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NEWSLETTER COMMITTEEChief Patron : Prof. K.R.S. Sambasiva Rao, Vice-Chancellor I/C, A.N.U.

Patrons : Prof. P. Rajasekhar, Registrar, A.N.U.

Prof. V. Chandrasekhara Rao, Principal, ANU College of Arts, Commerce & Law

Prof. C. Rambabu, Principal, A.N.U. College of Sciences

Chief Editor : Prof. K. Ratna Shiela Mani, Dept. of English, A.N.U.

Editorial Board : Prof. M.V. Ram Kumar Ratnam, Centre for Mahayana Buddhist Studies; Prof. G.V.S.R. Anjaneyulu, Dept.of Statistics; Dr. R. Siva Rama Prasad, Dept. of Commerce & Business Admn.; Dr. P.V. Krishna, Dept. ofZoology & Aquaculture; Dr. B. Karuna, Dept. of English; Dr. K. Sumanth Kumar, Dept. of Zoology; Dr.Saraswathi Raju Iyer, Dept. of Sociology & Social Work; Dr. S. Murali Mohan, Ambedkar Chair; President ,ANUTA; Finance Officer I/c; President, VIKASA, ANU.

E-mail : [email protected]

Prof. K.R.S. Sambasiva Rao, Rector of the university, was appointed as the incharge Vice-Chancellor of ANU, bythe Govt. of Andhra Pradesh. Prof. K.R.S. Sambasiva Rao assumed charge on 20th April 2015. Being a senior Professor,he served as the Head of the Departments of Zoology & Biotechnology and Chairman, Board of Studies of both thesubjects. Prof. K.R.S. Sambasiva Rao did his Ph.D. in Zoology in S.V. University, and Ph.D. in Pharmacy in AndhraUniversity. He joined as a Post-doctoral Research Associate in ANU in 1985 and as an Assistant Professor in 1988,became an Associate Professor in 1998 and Professor in 2005. Being a serious researcher, he has published around 175papers in national and international journals. He also has 20 books to his credit. He served as a Visiting Professor in theUSA during 1999-2000 and worked as Adjunct Faculty in INDICASAT in the Republic of Panama during 2010-2014. Healso visited several universities in Australia, Singapore and Nepal. Under his guidance 21 Ph.Ds and 20 M.Phils wereawarded. He was appointed as a Fellow of A.P. Science Academy, General Secretary of Biotechnology and Pharmacyand Editor of several research journals. He was honoured with The Panama National Award for his excellence in thedevelopment of Education and Talented Bio-technology Award from Colombo University. He also got the Best TeacherAward from the Govt. of Andhra Pradesh in 2013.

He was congratulated by the university officials and faculty. Prof. K.R.S. Sambasiva Rao thanked the officials of theUniversity and the Government and said that he will work untiringly for the development of the university.


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Date ParticularsProf. K. VIYYANNA RAO, Vice-Chancellor01-04-15 UGC XII Plan Grants Utilization Review02-04-15 ANU College of Physical Education & Sports Sciences

– College Day04-04-15 HRD Centre – ICSSR Workshop on Research

Methodology Course Inaugural05-04-15 Dr. Babu Jagjivan Ram Birth Anniversary Celebrations,08-04-15 Meeting with Ambassador of Bhutan Mr. Vestol Namgel

ANU Online Education – Discussion with M/s SchoolGuru, Mumbai

09-04-15 Bhutanese Ambassador Mr. Vestol Namgel visitInternational Students Cell – At Home Function

10-04-15 DOA – Faculty-wise Journals Publications Meeting

11-04-15 189th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Jothirao PhuleHostel Advisory Committee Meeting

13-04-15 HRD Centre – ICSSR Workshop on ResearchMethodology - ValedictoryPharmacy College Day CelebrationsGovt. of A.P. – Higher Education Dept. – VideoConference on the Minutes of Joint Working Groupon “A.P. Innovation & Start up Policy 2014-2020”.

14-04-15 125th Birth Anniversary Celebrations of Dr. B.R.Ambedkar.

15-04-15 A.L. College of Education – National Seminar on“Quality Teacher - Quality" EducationSigning of MoU with CRDA at Vijayawada

16-04-15 Engineering College – College Day CelebrationsFelicitations by Vikasa

17-04-15 Felicitations by NUTA - Laying down of office as Vice-Chancellor; Civic Reception by Committee of Hosts

18-04-15 Felicitations by all the Staff, ANU - Laying down ofoffice as Vice-Chancellor

Prof. K.R.S. SAMBASIVA RAO, Vice-Chancellor I/C

20-4-15 Took charge as I/c Vice-Chancellor23-4-15 6th College Day Celebrations and Graduation day at

ANU College of Engineering and Technology24-4-15 Awareness Programs on Zero mortality of under 5

year children - Centre for Community SocialResponsibility

25-4-15 Workshop on Career in Architecture – Career andCounseling Cell, ANU

Visit to Chalapati Institute of Engineering andTechnology, Lam, Guntur


Prof. K. Viyyanna Rao,Vice-Chancellor

27-4-15 Attended APSCHE meeting at Hyderabad28-4-15 Chaired SC to AS meeting at ANU29-4-15 Workshop on “Establishment of Smart Campuses” –

Department of Higher Education, Government of association with ANU

30-4-15 Attended APSCHE meeting at Hyderabad1-5-15 Inauguration of Ramp for disabled persons & Release

of Library Bulletin at Ambedkar Memorial Library, ANUCentre for Students Management System – ANUCollege of Architecture and Planning

4-5-15 ANUPGCET – results releasedVideo Conference at Guntur

5-5-15 College Development Council meetingCore Committee meeting in ANUBoard of Studies meeting

7-5-15 and 8-5-15 AP Akademi of Science - meeting at Tirupati13-5-15 Inaugural of Basketball tournament at ANU14-5-15 Release of PG counseling schedule16-5-15 ‘Eeenadu’ Education Fair at Guntur18-5-15 V.Cs Conference at ANU

Workshop on Implementation Plan for “University-Society Linkages” as part of A.P. Knowledge Mission– organized by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University,Srikakulam at ANU Campus

19-5-15 APSCHE meeting chaired by Prof. Vijaya Prakash,Vice-Chairman at ANU Campus

20-5-15 MOU with Tanzania Rector, Prof. Ngalinda, Centre forEastern Africa Statistical Training Centre (EASTC)

22-5-15 and 23-5-15 APSCHE meeting at Hyderabad

25-5-15 Inaugural of ANUPGCET counseling at ANU2-6-15 APSCHE meeting at Hyderabad5-6-15 AP Physical Education Common Entrance Test

(APPECET) Inaugural at ANU9-6-15 to 11-6-15 APSCHE meeting at Hyderabad12-6-15 Inaugural of Centre for Skill Development at ANU, in

collaboration with A.P. Skill Development Corporation,Hyderabad

16-6-15 Workshop on Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan(RUSA) - Higher Education Department, Governmentof A.P. State, Project Directorate –– at ANU Campus

19-6-15 Release of APPECET results by Prof. L. VenugopalReddy, Chairman, APSCHE, Hyderabad at ANU

21-6-15 International Yoga Day Celebrations at ANU22-6-15 Meeting with Deans, Dept. Heads and Coordinators –

preparation for NAAC23-6-15 Distribution of UGC NET material for SC, ST & Minority

students at ANU24-6-15 NSNIS Six Weeks Certificate Course in Sports

Coaching in Athletics, Kho-Kho & Weightlifting at ANU25-6-15 Induction meeting for the Academic year 2015-2016

for Parents & Students at ANU26-6-15 Release of Notification for ANU research admissions27-6-15 Water conservation meeting29-6-15 Inaugural of workshop on Career Awareness and

Opportunities in Physical Sciences in India atCelebration of National Statistics Day at Dept. ofStatistics, ANU.

Prof. K.R.S. Sambasiva Rao,Vice-Chancellor I/C

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Prof. K. Viyyanna Rao laid down his office as Vice-Chancellor of ANU on 16-4-2015. The former Vice-Chancellor of ANU, Prof. V. Balamohandas, Vice-Chancellor of Yogi Vemana University Prof. B. SyamaSundar, Prof. Jyothi Viyyanna Rao and other universityofficials and staff members were present in the felicitationfunction arranged by the teachers’ association.

Entering the portals of the university as a student, Prof.Viyyanna Rao continued his research and got appointed asfaculty in the University. He served the university in severaladministrative positions as Special Officer (Exams), Dean,College Development Council, Registrar, Rector and Vice-Chancellor. He was lauded for his manifold contributions intaking the university on the path towards excellence. Mentionwas particularly made of introducing Online Education,facilitating admissions of international students, enablingMemoranda of Understanding with several prestigiousUniversities and institutions in India and abroad and makingANU solar energy enabled.

In his response in the function arranged on thecompletion of his term, he thanked the university staff whohad offered their support and co-operation during his stintas Vice-Chancellor. He expressed his happiness to havebeen with the university for a long time. Warm felicitationswere offered by the non-teaching staff association VIKASAin a separate function.




The AP State Council of Higher Education (APSCHE),Hyderabad, conducted a Workshop on RashtriyaUchchatar Siksha Abhiyan (RUSA) in ANU Campus on16-06-2015, with the objective of creating awareness aboutthe utilization of RUSA funds among Vice-Chancellors andCollege Principals. The Principal Secretary of HigherEducation Smt. Sumita Dawra, the Commissioner ofTechnical Education, and Project Director, RUSA, Smt. P.Udayalakshmi, the Vice-Chairmen of APSCHE, Prof. P.Vijaya Prakash and Prof. P. Narasimha Rao addressedthe gathering. Present in the meeting were the Vice-Chancellor I/c Prof. K.R.S. Sambasiva Rao, Vice-Chancellor of Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa Prof. B.Syama Sundar, Sri B. Venkatesh Kumar, Tata Instituteof Social Sciences, other ANU officials and faculty. Smt.Udayalakshmi said that Rs. 255 crores have been releasedunder RUSA for the five state universities and forty-threegovernment degree colleges.

Acharya Nagarjuna University campus was thevenue of an Awareness Programme on ImplementationPlan for University – Social Linkage as Part of APKnowledge Mission organized by Dr. Ambedkar University,Srikakulam on 18-5-2015. The Chief Guest Prof. P. VijayaPrakash, Vice-Chairman, A.P. State Council for HigherEducation (APSCHE), Hyderabad, spoke of the need foruniversities to take initiatives for skill development in thestudents for better employment in the contemporary world.The Vice-Chancellor of Dr. Ambedkar University presidedover the programme. Among those who spoke in themeeting were Vice-Chancellor I/c of Acharya NagarjunaUniversity Prof. K.R.S. Sambasiva Rao, Vice-ChancellorI/c of Krishna University, Prof. Surya Chandra Rao, Vice-Chancellor of Vikrama Simhapuri University, Nellore, Prof.V. Veeraiah, Registrar of Sri Padmavathi MahilaViswavidyalayam, Tirupati Prof. P. Viyajalakshmi, Registrarof ANU, Registrar Prof. P. Rajasekhar and other faculty.

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JOURNALISM & MASS COMMUNICATIONAcharya Nagarjuna University adds another feather to its cap

ANU is the first state university in both Telangana andAndhra Pradesh states to establish Community RadioStation (CRS). It received frequency of 91.2 and got licensein the month of April, 2015. CRS was established with thefinancial support of UGC (University Grants Commission).It has sanctioned rupees 10 lakhs in the XI plan for whichthe university provided infrastructure and appointed a projectmanager.

The facility was inaugurated by the Vice-ChancellorProf.Viyyanna Rao on April 17th, 2015 on Friday, in thepremises of Department of Journalism and MassCommunication. Rector, Prof.K R S Sambasiva Rao wasthe Guest of Honour, Registrar Prof. P. Rajasekhar, Dr. J.Madhu Babu, faculty of JMC, research scholars and otherstudent members attended the inauguration of CRS. Dr. G.Anita, Coordinator, Department of JMC coordinated itsactivities.

CRS has been planning and designing programmeswhich cater to its stakeholders, which includes students,scholars teaching, non-teaching staff and also communities

surrounding the university in the vicinity of 12 kilometers.CRS has been airing programs regularly on all working daysfor 4 hours from 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. and from 2:30p.m. to 5:30 p.m. daily. Resource persons, scholars, facultymembers have been delivering lectures regularly on varioustopics and students have been also participating in culturalprograms.



ANU has been developing and offering OnlineCourses in a big way which has received commendationfrom many quarters. Prof. V. Chandrasekhar Rao is theDirector of the Online Education programme. ANU has wonthe IT Award from the Indian Merchants Chamber (IMC), apremier chamber of trade, commerce and industry in India.The IMC IT Awards were instituted to recognise andencourage not just industry but also end-users. ANU wonthe IMC IT Award based on the following criteria: - Innovative use of technology to solve a business

problem. - Use of IT to increase business competitiveness. - Use of IT to increase efficiency and deliver quantifiable

returns to all stakeholders.The award was received by the Registrar Prof. P.

Rajasekhar in the awards presentation ceremony in Mumbaion 9-6-2015 from Shri Arwind Sawant, M.P.

It is a matter of pride that ANU has been selected asthe temporary venue for conducting the classes for theacademic year 2015-16 for the students of the NationalInstitute of Design proposed to be established inMangalagiri, the only such institute to come up in SouthIndia. In this connection Sri Rajiv Aggarwal, JointSecretary, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Governmentof India, the Joint Collector Sri Ch. Sridhar, Sri K. Mahesh,CEO of National Design Business Incubator, SriPradyumna Vyas, Director of National Institute of Design,along with representatives of the NID visited ANU Campuson 25-4-2015 to inspect the facilities available. Theyinteracted with the Vice-Chancellor I/c Prof. K.R.S.Sambasiva Rao, the Registrar and others.

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Prof. N. Samuyelu, retired Professor, Dr.Ambedkar Chair, ANU, was appointed asEmeritus Professor by the UGC in February2015.

Prof. N. Vijaya Ratnam, retired Professor,Dept. of Commerce & Business Administra-tion, ANU, was appointed as ProfessorEmeritus by the UGC in May 2015.

Prof. P. Narasimha Rao, retired Professor of Economics,ANU, has been appointed as Vice-Chairman, A.P. StateCouncil of Higher Education (APSCHE), Hyderabad. Heassumed charge on 11-6-2015. He has served in theuniversity in several capacities such as Co-ordinator,Research Cell and as UGC Professor Emeritus. He waswarmly felicitated in ANU on this occasion. Present in thefelicitation function were the Vice-Chancellor I/c Prof.K.R.S. Sambasiva Rao and other university officials andfaculty. In his response, Prof. P. Narasimha Rao vowed towork for bringing about excellence in higher education.

He participated in the discussions of Language ExpertsCommittee meeting held during 9-10, June 2015 to framethe U.G. Sanskrit syllabus, under the Common CoreChoice Based Credit System convened by the Dean,College Development Council, S.V. University, Tirupati.

Prof. P. Sankara Pitchaiah, Dept. of Geology, wasnominated as member of Planning, Development andMonitoring Committee, ANU, on 05-05-2015.

K. Ammani, Dept of Botany & Microbiology, attended theISRO sponsored NNRMS Training Programme on RemoteSensing & GIS in Forestry/Wild life/Environmental Scienceat IIRS, Dehradun, from May 5 to June 26, 2015.

Dr. Ch. Radhika, Dept. of English, ANU College ofEngineering & Technology, was selected as a Member inEditorial Board for International Journal of InnovativeKnowledge Concepts (IJIKC).

Prof. K.R.S. Sambasiva Rao Vice-ChancellorI/c of ANU was appointed as the HonorarySecretary of A.P. Akademi of Sciences in June2015. He has the distinction of being the firstSecretary of the Akademi of the State of AndhraPradesh after bifurcation. He was congratulated by ANUfaculty and scholars.

