

It’s all about trees……

PO BOX 572, SNOHOMISH, WA 98291-0572 * 425-220-5711 * [email protected]


PSR Short Plat

5109 154th Avenue NE

Redmond, WA

Report Prepared by:

Bob Layton

Registered Consulting Arborist #670

Certified Arborist #PN-2714A

June 14, 2021

Arborist Report – 5109 154th AVE NE

Page 2 Layton Tree Consulting LLC June 14, 2021

Table of Contents Assignment.................................................................................................................................................... 3

Description .................................................................................................................................................... 3

Methodology ................................................................................................................................................. 3

Judging Condition...................................................................................................................................... 4

Judging Retention Suitability .................................................................................................................... 4

Observations ................................................................................................................................................. 5

Discussion/Recommendations ...................................................................................................................... 5

Tree Protection Measures ............................................................................................................................ 6

Tree Retention Calculation ........................................................................................................................... 7

Tree Replacement ......................................................................................................................................... 8

Arborist Disclosure Statement ...................................................................................................................... 8


Photos, pages 9 - 14

Tree Summary Tables

Tree Measurements Summary Table

Redmond On-Site Tree Health Assessment Table

Redmond Off-Site Tree Health Assessment Table

Redmond On-Site Retained Tree Table

Redmond On-Site Removed Tree Table


Aerial Map

Tree Retention & Replacement Plan Map by CPH Consultants

Redmond Tree Protection Barrier Information

Arborist Report – 5109 154th AVE NE

Page 3 Layton Tree Consulting LLC June 14, 2021

Assignment Layton Tree Consulting, LLC was asked to compile an Arborist Report for a property in Redmond. The

subject property is located at 5109 154th AVE NE and involves a proposed 7-Lot Short Plat and the future

construction of seven new single-family residences on the property. My assignment is to prepare a

written report on present tree conditions, and to provide appropriate recommendations for the

protection of retained trees during development.

This report encompasses all of the criteria set forth under the City of Redmond’s tree regulations,

particularly Redmond Zoning Code 21.72 Tree Protection. A ‘significant’ tree is defined as “Any healthy

tree six inches in diameter at breast height (d.b.h.), or any tree four inches in diameter at breast height

(d.b.h.) that, after considering its age, height, value, or function, the tree or tree stand is determined to

be significant”. 35% of the significant trees on the site are required to be retained.

Date of Field Examination: April 8, 2021

Description The property is roughly 1.4 acres in size. Topography is generally flat across the site. There does not appear to be any critical areas on or adjacent to the property. There are two existing small single-family residences on the south side of the property. The north side of the property is vacant with a dilapidated barn. Adjacent properties to the north and east are single-family residential. The adjacent property to the west is currently vacant with an old barn like structure. The Microsoft campus is to the south. A total of 68 trees that are greater than 6-inches in diameter were identified and assessed on the subject property. The vast majority of these are not significant trees. These are mostly comprised of declining native alder trees on the north side of the property. A numbered aluminum tag was attached to the lower trunk of the subject trees by another party. These same tag numbers were used for this report. Tree tag numbers correspond with the numbers on the attached Tree Summary Tables and map. An additional six off-site trees were also assessed. These are all located within a proximity of the north property line. There are no street tree issues or neighboring tree issues on the property to the west.

Methodology Each tree in this report was visited. Tree diameters were measured by tape. The tree heights were measured using a Spiegel Relaskop. Each tree was visually examined for defects and vigor. The tree assessment procedure involves the examination of many factors:

• The crown or canopy of the tree is examined for current vigor/health by examining the foliage for appropriate color and density, the vegetative buds for color and size, and the branches for structural form and annual shoot growth; and the overall presence of limb dieback and/or any disease issues.

• The trunk or main stem of the tree is inspected for decay, which includes cavities, wounds, fruiting bodies of decay (conks or mushrooms), seams, insect pests, bleeding or exudation of sap, callus development, broken or dead tops, structural defects and unnatural leans. Structural defects can

Arborist Report – 5109 154th AVE NE

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include but are not limited to excessive or unnatural leans, crooks, forks with V-shaped crotches, multiple attachments.

• The root collar and exposed surface roots are inspected for the presence of decay, insect damage, as well as if they have been injured or wounded, undermined or exposed, or the original grade has been altered.

Based on these factors a determination of condition is made.

Judging Condition

The three condition categories are described as follows:

Good – free of significant structural defects, no disease concerns, minor pest issues, no significant root issues, good structure/form with uniform crown or canopy, foliage of normal color and density, average or normal vigor, will be wind firm if isolated or left as part of a grouping or grove of trees, suitable for its location Fair – minor to moderate structural defects not expected to contribute to a failure in near future, no disease concerns, moderate pest issues, no significant root issues, asymmetric or unbalanced crown or canopy, average or normal vigor, foliage of normal color, moderate foliage density, will be wind firm if left as part of a grouping or grove of trees, cannot be isolated, suitable for its location Poor – major structural defects expected to cause fail in near future, disease or significant pest concerns, decline due to old age, significant root issues, asymmetric or unbalanced crown or canopy, sparse or abnormally small foliage, poor vigor, not suitable for its location

Judging Retention Suitability

Not all trees necessarily warrant retention. The three retention suitability categories as described in

ANSI A300 Part 5 (Standard Practices for the Management of Trees During Site Planning, Site

Development and Construction) are as follows:

Good – trees are in good health condition and structural stability and have the potential for longevity at

the site

Fair – trees are in fair health condition and/or have structural defects that can be mitigated with

treatment. These trees may require more intense management and monitoring, and may have shorter

life-spans than those in the “good” category.

