

Arbuscular mycorrhizae increase biomass and nutrientuptake of tomato fertilized with struvite comparedto monoammonium phosphate

Isako Di Tomassi & Neha Chatterjee & Felipe H. Barrios-Masias &

Qiuhong Zhou & Chunhao Gu & Andrew J. Margenot

Received: 11 December 2020 /Accepted: 11 April 2021# The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021

AbstractPurpose Struvite is a wastewater-derived P mineral thatoffers a means to redirect wastestream P flows toagroecosystems. The low water solubility of struvite (<3%) has been reported to limit early-season crop Puptake. Arbuscular mycorrhizae (AM) could enhancedissolution of struvite and thereby increase crop utiliza-tion of struvite-P. We tested the hypothesis that AMwould increase struvite dissolution and thereby enhanceplant P uptake and biomass in a P-deficient soil.Methods We employed a tomato (Solanumlycopersicum L.) genotype model with a wild-type my-corrhizal tomato (MYC) and a reduced mycorrhizalmutant (rmc). Monoammonium phosphate (MAP) wasused as a highly water soluble P fertilizer for compari-son with struvite.Results Struvite granules underwent 4-fold less dissolu-tion (% mass remaining) than MAP granules, and

apparent struvite dissolution was similar under MYCand rmc. However, scanning electron microscopy re-vealed qualitative differences in surface morphology ofresidual struvite between MYC and rmc. Under struvitefertilization, biomass of MYC was 22% greater thanrmc, and P and N shoot uptake (mg plant−1) were 32%and 34% greater than rmc. Shoot biomass was 24%greater for MYC fertilized with struvite than withMAP, and shoot P and N uptake were 26% and 34%greater, respectively.Conclusion Increased N and P uptake by AM-associated tomato plants fertilized with struvite suggestsAM as a strategy to surmount solubility constraints tothe use of struvite as a fertilizer.

Keywords Solanum lycopersicumL .Magnesiumammonium phosphate .Monoammonium phosphate .

Mycorrhizal fungi . Phosphorus

Plant Soil

Responsible Editor: Peter Christie.

I. Di TomassiCommunity College of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA 19141,USA

N. Chatterjee :C. Gu :A. J. Margenot (*)Department of Crop Sciences, University of IllinoisUrbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801, USAe-mail: [email protected]

F. H. Barrios-MasiasDepartment of Agriculture, Veterinary and Rangeland Sciences,University of Nevada, Reno, NV 89557, USA

Q. ZhouChangjiang Institute of Survey, Planning, Design and Research,Wuhan 430074, Republic of China

C. GuDepartment of Plant and Soil Sciences, University of Delaware,Newark, DE 19716, USA


Phosphorus (P) application is essential for agriculturalproduction, yet current strategies to supply P to meetcrop needs entail agronomic inefficiencies that encum-ber high environmental costs. The high water solubilityof acidulated P fertilizers such as ammonium phos-phates or superphosphates results in high crop availabil-ity but also P loss risk (Sharpley et al. 1996) and fixationby soil minerals (Roy et al. 2016). Additionally, the costof acidulated P fertilizers manufactured from minedphosphate rock is projected to increase and is vulnerableto market volatility (Ulrich and Frossard 2014; Vaccaria n d S t r i g u l 2 01 1 ) . I n c o n t r a s t , s t r u v i t e(NH4MgPO4·6H2O) is a low water solubility (<3%) Pmineral recovered from wastestreams with potential as afertilizer (Talboys et al. 2016). Struvite generated fromP-rich wastestreams offers recircularization of P other-wise lost in the largely linear human trophic chain(Margenot et al. 2019; Trimmer and Guest 2018) andits low water solubility may decrease dissolved reactiveP loss risk from soils following fertilization(Hertzberger et al. 2020). However, the low water solu-bility of struvite can also limit its ability to meet earlycrop P demand and thus constrain growth (Talboys et al.2016). Though soil acidity can facilitate struvite disso-lution abiotically, the magnitude of soil pH-driven dis-solution appears limited (Hertzberger et al. 2020) and isnot applicable in alkaline soils. To facilitate agriculturaluse of struvite as a P fertilizer, strategies relying onbiological solubilization developed for other P mineralswith low water solubility (e.g., apatite or phosphaterock) may offer improved struvite-P crop availabilityacross diverse soil contexts.

