Page 1: Arts Westmount Vocal Audition Requirements

Arts W estmount Vocal Audition Requirements

Singers w ill b e partic ipa ting in a 30~m in workshop th a t will include:

1. Theory Assessment2. M usicianship Assessment - Sight Reading, Ear Training an d R hythm C la p B ack3. Interview (these w ill b e schedu led ind iv idually)

Singers should p rep are to sing T W O contrasting solos from memory. Singers must choose O N E solo from E A C H following lists p rov ided below. Substitutions w ill not be perm itted . A n accom panist will be provided.

List A1. A ll Through th e N ight (McLean)2. Down by the Salley G ardens (Liebergen)

L istBFemale Only

1. The H andsom e B utcher (arr. M aty as Seiber)2. Sun in th e M orning (Berlin)

L istB M ale Only

1. W onderin (Cam pbell)2. W h ere is Love? (Bart)

Recommendations:• Singers need to p rep are music from th e reperto ire th a t is p rovided in th e audition package. P lease

do not learn reperto ire from you tube or o ther social m edia outlets.• R ehearsing reperto ire as w ritten w ith a live accom panist before your aud ition w ill h e lp w ith

memorization, calm ing perform ance anxiety and bu ild ing confidence.

Page 2: Arts Westmount Vocal Audition Requirements

Ar hyd y nosAll Through the Night


Traditional WelshEnglish words: Margery Hargest Jones

i Jk.

mGently J = 9 6 - 1 0 4 P

p a l zm__ 0

1. Holl1. Sleep2. O 2. Cheer

Ilegato P

T Y t t *• £

Ttfl— ---------------- »----- m--------- 1----- « • (S ---------------------------------------------------tT


ddy - we - dant, Ar hyd y nos,joy your dream - ing All through the night.gwe na se - ren, Ar hyd y nos,down up - o?? you All through the night.



tj* » 3t


£ *

■- .■— --#---- • ..* ------- 9 —L^ju"Dy ma'r ffordd i fro go - gon - iant," ArUp a - bone the stars are gleam - ing AllI ol - eu o'i chwaer ddae - ar en, Ar

Gen tie breez - es blotv a - round you All



j p gM------

Page 3: Arts Westmount Vocal Audition Requirements


1Go - lau a rail yw t v - wy

!- llwch

Hope will OW/O a gain to mar - row,Nos yw hen - aint pan ddaw cys - tudd,

Morn - mg light will bring you glad - 77£SS,

- A * ______________s_______________________ 1 i [ ; ; 1.. .~J- f . ______________1 ______:__ . J__ i . ^ ! !n55z__m __ir~~z: - y ~................. ~ W sf* w --------- r & -----------1 * ----------- * -----------9 ---------sHg-----------"£ . : _ i ^ -----------

j 'i


_4 - jJl________________________________ _— 72------------------------ r ------------------------________________________i________ ,

7 *dim. P

_y *___________________ ;______ i_____ i_____________ a____ _____ j___ -l ;. k IJL g - _ A !f _____ y - & . i j^pr r * I 1 '•_____ J_______ i i jpr

#_ far - ddan - g°s

jgwir bryd-ferth - wch Teu lu 'r ne foedd

the joy of life we'll bor - row, May the dark ness.jr.d i hardd - u dyn a'i hwyr - ddydd, Rhown ein go lau- . r '.' break comes to end all bad - ness, Sleep will take a

-W-Z------------------- ---- i-------- !-------

A " V " * ......... X ......f _ p 1 ~ _ f f » if

* « ■’ v : ' !_ _ . 9 : r 9 !. “ : 9—r-------------- p---------- %------- W------- "r ..... «> . r..g_— .. «■ .. ..... . .... l _ .z ....


---------&---- m— j --------- gn----- m 1 v--------------------------------------------------- :t

ta - wep

- lwch, Ar hvd y nos.Y.~.i your sor All through the night.

ewan i'n gi lydd, Ar hyd y- •: • / your sad neSS, All through the

r*--------------------------------k-------,----------------------------- ----.---------------------------; c , ------------------ -----_ --------------- - r .s » ......-_ i _________________ 1___________A . . . , __r ___ j_____ j_____------w~>-----------------------y l i | ; i I

i f ?-f- f f -—



-v*- ’”"1 J ; ^

— _— # -------------------------------------------------------- 2____________________-«-) - # --------------- B----------------= “z r ------------- :------ 'P ~ ~ _ — i

1 ! !

)l2.dim. e rit.

k '

\\ 1.t— ;-------—-------- ■—------------------------------------------- r---------------------------- n■ — . . . . i _ jJjT\ ...... - ............ - ................... i - * --------------------------------------- 1-----------------Jnos.


