Michael S. Noceda, Eulalia Miguel Pascual, Celia Mares, Gilberto Mares, Pilar Martinez, Michael Petro

Page 5: APRIL 21, 2019 • EASTER SUNDAY • DOMINGO DE PASCUA · sepulcro para embalsamar un cadaver y no entienden lo de la Resurrección. Su confusión llegará a comprender lo que hace

MASS INTENTIONS Intenciones Para las Misas April 20, 2019 7:30pm ............................... Easter Vigil April 21, 2019 7:00am ........................ All Parishioners 9:00am ........................ All Parishioners 11:00am ................... Missa Propopulo 1:00pm ...................... Missa Propopulo April 22, 2019 8:30am . Jack and Alba Nielsen (Happy Anniversary) April 23, 2019 6:30pm .............. Liturgia de la Palabra April 24, 2019 8:30am ................... †Rebecca Totanes April 25, 2019 8:30am ................... †Rebecca Totanes April 26, 2019 8:30am ............................ †Mike Bailey


LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura:

Él nos mandó predicar al pueblo y dar testimonio de que Dios lo ha constituido juez de vivos y

muertos (Hch 10, 42)


Éste es el día del triunfo del Señor (Sal 118) o Aleluya.

Segunda lectura:

Cuando se manifieste Cristo, vida de ustedes, entonces también ustedes se manifestarán glori-

osos, juntamente con él. (Col 3, 4)


Entonces entró también el otro discípulo, el que había llegado primero al sepulcro, y

vio y creyó. (Jn 20, 8)

LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Domingo: Hch 10, 34. 37-43/Sal 118, 1-2. 16-17. 22-23 [24]/Col 3, 1-4 o 1 Co

5, 6-8/Jn 20, 1-9 o Lc 24, 1-12 o Lc 24, 13-35

Lunes: Hch 2, 14. 22-33/Sal 16, 1-2 y 5. 7-8. 9-10. 11 [1]/Mt 28, 8-15

Martes: Hch 2, 36-41/Sal 33, 4-5. 18-19. 20 y 22 [5]/Jn 20, 11-18

Miércoles: Hch 3, 1-10/Sal 105, 1-2. 3-4. 6-7. 8-9 [3]/Lc 24, 13-35

Jueves: Hch 3, 11-26/Sal 8, 2 y 5. 6-7. 8-9 [2]/Lc 24, 35-48

Viernes: Hch 4, 1-12/Sal 118, 1-2 y 4. 22-24. 25-27 [22]/Jn 21, 1-14

Sábado: Hch 4, 13-21/Sal 118, 1 y 14-15. 16-18. 19-21 [21]/Mc 16, 9-15

Domingo siguiente: Hch 5, 12-16/Sal 118, 2-4. 13-15. 22-24 [1]/Ap 1, 9-11. 12-13.

17-19/Jn 20, 19-31

LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS CELEBRACIONES Domingo: Domingo de Pascua Lunes: Día de la Tierra Miércoles: Día de los profesionales administrativos Viernes: Día del árbol Domingo siguiente: 2º Domingo De Pascua (de la Divina Misericordia)


General Fund: $14,258.00 Debt Reduction: $9,037.00

Thank you for your faithful stewardship of treasure

Gracias por su más fiel tesoro de


St Peter the Apostle | 5

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St. Peter’s Women’s Ministry Mother’s Day Luncheon

Friday, May 3rd 11:00 AM

St. Peter Hall

Devotion to Mary Presentation

Buffet Lunch Door Prize Drawings—great prizes!

Sale of raffle tickets to benefit Fallbrook’s Pregnancy Resource Center.