Poor – trees are in poor health condition and have significant defects in structure that cannot be

mitigated with treatment. These trees can be expected to decline regardless of management. The

species or individual tree may possess characteristics that are incompatible or undesirable in landscape

settings or be unsuited for the intended use of the site.

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Page 5 Layton Tree Consulting LLC June 14, 2021

Observations The majority of the property is sparsely treed or contains little tree cover. Evergreen species include 10

spruce trees and one Douglas fir. Three spruce trees were planted at the front of the property and

seven adjacent to the west property line. The majority of these are of good vigor, with foliage of normal

color and density. Only one was found to be in poor condition. This is tree #5136 which is over-topped

and heavily suppressed by the larger adjacent trees. It is roughly 95% dead and in ultimate decline. The

single Douglas fir tree is in good condition with no concerning defect. It is just over 30-inches in

diameter and therefore considered a ‘landmark’ tree. It is the only ‘landmark’ tree on the property.

Deciduous trees are comprised of some wild crabapple clusters, a couple planted apple trees, and native

species of several red alder, five bitter cherry, two black cottonwood and one Scouler’s willow. Apple

trees have developed typical form. Most are mature. Several of the crabapples are in poor condition

and not considered significant. These have succumbed to large stem or branch failures in the recent

past, have developed poor structural form, and are compromised by trunk decay.

Native species are found at the north end of the site. These have regenerated naturally after the site

was cleared or soils were disturbed a few decades ago. The alder and bitter cherry are in a general state

of decline. Several have died over the last few years. Many are in obvious decline, evident by dead and

or dying upper crown components. Most have black staining and sunscald damage on the lower trunks

indicating dieback of cambium. Retention suitability is ‘poor’.

The two black cottonwoods have developed typical form. Both have developed very poor stem taper

under competition with the alder for sunlight and space. These are young specimens, approximately 25

to 30 years of age that have already reached heights of almost 80-feet. Retention suitability is ‘poor’.

The Scouler’s willow is in poor condition. It is 50% dead with a dead top. It is in ultimate decline.

There is a planted row of mature Pyramidalis arborvitae shrubs close to the east property line. These

are not significant trees. Most are of good vigor and in good condition.

The north half of the property has a major infestation of invasive Himalayan blackberry and English ivy.

Off-Site Trees

The six neighboring trees are located close to the north property line. These are comprised of five

Douglas fir and one Leyland cypress. Four of the Douglas fir are young to semi-mature specimens. All

are of good vigor with no concerning defects. Tree #106 is of a much older age class. It is a ‘landmark’

tree. It is located roughly 10-feet off of the property line. Condition is good. The Leyland cypress is also

in good condition with no concerning defect.

Discussion/Recommendations The stand of red alder trees at the north end is not sustainable and has a retention suitability rating of

‘poor’. The majority are showing signs of premature decline. This is a very short-lived species,

particularly on sites where soils have been graded or disturbed like this site. These trees will continue to

die out. Retention would be fruitless. The property and surrounding community will be much better

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served by the planting of new trees that can provide long-term benefits to the area. The retention of

the two young black cottonwood trees (#5565 & #5567) is not recommended. These are problematic

and will become a liability in the future, particularly for the neighboring properties to the north.

Removal is warranted.

The extent of drip-lines (farthest reaching branches) for the subject trees can be found on the tree

summary tables at the back of this report. The extent of driplines for trees to be retained or protected

at the site are shown on the attached Tree Plan Map. The tree protection barrier shall be placed at the

5-foot dripline setback as shown on the attached map.

It is my understanding the City is requiring the construction of a new public street as part of this project

and has dictated the location of that street, as shown on the attached map. Unfortunately, this street

location will necessitate the removal of most of the highest retention value trees (evergreens) on the

property, Trees #5052, #5054, #5135, #5137, #5138 and #5139.

The proposal is to retain trees #5130, #5131, #5132, #5550 and #5551. These are well-positioned for

successful retention on property perimeters. The ivy needs to be cut from the bases of #5550 and

#5551 as soon as possible. Cut the ivy vines at ground level and again as high as can be easily reached.

Carefully remove cut vine sections. The remaining ivy the tree crown will eventually die and fall out of

the tree, although this will take a few years.

To adequately protect the neighboring or off-site trees, provide a no disturbance zone of 10-feet from

the property line. Position the tree protection barrier at the 5-foot dripline setback as shown on the

attached map, 10-feet from the property line. No grading, fills, etc. shall be allowed within the tree

protection zone.

Any authorized work within the five-foot drip-line setback of retained and/or protected trees shall be

supervised by the project arborist in an effort to ensure impacts are kept to acceptable levels.