Arbuscular mycorrhizae (AM) have been proposedas a means to enhance host plant P uptake from lowsolubility P forms (Bolan 1991). Facilitating greater hostplant uptake of P is one of the most well characterizedand common benefits of AM (Ruzicka et al. 2012;Smith et al. 2011). Arbuscular mycorrhizae can enhancehost plant uptake of inorganic P from soil by (i) explor-ing a greater volume of soil and thus accessingmore distal P resources than the plant root system alone,and (ii) enhancing dissolution of low solubility P, pre-sumably through hyphal exudation of organic acids ordepressing the pH of the mycosphere (Bolan 1991).Though soil exploration and hyphal interception of soilP is a well-established mechanism by which AM canfacilitate greater host plant P uptake (George et al. 1995;

Smith et al. 2011), less understood is the contribution ofAM to dissolution of low solubility P forms (Plassardand Dell 2010). Depending on crop species, AM spe-cies, and/or phosphate rock quality, AM have beenfound to increase crop uptake of P from phosphate rock(e.g., Ramirez et al. 2009), which is generally less watersoluble (< 1%) than struvite (Chien 1977). Arbuscularmycorrhizae exudates have been implicated in enhancedphosphate rock dissolution by AM (Tawaraya et al.2006), and in particular organic acids (Duponnoiset al. 2005). Enhanced P uptake by crop species fromcalcium phosphate compounds, which serve as a modelmineral for phosphate rock (Chien 1977), have beeninterpreted as increased dissolution via organicacid exudates (Chien 1977; Wang et al. 2019; Yaoet al. 2001).

Increasing dissolution of struvite by AM stands tohelp mitigate P limitation of early crop growth bystruvite relative to more water soluble P fertilizers(Talboys et al. 2016). Though previous work has notevaluated AM impacts on crop uptake of struvite-P,the P-solubilizing bacterium Bacillus megateriumwas found to increase P uptake by oat (Avena sativa)by nearly one-third (Hernández Jiménez et al.2020). The potential of AM to increase plant utiliza-tion of low water solubility phosphate rock (Blalet al. 1990; Powell 1979; Powell and Daniel 1978)raises the possibility of similar benefits of AM forstruvite dissolution. As for phosphate rock (Szilaset al. 2007), organic acids (e.g., acetic, citric, malic)have been found to increase dissolution rates ofstruvite (Talboys et al. 2016). The greater citratesolubility of struvite (18–29%) (Hertzberger et al.2020) compared to most phosphate rocks (< 4%)(Chien and Menon 1995; Szilas et al. 2007) suggeststhat AM may offer relatively greater enhancement ofdissolution of struvite. Moreover, the higher solubilityof Mg-organic acid complexes (e.g., 155-fold for oxa-late) than for Ca-organic acid complexes suggests thatMg2+ solubilized from struvite will less strongly inhibitdissolution of remaining struvite, in contrast to a strongnegative feedback effect of Ca2+ released during disso-lution of calcium phosphates (Qiu and Lian 2012).

This study tested the hypothesized enhancementof struvite dissolution by AM and thus increasedstruvite-P utilization by the host plant. To this end,a well-characterized genotypic model of AM-plantassociations was used to furnish contrasting scenar-ios of root colonization in a tomato cultivar and its

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AM-deficient mutant (referred to as MYC and rmc,respectively) (Cavagnaro et al. 2008; Watts-Williams and Cavagnaro 2014, 2015). To test thetwo mechanisms by which AM may improve Pacquisition from low water solubility forms – phys-ical access vs dissolution – struvite granules wereplaced directly in the root zone (5 cm) or at a soildepth below the seedlings (16 cm) of MYC and rmc.Specific objectives were to evaluate the effect ofAM associations and placement on (1) struvite dis-solution (% of granule mass remaining) and (2)nutrient uptake and tomato biomass relative to high-ly water soluble monoammonium phosphate (MAP).Struvite shallow placed in the root zone of MYCwas hypothesized to undergo greater dissolutionthan for rmc. Less dissolution was expected formore deeply placed struvite, and dissolution wasexpected to be similar for MYC and rmc. It wasfurther hypothesized that greater dissolution ofshallow-placed struvite for MYC would entail great-er P uptake, thereby yielding greater biomass com-pared to rmc. In contrast, it was hypothesized thatMYC and rmc fertilized with MAP would havesimilar nutrient uptake and biomass, which wouldbe greater compared to plants fertilized with struvite.


