Page 1: ART of LIVING · The purpose of Art of Living is to speak truth to you in love so you can claim your physical, mental, and spiritual health and step fully and wholly into your destiny

ART of LIVING With You and For You

ACE Certified Health Coach Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach ACE Weight Management Specialist Written by Zem Hawley ACE Behavior Change Specialist P a g e | 1


The purpose of Art of Living is to speak truth to you in love so you

can claim your physical, mental, and spiritual health and step fully

and wholly into your destiny.

I used to call on doctors who were passionate about helping patients to prevent their risk of

having a heart attack or stroke. Clients who were considered ‘at risk’ or diagnosed with

cardio issues were told to reduce body fat to resolve their risk of cardio events. Many were

stuck because they didn’t know how or what to do to change their lifestyle.

Having a certification as a health coach I decided to write a program to help the doctors and

clients. Shortly after I finished writing the program I felt like it was time to be at home with

my family vs being away from them weekly. At that point I had not shared the program with

any doctors.

Being at home, I went through another certification program and the Lord started showing

me a new program to write. Trying to decide if I should call on doctors, gyms, or

businesses, I felt God telling me to visit churches instead so that people will live out their

lives and follow the destiny He has for them.

God created a plan for each of us. The Lord wants us to be aware the enemy is attacking

our physical body which is causing disease and early death. ‘Early death’ limits our ability to

host God’s presence and the plan He needs and wants us to accomplish.

Step back beside Jesus and take a look at your body and physical health with Him. Ask

Jesus to give you insight if and how the enemy has influenced you physically. If you have

been diagnosed with a chronic disease, you can receive prayer for healing and you can

make physical changes which will confirm your healing. When we take responsibility for our

health, we take responsibility for our lives. I want to encourage people to live out their

destiny because we are all unique and there is no one else like us to live it out!

Page 2: ART of LIVING · The purpose of Art of Living is to speak truth to you in love so you can claim your physical, mental, and spiritual health and step fully and wholly into your destiny

ART of LIVING With You and For You

ACE Certified Health Coach Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach ACE Weight Management Specialist Written by Zem Hawley ACE Behavior Change Specialist P a g e | 2

These are examples of 2 people involved in a church and how they were living

when they decided to make lifestyle changes. (Beni Johnson – Healthy & Free)

1. A guy at a church was 130lbs overweight and he shared about how his girlfriend broke

up with him and a doctor told him he was at a high-risk for diabetes. At that place,

these things made him take an honest look at his life. Based on what he felt God calling

him to do, he decided to get healthy, no longer be overweight, and not return to where

he was previously.

2. A woman was diagnosed with hypertension (high blood pressure) and she was 28

pounds overweight. She had stopped taking care of herself and no longer did any type of

exercise. Having been diagnosed, she did some research and found a lot of health-

related details. She saw it was going to be necessary for her to lean into the Lord for his

guidance and wisdom to resolve her health issues. She had made some changes after a

few months, but they were not the right types of changes she needed to make. One

morning when she was going to her kitchen she heard God say, “I want you to get into

shape because I need you around for the long haul.” She decided she needed to

make more changes to sustain her life. What God told her became her ‘why’ behind her

lifestyle changes. She also reviewed her thoughts, mindsets, and belief systems and

chose to change many of them so that she would live a full and healthy life in her body,

soul, and spirit.

Because you are Believers and Christians, you are aware that Christ is in you. Calling on

the Lord and listening to Him to find ‘why’ you should change your lifestyle will give you an

advantage, strength, and motivation to catapult you into your new journey and lifestyle

goals. If you choose not to establish your ‘why’ for a healthy lifestyle, it will create fear,

anxiety, and depression, all of which the enemy wants you to feel instead of feeling joy,

peace, and confidence.

(Phil 3:13-14)….”But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is

ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward

in Christ Jesus.”

Page 3: ART of LIVING · The purpose of Art of Living is to speak truth to you in love so you can claim your physical, mental, and spiritual health and step fully and wholly into your destiny

ART of LIVING With You and For You

ACE Certified Health Coach Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach ACE Weight Management Specialist Written by Zem Hawley ACE Behavior Change Specialist P a g e | 3


This program is designed to help us gain strength in the three components that God created

within us since the beginning of time: Physical, Mental, and Spiritual.

1. Our Body is attached to Father God = we receive identity, value, protection,

and provision from God and also our earthly father.

2. Our Soul is attached to Jesus = we receive companionship and friendship

from Jesus and also our earthly siblings and friends.

3. Our Spirit is attached to Holy Spirit = we receive comfort, nurturing, and

teaching from Holy Spirit and also our earthly mother.

(Bethel Transformation TM Training Manual - Basic Sozo)

When we choose to strengthen all 3 components so that they are equal, there is nothing we

can’t accomplish! The Principle of 3 will give us more joy, love, and faith because our

relationships with the Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit will grow deeper. Being at a high level

will impact us, our family, our children, friends, and people the Lord guides us to.

To determine where you are physically, mentally, and spiritually, think through the following

questions and allow yourself to come up with additional thoughts in each section. Your

answers and thoughts will guide you to see if your ‘Principle of 3’ is strong and balanced.

Ask God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit to give you insight as you rate yourself on these basic


(1 = not pursuing /10 = pursuing stronger)

Encourage yourself after you select your ratings. For example: If you rate yourself at level 6

physically, ask yourself ‘why am I a 6 and not a 2?’ Choose to have confidence and love for

yourself – regardless of where you are, you are not a zero!









Page 4: ART of LIVING · The purpose of Art of Living is to speak truth to you in love so you can claim your physical, mental, and spiritual health and step fully and wholly into your destiny

ART of LIVING With You and For You

ACE Certified Health Coach Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach ACE Weight Management Specialist Written by Zem Hawley ACE Behavior Change Specialist P a g e | 4


• How often are you able to eat vegetables and fruit that God made vs processed


• How much water do you drink?

• Does your current job cause you to be sedentary or make it challenging to be active?

• What do you like to do for your physical activity?

• Do you make time to participate in things you enjoy?

• Do you spend time with people who make you laugh?


• How do you feel before going to bed? Are there events that trigger stress?

• Are you able to sleep through the night? Do you wake up in the night having stressful

thoughts? How long are you able to sleep?

• Have you noticed any thoughts that may be causing you doubt and instability which

creates double-mindedness?

• When you visualize new thoughts and replace old thoughts, how do you feel?

• What do you feel it will be like if you state new thoughts out loud?

• Do you treat yourself with tenderness?


• What do you choose to exclude from your life? Self-hatred? Depression? Anxiety?


• Have you noticed the enemy attacks you Physically, Mentally, and Spiritually?

• At a scale of 1 (low) to 10 (high) what level of love do you have for yourself and


• How does worship make you feel?

• Do you feel faith, peace, and joy on a daily basis?

• Do you have faith and trust that things will get better?

Page 5: ART of LIVING · The purpose of Art of Living is to speak truth to you in love so you can claim your physical, mental, and spiritual health and step fully and wholly into your destiny

ART of LIVING With You and For You

ACE Certified Health Coach Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach ACE Weight Management Specialist Written by Zem Hawley ACE Behavior Change Specialist P a g e | 5


10 10 10

9 9 9

8 8 8

7 7 7

6 6 6

5 5 5

4 4 4

3 3 3

2 2 2

1 1 1


The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. John 10:10

In the beginning when God created Adam and Eve, Satan attacked Eve. The enemy brought

up statements to get her to think differently than God told her and Adam. Satan attacks us

in the same way. Satan brings up negative thoughts that create emotions which affects

what we do physically. So when you experience bondage, embarrassment, anger, doubt,

depression, fear, grief, boredom, etc. be aware that the root of these feelings and thoughts

are not coming from you, they are coming from Satan.

When we start making changes to take care of the body God gave us, be aware that the

enemy wants us to be at a bad place physically so that we are at risk for disease and die

early. The enemy also wants us to be ‘blind’ so that the center of our attention is only on

ourselves and not focusing on God’s destiny He designed for us.

Having a relationship with the Lord makes it easier to decide to ‘shut the enemy down’

when you are aware that the enemy is attacking us. Shutting him down will give you

excitement to create lifestyle changes and resolve any physical issues you may have. What

is even more

Page 6: ART of LIVING · The purpose of Art of Living is to speak truth to you in love so you can claim your physical, mental, and spiritual health and step fully and wholly into your destiny

ART of LIVING With You and For You

ACE Certified Health Coach Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach ACE Weight Management Specialist Written by Zem Hawley ACE Behavior Change Specialist P a g e | 6

exciting is your ‘why’ will give you such power that once you start making changes you will

not be at a place where your old habits go back and forth. Congratulations!

❖ “…and do not give the devil a foothold (G5117 = place, opportunity, power, any

portion or space marked off).” (Eph 4:27)

❖ “Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun (H5492 = turn aside,

depart, avoid) evil. This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your

bones.” (Prov 3: 7-8)

❖ “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom

you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought with a price.

Therefore honor God with your body.” (I COR 6:19-20) G4983 = body in these

scriptures means body. G4983 root word is G4982 Sozo = to save, keep safe and

sound; to rescue from danger or destruction; one from injury or peril; to save a

suffering one from perishing, i.e. one suffering from disease, to make well, heal,

restore to health.

❖ The devil attacks us to get us to ‘sow’ bad food and habits so we will ‘reap’ disease

and death. “Do not be deceived (Greek 4105 - to cause to stray, to lead astray, lead

aside from the right way; to lead away from the truth, to lead into error, to deceive);

God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.” (Gal 6:7) When we are having

a bad day eating based on discouraging emotions or standard habits that the enemy

developed in us, know that we can change it. The Lord can help us come up with

new ‘sows’. He “satisfies your desires with good things…” (Psalm 103:5).