The removal of trees from the property is not expected to have any adverse effects on trees to remain

at the site, either on or off of the property.

Simply finish the landscape within the driplines of any retained trees by cutting/hand-pulling any

unwanted vegetation and applying a 2 to 4-inch covering of organic mulch/beauty bark. Keep large

plantings, irrigation/dispersion trenches and construction of hardscapes outside of the 5-foot dripline

setback of retained and/or protected trees.

Tree Protection Measures The following guidelines are recommended to ensure that the designated space set aside for the

preserved trees are protected and construction impacts are kept to a minimum. Standards have been

set forth under Redmond Zoning Code 21.72.060. Please review these standards prior to any

development activity.

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• Tree protection fencing shall be erected per attached tree plan map prior to moving any heavy

equipment on site. Doing this will set clearing limits and avoid compaction of soils within root

zones of retained trees.

• Excavation limits shall be laid out in paint on the ground to avoid over excavating.

• Authorized excavation within the driplines shall be monitored by a qualified tree professional so

necessary precautions can be taken to decrease impacts to tree parts. A qualified tree

professional shall monitor excavations when work is required and allowed within the drip-line or

critical root zone.

• To establish sub grade for foundations, curbs and pavement sections near the trees, soil shall be

removed parallel to the roots and not at 90-degree angles to avoid breaking and tearing roots

that lead back to the trunk within the drip-line. Any roots damaged during these excavations

should be exposed to sound tissue and cut cleanly with a saw. Cutting tools should be sterilized

with alcohol.

• Areas excavated within the dripline of retained or protected trees shall be thoroughly irrigated

weekly during dry periods.

• Preparations for final landscaping shall be accomplished by hand within the drip-lines of

retained trees. Large equipment shall be kept outside of the tree protection zones at all times.

Tree Retention Calculation A total of 14 healthy significant trees were identified on the subject property. Trees with a condition rating of ‘good’ or ‘fair’ are included in this summary. ‘Poor’ condition trees are not included and considered non-significant. The eight significant trees within the required public street right-of-way are not included in this calculation. 35% Retention (5 trees) is required. Healthy Trees proposed for removal – 9 Healthy Trees to be impacted – 0 Healthy Trees proposed for retention – 5 The following table summarizes the tree retention calculation for healthy/sustainable trees only.

Tree Type Removal Impacted Retained Total

Landmark # 0 0 0 0

Landmark % 0% 100% 0% 100%

Significant # 9 0 5 14

Significant % 64% 0% 36% 100%

Total # 9 0 5 14

Total % 64% 0% 36% 100%

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Tree Replacement Replacement trees will be required according to RZC 21.72.080 Tree Replacement. Based on the table above, 9 replacement trees are required with a replacement ratio of 1:1 for significant trees. Consult with your City planner for final tree replacement requirements. The replacement of healthy significant trees from within the new public ROW may also be required. All replacement trees are to be planted on site. Replacement trees shall be at a minimum – 2 ½ inch caliper for deciduous species and 6 feet in height for coniferous species. The most appropriate locations for tree replacement are on the undisturbed perimeters of the site. Perimeters can be enhanced with native tree plantings of coniferous species to provide screening between residential properties and maintaining the character of the area. Recommended species include Western red cedar, grand fir, shore pine and Douglas-fir.

Arborist Disclosure Statement Arborists are tree specialists who use their education, knowledge, training and experience to examine

and assess trees, recommend measures to enhance the beauty and health of trees, and attempt to

reduce the risks associated with living near trees. Clients may choose to accept or disregard the

recommendations of the arborist, or to seek additional advice.

Arborists cannot detect every condition that could possibly lead to the structural failure of a tree. Trees

are living organisms that grow, respond to their environment, mature, decline and sometimes fail in

ways we do not fully understand. Conditions are often hidden within trees and below ground.

Arborists cannot guarantee that a tree will be healthy and/or safe under all circumstances, or for a

specified period of time. Likewise, remedial treatments, like any medicine, cannot be guaranteed.

Treatment, pruning and removal of trees may involve considerations beyond the scope of the arborist’s

services such as property boundaries, property ownership, site lines, disputes between neighbors, and

other issues. Arborists cannot take such considerations into account unless complete and accurate

information is disclosed to the arborist. An arborist should then be expected to reasonably rely upon

the completeness and accuracy of the information provided.

Trees can be managed, but they cannot be controlled. To live near trees is to accept some degree of

risk. The only way to eliminate all risk associated with trees is to eliminate all trees.