Luncheon tickets on sale NOW—$5 Buy 2 and bring a friend

Contact Roberta Rose [email protected]

Jackie Thompson [email protected]


6 | April 21, 2019

SACRAMENTS INFANT BAPTISM The sacrament of baptism for infants is celebrated during Mass. If you are inter-ested in having your child baptized, please make contact Kristine Almada at 760.689.6208 or [email protected] BAUTIZOS Se celebran una vez por mes a las 12PM. Si están interesados en bautizar a su hijo/a, favor de pasar a la oficina parroquial para obtener una forma de registro. RCIA: RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION (How Do I Become A Catholic?) If you are interested in finding out more about the Catholic faith, or are missing some of your sacraments please contact Kristine Almada at 760.689.6208 or [email protected] CONFIRMATION Baptism, the Eucharist, and the sacra-ment of Confirmation together make up the “Sacraments of Christian Initia-tion”. The reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation is necessary for the com-pletion of baptismal grace. The mini-mum age for the reception of the Sacra-ment of Confirmation is 15 for those already baptized. The policy of the par-ish is to accept candidates for Confirma-tion who are in the 9th grade and up to 11th grade. Those who are 18 years of age or above are to be enrolled in the adult Confirmation program. The two-year preparation process aims to lead the candidate to a more intimate union with Jesus Christ and more lively familiarity with the Holy Spirit – his ac-tions, his gifts and his biddings – in or-der to be more capable of assuming the apostolic responsibilities of Christian life. Candidates are expected to attend scheduled faith formation sessions, re-treats, service outreach and attend Mass regularly as they prepare their hearts to become fully initiated into the Catholic Church. For information contact Toney Renteria at 760.689.6209

PARKING NOTICE There has been an increased number of cars parking in red zones. As a re-minder, red zones are “No Parking” zones. Do not park in a red zone at any time, under any circumstances. Vehicles parked in a red zone are subject to citation and tow. Please be respectful of our neighbors on St. Peters drive and refrain from blocking driveways and other points of entry/exit. Those vehicles are also sub-ject to tow. Se ha incrementado el número de carros paqueados en zonas rojas. Como recordatorio, las zonas rojas son zonas "No estacionamiento". No se es-tacione en una zona roja en ningún momento, bajo ninguna circunstancia. Los vehículos estacionados en una zona roja están sujetos a citación y hacer remolcados. Por favor, sea respetuoso con nuestros vecinos en St. Peters Drive y evite bloquear entradas y otros puntos de entrada / salida. Esos vehículos también.

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St Peter the Apostle | 7

FORMACIÓN DE FÉ PARA NIÑOS El ministerio de Formación de Fe apoya a las familias con oración y preparación sacra-mental para los niños y adultos. Las clases son martes y miércoles para padres y niños de 6:30—8:30pm. Estamos para servirle 760.689.6211 o [email protected] CHILDREN'S FAITH FORMATION We offer this program to help parents as their child’s “first and most important teach-ers", in their child's Christian education. Children grades K-6th meet on Sunday morn-ings from 10:30am -11:45am during the school year to learn the Catholic faith. Sacramental Preparation is offered at the appropriate time in the child’s development. Preparation for the Sacraments of Reconcili-ation and Eucharist is generally a two year process beginning in first grade. For more information and registration, con-tact Denell Robles at 760-689-6212. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Before setting any dates please contact the parish office at 760.689.6200 at the time of your engagement or at least 9 months in advance of selecting a possible wedding date. SACRAMENTO DE MATRIMONIO Antes de escoger la fecha o hacer cualquier reservación favor de llamar a la oficina par-roquial mínimo 9 meses antes de la fecha deseada. CONVALIDATION If you were not married in a Catholic Church and wish to discuss the sacrament of mar-riage please contact the parish office at 760.689.6200 to arrange an appointment with Fr. Ramón. CONVALIDACION Si no están casados por la Iglesia, y desean platicar sobre como recibir el sacramento de matrimonio, favor de contactar a la oficina parroquial para hacer una cita con el Padre Ramón o con el Diácono. DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE Are you divorced, separated or remarried outside of the church? Our annulment minis-try team is here to help and support you. We are a group of trained ministers that assist Catholics (who have been away from the sacraments or the Church due to a former marriage) to return to full communion with the Church. We also assist those seeking to come into the Church who have been married more than once, or whose spouse has been married more than once. If you would like more information, please contact the parish office at 760.689.6200.