Page 4: Arts Westmount Vocal Audition Requirements

31. Down by the Salley Gardens


Expressively, freely (J = ca. 72)r—ft -.-ir—>. —---------- ,........... ............... - ■■

H i77tp ---------------------------- ----

1 - - ■!............. ...... - - j... ----------- ------------— h-i— ------ ----- ----- ;-------- P h ~!t) -0 0- •

Down— by the— Sal - ley—

Oar - dens m y_ love and— I did meet. She- passed the— Sal - ley—(his) (he)

Down by the Salley Gardens ■ 165

Page 5: Arts Westmount Vocal Audition Requirements



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Page 7: Arts Westmount Vocal Audition Requirements

The Handsome Butcher

Albert L. Lloyd (1908-1982)

r-rj a tempo\ 6 j n

y rtr------j-----------!--------- :---------------------------- M___ ____________ i________ i_______ ,4Lj

f i a >> I ' j '"" : ^ .... ■" ■ if®” *w . d ^ ■ n gumi. ..- ■ ■ i

Sev - en locks up - on the red gate, Sev - en gates

U i ) ------------------- ;-------------1— i------------- i------ :--------- __ i_______ ' _______-a*—u m-------------------s _______ €_______J __._______ 4 _______ £_______ ___i_______ &__________________ m______------A-—------------ -------------- g _______ _________


f « tem po \> i 1

* ■ • >

*». i"h------m i Ti w ' _______ £_______ __________ £________:_________________/ -----. ----------- * “ 9^ P .t t r 1 : ~ ■ m T T

m f leggierof i d --------------------- 1-------- n-1--------r---------— ------- — "i- , — ----------- --- ^ 0 tt t i ................

__ i .. ;_____n __i— i—0 --------^ ----------------FM V—T i -----P-----d i—d s —0 — m------- m . m __ &___,“ -------- r~*--------•--------- ” •

b o u t th e r e d to w n . In th e to w n th e re l iv e s a b u t d i - e r a n d h is n a m e is H a n d -so ir .- : '

— n --- < i --A________ m r i .... __&........................— ,___aa_____ J __M_____ .... . i .. __U__iI_____ C____!___P ?r ^ -------------- Sm I P m I.__ t-------- |-----m-----■W7----- -—Z3------------ 9 ~m--------**-------- ________ m -m ... -d ... ---------------------- -............•r — W 2— # f >

m f leggiero >



T T 9

>-yv-;---1---------------------- ~m------- r— :— :— ;bt— .. ........ i -----1---------L------ ------------- - - -” §. T I r < w _H___ V &___ ! -M___ U____J ____ ___ ---- ------fc---------- 1--------R-------- \ J t i 1 J 1 w 1 i W m1v ""ft—-------K---A -p ------------- --------U — --------- r I — ^ r .. " 1 ^

_U_________ :____—-----

Source: Three Hungarian Folk-SongsMusic © copyright 1948 by Matyas Seiber. Exclusively licensed to and reproduced by permission of J, Lur'

Page 8: Arts Westmount Vocal Audition Requirements


---- J----- ----- A ■ A------------ A--- ........ . .......... ---0------0------ ;--------0 ------------------- 0---------- --- *-----*-----m-----*--- ---0----- 0----- —-----0-------------------- m---------- • ........ :..... m

a butch-er and his name is Hand-some John

---- f marc._jL____________ ______ ;______________/ * * i

H 'mm**,.. . i ---------- - i>- > >

; : : v.-;-. John Brown's be


7 ' i t >>ots are pol-ish 'd so fine, John Brown's

-------- , : ___________ !_______— 1----------------------------1----------------------;--------------- 1, !/ - ? : 1 1 * 1 ir s r .---- « % ® ■ H 0 m

I ! > >f marc.

\! > >

> — > >|

T T v i ! i : *— i------------------i n s I 1 i : - : J m ■ _M_______£_______■ ■ ---------------------a r-r- w- r m ^ \ ____ a ____M____£ ____ i *------- -— j---------------- * — ; ^i ; > > * > >


tspurs. the}' jin - gle and


' f

shine. On his coat a crim - son flow - er,

"J........ 1.. ................. .. ! ! H — :--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ;— n ---------------------- ;---------------------- N r r ? ---------/ - - --------- = ----------------------------------------- J .. .. V i JO* ?— 1— S ----------------------------------------- ~m --------- 2 ------------ !---------------------- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ f t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i__ S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I_ _ _ _ _ _ _ m_ _ _ _ _ _ £ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ j e . i _ J . m...m_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ mt_ _ _ _ _ _ _ :_ _ _ _ _ _ _t - 4 w

> >

t ---------- :' j : >

i meno f


u r v ; ----------------------------------- ; K._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ v _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .- * T — j---------------------------- i- - -------------------- ____ j____ ! : _ t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4 _________ j > ____ SI______ t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r s ... «■> ___ t .....