WORKSHOP ON UG SYLLABUSA one day Workshop was organized

by the Dean, College Development Council,ANU, to finalise the syllabus of B.Com.(General), B.Com. (Vocational) and B.Com.(Restructured), BBA, BHM courses – UGCBCS model on 05-5-2015. All the Chairmen

Prof. P. Varaprasada Murthy, Dept. of Telugu, receivedManmatha Nama Samvachara Pratibha Award from theprestigious organization Andhra Saraswata Samithi,Machilipatnam, on 11th April, 2015. This award wasinstituted by Prof. M.K.Durga Prasad, founder Vice-Chancellor of Krishna University, Machilipatnam.

and Members of the Boards of Studies in Commerce &Management Studies, A.N.U. along with the faculty ofCommerce & Management, A.N.U. and Dean, Faculty ofCommerce & Management Studies attended the meeting.Acharya Nagarjuna University Vice-Chancellor I/C Prof.KRS. Sambasiva Rao chaired the workshop.

for newly admitted students along with their parents in theUniversity campus. Prof. K.R.S. Sambasiva Rao Vice-Chancellor I/c, Prof. V.Chandrasekhar Rao, Principal,University College of Arts Commerce and Law, Prof.B.Re.Victor Babu, Principal I/c, University College ofSciences and Prof. P.Raja Sekhar, Registrar and otherofficials participated in the programme. Prof. K.R.S.Sambsiva Rao, highlighted various aspects relating tofacilities available in the University Campus, andstressed the need for students to maintain discipline in thecampus. The other speakers cautioned that the final yearstudents should refrain from engaging in any Raggingactivities.


The University College of Arts, Commerce and Lawand the College of Sciences, Acharya Nagarjuna University,jointly organized an induction day programme on 25-06-2015

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The Department of Tourism & Hospitality Managementconducted a workshop on Entrepreneurship Orientation on27-04-2015. The purpose of EOP was to create awarenessamong the students for setting up of new enterprises aftercompletion of their studies instead of searching foremployment. The mission of the programme was to helpyoung persons in becoming successful entrepreneurs.

Prof. K.R.S. Sambasiva Rao, Vice Chancellor I/C, inaugurated the ramp in the Library on 1st May, 2015 for thebenefit of Disabled students/staff/others visitors to theAmbedkar Memorial Library, ANU.


The Vice Chancellor I/C Prof. K.R.S.Sambasiva Rao,released the Library Bulletin on the same day in theAmbedkar Memorial Library, ANU Campus. All the librarystaff were present in the meeting.

MoU The Department of Tourism & Hospitality Managementsigned an MOU with Bharatiya Samskruthi AyurvedaVikasa Parishad (BSAVP) Guntur, on 27-04-2015 forextending Training and Research on mutual basis underthe Industry vs. Institute Interface.

The Department of Tourism & Hospitality Managementconducted the Alumni Meet on 19-04-2015 on the eve ofthe Decennial celebrations of the department i.e. (2005-06to 2014-15) on a grand note. Dr. P. Purnachandra Rao,Coordinator, presented the profile of the department.

The Chief Guest, Mr. Venkateswara Rao, M.D, HaaiLand, China Kakani, spoke about the prospects of tourismin India and the present trends in tourism across the world.Dr. Jaya Prada, Asst. Director, Museums, Guntur; PattabhiRam, one of the Hospitality icons, Vijayawada; DurgaPrasad, Director, Westin College of Hotel Management,Vijayawada; Murali, Dy. General Manager, Southern Grand,Vijayawada; and Rama Lakshman, DTO, Vijayawada,interacted with the participants. It is the first time in the historyof the department, that such a grand Alumni meeting wasconducted in which 6 experts from industry participated.

The Alumni interacted enthusiastically with each otherand with the present students and promised all possible help.The Department Placement Brochure (2013-2015 Batch),was released on this occasion. Faculty members andScholars also participated in the meet which came to anend with various cultural activities by the participants.



The resource person Mr. Sudarshan, from NationalSmall Scale Industries Corporation (NSIC), interacted withthe students and participants. He displayed variousmotivational videos which influenced the participants inimproving their level of confidence. He explained variousthings like – how to start a small business, single windowregistration process, Government support at different levelsand by showing 20 types of NSIC business profiles. At theend of the sessions, the resource person made theparticipants to prepare small business profiles on their own.Faculty members and scholars also participatedenthusiastically. The Registrar, Prof. P. Rajasekharinaugurated the programme and Dr. P. Purnachandra Raopresided over the workshop. About 90 members participatedin the workshop.

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DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY & MICROBIOLOGYV. Anuradhadevi and K. Mallikarjuna. 2015. “Screening and quantificationof Phytochemicals in leaf extract of Schrebera swietenioides and Homalium zeylanicum”. Int J Pharm Bio Sci, 6: 4, (B) 521 – 529.Swaminnaidu N., S.K. Ghosh and K.Mallikarjuna. 2015. “Millets: TheMiracle Grains” (Review Article). Int J Pharm Bio Sci, 6: 4, (B) 440-446.SK. Babu Saheb, I. Veerakishore, K. Babu, G. Rosaiah andK.Mallikarjuna. 2015. “Diversity of seed germination in Xylocarpusspecies”. Int J Pharm Bio Sci, 6: 2, (B) 846 – 854.S. Chandra Kala and K. Mallikarjuna. 2015. “A short review on callus studies of Biophytum sensitivum Linn”. World Journal ofPharmaceutical Research, 4: 4, 985-991. Review Article ISSN 2277– 7105.S. Chandra Kala, K. Mallikarjuna, P. Aruna and M. Vijayalakshmi. 2015.“Antimicrobial screening of callus extracts of Canthium parviflorum Lam”.International Journal of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences (IJMPS),4: 1, 1-10. ISSN (P): 2250-0049; ISSN (E): 2321-0095.N. Pradeep Kumar and Amrutha V. A. 2015. “Exploration of a novel plantgrowth promoting bacteria Stenotrophomonas maltophilia AVP27 isolatedfrom the chilli rhizosphere soil”. International Journal of EngineeringResearch and General Science.3:1, 2091-2730.P. Hari Brahma Reddy, C.V.S.Bhaskar, Amrutha V. A. 2015. “Anti-Arthriticand Immunostimulatory activities of leaves of Nyctanthes arbor-tristis”.International Journal of Advanced Research in Chemical science (IJARCS),2:2A,1-7.The following papers were published in the” International Journal ofAdvanced Research in Chemical Science (IJARCS), 2:2A:Sudhir A., C.V.S.Bhaskar, Amrutha V. A. 2015. “Induction of Defenserelated enzymes in Chilli plant by Endophytic Pseudomonas aeruginosaagainst chilli Anthracnose”. 70-74.G.Naga Rathna Supriya, Pallavi R., Amrutha V. A. 2015. “Production ofL-Asparaginase by Aspergillus melleus AVNR 1 under solid statefermentation using agro industrial wastes”. 29-36.Pallavi R., G.Naga Rathna Supriya, Amrutha V. A. 2015. “Marine Bacillus(AVP 11) –A promising organism for treatment of Acte Lymphoblasticleukemia 19-28.Pallavi R. and Amrutha V. A. 2015. “Characterization and Bioprocessingof Oncolytic Enzyme - L-asparaginase isolated from Marine bacillus AVP14†”. Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res., 30:2, 195-201, January – February.ISSN 0976 – 044X.Srinivasa Reddy Ch. and Ammani K. 2015. “Anti inflammatory activitiesof methnolic extract of Maba buxifolia (Rottb) Juss. Stem in albino WistarRats”. Advances in Biomedicine and Pharmacy, 2:3, 131-137.

DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRYAlice Jayapradha Ch., C. Ram Babu, Amit Kumar and K.Surendrababu. 2015. “Predisposition Factors of Type II Diabetes Mellitusand Related Complications”. Biotechnology and Bioforen-sics, SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology, 43-50.G.Praveen Chand, M.Gowrisankar and C.Rambabu. 2015. “Orientationeffect on sign and magnitude of excess thermodynamic and transportproperties of binary liquid mixtures at different temperatures”. Journal ofThermal Analysis and Calorimetry (Springer) 119:3, 2069-2078.

K.Harinadha Baba, C. Rambabu, K. Vara Prasada Rao, Riyaz AhmedKhan and K. V. S. Prasada Rao. 2015. “Assay of Dexmedetomidine inBulk Samples and Pharmaceutical Formulations by ExtractiveSpectrophotometry”. Chemical Science Transactions, 4:1, 270-274.

B.Nagarjuna, A.V.Sarma and C.Rambabu. 2015.”Ultrasonic Studies onExcess Thermodynamic Properties of Ternary Liquid Mixtures of Amidewith Ethyl Benzoate in Benzene at 303.15K”. Int. J. Sci. Res. (IJSR), ISU-2015, 43-47.

P.N.V.V.L.Prameela Rani, R.V.V.S.N.Ravikumar, D. Rama chandran andC.Rambabu. 2015. “Determination of site symmetry of Fe 3+dopedcadmium borate nanopowder”. Int.J.Adv. Res. Phy. Sci, 2(1A), 89-91.

S. Pulla Reddy and C. Rambabu. 2015. “Simultaneous determination ofglucosamine and diacerein in pharmaceutical dosage form by RP-HPLC”.Int.J.Pharm. and Pharmaceu. Res. 2:2,139-151.

P.B.Sandhya Sri, D.B.Karunakumar, K.Rayapa Reddy, G.Srinivasa Raoand C.Rambabu.2015. “Theoretical Evaluation of Ultrasonic Velocities inBinary Liquid Mixtures of Anisic Aldehyde with Salicylates at DifferentTemperatures Using Different Theories”. Int. J.Adv.Res.Chem.Sci., 2:2,18-27.

K.B.Karunakumar, Y.Hanumantha Rao, P.B.Sandhya Sri andC.Rambabu.2015. “Excess Free Volumes, Internal Pressures and MolarAvailable Volumes in the Binary Liquid Mixtures of N-Methyl-2-Pyrrolidoneat Different Temperatures”. Int. J. Adv. Res. Chem. Sci., 2:2, 28-34.

B. Koteswara Rao, Golkonda Ramu, Illuru Jyothsna Kumari and C.Rambabu. 2015. “A novel stability indicating RP-HPLC method for thedetermination of ketololac trimethamine in pharmaceutical formulations”.Asian J. Pharm. Clinical Res, 8:2, 1-6.

Sureshbabu K. and Rambabu C. 2015. “Stability indicating RP-HPLCmethod for the estimation of everolimus in pharmaceutical formulations”.Am.J.Pharmtech.Res, 5:2, 332-344.

B. Koteswara Rao, K. R. Manjula, K. Suresh Babu and C. Rambabu.2015. “Validation of stability indicating RP-HPLC method for the assay ofvenlafaxine in pharmaceutical dosage form”. Der Pharmacia Lettere, 7:3,247-256.

Sureshbabu K., Ramu G. and Rambabu C. 2015. “Validated stabilityindicating RP – HPLC method development for the determination ofsaroglitazar in bulk and pharmaceutical dosage form”. Indo AmericanJournal of Pharmaceutical Research, 5:3, 1255-1264.

K. Sureshbabu, B.Koteswararao and C.Rambabu.2015. “RP–HPLCMethod Validation and Forced Degradation Studies for the determinationof Belinostat in Bulk and its Pharmaceutical Dosage Form”. Elixir Appl.Chem, 81, 31519-31524.

K.Sureshbabu, B.Koteswararao and C.Rambabu.2015. “Validatedstability indicating RP-HPLC method for the determination of cobicistat inbulk and pharmaceutical formulations”. Analytical Chemistry (An IndianJournal), 15:11, 465-475.

Sureshbabu K., Nageswararao M. and Rambabu C. 2015. “Forceddegradation studies and RP-HPLC method validation for the determinationof ceritinib in bulk and its pharmaceutical dosage form”. AsianJ.Pharm.Clinical Res, 8:3, 44-51.

Sureshbabu K., V. M.Vardhan Sureddy, Koteswara Rao B. andRambabu C. 2015. “Isocratic stability indicating RP-HPLC method for theassay of elvitegravir in pure and in dosage forms”. Der Pharmacia Lettere,7:4, 205-213.

B.Koteswara Rao, K.Sureshbabu and C.Rambabu. 2015. “StabilityIndicating RP-HPLC Method for the Assay of Sitagliptin PhosaphateMonohydrate in Pharmaceutical Dosage Form”. Elixir Appl. Chem, 82,32295-32300.

B. Koteswara Rao, K.R. Manjula, M. Nageswara Rao, K.Suresh Babuand C. Rambabu. 2015. “A new stability indicating RP-HPLC method forthe simultaneous estimation of gemcitabine and clarithromycin in TARCEVAtablets”. Indo American Journal of Pharm Research. 5:4, 1613-1624.

DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE & BUSINESS ADMINISTRATIONProf. G.V. Chalam. 2015. (i) “Impact of Size on the Operational Efficiencyof Public Sector Banks in India – A Statistical Analysis”. Indian Journal ofApplied Research, 5: 4, 65-68, April.

(ii) 2015. “Impact of Non-Financial Factors on Stock Market Prices in IndianCorporate Sector – An Empirical Analysis”. International Journal ofManagement and Social Science Research Review (IJMSRR), 1: 10, 144-156, April.

(iii) 2015. “Online Shopping and Buyers’ Perception: A Critical Analysis”.International Journal of Business & Management, 3: 5, 324 - 337, May.

(iv) 2015. “Impact of Non-Financial Factors on Equity Stock Earnings inIndian Corporate Sector - An Empirical Analysis”. EPRA InternationalJournal of Economic and Business Review, 4: 2, 144-156, April - June.

(v) 2015. “Financial Determinants of Equity Share Prices: An EmpiricalAnalysis Study (with reference to selected companies listed on Bombay

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Stock Exchange)”. International Journal of Applied Financial ManagementPerspectives, 4: 2, 1671-79, April - June.

(vi) 2015. “Impact of Non-Financial Factors on Equity Stock Earnings inIndian Corporate Sector – An Empirical Analysis”. International Journal ofEconomic and Business Review, 3: 6, 67-77, June.

DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISHDr. B. Karuna. 2015. “The Fall of Man: Religious Symbolism in KatherineAnne Porter’s Flowering Judas and Pale Horse, Pale Rider”. Kakatiya Journalof English Studies, 34, 158-165, March.

DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICSDr. K. Madhu Babu. 2015. (i) “Livelihood Pattern and Living Conditions ofConstruction Workers in Guntur District of Andhra Pradesh”. InternationalJournal of Management and Social Development, 2:5, 53-60, May, Chennai- Tamilnadu, (India). ISSN NO. 2348-1919.

(2) 2015 “Demographic Dividend Youth Employment in Andhra Pradesh”.Splint International Journal of Professionals, 2: 5, 39-45, May, Cuttack,Odisha (India). ISSN NO.2349-6045.

Dr. K. Madhu Babu and P. Samson. 2015 “Determents of working womenin the Unorganized Sector in Andhra Pradesh”. South India Journal of SocialScience, 12:1, 24-35, June, Waltair, Andhra Pradesh. India.

DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGYUmamaheswara Rao and Prof. P. Sankara Pitchaiah. 2015. “Spatial andTemporal Analysis of Rainfall Variation in Yadalavagu Hydrogeological unitusing GIS, Prakasam District, Andhra Pradesh”. International ResearchJournal of Environmental Sciences, 4:4, 30-35, April. ISSN. 2319-1414.

Arun Kumar.G, Sankara Pitchaiah. P., Sudhakar. G., and Swarnalatha.G. 2015. “Physico-Chemical Analysis of Selected Groundwater Samplesof Inkollu Mandal, Prakasam District, Andhra Pradesh, India”. InternationalJournal of Engineering Research and Applications, 5: 4, 65-70, April. ISSN:2248-9622.

Raghuram. P., Rambabu. T, S.R.Reddy.M., Sankara Pitchaiah. P,A.R.K.Raju. P., Suri Babu.G. and Jeevan Kumar. J. 2015. “ Impact ofAqua Ponds on Soils of Godavari Western Delta, East Godavari District,Andhra Pradesh, India. International Journal of Engineering Research andDevelopment, 11:5, 58-65. ISSN: 2278-067x. P-ISSN: 2278-800X.

Prof. P. Sankara Pitchaiah: The following papers are published in Eenaduon editorial pages:i. “Mundastru Jagrattatone Bhadrata”, on 03-05-2015.ii. “Tee ra rakshanaku tieeraina vyuham”, on 14-06-2015.iii. “Bagu Bagu.. Uppuneeti Sagu”, on 26-07-2015.