Plants and soil

A tomato mutant with reduced mycorrhizal colonization(rmc) and its wild type progenitor Solanum lycopersicumL. cv. 76R (MYC) were used to furnish differences inAM colonization (Barker et al. 1998). The 0–25 cmdepth of the A horizon of a fine, smectitic, mesic AquicArgiudoll (Flanagan series) was harvested from the Uni-versity of Illinois Crop Sciences Research and EducationCenter in Urbana, IL. The soil was collected from sec-ondary forest (>25 y) to ensure presence of AM sporesand to avoid a high available P concentration, whichgenerally disincentivizes AM colonization (Richardsonand Simpson 2011). The soil used for the experiment hada clay loam texture (22% sand, 28% clay, 50% silt) withpH 6.9 (1:2 m/v in water). Soil Mehlich-3 P(colorimetric) was 19.4 mg kg−1, below the thresholdof 25 mg kg−1 considered optimum for annual cropproduction in this region (Mallarino et al. 2013).

Phosphorus source and placement treatments

Two P sources of contrasting water solubility but similarsize were used at the same P rate, in the form of MAP(95% soluble) and struvite (<3% soluble) in the form ofCrystal Green® (Ostara Nutrient Recovery Technolo-gies, Inc.) (Gu et al. 2020). To enable comparison of Psource, particle size effects were controlled by sievingboth struvite and MAP granules to be 2.8–3.0 mm di-ameter using 2.8 and 3.0 mm sieves. In order to raise soilMehlich-3 P concentrations to a sufficiency target of30 mg kg−1 based on regional agronomic recommenda-tions (Fernández and Hoeft 2009; Mallarino et al. 2013),a field-equivalent rate of 19.8 kg P ha−1 was added,either in the form of MAP (316 mg pot−1) or struvite(587 mg pot−1). To ensure similar amounts of and formsof N were added across treatments, differences in NH4

+-N content between struvite and MAP were accountedfor by adding 25.5 mg ammonium sulfate (5.4 mg totalN) to soils treated with struvite. Thus, struvite and MAPtreatments had the same P rate and N application rates,enabling their comparison to test hypothesized differ-ences in mycorrhizal and plant response between Psources. To remove N limitations to plant growth, afield-equivalent rate of 80 kg N ha−1 as urea (563 mgpot−1) was thoroughly incorporated into the soil beforepotting. To enable placement treatments and the recov-ery of undissolved struvite and MAP granules at the endof the experiment, granules were contained in nylonmesh pouches (12.0 × 7.5 cm) mixed with 30 mL of soilto ensure soil contact. Nylon mesh pouches had 400 μmdiameter openings, which does not restrict plant root orhyphal exploration of soil within the mesh bag (Beardenand Petersen 2000; Wu et al. 2014; Zou et al. 2015)since this diameter size is (i) larger than the median rootdiameter of this specific genotypic tomato model(Müller et al. 2017), (ii) larger than tomato fine rootdiameter (<150 μm) (Müller et al. 2017) and (iii) largerthan AM hyphae diameter by two orders of magnitude(2–5 μm) (Wu et al. 2014). One pouch per pot wassituated 5 cm laterally from the seedling, at one of twoplacement depths: 5 cm or 16 cm below the soilsurface. Six replicates for each of the 2 × 2 treatmentof P source and placement (n = 24) were used, for atotal of 60 pots.

Seeds were surface sterilized with ethanol prior toplant ing in a mix of 25% soi l (< 4.0 mmsieved) combined with 25% fine silica and 50% peatmoss-based potting mixture (BM2, Berger Inc.). At four

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weeks post-sowing, seedlings were transferred to 6.52 Lpots containing 6.60 kg of soil sieved to <4.0 mm. Potswere watered daily with distilled water to maintain 30–35% of the soil’s water holding capacity, determinedgravimetrically. No leachate was observed during orafter watering. The greenhouse was maintained at adaytime (14 h) temperature of 23.9–26.7 °C and anighttime (10 h) temperature of 21.1–23.9 °C. No sup-plemental lighting was used. Tomato plants were grownfor 35 days after transplanting.

Soil and plant harvest and analysis

Plants were harvested at 35 days post-transplant byseparating into aboveground and belowgroundbiomass fractions. Shoot (aboveground) biomassconsisted of leaves and stems, cut at 1 cm above the soilsurface. Root (belowground) biomass was first sampledfor fine, live roots to assess AM colonization and storedin 50% ethanol prior to root colonization counts. Toquantify root colonization, roots were stained withTrypan Blue solution, placed on slides and examinedfor presence of intraradical structures: hyphae coils,vesicles and arbuscules (McGonigle et al. 1990). AMcolonization rates were assessed by counting pres-ence or absence of intraradical structures in the inter-section of roots with an eyepiece crosshair arrangedperpendicular to the root axis. A total of 10–0 inter-sections were assessed per slide. Though othermethods exist to estimate AM biomass (e.g., quanti-tative polymerase chain reaction), for the specifictomato-AM genotype model that we used, multiplestudies have demonstrated the value of root coloni-zation rates as a proxy of high vs low/no AM asso-ciations (e.g., Bowles et al. 2016, 2018; Cavagnaroet al. 2008; Lazcano et al. 2014; Ruzicka et al. 2010,2012).

