
IMPROVING LISTENING SKIL IN SPOOF TEXT THROUGH TEACHERS DICTATION( A CLASSROOM ACTION RESEARCH AT GRADE XI SCIENCE 4 OF SMA N 1 WONOSARI KLATEN 2012/ 2013 )Dewi [email protected] N 1 WONOSARI KLATENAbstract: The research aims at (1) improving the students listening skill in spoof text by using Dictation Method at Grade XI Science 4 SMA N 1 Wonosari, Klaten, and (2) finding the effectiveness of Dictation Method in improving the students listening skill spoof text at Grade XI Science 4 SMA N 1 Wonosari, Klaten.This research was a Classroom Action Research conducting in Semester 2 in the Academic Year 2012/2013. The subject of the research was the students of XI Science 4. There were 40 students in the class; they were 11 male students and 29 female students. The object of the research was the improvement of listening skill in spoof text.

In line with the objective of the research above, the Classroom Action Research (CAR) included two cycles; each cycle consist of four steps, (1) planning, (2) action, (3) observation, and (4) reflection. In this research, the researcher acted as a facilitator and the teacher had a role as an observer.The result of this Classroom Action Research can be briefly explained as follows: (1) The students listening skill increased by using Dictation Method; (2) The average score of the students achievement in pre- cycle was 66, 6 % and the category was fair; (3) The average score of the students achievement in cycle 1 was 81, 93% and the category was good; (4) The average score of the students achievement in cycle 2 was 88, 98% and the category was excellent.Key words: Listening Skill, Dictation Method, Spoof Text

Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan (1) meningkatkan kemampuan menyimak siswa dalam teks spoof dengan menggunakan metode dikte pada siswa kelas XI IPA 4 dan (2) menemukan keefektifan metode dikte dalam upaya meningkatkan kemampuan menyimak siswa dalam teks spoof pada siswa kelas XI IPA 4 SMA N 1 Wonosari, Klaten.

Penelitian ini merupakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas yang dilaksanakan di Semester 2 tahun ajaran 2012/2013. Subyek penelitian ini adalah siswa-siswa kelas XI IPA 4. Ada 40 siswa di kelas ini, mereka terdiri 11 orang siswa laki-laki dan 29 siswa perempuan. Obyek penelitian ini adalah peningkatan kemampuan menyimak dalam teks spoof.Sejalan dengan tujuan penelitian di atas, Penelitian Tindakan Kelas mencakup 2 siklus. Setiap siklus terdiri dari empat tahap yaitu: (1) perencanaan, (2) tindakan, (3) observasi, dan (4) refleksi. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti bertindak sebagai fasilitator dan guru berperan sebagai yang diteliti.Hasil dari Penelitian Tindakan Kelas ini dapat dijelaskan sebagai berikut: (1) Kemampuan menyimak siswa meningkat dengan penggunaan metode dikte; (2) Rata-rata nilai siswa dalam pra-tindakan adalah 66, 6% dan kategorinya cukup ; (3) Rata-rata nilai siswa dalam siklus 1 adalah 81, 93% dan kategorinya baik ; (4) Rata-rata nilai siswa dalam siklus 2 adalah 88, 98% dan kategorinya adalah sangat baik.

Kata kunci: Kemampuan menyimak, Metode Dikte, Spoof Teks.


Language has an important role in the development of the learners intelligence, social, and emotional. English is a means of communiction either in a spoken or in a written way. English subject at Senior High School level has an aim at developing communicative competence of the learners and comprehension of the learners about the relationship between language and culture ( BSNP,2009: 308).

One of the scope of English Subject at Senior High School level involves the competencies in understanding and creating some short functional texts, essay, and monologues in the form of procedure, descriptive, recount, narrative, report, news item, analytical exposition,hortatory exposition,spoof, explanation, discussion, review, and public speaking. All of them are stated in the Competency Standard of the syllabus in KTSP curriculum.

The ability of responding the monologue text in Spoof text at Grade XI Science 4 SMA N 1 Wonosari are relatively poor. It can be seen from the result of the students achievements in Base Competency 1(KD 1) . In KD1, there are 29 students who have not achieved the Minimum Mastery Criteria (KKM). Some students have difficulties in understanding some words which have similar sounds but they have different meanings . By having dictation some difficult words, the students are getting more practices, so they will be exposure to write, read, and finally they are able to respond some monologues read or dictated by the teacher or the speaker on cassete.