❖ “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God

so that you can take your stand (G2416 – to be in steadfast mind; one who does not

hesitate, does not waver, to stand immovable, stand ready and prepared) against

the devil’s schemes.” (Eph 6:10-11) Putting on the full armor puts us in a place

where we will stand firm and sustain authority (G2476); gives us power to originate,

produce, or reproduce (G3751); provides us correct thinking, feeling, and acting

(G1343); helps us

Page 7: ART of LIVING · The purpose of Art of Living is to speak truth to you in love so you can claim your physical, mental, and spiritual health and step fully and wholly into your destiny

ART of LIVING With You and For You

ACE Certified Health Coach Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach ACE Weight Management Specialist Written by Zem Hawley ACE Behavior Change Specialist P a g e | 7

bind under one’s self (G5265); the helmet of salvation protects our soul which

consists in salvation (G4030); and the sword of the rational spirit, the power by

which the human being feels, thinks, and decides (G4151).

Giving God a Hallelujah and worshipping Him forces the enemies to run away and

prison walls come down. So know you can ‘kick the enemy out’ many times during

your day so you are able to change your habits.


If you recently have not had an opportunity to have advanced lipid blood tests, carotid

intima-media thickness test (CIMT), or any other medical tests to ensure you are safe and

not at a risk for a cardio event, you can answer the following questions to see where your

body is rated.

These questions come from Beat the Heart Attack Gene, Bradley Bale, MD, Amy Doneen,

ARNP. They teach doctors and dentists around the nation to help them protect their

patients from having cardio events. If you have the opportunity to take advanced lipid blood

tests and CIMTs, Dr. Bale and Amy Doneen use those and 7 other tests in their clinic.


1. How old are you?

a) Male < 55 years old 1 point

b) Female < 65 years old 1 point

c) Male > 55 years old 4 points

d) Female > 65 years old 4 points

2. Do you have a family history of early cardiovascular disease (a male relative affected before age

55 or a female relative affected before age 65)?

a) No 0 points

b) Yes 4 points

Page 8: ART of LIVING · The purpose of Art of Living is to speak truth to you in love so you can claim your physical, mental, and spiritual health and step fully and wholly into your destiny

ART of LIVING With You and For You

ACE Certified Health Coach Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach ACE Weight Management Specialist Written by Zem Hawley ACE Behavior Change Specialist P a g e | 8

3. What is your waist circumference?

a) If you are a woman: Less than 35 inches 0 points

b) If you are a male: Less than 40 inches 0 points

c) If you are a woman: 35 inches or more 4 points

d) If you are a male: 40 inches or more 4 points

4. What is your weight range?

a) Underweight 2 points

b) Average 1 point

c) Overweight 3 points

d) Obese 4 points

5. What is your resting pulse?

a) Less than 60 beats per minute 0 points

b) Less than 75 beats per minute 1 point

c) More than 75 beats per minute 2 points

d) Don’t know 2 points

6. What is your blood pressure? (Check all answers that apply)?

a) Less than 120/80 0 points

b) Taking blood pressure medication 2 points

c) 120/80 to 139/89 3 points

d) 140/90 or higher 4 points

e) Don’t know 4 points

7. What is your total cholesterol level? (Check all answers that apply)?

a) Less than 160 mg/dL 0 points

b) Less than 200 mg/dL 1 points

c) Taking cholesterol medication 2 points

d) Greater than 200 mg/dL 3 points

e) Don’t know 3 points

8. What is your HDL (good) cholesterol level?

a) If you are a woman: Less than 60 mg/dL 3 points

b) If you are a man: Less than 50 mg/dL 3 points

c) If you are a woman: 60mg/dL or higher 0 points

d) If you are a man: 50 mg/dL or higher 0 points

e) Don’t know 3 points

9. What is your LDL (bad) cholesterol level?

a) Less than 70 mg/dL 0 points

b) Less than 100 mg/dL 1 point

c) Less than 130 mg/dL 3 points

d) More than 130 mg/dL 4 points

e) Don’t know 4 points

Page 9: ART of LIVING · The purpose of Art of Living is to speak truth to you in love so you can claim your physical, mental, and spiritual health and step fully and wholly into your destiny

ART of LIVING With You and For You

ACE Certified Health Coach Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach ACE Weight Management Specialist Written by Zem Hawley ACE Behavior Change Specialist P a g e | 9

10. Which of the following best describes your triglyceride level?

a) Less than 100 mg/dL 0 points

b) Less than 150 mg/dL 1 point

c) More than 150 mg/dL 3 points

d) Don’t know 3 points

11. Do you have diabetes or high blood sugar?

a) No 0 points

b) Yes, I am pre-diabetic 3 points

c) Yes, I am diabetic 4 points

d) I have not had my blood sugar tested 4 points 12. Do you have bleeding gums?

a) Never 0 points

b) Yes, when I brush or floss 2 points

c) I usually do not floss my teeth 2 points

13. Which of the following best describes your sleep patterns?

a) I sleep soundly 6-8 hours a night 0 points

b) I sleep restlessly 6-8 hours a night 2 points

c) I sleep less than 6 hours or more than 9 3 points

14. Do you snore?

a) No 0 points

b) Yes, occasionally 1 point

c) Yes, frequently and loudly 3 points

d) Yes, and I have sleep apnea 4 points

15. Do you have rheumatoid arthritis or any other inflammatory disease such as psoriasis or lupus?

a) No 0 points

b) Yes 4 points

16. Have you been checked for Vitamin D deficiency?

a) My vitamin D level is between 50-60 0 points

b) My vitamin D level is less than 30 3 points

c) I do not know my vitamin D level 3 points 17. Do you have a history of migraine headaches?

a) No 0 points

b) Yes, with no migraine aura 2 points

c) Yes, with migraine aura 3 points

18. How would you like to characterize your ability to cope with stress?

a) I am usually pretty laid back 0 points

b) I have healthy ways to cope with stress 1 point

c) Sometimes people say that I seem stressed 2 points

d) I feel stressed and anxious most of the time 4 points

Page 10: ART of LIVING · The purpose of Art of Living is to speak truth to you in love so you can claim your physical, mental, and spiritual health and step fully and wholly into your destiny

ART of LIVING With You and For You

ACE Certified Health Coach Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach ACE Weight Management Specialist Written by Zem Hawley ACE Behavior Change Specialist P a g e | 10

19. Do you spend 11 or more hours a day sitting?

a) No 0 points

b) Yes 4 points

20. How much exercise to do you get?

a) At least 30 minutes, 5 to 7 days per week 0 points

b) At least 30 minutes, 2 to 4 times per week 1 point

c) 30 minutes, once a week or less 2 points

d) I do not exercise 4 points 21. Do you smoke?

a) No 0 points

b) I used to smoke, but have quit for at least 5 years 1 point

c) I used to smoke, but have quit less than 5 years ago 2 points

d) I am exposed to secondhand smoke regularly 3 points

e) I smoke or I use smokeless tobacco products 4 points 22. Do you drink regular or diet soft drinks?

a) Never 0 points

b) Rarely drink soda (diet or regular) 1 point

c) Once a week (diet or regular) 2 points

d) More than once a week 3 points

23. Do you watch the amount of carbs in your diet?

a) I limit my simple carbohydrate intake 0 points

b) I know to balance my carb/protein balance 1 point

c) I never watch my carbohydrates 2 points

d) The majority of my diet consists of carbs 4 points

24. (Women only) Did you experience high blood pressure or gestational diabetes during


a) No 0 points

b) Yes 4 points

25. (Men only) Do you have erectile dysfunction?

a) No 0 points

b) Yes 4 points


• Zero Points: Congratulations! You’re taking excellent care of yourself. Reading

this book will help you maintain – or enhance – your cardiovascular health.

• 1 to 10 points: While you have relatively few cardiovascular risks, you will benefit

from learning how to optimize your heart health with the easy action steps in this


Page 11: ART of LIVING · The purpose of Art of Living is to speak truth to you in love so you can claim your physical, mental, and spiritual health and step fully and wholly into your destiny

ART of LIVING With You and For You

ACE Certified Health Coach Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach ACE Weight Management Specialist Written by Zem Hawley ACE Behavior Change Specialist P a g e | 11

• 11 to 20 points: You definitely have risks for arterial disease.

• 20 to 39 points: You are at moderately high risk for cardiovascular disease.

• 40 points or higher: You are at high risk for cardiovascular disease.





➢ Between 1996 and 2005, the number of Americans that suffer from 3 chronic

diseases increased 86%.

➢ 70% of heart attacks occur in men and women without being diagnosed with cardio


➢ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate 7 out of 10 Americans die from

heart disease or cancer. About 42% die from cardiovascular problems and 25% from


➢ 45% of heart attacks and 33% of strokes occur to people under age 65.

➢ It is estimated that 57 million people have pre-diabetic symptoms.

➢ A large study produced in the New England Journal of Medicine showed adults who

gain 10-20 pounds increase their risk of death.

➢ Over the past 30 years, childhood obesity in America has tripled. One third of all

children born in 2000 or later may suffer from diabetes at some point in their life.

Many others may face chronic obesity-related health issues like heart disease, high

blood pressure, cancer, and asthma.

Page 12: ART of LIVING · The purpose of Art of Living is to speak truth to you in love so you can claim your physical, mental, and spiritual health and step fully and wholly into your destiny

ART of LIVING With You and For You

ACE Certified Health Coach Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach ACE Weight Management Specialist Written by Zem Hawley ACE Behavior Change Specialist P a g e | 12

Mayo Clinic shows the risk factors of Acute Coronary Syndrome (reduced blood flow to the

heart). Note: The first 7 have to do with our lifestyle and being diagnosed with


▪ Cigarette Smoking

▪ Lack of Physical Activity

▪ Unhealthy Diet

▪ Obesity or Overweight

▪ High Blood Pressure (BP)

▪ High blood Cholesterol

▪ Diabetes

▪ Aging

▪ Family history of chest pain, heart disease, or stroke

▪ History of High BP, pre-eclampsia or diabetes during pregnancy posted a newsletter in 2017 that shows nearly 75% of all deaths in

the U.S. are attributed to 10 causes. The top 3 diseases account for 50% of the deaths.

