  • 1. Argentina By Amanda Haikal

2. Location

  • Argentina is located in the south of South America. It is close by the Atlantic Ocean.

3. Government

  • The government in Argentina is Republic. It is all runnedby the President. Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, became the first female to become President of Argentina.

4. Religion

  • Most Argentines are Roman Catholic. About 11.3% are religiously indifferent, and 2% are Protestant.

5. Population

  • There are approximately 36 million Argentines that live in Argentina. About 95% of them are white.

6. History

  • The Spanish migrated to Argentina about 30,000 years ago.
  • Argentina was first found by European navigators. But in 1515, Spanish navigator, Juan Diaz de Solis started to colonize the area.

7. Tourist Attractions

  • Buenos Aires gets mostly all of the tourists, because of its beautiful scenery, and night life.
  • Also, the IguazaFalls, and the Quebradade Humahuacawhich was used often as transportation for the ancient empires.

8. Natural Resources

  • Lead, zinc, tin, copper, iron ore, manganese, petroleum, and uranium, are all of Argentinas natural resources.

9. School

  • When you are between the ages of six to fourteen, you are supposed to be in school, it is the law.
  • The percentage of people completing and attending school is 3.2%.

10. Currency

  • Argentinas currency is called, Argentine Peso.

11. Food

  • Beef is the national dish of Argentina.
  • A favorite main course is parrillada , which is a mixed grill with steak, and beef.
  • Argentina is also South Americas largest producer of honey, which makes its way into many Argentine desserts.

12. Bibliography

  • "Argentina Tourist Attractions." World Travel Guide - Tours, Flights, Hotels . Web. 11 Oct. 2010. .
  • "Argentina Travel Information and Travel Guide - Lonely Planet." Lonely Planet Travel Guides and Travel Information . 2010. Web. 11 Oct. 2010. .
  • Decree , By. "Argentina." U.S. Department of State . 16 Sept. 2010. Web. 11 Oct. 2010. .

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