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Photo Documentation

Tree #5122

Trees #5130, #5131 and #5132

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Tree #5135 (left) and #5136 (right)

Trees #5055 and #5056

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Trees #5051 > #5056

Trees #5547 > #5551

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Tree #5551, being consumed by English ivy

Subject alder in northwest corner of site, note broken and dead tops

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Recent dead alder trees at north end of property

Alder with major sunscald damage (arrow)

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Black staining on alder trunks indicating dead cambium and ultimate decline

Neighboring evergreen trees in background

Layton Tree Consulting LLC

For: PSR Short Plat

Site: 5109 154th AVE NE - Redmond

Tree Measurements Summary Table


Tree/ DBH Height

Tag # Species (inches) (feet) Condition Comments


5122 apple 21 40 14 18 18 16 Fair mature, moderate trunk decay

5050 crabapple 9,8,6 (8) 30 14 14 10 13 Fair cluster, typical, recent broken top

5049 crabapple 8,6 (7) 27 14 14 14 6 Fair wild,typical

5048 apple 18 15 13 11 6 14 Fair excessively pruned, topped

5051 Norway spruce 23 51 15 14 18 14 Fair broken top or topped in past,heavy cone crop

5052 Colorado spruce 20 61 10 14 15 10 Good minor spruce gall infestation, minor broken top

5053 crabapple 9 28 12 8 5 7 Fair bent top, suppressed by spruce

5056 crabapple 10 8 x x x x Poor trunk broken at 8 feet

5055 crabapple 7 16 x x x x Poor major lean south, very poor structure

5054 Colorado spruce 26 62 12 19 14 13 Good minor spruce gall infestation, minor broken top

5130 Colorado spruce 21 49 13 13 15 13 Good good form, good vigor, minor gall infestation

5131 Colorado spruce 18 47 15 24 15 13 Good good form, good vigor, minor gall infestation

5132 Colorado spruce 17 40 18 14 13 15 Good large exposed damaged surface root

5135 Douglas fir 30 84 16 22 17 18 Good old broken top

5136 Colorado spruce 8 36 x x x x Poor 95% dead, over topped

5137 Colorado spruce 20 73 12 12 18 14 Good good form, good vigor, minor gall infestation

5138 Colorado spruce 15 67 11 6 10 14 Good good form, good vigor, minor gall infestation

5139 Colorado spruce 29 66 20 13 18 18 Good good form, good vigor, minor gall infestation

5073 crabapple 6 21 x x x x Poor heavy lean east, small live crown

5072 crabapple 11 36 7 12 11 14 Fair mature,decent form

5074 crabapple 6 12 x x x x Poor trunk broken at 12 feet

5549 crabapple 9,6 (8) 21 x x x x Poor extensive trunk decay, 50% dead

5548 bitter cherry 16 34 12 18 18 14 Fair mature, trunk covered in ivy

5547 apple 15,10 (13) 30 10 12 6 14 Fair mature, poor form,ivy

5550 bitter cherry 9 40 8 12 5 9 Fair poor form, ivy

5551 bitter cherry 12,12 (12) 46 14 10 14 12 Fair trunks completely covered in ivy

5575 red alder 11 49 11 22 14 10 Poor not sustainable

5574 red alder 12,11 (12) 51 16 10 14 12 Poor not sustainable




Layton Tree Consulting LLC

For: PSR Short Plat

Site: 5109 154th AVE NE - Redmond

Tree Measurements Summary Table


Tree/ DBH Height

Tag # Species (inches) (feet) Condition Comments





5552 red alder 9 47 6 8 6 8 Poor not sustainable

5553 red alder 11 42 x x x x Poor major suscald damage, decline

5560 red alder 10 30 x x x x Poor broken top, in decline

5561 red alder 13 33 x x x x Poor 70% dead, major decline

5558 red alder 11 45 x x x x Poor heavy lean west, not sustainable

5557 red alder 7 25 x x x x Poor large basal cavity, bent top

5556 red alder 8 43 12 4 4 8 Poor not sustainable

5554 red alder 9 43 12 4 4 6 Poor not sustainable

5563 red alder 10 45 x x x x Poor major suscald damage, decline

5564 red alder 12 42 x x x x Poor not sustainable, black spotting, cambium dieback

5555 bitter cherry 8 45 8 6 6 8 Poor not sustainable

5570 red alder 7 42 x x x x Poor heavy lean south, not sustainable

5566 red alder 10 44 6 12 7 6 Poor not sustainable

5562 red alder 8 40 x x x x Poor recent dead top,in decline

5500 red alder 10 44 x x x x Poor major lean south, very poor structure

5565 black cottonwood 16 78 16 12 10 12 Poor not sustainable

5567 black cottonwood 14 78 16 4 12 10 Poor young, natural lean north, forked top, not sustainable