Based on some previous background of the problem, the problem statements that have been stated in the research , are as follows:a. Is the use of Dictation Method able to improve the students listening skill in Spoof text at Grade XI Science 4 of SMA N 1 Wonosari Klaten ?b. How is the effectiveness of the use of Dictation Method in improving the students listening skill in Spoof text at Grade XI Science 4 of SMA N 1 Wonosari Klaten ?c. Are there some problems occured in the use of Dictation Method in improving the students listening skill in Spoof text at Grade XI Science 4 of SMA N 1 Wonosari Klaten ? The objective of this Classroom Action Research is to describe the improvement of the students listening skill in Spoof text at Grade XI Science 4 of SMA N 1 Wonosari Klaten after obtaining the Dictation Method, to describe the effectiveness of the use of Dictation Method in improving the students listening skill in Spoof text at Grade XI Science 4 of SMA N 1 Wonosari Klaten , and to describe some problems occured in the use of Dictation Method in improving the students listening skill in Spoof text at Grade XI Science 4 of SMA N 1 Wonosari Klaten.

THEORETICAL STUDYa. The Notion of Listening

Listening is a receptive skill which covers some invisibilities and inaudibilities process of internalizing meaning from the auditory being transmitted to the ear and brain ( Brown, 2004: 118). It is often implied as a component of speaking. We can not speak a language without also listening. Listening as a major component in language learning and teaching is not a one way street. It is not merely the process of a unidirectional receiving of audible symbols. There are eight processes involving in listening comprehension (adapted from Clark & Clark, 1977 and Richards, 1983);

1. The hearer processes raw speech and holds an image of it in short-term memory.

This image consists of the constituents of a stem of speech i.e. phrases, clauses, cohesive markers, intonation and stress markers.2. The hearer determines the type of speech event that is being processed.

The type of speech may be a conversation, a speech or a radio broadcast.

3. The hearer infers the objectives of the speaker by considering the type of speech event, the context and content.

The speakers wishes are likely to persuade, to request, to exchange pleasantries, to affirm, to deny, informing and so forth.

4. The hearer recalls background information or schemata.It is relevant to the particular context and subject matter.

5. The hearer assigns a literal meaning to the utterance.

This process involves a set of semantic interpretations of the surface strings that the earing matches.

6. The hearer assigns an intended meaning to the utterance.

A key to human communication is the ability to match perceived meaning with intended meaning.

7. The hearer determines whether information should be retained in short term or long-term memory.

Short-term memory is a matter of a few seconds appropriate. Long-term memory is more common when there is processing information in a lecture.8. The hearer deletes the form in which the message was originally received.

The words, phrases, and sentences are forgotten in speech acts.

It is clear that listening comprehension is an interactive process. Listening has often played second fiddle to its counterpart, speaking. Listening is also often implied as a component of speaking. A good speaker is often unwisely valued more highly than a good listener. Listening as a mode of performance should be designed in its assessment. There are six types of listening performance as Brown stated in (Brown, 2004: 122-125) i.e.:1. Intensive listening

The assessment tasks that we can give such as, minimal phonemic pair recognition, and paraphrase recognition.

2. Responsive listening. The assessment tasks that we can give such as, appropriate response to a question and open-ended response to a question.

3. Selective listening.

The assessment tasks that we can give such as, listening cloze and information transfer.

4. Extensive listening

The assessment task that we can apply is dictation.

5. Reactive listening

The assessment tasks that we can give such as, individual drill, and stimulus-response.