1) Heart Disease – 614,348 deaths – 23.4% total deaths

Recommendations to protect the heart:

o Eat a diet that is low in salt, refined sugars, total and saturated fat, and


o Eat a diet high in vegetables and fresh fruits

o Avoid excessive intake of alcohol

o Quit smoking

o Take steps to reduce stress levels

2) Cancer – 591,699 deaths – 22.5% total deaths The World Cancer Research has

estimated that up to one-third of the cancer cases are related to being:

o Overweight or Obese

o Inactive

o Poor nutrition

Page 13: ART of LIVING · The purpose of Art of Living is to speak truth to you in love so you can claim your physical, mental, and spiritual health and step fully and wholly into your destiny

ART of LIVING With You and For You

ACE Certified Health Coach Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach ACE Weight Management Specialist Written by Zem Hawley ACE Behavior Change Specialist P a g e | 13

3) Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease – 147,101 deaths – 5.6% total deaths (airflow

blockage in the lungs and breathing related problems)

o Tobacco smoke is a key factor – about 80% of chronic obstructive pulmonary

disease is attributed to smoking

o Avoid second-hand smoke

o Avoid air pollution, chemical fumes, and dust


➢ Physical Inactivity 32.5% - Rated 48 out of 50 states

➢ Cardio Events – out of 100,000 population 330.2 – Rated 47 out of 50 states

➢ Cancer – out of 100,000 population 218.6 – Rated 47 out of 50 states

➢ Smoking 22.3% - Rated 46 out of 50 states

➢ Adults Obesity 35% - Rated 44 out of 50 states

➢ Diabetes – 12.2% - Rated 42 out of 50 states

After reading these studies, do you see how the enemy attacks us physically? The first

study showed that early death is increasing and not decreasing. The enemy wants to steal

your life. If you have health and genetic issues and you are determined to resolve them, feel

confident that you will not become a victim of early death.

“Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking

for someone to devour (G2666 – swallow up, destroy).” (1 Pet 5:8)


Everyone possesses character strengths and we are all unique and different in the type of

strengths we have. Out of 24 character strengths, we can learn what our main strengths are


Page 14: ART of LIVING · The purpose of Art of Living is to speak truth to you in love so you can claim your physical, mental, and spiritual health and step fully and wholly into your destiny

ART of LIVING With You and For You

ACE Certified Health Coach Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach ACE Weight Management Specialist Written by Zem Hawley ACE Behavior Change Specialist P a g e | 14

taking a free quiz at It takes about 15 minutes to

answer the small, easy questions and the results are posted immediately after finishing the


A study showed people that focused and used their top strengths for one week encountered

increased happiness and their depression decreased. The difference lasted 6 months!

Knowing our strengths helps us take action, solve our problems, achieve our goals, and gain

understanding how we can serve our family, friends, co-workers, and people in our

community. Character strengths work for us!

After learning our character strengths we may find other strengths that interest us. If so, we

have the capability to build up other strengths in our life too!


Our thoughts affect our emotions and moods. Our emotions and moods affect our behavior.

Scientists are researching and proving that the combination between “what we think” and

“what” we understand about ourselves” governs how our brain works which affects our

mental and physical health.

The Principle of 3 in the next sessions have suggestions to help you grow stronger

physically, mentally, and spiritually if you rated yourself less than a 10. Do not feel you have

to ‘obey’ everything because we are all different and the program is not designed to be ‘a

one-size fits all’. So if you are very strong in a particular Principle of 3, move on to the next

section. ☺

Page 15: ART of LIVING · The purpose of Art of Living is to speak truth to you in love so you can claim your physical, mental, and spiritual health and step fully and wholly into your destiny

ART of LIVING With You and For You

ACE Certified Health Coach Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach ACE Weight Management Specialist Written by Zem Hawley ACE Behavior Change Specialist P a g e | 15


The purpose of the Physical is to provide ideas and studies to help you choose

the lifestyle changes you need and want to protect your life. Nutritional

explanations present what God made for us so you have a proposal what to ‘eat

to live’. Following nutrition, physical activity has studies and suggestions so

you are aware you will be protected from chronic issues and you will encounter

benefits that change your body. Based on what you choose to eat and how you

want to be active, the end of the session will explain body calculations, how to

reduce calories, body fat, and how to create and establish goals for your life.


In the beginning when God was creating heaven and earth, on the 3rd day “… God said, ‘Let

the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with

seed in it, according to their various kinds’, And it was so.” (Genesis 1:11) …“And God saw

that it was good.” (Genesis 1:12) After God created Adam and Eve, he told them what He

made, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree

that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.” (Genesis 1:29)

In Daniel 1, king Nebuchadnezzar ordered the chief of his court officials to bring in some

Israelites to serve in the king’s palace. Daniel was one of the four from Judah. The king

assigned all the young men that the chief brought in for training, a daily amount of food and

wine from the king’s table. Since Daniel decided ‘not to defile himself’ with the royal food

and wine, he may have previously chosen to eat food based on what God created before he

came to Babylon.

Daniel asked permission for himself and three other people to, “Please test your servants

for ten days: Give us nothing but vegetables to eat and water to drink. Then compare our


Page 16: ART of LIVING · The purpose of Art of Living is to speak truth to you in love so you can claim your physical, mental, and spiritual health and step fully and wholly into your destiny

ART of LIVING With You and For You

ACE Certified Health Coach Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach ACE Weight Management Specialist Written by Zem Hawley ACE Behavior Change Specialist P a g e | 16

with that of the young men who eat the royal food, and treat your servants according with

what you see.” (Daniel 1:12) “At the end of the ten days they looked healthier and better

nourished than any of young men who ate the royal food. So the guard took away their

choice food and the wine they were to drink and gave them vegetables instead.” (Daniel


In this situation, we can see when Daniel made a decision he would not reverse or alter it.

Guess what? We all have power to do the same!

What do you think Jesus was like when he was on the earth? Was he ever eating due to

negative emotions? Did he constantly eat like the kings or did he choose to eat what God

created and eat like Daniel did? “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all

for the glory of God”. (1 Cor 10:31)

Eating more what God made and what our body needs will protect us and guard our life.

God allows us to make our own decisions – He does not dictate over us. We were given a

body to hold His presence, so we need to “…guard what has been entrusted to your care.”

(1 Tim 6:20)


God made a beautiful rainbow with 7 different colors: red, orange, yellow, green, dark blue,

and purplish-blue. Choosing to follow what God made and the colors He created makes it so

easy for us to eat in a clean way.

Natural compounds called phytonutrients are a substance found in certain plants which is

beneficial to human health and helps prevent various diseases. Studies show it helps

reduce the risk of diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. “You can eat medicine for your food

or eat food for your medicine,” Mark Shell, CD, minister.

Phytonutrients stimulate enzymes that helps our human body get rid of toxins, boost our

immune system, improve our cardiovascular health, stimulate the death of cancer cells, and

Page 17: ART of LIVING · The purpose of Art of Living is to speak truth to you in love so you can claim your physical, mental, and spiritual health and step fully and wholly into your destiny

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promote our healthy hormone estrogen metabolism. People who eat more plant foods

increase the ‘defender’ of their health.

Functional Medicine Coaching Academy, INC listed some of the fruits and vegetables to eat

and the benefits of the plant foods. “Every day we need about 9-13 servings of whole plant

foods if we want to prevent chronic disease.” A typical serving is: a half a cup of cooked

vegetables, one cup of a raw leafy vegetable, and a medium-sized piece of fruit. It is best to

aim for 3-4 servings of the ‘rainbow of colors’ every meal of the day.

For example, if you made a fruit smoothie with blueberries, peaches, and raspberries, you

would have three of the seven colors of the ‘rainbow’ first thing in the morning! Pursuing

the ‘full seven colors’ every meal may be a goal you want to consider to protect your health.


Apples / Beans / Beets / Bell Peppers / Blood Oranges / Cranberries / Cherries /

Grapefruit / (pink) / Goji berries / Grapes / Onions / Plums / Pomegranate / Potatoes /

Radicchio / Radishes Raspberries / Rhubarb / Rooibos tea / Strawberries / Sweet red

peppers /Tomato / Watermelon


Anti-cancer Cell protection Heart health Liver health

Anti-inflammatory Gastrointestinal health Hormone health


Apricots / Bell peppers / Cantaloupe / Carrots / Mango / Nectarine / Orange / Papaya /

Persimmons / Pumpkin Squash (acorn, buttercup, butternut, winter) / Sweet potato /

Tangerines Tumeric root / Yams


Anti-cancer Reduced mortality Cell protection Skin health

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Anti-bacterial Reproductive health Immune health Source of

Vitamin A


Apple / Asian pears / Banana / Bell peppers / Corn / Corn-on-the-cob / Ginger root /

Lemon / Millet / Pineapple / Starfruit / Succotash / Summer squash


Anti-cancer Cell protection Eye health Skin health

Anti-inflammatory Cognition Heart health Vascular health


Apples / Artichoke / Aspara gus / Avocado / Bamboo sprouts / Bean sprouts / Bell peppers

/ Bitter melon / Bok choy / Broccoli / Broccolini / Brussels sprouts / Cabbage / Celery /

Cucumbers / Edamame / Soy beans / Green beans / Green peas / Green tea / Greens

(arugula, beet, chard swiss, collard, dandelion, kale, lettuce, mustard, spinach, turnip) /

Limes / Okra / Olives / Pears / Snow peas / Watercress / Zucchini


Anti-cancer Brain health Heart health Liver health

Anti-inflammatory Cell protection Hormone balance Skin



Bell peppers / Berries (blue, black, boysenberries, huckleberries, marionberries) / Cabbage

/ Carrots / Cauliflower / Eggplant / Figs / Grapes / Kale / Olives / Plums / Potatoes /

Prunes / Raisins / Rice (black or purple)


Anti-cancer Cell protection Heart health

Anti-inflammatory Cognitive health Liver health

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Apples / Applesauce / Bean dips / Cauliflower / Cocoa / Coconut / Coffee / Dates / Garlic

/ Ginger / Jicama Legumes (chickpeas, dried beans or peas, hummus, lentils, peanuts,

refried beans low-fat) / Mushrooms / Nuts (almonds, cashews, pecans, walnuts) / Onions /

Pears / Sauerkraut / Seeds (flax, hemp, pumpkin, sesame, sunflower) / Shallots / Soy /

Tahini / Tea (black, white) / Whole grains (barley, brown rice, oat, quinoa, rye, spelt,



Anti-cancer Cell protection Heart health Liver


Anti-microbial Gastrointestinal health Hormone health


To be hydrated, our body needs water. To calculate how much water we need to drink per

day, subtract 1/2 of our body weight. For example, a person who weighs 150 lbs : 150 / 2 =

75 oz of water


Genetics is our inherited characteristics and in many situations it affects our body.

