Page 1: Arora · 2018. 10. 1. · Pantone Solid Coated 2119 C c 54, m 48, y 0, k 64 R 43, G 48, B 93 Pantone Solid Coated 2266 C c 45, m 0, y 52, k 66 R 48, G 87, B 42 Pantone Solid Coated


concertalbums salessign singersmusic download

Page 2: Arora · 2018. 10. 1. · Pantone Solid Coated 2119 C c 54, m 48, y 0, k 64 R 43, G 48, B 93 Pantone Solid Coated 2266 C c 45, m 0, y 52, k 66 R 48, G 87, B 42 Pantone Solid Coated

WHO WE AREArora Entertainment is an musical focused company that

covers almost anything about musicl circle. For our primary

goal, We provides an online platform for users to download

their own favorite musics by either mobile app or website,

holds concert for Artists who we sign contract with, releases

and sales albums etc.

Besides Concerts and Events business, Arora other core

business involves music contents creation and production,

physical And digital music distribution, music publishing,

artiste management, event management, and professional

artiste training academy.

Page 3: Arora · 2018. 10. 1. · Pantone Solid Coated 2119 C c 54, m 48, y 0, k 64 R 43, G 48, B 93 Pantone Solid Coated 2266 C c 45, m 0, y 52, k 66 R 48, G 87, B 42 Pantone Solid Coated

Define Identity01Mark Construction

Brand Colors

TypographyArora Entertainment maintains

the capability for unmatchable

new development and production.

Since 2008, Arora Entertainment

has produced the leading artists,

such as Jay Chou, Wayne,Lam JJ,

Pan Wilber etc., to the music world.

Through the new casting potential,

unmatched Arora structured training,

and world class in-house producing

system, We have been able to train

artists to lead the global market.

Arora Entertainment has a desire to

become the most preferred brand.

Page 4: Arora · 2018. 10. 1. · Pantone Solid Coated 2119 C c 54, m 48, y 0, k 64 R 43, G 48, B 93 Pantone Solid Coated 2266 C c 45, m 0, y 52, k 66 R 48, G 87, B 42 Pantone Solid Coated


Our mark, which originates from

the right side conveys the primary

focus of our musical entertainment

company straightforward by using

quarter note. We believe that

people getting strong enthusiasm

to explore their interests as

they choose our company by

recognizing this particular

visual elements at very first.




We place the “Wave“ which

looks like a beehive Stinger

on the right side overally. The

“Wave” strongly represents the

fasion in music. People might be

followed with the rhythm while

they are listening to music.

We place the “Wave“ which

looks a sickle. This is a part of

the quarter note on the right

side. Since the planned shape

of overall mark would a circle.

That is why we design it to be

round to edge.

Combining all the representative musical

visual elements with the logotype, which

comes from the font family of “Encode

Sans”. Our goal is to give people a fast

clear recognization to understand what

kinds of business we does.

Page 5: Arora · 2018. 10. 1. · Pantone Solid Coated 2119 C c 54, m 48, y 0, k 64 R 43, G 48, B 93 Pantone Solid Coated 2266 C c 45, m 0, y 52, k 66 R 48, G 87, B 42 Pantone Solid Coated

Color and Typography

Pantone Solid Coated 2119 Cc 54, m 48, y 0, k 64R 43, G 48, B 93

Pantone Solid Coated 2266 Cc 45, m 0, y 52, k 66R 48, G 87, B 42

Pantone Solid Coated 663 Cc 0, m 0, y 0, k 0R 255, G 255, B 255

Pantone Solid Coated Black 6 C c 0, m 0, y 0, k 0R 0, G 0, B 0

Brand Color


Encode SansArora EntertainmentArora EntertainmentArora EntertainmentArora EntertainmentArora EntertainmentArora EntertainmentArora EntertainmentArora EntertainmentArora Entertainment

Page 6: Arora · 2018. 10. 1. · Pantone Solid Coated 2119 C c 54, m 48, y 0, k 64 R 43, G 48, B 93 Pantone Solid Coated 2266 C c 45, m 0, y 52, k 66 R 48, G 87, B 42 Pantone Solid Coated

Through the OSMU strategy, Arora

is expanding its diversified contents

business model. Arora is leading the

initiative for digital music that can

be adapted to a variety of platforms

and devices, going beyond the

basic album and concert activities.

Besides this, it is extending its

diversified management business

and making a business model for the

world concerning advertisements,

performances, retail,etc. Arora

Entertainment is a pioneer in the

domain of new contents business.