1 M i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I_ _ _ _ U _____ L_ _ _ _ _ _ _ fc_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J __ _ _ _ _ _ I---------- b----------------------- -«--------- 0_ _ _ _ _ _ M______ £ _ _ _ _ _ _ !— i---------------- :----------------- -— 0h~-------------------- :- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


In his hand, a glass of red wine. On his coat a crim -son flow -er,

t _ _____________________k _____________ _________________L______________— j------------------------------------- ___Li--------------------- r ------------n ------ c ----------- i-------------------- -----N ------E7 i I 4 ____%L_______— r i------ / ------------ i % J__ 0 -- m _JB______ t________ _____ e4 ° --------‘— € ----------:----------= -------- * -------- J m i _____________ m ___ • . - |

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I. .....

___L _____________ L ___________1}__________,----f t -------- ---------

f ----- 1-----------N------ c ---------J--------------------- :------T------C---------i --------------------- : « » v V ~./ - A ^ J ; A i A H i V K I _ M ______ / ______ t_______ V -------------------- U ------------------------ =---------------------- =---------------------

Page 9: Arts Westmount Vocal Audition Requirements


fn his hand, a glass of red nine.

gold-en spurs rin g


the leach-er boots


Don't come tap - ping at my win- dow, Now your heart no

; /T\

long - er is mine.

— 3 rrr---- 1— . . < ___ < ■ < .Jt * ’ ! * a' ! a/ i a.'S •_______ ; %_i________________

m f~0-’ j -#-* tjj|i_i.|*l....

n7.-Z7T'--i------1 "tol* ! f)-----r a? ev i ■ i 1 »JL----2_11—gjJL------------------------- Zap jJLmJl_______________ l-_ ... —

Page 10: Arts Westmount Vocal Audition Requirements

rI Got the Sun in the Morning


Irving Berlin Irving Berlin(1888-1989)

n ________

With a light bounce = 69 - 80, swing eighths

Tak - ing stock__ of what I have__ and what I

ha\ e - n't What do I find?__ The tilings I've got will

mem -0

~ 15 fied._


i —•i j,\ b ^ -


IrSr- jr-___ . <•V \

W\— * _ ~£— bz.

I !

Soorcn t;*'t bv Annie lr act 2 o*' G ; ) ncr ( in a bv Iwir.-i Rut bo book bv I L tIx ti ana Oormhy Fields bawd on the Hh of Annie Oahhy {IhhO--! 926).

Page 11: Arts Westmount Vocal Audition Requirements



j 19; M edium jum p tem po ^ = 76 - 88

—p r ~ --------------------------------------------------------------------i---------------------------------------------------------------- r _______L______ 1________fx k | 1 * iA. ..J_____________~ m .v . : : i i • !

vT7 i ~ _______________________________________ Li_____ W W~-«J .. o ------ ---- <•> 0

L>ot no dia - mond.

iv fe/0-

%J f i.

Page 12: Arts Westmount Vocal Audition Requirements
Page 13: Arts Westmount Vocal Audition Requirements

i— Q - ,— ! K r -------------j-----1----- --------- j —H i . - -*- j_____.

fr\ : ' >■ • ■ .-------------r- r ) ------ i.- >: i ----- fji---- w w - 1 ~ p M'/* f t ------- C --------- i

i e.Sun

Isam e. 2,1 ve> me a los e day .___

a — - - V $ 3C -*£-—jcj-Z'-e-


T:~ *~77'






bt3j— Q -,------->v- _____k_____ :______ i' X - ■ “---- 1----- __________i__(?:___ i. ** 1 j I.W --------------

- V wav. — Got no check - books,


h l i L. i _________________ 1___________1________ i........................................................................................ .........— --------*?• * i ;c . __v a ------ -------- i-------------- i--------- ----------------------- w ^ . .&_____ ti. id* __________

z f # f ^






J-5,;. O £ P ^ o ■__________________ K______i__________ t_________----/ ^ <r. ?? ^ £ i.

V V■ r . , g*

Page 14: Arts Westmount Vocal Audition Requirements

J \ _____t J ■ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i 1

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i i( rS r rrj __ 12__ ______ 1___ l !L ___ !_____________________T.__ &__ :— ---------j — *’ 'rr. ' ■ n r !

sun in the morn-ing and the moon at night.O O

And with the sun in the morn-ing and the moon in the eve-ning, I'm__

^ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ !_ _ _ _ _ _ !_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ U , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ !_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J u _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ L i- ! ■_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ %_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ L

/ ' i 1V J I - a * 0 - y

I n - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ® - —_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ L J _____________________I______ L i

____ all r i g h t __ __ ____ _

A _______________________________________________________ K___________ 1__________________________ “ “ “ I 1> V i ! i ! ■ J ^ - J _______ A________ •r-^rT U I \\ <■* -> d *f rH ™ 1 I ------ 1 <3 < * 1 G * d ____ __________T -i- W - 1 ________________>___S •_______ 1 f r _____ 132_________ «■ • r u ; j _______ ^t J & —