Advanced labs perform genetic tests so we can view what we have inherited in our body.

ApoE Genotype predicts heart disease and the best diet plan to avoid the results.


Beat the Heart Attack Gene, Bradley Bale, MD, Amy Doneen, ARNP, 2014

Genotype APO E2 APO E3 APO E4

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2/2 & 2/3 2/4 & 3/3 3/4 & 4/4

Population Prevalence


11% 64% 25%

Cardiovascular Disease


Lowest Intermediate Highest

Higher Complex

Carbohydrate Diet

May Worsen

Lipids (decreasing

carbs may

decrease risk by

decreasing LDL

and small LDL


Neutral May Help Lipids

Higher Fat Diet May Help Lipids

(low fat diet may

increase CV risk

by increasing

small LDL


Neutral May Worsen Lipids

(this genotype has

inhibited ability of HDL

to bind to LDL and

take it to liver for

disposal, creating

increased LDL

in circulation and

penetrating arterial


Daily Moderate Alcohol


May Help Lipids Neutral May Worsen Lipids

Protein – low fat protein Lower LDL Lower LDL Lower LDL

Exercise effect on

cholesterol surge after


Extra Benefit



Dietary Fat % Goal 35% calories

from omega-3 rich

oily fish or olive oil

25% calories

Mediterranean Diet


20% calories

very low fat diet and

limited or no alcohol

Forks Over Knives has a recommendation for people with genetics rated 3/4 & 4/4. Based

on research and studies, eating more vegetarian meals helps reduce fat and proper nutrition

can stop coronary artery disease and cancer from progressing.

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Lee Fulkerson is the writer and director of Forks Over Knives. He admitted he was a “non-

healthy eater”, and he consulted with 2 doctors, Dr. Matt Lederman and Dr. Alona Pulde,

who immediately put him on a plant-based diet. After thirteen weeks he lost 20 pounds.

His blood pressure, resting heart rate, total cholesterol, LDL, and inflammation which

causes plaque in the arterial walls which increases cardio risk, was significantly reduced.

Lee Fulkerson’s test results before and after 13 weeks on a whole-food, plant-based diet.



Blood pressure 142/82 112/70

Resting pulse 92 60

Total cholesterol 241 154

LDL 157 80

CRP* inflammation 6 2.8

*measures inflammation in the heart and blood vessels

Note, that when we make physical changes it does create positive results!


Salads have benefits. A study performed showed the benefits of eating a salad before

eating a meal. A salad with more vegetables (lettuce, spinach, carrots and tomatoes) and

less fat (lots of dressing and cheese) caused people to consume 8% less calories during

their meal.

Energy needed and wanted. Eating food with iron, magnesium, Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D

provides energy in our body. Various fruits, unsweetened yogurt, beans, fish, eggs,

almonds, whole grains, spinach, broccoli, and peanuts are a few examples of food you can


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Monitor your hunger after you eat. If you are at level 1, you will still feel hungry. If you

are at a level 5, you will be painfully full. Level 3 is where you are no longer hungry and not

extremely full. Drinking water before eating and during meals also helps to accomplish level

3 with lower calories.

When you eat slowly it helps your body feel what level your ‘hunger’ is at. It usually takes

20-30 minutes for your brain and gut to get notified if you are full. To eat slowly: take a bite

of food, chew it well, swallow it, and drink water 2-3 times before taking the next bite.

Cheat day. Deciding “I will never eat sugary stuff or fried potatoes anymore” is a good idea

but it will be very challenging to never taste your favorite foods again. Most people who

say they will never eat a particular food usually last 3-7 days and then return to what they

used to eat.

If you want to eat something you enjoy, choosing one ‘cheat day’ a week will give you

something to look forward to and it makes it easier to avoid daily temptations. A ‘cheat day’

is not about over eating each meal and eating constantly during the day. It is about giving

you an opportunity to eat your favorite meal one day out of the week. Continue to pursue

being at level 3 and not a level 5.

Protect yourself. Food that is hard to avoid, keep out of your house or put it in a place you

do not see it during your day. When your cravings start and you see what you crave, it will

be almost impossible to refuse to eat it.

Grocery Shopping. Allow yourself to go shopping after you have eaten a meal and have a

shopping list. When we are hungry and go shopping it is so tempting to buy bad snacks.

This will help you remain compliant.

Generations will be impacted. When you change your lifestyle it will influence your family,

especially your children. Mothers influence their kids by teaching, encouraging, and

comforting them. When you create different habits, know you will impact your kids.

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When your kids get married, they will positively impact their own kids which confirms, ‘your

positive changes influences generation after generation’. The risk of early death will go

away and people will be living out God’s destiny!


Sedentary is when we tend to spend more time sitting and being somewhat inactive.

Medical News Today shows that according to the government's 2008 Physical Activity

Guidelines for Americans, adults should be getting at least 150 minutes of moderate-

intensity physical activity

each week. Only 21% of adults meet the guidelines. Less than 5% of adults perform

physical activity each day for 30 minutes.

Research confirmed sedentary lifestyle is associated with health risks such as:

• obesity

• type 2 diabetes

• various types of cancer

• cardiovascular disease

• early death

Lack of activity also reduces:

• our metabolism which reduces our body’s ability to break down fat

• monitors our blood pressure

• controls our blood sugar levels

Since our body needs movement to protect it, choose what creates fun for you. Do you like

hiking, dancing, playing tennis, playing basketball with your family and friends, or riding

bikes? Do not feel you are required to perform a specific activity? Just choose an activity

that makes you smile when you think about it and do it!


David Meinz, MS, RDN, FAND, CSP is an award-winning international speaker, author, a

frequent radio and television guest, and he presents his inspirational and content-rich

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keynotes to groups worldwide. His nutritional and activity recommendations are based on

studies and research and not just his opinion. He has written several books that are easy

to read and learn from. In this book, The Enemy Within, David L. Meinz, 2015, he gives

statistics on the benefits of working out and being active.

1. Reduces your risk of chronic disease that increases your risk of: diabetes, high blood

pressure, heart disease and colon cancer.

2. Reduces high blood pressure and can reduce and/or resolve it if you have been

diagnosed with that disease.

3. Increases your utilization of fat and/or for energy while you work out.

4. Improves your ability to control your appetite.

5. Increases your muscle mass which helps increase your metabolism.

6. Reduces stress and anxiety and improves your emotions.

7. Improves your HDL (good cholesterol) and reduces LDL (lousy cholesterol).

8. Decreases arthritis pain.

9. Improves muscle movement and balance as you get older.

10. Helps maintain long-term weight loss due to energy expenditure.


Beat the Heart Attack Gene Bradly Bale, MD, Amy Doneen , ARNP 2014

STUDY REGARDING SLEEP: Overweight or obese women ages 50-74 began walking 45

minutes in the morning, 70% said it improved their quality of sleep. The researchers

theorized that walking in the morning helps sets body clocks for better quality of sleep.

STUDY REGARDING BURNING CALORIES: A study showed that walking 30 minutes a day

burned about 150 calories. Over the year, people experienced weight loss up to 16 pounds.

STUDY REGARDING HEALTHY HEART: 72,000 middle aged and older women enrolled with

the Harvard Nurses’ Health Study. Those who walked briskly over 3 hours weekly decreased

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their risk for heart disease up to 40%. Another study showed that elderly men also were

able to decrease their risk for heart disease by 50%.

STUDY REGARDING DIABETES: According to a 13 year study, walking 30 minutes a day

helped prevent type 2 diabetes. If you are already diagnosed with diabetes, walking one or

more miles daily cuts a 10-year risk for death from all causes by 50%!

STUDY REGARDING STROKES: Over 11,000 Harvard University alumni at the average age

of 58 walked 12.5 or more miles each week and lowered their risk of having a stroke by 50%.


showed that people who have had a sedentary lifestyle and started walking briskly 30

minutes for 5 days/week reduced their waist circumference by about 1” and also reduced

their systolic (the top number) blood pressure by 6 points. In addition, they also reduced

their hip measurement by about 1 inch.

STUDY REGARDING DEPRESSION and STRESS: A research published in British Journal of

Sports Medicine reported that walking on a regular basis boosts your mood more quickly

than anti-depressants with few side effects. Walking and other forms of exercise is an

excellent way to reduce stress which also reduces the effect that chronic tension has on

cardiovascular health.


❖ Eating a higher protein - A study showed that protein can maintain muscle mass and

metabolism during the process of weight loss. Protein helps increase the feeling

‘you are full’ and lowers your appetite which helps reduce calorie intake. Try adding

a few servings of high protein to help burn more fat. Some high protein food: eggs,

tuna, Greek yogurt, almonds, turkey meat, chickpea, broccoli, chicken breast, and


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❖ Eating healthier fats – Recommended fats to eat: avocado, nuts, whole eggs, salmon,

chia seeds, olive oil, and coconut oil. Recommended fats to avoid, since it can raise

your LDL and lower your HDL: fried food, certain margarine, vegetable oil, and

bakery products made with margarine.

❖ Healthier beverages – A study over 12 weeks showed that drinking 17oz of water

before meals helped weight loss by 4.4lbs. Drinking green tea helps burn fat so you

can drink it

frequently. Sweet drinks and alcohol cause belly fat.