An Encounter with the Risen Christ We prayed, fasted and gave alms—and now we celebrate Easter joy! Our Len-ten journey with CRS Rice Bowl challenges us as we encounter our Risen Lord to bring the hope of Resurrection to a world in need. Don’t forget to turn in your CRS Rice Bowl at the Church or Parish office by Sunday, April 28th. Un encuentro con Cristo resucitado Rezamos, ayunamos y donamos—¡y ahora celebramos la alegría de la Pascua! Nuestra jornada de Cuaresma con Plato de Arroz de CRS nos desafía cuando nos encontramos con nuestro Señor resucitado para llevar la esperanza de la Resurrección a un mundo necesitado. No olvides entregar tu Plato de Arroz de CRS en la iglesia o en la oficina antes del domingo 28 de abril


Taste of TV Land is Saturday, May 18 at 5:00pm. This is the event for the whole family and friends! Each class-room sets up a booth with a different food/drink— For one entry price- $20 adults/$10 kids (1/2 portion) you get your own TV Dinner Tray! Food will be provided by Fallbrook Rib Shack/ Que & Brew! There will be entertain-ment—lots of food, and of course the GRAND DRAWING

FOR YOUR DREAM VACATION! Prizes include: • Kauai, Hawaii - 2 bedroom ocean view condo • Granby, Colorado-The Mountainside at Silvercreek -2 bedroom/2 bath

condo -sleeps 6 • Anywhere in the US- 10,000 credits through WorldMark Resorts • $500 VISA ORDER YOUR EVENT TICKETS AND DRAWING TICKETS • (preferred) Online at • School Office

Page 8: APRIL 21, 2019 • EASTER SUNDAY • DOMINGO DE PASCUA · sepulcro para embalsamar un cadaver y no entienden lo de la Resurrección. Su confusión llegará a comprender lo que hace


8 | April 21, 2019

IN PARISH—MINISTRY Beloved 'Beloved' Pro-Life Ministry, respecting life from womb to tomb. We desire to engage in conversations that edify, encourage and strengthen the people of God. Join us on the third Sunday of each month immediately following the 9 am Mass on the Parish Hall patio as we pray and plan upcoming parish and community events. Contact Karen Downey at 760.805.0896 or [email protected] for additional information. Bereavement Ministry Coping with the loss of a loved one becomes a struggle. Please consider joining our group to share and lift each other in our grief. For more information, call Jan at 760-728-8445 or Nancy at 760-731-2757 Children’s Liturgy of the Word Our Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW) shares the Gospel with children (Pre-K-4th grade) in words they can understand and reflects upon how to apply these lessons to their lives. Children are dismissed from the 9am Mass with a blessing for the Liturgy of the Word aided by catechists using stories, songs and age appropriate activities. They return to Mass during the preparation of the gifts, to join their families and to celebrate the Liturgy of the Eucharist. Children’s Liturgy of the Word plants the seeds of faith that will grow with the nurturing of the Christian fami-ly and the help of the Holy Spirit. Do You Love Me? Tend My Sheep We have a wonderful time with the children! We teach in teams of two leaders, Septem-ber through mid-summer. Each team is scheduled to lead a liturgy once a month. You can participate with friends and create your own team or you can join an experi-enced team. Lesson plans are provided for you, yet each lesson allows for flexibility and creativity. To learn more, please contact Denell Robles, Children’s Faith Formation Coordinator 760-689-6212.