Remaining roots were washed and oven-dried at50o C for 72 h to determine dry biomass. Totalconcentrations of P, Mg, zinc (Zn), copper (Cu),and calcium (Ca) in aboveground and belowgroundbiomass were determined by digesting finely groundbiomass (<0.5 mm) in nitric acid (10% v/v) at 95 °Cwith quantification using inductively coupled opticalemission spectroscopy (ICP OES) (Havlin andSoltanpour 1980). Total N of biomass samples wasdetermined by dry combustion (Campbell and Plank1992). Shoot (stems + leaves), root and total plant

uptake (mg plant−1) were calculated by normalizingconcentrations to biomass.

Struvite dissolution

Nylon pouches containing struvite or MAP were har-vested from pots and remaining granules were manuallyextracted using tweezers. Clinging soil particles weregently removed by tweezers, and the recovered granuleswere air-dried (25 °C) and weighed. Apparent dissolu-tion of struvite or MAP was calculated as the difference(%) in total mass of granules initially added to eachpouch compared to the mass of granules recovered atthe end of the experiment. As very fine granules couldnot be fully recovered (estimated <0.2 mm), this ap-proach may have slightly overestimated dissolution.However, orders of magnitude higher dissolution andplant availability of fine (<0.5 mm) struvite compared to1–2 mm granule sizes (Degryse et al. 2017; Hertzbergeret al. 2020) suggests that particles of struvite too fine tobe manually recovered by this approach are effectivelyplant available.

To complement mass-based calculation of dissolu-tion, qualitative visual evaluation of residual struvitegranule surfaces were evaluated using scanning electronmicroscopy (SEM). Scanning electron microscopy im-ages were collected and elemental chemical analysiswere conducted for struvite using an Inspect JSM-7800F (JEOL, Japan) SEM at an acceleration voltageof 3.0 kV. Struvite granules subjected to threetreatments were evaluated: pure struvite, struvite afterbeing subjected to Mehlich-3 extraction (Mehlich 1984)as a chemical weathering control, and residual struviterecovered from the greenhouse experiment. Struvitegranules were oven dried at 65 °C for 48 h prior toSEM analysis. Though qualitative, SEM imaging hasbeen successfully used to diagnose non-mass baseddifferences in biologically-driven dissolution of lowwater solubility P minerals such as apatite (e.g.,Calvaruso et al. 2013; Koele et al. 2014), therebycomplementing quantitative dissolution data.

Data analysis

Dissolution of struvite and MAP granules and the re-sponse of tomato biomass and nutrient uptake wereevaluated for genotype, P source and placement of Psource using analysis of variance (ANOVA) withPROC GLM in SAS version 9.4 (SAS Institute, Cary,

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NC). Assumptions of normality of residuals andheteroscedasticity of variance were confirmed. First, aglobal model was used to test for all possible interac-tions (p < 0.05), including the three-way interaction ofgenotype × P source × P placement. Then, nonsignifi-cant interactions were removed from the initial model toincrease sensitivity to remaining interactions and factors(Martınez 2015). Six replicate plants were used to testtreatment effects, with the exception of MYC withstruvite shallow placement, and rmc with MAP shallowplacement, for which five replicates were used due tooutliers in plant biomass (>3-fold lower total biomassthan the treatment mean). Finally, Tukey’s HSD wereperformed to test significant difference of the four treat-ment combinations result from the factorial of genotype× P source (2 × 2) with α = 0.05.


Mycorrhizal colonization and plant growth

Root colonization byAM at harvest was 19.1 ± 3.2% forMYC and 0.45 ± 0.40% for rmc, confirming differencesin AM associations furnished by the genotype model(p < 0.0001). There was no effect of P source on rootcolonization (p = 0.42), though deeper placement – re-gardless of P source – compared to shallow placemententailed a tendency towards greater mean colonizationof MYC roots (p = 0.064). Though root biomass wassimilar for MYC and rmc regardless of P source (geno-type × P source, p = 0.46), shoot biomass depended onthe combination of genotype and P source (genotype × Psource, p = 0.012) and thus drove differences in totalbiomass (genotype × P source, p = 0.013) (Fig. 1). Shootbiomass of MYC was 23.1% greater when fertilizedwith struvite compared to MAP (p = 0.029).