Dr. P.V. Nageswara Rao et al. 2015. “Chemistry of groundwater inErravagu Sub-basin, Guntur district, Andhra Pradesh”. Journal of AppliedGeochemistry, 17: 1, 56-65.

Dr. P.V. Nageswara Rao. Hydrogeochemistry and Quality of Groundwaterin a Delta Region. Text Book Published by Lambert Academic publishing,Germany. www.

P.V. Nageswara Rao, S. Appa Rao and N. Subba Rao. 2015. “Geochemical evolution of groundwater in the Western Delta region ofRiver Godavari, Andhra Pradesh, India”. Applied Water Science (DOI10.1007/s13201-015-0294-y), Springer, Germany.

DEPARTMENT OF LAWProf. L. Jayasree. 2015. “Prisoners Right to Health Care and Law - AStudy with reference to Andhra Pradesh”. Criminal Law Journal, 3,1-11.

DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICSY. Pragathi Kumar, L. Prakasha Rao and B. Satyanarayana. 2015.“Derivatives involving I-function of two variables and general class ofpolynomials”. British Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 9:5, 446-452.

Y. Pragathi Kumar, Gebreegziabher Hailu, Alem Mabrahtu and B.Satyanarayana. 2015. “Derivatives formulas involving I-function of twovariables and generalized M-series”. International Advanced ResearchJournal in Science, Engineering and Technology, 2: 6, 95-98.

B. Satyanarayana, N. Srimannarayana and Y. Pragathi Kumar. 2015.“Bilateral generating relations for modified Konhauser polynomial withdiscrete variable”. Mathematical Theory and Modeling, 5: 6,129-136.V.Amarendra Babu, T. Anitha, and K.V.Rama Rao. 2015. “Vague AdditiveGroups”. Universal Journal of Applied Mathematics, 3: 3, 50-52. ISSN:2331-6470 (USA).

V.Amarendra Babu and T.Anitha. 2015. “Vague Implicative LI – Ideals ofLattice Implication Algebras:. Mathematics and Statistics, 3: 3, 53-57,ISSN.2332-2144 (U.S.A).

K.P.R.Rao, K.V.Siva Parvathi and M.Imdad. 2015. “Coupled coincidencepoint theorem in ordered partial b-metric-like spaces, Electronic”. Journalof Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 3: 1, 141-149. (Egypt),ISSN:2090-729X(on line).

K.P.R.Rao, Ishak Altun, K.R.K.Rao and N.Srinivasa Rao. 2015. “ACommon fixed point theorem for four maps under y -f contractivecondition of integral type in ordered partial metric spaces”. MathematicalScience Letters, 4:1, 25-31.(New York, USA) ISSN: 2090-9624 (on line),2090-9616(Print).

K.P.R.Rao, K.V.Siva Parvathi and K.R.K.Rao.2015. “Suzuki type commoncoupled fixed point for a pair of w-compatible maps in Partial G-metricspaces”. International Journal of Innovative Research in Science,Engineering and Technology, 4: 5, 3251-3264.

Mohammad Imdad, Anupam Sharma and K.P.R.Rao. 2015. “Generalizedn-tupled fixed point theorems for non linear contractions”. AfrikaMatematika, 26:3-4, 443-455. (Afrika,Springer link),ISSN : 2190-7668(online),1012-9405(Print).

Mohammad S.Khan, Konduru P.R.Rao and Kandipalli V.S. Parvathi.2015. “A unique common coupled fixed ppoint theorem for four maps inpartial b-metric-like spaces”. SQU Journal for Science, 20:1, 55-61.(Oman),ISSN:

K.P.R.Rao, K.V. Siva Parvathi and V.C.C.Raju. 2015. “Common fixedpoints for hybrid mappings in fuzzy metric spaces using (ø,á,â)contractions”. Journal of Advanced Research in Pure Mathematics, 7: 2,15-23.(USA), ISSN:1943-2380(online).

DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICST. Narendrudu, S. Suresh, S. Yusub, A. Suneel Kumar, Ch. Rajyasree,M.V. Sambasiva Rao, V. Ravi Kumar and D. Krishna Rao. 2015. “Structural investigations of lead germanosilicate glasses doped with Nb2O5

by means of spectroscopic and dielectric studies”. Journal of MolecularStructure, 1098, 181-190.

M.V. Sambasiva Rao, Ch. Rajyasree, T. Narendrudu, S. Suresh, A.Suneel Kumar, N. Veeraiah and D. Krishna Rao. 2005. “Physical andspectroscopic properties of multi-component Na2O-PbO–Bi2O3–SiO2 glassceramics with Cr2O3 as nucleating agent”. Optical Materials, 47, 315-322.

P. Rajanikanth, Y. Gandhi and N. Veeraiah. 2015. “Enrichment of OrangeEmission of Er3+ Ion with Sn4+ Ion as Sensitizer in Lithium Lead PhosphateGlass System”. Optical Materials, 48, 51-58. (An Elsevier publication,published from Amsterdam, the Netherlands).

G. Jagan Mohini, G. Sahaya Baskaran, V. Ravi Kumar, M. Piasecki andN. Veeraiah. 2015. “Bioactivity Studies on TiO2-Bearing Na2O–CaO–SiO2–B2O3 Glasses”. Materials Science and Engineering C, 57, 240-248. (AnElsevier publication, published from Amsterdam, the Netherlands).

P. Rajanikanth M.A. Valente, Y. Gandhi, M. Piasecki and N. Veeraiah.2015. “Influence of Tin Ions on a.c. Conductivity and Dielectric Features ofLi2O PbO P2O5 Glass System”. Ionics, DOI: 10.1007/s11581-015-1497-9 (A Springer Publication published from Berlin).

C. Laxmikanth, J. Anjaiah, P.Venkateswara Rao, B. Apparao and N.Veeraiah. 2015. “Luminescence and Spectroscopic Properties of ZnF2-MO-TeO2 Glasses Doped with Ho3+ Ions”. Journal of Molecular Structure,1093, 166-171. (An Elsevier publication, published from Amsterdam, theNetherlands)

M. Subba Rao, K. Satyavathi, Y. Nagabhaskara Rao and Sandhya Cole.2015. “Synthesis and Characterizations of Chromium ions doped Zinc-Phosphate Zinc Oxide Nanocrystalline Powder”. International Journal ofAdvanced Research in Physical Science, 2, 46-53.

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K. Ravindranadh, B. Babu, Jaesool Shim, Ch. Venkata Reddy, M.C. Raoand R.V.S.S.N. Ravikumar.2015. “Structural and Photoluminescence Studiesof Co2+ doped Ca-Li Hydroxyapatite Nanopowders”. Journal of MaterialsScience: Materials in Electronics (Springer), 26, 6667-6675.B. Jaya Raja, M. Rajesh Yadav, V. Pushpa Manjari, K. Ravindranadh, M.Avinash and R.V.S.S.N.Ravikumar. 2015. “Spectral investigations on Cu2+doped Li2CaAl4(PO4)4F4 Phosphors”. Applied Magnetic Resonance(Springer, The Netherlands), 46, 953-964.

Jaesool Shim, Ch. Venkata Reddy, G.V.S.S. Sarma, P. Narayana Murthyand R.V.S.S.N. Ravikumar. 2015. “Effect of Co2+ and Ni2+-doped zincborate nano crystalline powders by co-precipitation method”. SpectrochimicaActa A (Elsevier, UK) 142, 279-285.

G. Srinivasa Rao, P. Narayana Murthy and R.V.S.S.N. Ravikumar. 2015.“Mixed alkali effect in Mn2+ doped XLi2O+(50-X)K2O+50B2O3(10d”Xd”30)Glasses”. International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Research, 6,127-132.

G. Srinivasa Rao, P. Narayana Murthy and R.V.S.S.N. Ravikumar. 2015.“Optical, EPR and FT-IR studies of VO2+ doped XLi2O-(50-X) K2O-50 B2O3(10d”Xd”30) Glasses”. Indian Journal of Applied Research, 5, 573-578.

B. Sailaja, R. Joyce Stella, G. Thirumala Rao, B. Jaya Raja, V. PushpaManjari and R.V.S.S.N.Ravikumar.2015. “Physical, structural andspectroscopic investigations of Sm3+ doped ZnO mixed alkali borate Glass”,Journal of Molecular Structure ((Elsevier, UK), 1096, 129-135.

Ch.Venkata Reddy, S.V. Prabhkar Vattikuti and R.V.S.S.N.Ravikumar,Sang Jun Moon, Jaesool Shim.2015. “Influence of calcination temperatureon Cd0.3Co0.7Fe2O4 nanoparticles: structural, thermal and magneticproperties”. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (Elsevier, UK),394, 70-76.

G. Thirumala Rao, R. Joyce Stella, B. Babu, K. Ravindrandh andR.V.S.S.N. Ravikumar .2015. “Structural, optical and magnetic propertiesof Mn2+-doped ZnO-CdS composite nanopowder”. Materials Science andEngineering B (Elsevier, UK) 201, 72-78.

DEPARTMENT OF SOCIOLOGY & SOCIAL WORKKoteswara Rao M., Dr.Saraswati Raju Iyer and Santhi Priya N. 2015.“Livelihood Opportunities and Challenges of Disabled Women in India”. InWomen & Development -The India Scenario. Ed.Dr.P.Venkata Rao. Ongole:Gowthami Chandra Publications, Andhra Pradesh, India. (ISBN 978-81-929906-1-3).

Sunil Babu Y. and Dr.Saraswati Raju Iyer. 2015. “Women Empowermentthrough Higher Education”. In Women & Development - The India Scenario.Ed. Dr.P.Venkata Rao. Ongole: Gowthami Chandra Publications, AndhraPradesh India. (ISBN 978-81-929906-1-3).

K. Jaya Lakshmi and Dr.Saraswati Raju Iyer. 2015. “Empowerment ofWomen through Education”. Edutracks, April, 14: 8, 08-12. Hyderabad:Neelkamal Publications, (ISSN: 0972-9844),

DEPARTMENT OF STATISTICSBabu, S. P., Dattatreya Rao, A.V. Anjaneyulu G.V.S.R. and Srinivas K.2015. “Cubic Response Surface Designs Using Bibd in Four Dimensions”.Applied Mathematics and Sciences (Math SJ), (An International Journal)2: 1, 17-25.

Prof. B. Re. Victor Babu and Ms. K. Rajya Lakshmi. 2015. “Constructionof second order slope rotatable designs under Tri-diagonal correlatedstructure of errors using pairwise balanced designs”. International Journalof Agricultural and Statistical Sciences, 11:1, 1-7.

N. Srinivasa Rao, Shaik Ameer and K. Chandan. 2015. “MosquitoesProblem in Vijayawada City of Andhra Pradesh”. International Journal ofMultidisciplinary Emerging Research, 2: 1, 46-59, March.ISSN 2349-9650.

V.N. Rama Devi , G.V.K.Madhav,and Dr. K. Chandan. 2015. “ TransientAnalysis of Two-Phase M/HK/1 Queueing System with server start-up, N-Policy, Unreliable Server and Balking”. An International MultidisciplinaryResearch Journal, 5: 6, 75-86, June.ISSN: 2249-7137, Impact Factor: SJIF2013=5.099.

Shaik Ameer, K.Chandan and N.Srinivasa Rao. 2015. “EnvironmentalAwareness in Andhra Pradesh A Case Study of Guntur and Vijayawada

Cities”. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Advanced ResearchTrends, June, 2: 5, 19-32. ISSN 2349-7408.

Ramamohan, Ch., Anjaneyulu, G. V. S. R. and Suresh Kumar, P. 2014.“ Estimation of Scale Parameter (Ó) when Shape Parameter (Â) is KnownIn Log Logistic Distribution Using Minimum Spacing Square DistanceEstimation Method from an Optimally Constructed Grouped Sample”.Proceedings Volume of International Conference on Recent Advances inStatistics and their Applications, Dr. B.A.M University, Aurangabad,Maharashtra, 81-88, ISBN:978-1-312-60946-4, 2014.

G.V.S.R. Anjaneyulu and K V N K Prasad. 2014. (i) “A ComparativeAnalysis of Random Forest & Neural Networks for Response Modeling”.International Journal of Statistics and Analysis, 4: 3, 323-335. ISSN: 2248-9959.

(ii) 2014. “Applications of Neural Networks for Decision Making inMarketing”. International Journal of Marketing, Financial Services &Management Research, 3: 10, 114-123.

(iii) 2015. “A Comparative Analysis of Support Vector Machines & LogisticRegression for Propensity Based Response Modeling”. InternationalJournal of Business Analytics and Intelligence, 3:1, 7-16, February.

(iv) 2015. “Application of Generalized Additive Logistic Model for TargetedMarketing”. International Journal of Statistics and Analysis (IJSA), vol.issue, 0-0 March.

Gasper Baltazary, Justine N.Mbukwa and G.V.S.R. Anjaneyulu. 2015.“Total Quality Management (TQM) and Six-Sigma (6ó): Toolsw forImproving Productivity in Organisation”. Contemporary Research in India,(multi-Disciplinary International Journal) 50-55, February. ISSN-2231-2137.

DEPARTMENT OF TELUGUProf. P. Varaprasada Murthy: Edited Sanskrit Text Book on Viswabharathi– I for the second language Sanskrit under U.G. Common Core CBCS tocome into force from the academic year 2015-16. Norwan Publication,Hyderabad.

Prof. G.Y.Prabhavathi Devi. (i) 2015. “Mahabharatamlo Viduraneethi”.ANU Journal of Humanities, 5: 1&2, 140 -152. June-December. ISSN:0975-9557.

(ii) 2015. “Potana Bhagavatandhramuvada Vaikhari”. Atma Jyothi, 12:6,102-110, Chirala: Arulananda Trust, April. (RIN: New Delhi, APTEL 08725/10/12004-TC, R.C.No.C31789 / 2004).

(iii) 2015. “Uttara Ramayanamu – Paparaju Kavitwamuseelana”. AtmaJyothi, 12: 7, 96 -100, May, Chirala: Arulananda Trust.

(iv) 2015. “Kavitraya Bharatam – Asramavasaparva Vaisishtyam”. AtmaJyothi, 12: 8, 101 – 108, June, Chirala: Arulananda Trust.

DEPARTMENT OF TOURISM & HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENTDr. P.Purnachandra Rao, and G.Ramakrishna. 2015. (i) “Importance ofFive Year Plans & Industrial Policies for the Development of Small ScaleIndustries”. International Journal of Research in Commerce, Economics& Management (IJRCM), May 5: 5, 52-55. ISSN No. 2231-4245.

(ii) 2015. “Role of Banking sector in the development of Small ScaleIndustries - A case study on Krishna district, Andhra Pradesh”. InternationalJournal of Economics, Commerce and Research (IJECR), May, 5: 2, 25-32. (ISSN (P): 2250-0006; ISSN (E): 2319-4472)

DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGYM. Hanumantha Raju, N. Ganesh, P.V.V. Satish, P. Brahmam, N. SreeRekha and K. Sunita. 2015. ”Malaria prevalence and analysis ofsociodemographic factors related to malaria in agency mandals, EastGodavari, Andhra Pradesh, India”. Biolife, 3:2, 404-414.

K. Somaiah, P.V.V. Satish and K. Sunita. 2015. ”Assessment of survivaland behavioural changes in freshwater fish Labeo rohita exposed tochloroacetanilide herbicide, Butachor”. Pollution Research, 34:1, 139-146.

Somaiah K., Satish V.V. Pothula, Baratha Jyothi N. and Sunita K.2015. ”Acute toxicity of Phenthoate (50% EC) on survival and behaviouralpattern of freshwater fish Labeo rohita (Hamilton, 1822)”. InternationalJournal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies, 2:6, 38-42.

K. Somaiah, P.V.V. Satish, K. Sunita and N. Baratha Jyothi. 2015.“Studies on the biochemical responses in the tissues of freshwater fish

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Labeo rohita exposed to the organophosphate, Phenthoate”. InternationalJournal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research, 32:2, 108-115.

Bujjamma, P., P. Padmavathi and K. Veeraiah. 2015. “Incidence ofSalmonella species in fish and shellfish of Guntur domestic fish market,Andhra Pradesh, India”. Int. J. Curr. Res. Acad. Rev., 3: 5, 177-185.(IF:1.215).