Applications02 Digital Media


Print /Stationery

Page 7: Arora · 2018. 10. 1. · Pantone Solid Coated 2119 C c 54, m 48, y 0, k 64 R 43, G 48, B 93 Pantone Solid Coated 2266 C c 45, m 0, y 52, k 66 R 48, G 87, B 42 Pantone Solid Coated

Digital Media and Icons


Motion Graphic

Sound Adjustor Menu Silence Loop

SharePlay Button Like

Watch Animation by:



1:54 3:45



周杰伦 依然范特西













1:54 3:45



These icons above are used for multi-functions

for users to have a better user experience as

they use our mobile application.

Page 8: Arora · 2018. 10. 1. · Pantone Solid Coated 2119 C c 54, m 48, y 0, k 64 R 43, G 48, B 93 Pantone Solid Coated 2266 C c 45, m 0, y 52, k 66 R 48, G 87, B 42 Pantone Solid Coated

Print Applications


Arora Entertainment

5667 S. High St

Columbus, OH 43202

Addressee Name

Addressee Title

Organization Name

Street Address

City, State, Zip Code

YiHao ZhangGraphic Designer

[email protected] Columbus, OH 43202

5667 S. High St

Arora Entertainment

Arora Entertainment

5667 S. High St

Columbus, OH 43202

[email protected] Date

Addressee Name

Addressee Title

Organization Name

Street Address

City, State, Zip Code


Body of letter. Hiciende ndelessus si int accus dolorup tatur? Esciendam quatque

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num quaspe dicabo. Itat. It fuga. Itasperumet eius sitatur eperiasi dita dia volut harcili

taepere, voluptinum quas audae prore, inullandunt fuga.


Sender Name

Sender Title

Arora Entertainment

5667 S. High St

Columbus, OH 43202

Addressee Name

Addressee Title

Organization Name

Street Address

City, State, Zip Code









Albums Cover



1 (2016-06-30)

國語歌曲,流行樂1. Now You See Me

2. 土耳其冰淇淋

3. 说走就走

4. 前世情人

5. 床边故事

6. 告白气球

7. 爱情废柴

8. 一点点

9. 不该



Page 9: Arora · 2018. 10. 1. · Pantone Solid Coated 2119 C c 54, m 48, y 0, k 64 R 43, G 48, B 93 Pantone Solid Coated 2266 C c 45, m 0, y 52, k 66 R 48, G 87, B 42 Pantone Solid Coated

The headquarter of Arora

Entertainment is located at

BeiJing, China. Our Company

provides special car for both

our own Artists and Customers

travling from place to place.

Furthermore, In order to

advertise for our brand,

people are always welcome to

purchase our related staffs that

people always use in normal life

such as bag, T-shirt, cup etc.

Merchandise andEnvironmental


03 Merchandise



Page 10: Arora · 2018. 10. 1. · Pantone Solid Coated 2119 C c 54, m 48, y 0, k 64 R 43, G 48, B 93 Pantone Solid Coated 2266 C c 45, m 0, y 52, k 66 R 48, G 87, B 42 Pantone Solid Coated

Environmental Applications

Exterior Look

Interior Look

Company’s Vehicles

This image shows the overall

exterior look of our company’s

headquarter, which is located at

HongKong, China. We have branch

offices in different major cities all

over the world internationally.

Page 11: Arora · 2018. 10. 1. · Pantone Solid Coated 2119 C c 54, m 48, y 0, k 64 R 43, G 48, B 93 Pantone Solid Coated 2266 C c 45, m 0, y 52, k 66 R 48, G 87, B 42 Pantone Solid Coated

Merchandise and Customization



Music Box

Shopping Bag


Not Only our company offers the production

of music with related staffs at the same time

but also focus on the brand promotion. For

instance, Our mark indentity can be printed on

the daily necessities such as hat, cap etc..

We could utilize this idea to better advertise

for our own brand to people who have no

knowladge to our company.

Page 12: Arora · 2018. 10. 1. · Pantone Solid Coated 2119 C c 54, m 48, y 0, k 64 R 43, G 48, B 93 Pantone Solid Coated 2266 C c 45, m 0, y 52, k 66 R 48, G 87, B 42 Pantone Solid Coated

We put the mental in instrumental and the cool in musicool we hold our notes longer better and higher

Page 13: Arora · 2018. 10. 1. · Pantone Solid Coated 2119 C c 54, m 48, y 0, k 64 R 43, G 48, B 93 Pantone Solid Coated 2266 C c 45, m 0, y 52, k 66 R 48, G 87, B 42 Pantone Solid Coated

YiHao Zhang


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