Do you have fruit trees or a vegetable garden that supply an overabundance of produce you would like to donate to this parish ministry? Saturday, April 27th at 9 AM our gleaners are available to harvest for you. The gleaned pro-duce is available for free outside the church entrance Sunday, April 28th. Bring your own bag! If you have a grove to glean, or in gleaning for a few hours Saturday morning, please contact Jim Meyer (760) 723-6167 or Jeanine Roskos (442) 444-0802 to make arrangements. We will continue every fourth Saturday and Sunday through summer. Thank you for your past generosity.

INFANT BAPTISM PREPARATION SEMINAR The next Infant Baptism Preparation Seminar for parents and Godparents will be held on Saturday, May 11th at 9:00 a.m. This seminar may be attended while you are expecting your child. It is also for those who are planning a baptism in the coming months. Please contact Kristine Almada at 760-689-6208 for more information or to register

MEN’S PRAYER BREAKFAST Come and join us for Prayer, Fellowship and Breakfast Saturday, May 4th Mass at 7:30am Breakfast & Speaker at 8:15am in the Parish Hall

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IN PARISH—MINISTRY Crochet and Knitting Ministry Ministerio de Ganchillo y Tejido de Punto St. Peter’s women’s ministry of crocheting and knitting for others meets on the third Tuesday of every month from 1PM—3PM in the lower room of the St. Andrew’s Center. You can learn to crochet or knit (the yarn and supplies will be provided), you can do your own thing, or you can sit and chat. There is no fee. El ministerio de mujeres que tejerán para los necesitados el tercer martes de cada mes de 1pm-3pm. Nos reuniremos en el Centro de San Andrés en el primer piso. Pueden apren-der a tejer (todos los materiales serán proveídos), pueden tejer a su gusto, o sim-plemente acompañarnos y charlar con no-sotras. No hay ningún costo. For more information, contact: Para más información, contacten a: Gena Smith: 760.685.3889 [email protected] Carmen Willard: 314.803.0986 [email protected]

Funeral Reception Ministry- Losing a loved one is devastating and we are called to be "God's loving embrace" during this difficult time. Following the Corporal Works of Mercy, to bury the dead, all parish-ioners are cordially asked to join us, as they are available, in providing desserts, setting-up the hall, serving food and drinks, and cleaning up after parish funeral receptions. Please send an e-mail to [email protected] or call Joye Socha at 760.445. 9916 to get notified of funerals, help requests, or for more information. Liturgical Ministries All liturgical ministers are required to go through a training and are usually assigned to the mass they frequently attend. Opportunities to serve include Eucharistic Ministers, Readers, Music Minis-ters, Altar Servers, Hospitality Ministers, Environment Ministers and Sacristans. For more information, contact John Koss at 760.689.6207 Men’s Prayer Breakfast The Men’s Prayer Breakfast provides an op-portunity for the men of the parish to gather once each month on the first Saturday. We attend Mass, have breakfast, hear a speaker and enjoy fellowship. Call Tim Willard at 314.952.0987 or [email protected]


“Save Time and Donate Online!”

Online Giving is now available for parishioners with WeShare, an easy and convenient way to save time and support the church. Donating is simple, safe, and completely secure. With WeShare, you can set up a recurring weekly or monthly transaction using your checking, savings, or credit card account. You can decide how much to give to any collection and make changes any time, day or night. Plus, you can leave your checkbook at home on Sundays.

If you would like to enroll in Online Giving, please visit:

If you have any questions or concerns about the program or would like help setting up your account, please call our parish office at 760-689-6200

QUESTION OF THE WEEK PREGUNTAS DE LA SEMANA • What do you find compelling about Paul's metaphorical use of yeast

and dough in his discussion of Christ as the sacrificed Paschal Lamb?

• ¿Qué te parece convincente sobre el uso metafórico de Pablo sobre

la levadura y la masa en su discusión sobre Cristo como el Cordero Pascual sacrificado?

