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The region, is located in the Mindanao islandgroup of the Philippines, that is composed of fivepredominantly Muslim provinces, namely: Basilan(except Isabela City), Lanao del Sur,Maguindanao, Sulu and Tawi-Tawi. It is the onlyregion that has its own government. The regionalcapital is at Cotabato City, although this city isoutside of its jurisdiction.


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1380 - Muslims arrived in Tawi-tawi and natives converted toIslam. 1457 - Sultanate of Sulu was established then Maguindanao andBuayan followed.The people collectively call themselves “Bangsamoro” to identifythemselves under the Islamic law and culture. They resisted thethree colonizers and nevertheless wasn’t annexed into the Philippinegovernment after the declaration of Independence. Most of it’sterritories have been separate so they were able to develop their ownidentity. 4

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1970’s (Marcos Regime) when tensions escalatedbetween government forces and the (MNLF) MoroNational Liberation Front. This prompted the presidentto issue a proclamation that created Autonomous Region inSouthern Mindanao. Aug 1, 1989 - Creation of Autonomous Region inMuslim Mindanao through RA 6734 aka Organic Act.The ARMM was officially inaugurated on November 6,1990 in Cotabato City.


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September 2, 1996, the MNLF and thePhilippine Government signed the final PeaceAgreement which led to the election of MNLFchairman Nur Misuari as Regional Governor of


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The Peace Agreement also paved the way for the creation of theSpecial Zone of Peace and Development (SZOPAD)and Southern Philippines Council for Peace andDevelopment (SPCPD) which was established by virtue ofExecutive Order No. 371 on October 21, 1996 by President FidelV. Ramos. Governor Misuari was named SPCPD Chairman.

Meanwhile, the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF),another Moro armed group, continued with their struggle. Armedclashes between the military and the MILF escalated to a full warby the year 2000 displacing some 400,000 persons.

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When Pres. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo assumed thePresidency on January 2001 after the ouster ofPresident Joseph E. Estrada, she reversed the all-outwar policy of the Estrada Administration andinitiated peace talks which led to the signing of aceasefire agreement on June 22, 2001. Regional Governor: Mujiv S. Hataman

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Basilan Isabela City

Lanao del Sur Marawi City

Maguindanao Shariff Aguak

Sulu Jolo

Tawi-tawi Bongao/Panglima Sugala


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Governor: Jum Jainuddin-AkbarVice Governor: Keemhar Jay Reynon Sakkalahul

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Is an island province of the Philippines withinthe Autonomous Region in MuslimMindanao (ARMM). It is the largest and northernmostof the major islands of the Sulu Archipelago and islocated just off the southern coast of ZamboangaPeninsula.It composed of 11 municipalities and 2 cities.

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Its capital, Isabela City, is grouped together with Basilanfor geographical and statistical purposes, but is administeredindependently as part of the Zamboanga Peninsula Region.

Basilan is home to three main ethnic groups, theindigenous Yakans, and the later-arriving Tausugs and Zamboangueño. The Yakans andTausugs are predominantly Muslim, while the Zamboangueñoare mainly Christian.

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Basilan's derive its name from its iron ore deposits.Tausug warriors and slave-traders from Sulu came to Taguimato purchase high-quality of magnetic iron ores, which they

used for swords, knives and other blades. Thus, basih-lan means "the iron (magnet) trail" or "the ironway". The lingua franca is Chavacano, a Spanishcreole dialect.


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Finely crafted Moro blades made from Basilan "basih" (iron).

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Zamboanga City is the main gateway to Basilan Islandwhich lies 17 nautical miles (narrowest point of the BasilanStrait) due north. If you’re from Manila or Cebu, take a flightto Zamboanga City then take a Jeepney bound for Canelarand walk towards the port. From there, a boat ride of 1 hour and 45 mins (forconventional passenger ferries), or 1 hour (for a fast craft),will take you to Isabela and Lamitan.


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Peninsula point called Punta matangal in Tuburan that offersa haven for surfers very similar to that of the north shore ofHawaii. Rising from the waters at the shorelines are communities that seem to float which are called Samal houses on stilts lined on both sides by mangroves.Malamawi Island, the gateway to Basilan, where can be found the Badjao, Samal-Luaans-Banguingui, and Muslim cemeteries. The island boasts of the only lake in the province with wild ducks and is home to the Panigayan fishing village, an ideal spearfishingdestination.