5595 red alder 13 46 x x x x Poor dead top, major sunscald

5596 red alder 11 48 x x x x Poor not sustainable

5597 red alder 11 46 x x x x Poor heavy lean south, not sustainable

5598 red alder 7 38 x x x x Poor recent dead top,in decline

5599 red alder 11 46 2 12 8 4 Poor not sustainable

5628 red alder 6 42 6 4 4 4 Poor not sustainable

5627 red alder 10 40 0 14 4 4 Poor heavy lean south, not sustainable

5601 red alder 7 35 x x x x Poor recent dead top,in decline

5629 red alder 10 44 6 10 10 6 Poor not sustainable

5630 red alder 7 42 6 4 6 4 Poor not sustainable

5600 Scoulers willow 14 44 x x x x Poor dead top, 50% dead

Layton Tree Consulting LLC

For: PSR Short Plat

Site: 5109 154th AVE NE - Redmond

Tree Measurements Summary Table


Tree/ DBH Height

Tag # Species (inches) (feet) Condition Comments





5602 red alder 7 20 x x x x Poor broken, 90% dead

5603 red alder 6 16 x x x x Poor broken, 90% dead

5626 red alder 11 38 x x x x Poor recent dead top,in decline

5625 red alder 7 43 x x x x Poor not sustainable

5624 red alder 8 40 x x x x Poor recent dead top,in decline

5623 red alder 8 42 x x x x Poor not sustainable

5621 bitter cherry 8 38 8 10 10 8 Poor poor form, not sustainable

5620 apple 15 26 14 14 16 8 Fair leans east, surrounded by dense brush

5619 red alder 12 40 x x x x Poor major suscald damage, decline

5618 red alder 12 42 x x x x Poor not sustainable

5617 red alder 13 48 x x x x Poor not sustainable

5075 bigleaf maple 15,11,7 (11) 48 16 18 18 18 Fair typical cluster, decent vigor

Off-Site/Neighboring Trees

101 Douglas fir 8 37 NA 10 8 8 Good young specimen

102 Douglas fir 11 44 NA 10 6 12 Good young specimen

103 Leyland cypress 18 48 NA 16 16 12 Good forked top, typical

104 Douglas fir 12 56 NA 10 8 8 Good young specimen

105 Douglas fir 15 58 NA 12 10 14 Good young specimen

106 Douglas fir 34 120 NA 18 16 14 Good approx 10 feet off PL,

Drip-Line measurements from face of trunk

Layton Tree Consulting LLC

For: PSR Short Plat

Site: 5109 154th Ave NE - Redmond

Redmond On-Site Tree Health Assessment Table



Specific Photo # Exception

Tree/ Evergreen or Tree Healthy Fair Dead or If photo of Meets Significant Meets Landmark Retained Request

Tag # Deciduous Species DBH Dying tree provided Tree Classification? Tree Classification? yes/no Required? Notes