P source dissolution

Dissolution of struvite granules was approximately 4-fold less than MAP granules regardless of depth place-ment and tomato genotype. Struvite dissolution wassimilar for MYC between shallow placement (25.4%)and deep placement (22.2%) (F = 3.1, p = 0.11). Like-wise, no differences in struvite dissolution by depthplacement were observed for rmc (F = 0.6, p = 0.45).MAP dissolution averaged 87.8% and was similaracross genotype and placement.

However, surface morphology of residual struvitegranules were distinct for MYC and rmc depending onplacement (representative images in Fig. 2c-f; all imagesin Fig. S1–6), and exhibited signs of surface weatheringnot evident in fresh struvite (Fig. 2a). Differences instruvite surface morphology between MYC and rmcwere most pronounced for struvite placed at the shallowdepth of 5 cm in the root zone (Fig. 2c, d). The smoothersurface of the residual struvite granules were distinctfrom the surface of struvite granules that were chemi-cally weathered by exposing to acidic Mehlich-3 solu-tion (Fig. 2b) despiteMehlich-3 treated struvite granulesundergoing similar dissolution (24.0%) as struvite gran-ules buried in soils over the 35-day experiment. Resid-ual struvite placed at depth showed greatest similaritiesin surface morphology between MYC and rmc (Fig.2e, f) in addition to similar total dissolution (Table 1)and exhibited a textured surface of lacunae and tesseraethat most closely resembled fresh struvite.

Tomato nutrient uptake

Total tomato uptake of P (mg plant−1) was significantlyelevated for MYC-struvite relative to rmc-struvite, rmc-MAP and MYC-MAP (Fig. 3). However, shoot N up-take (F = 10.1, p = 0.003) differed more by genotypeand by P source than shoot P uptake (F = 6.0, p =0.019), with greater uptake of N by MYC-struvite thanMYC-MAP but not rmc-MAP. Compared to rmc-struvite, MYC-struvite had 31.6% more shoot P and

Fig. 1 Dry biomass of a mycorrhizal wildtype (MYC) and thereduced mycorrhizal colonization mutant (rmc) tomato fertilizedwith struvite or monoammonium phosphate (MAP) in a soil withlow P availability. Columns marked with the same letter do notsignificantly differ in shoot biomass (p < 0.05) determined byTukey’s HSD test

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34.1% more shoot N. When fertilized with struviteinstead of MAP, MYC had 26.1% more shoot P, and33.6%more shoot N. Shoot and total N uptake ofMYC-struvite was similar to rmc-MAP. As the majority oftotal biomass was shoot biomass, total N and P uptake

were driven by shoot N and P uptake (92% and 90% oftotal uptake). To a lesser extent than P and N, shoot Mguptake also depended on genotype and P source (F =4.5, p = 0.041), and was 28.1% greater for MYC-struvite relative to other treatments (i.e., genotype ×

Fig. 2 Scanning electron microscope (SEM) images of (a) purestruvite, and (b) struvite following 5 min extraction in Mehlich-3solution. These two struvite treatments serve as soil- and plant-freecontrols of surface weathering for residual struvite recovered fromsoils used for a 35-day greenhouse tomato growth experimentunder the following treatments: (c) MYC-struvite shallow

placement, (d) rmc-struvite shallow placement, (e) MYC-struvitedeep placement, and (f) rmc-struvite deep placement. Dissolutionof struvite in Mehlich-3 solution was 24.0 ± 2.0%. Additionalimages of replicate granules and at varying magnifications areprovided in the Supporting Information

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fertilizer). In contrast to total uptake (mg plant−1), shootand root P concentrations differed by genotype only,and were higher for MYC compared to rmc (pshoot =

0.020, proot = 0.024) regardless of P source (Table S1).Unlike P uptake, shoot and root N concentrations weresimilar across all treatments, indicating genotype and Psource influenced both biomass and foliar nutrient con-centrations (Table S1).

As MYC-struvite exhibited significantly higher Nuptake compared to rmc-struvite and to MYC-MAP,we additionally analyzed nutrient elements known tobe influenced by AM and specifically for MYC andrmc (Watts-Williams and Cavagnaro 2014). Similarpatterns in total shoot uptake of divalent metal nutrientswere observed as for N and P, including Zn (F = 9.5, p =0.0037), Cu (F = 4.5, p = 0.041), and Ca (F = 5.5, p =0.023) (Table S2). Compared to rmc-struvite, MYC-struvite shoot uptake was greater by 36.2% for Ca,39.3% for Cu, and 35.9% for Zn. When fertilized with