Bujjamma, P. and P. Padmavathi. 2015. “Prevalence of Staphylococcusaureus in fish samples of local domestic fish market”. Int. J.Curr. Microbiol.& Appl. Sci., 4: 5,427-433. (IF: 2.015).

ANU COLLEGE OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION & SPORTS SCIENCESDr. P. Johnson. 2015. “Effect of maximal and sub maximal resistancetraining on selected strength parameters among volleyball players”.International Journal of Health, Physical Education & Computer Sciencein Sports, 28:2, 5-6. ISSN 2231-3265. Impact Factor 1.937.

ANU COLLEGE OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCESA.Prameelarani. 2015. (i) “Design and Characterization of matrix tabletsof emitricitabine by using natural polymers for controlled release” Journalof Global Trends in Pharmaceutical Sciences, 5:4, 2283 – 2291.

(ii) 2015. “Design and characterization of matrix tablets of lamivudine byusing natural polymers for controlled release”. Research Journal ofPharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences. 5:6, 1606-1616.

Dr.P.Rohini. 2015. (i)”Naproxen Dissolution Improvement by Preparationof Solid Dispersions with Cyclodextrin Complex’s”. European Journal ofBiomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences (EJBPS),2:3, 1237-1258.ISSN:2349-8870. SJIF. Impact Factor 2.062

(ii). 2015. “Studies on Dissolution rate Enhancement of Etodolac in SolidDispersions by Beta Cyclodextrin Complexes”. International Journal ofMedical Sciences and Clinical Invention (IJMSCI), 2:6, 1046-1074. ISSN2348-991X. Theijsshi. Impact Factor 2.056

K.Phani Kumar. 2015. “Nephroprotective activity of Cissampelos pareiraLinn.Extract against cisplatin induced nephrotoxic rats”. American Journalof Pharmtech Research , 5:3, 481-488.

Sk. Mastanamma 2015. (i) “UV-Spectrophotometric determination ofOfloxacin in bulk and pharmaceutical dosage form using hydrotropicSolubilization technique”. American Journal of Pharmatech Reserch,5:2,268-78. ISSN: 2249-3387.

(ii) 2015. “UV-Spectrophotometric determination of Tinidazole in bulk andpharmaceutical dosage form using hydrotropic Solubilization technique”.International Journal of Research and Development in Pharmacy and LifeSciences, 4:3, 1582-1589. ISSN (E): 2278-0238.

(iii) 2015. “UV-Spectrophotometric determination of piroxicam in bulk andpharmaceutical dosage form using hydrotropic Solubilization technique”.International Journal of Biological & Pharmaceutical Research, 6:4,273-278.

(iv) 2015. “Development and validation of a Dual wavelength UVspectrophotometric method for simultaneous estimation of lamivudine andtenofovir disproxil fumarate in bulk and their combined tablet dosage form”.Inventi Rapid: Pharm Analysis & Quality Assurance, 2, 1-6. ISSN 0976-3813.

(v) 2015. “UV-Spectrophotometric determination of Daurnavir in bulk andpharmaceutical dosage form using hydrotropic solubilization technique (8murea)”. American Journal of Pharmatech Reserch, 5:2, 574-583. ISSN:2249-3387.

(vi) 2015. “Designing of forced degradation studies and development ofvalidated stability indicating method for simultaneous estimation ofDesloratadine and Montelukast odium in their formulation”. ScholarsResearch Library Der Pharmacia Lettre, 7:3, 39-47. ISSN 0975-5071.

(vii) 2015. “UV-Spectrophotometric determination of Ofloxacin in bulk andpharmaceutical dosage form using hydrotropic solubilization technique (1m piperazine) “. International Journal of Pharmacy & Technology (IJPT),6:4, 7658-7668. ISSN: 0975-766X.

(viii) 2015. “UV-Spectrophotometric determination of Tinidazole in bulk andpharmaceutical dosage form using hydrotropic solubilization technique”.International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Chemical Sciences (IJPCS),4:2, 209-215. ISSN: 2277-5005.

(ix) 2015. “Simultaneous equation method and absorption correctionmethod for the estimation of Perindopril erbumine and Amlodipine besylatein bulk and in combined tablet dosage form using uv spectophotometry “.International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research(IJPSR),6:6, 2484-2490. P-ISSN: 2320-5148.

(x) 2015. “New validated RP-HPLC method for the determination ofBosentan in bulk and dosage form “. Research J. Pharm. and Tech, 8:5,549-53. ISSN 0974-3618.

(xi) 2015.”Method Development and Validation of Forced DegradationStudies of Montelukast Sodium by Using UV Spectroscopy”. AmericanJournal of Pharmatech Research,. 5:3, 358-66. ISSN: 2249-3387.

(xii) 2015. “Designing of Force Degradative Studies and Development ofValidated Stability Indicating UV Spectrophotometric Assay Method for theEstimation of Isosorbide Dinitrate in Tablet Dosage form”. American Journalof Pharmatech Research, 5:3, 393-404. ISSN:2249-3387.

Raghuveer P. 2015. “Dissolution Rate Enhancement of a Poorly SolubleDrug Amlodipine Besylate Using Liquisolid Compaction Method”. IndoAmerican Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 5:6, 2326-2324. ISSN:2231-6876.

R. Ch. Sekhara Reddy D. 2015. “Nephroprotective activity of Cissampelospareira Linn.Extract against cisplatin induced nephrotoxic rats”. AmericanJournal of Pharmtech Research, 5:3, 481-488.


Sekhar M, Chaturvedi T, Prof. P.Siddaiah. 2015. “UWB Antenna for KA-BAND” Global Journal of Advanced Engineering Technologies, 4:1. ISSN:2277-6370 (Online).

Sekhar M, Chaturvedi T, Prof. P.Siddaiah. 2015. “Quad Band TriangularRing Slot Antenna”. International Journal of Scientific & EngineeringResearch, 6:4, 1637, April. ISSN 2229-5518.

K. Suresh, Prof. P. Siddaiah. 2015. “Design of Ku-Band HexagonalMicrostrip Patch Antenna With Linear And Circular Polarizations”.International Journal of Innovative Research In Electrical, Electronics,Instrumentation and Control Engineering, 3:4, April. ISSN (Online) 2321-2004. DOI 10.17148/IJIREEICE. 2015.3426.

Avinash S.D.V.N, Bhagyasri N, Dileep P, Nikhitha P, Phaneendra K,Sruthi B, Anusha L.V.S and Prof. P. Siddaiah. 2015. “Performance ofCircular Patch Antenna for Different Substrate Materials using HFSS”.International Journal of Innovative Research In Electrical, Electronics,Instrumentation and Control Engineering (IJIREEICE), 3:7, July. ISSN(Online) 2321-2004, DOI 10.17148/IJIREEICE.2015.3710.

Y. Laxmi Lavanya, Prof. P. Siddaiah. 2015. “Circularly Polarized DualFrequency Hexagonal Microstrip Patch Antenna for X-band Applications”.International Journal of Innovative Research In Electrical, Electronics,Instrumentation and Control Engineering, 3:7, July. ISSN (Online) 2321-2004. DOI 10.17148/IJIREEICE. 2015.3726.

Department of EnglishDr. Ch. Radhika. 2015. (i) “Quest for Identity in Shashi Deshpande’s ThatLong Silence.” A Memento of Feminist Minds. Ed. Dr. Adi Ramesh Babu.New Delhi: Authors Press. 121-129. ISBN: 978-93-5207-036-7.

(ii). 2015. “Thematic Analysis of Arun Joshi’s The Apprentice”. SymphonyContemporary Writing in English. Ed. Sonal Srivastav. YKing Books. Jaipur.156-163. ISBN: 978-93-82532-80-4.

OBITUARYDr. Appala Naidu, Dept. of International Business

Studies, passed away on 14-5-2015. The universityconveyed deep condolences to the bereaved family.

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125th Birthday Celebrations of Dr. B.R. Ambedkarwas organized on 14-4-2015 in ANU by Dr. AmbedkarChair in association with Dr. Ambedkar Foundation, NewDelhi, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Govt.of India. Dr. Ambedkar’s statue located in the Campuswas garlanded by the Vice- Chancellor, Rector, Registrar,Principals, Staff, Research Scholars and Students.‘Gnana Bodhi’ Ingilala Ramachandraiah, founder,Ambedkar Dharma Samithi, Nellore, delivered the Dr.Ambedkar Memorial Lecture organized on theoccasion.Vice-Chancellor Prof. K.V. Rao, Rector Prof.K.R.S. Sambasiva Rao, Registrar Prof. P. Rajasekhar,and Dr. S. Murali Mohan Co-ordinator, Dr. AmbedkarChair, spoke on the occasion.


the pioneer of social movements in modern India and saidthat Phule fought against caste discrimination and socialinequality. Prof. Noorbasha Abdul, Director of the Centre,and the Vice-Chancellor Prof. K.Viyyanna Rao, addressedthe gathering.

Teachers, Research Scholars and Students participated inthis event.

189th Birth Anniversary of Phule

The Dept. of Statistics celebrated theNational Statistics Day on 29-6-2015– commemorating the birthanniversary of the Father of IndianStatistics P. C. Mahalonobis, in theDepartment of Statistics, ANU. Prof.K. R. S. Sambasiva Rao, Vice-Chancellor (I/C), ANU, was the ChiefGuest of the occasion. All the

Mahatma Jothirao Phule StudyCentre organized a lecture on the eve ofthe 189th birth Anniversary of MahatmaPhule on April 11, 2015. Prof. A.Satyanarayana, Professor of History,Osmania University, described Phule as

107th Birth Anniversary of Jagjivan Ram

President of India for the upliftment of the downtrodden.The Vice-Chancellor Prof. K. Viyyanna Rao presided overthe meeting attended by the Rector, the Registrar, facultyand students.

The university celebrated Babu JagjivanRam’s 107th birth anniversary in abefitting manner on 5-4-2015. Poet Dr.D. Venkateswara Rao, Dept. of Telugu,University of Hyderabad was the ChiefGuest for the meeting. He spoke ofthe untiring efforts of the former Vice-

Buddha PoornimaCentre for Mahayana Buddhist Studies, ANU, celebratedBuddha Poornima on 3-5-2015 in the campus. The Directorof the Centre Prof. K. Seetharamamma said that the dayis held sacred by Buddhists all over the world. Faculty,research scholars and students participated in thecelebrations.

World Handball DayWorld Handball Day was celebrated in the University Collegeof Physical Education & Sports Sciences on 23rd June 2015.Sri Devender, Sports Authority of India Hockey Coach,Hyderabad, addressed the students in the campus.


As per the directions of the NSS Regional Centre,Hyderabad, the NSS Office, ANU celebrated theInternational Day of Yoga on 21-6-2015. Various eventslike Essay Writing Competition, Yogasanas, Massdemonstration of Yoga and a lecture were organized inthis connection on 21-6-2015 for Six Campus Colleges ofANU.

Prof. K.R.S. Sambasiva Rao, Vice-Chancellor (I/c),Prof. P. Rajasekhar, Registrar and Dr. K. Madhu Babu,NSS Programme Coordinator, ANU, and others werepresent.

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The Principal Secretary of Andhra PradeshDepartment of Higher Education, Smt. Sumita Dawravisited the university on 15-4-2015. In the meetingarranged, she interacted with the Vice-Chancellor Prof. K.Viyyanna Rao, the Rector, the Registrar, the OSD, thePrincipals of ANU Colleges and the Coordinators of differentdepartments. She sought information on several issuessuch as courses, employment opportunities, researchcentres, research projects etc. She suggested that theuniversity should contribute to the building of the newcapital city in Andhra Pradesh.

The newly appointed Vice-Chancellor of VikramaSimhapuri University, Nellore, Prof. V. Veeraiah visited ANUon 11-4-2015. ANU Vice-Chancellor Prof. K. V. Rao andother officials felicitated him.

Dr. A.S. Ramakrishna, MLC, visitedAcharya Nagarjuna University onApril 1, 2015. He interacted with theVice-Chancellor and other faculty andwas later felicitated.

INCUBATION CENTRESANU is making arrangements to establish Incubation

Centres soon in order to make the University technology-enabled. Vice-Chancellor I/c Prof. K.R.S. Sambasiva Raoannounced that the Incubation Centres would be startedin Pharmacy and Engineering Colleges by invitingmultinational companies to set up regional centres in thecampus. This would enable ANU students to acquire thenecessary training for employment.

MEMORANDA OF UNDERSTANDINGAcharya Nagarjuna University entered into MoUs with

the following institutions during the period January – June2015, for academic and research collaboration.1. Mobile Tutor Private Limited. Annanagar, Chennai.2. ICAR, Indian Institute of Oil Palm Research, Pedavegi,

West Godavari (Dt), A.P.3. Bharatiya Samskruti Ayurveda Vikasa Parishad

(BSAVP), Guntur.4. ITC Ltd., Business Division-ILTD Huccumpet (P.O),

Rajahmundry (A.P), India.5. Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Rajahmundry.6. JANDLUGOSZ University in Czestochowa, Poland.7. International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid

Tropics (ICRISAT)8. Excorp Biologicals, US and India.9. Amar Immunodiagnostics PVT.Ltd., Hyderabad10. Sandor Proteomics Ltd., Hyderabad, and11. SK Provital Foods Pvt. Ltd., Vijayawada12. Defence, Metallurgical Research Laboratory (DMRL),

Hyderabad13. M/s Nuziveedu Seeds Ltd., Hyderabad14. Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Advanced Studies

(JNIAS), Hyderabad.15. Gujarat Energy Research and Management Institute

(GERMI), Gandhinagar, Gujarat.16. M/s. Matrix Sea Foods (India Private Limited,

Hyderabad.17. Dr. Y.S.R. Horticulture University, Venkataramanna

gudem, Rajahamundry.18. Synthochirals Excorp Biological India for Collaboration

of Industry – Academic Interaction, Hyderabad19. Niche – In Centre for Regenerative Medicine (a

Research Institute), Chennai, Tamilnadu20. The Eastern Africa Statistical Training Centre,

Tanzania.21. Mzumbe University, Tanzania22. Aksum University, Ethiopia, North East Africa.23. Aayush NRI LEPL Health Care Pvt Ltd., Vijayawada.24. Genomix Biotech Inc (USA) and its sister concerned

Companies, Atlanta, GA.25. Zed Labs Private Limited, Guntur26. Tripura Biotech Limited, Kurnool.

Bhutan Ambassador Visits ANU

The Ambassador of Bhutan Sri Vestol Namgel visitedthe university on 8-4-2015. The NDRF personnel in theuniversity campus presented him with a Guard of Honourafter which he interacted with the Vice-Chancellor, Prof.K.V. Rao, the Rector, the Registrar, the Director ofInternational Students Cell and others.

Mr. Panigrahi, the Chief Secretary of Dr. Marri ChennaReddy Human Resources Development Organization,Hyderabad, visited ANU on 17-4-2015.


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Dr. Nagaraju Battu, Director, Centre for HRD, ANUconducted a Ten-Day workshop with the sponsorship ofICSSR, New Delhi on Research Methodology in SocialSciences for Ph.D. Research Scholars from 04 – 13 April,2015. Thirty candidates were selected out of 130applications. Ten research scholars were from AcharyaNagarjuna University and twenty research scholars werefrom other Universities.

The programme was inaugurated by the ChiefGuest Prof.K.Viyyanna Rao, Vice-Chancellor of ANU.Guests of Honour were Prof. K.R.S. Sambasiva Rao,Rector, Prof. P. Rajasekhar, Registrar, Prof. A.V. DattatreyaRao, OSD, and Prof. V. Chandrasekhara Rao, Principal.The Special Guest of the program was Prof. B. V. Sharma,Observer from ICSSR, Dept. of Anthropology, University ofHyderabad. Eminent resource persons from variousUniversities all over India delivered lectures on variousaspects of Research methodology, research designs,sampling designs, different measurement and scalingtechniques, methods of data collection, ethnographicresearch, processing and analysis of data, testing ofhypothesis , several parametric and non-parametric tests,usage of statistical tools in computer lab through SPSSsoftware, interpretation and report writing, research ethics,etc. Dr. Nagaraju Battu was the Workshop Director.