❖ Decrease refined carbs – Refined carbs has sugar and grains which causes an

increase of belly fat. A study over 2834 people who took a higher intake of refined

grains had a

higher amount of diseases. Refined carbs includes white bread, pasta, pizza dough,

white flour, white rice, pastries, fruit juices, and sugar-sweet drinks.

❖ A benefit of caffeine - Caffeine breaks down fatty acids, increases our metabolism,

and can increase energy. 58,000 people involved in a study who increased caffeine

showed they had less weight gain over 12 years. Coffee, green tea, and white tea

have caffeine.

❖ Eating more fiber – Studies show fiber protects against weight gain and fat building

up in our body. Fiber is not digested in our body it usually moves quickly through our

stomach to the small intestine and colon and then out of our body. The best fiber

choices are: fruit, vegetables, legumes, beans, peas, whole grains, nuts, and seeds.

The Institute of Medicine recommends fiber intake:

Younger age to 50 years 50 years +

Men 38 grams 30 grams

Women 25 grams 21 grams

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❖ Increase iron – Low amounts of iron can cause headaches, fatigue, and less energy.

It usually takes 2-3 weeks for iron to build up in our body. Food with iron: quinoa,

turkey, broccoli, 70%+ dark chocolate (choose only one serving to avoid high

calories), seafood, leafy green vegetable, dried fruits, and pumpkin seeds.

❖ Exercising with a higher heart rate helps lower body fat - High intensity exercises

burns about 30% more calories. World Health Organization recommends adults 18-

64 years old performing (1) moderate activity for 150-300 minutes weekly or (2)

vigorous-intensity activity for 75-150 minutes weekly or (3) an equivalent

combination of moderate and vigorous-intensity activity.



The estimates are rounded to the nearest 200 calories. An individual’s needs may be higher or lower

than these average estimates.

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2 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000

3 1200 1400 1400 1000 1200 1400

4 1200 1400 1600 1200 1400 1400

5 1200 1400 1600 1200 1400 1600

6 1400 1600 1800 1200 1400 1600

7 1400 1600 1800 1200 1600 1800

8 1400 1600 2000 1400 1600 1800

9 1600 1800 2000 1400 1600 1800

10 1600 1800 2200 1400 1800 2000

11 1800 2000 2200 1600 1800 2000

12 1800 2200 2400 1600 2000 2200

13 2000 2200 2600 1600 2000 2200

14 2000 2400 2800 1800 2000 2400

15 2200 2600 3000 1800 2000 2400

16 2400 2800 3200 1800 2000 2400

17 2400 2800 3200 1800 2000 2400

18 2400 2800 3200 1800 2000 2400

19-20 2600 2800 3000 2000 2200 2400

21-15 2400 2800 3000 2000 2200 2400

26-30 2400 2600 3000 1800 2000 2400

31-35 2400 2600 3000 1800 2000 2200

36-40 2400 2600 2800 1800 2000 2200

41-45 2200 2600 2800 1800 2000 2200

46-50 2200 2400 2800 1800 2000 2200

51-55 2200 2400 2800 1600 1800 2200

56-60 2200 2400 2600 1600 1800 2200

61-65 2000 2400 2600 1600 1800 2000

66-70 2000 2200 2600 1600 1800 2000

71-75 2000 2200 2600 1600 1800 2000

75 + 2000 2200 2400 1600 1800 2000

❖ Based on Estimated Energy Requirements (EER) equations using reference heights (average)

and reference weights (healthy) for each gender group. For children and adolescents,

reference height and weight vary. For adults, the reference man is 5 feet 10 inches tall and

weighs 154 pounds. The reference woman is 5 feet 4 inches tall and weighs 126 pounds. EER

equations are from the Institute of Medicine (2002). Dietary Reference Intakes for Energy,

Carbohydrate, Fiber, Fat, Fatty Acids, Cholesterol, Protein, and Amino Acids. Washington,

D.C.: The National Academies Press.

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❖ Sedentary means a lifestyle that includes only the light physical activity associated with a

typical day-to-day life. Moderately active means a lifestyle that includes physical activity

equivalent to walking about 1.5 to 3.0 miles per day at 3 to 4 miles per hour, in addition to the

light physical activity associated with typical day-to-day life. Active means a lifestyle that

includes physical activity equivalent to walking more than 3 miles per day at 3 to 4 miles per

hour, in addition to the light physical activity associated with typical day-to-day life.

❖ Estimates for females do not include women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. Reprinted

from U.S. Department of Agriculture (2010). 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Source: Britten, P. et al. (2006). Development of food intake

patterns for the MyPyramid Food Guidance System. Journal of Nutrition Education and

Behavior, 38, 6 Suppl., S78-S92.

(ACE Weight Management: Module 5 Practical Applications in Nutrition for Weight



Caloric intake must be decreased by 3500 calories in order to lose 1 lb. Most health

organizations recommend losing only 1-2 pounds a week. Reduce 250 calories/day with

what you eat and increase daily physical activities and/or exercises by so you burn 250

calories. Reducing a total of 500 calories reduction each day for a week (3500 calories)

produces the loss of 1 lb. To burn 2 lbs /week, double the numbers activity presented.

After you have established your daily caloric intake, it will help you calculate what you need

to eat on a daily basis. Since all of our bodies are different and are not the same as

everyone, you can figure out how to lose pounds in your own terms.


A study performed by National Institutes of Health showed that after 6 months people who

kept daily records lost 2x more weight than others. The participants who journaled noticed

patterns they were not aware of. Apps on our phone (like MyFitnessPal) may be easier to

work with than writing on paper. Choose what works best for you.

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When you work out in a gym, most of the machines tend to overestimate burned calories up

to 30%. If a machine asks you for your weight, the calculations will be a little more

accurate. That will help you calculate calories you are burning each day.

According to the Body Mass Index (BMI) tables, Mayo Clinic did research and found 50% of

the people at a normal weight had excessive body fat which caused them to be at the same

risk of disease as people with high BMI rates. High body fat and high BMI rates create the

risk of metabolic syndrome which leads to diabetes, heart disease, and high cholesterol.

BMI is usually calculated in doctor’s offices and it is based on height and weight. This is

how to calculate BMI to see if your weight range is at a place where you are underweight or


How to calculate a BMI - For example: 209-pound man at 5’8” tall.

• Convert weight from pounds to kilograms by dividing by 2.2: 209 lb / 2.2 = 95 KG

• Convert height from inches to centimeters and then to meters by multiplying by

2.54 and then dividing by 100: 68” x 2.54 = 173 CM; 173 CM / 100 = 1.73 M

• 95 KG / 1.73 M = 31.7 BMI

BMI is not completely accurate when people increase their muscle mass. People who lift

weights and their muscles grow bigger, their weight measurement will increase which will

also increase the BMI calculation.



< 18.5 You are at Underweight

18.5 – 24.9 You are at Normal Weight

25.0 – 29.9 You are at Overweight

30.0 – 34.9 and Above You are at Obesity

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Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) explains the BMI calculations and what

the results indicate. These categories are the same for men and women at 20 years old

and older. CDC shows an example of a person who is 5’9” tall and how Weight Ranges, the

BMI Category, and Weight Range show body results.


5’9” 124 lbs or less < 18.5 You are Underweight

125 lbs – 168 lbs 18.5 – 24.9 You are at Normal


169 lbs – 202 lbs 25.0 – 29.9 You are Overweight

203 lbs or more 30.0 – 34.9 and Above You are Obesity

Use your weight scale to check your weight at a consistent time of day. For example: in the

morning after getting out of bed or at the end of your day when you get home from work

(which will be at a higher level than your weight measured in the morning). The scale does

not accurately show if you are consistent in losing weight.

Many people who only focus on weight scale measurements will close down their new

habits because they feel they cannot accomplish their goals and ‘they are doing things

wrong’. For example, if you eat too much salt it causes you to retain more water which will

cause additional weight. Muscle mass that continues to grow also causes an increase in


Performing body measurements at the waist, hip, legs, arms, and chest will be a more

accurate way to know if body fat is reducing. There are about 10 different tests that

measure your body

fat%, muscle mass, and how many calories your body requires daily. This link explains the

different tests. You can Google and chose the test you prefer. Many gyms offer these types

of tests. Since scales are not able to constantly ‘give you truth’, these types of tests will

help you monitor body changes.

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When you receive your ‘why’ from God and refuse the enemy’s attacks, know you will fulfill

God’s destiny. It puts you at a place where you are powerful and have deeper faith in God

and confidence in yourself to accomplish lifestyle goals.

The enemies attacking your habits are issues you will want to replace by setting goals. For

example: Why did I eat that way? What caused me to continually reduce daily movements

and activity? Why is stress on a daily basis? Why is my sleep inconsistent?

Some of the goals you set can be a short-range which means you will accomplish them

within 1 month. Other goals may be intermediate or long-range (1 month+) because it is

about maintaining long term lifestyle changes you want. You will receive insight about

yourself after you start setting goals. You will know how to fulfill your dreams and will not

be the type of person who is just a ‘dreamer’.


Only 3% of people in America have clearly defined their objectives in life by setting goals.

Just remember, “When you do the things you need to do, when you need to do them, the day

will come when you can do the things you want to do, when you want to do them.” Over the

Top, Zig Ziglar, 1997

Step 1: Get paper and let your imagination run wild. Write down everything you want to

accomplish physically, mentally, spiritually and what you want to be, do, or have. Allow

yourself time to dream and record your ideas. This process helps channel the left brain and

allows the right brain to be free and more effective working through your imagination.

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Step 2: Give yourself at least 24-48 hours before answering the question ‘why’ for each idea

you listed. If you are not able to state ‘why’ you want to be, do, or have, then you will

notice it is just an idea and not something you truly want to accomplish. Scratch the ideas

off the list if you can’t answer ‘why’.