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Samal houses

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Do some water activities in the 14-meter-high waterfalls of theKumalarang River. In the heart of Isabela is the Santa Isabel Cathedral with itsmodern architectural design. Beside the cathedral is a displaycenter of native handicrafts like mats, bags, and other productsmade of buri. The most remarkable feature of Bulingan Falls are its walls.One would suspect that it was a work by a landscape artistutilizing columns of rocks beautifully arranged and piled on top ofeach other, creating a wall that resembles a pipe organ. You willbe amazed to find out that the wall is a natural rock formation.

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Santa Isabel Cathedral

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Bulingan Falls

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Not far from Isabela proper is the Kaum Purnah Mosqueand Muslim Village, which shows Muslim culture through atleast three tribes. The 400-meter-high Calvario Peak and its Chapel of Peaceare a delight to photographers. Sumagdang Beach is a natural swimming resort amidstcoconut plantations, mini rice fields, and fishponds. The next town of Lamitan is the best place to see the Yakan, apeace-loving people known for colorful clothes hand woven withintricate geometric designs as well as for elaborate weddings andfestivals.

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Kaum Purnah Mosque

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Be stunned by the huge number of rubber trees in the areaand how they were beautifully lined up. The canopy of rubbertrees are absolutely a feast in the eyes.

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Place: Lamitan, BasilanDate: June 29It is celebrated during the Feast of St. Peter (Fiesta San Pedro). The Festival is highlighted by the participation of the Yakans who attend the festivities in full regalia, selling wares and produce brought in from their farms in the interior.

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Place: Isabela City, BasilanDate: April 25It is an annual commemoration of its Cityhood, is a week-long series of activities culminating in the annual Street Dancing parade

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Place: Isabela City, BasilanDate: July 8Celebrated in honor of its Patroness Saint Elizabeth of Portugal (Span. Sta. Isabel de Portugal), the focal point of the Fiesta celebrations happen around the Sta. Isabel Cathedral. This is highlighted by a Procession and Novena Masses, the traditional Bella Isabela Beauty Pageant, marathon, regatta and other activities.

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Place: Basilan ProvinceDate: May 9An Islamic event celebrating the nocturnal journey and ascension of Muhammad.

Place: Basilan ProvinceDate: December 27An Islamic celebration honoring the birthday of Muhammad.

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Governor: Mamintal Alonto Adiong Jr.Vice Governor: Arsad Marohombsar

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Lanao del Sur forms the western portion of NorthernMindanao. It is bounded on the north by Lanao del Norte, on theeast by Bukidnon, on the west by Illana Bay, and on the southby Maguindanao and Cotabato. The landscape is dominated byrolling hills and valleys, placid lakes and rivers. The province is subdivided into 39 municipalities and 1 city,Marawi which the capital. Marawi City is now the only charteredcity in the country with predominantly Muslim population. The Maranao dialect is the most commonly spoken. Alsospoken are Tagalog and Visaya as well as English and Arabic.

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Lanao comes from the word ranao, meaning "lake“. Lanaocenters on the basin of Lake Lanao; thus, it is the land of theMaranaos, the "people of the lake“. When the Spaniards first explored Lanao in 1689, they found awell-settled community named Dansalan at the lake's northernend. Dansalan became a municipality in 1907 and a city in 1940. During the Pre-Spanish time, there are 4 important Boundarieshold the power of appointing a new sultan namely: Bakayawan,Dalama, Madambaand and Sawer. In appointing a new sultan thepermission of these four boundaries are needed to validate the newsultan appointed to his position.

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By Air-Land:From Manila, take a flight bound for Cotabato City. Another option is to take a flight bound for Lanao del Norte. From there, several taxis travels to Marawi City.By Sea:Manila to Cagayan de Oro City travel by sea takes about an entire day. Once at the port, there are available public vehicles bound for Marawi City.

