Page 1: Architectural terminology


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CORNICE• The decorative top edge of a building or column.

• An ornamental moulding round the wall of a room just below the ceiling.

• A horizontal moulded projection crowning a building or structure, especially the uppermost member of

the entablature of an order, surmounting the frieze.

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A rectangular co lumn, espec ia l ly one pro ject ing f rom a wal l .

An upr ight arch i tectura l member that is rectangular in p lan and is s t ructura l ly a p ier but arch i tectura l ly t reated as a column and that usual ly pro jects a th i rd of i ts width or less f rom the wal l .

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COLONNADE• In classical architecture, a colonnade denotes a long sequence of columns joined by their entablature,

often free-standing, or part of a building.

• Paired or multiple pairs of columns are normally employed in a colonnade which can be straight or


St. Peter's Square, Vatican City St. Peter's Square colonnade

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BRACKET• A bracket is an architectural element: a structural or decorative member.

• It can be made of wood, stone, plaster, metal, or other mediums. It projects from a wall,

usually to carry weight and sometimes to "...strengthen an angle".

• In mechanical engineering a bracket is any intermediate component for fixing one part to

another, usually larger, part.

A classically detailed bracket

Brackets are used in traditional timber

framing including the support of a jettied

floor which can be carved.Presentation By- Ar. Roopa Chikkalgi9

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Mandapa in Indian architecture is a

pillared outdoor hall or pavilion for

public rituals.

In the Hindu temple the mandapa is

a porch-like structure leading to the


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A cupola is a small, most often dome-like, structure on top of a building. Often

used to provide a lookout or to admit light and air, it usually crowns a larger roof

or dome.


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AXISAn Imaginary straight line from the center.

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BARREL VAULTA Cylindrical roof over a rectangular plan. Also called

tunnel vault or wagon vault.

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• A buttress is an architectural structure built against or

projecting from a wall which serves to support or reinforce the


• Buttresses are fairly common on more ancient buildings, as a

means of providing support to act against the lateral (sideways)

forces arising out of the roof structures that lack adequate



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CORBELLING• Blocks projecting from a wall, each layer is

projected further from the previous layer.

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NICHE• A recess in a wall created to

house the statue or for

ornamentation purpose

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• A cella(greek) is the inner chamber of a temple(Garbagriha).


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PEDIMENT• A pediment is an architectural element usually of a triangular shape, placed above the

horizontal structure of the entablature, typically supported by columns.

Presentation By- Ar. Roopa Chikkalgi


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