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''None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.'' Johann Wolfgang von Goethe----------------Although watching Larry King on the CNN comes a little bit weird for being aware of what’s going on in Turkey, this habits came from the Erhan’s Harvard education years after all old habits die hard. In addition Larry King’s astonished noise opposing the very self of probable alien presence attracted Erhan’s attention to the news.

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• King hosted very important people from eyewitnesses of UFO to Homeland Security authorities to scrutinize why UFO sightings have been getting increase. There was lots of people reporting increasing rate of UFO activity. On the other hand, the men of weights predominantly CIA are tried to cover up tangible evidence of extraterrestrial intelligent presence.

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• Although Federal Authorities had lots of dependable information about UFO activities and statistics about increasing rate of UFO sightings, they did not have another choice not to divulgate the reality to the public because president of homeland security and all other big boys had been gotten their ears pinned back so they had to cover up what they knew.

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Orionians had been coming to the earth from Orion, often referred to as Hunter by humans, was a prominent constellation located on the celestial equator and visible throughout the world. Ironically It was most recognizable constellations in the night sky.

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• Although there were light years between the orion and the earth, Orionians had been using warp drive technology which uses hyperspace to surpass the limit of light. A spacecraft equipped with a warp drive may travel at velocities greater than that of light by many orders of magnitude, while circumventing the relativistic problem of time dilation.

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• Warp Drive involves expanding the fabric of space behind a ship into a bubble and shrinking space-time in front of the ship. The ship would rest in between the expanding and shrinking space-time, essentially surfing down the side of the bubble. This technology was a means to an end to colonize other planets and even other star systems so their last target was the earth. If they had a chance to pass over the Andromedians’ firewall, they would not be in the horns of a dilemma to make humans into slaves.

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• On the other hand, andromedians undertook role of being leaders of human progression as being neighbor to the Milky Way Galaxy. They believe that life was invaluable so it must be saved and made common all over the universe. Accordingly andromedians as a leaders of human progressing wanted to prevent Orionians’ dirty agenda. But as preventing actions of orionians, andromedians could not emerge to the people when helping them.

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• Not to affect human progress negatively, they had to pull the wires so thanks to their holographic telepathy technology provided them to be the boys in the back room. They had been using that technology successfully to send important messages and information to the human brain directly including not only voice but also 3D holograms.

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• This technology is based on physics of quantum entanglement that they could determine and manipulate both sub-atomic particle’s positions and momentum precisely. Although human beings have Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle on quantum entanglement phenomena that states by precise inequalities that certain pairs of physical properties, such as position and momentum cannot be simultaneously known to arbitrarily high precision. Thanks to andromedians’ advance technological approaches to the science, they could control and manipulate human brain at the atomic level and even sub-atomic level so creating new neural connections or activating and non-activating any brain region was a slice of cake for andromedians. Accordingly holographic telepathy device as a consequence of sub-atomic particle’s quantum entanglement had supported andromedians to be power behind the throne for ages.

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. As using holographic telepathy device, firstly they chose convenient person to enlighten him. This was so much important that chosen people had to be related to the subject of holographic telepathy created in the brain so that they were able to use the information sent properly and effectively. Accordingly it must be underlined that If Friedrich August von Kekule was not as clever as to reveal implicit message from Andromedians, may be he would not discover the formula of Benzene and he would not awoke with a flash of lighting.

‘‘I turned my chair to the fire [after having worked on the problem for some time] and dozed. Again the atoms were gamboling before my eyes. This time the smaller groups kept modestly to the background. My mental eye, rendered more acute by repeated vision of this kind, could not distinguish larger structures, of manifold conformation; long rows, sometimes more closely fitted together; all twining and twisting in snakelike motion. But look! What was that? One of the snakes had seized hold of its own tail, and the form whirled mockingly before my eyes. As if by a flash of lighting I awoke... Let us learn to dream, gentlemen. ’’ - Friedrich August von Kekule

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• In these instance chosen people was Erhan from Advance Neuro-TechnoScience Research Center (NTSRC). Because his research areas was very interdisciplinary nature and he also think that the real breakthrough is to advance itself of source of breakthroughs which is mind. In these case, general purpose of the telepathy session was blurring the distinction between the organic(brain) and the inorganic(computers) information processing systems. In this telepathy session, andromedians was going to sent key points to facilitate researches on the brain to develop its cognitive abilities. If these telepathy session’s subject could be accomplished by the andromedians as humans’ progression leaders, it would be last session to permit people to stand on own feet. Because transferred technologies in this session was going to support human’s to progress on its own after all the more brain power, the more information created and the more freedom in the universe.

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• Firstly NanoFET (Nano Field Effect Transistors) should be devised and Erhan’s research group needed some help on the key points to reach happy ending for decoding and encoding neural codes on the brain via NanoFET which is so much faster than biological one is smaller than many viruses and about one-hundredth the width of the probes recently used by people to take cellular measurements, which can be nearly as large as the cells themselves. In addition phospholipid coated nanowire technology could open new scientific platforms to facilitate development of technology for human.

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• Second subject of holographic telepathy session was going to be related to improving nature of the synapse that permits a neuron to pass an electrical or chemical signal to another cell. In the jargon of electronics, synapses are basically on-off switches like transistors but they are so much slower than transistors. In these case, memristors(memory resistors) could be used to devise artificial synapses. Memristor was a two-terminal electronic device whose conductance could be precisely modulated by charge or flux through it. Memristor could support synaptic functions such as spike timing dependant plasticity that is a biological process that adjust the strength of connections between neurons in the brain.

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