THANK YOU, JORGENSEN FAMILY The Jorgensen Family (John and Centella) are responsible for the cleaning and maintenance of our water garden. The garden is located next to the Church and is a serene setting to pray or to simply enjoy the beauty that nature has to offer. The water garden features a statue of Mary, a waterfall, and is home to koi fish and several turtles. Thank you, Jorgensen Family for the maintenance of this beautiful part of our parish!

Page 10: APRIL 21, 2019 • EASTER SUNDAY • DOMINGO DE PASCUA · sepulcro para embalsamar un cadaver y no entienden lo de la Resurrección. Su confusión llegará a comprender lo que hace


10 | April 21, 2019



Would you like to receive prayer for needs or be blessed?

Holy Spirit Healing Ministry Saturdays 10:00am—12:30pm

Old Town Fallbrook 300 N. Brandon Street. Suite 22

For more information, contact Maureen 760.521.5617

Facebook page coming soon!

St. Peter the Apostle Catholic School An integral ministry of our Parish. Catholic values are interwoven into a comprehensive curriculum relevant to the Gospel. Recognizing and encourag-ing parents as the primary educators and teachers as facilitators, students are empowered to take responsibility for their learning and challenged to reach their individual potential. St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Small Faith Communities Small Faith Communities are groups of 8—12 people who meet weekly or bi-weekly for shared prayer, study and ministry for the purpose of growth, edification and service, all for the glory of God. For more information, contact Teresa Schutt at [email protected]

Women’s Bible Study- Women come join us for song, praise, fellow-ship, knowledge of the Scriptures, and per-sonal growth as we currently are studying the 52 women of the Bible. Meetings are Wednesdays at 9:15-10:30am in the Upper Room of St. Andrew’s Center. For more information contact: Debbie Shedd 760-717-9189 Valerie Kahle 760-420-6692 Women’s Ministry All women of the parish are invited to attend the St. Peter’s Women’s Ministry meetings. Meetings are held on the first Friday of every month (except religious holidays and July and August) at 10:00am—11:30am in the Upper Room of the St. Andrew’s Center. Refresh-ments provided. Youth Ministry Our mission is to lead the youth into a pas-sionate and authentic relationship with Jesus Christ fueled by the Holy Spirit to build the Kingdom of God to the glory of God the Fa-ther. For information contact: Toney Renteria at 760-689-6209 If you would like your ministry listed in the bulletin, please e-mail a short description of your ministry to: [email protected] Si le gustaría anunciar a su ministerio, favor de mandar un correo electrónico con la descripción de su ministerio a: [email protected]

PRAYER GROUP The clergy needs our prayers as much as we need theirs. Would you like to be part of a new Ministry? The Seven Sisters Apostolate is a call to strength-en the Church by ensuring that a Holy Hour is prayed each day of the week for the sole intention of a specific priest or bishop—a “holy wasting” (cf. Mt. 26:10) or lavishing of prayer for his deeper conformity to Christ. We are looking for 6 women to be part of a prayer group for our Pastor. Please email Shirley Chavez at [email protected] for more information. Thanks for your prayerful consideration.

MARRIAGE ENRICHMENT A Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend is an opportunity for a husband and wife to develop a more intimate knowledge and acceptance of each other through the use of open and loving communication in a setting free from dis-tractions and stress of everyday life. Sign up for the upcoming May 17-19th weekend at the Courtyard Marriott in Rancho Bernardo. Food and lodging are provided. There is a $75 fee and a voluntary donation requested at the end of the weekend. For many couples "Their Weekend" is one of the most significant experiences of their marriages.

Sign up today at

Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial los invita a darse el regalo de vivir un Fin De Semana. El fin de semana del ENCUENTRO MATRIMONIAL MUNDIAL es una experiencia personal y positiva, por medio de la cual se le ofrece a la pareja un método de comunicación que le puede ayudar el resto de su vida. Es una oportunidad para dar una mirada mas profunda a su matrimonio. El próximo fin de semana será Mayo 3, 4 y 5.

Para mas información favor de llamar a (760) 936-9626

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