Table 1 Dissolution of monoammonium phosphate (MAP) vsstruvite across genotypes and soil placement, determined by massof fertilizer granule recovered. Values are mean ± s.e

Dissolution (%)Genotype Placement MAP Struvite

MYC shallow 88.8±1.76 25.4±1.57

MYC deep 87.8±1.57 22.2±0.82

rmc shallow 88.8±1.75 20.6±2.26

rmc deep 85.8±1.67 22.7±1.14

Fig. 3 Tomato shoot uptake of (a) phosphorus (P), (b) nitrogen (N),and (c) magnesium (Mg) for the mycorrhizal wildtype (MYC) andthe reduced mycorrhizal colonization mutant (rmc) using struvite ormonoammonium phosphate (MAP) as a P source. Tomato plants

were grown for 35 days in a low P availability soil in a greenhouse.Columns marked with the same letter do not significantly differ(genotype × P source, p < 0.05) for nutrient uptake, determined byTukey’s honest significant difference test

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struvite instead of MAP, MYC shoot uptake was greaterfor Ca by 42.6%, Cu by 39.0%, and Zn by 32.3%.


AM do not influence magnitude of apparent dissolutionof particulate struvite

Similar residual mass of struvite granules betweenMYCand rmc does not support the hypothesized enhanceddissolution of struvite by AM. This is further supportedby similar root biomass betweenMYC and rmc, but twoorders of magnitude greater AM colonization of MYCroots. Similar apparent dissolution of struvite placed atshallow and deep depths, despite the high root densityqualitatively observed at the soil surface during plantharvest, indicates a minor role of roots and dominanteffects of abiotic processes in dissolution. However, thecircumneutral pH of the soil used in this study (pH 6.9)would be expected to account for only a minor propor-tion of the observed dissolution of struvite over the35 day experimental period given that a previous eval-uation found that struvite dissolution over 60 days was<5% in a pH 8.5 soil (Degryse et al. 2017). On the otherhand, nitrification can drive struvite dissolution (Bridgeret al. 1962; Lunt et al. 1964), consistent with soil-applied nitrification inhibitors retarding struvite dissolu-tion (Watson et al. 2019). This could also explain whythe relative dissolution of struvite compared to MAP(1:4) after 35 days in soil was 8-fold greater than therelative difference in water solubility of struvite andMAP (1:32), and is consistent with previous findingsthat extractions (e.g., sequential fractionation) underes-timate the bioavailability of struvite-P in soil (Meyeret al. 2018). However, the amount of struvite dissolvedby Mehlich-3 extraction in 5 min was the same as35 days in the soil, suggesting that commonly employedacidic extractants with organic acids may offer a morerealistic metric of struvite bioavailability than its watersolubility.

Qualitative differences in the surface morphology ofresidual struvite between MYC and rmc identified bySEM are suggestive of an AM effect on dissolution atthe granule surface, even though there were no differ-ences in the (measurable) mass of struvite dissolved.Greater surface area contact of granules by AM hyphaemay have altered the surface morphology of struvitegranules and increased the amount of P available to

the plant. Similar surface scarring and residual tesseraeor needle-like structures have been observed for apatiteexposed to roots (Pinus sylvestris) (Calvaruso et al.2013) or after long-term soil incubations (4 y) (Urozet al. 2012). In our study, hyphae may have providedaccess to P from struvite particles smaller than 0.2 mm,the approximate diameter limit of manual recovery inour study, that roots would otherwise not have access to,which could explain apparent similar dissolution ofstruvite calculated from >0.2 mm residual particles.The qualitative visual similarity of struvite granule sur-faces subjected to AM-associated roots (MYC) andchemical weathering by organic acid solution(Mehlich-3) is consistent with the hypothesis that AMhyphal exudates may contain organic acids (Tawarayaet al. 2006; Toljander et al. 2006) known to increasestruvite dissolution (Talboys et al. 2016). However,deliberate quantification and characterization of hyphalexudates is needed to explicitly test this potential mech-anism. In vitro, ectomycorrhizae (P. involutus) havebeen found to preferentially invest in hyphae in closeproximity to P minerals (Smits et al. 2008), consistentwith selective colonization of minerals depending onnutrient element content, including P, in soil-free (e.g.,peat moss, agar) greenhouse experiments (Bonnevilleet al. 2011; Rosling et al. 2004). In situ, however,mycorrhizal abundance appears to be inversely relatedto soil weathering and thus apatite abundance (Smitset al. 2014), indicating that AM dissolution mechanismsobserved in controlled but simplified ex situ experi-ments may not necessarily manifest in the more com-plex environment of soil.