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Aga Khan MuseumLocation: Mindanao State University, Marawi City, Lanao del SurNamed in honor of King Aga Khan who contributed to the realization of the museum. Historical development is banked on the large space where cultural materials where conserved. It has a huge, collection of indigenous art and recorded ethnic music tapes. It also highlights the native folk dances from different regions of Mindanao, Sulu and Palawan. The native tools and weapons used by the Muslims and different artistic designs of houses are the main attractions of museum.

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Cultural Town of TugayaLocation: Tugaya, Lanao del SurIt has a near-exclusive reputation for producing brassware, being the only community in the province that produces excellent brassware. Practically every family has a bellows in the area where the metals are smelted. Using the cire perduleor lost wax technique, cannons and gongs, betelnut boxes and rice pots are made.

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Torogans & Sambitory Old BuildingLocation: Marawi City, Lanao del SurThe unique natural setting of the Maranaos in the city is best manifested by the presence of the many large torogans, the Maranao houses, characterized by an antique royal high roof with curved designs.

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Moncado ColonyLocation: Marawi City, Lanao del SurIt was named in honor of Dr. Hilario Camino Del Prado Moncado, who is best known as the founder and Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Filipino Crusaders World Army. He is a leader, an organizer, author of books and lecturer of humanities, a delegate to the 1935 Constitutional Convention and a candidate for President of the Philippines in 1941.

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Mindanao State UniversityLocation: Marawi City, Lanao del SurMindanao State University was established on September 1, 1961. Formal classes opened in June 1962. It has six autonomous campuses throughout Mindanao. Kilometer Zero Point MarkerLocation: Marawi City, Lanao del SurIt is an important landmark in Lanao del Sur, from which all distances in Mindanao are measured. This is similar to the measures of distances in Manila which begin at the Rizal Monument in Rizal Park

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Lake LanaoLocation: Lanao del SurIt is the largest lake in Mindanao, and the second largest lake in the Philippines and counted as one of the 15 ancient lakes in the world. It is also the deepest in the Philippines, at 2,300 feet above sea level. The lake is home to 18 endemic species of freshwater fish and supports a large number of waterfowl.

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Agus RiverLocation: Marawi City - Linamon, Lanao del SurIt is considered as the swiftest river in the country. Its famous cataract is the Maria Cristina Falls, outlet of Lake Lanao to Illana Bay. In Maranao mythology, Lake Lanao once threatened to drown the people of Sebangan with its ever-rising waters. The Archangel Gabriel is thought to have made the Agus river in order to drain the lake. Bagang BeachLocation: Caloocan, Marawi City, Lanao del SurThe beach is filled with rocks and boulders that serve as benches, and trees in the lakeside that provide shade. It is ideal for picnics, and its clear water makes it a good place for boating and swimming.

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Mt. Mupo (Sacred Mountain)Location: Brgy. Papandayan and Guimba, Marawi City, Lanao del SurIt is proclaimed as one of the national park and protected area. The forest area covers around 372.986 hectares. A variety of high value timber trees such as narra, lawaan and tangile. It is known for its untouched trees, beautiful and perfect cone.Mt. Siningcaongan or Signal HillLocation: Marawi City, Lanao del SurIt is occupied as the home of the military camp of the battalion command of the Philippine Army. This small mountain is facing the Provincial Capitol of Lanao del Sur and the panoramic view of Lake Lanao .

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Place: Bacolod-Kalawi, Lanao del Sur,Date: Two and a half months after the Eid’l Fitrit is in commemoration of the Islam Revolution. It signifies the progressive realization of Islamic principles and teachings among believers.

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Location: Wao, Lanao Del SurDate: February 22Kalilang and Kariyala both mean “merrymaking and thanksgiving”. This universal expression of thanksgiving for the triumphs, abundance, prosperity or any form of blessings received. The celebration of this is festival are similar to Lami- Lamihan of Lamitan, Basilan and Meguyaya of Upi, Maguindanao.

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Location: Marawi CityDate: April 15A festival commemorating the charter anniversary celebrationof Marawi City Highlights of the festival are Qur’an ReadingContest, presentation of colorful Muslim songs and dances,Islamic Quiz Bee, exhibits of Maranao crafts, nativedelicacies, traditional games and musical instrumentscompetition.