6. Interactive listening

The assessment tasks that we can give such as, discussions, debates, conversations, role-plays. And other pair and group work.b. Dictation Dictation is a widely researched genre of assessing listening comprehension (Brown, 2004: 131). In a dictation, test takers hear a passage, typically of 50 to 100 words recited three times: first, at normal speed; then with long pauses between phrases or natural word groups, finally at normal speed, in order to check their work and proofread. The difficulty in interpreting dictation task can be easily manipulated by the length of the word groups (or bursts, as they are technically called), the length of the pauses, the speed at which the text is read, and the complexity of the discourse, grammar, and vocabulary used in the passage. The other is scoring. The scoring criteria for several possible kinds of errors in dictation are as follows:

1. Spelling error only, but the word appears to have been heard correctly2. Spelling and/or obvious misrepresentation of a word, illegible word

3. Grammatical error

4. Skipped word or phrase

5. Permutation of word

6. Additional words not in the original

7. Replacement of a word with an appropriate synonym

Dictation seems to provide a valid method for integrating listening and writing skills and for tapping into the cohesive elements of language implied in short passages. Dictation is not a spelling test as Brown said in (Buck, 2001). The practicality of the administration of dictations is as follows:1. A moderate degree of reliability in a well-established scoring system

2. A strong correspondence to other language abilities3. Assessing extensive (or quasi-extensive) listening comprehension

C. Spoof Text A spoof text is a piece of a humorous story that tells events in chronological sequence with a twist or unexpected ending. The communicative purpose or the social function of this type of the text is to entertain the readers with an amusing story. The example of Spoof Text is short stories. The Spoof Text consists of three Text Organizations/ the Generic Structure i.e.: 1. Orientation

It presents the background information of the story (who, when, and where).2. The bodyIt tells a series of events that took place in a chronological order.

3. Twist

It is an end of the story with an unexpected ending.

The language Features /lexicon-grammatical features of the Spoof Test are stated as follows:

1. Simple Past Tense

E.g. they often spent time together

2. Pronouns

E.g. he, her, she, they etc.

3. Adjectives

E.g. young, handsome, beautiful, etc.4. AdverbsE.g. often, eventually, etc.

5. Action verbs

E.g. spent, washed, etc.

6. Time connectorsE.g. months later, when they got married, etc.

7. Sequence connectors

E.g. first, finally, etc.

Research Methoda. Setting of the Research

The research had been held at Grade XI Science 4 in SMA N 1 Wonosari, Klaten 2012/2013. There were 40 students in the classroom. They were 11 male students and 29 female students.

b. Procedure of the Research

In the research, the researcher used a Classroom Action Research which consisted two cycles. Each cycle consisted four steps i.e. planning, acting, observing, and reflecting.

c. Object of the Research

The object of the research was improving listening skill at English subject in Spoof text type.

d. Technique of Data Collecting

There are two kinds of techniques in collecting Data. They are test and non-test. Test technique is used to know the students competence in listening skill. Non-test technique is used to know the students response in listening by using teachers dictation.

e. The type of Data

The data used in this research are 1) place and event 2) informant 3) document.

f. Achievement Indicator

The indicator which showed the improvement of the students achievement in this Classroom Action Research can be measured from the students achievement in listening. It is indicated in the average of students classical minimum criteria 75% of the whole students in the class.g. Technique of Data Analysis

1. Quantitative Technique

The analysis of the data taken from the dictation is calculated with a) note-taking the marks of the students b) calculating the total score of dictation result c) calculate the average of the students achievement in dictation d) calculate the percentage.The formula of percentage value:

NP = (NKX100%): R

NP: percentage value

NK: total score

R: the number of respondent

2. Qualitative technique

Qualitative technique was used to analyze the qualitative data taken from non-test. The result of analysis would be used measure the difficulties faced by the students in catching the words through the teachers dictation

Research Findings and DiscussionResearch Findings

a. Descriptions of the Setting of the Research

SMA N 1 Wonosari, Klaten is located on Yogya-Solo Street, Pakis, Wonosari, Klaten. This school has 25 classes. They are 9 classes of Grade X, 4 science classes of Grade XI, 4 social classes of Grade XI, 4 science classes of Grade XII, and 4 social classes of Grade XII.

b. Description of the cycles

This research was conducted in two cycles. Each cycle had twice in meeting. Each meeting in the class had time allocation 2 X 45 minutes. Each cycle was conducted consisting of four steps; planning, action, observation, and reflection. 1. The achievements of pre-cycle

The result of the students responding of the teachers dictation in pre-cycle is used to know the beginning condition of listening skill of the students. The result is the response of the students to write sentences dictated by the teacher. The teacher dictated a spoof text entitled Professor Charter.The list of the achievements of the students response in catching the teachers dictation is stated in Table 1 below

