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AQUATIC BIOME Occupy largest part of biosphere Two major categories of aquatic biomes 1. Marine biome 2. Freshwater biome



Contains all the salty water of seas70% of earth is covered with marine biome

DISTRIBUTION:It is divided betweenoceanscoral reefsestuaries

OCEAN: largest water body and divided into three layers

MAJOR OCEANSATLANTIC OCEAN:temperature: 2.5°C to 5°C in winter and in summer 15-20°CNatural resources: oil and gas fields, fish, marine mammals (seals and whales), sand, precious stones.

PCIFIC OCEAN:SIZE: biggest ocean covers 30% of earth depth: average 3800mtemperature: 30 degree C to -2 degree CNatural resources: oil and gas fields, , sand, fish

ARCTIC OCEAN:temperature: vary from -30 to -70°C Natural resources: sand, oil and gas fields, fish, marine mammals (seals and whales)

INDIAN OCEAN:Temperature: -1°C to  28 °CNatural Resources : oil and gas fields, marine fish, shrimp, sand.

SOUTHERN OCEAN:temperature: vary from about 10 degrees Celsius to -2 degrees Celsiusnatural resources: large and possible giant oil and gas fields, , sand, fresh water as icebergs; whales, and seals ,fish

Are marine ridges or moundsFormed as a result of the deposition of calcium carbonate by living organismsCoral reefs are solid, long-lasting structures.Their solidity is due to the fact that they are formed by the hard parts of the animal skeletons.They protect the coastal shores from the impact of the sea swell and the wavesFound where sunlight is easy reachable.


IMPORTANCE OF CORAL REEF:FISHERIES: Reefs provide habitat for important recreational and subsistence fisheriesSHORELINE PROTECTION: Reefs prevent loss of life and property by protecting shorelinesPHARMACEUTICALS: Reefs are considered "medicine cabinets" of the future!TOURISM: Reefs attract ecotourism and much needed currency for local economiesEDUCATION: Reefs are "living laboratories" for scientists and students.

Temperature range: 20-29°C

ESTUARIES:A partially enclosed body of water along the coast where freshwater from rivers and streams meets and mixes with salt water from the ocean.Estuarine environments are among the most productive on earth, creating more organic matter each year.Many different habitat types are found in and around estuaries, including salt marshes, swamps, mangrove forests, .Thousands of species of birds, mammals, fish, and other wildlife depend on estuarine habitats as places to live, feed, and reproduce.Estuaries also perform other valuable services. Water draining from uplands carries sediments, nutrients, and other pollutants to estuaries.Salt water is denser, thus heavier, than fresh water so it sinks.

MANGROVES FORESTS:Trees with roots which are above the ground.Protect from floods, winds, waves, water currents.

SALT MARSHES: An area of flat wet ground which is sometimes covered by salt water.

SWAMPS : An area of very wet land with wild plants growing in it


Have a low salt concentration — usually less than 1%.Freshwater regions are further categorized as: 1. Ponds and lakes 2. Streams and rivers 3.Wetlands


PONDS AND LAKES: A few square meters in size. Many ponds are seasonal, lasting just a couple of months while Lakes may exist for hundreds of years or more. Temperature: Summer 4° C near the bottom to 22° C at the top.Winter bottom can be 4° C while the top is 0° C (ice).Spring & Fall mixing of water results in 4° C.


Saiful Muluk Lake Rawal Lake is artificial lakeHanna Lake is an attraction of cityAansoo Lake is tears like shapedKeenjhar Lake is second largest freshwater lake LARGEST LAKE: Lake Superior (North America) LONGEST RIVER: Webster Lake (United States)

STREAMS AND RIVERS Bodies of flowing water moving in one direction The temperature is cooler at the source than it is at the mouth Freshwater fish is found Denser species diversity at middle, at lower part less light and less oxygen.

LONGEST RIVER : River NileBIGGEST RIVER (according to amount of water): the Amazon RIVER OF PAKISTAN:River Indus: longest river of PakistanRiver Ravi: smallest of all tributaries of IndusRiver Sutlej: major, longest also known as Red RiverRiver Chenab: two words “Chen” means moon and “ab” means water. Healthiest river


WETLANDS Areas of standing water that support aquatic plants. E.g. marshes and swamps.Wetlands have the highest species diversity of all ecosystems. Not considered freshwater ecosystems as some salt marshes exists, having high salt concentrations


Mainly used for drinking purpose. Used for irrigation & industry, producing timbers, supplying food. Means of transportation also used to generate electricity.

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