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Governor: Esmael MangudadatuVice Governor: Lester Sinsuat

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Maguindanao is a province of the Philippines located inthe Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM).Its capital is Shariff Aguak. It borders Lanao del Sur tothe north, Cotabato to the east, and Sultan Kudarat to thesouth.

Maguindanao means “people of the flood plain”. TheMaguindanao are most heavily concentrated along theshores and in the flood lands of the Pulangi-MindanaoRiver basin.

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Maguindanao is composed of 36 municipalities, which arefurther subdivided into 506 barangays. Cotabato City is oftengrouped with Maguindanao, but it is actually independent fromthe province. The province is divided into two congressional districts. InOctober 2006, the first congressional district was split off into anew province, Shariff Kabunsuan. However, the ARMM's Actcreating the province was nullified by the Supreme Court in July2008, on the basis that creation of a province is a function of thePhilippine legislature. The area has since reverted to the provinceof Maguindanao.

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By Air:There are direct flights from Manila, Cebu, and ZamboangaCity that are bound for Cotabato City. Travel time ranges from 1 hour and 30 minutes (from Manila) to 25 minutes (from Zamboanga)By Sea:Commercial ferries travel from Manila, Cebu, and ZamboangaCity towards Cotabato City once a week, docking at PollocWharf. Travel time is two days from Manila.

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Takumi Butai Memorial ShrineLocation: San Sebastian Compound, Cotabato CityThe monument is in honor of Takumi Butai and the Japanese soldiers who died here during the second World War. Takumi was the Provincial Commander of the Japanese forces assigned in Cotabato City. Before he died, he requested that some of his ashes be buried in Cotabato City.

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Kutawato CavesLocation: Tantawan Hill, Cotabato CityIt got its name from the words “kuta” means fort and “wato” means stone hence the name fort of stone. Kutawato caves with its walls of white, beige and brownish shade, glitters in the dark and echoes a colorful past dating back to the days when no foreign foot yet trampled upon this island. These caves had given sanctuary to the natives when the Spaniards tried to convert them into the faith. It also served as garrison and armory for Filipino guerillas who fought the invading force of the Japanese Imperial Army during the Second World War.

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Autonomous Region for Muslim Mindanao CompoundLocation: Gov. Gutierrez Avenue, Cotabato CityConsidered as the symbol of the Bangsamoro’s struggle for self-determination, the ARMM conducts governance in a 4-hectare compound housing the Office of the Regional Governor, Regional Legislative Assembly, Shariff KabunsuanCultural Center, Regional Museum and Regional Offices, including those of Region XII of which Cotabato City is a part of. The buildings in the compound showcase unique blend of modern and Muslim architecture.

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Cotabato City HallLocation: Cotabato CityIt is a century-old structure that houses almost all the city government offices. It showcases a unique antique architectural design depicting Muslim art. Caverna EspanolaLocation: Cotabato CityTwenty one flights of stairs and three unconnected winding tunnels lead to cave bowels bearing a colonial-era Spanish Dungeon turned World War II Japanese jail.

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Be astonished with the sacred spaces and beautiful interiors of the Blue Mosque (Masjid), a place of worship for the followers of Islam that will surely leave one in awe for its marvelous architecture. Accentuated by its color, the Mosque is a famous attraction and landmark in Parang that lies along Narciso Highway. If yearning for a great expedition, try mountaineering to enjoy the wonderful vista on top of Mount Biarong that overlooks the panoramic view of Upi municipality, known as “the Little Baguio” of the Province.

Blue Mosque

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P.C. Hill / Tantawan HillLocation: Cotabato CityThis is a stone fort towering over the city with a height of 90 feet. It houses the Cotabato City Internal Defense Command. This historic hill served as a watch tower for the natives. It commands a panoramic view of the city and Rio Grande de Mindanao.Kweba ni SaturLocation: Tantawan Hill, Cotabato CityIt is a former snake pit once thought to be the mouth of hell. One has to descends via vine or rope or marches down a flight of stairs to go inside the feared cave.