5122 Deciduous apple 21 x page 9 yes no mature, moderate trunk decay

5050 Deciduous crabapple 8 x yes no cluster, typical, recent broken top

5049 Deciduous crabapple 7 x yes no wild,typical

5048 Deciduous apple 18 x yes no excessively pruned, topped

5051 Evergreen Norway spruce 23 x page 11 yes no-in ROW broken top or topped in past,heavy cone crop

5052 Evergreen Colorado spruce 20 x page 11 yes no-in ROW minor spruce gall infestation, minor broken top

5053 Deciduous crabapple 9 x page 11 yes no-in ROW bent top, suppressed by spruce

5056 Deciduous crabapple 10 x page 10 no no trunk broken at 8 feet

5055 Deciduous crabapple 7 x page 10 no no major lean south, very poor structure

5054 Evergreen Colorado spruce 26 x page 11 yes no-in ROW minor spruce gall infestation, minor broken top

5130 Evergreen Colorado spruce 21 x page 9 yes yes good form, good vigor, minor gall infestation

5131 Evergreen Colorado spruce 18 x page 9 yes yes good form, good vigor, minor gall infestation

5132 Evergreen Colorado spruce 17 x page 9 yes yes large exposed damaged surface root

5135 Evergreen Douglas fir 30 x page 10 yes yes no-in ROW no-in ROW old broken top, in new public ROW

5136 Evergreen Colorado spruce 8 x dying page 10 no no 95% dead, over topped

5137 Evergreen Colorado spruce 20 x yes no-in ROW good form, good vigor, minor gall infestation

5138 Evergreen Colorado spruce 15 x yes no-in ROW good form, good vigor, minor gall infestation

5139 Evergreen Colorado spruce 29 x yes no-in ROW good form, good vigor, minor gall infestation

5073 Deciduous crabapple 6 x decline no no heavy lean east, small live crown

5072 Deciduous crabapple 11 x yes no mature,decent form

5074 Deciduous crabapple 6 x broken no no trunk broken at 12 feet

5549 Deciduous crabapple 8 x dying page 11 no no extensive trunk decay, 50% dead

5548 Deciduous bitter cherry 16 x page 11 yes no mature, trunk covered in ivy

5547 Deciduous apple 13 x page 11 yes no mature, poor form,ivy

5550 Deciduous bitter cherry 9 x page 11 yes yes poor form, remove ivy

5551 Deciduous bitter cherry 12 x page 11 yes yes trunks completely covered in ivy - remove ivy

5575 Deciduous red alder 11 x decline pg 12,13,14 no no not sustainable

5574 Deciduous red alder 12 x decline pg 12,13,14 no no not sustainable

5552 Deciduous red alder 9 x decline pg 12,13,14 no no not sustainable

5553 Deciduous red alder 11 x dying pg 12,13,14 no no major suscald damage, decline

5560 Deciduous red alder 10 x decline pg 12,13,14 no no broken top, in decline

5561 Deciduous red alder 13 x dying pg 12,13,14 no no 70% dead, major decline

5558 Deciduous red alder 11 x decline pg 12,13,14 no no heavy lean west, not sustainable

5557 Deciduous red alder 7 x decline pg 12,13,14 no no large basal cavity, bent top

5556 Deciduous red alder 8 x decline pg 12,13,14 no no not sustainable

5554 Deciduous red alder 9 x decline pg 12,13,14 no no not sustainable

5563 Deciduous red alder 10 x dying pg 12,13,14 no no major suscald damage, decline

5564 Deciduous red alder 12 x dying pg 12,13,14 no no not sustainable, black spotting, cambium dieback

5555 Deciduous bitter cherry 8 x decline pg 12,13,14 no no not sustainable

5570 Deciduous red alder 7 x decline pg 12,13,14 no no heavy lean south, not sustainable

5566 Deciduous red alder 10 x decline pg 12,13,14 no no not sustainable

5562 Deciduous red alder 8 x dying pg 12,13,14 no no recent dead top,in decline

5500 Deciduous red alder 10 x decline pg 12,13,14 no no major lean south, very poor structure

5565 Deciduous black cottonwood 16 x pg 12,13,14 no no not sustainable

5567 Deciduous black cottonwood 14 x pg 12,13,14 no no young, natural lean north, forked top, not sustainable

5595 Deciduous red alder 13 x dying pg 12,13,14 no no dead top, major sunscald

5596 Deciduous red alder 11 x decline pg 12,13,14 no no not sustainable


> 6" considered significant

Layton Tree Consulting LLC

For: PSR Short Plat

Site: 5109 154th Ave NE - Redmond

Redmond On-Site Tree Health Assessment Table



Specific Photo # Exception

Tree/ Evergreen or Tree Healthy Fair Dead or If photo of Meets Significant Meets Landmark Retained Request

Tag # Deciduous Species DBH Dying tree provided Tree Classification? Tree Classification? yes/no Required? Notes


> 6" considered significant

5597 Deciduous red alder 11 x decline pg 12,13,14 no no heavy lean south, not sustainable

5598 Deciduous red alder 7 x decline pg 12,13,14 no no recent dead top,in decline

5599 Deciduous red alder 11 x decline pg 12,13,14 no no not sustainable

5628 Deciduous red alder 6 x decline pg 12,13,14 no no not sustainable

5627 Deciduous red alder 10 x decline pg 12,13,14 no no heavy lean south, not sustainable

5601 Deciduous red alder 7 x dying pg 12,13,14 no no recent dead top,in decline

5629 Deciduous red alder 10 x decline pg 12,13,14 no no not sustainable

5630 Deciduous red alder 7 x decline pg 12,13,14 no no not sustainable

5600 Deciduous Scoulers willow 14 x dying pg 12,13,14 no no dead top, 50% dead

5602 Deciduous red alder 7 x dying pg 12,13,14 no no broken, 90% dead

5603 Deciduous red alder 6 x dying pg 12,13,14 no no broken, 90% dead

5626 Deciduous red alder 11 x dying pg 12,13,14 no no recent dead top,in decline

5625 Deciduous red alder 7 x decline pg 12,13,14 no no not sustainable

5624 Deciduous red alder 8 x dying pg 12,13,14 no no recent dead top,in decline

5623 Deciduous red alder 8 x decline pg 12,13,14 no no not sustainable

5621 Deciduous bitter cherry 8 x decline pg 12,13,14 no no poor form, not sustainable

5620 Deciduous apple 15 x pg 12,13,14 yes no leans east, surrounded by dense brush

5619 Deciduous red alder 12 x dying pg 12,13,14 no no major suscald damage, decline

5618 Deciduous red alder 12 x decline pg 12,13,14 no no not sustainable

5617 Deciduous red alder 13 x decline pg 12,13,14 no no not sustainable

5075 Deciduous bigleaf maple 11 x yes no typical cluster, decent vigor




Total On-Site Significant Trees Assessed

Total On-Site Significant Trees (6" - 29")

Total On-Site Landmark Trees (30"+)

8 of the 22 are within the

proposed new public ROW

Layton Tree Consulting LLC

For: PSR Short Plat

Site: 5109 154th Ave NE - Redmond

Redmond Off-Site Tree Health Assessment Table



Specific Photo # Exception

Tree/ Evergreen or Tree Healthy Fair Dead or If photo of Meets Significant Meets Landmark Retained Request

Tag # Deciduous Species DBH Dying tree provided Tree Classification? Tree Classification? yes/no Required? Notes

101 Evergreen Douglas fir 8 x pg 14 yes young specimen

102 Evergreen Douglas fir 11 x pg 14 yes young specimen

103 Evergreen Leyland cypress 18 x pg 14 yes forked top, typical

104 Evergreen Douglas fir 12 x pg 14 yes young specimen

105 Evergreen Douglas fir 15 x pg 14 yes young specimen

106 Evergreen Douglas fir 34 x yes yes yes no approx 10 feet off property line, no concerns





> 6" considered significant

Total Off-Site Trees Assessed

Total Off-Site Significant Trees (6" - 29")

Total Off-Site Landmark Trees (30"+)