1 V

_ * ? _ • <s^ •

__J__________ 42___________^ __________

ri ^,

a ■« S___ . 0

a'1 1 j ^ \ ']1 1 4s 1 £ ' i/ r-, •J » '»7» I tJ • -—V £$ \V __ 4

— ----- ~ - —S>--------------- i----------------1------------------:a--------_ j __________ !____________ !_______ J i_____ ________ j _ n __ j------------:________ L3

Page 15: Arts Westmount Vocal Audition Requirements

5 6N? 10 SONG (Gilbert)

“WOND’RIN” ’Cue: (MrPhillips) “Dismiss in an orderly fashion” {Claee exits)

GilbertModeratorts mm


¥Wond - ’rin’, _

Fit* ______

L ..A

All at once I’m wond - ’rin ’.

-1 ; Jf + ? D = J r ~ j£ 3*


Hn:fP Sir. ™H.■tr. ' j

f»ji a tempo-sir. ____ ,

wf ' f

Page 16: Arts Westmount Vocal Audition Requirements

5 7


- (

Page 17: Arts Westmount Vocal Audition Requirements

5 8(Spa&en)


Page 18: Arts Westmount Vocal Audition Requirements

N? 7 SONG —(Oliver)"WHERE IS LOVE?”

L ento J = va Oliver £S m0

WhtTrfrl—— is love?

iDoes it fall from skies a-bove? add FI, pi «,

s — ^f

Cor. An g; Is e t_ci^ Bsn.-

CelloP x.C.n,1

7 7 *p"add Trom.CCup mute)

Ji|J iJhlo n m*Is it un-der-neatli the wil - !ovrtree_ that i’ve been dream - ing of?

h m fWTadd Vibra.

#-- #- r Crrf

i t ___T


Where is she

... l-J ^

f m | J ~ 7 7 i r

Who I close my eyes to see?

r O'7•f zJ-UT$

on — — ..... jv i ---------- - t - z ------ r -n -= q z ^ r* V * - ± Z ----- x - J ' .j-.X i m 1-,-L

Will 1 ev-er know the

- (3 r —n — 1 -h-n

sweet‘hel-lo’_ that’s meant for on - ly me?

— ---------------1-----------bLj^U .j j, — Jjr [J: .... f t 4 ....-j]^ p i - i p ^ . r-— -f H'P±

add Vibra. , - f . r r C /fT^r. j ' ~ ,j~ ■■ — L©----------------------

Page 19: Arts Westmount Vocal Audition Requirements


\i> -s h !' J) J- ■ „H * . * ---------------------------- _ = i = = = F = = =- — ---------------*4_j

^ 'T i l I a*n be-side the_|!---- L----som e-one who I can mean

* .:=g---------s o m e - th in g to

\ £ v ^ r r i r ::i

-j—j--- [ryl— —H— I— —E:~i—(n j - V- -* # ~ _ _f___#__cii

«v » •r .....‘ r ' l tf - - - .■...g -------

r r tif i f t --------------------

i=4 = = k &; ....

OilW h ere .

r jr ^ j jJove?

- tI


C Tearfully and h esitan tlyOLI

t ‘l J'1 v -s V J gf/LI

iTil 1 am le -s ide

Ob.Ihu some-one who

m 1 f f i :I can mean some-lhing to

m -- -*!1V -e-vV ' F

/ - v ^ 7 7 ^ 7*■r M. *

£ r---= ^ .i 'I , rp ,

1 = - £ H£ J


Page 20: Arts Westmount Vocal Audition Requirements



Oliver r i se s , crosses to the counter and goes t o sleep underneath i t

Sir.VIn. m w .f ; | Play if Wiwanted" 1 i

= + - ^ 1 1 u . rdim._____ _ ______ u .


i-/ -------------------—/■o- ^

y =

f Timp.1 O '


J .- . 60

W.W.Vibra. 1*^

(?^=L~- = = = = = =^ m , 0 ‘*~ ■ ~t= \

Tulli/ * * £ £ mi y s w

Noah Claypolff a rr ive s at the street door and bangs and k ic k s it

f t >■ I — St £ ^ = * = -

[ V ^ = f r g £ a n u

r ^ s y i

M i d j .« f - ^ p = mud 9 Ir-J-_ Meno mosso J -B NOAH (o fp Open the door ■wiiJ yer?

J .

j £

i P -

NOAH ■.(through Ihoheyhole) OLIVER: XOhK'.istilloutsidit) OLIVER:OLIVER: I will directly s ir Are you the new boy? Yes s ir How old are yer? Thirteen(undoing the chain and ,

~~ d . I urn ing the h ey) I. J -d- M.


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