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Rio Grande de MindanaoLocation: Cotabato CityIt is the second largest river in the Philippines and the longest in Mindanao, crisscrossing with its tributaries the city's vast area. It is estimated to be 182 kilometers long and 96 meters wide. Water sports and boat racing are the popular attractions of the river, usually held to coincide with the Shariff Kabunsuan Festival and the Feast of Hariraya Puasa.

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Timako HillLocation: Cotabato CityThe hill overlooks the Illana Bay. It is graced by the beach resorts of Linik, Kushiong, and Tapian Point, characterized by blue waters and a sandy white beach. Timako is an ideal site for camping, boating, swimming, and fishing. Bagua CaveLocation: San Vicente St., Cotabato CityThe caverns filled with rock and mineral formations has been transformed into stages for theatrical and musical performances. Spring water flows into various pools that augment the ambiance during art and photo exhibits, while the many hidden chambers support myths of treasures hidden by the Japanese during World War II.

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Our Lady of Lourdes GrottoLocation: Brgy. Awang, Cotabato CityIt is a replica of France's Our Lady of Lourdes Grotto. The site has attracted many visitors, mostly devotees, believing that the statue has been a source of miracles. The compound boasts an ideal retreat house for recollections and seminars, a mini zoo, and a children's park. Tamontaka ChurchLocation: Brgy. Tamontaka, Cotabato CityIt was built in 1872 following Spanish architecture and design. The oldest church in the city, it is a relic of the living past.

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Place: Cotabato CityDate: December 19It is a colorful festival commemorating the arrival of Sharif Muhammed Kabungsuwan via Rio Grande de Mindanao more than 500 years ago to introduce Islam to the natives. The festival is highlighted by a fluvial parade along Rio Grande de Mindanao followed by the re-enactment of his arrival. Water sports, boat racing, ethnic sports competition, cultural dances, and a week-long trade fair, add color to the festival.

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Location: Upi, MaguindanaoDate: December 19The term is a Teduray word meaning ‘Merrymaking and Thanksgiving” This is a universal expression of thanksgiving for the triumphs, abundance, prosperity or any form of blessing received.

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Date: Every 2nd week of FebruarySagayan is a Philippine war dance performed by both the Maguindanao and Maranao depicting in dramatic fashion the steps their hero, Prince Bantugan, took upon wearing his armaments, the war he fought in and his subsequent victory afterwards.

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Place: Cotabato CityDate: June 20It commemorates the creation of Cotabato as a charter city. The celebration is marked by cultural presentations, trade exhibits, athletic competitions, and other events such as the drum and bugle corps competition and "saranggolahan" (Kite Festival). The highlight of the affair is the "Mutya ng Kotabato" pageant on the eve of the foundation day.

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Governor: Abdusakur Tan IIVice Governor: Abdusakur Tan

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Far-flung Sulu is the southernmost part of thePhilippines, lying between the Sulu Sea on the north andthe Celebes Sea on the south. Although far, many touristtravel here to see and experience the beauty of islandprovince.

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It composed of 19 municipalities and 410barangays. Although consisting of a mixed communityof Muslims, the Tausug dominate the SuluArchipelago. The Tausug were among the firstinhabitants of the Philippines to embrace Islam as areligion and a way of life. They are referred to as‘people of the current’, reflective of their close ties tothe sea.

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By Air:Take a flight to Zamboanga City. From there, take a chartered flight bound for Jolo, Sulu. Plane lands at Jolo Airport.By Sea:Commercial ferry boats travel to Zamboanga City. Travel time from Manila to Zamboanga City is 29 hours, estimated. Ferry boats at Zamboanga Port travel towards Sulu.

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American Calvary MonumentLocation: Jolo, SuluKnown as the Sunken Garden, this was built to thank the American soldiers who fought for the people from Jolo. Sulu Ethnological MuseumLocation: Notre Dame of Jolo College, Jolo, SuluIt is a private museum that has displays relating to the local culture and to Jolo's early trade with Indonesia China and the Arab world. Visitors can watch mat-weaving and purchase fine handicrafts such as cloth, mats, and bags at NACIDA shop at Notre Dame College.