Step 3: Answer the next 5 questions. If you answer ‘yes’ to the following questions, it will

confirm the goals you want to accomplish. If the answer is ‘no’, delete the potential goal.

o Is it really my goal? Is it important to me? Does it motivate me?

o Is it morally right and fair to everyone concerned?

o Will reaching this goal take me closer to or farther from my major objective in


o Can I emotionally commit myself to start and finish this goal?

o Can I see myself reaching this goal?

Step 4: With the remaining idea ask yourself these questions. If you can’t answer “yes”

to at least one of the questions, eliminate that item. Will reaching this goal:

o Make me happier? Make me healthier? Make me more prosperous? Win me

more friends? Give me peace of mind? Make me more secure? Improve my

relationships with others?

Step 5: A study showed people who write down their goals have a higher level to obtain

it rather than just thinking or talking about it. Writing the goals need to be specific to

answer who, what, when, where, and why? Write details about your goal so you will be

aware you are achieving your goal daily, weekly, monthly, and on a yearly basis. Divide

the goals into three categories: short-range (1 month or less); intermediate (1 month to

1 year); long-range (1 year or more) or just ongoing with no end.



Goal is to lose weight to achieve 165 pounds and reduce the waist measurement to 34”.

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Reduce risk of cardio event and cancer Better Endurance

Look and Feel Better More Creativity and Productivity

Longer Life Span Better Attitude and Disposition


Lack of discipline Poor physical condition

Unhealthy eating habits Irregular schedule

Lack of time Love for sweets


Dieting knowledge and techniques Exercise, walking, and jogging procedures


Certified Health Coaches, Nutritionists, Personal Trainers, Weight Management Specialist,

Behavior Change Specialist


Eat well balanced nutrition every meal Drink 82.5 oz of water daily

No bread or sweets except on Sunday Each meal eat slowly only at the table

Walking 20 minutes daily after dinner Eat only fruit or low carbs between meals



After arranging your goals take time to visualize yourself accomplishing them. Feel free to

share your goals with your family and/or friends who can give you support, positive words,

and accountability. Accountability means you are willing to make commitments and be

responsible for your actions.

Roger Bannister was a British middle-distance athlete and neurologist who competed in

running and Olympics. Since the beginning time when running competition started, no one

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ever ran a mile faster than 4 minutes. Most athletes felt it was ‘impossible’ to run that fast.

On May 6, 1954 he was the first athlete to break the 4-minute mile. Based on what he

achieved, it inspired many athletes to shift their belief and to ‘go for it’. Only 46 days later,

another athlete broke the 4 minute mark.

Question: How many people have you viewed achieving goals and inspired you? Just like

Roger Bannister inspired people to achieve a goal, you will influence many people to make

lifestyle changes, especially your own kids, family, and friends.


BJ Fogg, PhD, Director, Behavior Design Lab at the Stanford University is the founder of

Tiny Habits Focusing on establishing new habits can be more joyful

and exciting vs focusing only on breaking down old habits. When you accomplish a new

habit celebrate yourself because, ‘I GOT IT DONE!’ Celebrating yourself will be an effective

way to maintain your new lifestyle habits.

Positive emotions make new behaviors easier to repeat. Your brain will want to do it again.

For example, when we state ‘I made a victory!’ we will feel success and eventually it

becomes a new habit.

How to create new tiny habits:

1. Pick new behaviors you want (goals) and not just do things ‘you should do’.

2. Think about the habits you currently have and decide ‘After I ________, I will _______.’

For example:

▪ After I completely drink 20 oz of water, I will refill it.

▪ After I eat breakfast, I will do 100 air squats.

▪ After I go to the bathroom, I will do 10 pushups.

▪ After I clean up dinner, I will turn on YouTube and do Zumba for 30


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3. Use your standard routine to ‘remind’ you of the new behavior you want to start

doing on a daily basis. Combining them together makes this ‘tiny behavior’ flow


4. Practice the following 5-8 times before actually starting your new habit:

▪ Quickly visualize your existing habit that will trigger your new behavior.

▪ Rehearse your plan quickly several times.

▪ Declare your victory!

5. Immediately after doing your new behavior, celebrate yourself! Stating words like ‘I

am powerful’ or ‘I am strong’ will create a positive emotion which helps you

remember the new plan and strengthen yourself.

6. Doing 1 or 2 of the tiny habits is the best place to start vs doing 5-7 new habits.

7. If you start a new behavior that is too challenging, your mind will find ways to forget

about it. Make sure you start your new behavior in a simple way.


Visualizing what you want to accomplish helps change your current beliefs and habits. This

study illustrates strength you can accomplish physically.

Dr. Biasiotto conducted a study at the University of Chicago. He wanted to improve the

basketball free throws so he divided the athletes into 3 groups. The first group was to

practice free throws every day for one hour. The second group was to visualize themselves

making free throws and not doing it physically. The third group did neither one. After 30

days he tested each group. The first group that practiced daily improved 24%. The second

group that

visualized themselves without physical practice improved 23%!! The third group did not

improve, which was expected.

Visualization improves us physically. Pick something you want to perform, close your

eyes, and start visualizing the process.

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The following illustrates what to visualize so you can accomplish your physical goals.

Example of lifting dumbbells:

1. Seeing. Visualize the dumbbell in front of you and notice the gym around you. Do

you see other people in the gym? How bright is the image? Are you seeing yourself

actually lifting?

2. Hear the noise. What sounds do you hear? Is music playing? Is there the clanking

of weights around you? People talking or grunting? Are you talking to yourself?

3. Emotional state. What is your emotional state as you look at the dumbbell?

4. Feel and touch. Go ahead and visually grasp the dumbbells and get into a ‘ready’

position. Pull it up and notice how it feels.

5. Smell and Taste. Did you notice any smells or tastes as you went through this



Research suggests that ‘being aware’ has a positive impact on stress. The current

study will give you insight how negative thoughts affect you. The Mental Principle

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provides 2 topics to help you: (1) close down negative thoughts and (2) receive positive

thoughts so you can build mental strength. Topic 1 covers: Art of Forgetting,

Mindfulness, Forgiveness, and Repentance. Topic 2 covers: Speak Truth About

Yourself; Gratitude; Meditation; and Breathing Deep and Slow. Your weapon is a



“Stress symptoms may be affecting your health, even though you might not realize it. You

may think illness is to blame for that nagging headache, your frequent insomnia or your

decreased productivity at work. But stress may actually be the culprit.” By Mayo Clinic Staff

Constant negative thoughts lead to stress and wears down the brain. If you are having a

hard time solving your stress, you might negatively influence others. For example: I met a

girl in her early 20’s who went to a doctor to find a solution for her high level of stress. She

mentioned her mom and dad have always had a high level of stress since she was young.

Watching her parents stressed while she was growing up, probably ‘taught’ her how she can

have stress in her live also.

Stress causes the following health issues:

Difficulty sleeping Fatigue and low energy

Breathing rapidly or not breathing well Diarrhea and digestive problems

Nervous system Constipation over long-term stress

Heart disease Relationships withdrawal

High blood pressure Drug and alcohol

Headaches Exercise less often

Chest pain Perceived loss of control

Muscle tension or pain Overeating or under eating

Sadness, depression, anxiety, low self-esteem Tobacco use

Lack of motivation or focus Feel overwhelmed or anger


Weakened immune system Diabetes and obesity

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After seeing all the symptoms from stress, does that make you aware why the enemy builds

stress for us? If you have stress issues, you need to go “upstream” to look for causes from

the enemy vs going “downstream” and just trying to treat your symptoms.

In 2011, Psychiatry Research Study recruited people who wanted to reduce their stress

issues. To evaluate the results, people had a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) on their

brain before and after the study.

For 8 weeks, 16 people attended weekly meetings to experience meditation. They also

spent about 27 minutes a day practicing meditation.

The meetings also covered:

▪ the nature of stress and the consequences

▪ how to grow mindfulness skills

▪ how to perform yoga in a community setting

17 other people did not make changes and continued with their usual routines.

The results of the study showed that mindfulness meditation restructures the brain’s Gray

Matter. The Gray Matter is involved in our seeing, hearing, memory, emotions, speech,

decision making, self-control, and muscle control.

If we have stress, we can find the root by asking ourselves these questions:

o When I feel stress what am I thinking at the time?

o What do I care about?

o Who do I care about?

o Why do I care?

When we learn what the root of our stress is we can close down the harmful issues the

enemy has built in us by using our Armor. “Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that

when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand our ground…” (Eph 6: 13)

Chronic stress can feel unbearable, but using some of these strategies can help

reduce stress so it is no longer in your life.

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• When you recognize your signs, symptoms, and triggers that create stress, you are at a

better place to manage it and reduce your exposure.

• Physical activity on a regular basis increases our body’s production of endorphins which

are hormones in our brain and nervous system. These chemicals reduce stress and

boost our mood. Ideas for activity can be walking, jogging, running, cardio activity and

working out, riding a bike, walking steps, or Zumba.

• Engaging with your family and friends can provide motivation for you to take action and

they can also give you emotional support.

• Poor quality of sleep or not sleeping long enough can cause stress. Drinking caffeine,

working out hard before sleeping, and eating right before bed time creates sleep issues.

To improve and increase sleeping try the following ideas:

a) Taking a warm bath before bed helps your muscles relax which helps you


b) If you wake up in the night with negative emotional thoughts, try meditating

and deep breathing.

c) If you have a spouse, rubbing each other on your arms, neck, and back is like

having a massage which builds relaxation and helps sleep.


When we hear statements and speak statements out loud it creates memories. I remember

the first time I heard my parents say, “We are proud of you.” Depending on a memory we

recall, we either feel joy or condemnation. Negative memories are the ones we need to


Science has proven that the hippocampus of the brain has two parts: one area can block

memories and the other area can replace the memory. Trying to solve an undesirable

memory does not put us at a peaceful place because negative emotions are attached to it.

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To replace a bad memory we need to think about the ‘good’ things that occurred in the

situation. The following is an example of what a negative memory may sound like and

‘good’ things to replace the memory:

❖ “Last time I tried to lose weight, I lost five pounds then slowly gained it back plus

five more pounds while I was changing my nutrition, doing exercises, and lifting

weights. Therefore, it doesn’t work for me and it is so frustrating.”