Layton Tree Consulting LLC

For: PSR Short Plat

Site: 5109 154th Ave NE - Redmond

Redmond On-Site Retained Tree Table



Specific Photo # Exception

Tree/ Evergreen or Tree Healthy Fair Dead or If photo of Meets Significant Meets Landmark Retained Request

Tag # Deciduous Species DBH Dying tree provided Tree Classification? Tree Classification? yes/no Required? Notes

5130 Evergreen Colorado spruce 21 x page 9 yes no yes no good form, good vigor, minor gall infestation

5131 Evergreen Colorado spruce 18 x page 9 yes no yes no good form, good vigor, minor gall infestation

5132 Evergreen Colorado spruce 17 x page 9 yes no yes no large exposed damaged surface root

5550 Deciduous bitter cherry 9 x page 11 yes no yes no remove ivy from lower trunk

5551 Deciduous bitter cherry 12 x page 11 yes no yes no remove ivy from lower trunk





> 6" considered significant

Total Proposed for Retention

Total Significant Trees (6" - 29")

Total Landmark Trees (30"+)

Layton Tree Consulting LLC

For: PSR Short Plat

Site: 5109 154th Ave NE - Redmond

Redmond On-Site Removed Tree Table



Specific Photo # Exception

Tree/ Evergreen or Tree Healthy Fair Dead or If photo of Meets Significant Meets Landmark Retained Request

Tag # Deciduous Species DBH Dying tree provided Tree Classification? Tree Classification? yes/no Required? Notes