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Walled City / Walls of IntramurosLocation: Jolo, SuluThe wall measures at 8 ft. high 1-1/2 ft. thick and surrounds the former Spanish garrison of Jolo. It served as a protection against intermittent attacks by Moro sabil-illah(Juramentados). It was constructed by the Spanish occupation army soon after the fall of Jolo on February 29,1878, with labor supplied by Filipino deportados who were prisoners of the Spanish Army.

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Plaza Tulay MonumentLocation: Brgy. Tulay, Jolo, SuluThis monument was erected by Spanish Gov. Jose Arolas in 1891 to commemorate three occasions when Jolo was occupied by Spanish forces. One side of the monument bears the inscription “A la gloria de los que con su esfuerzo hicieronesta tierra Espanola “; the second side bears the inscription” Corcuera,17 de Abril de 1638”; the third side , “Urbiztondo, 28 de Febrero de 1851”; the fourth side, “Malcampo, 29 de Febrero de 1876”.

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Poon Tao Kong MarkerLocation: Jatin Tunggal, Indanan, SuluThe marker remembers the contribution of Psi Hsien who served as leader ambassador of goodwill of China. He died in 1408 and was given the name Poon Tao Kong, the Celestial. He was a Muslim Chinese Emperor to send Moslem emissaries or tribute collectors to Moslem countries.

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Fort of the Princess of AsturiasLocation: Jolo, SuluBuilt by the Spaniards, this building was dedicated to the Princess of Spain. When Spanish forces left Jolo in 1899, the Americans made this military headquarters of the Philippines scout then later the Constabulary up to 1942. When Japanese Imperial Forces occupied Jolo the basement of this building served as the dungeon where Filipinos were tortured in 1945. Sulu Provincial CapitolLocation: Jolo, SululIt was constructed during the administration of Governor Murphy Sangkula. Its Moorish-inspired architectural design makes it a must-see site.


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Tubbataha ReefLocation: Sulu SeaIt draws divers from all over the world with its underwater splendor and the rich marine life that abounds in the reef. Snappers, sweet lips, groupers, angel fish, and morays can be found, amid huge fan corals and sponges. Large schools of barracudas, jacks, rainbow runners, and surgeons pass by while tunas race about.

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Pearl Farm at Marungas IslandLocation: Marungas Island, Jolo, SuluThe island, located in Sulu Sea, is dotted with coral reefs and can provide probably some of the world's best dive spots for those seeking the ultimate in underwater beauty and adventure. Dubbed as the “Mother of Pearls”, Sulu pearls were considered as the finest in the world, found in high-bred shells in deep, clear, and rapid tidal waters.

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Maubo Beach Location: Patikul, SuluIt boasts of about one kilometer of white sand, and is most frequented by the residents due to its accessibility. Tanjung BeachLocation: Indanan, SuluIt is a white sand beach situated just three kilometers away from the town proper.

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Place: Jolo, SuluDate: 2nd Week of AugustA three-day cultural show and festivitescommemorating the arrival of Rajah Baguinda who was responsible for the spread of Islam and reinforcing the Sultanate Government in the Sulu Archipelago.THE FESTIVAL

The shrine

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Governor: Nurbert SahaliVice Governor: Tati Ahaja

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It is the southernmost province of the country, sharing sea borders with the Malaysian state of Sabah and the Indonesian North Kalimantan province, both on the island of Borneo to the west. To the northeast lies the province of Sulu. It is a cluster of 106 islands and islets scattered over Sulu and Celebes sea. It consist of 11 municipalities and 203 barangays.

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The name of Tawi-Tawi is a projection of the Malay word "jauh" meaning "far“. Prehistoric travelers from the Asian mainland would repeat the word as "jaui-jaui" to mean "far away" because of the distance of the islands from the mainland. The word "Tawi-Tawi" was picked up to later become the official name of the province. The people make their living mostly from the sea. Many of them live in house-boats, and more live in houses built over the water and connected by little bridges.

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By Air:Take a flight to Zamboanga City. From there, take a chartered flight bound for Tawi-Tawi. Plane lands at Sanga-Sanga Airport. Currently, only one airline company flies to Tawi-Tawi.By Sea:Commercial ferry boats travel to Zamboanga City. Travel time from Manila to Zamboanga City is 29 hours, estimated. Ferry boats at Zamboanga Port travel towards Bongao Commercial Port.