Table 1 pre-cycle

NOCategoryInterval score Frequency%

1. Excellent86-100 -

2. Good




3. Fair




4. Poor




5. Very poor 40



Total 40 100 The average of the total score 2664/40=66,6% (fair)

.The table 1 shows that there are 18 students (45%) getting good category with the interval score 71-85, There are 17 students with fair category with interval score 56-70. There are 3 students getting poor category with the interval score 41-55, and 2 students are getting very poor category with the interval score 40. So, the average of the achievement of the total score in pre-cycle is 66, 6 % and it is concluded that the achievement in pre-cycle is fair.2. The achievements of cycle 1

The result of the research in this cycle is a form of the students writing of the story dictated by the teacher and non-test consist the result of observation, documents, and interview. The following table is the result of cycle 2.Table 2: cycle 2NOCategoryInterval Score



1. Excellent86-100



2. Good




3. Fair




4. Poor




5. Very Poor 40






The average 3277/40= 81.93 (good)

The table 2 shows that there are 14 students (35%) getting excellent category, 20 students (50%) have good category and there are 6 students (15%) getting fair category .The average of the total score in cycle 1 is 81, 93%. It is concluded that the achievement in cycle 2 is good.3. The achievements of cycle 2

The result of the test was taken from the teachers dictation through spoof text and then the students catch the teachers dictation in a piece of writing. The achievements of cycle 2 can be stated in table 3 below.Table 3: cycle 2

NOCategoryInterval Score



1. Excellent86-100



2. Good




3. Fair




4. Poor




5. Very Poor 40






The average 3529/40= 88,98 (excellent)

Table 3 shows that there are 27 students (68%) getting excellent category and 13 students are getting good category with 32% in percentage. The average of the achievements of the students is 88, 98%. It is concluded that there is an improvement from the previous cycle. The achievements in cycle 2 are excellent category.Discussion of the ResearchThe achievements of the actions in pre-cycle, cycle 1 and cycle 2 can be described as follows:1. The students value before the teaching learning process in cycle 1a. 8 students got the score 71-85.

b. 17 students got the score 56-70.

c. 3 students got the score 41-55.

d. 2 students got the score 40.

e. The highest score of the students was 84.

f. The lowest score of the students was 40.

2. The achievements of the actions in the teaching learning process in cycle 1a. 14 students got the score 86-100.

b. 20 students got the score 71-85.

c. 6 students got the score 56-70

d. The highest score of the students was 95.

e. The lowest score of the students was 64.3. The achievements of the actions in the teaching learning process in cycle 2

a. 27 students got the score 86-100.

b. 13 students got the score 71-85.

c. The highest score of the students was 97.

d. The lowest score of the students was 79. The descriptions of the percentage improvement in the students achievements can be stated in table 4 below;

Table 4Pre-cycleCycle 1Cycle 266, 6%

81, 93%88, 98%Conclusion and Suggestiona. Conclusion

Based on the research findings and discussion can be drawn a conclusion as follows;1. The use of Dictation method is able to improve the students listening skill in the spoof text.

2. The use of Dictation method is effective in improving the students listening in the spoof text.3. There are no problems occurred in the use of Dictation method in the classroom.

4. There is a significant improvement in the average score of the students achievement from pre-cycle to cycle 1 and then to cycle 2.

b. Suggestion1. This research is expected to be able to improve the students listening skill especially in spoof as one of the type of the text.

2. The English teachers are supposed to use some co-operative method to improve the students language skill.3. The English teachers are expected to use Dictation Method to improve the students listening skill in a different setting of research and different subject of research.ReferencesAnderson, Mark and Anderson, Kathy. 1997. Text Types in English. Australia: Mac Milan Education Australia Pty Ltd.

Brown, H. Douglas. 2004. Language Assessment Principles and Classroom Practices. USA: Pearson Education, Inc.

__________________________________. Teaching by Principles.An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy. USA: Pearson Education, Inc.Sutama and Sufanti, Main. 2013. Penelitian Tindakan Kelas dan Penulisan Karya Ilmiah. Surakarta: Badan Penerbit FKIP-UMS.


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