AM and P fertilizer interactions

As struvite dissolution was not substantially influencedby AM, the observed AM advantage (i.e., greater Puptake by MYC relative to rmc plants) was likely me-diated by a non-solubilization mechanism(s). Hyphalexploration could explain differences in P uptake be-tween MYC and rmc fertilized with struvite (Sharif andClaassen 2011). In some cases, AM associations confergreater P uptake by the host crop from highly watersoluble P sources (e.g., triple superphosphate) but notphosphate rock (Saia et al. 2020; Satter et al. 2006),suggesting that the scavenging mechanism may outstripsolubilization by AM in relative importance. However,this does not explain why MYC fertilized with MAPhad less P uptake than when fertilized with struvite, as

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AM would be expected to similarly scavenge ortho-phosphate once dissolved, regardless of its origin. It ispossible that the higher availability of soil P, directly toroots, from MAP reduced the benefits of AM coloniza-tion even as plant P demands increased overtime (Grantet al. 2005; Menge et al. 1978). The ‘slow-release’nature of struvite implied by its low water solubilityand moderate citrate solubility (Talboys et al. 2016)raises the possibility of greater synchronization of Pavailability from struvite than rapidly-solubilizedMAP. Rapid flushes of orthophosphate susceptible tobinding to mineral surfaces has been proposed to ex-plain why highly soluble P fertilizers such as TSP do notnecessarily outperform phosphate rock (Szilas et al.2007), though this is largely limited to highly weatheredsoils with high P fixation capacity and sufficient acidityto drive phosphate rock dissolution (Margenot et al.2016) and is unlikely to operate in the soil (anEndoaquoll) used here.

Despite using a P-deficient soil and 4-fold lower(apparent) dissolution of struvite compared to MAPand reports of lower early-stage crop growth forstruvite-fertilized plants (e.g., Talboys et al. 2016), wedid not observe lower shoot, root, or total biomass oftomato fertilized with struvite compared to ammoniumphosphate. The mean difference in total P uptake of12 mg plant−1 between MYC with struvite comparedto rmc and/or MAP is equivalent in magnitude to ~17%of P added as struvite, which is comparable to but lowerthan the 23% dissolution of struvite granules. On theother hand, crop P uptake is not necessarily an accuratemeasure of fertilizer P use efficiency because it is con-founded by uptake of soil P not derived from fertilizer.Our use of a soil with low available P minimized, butdoes not rule out, this potential artifact. Asradiolabeling of P in struvite and triple superphos-phate have revealed, non-fertilizer soil P can contrib-ute the majority (>60%) of plant P uptake regardlessof P source (Achat et al. 2014b), consistent withestimates of 15–30% fertilizer P use efficiency byannual crops in the first season following application(Syers et al. 2008). The high organic carbon (7.5%)content of the soil used for this experiment entailed ahigh concentration of organic P (1,247 mg kg−1),which can undergo mineralization by extracellularphosphatases to yield plant-available orthophos-phate. Given the potential of AM to secrete phospha-tases and reports of elevated phosphomonoesteraseactivities in rhizospheres of AM-inoculated roots of

perennial (Wang et al. 2019) and annual (Tarafdarand Marschner 1994) crop species, enhanced P up-take observed for AM-associated tomatoes may havebeen partly mediated by greater contributions frommineralized P. Quantifying P uptake from P sourcesand its discrimination from soil-derived P is not pos-sible without isotopically labeling P (i.e., 32P or 33P).Future work with radioisotopically labeled struviteand reference P fertilizers (e.g., Achat et al. 2014a;b) is needed to further test the hypothesis, supportedbut not fully confirmed by the results of this study,that AM increase crop P uptake under struvite fertil-ization. Similarly, labeling struvite-N with 15N canidentify the source of the observed high N uptake ofMYC fertilized with struvite.

MYC had similar root colonization rates understruvite and MAP fertilization, ruling out the possibilitythat lower soil solution P with struvite fertilization ob-served by others (Hertzberger et al. 2021) stimulatedcolonization. Initial colonization of roots by AM hasbeen shown to not be affected by soil P if root Pconcentrations are low (Grant et al. 2005; Menge et al.1978). Moreover, greater AM colonization of MYCwhen P sources – regardless of water solubility –were placed at depth (p = 0.064) compared to shallowplacement is consistent with P limitation of early cropgrowth incentivizing AM associations (Yoneyamae t a l . 2 007 ) and g r e a t e r s o i l s o l u t i o n Pdisincentivizing root colonization (Grant et al. 2001;Thomson et al. 1992). Though AM species were notevaluated in our study, greater diversity of AM colo-nizing roots of apple (Malus domestica) fertilizedwith struvite compared to high water solubility Psources (Van Geel et al. 2016) could also explainobserved differences in P uptake by MYC fertilizedwith struvite vs MAP. On the other hand, the lowspecies-specificity of AM colonization of tomatoroots has led to the proposition that AM speciesdiversity may not necessarily translate to differencesin host crop P uptake for a given degree of coloniza-tion (Kahiluoto et al. 2012).