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Badjao VilageLocation: Bongao, Tawi-TawiOne can visit the Badjao Village to see their lifestyle and the intricate art of weaving, which the Badjaos are known for. SitangkaiLocation: Bongao, Tawi-TawiEye-catching Sitangkai is considered the "Venice of Tawi-Tawi" for its houses built on stilts above water. It is also the site for one of the few floating markets left in Asia, although it remains one of the liveliest.


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Makhdum MemorialLocation: Sibutu, Tawi-TawiLegend has it that Arab Missionary Sheik Makdum,whoconstructed the Mosque in Tubig Indangan,was a powerful imam who could lift 3-foot diameter pillars. His remains are allegedly buried in two separate islands one of which is Simmunul the other,Tandubanak on the southern shore of Sibutu.

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Gusong ReefLocation: Mapun (Cagayan de Tawi-Tawi), Tawi-TawiSeagulls, known to the natives as "tallah-tallah," have settled here by the thousands to lay their eggs. Gusong Reef is a top producer of the delicious turtle eggs, ranking second only to the Turtle Islands. Bongao PeakLocation: Bongao, Tawi-TawiDominating with a prominent vertical cliff on its north side,Bongaopeak towers above the island,welcoming tourists. The peak is a protected monkey sanctuary in the capital town of Bongao. A natural watchtower provides a view of the expanse of sea and the string of islands of Tawi-tawi

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Manuk-Mangkaw Island / MusaLocation: Bongao, Tawi-TawiIt is an island located slightly beyond and across the channel. It is said to be "floating like an umbrella“, under which submarines of the Allied Forces sought refuge from enemy depth charges during World War II. Manuk-Mangkaw derives its name from a cluster of branches atop an ancient tall tree forming the image of a hen about to walk. It was used as a landmark by seafarers who jestingly called upon the "hen" to take the first inevitable step -" manok mankaw," meaning "walk, then walk."

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Tahing-Tahing BeachLocation: Tabawan, South Ubian, Tawi-TawiWith its crystal clear waters, it forms a natural swimming pool. A picnic haven, it is where a group of American soldiers were inspired to compose the song, "Tawi- Tawi Beach." Turtle IslandsLocation: Turtle Island, Tawi-TawiThe Turtle Islands,together with three islands of neighboring country Malaysia, and the surrounding coral waters, are the only living area of the Green Sea Turtles in Asia and in the whole world.

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Tubig IndanganLocation: Simunul, Tawi-TawiOn this location stands the first Muslim mosque built by the Arabian missionary Sheik Makdum in 1380 A.D. It is a pilgrimage site for Filipino Muslims. Tandubanak MosqueLocation: Sibutu, Tawi-TawiIt is the biggest mosque in Sibutu is the one in Tandubanak. Sporting a pink and green motif,it stands proudly along the narrow and singular road that bisects the island.

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Place: Tawi-Tawi ProvinceDate: September 24 - 27The festival commemorates the foundation anniversary of the province. Highlight of the event include cultural presentation that showcases the colorful ethnic cultures of the Sama, Badjaos, Jama Mapuns and Tausugs, fluvial parades marine sports like the Paglomba-lomba ma Tahik Tawi-Tawi, a boat racing competition, and beauty pageant.

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Location: Bongao, Tawi-TawiDate: September 25This Festival is also called Agal- agal Festival (local name for carrageen seaweed), Thanksgiving festivity for its good harvest (similar to Meguyaya). This week-long festivity is celebrated every forth week of September showcasing the region’s economic potentials, culture, costums and tradition

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Location: Simunul, Tawi-TawiDate: November 07Sheik Karimul Makhdum Festival is celebrated incommemoration for his good deeds for bringing Islam to theland. Sheik Karimul Makhdum is a 13th century Muslimmissionary from Malaysia who established the first mosquein the Philippines; the mosque is located in Tubig Indangan,Simunul, Tawi-Tawi.

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The ARMM Region is famous in rice

delicacies, namely; duldul, pastil, katilapan,

and pawa.

Native dishes like chicken with

currypowder. In addition of the muslim

delicacies are putrid, sinigang na baka and


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