❖ “I am always successful to achieve my desires. I know how to arrange my food

intake to create nutritional habits and I will always live this way. Since I am strong

and can reach my goals, I am going to focus on reducing my body fat measurements

and continue to increase my muscle mass. I will no longer focus on the weight scale

since it alters consistently. Knowing the measurements of muscle mass and body

fat is my body’s true measurement. I can do this!’

Self-confidence and love for ourselves increases when we force poor memories to a

different part of the brain. If we are not able to see any positive aspects of an old memory,

we can talk with our family and friends about what they saw us doing so we can receive

their positive input. So choose positive statements about yourself and do not receive

negative words or thoughts from the enemy.



MIND IS STRONGER THAN OUR BODY. When you think and build thoughts they become

physical substances in your brain (Dr. Caroline Leaf - Switch on Your Brain).

There is a principle, “As he thinketh in his heart, so is he… (Prov 23:7 KJV) When you

change your thoughts, it will change your life! When you have a thought that gives you

truth, it gives you power. If you are ever in a place that you think, ‘I am a failure’, ‘I have no

value’, or ‘God did not heal me’, it is time to renew the mind.

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❖ “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the

renewing (G342 = renewal, renovation, complete change for the better) of your

mind….” (Rom 12:2)

❖ When we ask the Lord for something and we continually think He has not or will not

answer our request it puts us in a double-minded place. “But when he asks, he must

believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and

tossed by the wind. That man should not think he will receive anything from the

Lord; he is a double-minded man, (G1374 = wavering, uncertain, doubting, and

divided in interest) unstable in all he does.” (James 1:6-8)

❖ “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a

sound mind.” (2 Tim 1:7 KJV) ‘Sound mind’ is used only once in scripture and means

(G4995 = an admonishing or calling to soundness of mind, to moderation and self-


Since God gave you a ‘sound mind’ that gives you self-control, be aware when the enemy is

attacking you, like he did with Eve, so you no longer believe what God says. If you feel you

are double-minded, I speak LIFE to you in Jesus name! So going forward, know you will be

receiving EVERYTHING from the Lord.

Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me!


Forgiveness has benefits physically, mentally, and spiritually. If we choose to maintain

unforgiveness that is persistent in our lives, we will not change. It impacts us spiritually and

also affects the control of our health.

From the medical-side, psychologists offer Forgiveness Therapy sessions to clients to help

them resolve uncontrolled emotions. Numerous studies indicate that people who choose

forgiveness experience benefits:

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❖ less stress which comes from: toxic anger, bitterness, hatred, resentment, fear of

being attacked, or being humiliated

❖ lowers blood pressure

❖ improves mental health

❖ have a lower risk of heart disease, stroke, cancer, and depression

❖ stronger immune system

❖ fewer symptoms of depression

❖ improved self-esteem

❖ improved heart health

❖ have better and deeper relationships

Isaiah 61:1 says, “He has sent me to bind up the broken hearted, to proclaim freedom for

the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners.” Just as a prisoner in jail has

limitations, unforgiveness puts us in prison in the spiritual realm. The enemy wants us to

stay in prison so we have limitations with ourselves and our relationship with the Lord. If

we notice we feel ‘stuck as a prisoner’, below are some ideas to help us work through


1. Unforgiveness puts us in prison when our emotions, thoughts, and behaviors do not

change. To give ourself joy, confidence, and a deeper relationship with the Lord, we

need to make ‘forgiveness’ a standard part of our life.

2. To work through forgiveness we need to be in a private place and have some time to

think through the issues that make us feel angry or hurt.

3. If we notice we have a lot of issues we need to work through, briefly write down who

was involved and what they did. We need to focus only ‘on the event’ and not what

we are feeling at that time so negative emotions do not rule over us.

4. Start thinking about the situations that are small and not intense. It will be easier to

forgive those people. When we start truly forgiving people it becomes easier to

forgive other people who have deeply hurt us or offended us.

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5. When we forgive people state it out loud because it will put a new updated memory

in our brain.

6. If we want to have the Lord involved, ask Him where He was during the situation and

what the truth is.

7. Sometimes the negative encounters we have with people are very intense and it may

take a few days for us to completely forgive them. In that situation we need to

encourage ourselves because we are in the process of forgiving and we are not

choosing unforgiveness. Speaking forgiveness for them out loud several times helps

move us to a place that our forgiveness is real and completely done.

8. Sometimes after we truly forgive someone we may not have a feeling that confirms

our ‘forgiveness’ was real. Therefore, after we have forgiven people we need to

believe and trust our ‘forgiveness’ was accomplished. After a while we can look

back at the event and we will notice our emotion is different and a smile will come

upon our face.

9. In certain situations we may need to forgive ourselves. In some situations we may

feel it more challenging to forgive ourselves rather than other people. When we

forgive ourselves, we will start to love ourselves the way Jesus loves us.

10. After going through the forgiving process we should celebrate because we are no

longer in prison!


When I was in my 20’s, I had only heard that Repent means sorrow. I was told to cry when I

confess my sins to God. When I was in my 50’s I learned that Repent also means: (G3340 =

to change one’s mind for better) and (G3341 = a change of mind, as it appears to one who

repents). As we go through repentance believe negative and bad thoughts will be replaced.


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“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure,

whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think

about such things.” (Phil 4:8)

If you feel discouragement and disappointment about yourself, verbally speaking

declarations and truth about who you are will reverse those thoughts and build strength in


When you see truth about yourself you can state it out loud when you stand in front of a

mirror or write it on paper. This will help you realize and confirm honesty about yourself.

Speaking and believing is powerful! Loving and believing yourself the way God does forces

the negative thoughts and emotions to go away.

















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Many studies have been performed about Gratitude. Acknowledging our ‘thankfulness’

provides us with a positive outlook and helps us grow strength, live longer, operate better,

and prepare a “vaccination” in our immune system.

Dr. Dan Tomasulo, a psychologist and director of the New York City Certificate in Positive

Psychology at the Open Center and teaches positive psychology at Columbia University,

wrote an article with studies that showed how our well-being is influenced by what we think

and feel.

The Nun Study started in 1939 and ended with a final analysis in 2001. By 2001, the Nuns

were between 75-94 years old. Researchers were astonished to find ‘positive feelings’

affected their longevity. 90% of the women at age 85 were very cheerful and alive. What

stood out was, 54% of the Nuns at age 94 were optimal and only 11% were not! The study

showed gratitude created less disease, lower mortality rates, and created a natural

immunization against Alzheimer and dementia.

To build gratitude, take a few minutes to look at your past 24 hours through your ‘lenses of

appreciation’ and write down at least three or more events you are grateful for. Writing your

gratitude on paper on a regular basis gives you an opportunity to review them so you can

remember them. Gratitude restructures your memories and helps you focus on the positive

thoughts. When you choose to focus on gratitude and stay positive, accomplishing your

goals are right around the corner!


Meditation is about turning our attention to one specific thing, rotate distracting thoughts,

and focus on the present moment. There are 2 types of meditation we can choose: spiritual

and physical. Choose which method at the time gives you peace and shuts down stressful


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Spiritual meditation completely focuses on a bible verse, giving Jesus and God love and

worship, and/or sitting next to their heart as a child. Psalm 1 speaks about the spiritual

benefits we receive from meditating. “We will be like a tree planted by streams of water

and produce fruit in our season. The growth of our leaves will not fall off. And everything we

do prospers.” (Psalm 1:3)

The following will give you a picture how to physically meditate if you have not experienced

it before.

1. Focus on thoughts and habits you want to replace or create.

2. Write them down, post them at a place you can see them, state them out loud, and

refer to them so you will not forget them.

3. Set the timer on your phone for 5-10 minutes so you can relax and not worry about

when you need to leave to be some place.

4. Sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes and breathe slowly and deeply.

5. Since changing habits takes about 60 days, allow yourself time to make changes.

6. Our mind can only think of one thing at a time so decide which way you want to go –

stress and sadness or excitement and success.

7. If you notice other thoughts come up while you are meditating, speaking thoughts

out loud helps monitor distracting thoughts.

8. When you continue to focus and visualize new thoughts it creates ‘accomplishment’

in your mind. We were created to have authority over our mindset and not to be a

victim of it.

“So do not throw away your confidence (G39954 – freedom of speaking; free and fearless

confidence; cheerful courage; boldness; assurance) it will be richly rewarded.” (Heb 10:35)

“Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things.” (Col 3:2)


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1. You can lie down or sit on a chair, keeping your back straight and your feet on the


2. Place one hand over your stomach and the other hand on your chest.

3. When you inhale and exhale feel your stomach build up and release your air.

4. There is not a specific pattern, so just choose what is comfortable for you and try to

accomplish 6 breaths per minute. Count your inhales and exhales like this: 1 one

thousand; 2 one thousand; 3 one thousand.

5. Breath in the nose and exhale through your mouth.

6. Decide what your prefer:

• Inhale to the count of 5, hold breath to the count of 5, exhale to the count of 5

• Inhale to the count of 4, hold breath to the count of 6, exhale to the count of 6

• Inhale to the count of 4, hold breath to the count of 7-8, exhale to the count of 7-


7. How to do the 4-7-8 cycle

• Begin with exhale

• Breath in the nose and count to 4

• Hold breath as you count to 7

• Exhale through mouth as you count to 8

• Repeat 4 times

• Practice 4 cycles 2x day for 4 weeks – them move to 8 cycles or stay at level 4

• For example: Do it in the morning when you wake up & before bed or before &

after a dinner

• You can add movement to the breathing by walking and/or yoga if it gives you

a ‘smile’ to do it


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This Principle covers topics so you can grow strong spiritually. The Fasting

section shows we have benefits spiritually and physically. If you have not

experienced ‘Deliverance’ before, this section will guide you how to move

demons out of our body so you are free and no longer attacked. “But the Lord

is faithful, and he will strengthen and protect you from the evil one.” (2 Thess

3:3) The Healing section will give you some guidelines how to pray for healing.