Since P, but not N was limiting, increased tomato Puptake afforded by AM-associations (MYC) understruvite fertilization entailed growth-driven demandand higher uptake of N. This is consistent with greateruptake of divalent metals (Ca, Zn, Cu) for MYC withstruvite relative to MAP or to rmc with either P source.When fertilized with struvite and inoculated with P-solubilizing bacteria, oat (Avena sativa) had greater

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uptake of N compared to TSP at the same N rate, whichthe authors attributed to P limitation of crop biomass andthus N uptake (Hernández Jiménez et al. 2020).

Implications for struvite as a P fertilizer

Greater plant growth and nutrient uptake with struvitecompared to MAP facilitated by AM suggests thesebelowground relationships can be employed to promotestruvite as an agronomically viable alternative to highlywater-soluble P fertilizers. Beyond increase recycling ofP fromwastestreams, the low water solubility of struviteentails lower P loss risk and thus ameliorated impacts onwater quality (Gu et al. 2020; Margenot et al. 2019).Greater P uptake and thus greater growth of AM-associated tomato plants fertilized with struvite relativeto MAP challenges the notion that AM is limited tomitigating a P uptake deficit imposed by low watersolubility, as has been found for phosphate rock (e.g.,Satter et al. 2006). Benefits of AM for increasing crop Puptake in agroecosystems have been historically consid-ered in low P-input systems (Hoeksema et al. 2010),notably in resource-limited smallholder agriculture reli-ant on less expensive phosphate rock inputs (Margenotet al. 2016; Nziguheba et al. 2015). Though AM canincrease host plant P uptake from phosphate rock, plant Puptake from highly water soluble P forms is often stillhigher and/or is also enhanced byAM. For example, evenwith AM inoculation, biomass and P uptake by tomatoand black wattle (Acacia mangium) were significantlylower for phosphate rock compared to TSP fertilization(Saia et al. 2020; Satter et al. 2006). This could beexplained by AM-mediated uptake of P incurring a great-er photosynthate cost to the host plant for low solubility Pforms such as calcium phosphate (Andrino et al. 2020). Incontrast, this study identifies an ‘overyield’ (vegetativebiomass) effect of AM for tomato fertilized with struviterelative to MAP. Notably, this AM effect appear to befacilitated by means other than dissolution.

By relying on native or indigenous soil AM, ourstudy provides a realistic evaluation of how AM caninfluence struvite dissolution and uptake in the earlygrowth stages of a broad-field crop. In addition toavoiding biases in the use of potting mixtures orcoarse-textured soils commonly used in greenhouseevaluations of struvite, the low soil P availability andrealistic application rates used in this study avoidsoverestimating crop availability of struvite-P(Hertzberger et al. 2020). Furthermore, reliance on

indigenous soil AM for colonization of plant roots hasthe benefit of emulating realistic field conditions (vander Heijden et al. 1998) and avoids inoculant-driveneffects at the greenhouse scale not necessarily observedin the field (Thirkell et al. 2017). Though it is not knownwhich AM species colonized MYC in our study, poten-tial variation in AM species colonizing MYC vs rmc issecondary to total root colonization driving differencesbetween the two genotypes in acquisition of P and othernutrients (Watts-Williams and Cavagnaro 2014, 2015).Nonetheless, given AM species-specific effects on to-mato P uptake from low solubility P forms such asphosphate rock (Saia et al. 2020), future experimentsshould evaluate the effect of AM species on struvitedissolution, either by characterizing the indigenous spe-cies that colonizes host plants and/or by inoculation.

Supplementary Information The online version contains sup-plementary material available at

Funding Financial support was in part provide by the NationalScience Foundation under grant #NSF REU 1559908/1559929, aspart of the Phenotypic Plasticity Research Experience for Com-munity College Students, through the University of Illinois atUrbana-Champaign Institute for Genomic Biology and ParklandCollege. Additional support was provided by Illinois NutrientResearch and Education Council (NREC) award #2018–4–360731-385 (A.J.M.).

Availability of data and material Data will be made availableupon request.Supplementary Information The online versioncontains supplementary material available at


Conflict of interest The authors have no competing interests todeclare.


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