CAREER AND COUNSELING CELLA Workshop on Career Guidance

A Workshop on CareerGuidance to Financial Managementstudents was organized by the Careerand Counseling Cell on 27-4-2015.Prof. K. Viyyanna Rao, former Vice-Chancellor, ANU, was the Chief Guest,while others present include Prof. P.Rajasekhar, Registrar, ANU, Prof. V.Chandrasekhara Rao Principal, ANUCollege of Arts, Commerce & Law, ANU, and Dr. B.Nagaraju. Sri Kolla Purna Chandra Rao, Vice-President,Capital IQ, Hyderabad, spoke in the morning session andDr. P. V.S. Murthy, Soft Skills Trainer, Vijayawada, spokein the afternoon session.


In keeping with its emphasis on improving theinfrastructure facilities, several initiatives have been takenup in the university. Vice-Chancellor Prof. K. Viyyanna Raolaid the foundation stones for several new buildings such asTechnology Bhavan, Boy’s Hostel for Engineering Collegeand Overhead Tank on 16-4-2015. He also inaugurated ECE,EEE buildings, CC roads for Pariksha Bhavan, and Busshelters in the Engineering College as also a Seminar Hallin the Commerce Department, Reading Rooms in the Hostels,and the university Main Gate.


The Career and Counseling Cell organized a Workshopon Career in Architecture for Architecture students on 25-4-2015. Prof. K.R.S. Sambasiva Rao, Vice-Chancellor I/C, ANU, was the Chief Guest while Prof. Raja Sekhar. P,Registrar, ANU, Prof. G. Babu Rao, Principal, UniversityCollege of Architecture & Planning, ANU, were the Guestsof Honour. Mr. Sridhar, Chief Architect Team-I, Hyderabadand Prof. Kolatkar, Dept. of Architecture, Pune University,were the resource persons.

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Dr. G. Sivaprasad, Md.Zubair Ahmad, and Prof. K. Venkata Rao:Presented a paper on “User Awareness and use of INFLIBNETShodhganga Digital Repository in Engineering colleges in GunturDistrict: A survey” at the 2nd International Conference on InnovationDriven Librarianship: Creating Future Landscape for the NewGeneration Libraries and LIS Professionals, organized by SRMUniversity, Chennai, during 11-13, June 2015.

DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY & MICROBIOLOGYDr. Amrutha V. A.: (i) Gave a talk on “Endophytic Microorganism -An Approach towards Agricultural and Biomedical Application “ at the21st Century National Seminar on Emerging Research Trends in PlantSciences, organized by Department of Botany, Kakatiya University,Warangal, during 12-13, February 2015.

(ii) Gave a talk on “Bio-prospecting for Plants and their NaturalProducts” at the UGC sponsored National Seminar on Recent Trendsin Synthetic Organic and Natural Product Chemistry, organized byDepartment of Chemistry, Krishna University , Machilipatnam, during20-21, February 2015.

(iii) Gave a talk on “Biotechnological Intervention of Microorganismsfor Sustainable Agriculture” at the National Seminar on Recent Trendsin Plant Sciences, organized by Department of Botany, AU College ofScience and Technology Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, during26-27, February 2015.

The following papers were presented at the National Seminar onRecent Trends in Plant Sciences, organized by Department of Botany,AU College of Science and Technology, Andhra University,Visakhapatnam, during 26-27, February 2015.

N. Pradeep Kumar and Amrutha V. A.: “Isolation and screening ofmultiple potential plant growth promoting activities of Pseudomonasplecoglossicida AVP 2”.

P.Hari Brahma Reddy and Amrutha V. A.: “Phyto chemical screeningof important secondary metabolites”.

Pallavi R. and Amrutha V. A.: “Exploring the Novel bioactive productsof Marine bacteria-Childhood cancer treatment”.

G.N.R.Supriya and Amrutha V. A.: “Exploitation of Agricultural wastesfor an antileukemic agent production using Pencillium capsulatumAVNR 5”.

Sairam M and Amrutha V. A.: “Novel bacterial fluorescent pigmentand its antibiotic efficacy”.

Amrutha V. A. and Chandini S Syed: “Isolation and screening ofprotease producers from marine sediments of Bapatla, Guntur Dt.”.

G.N.R.Supriya and Amrutha V. A.: “Utilization of agro industrialwastes in solid state fermentation process for the production of ananti neoplastic enzyme by Aspergillus flavus AVNR 3 an endophyticfungi” at the National Seminar on 21st Century Emerging ResearchTrends in Plant Sciences, organized by Department of Botany,Kakatiya University, Warangal, during 12-13, February 2015.

G.N.R.Supriya and Amrutha V. A.: Presented a paper on “Hiddenstore hours of Pharmaceutical important compounds” at the Nationalseminar on National Challenges for Psychosomatic Stressed Women,organized by Department of Food and Nutrition, ANU, during 4-5,February 2015.

Sudhir A.: (i) Attended a National Workshop on “Research and DataAnalysis (SPSS)” sponsored by UGC-SERO, organized by Departmentof Commerce, Andhra Christian College, Guntur, during 22-23,January 2015.(ii) Attended a National Workshop on “Microbial Systematics : Soil tosequences”, organized by Microbial Type Culture Collection and Gene

bank (MTCC),CSIR-Institute of Microbial Technology, Chandigarh,during 2-12, March 2015. (MTTC Training Programme)G.Naga Rathna Supriya: Attended a National Workshop on “Researchand Data Analysis (SPSS)” sponsored by UGC-SERO, organized byDepartment of Commerce, Andhra Christian College, Guntur, during22-23, January 2015.K. Ammani: Delivered a lecture on “Recent advances and currenttrends in Booming Biotechnology” at the National Seminar onEmerging Trends in Biotechnology, organized by PG Department ofMontessori Mahila Kalasala, Vijayawada, on 4th April 2015.

DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE & BUSINESS ADMINISTRATIONProf. K. Viyyanna Rao: Attended ICSSR sponsored Workshop onResearch Methodology organized by Centre for HRD, ANU, on 4th

April 2015.Prof. Noor Basha Abdul: Participated in the Workshop on“Establishment of Smart Campuses”, organized by Department ofHigher Education, Govt. of Andhra Pradesh in association with A.N.U.on 29-04-2015.Prof. G.V.Chalam: Presented the following papers at the NationalSeminar on Rural Marketing and Rural Consumerism – Road MapTowards Sustainable Rural India, organized by Dept. of ManagementStudies, TJPS College (PG), Guntur, on 24th April, 2015.(i) “Strategies for Capture of Rural Markets” at the(ii) Presented a paper on “Impact of Culture on Rural ConsumerBehavior – A Conceptual Framework”.(iii) Presented a Paper on “ Empowerment of Women Entrepreneursthrough Self Help Groups – A Conceptual framework” at the NationalSeminar on Women – The Emerging Power in 21st Century, organizedby Aurora’s Post Graduate College, Hyderabad on 8th May 2015.(iv) Delivered a Lecture as Resource Person on 5th April, 2015 in TenDay Workshop on “Research Methodology Course in Social Sciencesfor Ph.D Research Scholars” organized by Centre for Human ResourceDevelopment, ANU, during 4-13, April, 2015.

DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICSProf. M. Koteswara Rao: (i) Participated in the Workshop on “ChoiceBased Credit System in U.G. courses” organized by Dean, CDC, SriVenkateswara University, Tirupati on 27-4-2015.(ii) Participated in the Workshop on “Choice Based Credit System inUG Courses” such as B.Com., B.Sc., B.A. courses organized by Dean,CDC, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati on 03-6-2015.

DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION The following papers were presented at UGC Sponsored NationalSeminar on Teachers Role in Quality Enhancement, organized by A.L. College of Education, Guntur, during 15-17, April 2015.Dr. I. Victoria Susan: Delivered a Plenary Address on “TeacherPerformance”. and also chaired a session.Dr. I. Victoria Susan and Wesley: “Role of Teacher in EnhancingLearning Achievement of Child”.Dr. I. Victoria Susan and Y. Raju: “Promoting Pro-EnvironmentalBehaviour”.Dr. I. Victoria Susan and Christu Ratnam: “Improving Teacher Qualityfacing Global Challenges”.

DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISHDr. M. Suresh Kumar: Gave Invited talk on “Life Skills and the Role ofthe Teachers” at Kendriya Vidyalaya Sanghatan, Vijayawada on 24-5-2015.(ii) Presented a paper on “Translation of Nose Stud – A Study” NationalWorkshop on Dhvanyaloka, organized by Central Institute of IndianLanguages, Mysore, during 28-29, June 2015.

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DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGYProf. P. Sankara Pitchaiah: Gave a lecture on “Motivation for YoungFaculty”, organized by RVR Engineering College, Guntur, on 02-05-2015.

DEPARTMENT OF HINDIDr. K. Sri Krishna: Presented a paper on “Chavadi Aur BhavvadiKavita Mein Bimb-Vidhan” at the Bharateeya Sahitya Ka TulanatmakAdhyayan, organized by D.B.H.P Sabha, Madras, during 10-11, April2015.

DEPARTMENT OF JOURNALISM & MASS COMMUNICATIONDr.G.Anita. (i) Presented a paper on “ICTs and agriculture: A study ofimpact on farmers in Guntur district of Andhra Pradesh” at the 38th

Indian Social Science Congress: Knowledge Systems, ScientificTemperament and the Indian People, organized by Indian Academyof Social Sciences and Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, duringMarch 29-April 02, 2015.Dr. J. Madhu Babu. Attended a Workshop on “Establishment of SmartCampuses”, organized by Department of Higher Education, Govt. ofAndhra Pradesh in association with ANU on 29-04-2015.

DEPARTMENT OF MHRMDr. B. Naga Raju. Participated in the Workshop on “Establishment ofSmart Campuses”, organized by the Department of Higher Education,Government of Andhra Pradesh in association with ANU, on 29th April,2015.

DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICSThe following papers were presented at 6th Indian Youth ScienceCongress, organized by ANU, during 19-21, January 2015.M. Subba Rao, V. Madhuri, K. Satyavathi, Y. Nagabhaskara Rao,and Sandhya Cole: “Synthesis and characterization of ManganeseOxide doped Zinc-Phosphate Zinc Oxide Nanocrystalline powder”.N. Rajya Lakshmi, V. Madhuri, K. Satyavathi and Sandhya Cole:“Influence of Molybdenum ions on spectroscopic propertices ofOxyfluoride Glasses”.The following papers were presented at National Seminar on MultiFunctional Materials Synthesis and Application, organized by theHindu College, Machilipatnam, during 23-24, January 2015.M. Subba Rao, K. Satyavathi, Y. Nagabhaskara Rao, V. Madhuriand Sandhya Cole: “Synthesis and Characterization of Chromiumions Doped Zinc-Phosphate Zinc Oxide Nanocrystalline powder”.V. Madhuri, K. Satyavathi, P. Sailaja and Sandhya Cole: “XRD andOptical propertices of Iron ions in Sodium Lead Alumino Borate GlassSystem”.

V. Madhuri, K. Satyavathi and Sandhya Cole: Presented a paperon “Physical Stress among working women” National Seminar onNutritional Challenges for Psychosomatic Stressed Women, organizedby the Dept. of Food & Nutritional Sciences, ANU, during 4-5,February,2015.

Bhushan Kumar. L, Mary Theresa M. Nirmal Rajeev. Y and SandhyaCole: Presented a paper on “Spectral and Optical, propertices ofpure and rare earth doped Nonlinear optical (NLO) active singlecrystal of Manganese Mercury Thiocyanate Bio- Dimethyl Sulfoxide”at the National Conference on Emerging Frontiers of MaterialsScience, organized by the Dept. of Physics, Maris Stella College,Vijayawada, during 12-13 February, 2015.

Bhushan Kumar. L Sandhya Cole: Attended National Conferenceon “Recent Trends in Synthetic Organic & Natural Product Chemistry(RTSONPC-2015)”, organized by the Dept. of Chemistry, NobleCollege (A), Machilipatnam, during 20-21, February 2015.

Sk.Muntaz Begum, M.C.Rao and R.V.S.S.N.Ravikumar: Presenteda paper on “Effect of Transition Metal (TM) ions on PVA Capped ZnSeNanoparticles” at the Fourth International Conference on NaturalPolymers and Biomaterials, organized by Mahatma Gandhi University,Kottayam, Kerala, during 10-12, April 2015.

DEPARTMENT OF RURAL DEVELOPMENTDr.K.Somasekhar. Presented a paper on “Right of Children toEducation – A Study on Local Governments Role in Guntur District ofAndhra Pradesh” at the International Conference on Local Governmentand Right Based Development, organized by Local Self-Governmentof Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, during 15-17, May 2015.

DEPARTMENT OF SOCIOLOGY & SOCIAL WORKDr.Saraswati Raju Iyer: Gave a lecture on “Fundamental Skills onCounselling”, organized by Sarvajana Sneha Charitable Trust (S.S.C.T.) at St. Ann’s Health Centre Campus, Vijayawada on 13-06-2015.

DEPARTMENT OF STATISTICSThe following lectures were delivered at the ICSSR Workshop onResearch Methodology in Social Sciences for Ph.D. ResearchScholars, organized by Department of Human Resource Management,ANU, during 04-13, April 2015.Prof.K.Chandan: (i) Delivered a lecture on “Research Methodology”.Prof. A.Vasudeva Rao. (i) Delivered lectures on “Regression Analysis”.(ii) “Factor Analysis”.Prof.K.Chandan: Delivered a lecture on “Social Development”organized by National Social Survey Organization (Field OperationsDivision) at Vijayawada on 29th June 2015 .Prof. K. Rosaiah. Participated in the workshop on “Establishment ofSmart Campuses” held at ANU, on 29 April , 2015.

DEPARTMENT OF TELUGUProf. P. Varaprasada Murthy: (i) Delivered the valedictory addresson the “River Culture and History” as the chief guest of the valedictoryfunction of National Seminar on Rivers and Culture, organized byS.K.V.K.College, Rajahmundry and Central Institute of IndianLanguages, Mysore on 29-06-2015.

DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGYDr. P.V. Krishna. Presented a paper on “Faunal Diversity of the EelsFrom Interu Mangrove Swamp in River Krishna Estuarine Region,Andhra Pradesh” at the National Seminar on Marine Biodiversity andManagement of Coastal Ecosystems(MBMCE-2015), organized byDepartment of Marine Living Resources, Andhra University,Visakhapatnam, during 8 -9, April 2015.

ANU COLLEGE OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION & SPORTS SCIENCESDr. P. Johnson: Attended the U.G.C Sponsored National Workshopon “Framing of common core Syllabus for D.P.Ed., B.P.Ed., andM.P.Ed. Courses” in the state of Andhra Pradesh as per the guidelinesof NCTE, New Delhi, organized by Acharya Nagarjuna University,Guntur, on 20th & 21st April 2015.

ANU COLLEGE OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCESThe following faculty attended the Workshop on Fire & Safety,organized by Kings Institute of Fire & Safety Engineers in UniversityCollege of Pharmaceutical Sciences, ANU, Guntur on 2nd April, 2015.i. Prof.A.PrameelaRani, ii. Dr.D.Ravishankar Reddy, iii. Dr.K.Vijay,iv. Smt. U.Annapurna, v. Dr.P.Rohini, vi. Sri K. Phanikumarvii. Sri P.Raghuveer, viii. Smt. SK. Masthanamma,ix. Dr.P.Ravi, x. Smt. D. Madhuri,xi. Sri K. Vijayakishore,xii. Smt. K.E.Pravallika, xiii Ms. Ch. Srujani,xiv. Smt. M. GayatriRamya, xv. Sri D. Ravi Chandrasekhar Reddy,xvi. Sri G. SrikarDr.P.Rohini: Presented a Poster on “Studies on dissolution rateenhancement of Etodolac in solid dispersions by â- cyclodextrincomplex’s” at the 66th Indian Pharmaceutical Congress,with Theme-INDIA-Pharmacy of the World, during 23-25, May 2015 at HITEX,Hyderbad.


Prof. P. Sankara Pitchaiah: (i) Gave a talk on “Earthquakes”,Doordarshan, during 5 and 6, May 2015.(ii) Gave a talk on “Earthquakes”, Gemini TV, on 15-6-2015.