The last two sections have encouraging scriptures if you are experiencing Trials

and Circumstances and if you need more spiritual Strength.


Fasting is something to consider on a frequent basis. During the time Jesus was fasting for

40 days the enemy approached him. Satan wanted to get Him to focus on eating which

would close down His fasting and cause Jesus not to receive the power that God was giving

Him. Satan knows he is defeated but he doesn’t want us to walk in God’s power.

When we fast we present our body to God as a “living sacrifice” and we focus on worshiping

and honoring Him. So think about enjoying fasting and what we want it to be about

because if fasting doesn’t mean anything to you, it will not mean anything to the Lord.

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.” (Matt


Be aware the enemy will attack us so we focus more on what we want to eat and be

distracted. God designed us to “not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from

the mouth of God.” (Deut 8:3 & Matt 4:4) So be prepared to ‘kick enemies out’ by verbally

speaking worship to God.

Physical Benefits for Fasting:

• Toxins are taken out of our body. If you experience headaches while fasting, it is

probably a sign you have toxins in you.

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• Studies have been performed on animals. Rats were fasting every other day and it

showed their aging was delayed and compared to the rats that were not fasting they

lived 83% longer than the others. Fasting can help us live out our destiny.

• World Journal of Diabetes study showed adults with type 2 diabetes fasting improved

key markers, glucose levels, and body weight.

• Fasting improves blood sugar by reducing insulin resistance.

• After fasting it lowers: cholesterol, LDL, triglyceride, body fat, blood pressure,

inflammation, and weight loss.

• After fasting it increases: muscle strength, hormones, brain function, fat burning, and



The objective for Deliverance is to cast out demons and ‘close the doors’ so they will not

return in the future. Demonic spirits have access to us when we are at a place we have

‘open doors’ for them. Our thoughts are capable of creating ‘open doors’. The enemy also

approaches us when we are at a ‘time of need’ and seeking to satisfy the issues in our life.

When we choose to leave the Word of God behind, we start to ‘agree’ with the demon’s bait.

The bait may seem appealing, beneficial, and harmless like it was for Eve. When we notice

we have lost control physically, mentally, and/or spiritually, that will give us insight that

unclean spirits are within us.

Based on what I was genetically and physically diagnosed with, I will share with you what I

experienced regarding healing and demonic spirits.

• My genetic, 9P21, results showed I had a high risk for cardio events and Alzheimer’s.

My dad was diagnosed with the same genetic and I saw him have cardio issues and

memory issues. Knowing I had the risk of Alzheimer’s almost made me cry and my

emotions put me at a place ‘I received that genetic’. In 2018, after having a test at a

doctor’s office, I was diagnosed with Pre-Alzheimer’s. During the year, I received many

declarations the Lord

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healed me. I chose to receive His healing but I was still having lack of memories which

caused emotions and made me wonder if I was healed yet. Daily, I would put on the


Armor, speak LIFE in my body in Jesus’s name, worship the Father out loud to push the

enemies’ presence away, and I would also fast on the weekends to focus on the Lord.

In 2019, two women came to our church and spoke about healing, prophecy, and

deliverance. From their teaching, I received more understanding about when and why to

perform deliverance. I asked the Holy Spirit for His insight and I received two words

from Him, ‘doubt’ and ‘infirmity’. Having those demonic enemies inside of me gave me

understanding why it appeared ‘God had not healed yet’. Going through ‘Deliverance’

changed my thoughts, ‘worries’ went away, and it gave me affirmation and peace that

God’s healing occurred about a year ago.

After you saw what I went through, you will understand how many people accept their

genetics. Some genetics help us live healthy and others cause cardio events, cancer,

diabetes, etc. When our family is genetically diagnosed, many times we ‘accept it’ and

‘expect it’ in our life. The enemy’s whispers we accept and vows we make give the enemy

access to us and binds our soul (mind, will, and emotion). “For our struggle is not against

flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of the

dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” (Eph 6:12)

Listed below are only 7 of the demonic spirits provided by Vision Life Ministries, Bethel

Sozo, and Global Awakening. This is to help give you insight if you have any of these

demonic spirits you need to cast out.

Spirit of Infirmity - physical and mental weakness : genetics, allergies, cancer, diabetes,

fungus, arthritis, heart disease, high blood pressure, viruses, lingering disorders

Spirit of Bondage - a state of being a slave and can’t change : soul ties, addicted to

possessions, alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, food, sedentary lifestyle

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Spirit of Lying - having lack of truth : poor self-image, condemnation, deception,

worthless, you are ugly, no one wants you, you’ll never change

Spirit of Slumber/sleep : constant fatigue, human spirit asleep, draws back from life

Spirit of Heaviness : depression, despair, discouragement, hopelessness, shame,

loneliness, abnormal grief and mourning, difficulty

Spirit of Fear : is an entry point for different spirits, takes away our authority, and a

problem in many illnesses – anxiety, faithlessness, fear of death, fear of failure, fear of

men/women, fear of success, tension, nightmares

Spirit of Doubt : mistrust, uncertainty who you are, unbelief, doubt you can overcome your

past or future, doubt in yourself for times you have failed or made mistakes, confusion

What to do to ask for Deliverance:

1. When you are aware a demon(s) is in your soul, ask the Holy Spirit to identify what

caused the feelings that led you to bondage – was it event(s), inner vow(s), or

challenging relationship(s).

2. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal specific details you need to deal with.

3. Repent and ask forgiveness for sins in the situation. “Father forgive me for _______.

(ex: lying to myself, having doubt, having bondage for drugs and alcohol).

4. Take authority, renounce the vow, and break the bondage in Jesus’s name.

5. Cast out the enemy in Jesus name and declare it void in the power of the Blood of


6. Send the demonic spirit to the foot of Jesus so He can choose where to send the


7. Ask the Holy Spirit to fill all the places that were occupied by the evil spirits. You

may experience feelings that confirm the enemy is gone: you may have a cough, a

jerk, a long exhale, joy, or a feeling of lightness. Enjoy giving God praise, glory, and

thankfulness for His deliverance☺!

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For healing to occur, we need to determine the root cause for the infirmity or sickness.

Roots can be: sickness created by a mental factor is stress related; accidents and injuries;

diseases; or evil spirits. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you about your condition and it’s cause.

If you receive insight that a person caused your condition and you haven’t forgiven them yet,

unforgiveness can cause restriction for being healed. You will feel fear, shame, or rejection

if you are wounded emotionally. If you have experienced these situations, work through

forgiveness and emotions before praying for healing, talk to the Lord, and follow His

guidance to rebuild positive emotions.

1. Pray for emotional healing before praying for physical healing.

2. Ask the Holy Spirit to be present with His guidance and healing power.

3. Speak, “Father, ‘in Jesus name’ I ask you to heal the _______ (ex:

inflammation) and remove _______” (ex: swelling and pain).

4. If you are breaking a vow, a curse, or casting out an evil spirit, speak, “In the

name of Jesus I command the ______ (ex: inflammation) to be healed and all

______ (ex: swelling and pain) to leave.

5. If pain moves around or increases or the condition exists for a long time,

consider casting out the evil spirit.

6. About 50% of people being healed feel a change physically.

7. To maintain healing and prevent re-occurrence consider new lifestyle


These statements for Healing are from Global Awakening.


“Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits – who forgives all your sins and

heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and

compassion, who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like

the eagle’s.” (Psa 103: 2-5)

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“I will not die but live, and will proclaim what the Lord has done.” (Psa 118:17)

… “by his wounds you have been healed.” (1 Pet 2:24)

“No one after lighting a lamp puts it in a cellar or under a basket, but on a stand, so that

those who enter may see the light. Your eye (G3788= metaph: the eyes of the mind, the

faculty of knowing) it the lamp of your body. When your eye is healthy, your whole body is

full of light, but when it is bad (G4190= of a bad nature or condition, in a physical sense:

diseased or blind; in an ethical sense: evil wicked, bad) your body if full of darkness.

Therefore be careful lest the light in you be darkness. If then you whole body is full of light,

having no part dark, it will be wholly bright, as when a lamp with its rays gives you light.”

(Luke 11: 33 – 36 ESV)


“Consider it pure joy, my brothers whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you

know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.” (James 1:2-3)

“Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will

receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him”. (James 1:12)

“Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called

to peace. And be thankful.” (Col 3:15)

“…set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set

your minds on things above, not on earthly things.” (Col 3:1-2)

“…I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.” (Phil 4:11)

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“There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are differences of ministries, but

the same Lord. And there are diversities of activities, but it is the same God who works all in

all. But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all: for to one is

given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the

same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healings by the same

Spirit, to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of

spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. But

one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He

wills.” (1 Cor 12: 4-11 NKJV) These are ‘strengths’ you are given and they are included in

your ‘destiny’ God has planned for you.

“I can do everything through him who gives me strength.” (Phil 4:13)

“Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves

fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.” (1

Cor 15:58)

“He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow

tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew

their strength.” (Isa 40: 29-31)

“Therefore, prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled; set your hope fully on the

grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed.” (1 Pet 1:13)

“…Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.” (Neh 8:10) Speak His strength in

our mind, body, muscles, heart, and brain. His strength will replace issues and heal us!

“Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it

will be yours.” (Mark 11:24)

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to

you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks find; and to him who knocks, the door

will be opened.” (Matt 7:7-8)

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I feel the same about you as what Paul wrote! Having authority the Lord gave me, I want to

build you up according to your needs. (Eph 4:29)

I hope the ideas brought out in the ‘Principle of 3’ gave you insight what the enemy is doing

in your life. The enemy always wants us to maintain disease. He doesn’t want us to be

aware or educated so we make changes. When we are healed sometimes physical changes

need to be made to maintain it.

I hope this program gave you some prophetic words so you feel strength, comfort, and



❖ You will live out God’s destiny!

❖ You will use the Armor to fight off the enemy!

❖ You believe truth about yourself!

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