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19 th November: investigating artefacts

Today I started Artefact and I did some research at school and home on “what is an Artefact” and how did technology have an impact on Artefact”. First I found out about what is an Artefact and I found out it is a manmade or modified object that can represent cultures and tell a story in a form of design.

1 st December: investigating artefacts

I carried on doing the research to find out more about artefact like what is it used for and where you can find it. I found out artefact can be used in plays as a part of a set, props or costumes or even logo. Also that you can find artefact in a gallery or it maybe used in a play for costumes, set or background.

3 rd December: investing Artefacts (power point)

Again I carried on researching about the different artists and I found out about an artist s called Grayson Perry, Micheal Raedecker. Leonardo Da Vinci and Elizabeth Le Court.

Lastly I researched about how technology has an impact on artefact and I found out before all work were man made but now it is made by machines as it is faster to use, but there are disadvantages like the machine is expensive and that it might break down.

10 th of December: investigating Grayson Perry

Today I researched on an artist called Grayson Perry and I found out he makes clay pot and his work are mostly the same style and they all have different types of message on his pots to make stories , he often uses images to create a mood or tension.

I also researched the different types of clay pots and made a note of the one I like and why I like it to help me decide how my pot will look like.

15 th December: making clay title

I went outside and looked at different types of textures you can find in the playground such as trees leaf etc. I collected some off these object and made a clay tile with the textures we saw outside e.g. I made a leaf shape clay tile with the textures of a leaf.

17 th December: Making plan for clay pot

After looking at the different types of clay pot and made a decision on what shape I wanted and how it will be decorated and what I will need to decorate that.

And I have collected everything I will need e.g. pictures, map, sugar paper etc.

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7 th January: Making sample pot

After I made a plan and had everything I needed to start making a clay pot by coiling the clay in to a snake shape and slowly building it in to the shape I want.

After 2 lessons of hard work I have completed making clay pot.

12 th January: Completing clay pot experiments

Today I started to decorate the clay pot with the things I collected and everything I collected had something to do with my identity so when people look at my clay pot they can know more about me e.g. I put a map of England and Bangladesh to show my background and where I grew up because I believe that tells a lot about my identity.

14 th January: Investigating Michael Raedecker, planning painting

I looked at some of Michael Raedecker painting and at home I did more research on him and about his work, and I found out that he studied fashion design and also that his painting tells a story. So I wrote a story and later on when I paint it my painting will tell a story just like Michael Raedecker work.

21 st January: Developing painting

Based on the story I drew a picture and then painted the picture but unlike Michael Raedecker I used bright colours in my work because even though my work was based on his work I wanted to make it my own by doing something different to his work.

26 th January: Investigating Wafa Hourani

Today in class we looked at Wafa Hourani’s work and when I came home I did some more independent research on him and found out more about his work the type of things he makes and interesting facts about his work for example I found out that he makes his work (buildings) out of cardboard.

29 th January: Developing buildings

Working with a group and we made a plan on how we want our building to look like and what time it will be set in (past, present or future), we decided to set it in the future and like Wafa Hourani we are going to make out building out of cardboard.

4 th February: Developing building

As a group we decided to make s shopping centre in the future where the shops will look like the product they are selling. We all took roles and responsibilities on the different parts of the shopping centre. My role was to make a shoe for the shoe shop and others were making things like sweets, drink, clothes etc.

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9 th February: Developing building

After everyone made their individual parts of the shopping centre, we came together as a group and put our items together. We as a group made a base for the shopping centre and painted it together then stuck the building to the base using glue and wires.

11 th February: Developing building

Finally as a group we painted our shops and made any improvements and extra details that were necessary and we were proud of what we made because not only did we make a good building but we also worked well as a team and independently to our building look successful.

25 th February: Investigating Costumes

Today we looked at an artist called Elizabeth LeCourt and saw and read about the types of work she does, from the research we found out that she makes costumes but not from any ordinary materials you expect a costumes designer to make but interestingly out of paper.

16 th March: Developing Costumes

I made a plan of how my dress will look like and collected the materials I will need such as newspaper, magazine, scissors, glue, etc. After all that hard work I have made my dress, but I wasn’t happy with final work ad if I could do it again I would again I would do it differently and put in more detail.

18 th March: Developing Final Ideas

For my final artefact I decided to make an improved version of the clay pot I made it because although I was happy with what I achieved there are many things I want to improve e.g. put more images to do with my culture, religion and hobby and other things that say a lot about me.

25 th March: Making Final artefact

I decided to make my pot more about me and put images and maps etc that says a lot about my culture, my religion, everything that says a lot about me.

30 th March: Making final artefact

After making a mini plan on what my pot should be about and how it will look like, I decided that I am going to do a map of UK and Bangladesh all around the pot to show my background/nationality and England to show where I grew up.

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1 st April: Making final artefact

I bought in pictures from home of my family and my religion sign. I did a collage of two map, one of Bangladesh and one of England as I planned to do before and highlighted where on each 1 for example on the England map I have zoomed more in to London as i am from London and on Bangladesh map I zoomed more in to Syhlet.

22 nd April: Completing Artefact

Finally, I put all my images on top of the map to make a collage of my hobbies, families, religious and other things that are important to me and left the map to be a background.

23 rd April: Completing any work:

I improved my painting by adding extra details to my painting to make it more relevant to the story I wrote earlier on. I also painted my building to make it more colourful to show the theme of the future.

29 th April: Developing and refining work:

I wrote a poem to tell people what my pot is about explaining why my culture, religion and identity important to me. Through out artefact think my biggest strength was making the clay pot and then making the building with the group as I enjoyed working as a team but I think my weakest art work was the costume as I found it really hard to make a dress a out of paper and I also think I could of done a lot better at painting if I had a lesson on how to make effective painting and drawing.

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