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Dress Making Programme for Socially Backward WomenValedictory Function


Dress Making Programme for Socially BackwardWomen was organized by Community Social Responsibilityof ANU in Nambur village for 3 months duration from 30-08-2014 to 30-11-2014 for 30 participants. The Valedictoryprogramme was conducted on 03-04-2015 at Namburu.Honorable Member of Legislative Assembly Sri DhulipalaNarendra Kumar was the Chief Guest for the programme.In his valedictory address he said that women could becomeeconomically empowered through self employment andthrough this they can also contribute to national development.Sewing machines were distributed to the trainees donatedby three great philanthropists namely Mr.Prasad from Matrix,Bommidala Krishnamurthy from Bommidala Industries andDr.D.A.R.Subramanyam from Mahatma Gandhi College.Prof.K.R.S.Sambasiva Rao, Rector of the University,Prof.P.Rajashekhar, Registrar, Mr.Prasad from Matrix,Ms.Jaishri, Teacher, Dr.Saraswati Raju Iyer, CSR,Dr.M.Venkata Ramana, Project Assistant, CSR, K.BrahmaReddy, K.Siva Nagi Reddy, former Mandal President andMr.Jayarama Reddy, Village President participated in theprogramme.

Signature Campaign to Make Zero Mortality ofChildren Under 5 Years

Coordinator of World Vision, Dr.Saraswati Raju Iyer,Coordinator, CSR, Dr.M.Venkata Ramana, Project Assistant,CSR, Teaching and Non-teaching staff and students of ANUCollege of Pharmaceutical Sciences participated in theprogramme. Mr.N.James Watt said that 4,000 deaths arereported everyday in our country due to malnutrition and50% of them are children below 5 years. The programmecame to an end is on 24-04-2015 with Prof. K.R.S.Sambasiva Rao, the In-charge Vice- Chancellor by placinghis signature on the banner. On the whole 2,500 signatureswere collected from university authorities, teaching and non-teaching staff, research scholars, students and other visitors.

Training Programme on Preparation and Preservationof Fruit Juice for Rural Women

Community Social Responsibility of ANU incollaboration with World Vision India conducted a signaturecampaign to create awareness on child mortality and toensure zero mortality of children between 0-5 years. As partof Global Week of Action (a global programme) in promotingChild Health, this programme was organized by the centreof CSR in various places in ANU campus, during 22-04-2015 to 24-04-2015. Prof.Prameela Rani, Principal of ANUCollege of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Mr.N.James Watt,Manager of World Vision, Mr.Devasahayam , Area

A Training Programme on Preparation andPreservation of Fruit Juice for Rural Women was organizedat Etukuru village, Guntur (rural), Guntur district during 28-29 April, 2015. The programme was inaugurated by theCoordinator, CSR, Dr.Saraswati Raju Iyer. The trainerMs.Bhulakshmi taught them the preparation and preservationof fruit juice such as lemon juice, grape juice, fruit salad,mixed fruit jam and badam milk. Certificates were distributedto the 40 trainees on 29-04-2015. Dr.M.Venkata Ramana,Project Assistant, CSR assisted the coordinator in makingthe programme a success.

Training Programme on Hand Embroidery for WomenBelonging to Weaker Sections

A three-month-long training programme on hand embroideryfor women belonging to weaker sections was organized atMylanagar, Mangalgiri, Guntur District from 30-04-2015 to30-07-2015. The programme was inaugurated formally byDr.Saraswati Raju Iyer, Coordinator, CSR on 30-04-2015.Dr. Dr.M.Venkata Ramana, Project Assistant, CSR, WardCounsellor, Mr.R.Sathya Narayana, Mr.Chinna Tirupathaiah,Teacher M.Padhmavathi, Headmistress, Ms.Prameela Deviand Teacher, Ms.Jaisri participated in the programme.

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At Home FunctionISC organized sports and games with the help of

University College of Physical Education and SportsSciences as a part of International Youth Festival during 5–7 April, 2015 and organized ‘At Home’ function on 9 April,2015 to make them feel at home.

CollaborationProf. K.R.S. Sambasiva Rao, Vice-Chancellor (I/C),

ANU, and Prof. I. Ngalinda, Rector, EASTC, Tanzania,signed specific Service Level Agreements (SLA) on 19-05-2015, for offering Ph.D. in Statistics with immediate effectand Ph.D. in Management, Economics and ComputerApplications in the near future. They also signed SLA foroffering Masters Programs in Management, Economics, andComputer Applications w.e.f., the Academic Year 2015-16,in EASTC campus, Tanzania.

Board of Studies Meeting

The first Board of Studies meeting of the Centre forForeign Languages (CFL) was held on 4-6-2015 to framethe syllabus of the different foreign languages, to beintroduced at various levels.

Faculty members from Central University of Englishand Foreign Languages were invited for this purpose: Themembers of the Board of Studies are as follows :

1. Communicative English : Prof. K.Ratna ShielaMani, ANU; 2. Japanese Language:Dr. Arun Sham, EFLU,Hyderabad; 3. Chinese Language: Dr. Rakesh Rajan, EFLU,Hyderabad; 4.Arabic Language: Dr. Prof. Muzafar Alam, EFLU, Hyderabad; 5. French Language:Prof. Anjali Badge, EFLU, Hyderabad; 6. GermanLanguage: Prof. Meenashi Reddy, EFLU, Hyderabad; 7.Russian Language : Prof. Ramadas Akella, EFLU,Hyderabad; 8.Spanish Language : Prof. T.Srivani, EFLU,Hyderabad; 9. Kiswahili (African Language): Mr. John Telgrey, Mzumbe University, Tanzania; 10. KoreanLanguage: Ms. Salna Sunny, EFLU, Hyderabad


Dr.Tumaini M.Katunzi, Deputy Rector, Planning,Finance and Administration, EASTC and Dr. Frank A.E.Mkumbo, Deputy Rector, Academic, Research andConsultancy, EASTC, Tanzania visited ANU during 3-5 ofJune, 2015 to finalize MBA program to be offered in EASTC,Tanzania in collaboration with ANU. They visited theDepartments of Economics, Statistics, Computer Sciences,Engineering College and Commerce and Management andinteracted with the HODs of the Departments. Theyinteracted with the faculty members and finalized the coursestructure for the MBA program on semester basis.


An MoU was signed with Eastern Africa Statistical TrainingCentre (EASTC), Tanzania, for the year 2014-2015 foroffering Ph.D. Programs.

The Department of Statistics has accepted to extendacademic collaboration to Government College for Women,Guntur, Andhra Christian College (ACC), Guntur and SriDurga Malleswara Siddhartha Mahila Kalasala, Vijayawadafrom 2014-2015.

NET COACHINGThe free coaching classes for SC, ST, BC and

Minorities students for UGC-NET examination were startedon 27-4-2015 in the university. The Coordinator is Prof.John Paul, Dept. of Geology.

UGC NET ExaminationUGC NET examination conducted by Central Board

for School Education (CBSE) was held on 28-6-2015 in 9Centres in Guntur City.

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ANUCPS celebrated 6th Annual day on April 14th, 2015.Prof K.Viyyanna Rao, the Chief Guest of the function, drewthe students’ attention to a wide variety of opportunities inthe field of Pharmacy. Dr. V. Nagalakshmi, Director, IMISPharmaceuticals Limited was the Guest of Honor.Addressing the gathering, she said that maintenance ofquality in the drug production is very essential and studentsshould develop the skills according to the changing trendsin the field of pharmacy. Prof. KRS Sambasiva Rao, Rector,ANU, Prof. P. Rajasekhar, Registrar, ANU attended thefunction. Prof. A. Prameela Rani, Principal, ANUCPSpresented the annual report. Prof. K. Jyothi Viyanna Raodistributed prizes and certificates to the winners in variousacademic and cultural competitions.

Awareness Programme on Prevention of child deathsANUCPS in collaboration with World Vision of India and

Community Social Responsibility Cell, ANU, organized anawareness programme at ANUCPS to prevent deaths ofchildren below age 5 with a notion “ Let’s become Heroesby making Child deaths Zero” on 24-4- 2015. Mr. N. JamesWatt, Manager, World Vision India, Prof. P. Rajasekhar,


Awareness Programme on English language andcommunication

An Awareness programme on English language andcommunication was held in ANUCPS by Mr.G.HanumanthaRao, Director, HANU’S Academy and EIG Gold Cup winner.He said that development of communication skills wouldhelp the students to get a wide range of job opportunitiesworldwide. Prof.A.Prameela Rani, Principal, ANUCPS, Staffand students of the college attended the programme.

Registrar, ANU, Prof. A.Prameela Rani, Principal, ANUCPS,Dr.Saraswathi Iyer, Co-Ordinator, Mr.Venkata Ramana,attended the programme.

PCI Inspection Inspectors from Pharmacy Council of India, Prof.

Prasanna Kumar and Prof. Murthy inspected ANUCPS onJune 26th, 2015. The committee members inspected all thefacilities, labs and research work being carried out in thecollege. They also interacted with the staff of the collegeand reviewed the qualifications and certificates of the staff.Later, the committee members met Prof. KRS SambasivaRao, Vice-Chancellor I/c, ANU and discussed various pointsregarding development of the college. They expressedsatisfaction on the facilities in the college and programmestaken up.


COLLEGE DAY CELEBRATIONSBiometric Machine / Student Management System

ANU College of Architecture & Planning hascelebrated College Day for the Academic Year 2014-15 withthe theme “VERVE”. It was organized by III Year studentsof 2012 batch on 25th April 2015 in ANU Campus. As part ofthe celebrations events like Outdoor and Indoor Sports,Cultural, Debates, Group discussions and on the spot eventswere conducted. The Vice-Chancellor I/C, Prof. K.R.S.Sambasiva Rao, was the Chief Guest while the other guestswere the president and the Secretary of the CoastalArchitecture Association. The college Principal Prof. BabuRao, the Registrar of ANU Prof. P. Rajasekhar and otherofficials were present.

Prof. K.R.S. Sambasiva Rao, Vice –Chancellor I/c,ANU inaugurated the Biometric machine along with theStudent Management System Software on 25th April 2015 inVice – Chancellor’s Chamber. The thumb impressions of allthe students were registered in the machine and the timingsof entering and leaving were taken. This Software enablesto send SMS to communicate to the parents information ofwhether their ward is present or absent to the College andalso any communication to the students.

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S.No. Name of the Scholar Name of the Guide Subject Date

1. Suvarna Santha Kumari Bimma Prof N Samuyelu 08-05-15 Ambedkar Chair2. D. Ch. Kataiah Prof N Samuyelu 23-05-15 Ambedkar Chair3. B. Naga Raju Dr. V. Venkata Ratnamma 01-04-15 Biochemistry4. Jaffar Shaik Dr. S. M. Khasim 15-06-15 Biochemistry5. P. P. B. S. Kumar Dr. K. Ammani 04-05-15 Biotechnology6. Md. Altaf Ahmed Dr. C.C. Patil 15-05-15 Biotechnology7. K. Rajesh Prof. R. Nagaraju 16-05-15 Biotechnology8. T. Suchitra Naidu Dr. S. Emmanuel 27-06-15 Biotechnology9. E. Chandrasekhar Dr. D. Ramesh Raju 01-05-15 Chemistry10. G.R. Satyanarayana Prof. C. Rambabu 19-05-15 Chemistry11. B. Lourdu Rani Dr. B. Hari Babu 19-05-15 Chemistry12. S. Vijaya Vardhini Prof. V. Anuradha 12-06-15 Chemistry13. V. Parvathi Dr. Y. Sunandamma 15-06-15 Chemistry14. Venu Gopala Rao Chowdary Prof. K. Viyyanna Rao 15-04-15 Commerce15. Shaik Shamshuddin Prof. T. Uma Maheswara Rao 22-04-15 Commerce16. Kethireddy Karunanidhi Prof. T. Uma Maheswara Rao 22-04-15 Commerce17. S. Ayyappa Naik Nenavath Prof. N. Vijaya Ratnam 23-05-15 Commerce18. B. Padmaja Prof. N. Vijaya Ratnam 17-06-15 Commerce19. Mallikharjuna Rao N Dr. M.M. Naidu 11-04-15 CSE20. J. Chandra Sekhar Dr. R. Sivaram Prasad 25-04-15 CSE21. Chandrasekhar Espenti Dr. R. Ramesh Raju 01-05-15 CSE22. K. Subba Rao Dr. L. S. S. Reddy 09-05-15 CSE23. B. Reddaiah Dr. R. Satya Prasad 13-05-15 CSE24. Kasukurthi Venkata Rao Prof. I. Ramesh Babu 22-05-15 CSE25. Sree Devi Marriboyina Dr. L. S. S. Reddy 23-05-15 CSE26. Shaheen Dr. R. Satya Prasad 01-06-15 CSE27. V. Goutham Dr. R. Satya Prasad 15-06-15 CSE28. Persis Voola Prof. A. Vinaya Babu 24-06-15 CSE29. A. Vijay Kumar Dr. T. V. Rajinikanth 29-06-15 CSE30. Palagulla Srinivasulu Dr. K. Madhu Babu 06-04-15 Economics31. Sarath Babu Nelapati Prof. K. Raja Babu 08-04-15 Economics32. P. Samson Dr. K. Madhu Babu 11-05-15 Economics33. Ch. Venu Babu Dr. G. Sudhakar 30-05-15 Economics34. B. Baby Rani Prof. P. Narasimha Rao 01-06-15 Economics35. Timmaraju Seetharam Dr. G. Bhuvaneswara Lakshmi 07-04-15 Education36. Pakala Naga Suresh Kumar Prof. D. Bhaskara Rao 20-05-15 Education37. Venkateswarlu Kanamarlapudi Prof. D. Bhaskara Rao 22-06-15 Education38. Krishna Lethavadla Dr. B. Satyanarayana 10-04-15 Mathematics39. Sreelatha Karanam Dr. B. Rami Reddy 11-04-15 Mathematics40. N. Koteswaramma Dr. K. Siva Prasad 15-06-15 Mathematics41. V. Sivarami Reddy Prof. V. Sambasiva Rao 29-06-15 Mathematics42. M. Rajesh Kumar Prof. M. Vijayalakshmi 04-05-15 Microbiology43. D. Padmini Venkata Ramana Dr. V. Uma Maheswara Rao 19-06-15 Microbiology44. Chandrasekhararao Baru Prof. S. Vidyadhara 06-04-15 Pharmacy45. Srinivas Ganta Prof. S. Vidyadhara 08-04-15 Pharmacy46. M. Sathish Kumar Prof. N. Rama Rao 20-06-15 Pharmacy47. P. Naga Kanyaka Devi Dr. G. Devala Rao 20-06-15 Pharmacy48. C. Venkateswara Rao Dr. K. Venkata Ramana 20-06-15 Pharmacy49. P.S. Raja Marsion Babu Dr P Johnson 29-04-15 Phy. Edu.50. S. Raju Dr. P.P.S. Paul Kumar 15-05-15 Phy. Edu.51. Ch. Raja Rao Prof. Y. Kishore 30-05-15 Phy. Edu.52. Chundu Venkata Rao Prof. Y. Kishore 09-06-15 Phy. Edu.53. Kunchala V Seshagirirao Prof. Y. Kishore 09-06-15 Phy. Edu.54. B. Gowri Sankara Rao Prof. S. Sreehari Sastry 02-04-15 Physics55. Mallika Karamcheti Prof. S. Sreehari Sastry 07-04-15 Physics56. Yogaraj Shripat Patil Dr. Poornachandra Rao 25-04-15 Physics57. J. Jayalakshmi Prof. K. Krishna Reddy 25-04-15 Physics

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58. Rajya Lakshmi Kottapalli Dr. B. Re. Victor Babu 08-05-15 Statistics59. M. Subrahmanya Ravi Kumar Dr. R.R.L. Kantam 26-06-15 Statistics60. Deevi Komala Rani Dr. N.V. Krishna Rao 06-04-15 Telugu61. K. Srilakshmi Dr. N.V. Krishna Rao 27-04-15 Telugu62. S. Jhansi Lakshmi Bai Prof. M. Satyanarayana 26-05-15 Telugu63. Kola Sekhar Dr. G. Sambasiva Rao 17-06-15 Telugu64. G. Raghava Rao Dr. N. V. Krishna Rao 27-06-15 Telugu65. A. Samba Naik Dr. M. Jagadish Naik 11-05-15 Zoology

M.Phil. Degrees awarded during 01-04- 2015 to 30-06- 2015

S.No Name Name of the Guide Subject Date1 Venkata Vasavi Pabolu Dr. Sandhya Cole Physics 06-04-20152 Prameela Rani Kotcherla Prof. K. Ravindhranath Chemistry 10-04-20153 Dola Edukondalu Dr. Allu Gowri Sankar Rao Social Work 10-04-20154 Venkateswara Rao K. Prof. C.RAMBABU Biochemistry 13-04-20155 Swathi Bikki Prof. K. Ratna Shiela Mani English 21-04-20156 Yarlagadda Bujji Babu Dr. B. Rami Reddy Mathematics 19-05-20157 Vijaya Babu Kothapalli Dr. V. Tulasi Das HRM 26-05-20158 Bhagya Lakshmi Kothuru Dr. V. Amarendra Babu Mathematics 26-06-2015


Netaji Subhas National Institute of Sports, Patiala hasallotted an extension center to ANU for the conduct of sixweeks certificate course in three games i.e., Athletics, Kho-Kho & Weightlifting in ANU campus from 14th May to 24th

June, 2015. This is the fourth time that the University hasconducted this course. Considering the Sports backgroundof the University and the available Sports Infrastructure, theNSNIS, Patiala has chosen ANU as a centre for the conductof the course.