5122 Deciduous apple 21 x page 9 yes no no no mature, moderate trunk decay

5050 Deciduous crabapple 8 x yes no no no cluster, typical, recent broken top

5049 Deciduous crabapple 7 x yes no no no wild,typical

5048 Deciduous apple 18 x yes no no no excessively pruned, topped

5051 Evergreen Norway spruce 23 x page 11 yes no no-in ROW no broken top or topped in past,heavy cone crop

5052 Evergreen Colorado spruce 20 x page 11 yes no no-in ROW no minor spruce gall infestation, minor broken top

5053 Deciduous crabapple 9 x page 11 yes no no-in ROW no bent top, suppressed by spruce

5056 Deciduous crabapple 10 x page 10 no no no no trunk broken at 8 feet

5055 Deciduous crabapple 7 x page 10 no no no no major lean south, very poor structure

5054 Evergreen Colorado spruce 26 x page 11 yes no no-in ROW no minor spruce gall infestation, minor broken top

5135 Evergreen Douglas fir 30 x page 10 yes yes no-in ROW no-in ROW old broken top

5136 Evergreen Colorado spruce 8 x dying page 10 no no no no 95% dead, over topped

5137 Evergreen Colorado spruce 20 x yes no no-in ROW no good form, good vigor, minor gall infestation

5138 Evergreen Colorado spruce 15 x yes no no-in ROW no good form, good vigor, minor gall infestation

5139 Evergreen Colorado spruce 29 x yes no no-in ROW no good form, good vigor, minor gall infestation

5073 Deciduous crabapple 6 x decline no no no no heavy lean east, small live crown

5072 Deciduous crabapple 11 x yes no no no mature,decent form

5074 Deciduous crabapple 6 x broken no no no no trunk broken at 12 feet

5549 Deciduous crabapple 8 x dying page 11 no no no no extensive trunk decay, 50% dead

5548 Deciduous bitter cherry 16 x page 11 yes no no no mature, trunk covered in ivy

5547 Deciduous apple 13 x page 11 yes no no no mature, poor form,ivy

5575 Deciduous red alder 11 x decline pg 12,13,14 no no no no not sustainable

5574 Deciduous red alder 12 x decline pg 12,13,14 no no no no not sustainable

5552 Deciduous red alder 9 x decline pg 12,13,14 no no no no not sustainable

5553 Deciduous red alder 11 x dying pg 12,13,14 no no no no major suscald damage, decline

5560 Deciduous red alder 10 x decline pg 12,13,14 no no no no broken top, in decline

5561 Deciduous red alder 13 x dying pg 12,13,14 no no no no 70% dead, major decline

5558 Deciduous red alder 11 x decline pg 12,13,14 no no no no heavy lean west, not sustainable

5557 Deciduous red alder 7 x decline pg 12,13,14 no no no no large basal cavity, bent top

5556 Deciduous red alder 8 x decline pg 12,13,14 no no no no not sustainable

5554 Deciduous red alder 9 x decline pg 12,13,14 no no no no not sustainable

5563 Deciduous red alder 10 x dying pg 12,13,14 no no no no major suscald damage, decline

5564 Deciduous red alder 12 x dying pg 12,13,14 no no no no not sustainable, black spotting, cambium dieback

5555 Deciduous bitter cherry 8 x decline pg 12,13,14 no no no no not sustainable

5570 Deciduous red alder 7 x decline pg 12,13,14 no no no no heavy lean south, not sustainable

5566 Deciduous red alder 10 x decline pg 12,13,14 no no no no not sustainable

5562 Deciduous red alder 8 x dying pg 12,13,14 no no no no recent dead top,in decline

5500 Deciduous red alder 10 x decline pg 12,13,14 no no no no major lean south, very poor structure

5565 Deciduous black cottonwood 16 x pg 12,13,14 no no no no not sustainable

5567 Deciduous black cottonwood 14 x pg 12,13,14 no no no no young, natural lean north, forked top, not sustainable

5595 Deciduous red alder 13 x dying pg 12,13,14 no no no no dead top, major sunscald

5596 Deciduous red alder 11 x decline pg 12,13,14 no no no no not sustainable

5597 Deciduous red alder 11 x decline pg 12,13,14 no no no no heavy lean south, not sustainable

5598 Deciduous red alder 7 x decline pg 12,13,14 no no no no recent dead top,in decline

5599 Deciduous red alder 11 x decline pg 12,13,14 no no no no not sustainable

5628 Deciduous red alder 6 x decline pg 12,13,14 no no no no not sustainable

5627 Deciduous red alder 10 x decline pg 12,13,14 no no no no heavy lean south, not sustainable

5601 Deciduous red alder 7 x dying pg 12,13,14 no no no no recent dead top,in decline


> 6" considered significant

Layton Tree Consulting LLC

For: PSR Short Plat

Site: 5109 154th Ave NE - Redmond

Redmond On-Site Removed Tree Table



Specific Photo # Exception

Tree/ Evergreen or Tree Healthy Fair Dead or If photo of Meets Significant Meets Landmark Retained Request

Tag # Deciduous Species DBH Dying tree provided Tree Classification? Tree Classification? yes/no Required? Notes


> 6" considered significant

5629 Deciduous red alder 10 x decline pg 12,13,14 no no no no not sustainable

5630 Deciduous red alder 7 x decline pg 12,13,14 no no no no not sustainable

5600 Deciduous Scoulers willow 14 x dying pg 12,13,14 no no no no dead top, 50% dead

5602 Deciduous red alder 7 x dying pg 12,13,14 no no no no broken, 90% dead

5603 Deciduous red alder 6 x dying pg 12,13,14 no no no no broken, 90% dead

5626 Deciduous red alder 11 x dying pg 12,13,14 no no no no recent dead top,in decline

5625 Deciduous red alder 7 x decline pg 12,13,14 no no no no not sustainable

5624 Deciduous red alder 8 x dying pg 12,13,14 no no no no recent dead top,in decline

5623 Deciduous red alder 8 x decline pg 12,13,14 no no no no not sustainable

5621 Deciduous bitter cherry 8 x decline pg 12,13,14 no no no no poor form, not sustainable

5620 Deciduous apple 15 x pg 12,13,14 yes no no no leans east, surrounded by dense brush

5619 Deciduous red alder 12 x dying pg 12,13,14 no no no no major suscald damage, decline

5618 Deciduous red alder 12 x decline pg 12,13,14 no no no no not sustainable

5617 Deciduous red alder 13 x decline pg 12,13,14 no no no no not sustainable

5075 Deciduous bigleaf maple 11 x yes no no no typical cluster, decent vigor



1 this includes the one Landmark tree

Total Requested for Removal 8 of the 17 are within the

Total Significant Trees (6" - 29") proposed new public ROW

Total Landmark Trees (30"+)

PSR Short Plat5109 154th Ave NE - Redmond

Aerial Map

D R 0 4 6

Many development projects

include trees that are required to

be protected. The City requires

that these saved trees remain

undisturbed during construction

activities. In order to ensure

protection of these trees, barriers

must be placed around trees to

assure their protection. Protective

barriers establish a barrier around

tree drip lines to protect root

z o n e s f r o m d a m a g e b y

construction activities.

Installation of the protective

barrier must precede site

development. These protective

barriers are commonly a durable

orange plastic and latticed fencing

material. However, they may be

any chain link or polyethylene

laminar type material. The

protective barriers must be at

least 4 feet in height and placed 5

feet beyond the drip line of trees

to be protected.

The drip line is determined by the

furthest points of tree foliage.

From these points, the 5-foot

buffer is delineated.

The figures to the right best

illustrate the relationship of the

drip line, buffer, and protective

fencing location.

How should I place tree protection barriers?

T r e e P r o t e c t i o n B a r r i e r s


Questions: 425-556-2494 or [email protected].

You can also visit us in person at the Development Services Center located on the 2nd

floor of City Hall. Open Monday through Friday from 8 am to 5 pm.

Development Services Center

15670 NE 85th St PO BOX

97010 Redmond, WA 98073

Applicable Code Sections

RCZ 21.72.070: Tree Protection Measures

Permitted Activities within a

Protective Barrier

Sidewalks and utilities may be

located within the drip line of a

protected tree, provided that

construction methods and

materials used will result in

minimal disruption to tree roots,

and that additional measures for

tree protection are proposed

which will ensure the long-term

viability of the tree.

Minor alteration of grades within

the protected area may be

permitted. Applicants must

submit an evaluation conducted

by a certified arborist which

demonstrates that the proposed

construction will not reduce the

long-term viability of the tree.

Structures may extend into the

drip line buffer only if they are

fully elevated above the ground

within the 5-foot buffer. All other

structures, infrastructure, and

construction activities not

exempted are prohibited within

the protective barriers.

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