Sports Authority of India deputed six coaches and sixinternship coaches for the conduct of this course. Fifty-eightcandidates including National & International level playersfrom all over the country participated in three disciplines i.e.,Athletics-24, Kho-Kho-18 and Weightlifting-16.

Andhra Pradesh Physical Education CommonEntrance Test (APPECET) -2015

ANU conducted the APPECET-2015 for 3968candidates. These tests were conducted from 2 to 11 June,2015 at ANU campus as per the directions of A.P. StateCouncil of Higher Education, Hyderabad. Physical Fitnesstests were conducted for about 650 candidates every dayon the playgrounds. The tests were conducted successfullyand the results were released on 19th June 2015 by Prof. L.Venugopal Reddy, Chairman, A.P. State Council of HigherEducation, Hyderabad, at ANU Campus.

Organisation of Inter-University TournamentsThe Association of Indian Universities (AIU) has

entrusted the responsibility of conducting All India Inter-University Weightlifting, Powerlifting (Men & Women) andBest Physique (Men) Tournament and South Zone Inter-University Hockey (Men) Tournaments to ANU for theacademic year 2015-16. Department of Physical Education& Sports Sciences, ANU, proposes to conduct theseTournaments as per the AIU Calendar.

Conduct of Workshop for Revision of Curriculum 2015-16As per the directions of the Secretary, A.P. State

Council of Higher Education, ANU has conducted a work-shop in three phases for preparing Regulations, Schemeand detailed syllabus for B.P.Ed., D.P.Ed. & M.P.Ed. courses.

First Phase: 20-21 April, 2015Second Phase: 28th April to 2nd May, 2015Final Phase: 26-28 June, 2015

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Programme – 1, Mega Camp – 2 and National IntegrationCamp – 1.

State Level NSS Programme Coordinator’s SteeringCommittee meeting:

Dr. K. Madhu Babu, Programme Coordinator,participated in the State level NSS Programme Coordinators’Steering Committee meeting in which were discussed issueslike the development and implementation of NSSProgrammes, Review of performance of NSS activitiestowards Regular and Special Camping Programmes,Targets & achievements held at Andhra University,Visakhapatnam (A.P.) during 11-12 June, 2015 on behalfof NSS Cell, ANU.

the President of the State Handball Association were presenton this occasion.

Conduct of Selection Trials for IndianUniversities Badminton Team & Participation ofBadminton Team in the World Universiade-2015

The Association of Indian Universities has entrustedthe responsibility of conducting the selection trials of IndianUniversities Badminton Team to Acharya NagarjunaUniversity. This is a rare opportunity given to ANU. Theseselection trials were successfully conducted on 27th & 28th

May, 2015 at Pullela Gopichand Badminton Academy,Hyderabad. Twelve Badminton players were selected andthe coaching camp was conducted at Pullela GopichandBadminton Academy, Hyderabad from 29th May to 29th June,2015.

Sri K.Ch.Punnaiah Choudary, Secretary(T), BAI,Vijayawada, Sri Pullela Gopichand, Chief NationalBadminton Coach, Sri J.Rajendra Kumar, Badminton Coachof the Academy helped in conducting the Indian UniversitiesBadminton Coaching camp. Ten Badminton Playersparticipated in the World Universiade. The expenditure ofthe coaching camp and for the participation in the WorldUniversiade-2015 was met by the respective universities.

The selection committee has nominated the followingofficials for the Badminton Team for the participation in theWorld Universiade-2015:

Dr. Y. Kishore, Acharya Nagarjuna University, as Teamofficial, Jakkampudi Rajendra Kumar, Pullela GopichandBadminton Academy, as Coach, M.Syam Babu, AndhraUniversity, as Team official.

NSS Tasks & Targets for the Year 2015-16

The State NSS Cell has envisaged the following tasksand targets for NSS Cell of Acharya Nagarjuna Universityfor the academic year 2015-16. The details includeenrollment of 25,400 volunteers, adoption of villages/slums– 250, plantation of saplings – 1,27,000, Blood donation –12,700 Units, Pulse Polio Immunization – 50,800beneficiaries, HIV/AIDS awareness – 50,000 beneficiaries,Illiteracy to Literacy – 6,000, water harvesting pits – 500and check dams – 4, Reconstruction and Repair of roads –75 Km, Advisory Committee meeting – 1, ProgrammeOfficers meetings – 2, Training of Programme Officers inOrientation Programme – 2, Youth Leadership Training

Department of Physical Education & SportsSciences, ANU, invited experts in the field of PhysicalEducation from all the Universities in Andhra Pradesh andfinalized the Regulations, Scheme and detailed syllabus forB.P.Ed., D.P.Ed. & M.P.Ed., courses as per revised NCTEguidelines and submitted the same to the AP State Councilof Higher Education, Hyderabad.

Annual College Day-Cum-Sports DayUniversity College of Physical Education & Sports SciencesAnnual College Day-Cum-Sports Day celebrations wereconducted on 2-4-2015. Prizes and merit certificates weredistributed to the students on this occasion by Prof. KRSSambasiva Rao, In-charge Vice-Chancellor, ANU.

State Handball officiating ExaminationANU conducted State Handball officiating examination inthe ANU Campus on 4th & 5th April 2015 for the benefit ofB.P.Ed. students. Nearly 20 students qualified in theexamination. The State Handball Association issued officialcertificates to all the students who qualified. Secretary and


Inter Circle Athletic ChampionshipsAPTRANSCO Sports Council, Hyderabad, conducted Inter-Circle Athletic Championships, Ball Badminton

& Kabaddi Tournaments on the University campus from 28 – 30 April, 2015. 19 teams from nearby districtsparticipated in these tournaments. M.P.Ed. students of the university college also participated.

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(Except MBA, MCA & M.Tech. (Bio-Tech.) 2015-16

01 Reopening of the University College/ANU Ongole Campus and Affiliated Colleges 22-06-201502 Commencement of classes for I & III semester PG students 22-06-2015

(except MBA, MCA & M.Tech. (Bio-Tech.)03 Closure of admission for various courses To be decided later04 Last date for submission of Master list of newly admitted 1st semester students of Within one month from

2015-16 as per the proforma prescribed by the University the last date of admissions

05 Conduct of 1st Internal Exams for I & III Semester 3rd week of August 201506 Last date for payment of fees and submission of examination applications for 12-10-2015

I Semester& III Semester to the Colleges/Depts.07 Last date for submission of galleys for 3rd Semester & 1st Semester 15-10-201508 Conduct of 2nd Internal Exams for I & III Semesters 2nd week of October 2015

09 Closure of instruction for 3rd and 1st Semester Classes 17-10-201510 DASARA Break 19-10-2015 to 24-10-2015

11 Commencement of III Semester PG Examinations 13-11-201512 Commencement of I Semester P.G. Examinations 14-11-201513 Practical Examinations for 3rd and 1st Semesters students (wherever applicable)

Within 10 days aftercompletion of Theory Exams

14 Commencement of classes for 4th Semester & 2nd Semester students 09-11-2015

15 CHRISTMAS Break 23-12-2015 to 26-12-2015

16 PONGAL Break 12-01-2016 to 16-01-2016

17 Conduct of 1st Internal Exams for II & IV Semesters 3rd week of January, 2016

18 Conduct of 2nd Internal Exams for II & IV Semesters 1st week of March, 201

19 Payment of examination fee and submission of application forms for 4th 09-03-2016

and 2nd Semester students

20 Last date for submission of galleys for 4th Semester & 2nd Semester students to the Colleges/Depts.12-03-2016

21 Closure of instruction for 4th and 2nd Semester classes 19-03-2016

22 Completion of P.G. Practical exams for 4th and 2nd Semesters students Within 10 days aftercompletion of Theory Exams

23 Commencement of 4th Semester Examinations 29-03-201624 Commencement of 2nd Semester Examinations 30-03-201625 Summer Vacation starts from 30-04-201626 Reopening of the University College/A.N.U. Ongole Campus and Affiliated 22-06-2016

Colleges having P.G. courses for the academic year 2016-17

27 Examination timings 11.00 A.M. to 2.00 P.M



1 Reopening of Colleges 18-6-20152 Commencement of Teaching for II and III year Courses 18-6-20153 Commencement of Teaching for I year Course 13-7-20154 Last date for admissions to I year Courses 19-9-20155 Last date of Transfers

(Including students from other State Universities and the Universities within A.P in respect 19-9-2015of restructured / Vocational courses at Degree level. The last date prescribed by the

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Universities is not for submission of admission application on transfer from otherUniversities. The admission on transfer from Universities as mentioned above will notbe permitted without established equivalency of syllabi, since these course are notcovered under common core scheme. Before the last date of transfer. Equivalency ofsyllabi has to be obtained from the University. After last date no application is entertained.

6 Submission of list of transferred candidates to the A.C.E, ANU. 26-9-2015

7(a) Last date for submission of details of Optional papers offered by colleges in Third year 30-9-2015(The list may be submitted to the Coordinator, UG Exams and ACE , ANU)

(b) Submission of Staff particulars (Degree Colleges service only) for valuationspurpose to Coordinator, UG Exams, ANU (theory & Practical with cadre wise experience) 31-10-2015

8 Last date for submission of master list of newly admitted I year students of 2015-16 asper structure prescribed by University along with ICR forms to ACE, ANU 3-10-2015

9 Dasara Vacation 19-10-2015 to 24-10-201510 Dates for payment of examination fees and submission of Examination Applications 2-11-2015 to

by the students of 2015-16 to the Colleges 16-11-2015

11 Dates of submission of gallies of I, II & III years students to ACE, ANU by the Colleges. 17-11-2015 to(The Exact dates for individual Colleges will be sent by A.C.E.) 26-11-2015

12 Last date for submission of question paper account for all years to Coordinator ,UG Exams, ANU 30-11-201513 Christmas Break 23-12-2015 to 27-12-201514 Pongal Break 11-1-2016 to 16-1-2016

15 Commencement of practical Examinations for 2015-16 5-2-2016

16 Last date for instruction & Computing attendance (All the colleges are requested to send 27-2-2016the condonation particulars to the Addl. Controller of Examinations along withcondonation amount if any collected from the students.

17 Commencement of Examinations for 2015-2016 4-3-2016

18 Closure of Colleges (Last working day) 31-3-2016(Number of actual teaching days on which classes such as tutorials, Seminars and practicalsare held or conducted is not less than 180 in an academic year excluding holidays, vacation timeset apart for completing admission and time required for conduct of examinations).

19 Re-opening of colleges for the academic year 2016-17 16-6-2016


COURSES (CBCS Semester System) FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2015-‘161 Reopening of Colleges 18-6-20152 Commencement of Teaching for II and III year Courses 18-6-20153 Commencement of Teaching for I year Course (I semester) 13-7-2015

4 Last date for admissions to I year Courses (I semester) 14-8-20155 Last date of Transfers 14-8-2015

(Including students from other State Universities and the Universities within A.P in respect ofrestructured / Vocational courses at Degree level. The last date prescribed by the Universitiesis not for submission of admission application on transfer from other Universities. Theadmission on transfer from Universities as mentioned above will not be permitted withoutestablished equivalency of syllabi, since these course are not covered under common corescheme. Before the last date of transfer. Equivalency of syllabi has to be obtained from theUniversity. After last date no application is entertained.

6 Submission of list of transferred candidates to the A.C.E, ANU. 31-8-2015

7(a) Last date for submission of details of Optional papers offered by colleges in Third year(The list may be submitted to the Coordinator, UG Exams and ACE , ANU)

(b) Submission of Staff particulars (Degree Colleges service only) for valuations purpose to 03-9-2015Coordinator, UG Exams, ANU (theory & Practical with cadre wise experience) 03-10-2015

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8 Last date for submission of master list of newly admitted I year students of 2015-16 03-9-2015as per structure prescribed by University along with ICR forms to ACE, ANU

9. I Med Examination 01-09-201510 II Med Examination 15-10-201511 Last date for closing of classes for I Semester 30-10-201512 Dasara Vacation 19-10-2015 To 24-10-201513 Dates for payment of examination fees and submission of I semester Examination 03-09-2015

Applications by the students of 2015-16 to the Colleges Year wise & II Semester 02-12-201514 Dates of submission Question paper account of II semester, II & III years students 30-11-2015

to ACE, ANU by the Colleges.(The Exact dates for individual Colleges will be sent by A.C.E.)15 Last date for submission of question paper I semester 03-09-2015

account for all years to Coordinator ,UG Exams, ANU Year wise & II Semester 30-11-201516 I semester University Examinations 31-10-201517 Commencement of II Semester Class 12-11-201518 Christmas Break 23-12-2015 To 27-12-201519 I Med Semester Examinations 06-01-201620 II Med Semester Examinations 08-03-201621 Closing of Instruction for II semester class 17-03-201622 Commencement of Practical Examinations for I and II Semesters 18-03-201623 Commencement of Theory Examinations for II Semesters 28-03-201624 Summer Vacation 11-04-201625 Re-opening of colleges for the academic year 2015-16 16-06-2016

Internal Examinations of Practical papers as well as semester and practical examination of both I & II semesterswill be conducted together at the end of II semester.

MBA & MCA ACADEMIC CALENDAR - 2015-2016 ( SEMESTER SYSTEM)1 Reopening of the University college/ANU Ongole Campuses and affiliated Colleges 22-06-20152 Commencement of Classes for III and V Semester students of MCA 22-06-20153 Commencement of Classes for III Semester students of MBA 20-08-20154 Dates for payment of examination fees and submission of examination applications for 10-10-2015

the students of III and V Semesters of MCA course5 Dates for payment of examination fees and submission of examination applications 24-11-2015

for the students of III Semester of MBA course6 Last date for submission of Gallies for III and V semester students of MCA course 15-10-20157 Last date for submission of Gallies for III semester students of MBA course 01-12-20158 Closure of instruction for III and V semester students of MCA course 16-10-20159 Closure of instruction for III semester students of MBA course 10-12-201510 Dasara Holidays 19-10-2015 to 24-10-201511 Commencement of MCA III and V semester Examinations 26-10-201512 Commencement of MBA III semester Examinations 15-12-201513 Practical examinations for III and V Semester MCA students one week after

completion of Theory exams14 Commencement of classes for MCA and MBA IV semester 17-01-201615 Christmas Holidays 23-12-2015 to 26-12-201516 Pongal Holidays 12-1-2016 to 16-1-201617 Dates for payment of Fees and submission of examination applications for IV 01-04-2016

semester MBA and MCA students18 Last date for submission of Gallies for IV semester students of MCA and MBA course 05-04-201619 Closure of instruction for MCA and MBA IV semester students 15-04-201620 Commencement of MCA and MBA IV semester Examinations 20-04-201621 MCA Practical Examination for IV Semester students One week after completion

of Theory exams22 Examination Timings 11:00 am to 2:00 pm23 Summer vacation starts from 30-04-201624 Reopening of the University college/Ongole Campus/affiliated Colleges having MBA and 22-06-2016

MCA Courses for the academic year 2016-17* The schedule of MCA and MBA I semester and II semester will be decided basing upon the admission schedule given by APSCHE

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IV/IV B. PHARMACY (7TH SEMESTER)01 Commencement of Academic Session 02.07.201502 First Sessional Examinations 26.08.2015 – 29.08.201503 Dussera Holidays 19.10.2015 - 24.10.201504 Second Sessional Examinations 04.11.2015 - 07.11.201505 Closing of Class work 14.11.201506 Semester End Examinations (Theory) 25.11.2015 (Fore noon)07 Semester End Examinations (Practical) Will be commenced

immediatelyafter the Completion ofTheory exams.

08 6th Semester Supplimentary Examinations (Theory)25.11.2015 (After noon)

IV/IV B. PHARMACY (8TH SEMESTER)01 Commencement of Academic Session 09.12.201502 Pongal Holidays 11.01.2016 – 16.01.201603 First Sessional Examinations 11.02.2016 – 13.02.201604 Second Sessional Examinations 04.04.2016 – 06.04.201605 Closing of Class work 14.04.201606 Semester End Examinations (Theory) 20.04.201607 Semester End Examinations (Practical) Will be commenced

immediatelyafter the Completion ofTheory exams

08 7th Semester SupplimentaryExaminations (Theory) 20.04.2016

09 Advanced Supplimentary Examinations release of 8th semesterIn the month of June or after the results


01 Commencement of Academic Session 13.07.201502 Dussera Holidays 19.10.2015 – 24.10.201503 First Sessional Examinations 01.10.2015 – 05.10.201504 Second Sessional Examinations 02.12.2015 – 05.12.201505 Closing of Class work 10.12.201506 Semester End Examinations (Theory) 17.12.201507 Semester End Examinations (Practical) Will be commenced

immediately after theCompletion of Theory exams

08 4th Semester Supplimentary Examinations(Theory)17.12.2015

III/IV B. PHARMACY (6TH SEMESTER)01 Commencement of Academic Session 02.01.201602 Pongal Holidays 11.01.2016 – 16.01.201603 First Sessional Examinations 02.03.2016 – 05.03.201604 Second Sessional Examinations 27.04.2016 – 30.04.201605 Closing of Class work 04.05.201606 Semester End Examinations (Theory) 11.05.201607 Semester End Examinations (Practical) Will be commenced

immediatelyafter the Completion ofTheory exams

08 5th Semester Supplimentary Examinations(Theory) 11.05.2016

II/IV B. PHARMACY (3RD SEMESTER)01 Commencement of Academic Session 16.09.201502 Dussera Holidays 19.10.2015 – 24.10.201503 First Sessional Examinations 11.11.2015 – 14.11.201504 Second Sessional Examinations 06.01.2016 – 09.01.201605 Closing of Class work 20.01.201606 Semester End Examinations (Theory) 27.01.201607 Semester End Examinations (Practical) Will be commenced

immediatelyafter the Completion ofTheory exams

08 1st & 2nd Semester SupplimentaryExaminations (Theory) 27.01.2016

II/IV B. PHARMACY (4TH SEMESTER)01 Commencement of Academic Session 15.02.201602 First Sessional Examinations 06.04.2016 – 09.04.201603 Summer Vacation 16.05.2016 – 31.05.201604 College reopening after Summer Vacation 01.06.201605 Second Sessional Examinations 15.06.2016 – 18.06.201606 Closing of Class work 21.06.201607 Semester End Examinations (Theory) 24.06.201608 Semester End Examinations (Practical) Will be commenced

immediately after theCompletion of Theory exams

09 3rd Semester SupplimentaryExaminations (Theory) 24.06.2016


01 Commencement of Project Work 11.11.201502 Seminar-I (on the proposed project work with Aims and

Objectives before 09.11.2016commencement of project work)

03 Seminar-II 30.08.201604 Thesis Evaluation and Defence Viva 08.10.2016


01 Commencement of Academic Session 26.10.201502 Pongal Holidays 11.01.2016 – 16.01.201603 First Sessional Examinations 18.01.2016 – 23.01.201604 Second Sessional Examinations 18.04.2016 – 23.04.201605 Summer Vacations 01.05.2016 – 31.05.201606 College Reopening after Summer Vacation 01.06.201607 Third Sessional Examinations 08.08.2016 – 13.08.201608 Closing of Class work 20.08.201609 Annual Examinations (Theory) 31.08.201610 Annual Examinations (Practical) Will be commenced

immediatelyafter the Completion ofTheory exams

11 Supplimentary Examinations 03.02.2017

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III/VI PHARM.D01 Commencement of Academic Session 14.09.201502 First Sessional Examinations 07.12.2015 – 12.12.201503 Pongal Holidays 11.01.2016 – 16.01.201604 Second Sessional Examinations 14.03.2016 – 19.03.201605 Summer Vacations 01.05.2016 – 31.05.201606 College Reopening after Summer Vacation 01.06.201607 Third Sessional Examinations 04.07.2016 – 09.07.201608 Closing of Class work 16.07.201609 Annual Examinations (Theory) 20.07.201610 Annual Examinations (Practical) Will be commenced

immediatelyafter the Completion ofTheory exams

11 Supplimentary Examinations 04.02.2017

IV/VI PHARM.D01 Commencement of Academic Session 05.10.201502 First Sessional Examinations 04.01.2016 – 09.01.201603 Pongal Holidays 11.01.2016 – 16.01.201604 Second Sessional Examinations 04.04.2016 – 09.04.201605 Summer Vacations 01.05.2016 – 31.05.201606 College Reopening after Summer Vacation 01.06.201607 Third Sessional Examinations 01.07.2016 – 06.07.201608 Closing of Class work 13.07.201609 Annual Examinations (Theory) 24.07.2016


10 Annual Examinations (Practical) Will be commencedimmediatelyafter the Completion ofTheory exams

11 Supplimentary Examinations 03.02.2017

V/VI PHARM.D01 Commencement of Academic Session 14.09.201502 First Sessional Examinations 07.12.2015 – 12.12.201503 Pongal Holidays 11.01.2016 – 16.01.201604 Second Sessional Examinations 14.03.2016 – 19.03.201605 Third Sessional Examinations 04.07.2016 – 09.07.201606 Closing of Class work 16.07.201607 Annual Examinations (Theory) 20.07.201608 Annual Examinations (Practical) Will be commenced

immediatelyafter the Completion ofTheory exams

09 Supplimentary Examinations 04.02.2017

VI/VI PHARM.D01 Commencement of Class Work 01.10.201502 Closing of Internship (12 months duration) 30.09.2016

Resolution 2: The Academic Calendar for I/IV B. Pharmacy (1st

and 2nd Semesters), I/II M. Pharmacy (1st and 2nd Semesters) and I/VIPharm. D for the academic year 2015-2016 will be prepared later aftercompletion of admissions.



1 Commencement of Classes and Field Work 21.07.20152 Last date for payment of fees and submission of examination applications for I semester 09.11.20153 Last date for submission of Students Galley for I semester examinations 21.11.20154 Commencement of 1st Semester Theory and Practical Examinations 04.12.2015

I SEMESTER - WORKING DAYS AND HOLIDAYS Month Working Days ProgrammeJuly 2015 10 Commencement of Classes and Field work 21.07.2015August 2015 24 Classes and Field work , Independence DaySeptember 2015 22 Classes and Field work, krisnastami, Vinayakachavithi, Bakrid,October 2015 19 Classes and Field work, Gandhi Jayanthi,18th to 25th Dasara HolidaysNovember 2015 23 Classes and Field work, DepawaliDecember 02 Classes and Field work, Depawali, Last day of Instruction 02.12.2015Total Working days 100

I SEMESTER THEORY AND PRACTICAL EXAMINATION (NOVEMBER/DECEMBER) 2015Date Time Paper/Practical Subject / Activity04.12.2015 11.00 am to 2.00pm CC 101 History, Principles and foundations of Physical Education05.12.2015 -do- CC 102 Anatomy and Physiology07.12.1015 -do CC 103 Educational Technology and Methods of Teaching in Physical Education08.12.1015 -doE C 111 Communication & Soft skills

-do EC 112 Olympic Movement09.12.2015 6.30am to 5.00 pm PC 121 Track and Field (Running Events), Gymnastics/ Swimming (Any one)

(Group wise)10.12.2015 -do- PC 122 Football, Tennis, Throw ball11.12.2015 -do- PC 123 Badminton, Kho-Kho, Shooting14.12.2015 -do- PC 124 Flag Hoisting, March past, Calisthenics, Lezium,Dumb-bells,

Kolatam, Aerobics, Wands, Hoops, Pole Drill, Folk Songs & Patriotic Songs

Page 27: April-June News Letter- 2015.p65


II SEMESTER PROGRAM1 Commencement of classes and Field work for II semester 16.12.20152 Last date for payment of fees and submission of examination applications for II semester 11.04.20163 Last date for submission of galley for II semester students 19.04.20164 Commencement of Theory and Practical Examinations 04.05.2016


December-2015 11 Classes and Field work, Milladnabi, 24th to 27th Christmas breakJanuary-2016 20 Classes and Fieldwork, 13th - 17th Sankranathi Holidays, Republic DayFebruary -2016 23 Classes and Field work , MahasivaratriMarch -2016 24 Classes and Field work, Holi, Good FridayApril -2016 21 Classes and Field work, Babu Jagjeevanram Birth day, Ugadi,

Dr. Ambedkar Jayanthi, Sriramanavami,May 2016 01 Last day of instruction 02.05.2016Total Working Days 100 100


Date Time Paper/Practical Subject / Activity

04.05.2016 11.00am to 2.00pm CC-201 Kinesiology and Biomechanics05.05.2016 -do- CC-202 Health Education and Environmental Studies06.05.2016 -do- CC-203 Measurement and Evaluation in Physical Education07.05.2016 -do- EC-211 Computer Applications in Physical Education

EC-212 Recreation and Leisure Management09.05.2016 6.30 am to 5.00 pm PC-221 Track and Field (Jumping Events)

(Group wise) * Gymnastics/*Swimming, Any one)10.05.2016 -do- PC-222 Yoga, Ball Badminton, Kabaddi11.05.2016 -do- PC-223 Hockey, Handball, Cricket12.05.2016-do-TP-231

Teaching Practice (Class room and Outdoor)


Month/Year Working Days No. of working Days Holidays

July-2015 Commencement of Class work 09 26 –Sunday22-07-201522,23,24,25,27,28,29,30,31,

August-2015 1,3,4,5,6,7,10,11,12,13,14,17,18,19,20, 24 2,9,16,23,30- Sundays21,22,24,25,26,27,28,29,31, 08th Second Saturday

15th Independence daySeptember-2015 1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,11,14,15,16,18,19, 23 6th – Krishnastami

21,22,23,25,26,,28,29,30 6,13,20,27-Sundays12th Second Saturday

17th Vinakachavithi24th BakridOctober-2015 1,3,5,6,7,8,9,12,13,14,15,26,27,28,29, 17 4,11,18,25-Sundays

30,31, 2nd Gandhi Jayanthi10th Second Saturday

24th Moharam16th to 23rd Dasara Holidays

November-2015 2,3,4,5,6,7,9,12,13,16,17,18,19, 18 1,8,15,22,29-Sundays20,21,23,24,25 10th –Narakachaturdhasi

11th Deepavali14th Second Saturday

December-2015 1,2,3,4,5,7 06 6th -Sunday

Academic Activities/ Record Submission3rd week of November, 2015 –Internal Examinations14th November, 2015-Completion of Practicum and Submission of Records25th November, 2015 - Last Instructional Day27th to 3rd December, 2015 – Commencement of 1st Semester Theory Examinations8th December, 2015 – Commencement of Classes for 2nd Semester

Page 28: April-June News Letter- 2015.p65


Graduation Day and Annual Day Celebrations researches are made in the fields of agriculture andPharmacy by using Cloud Computing. Prof. P.Siddaiahpresided over the programme. Faculty and students ofEngineering and Pharmacy College participated in thisprogram.

ERC developing software to effectively tap Solar PowerAcharya Nagarjuna University GERMI Energy

Research Center (ANU GERMI ERC) is developing specialsoftware to assess solar power requirements of individualsand organizations. The software aims at making use ofsatellite images and data in assessing the availability of solarpower in a given location and it would incorporate aspectslike requirement of equipment for tapping the power.

Dr. P. Siddaiah, ERC Director, said that solar radiancewas strongly dependent on location and local weather. Thesoftware would help in understanding these factors and toprepare plans suitably to tap the solar power, he said. TheCenter was also contemplating uploading the software inthe public domain. The Center would get solar radiationapplication and wind energy equipment worth Rs.1.5 croreshortly. The State government has agreed to provide theequipment free of cost.

Visit of German Professor George Fehling


ANU College of Engineering and Technologyconducted Graduation Day and 6th Annual Daycelebrations on 23 April, 2015. The Chief Guest,Dr.M.Y.S.Prasad, Director, SHAR Centre and Padma ShreeAwardee, informed the students that there was a lot of scopefor research in agriculture, electrical, electronics, diagnosisfields and suggested that students shoud invent newproducts, applications and technology which would be usablein the daily life of the public. Referring to the success ofISRO in the space technology, Dr.M.Y.S.Prasad said thatstudents can achieve their goals with discipline, dedicationand hard work. He said that corruption is more prevalent inEngineering and that the corruption free services ofengineers are the secret of the success of ISRO.

Prof.K.Viyyanna Rao, former Vice-Chancellor, ANU,said that ANU students were excelling in technology andbagged ISRO projects. Prof.K.R.S.Sambasiva Rao, Vice –Chancellor I/C, ANU said that graduated engineers musthave professional as well as social responsibility since thecountry’s development depends on the development ofEducation, Health, Agriculture and Basic need sectors. Prof.P. Rajasekhar, Registrar; Prof.A.V.Dattatreya Rao, OSD;Prof.P.Siddaiah, Principal, ANUCET; Prof.E.Srinivasa Reddy,Dean ANUCET; also addressed the gathering. Programconveners Dr.Suneetha Yedla, Dr.M.Gopikrishna, otherfaculty members, students also took part in the function.

Establishment of Skill Development CentreProf.K.R.S.Sambasiva Rao, Vice Chancellor I/C

announced on 14 May 2015, that a Skill Development Centerwas going to be established soon in ANU. He said that themain objective of the university is to provide hundred percentjob facilities to the students. The courses started from 25th

April 2015. At first University College of Engineering andTechnology started the Electronic Manufacturing TechnologyCourse with 10 seats. Students who completed their S.S.C.,Inter or Degree courses are eligible for the course.

Awareness Program on Cloud ComputingUniversity College of Engineering and Technology

conducted an Awareness Programme on Cloud Computingon Friday in the campus. Mr.L.N. Chavla, Chief Guest andresource person, addressing the gathering said that good

ANU College of Engineering and Technology will beoffering German education to get employment opportunitiesin Germany by the collaboration with Stugartz Badhin YutenBergs Cooperative State University of Engineering andManagement. Professor George Fehling visited the ANUEngineering College. Later he told Prof.K.R.S.SambasivaRao, Vice –Chancellor I/C, that engineering final yearstudents have an opportunity to work on their project andhave a chance to get jobs in the German country itself. Prof.K.R.S. Sambasiva Rao, declared that internships, projectworks and summer schools will be conducted for the studentsif that German University accepts MOU with ANU.

Prof.P.Rajasekhar, Registrar; Prof.V.Chandrasekhar,Director, International Students Cell; Prof. Anjaneyulu,Assistant Director, International Students Cell;Prof.P.Siddaiah, Principal, ANUCET; Prof.E.Srinivasa Reddy,Dean, Engineering College and others participated in theprogramme.

Published by The Registrar, Nagarjuna University, Nagarjunanagar, A.P. 522 510 Printed at Don Bosco Technical School Press, Ring Road, Guntur-7, Ph : 2350832

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